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Core sediment samples collected from the Hess Rise, North Pacific, were analyzed for 20 common amino acids (AA) and two hexosamines (HA) to understand the relation between glacial–interglacial variations and deposition/preservation of sedimentary organic matter (OM). The sediments are predominantly carbonaceous (carbonates 35–80%). AA-based parameters—aspartic acid/glycine ratio and serine+threonine relative mole content—suggest that calcareous plankton was the major source of OM in these sediments. This inference is supported by the similarity in distribution patterns of AA and HA contents with that of organic carbon. Low values of AA/HA and glucosamine/galactosamine ratios (average 4.4 and 1.1, respectively) imply that much of the planktonic OM was replaced by microbial OM. The relative molar concentration of two nonprotein AA (β-alanine and γ-aminobutyric acid) varied with age of sediments; i.e., they were less abundant in recent sediments and more abundant in the oldest sediments. This trend is an indicator of extremely slow but continuous enzymatic degradation of proteinaceous OM within the sediments. So far, bulk OM has been believed to be one of the best proxies for estimation of primary productivity. However, it may be an underestimate, even for the late Quaternary sediments. Comparison of AA and HA content variations with SPECMAP stack revealed their enhanced deposition and preservation during glacial periods relative to interglacial periods. This, in turn, affected not only the planktonic production in surface waters but also the benthic community, including bacteria on the seafloor. 相似文献
Sunghan Kim Kozo Takahashi Boo-Keun Khim Yoshihiro Kanematsu Hirofumi Asahi Ana Christina Ravelo 《Quaternary Research》2014
Biogenic opal content and mass accumulation rate (MAR) at IODP Expedition 323 Site U1343 were found to fluctuate consistently, generally being high under warm conditions and low under cold conditions during the last 2.4 Ma. Continuous wavelet transform analysis of the normalized biogenic opal content indicates that export production in the Bering Sea varied predominantly at 41-ka periodicity before 1.25 Ma, and shifted to 100-ka periodicity at the onset of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT; 1.25–0.7 Ma). The 100-ka cycles dominated until the Holocene. Export production in the Bering Sea decreased markedly in the Bering Sea two times during the MPT: the first occurred at the beginning of the MPT (1.25 Ma) and the second in the middle of the MPT (0.9 Ma). These decreases coincided with both increases in the relative abundance of sea-ice diatoms and decreases in the warm-water diatom species Neodenticula seminae, indicating that reductions in export production in the Bering Sea during the MPT were associated with climate cooling. Decreases in export production in the Bering Sea during the MPT were most likely associated with the increased influence of polar/Arctic domains on the high-latitude North Pacific. 相似文献
In this paper, the decadal predictability and forecast skill of the Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies (SSTA) in the North Pacific and North Atlantic Ocean were investigated by conducting three sets of perfect model forecast experiments using a global coupled general circulation model. The results show that the annual mean SSTA in the North Pacific is less predictable on decadal time scale, with the forecast skill notably weaker than that of the North Atlantic. By analyzing the predictability and forecast skill of seasonal mean SSTA, it is found that the decadal predictability and forecast skill of the winter mean (JFM) SSTA in the central and western North Pacific are significantly higher than those of other seasons, and the magnitude is comparable with that of the North Atlantic. The predictability and forecast skill of the North Atlantic SSTA also show seasonal variations. Further analysis indicates that the seasonal dependence of the SSTA decadal predictability and forecast skill in the North Pacific is due to the winter-to-winter reemergence mechanism of SSTA in the North Pacific, which results from the seasonal variation of the mixed layer depth of the North Pacific Ocean. While the seasonal dependence of the North Atlantic SSTA predictability and forecast skill might be related to seasonal variations of other processes, such as the Atlantic Decadal Oscillation. The results of this paper suggest that for decadal climate prediction, if the forecast skill of the seasonal mean is taken into account, we might obtain higher than annual mean forecast skill for some seasons. 相似文献
Atmospheric Deposition (AD) provides external nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and iron (Fe) supporting the growth of phytoplankton in oceans and thereby exerts obvious impacts on carbon and nitrogen cycles and climate change associated. Specifically, the external nutrients derived from atmospheric deposition can promote the marine primary production and nitrogen fixation that enhance the ocean capacity in absorbing CO2; AD may also change a few pathways of carbon and nitrogen cycles in oceans and increase the emissions of biogenic aerosol and radioactive gases such as N2O, DMS, etc. Due to the underlying important impacts on climate and environmental change, AD and processes related have become the hot topics of multidisciplinary studies in the areas of ocean and atmospheric sciences, and the focus of some international core projects such as Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS), an International Study of Marine Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Elements and Their Isotopes (GEOTRACES) and Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER). With the severe air pollution and high frequencies of Asian dust events, as the downwind areas of big cities and dust sources, the East China Sea and adjacent North Pacific have received increasing influences of AD. Limited studies showed that the increase of AD indeed caused significant influence on carbon and nitrogen cycles in these immediately related oceanic areas and the study there would have a signature effect on global oceans. A multidisciplinary study on the impacts of AD in oceans, e.g., combing molecular biology and experimental ecology techniques to study primary production processes, utilizing isotopic techniques to trace the change of the nitrogen cycle, new evidences of ocean-biogenic aerosol emissions, etc. would be the focus in the future. 相似文献
The Mt. Edgecumbe Volcanic Field (MEVF), located on Kruzof Island near Sitka Sound in southeast Alaska, experienced a large multiple-stage eruption during the last glacial maximum (LGM)-Holocene transition that generated a regionally extensive series of compositionally similar rhyolite tephra horizons and a single well-dated dacite (MEd) tephra. Marine sediment cores collected from adjacent basins to the MEVF contain both tephra-fall and pyroclastic flow deposits that consist primarily of rhyolitic tephra and a minor dacitic tephra unit. The recovered dacite tephra correlates with the MEd tephra, whereas many of the rhyolitic tephras correlate with published MEVF rhyolites. Correlations were based on age constraints and major oxide compositions of glass shards. In addition to LGM-Holocene macroscopic tephra units, four marine cryptotephras were also identified. Three of these units appear to be derived from mid-Holocene MEVF activity, while the youngest cryptotephra corresponds well with the White River Ash eruption at ∼ 1147 cal yr BP. Furthermore, the sedimentology of the Sitka Sound marine core EW0408-40JC and high-resolution SWATH bathymetry both suggest that extensive pyroclastic flow deposits associated with the activity that generated the MEd tephra underlie Sitka Sound, and that any future MEVF activity may pose significant risk to local population centers. 相似文献
夏季东亚和西北太平洋地区的气候变异及其机理 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
夏季东亚气候异常和西北太平洋地区有着密切的联系,表现为不同纬度间强烈的相互作用。由于这一地区的不同纬度间相互作用对东亚夏季气候异常具有重要的影响,最近20年,对这种相互作用的表现形式、三维空间分布、形成机理,及其与欧亚大陆遥相关波列和热带海温的关系等都做了大量的研究。对这些研究进行综述,侧重点放在近10年以来的研究工作,并对还需进一步研究的问题进行一些探讨。 相似文献