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The determination of boundary points and their correlation are prerequisites for defining the PrecambrianCambrian boundary and the intercontinental correlation. A large number of good Precambrian-Cambrian boundary sections in South Asia not only possess the conditions for selection of a boundary stratotype, but also provide the basis for the long-distance correlation of those boundary sections.Through a detailed study of the latest data obtained from the typical sections in South China, the Lesser Himalaya Mountains and the Alborz Mountains. the locations of boundary points have been defined, and a correlation scheme is proposed, which contributes to the solution of the problem of worldwide correlation of boundary sections.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the residence time of formation water is fundamental to understanding the subsurface flow and hydrological setting. To better identify the origin and evolution of coal seam water and its impact on gas storage and production, this study collected coalbed methane co-produced water in the southeast Qinshui Basin and detected chemical and isotopic compositions, especially 36Cl and 129I concentrations. The calculated tracer ages of 129I (5.2–50.6 Ma) and 36Cl (0.13–0.76 Ma) are significantly younger than the age of coal-bearing formation (Pennsylvanian - Cisuralian), indicating freshwater recharge after coal deposition. The model that utilises 129I/I and 36Cl/Cl ratios to constrain the timing of recharge and the proportion of recharge water reveals that over 60% of pre-anthropogenic meteoric water entered coal seams since 10 Ma and mixed with residue initial deposition water, corresponding to the basin inversion in Cenozoic. The spatial distribution of major ion concentrations reveals the primary recharge pathway for meteoric water from coal outcrops at the eastern margin to the basin center. This study demonstrates the occurrence of higher gas production rates from wells that accept water recharge in recent times and suggests the possible potential of the non-stagnant zones for high gas production.  相似文献   

In the northern Flinders Ranges, Neoproterozoic and Cambrian sedimentary rocks were deformed and variably metamorphosed during the ca 500 Ma Cambro‐Ordovician Delamerian Orogeny. Balanced and restored structural sections across the northern Flinders Ranges show shortening of about 10–20%. Despite the presence of suitable evaporitic detachment horizons at the basement‐cover interface, the structural style is best interpreted to be thick‐skinned involving basement with only a minor proportion of the overall shortening accommodated along stratigraphically controlled detachments. Much of the contractional deformation was localised by the inversion of former extensional faults such as the Norwest and Paralana Faults, which both controlled the deposition of Neoproterozoic cover successions. As such, both faults represent major, long‐lived structures which effectively define the present boundaries of the northern Flinders Ranges with the Gawler Craton to the west and the Curnamona Craton to the east. The most intense deformation, which resulted in exhumation of the basement along the Paralana Fault to form the Mt Painter and Babbage Inliers, coincides with extremely high heat flows related to extraordinarily high heat‐production rates in the basement rocks. High heat flow in the northern Flinders Ranges suggests that the structural style not only reflects the pre‐Delamerian basin architecture but is also a consequence of the reactivation of thermally perturbed, weakened basement.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Southhotspring,smallhotspringandQiaokou barepresent,betweenthem,thegeothermalwaters ofthesouthhotspringsysteminthesouthhotspring anticlineinChongqing.Thesouthhotspringanti clineisageothermalwaterstoragesystem.Itex tendsfromnorthtosouthinthecentralpartof Chongqing.Itis45kmlongfromsouthtonorthand2kmwide.Thesouthhotspringandsmallhot spring,inthemiddleoftheanticline,arewell known touristattractionsfortheirgeothermalwaters.Ex cessiveexploitationledtoagradualdeclineinthewa terlev…  相似文献   

The South Qilian belt mainly comprises an early Paleozoic arc-ophiolite complex, accretionary prism, microcontinental block, and foreland basin. These elements represent accretion-collision during Cambrian to Silurian time in response to closure of the Proto-Tethyan Ocean in the NE of the present-day Tibet Plateau. Closure of the Proto-Tethyan Ocean between the Central Qilian block and the Oulongbuluke block and the associated collision took place from NE to SW in a zipper-like style. Sediment w...  相似文献   

Inspired from the anomaly of low pressure in the middle and deep reservoir of the Paleogene in the Jiyang depression, this paper theoritically discusses"waterconsumption"of the principal mineral alteration during the diagenetic stage. The preliminary research result shows that "water consumption" of mineral alteration in the diagenetic stage can make formation water greatly decrease. Relevant formations will be in the stage of low pressure without supply of exterior liquid. Pressure differences between the relevant formations and wall rocks make hydrocarbons enter easily to form the effective reservoir.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2018,1(4):485-492
In order to make a breakthrough in Mesozoic-Paleozoic shale gas exploration in the South Yellow Sea Basin, a comparison of the preservation conditions was made within the Barnett shale gas reservoirs in the Fortworth Basin, the Jiaoshiba shale gas reservoirs in Sichuan Basin and potential shale gas reservoirs in Guizhou Province. The results show that the “Sandwich” structure is of great importance for shale gas accumulation. Therein to, the “Sandwich” structure is a kind of special reservoir-cap rock assemblage which consist of limestone or dolomite on the top, mudstone or shale layer in the middle and limestone or dolomite at the bottom. In consideration of the Mesozoic-Paleozoic in the Lower Yangtze, and Laoshan Uplift with weak Paleozoic deformation and thrust fault sealing on both flanks of the Laoshan Uplift, a conclusion can be drawn that the preservation conditions of shale gas probably developed “Sandwich” structures in the Lower Cambrian and Permian, which are key layers for the breakthrough of shale gas in the South Yellow Sea. Moreover, the preferred targets for shale gas drilling probably locate at both flanks of the Laoshan Uplift.  相似文献   

正Objective Most porphyry Cu deposits(PCDs)were formed in association with subduction-related calc-alkaline magmas,which occurred widely in magmatic arcs worldwide.A widely accepted model is that such deposits were formed from hydrothermal fluids exsolved from hydrous,high oxygen fugacity,sulfur-rich arc magmas,derived from a  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Data on the petrographic–geochemical and U–Th–Pb geochronological studies of granitoids of the Bukeschensky and Samyrsky massifs of small intrusions...  相似文献   

The factor of human project activity is often the immediate cause resulting in soil and water loss. The Baoji-Lanzhou second railway in construction is an example. The soil and water loss law caused by earth and stone mountain railway engineering construction in the northwestern China is studied systematically and that caused possibly by the road bed project, the road moat project, the field project, the tunnel project and the service road project in construction is probed. At the same time, the type, the intensity and influencing factor of soil and water loss in the northwest mountain railway construction are also studied.  相似文献   

1IntroductionThe northern segment of the South LancangjiangBelt refers to the terrain about200km east of theYunxian-Lingcang granite in the South LancangjiangBelt(Fig.1).During the seventh Five-Year Plan peri-od,Mo Xuanxue et al.(1993)undertook the resear…  相似文献   

This paper discusses the clayrocks widespread at the Permian-Triassic boundary, which are mostly of volcanic origin. Volcanogenetic textures, structures and minerals such as high-temperature quartz are found in clayrocks at the Permian-Triassic boundary in many places. Thousands of microspherules have been collected from the Boundary clayrocks, many of which exhibit the typical features of the process from melting to cooling and solidification. indicating that they were formed by volcanic eruption or extraterrestrial impact. Volcanic effects on the Permian-Triassic mass extinction may be reflected in conodonts, algae and ammonoids. The Boundary clayrocks are found in many Permian-Triassic sections along the coast of Tethys. Their orighin remains to be studied.  相似文献   

This paper re-describes the characteristics of pre-Ordovician (Pt3) metamorphic volcanic rocks in the Huimin-Manlai region of Yunnan Province from the aspects of petrographic characteristics, rock assemblage, petrochemistry, REE, trace elements, lead isotopes and geotectonic setting. The metamorphic volcanic rocks maintain blasto-intergranular and blasto-andesitic textures; the volcanic rocks are characterized by a basalt-andesite-dacite assemblage; the volcanic rocks are basic-intermediate-intermediate-acid in chemical composition, belonging to semi-alkaline rocks, with calc-alkaline series and tholeiite series coexisting, and they are characterized by low TiO2 contents; their REE distribution patterns are of the LREE-enrichment right-inclined type; the volcanic rocks are enriched in large cation elements and commonly enriched in Th and partly depleted in Ti, Cr and P, belonging to the Gondwana type as viewed from their Pb isotopic composition; petrochemically the data points fall mostly within the field of island-arc volcanic rocks. All these characteristics provided new evidence for the existence of original Tethysan island-arc volcanic rocks in the region studied.  相似文献   

A series of ductile shear zones of the overthrust and strike-slip-types and related ductile shear metamorphicrocks, including tectonic melange and mylonites. were formed in the core of the Qinling orogenic belt in thecourse of the Caledonian-Indosinian ductilc and brittle-ductile reworking. The study on their petrography. va-riations in composition and conditions of formation is conducive to revealing the metamorphism-deformationhistory of the core of the Qinling orogenic belt and further to understanding the dynamic mechanism of its evo-lution.  相似文献   

The Cambrian–lower Ordovician volcanic units of the South Armorican and Occitan domains are analysed in a tectonostratigraphic survey of the French Variscan Belt. The South Armorican lavas consist of continental tholeiites in middle Cambrian–Furongian sequences related to continental break-up. A significant volcanic activity occurred in the Tremadocian, dominated by crustal melted rhyolitic lavas and initial rifting tholeiites. The Occitan lavas are distributed into five volcanic phases: (1) basal Cambrian rhyolites, (2) upper lower Cambrian Mg-rich tholeiites close to N-MORBs but crustal contaminated, (3) upper lower–middle Cambrian continental tholeiites, (4) Tremadocian rhyolites, and (5) upper lower Ordovician initial rift tholeiites. A rifting event linked to asthenosphere upwelling took place in the late early Cambrian but did not evolve. It renewed in the Tremadocian with abundant crustal melting due to underplating of mixed asthenospheric and lithospheric magmas. This main tectono-magmatic continental rift is termed the “Tremadocian Tectonic Belt” underlined by a chain of rhyolitic volcanoes from Occitan and South Armorican domains to Central Iberia. It evolved with the setting of syn-rift coarse siliciclastic deposits overlain by post-rift deep water shales in a suite of sedimentary basins that forecasted the South Armorican–Medio-European Ocean as a part of the Palaeotethys Ocean.  相似文献   

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