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王万里 《地理教学》2011,(21):1+65-F0002,F0003
科罗拉多大峡谷位于美国西部亚利桑那州的高原上,全长446公里,底部宽0.5~29公里。最大深度1740米。被列入世界自然遗产。科罗拉多高原为典型的“桌状高地”,顶部平坦。侧面陡峭。这是由于地壳强烈抬升和流水的下切侵蚀而形成。  相似文献   

我于今年九月到美国旧金山探亲。利用此机会,我游览了洛杉矶,内华达州,亚利桑那州以及夏威夷等地。其中大峡谷给我留下了难以忘怀的印象。  相似文献   

邵晨 《地理教学》2006,(10):I0001-I0001

大峡谷婉蜒曲折,携带着众多不为人知的秘密。在东喜马拉雅山无数雪峰和碧绿群山之中,雅鲁藏布江切出一条笔陡的峡谷,穿越高山屏障,围绕7782米高的南伽巴瓦峰奇特的大拐弯,南泻注人印度洋。就在这平均深度达5000米左右的大峡谷上,一条青藏高原上最大的水气通道诞生了,它将印度洋暖湿气流顺河道一直送进饥渴的青藏高原深处,于是,所到之处,花常开,水常绿,果子挂枝头。"走一天,就能看到春。夏。秋、冬,从黄绿无边的高原草甸,到婆婆多姿的热带树蕨,植物种类可谓应有尽有,是植物的理想王国。"有植物必定有动物。这里的昆虫种类多…  相似文献   

分析了大峡谷的基本特点, 把它看作是内外作用营力的现阶段表现。提出了内营力的地质基础是破碎的、不良的、不稳定的; 外营力的水汽通道带来强大水热作用的负面影响, 它们结合在一起, 组成了生态环境本质极为脆弱的基础。并把历史上的重大山地灾害当作是一面镜子; 而把现实看到的破坏作为人类参与下正在长鸣的警钟, 提醒人们要建立大峡谷生态环境是极为脆弱的基本概念, 一切要以环保为基础, 以可持续发展为根本目标。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布大峡谷乃世界之最,也是中国科学家在20世纪末一次重大地理发现。大峡谷的基本特点是作巨大的马蹄形拐弯和成为青藏高原的南来季风的最大水汽通道,形成了以大拐弯峡谷为中心的藏东南地区的独特的自然环境。表现出有齐全完整的垂直自然带谱,生物的多样性景观、季风型温性冰川等各种自然奇观,以及蕴含特别丰富的水力资源、生物资源、旅游资源,是我国21世纪开发利用的基础性资源,必须在保护的基础上进行科学规划,合理开发。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布大峡谷,位于林芝地区的米 林县和墨脱县境内。大峡谷的入口 在米林县的派乡,出口处为墨脱县的巴昔 卡村,长度为504.6公里,比美国的科罗 拉多大峡谷还多出56公里,极限深度为 6009米。无论深度还是长度,雅鲁藏布大 峡谷都排在世界几大峡谷的前列,是名副 其实的世界第一大峡谷。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布大峡谷资源保护与持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
雅鲁藏布大峡谷乃世界之最,也是中国科学院家20世纪末一次重大地理发现,大峡谷的基本特点是作巨大的马蹄形拐弯和成国青藏高原的南来季风的最大水汽通道,形成了以大拐弯同伴谷为中心的藏东南地区的独特的自然环境。表现出有齐全完整的垂直自然带谱,生物的多样性景观,季风型温性冰川等各种自然奇观。以及蕴含特别丰富的水力资源,生物资源,旅游资源,是我国21世纪开发利用的基础性资源,必须在保护的基础上进行科学规划,合  相似文献   

Glacier surge at Usherbreen, Svalbard   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Usherbreen started to surge in 1978, and the front has advanced 1.5 km and covered an area of 4.5 km2. During the first two years the front advanced more than 1 m/d, and the front was still advancing 0.15– 0.20m/d in 1985, seven years after the start. The mean gradient of the lower 7 km decreased from 3.3 grad. to 1.8 grad. during the surge. The volume of ice transported down the glacier from higher to lower parts during the surge was 815 x lO'm3. which is almost 20% of the total glacier volume. Old icecored ridges in front of the glacier were reactivated, and the whole ridge system was pushed forward, in the summer of 1985 at a speed of about 0.05 m/d. Parts of the ridge system were moved 200 m during this surge. New ridges were developed on the flat sandur in front of the old ridge system. This demonstrates that the glacier advanced further than in any previous surge.  相似文献   

冰川跃动是冰川周期性地快速运动,给下游生命财产安全带来巨大威胁。对已经发现的跃动冰川进行监测不仅有助于提高对冰川跃动机理的认识,而且对冰川跃动灾害预警预报和风险评估都具有重要的意义。在中国第二次冰川编目中发现,1963-2009年东帕米尔高原昆盖山的5Y663L0023冰川末端发生大幅前进。本文利用Landsat影像、ASTER立体像对等数据对该冰川前进过程进行监测研究。结果表明:该冰川于1990-1992年和2007-2013年分别前进81±30 m和811±30 m,其中2007-2013年的前进属于跃动引发的前进。其中跃动最高峰在2007年8月21日-2008年10月26日,期间32.7×106 m3的冰体发生卸载,导致末端前进了704±30 m,面积扩张了0.34 km2。针对东帕米尔地区跃动冰川周期研究的空白,本文认为该冰川跃动周期中跃动期为4 a,平静期最短为15 a左右。该冰川属于多温型冰川,跃动受热力学机制影响的可能性较大,但液态降水、冰雪融水的增加也是影响因素。  相似文献   

1990-2011年西昆仑峰区冰川变化的遥感监测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文应用Landsat 5、7 TM、ETM+影像分析1990-2011年昆仑山西段昆仑峰区冰川变化特征,结果表明:1990-2011年冰川面积减少16.83 km2,退缩率仅为0.65%,冰川退缩趋势不明显。单条冰川变化有进有退,中峰冰川末端在2002-2004年以661 m/a的速率前进,初步判定为跃动冰川。1991-1998年,崇测冰川面积增加9.47 km2,冰川末端以200 m/a的速率前进,不排除有跃动冰川的可能性。尽管近年来全球气温普遍上升,大量冰川处于退缩状态,但统计已有研究结果发现近50年来青藏高原存在冰川长度、面积增加,冰川物质平衡为正的现象,表现出冰川对气候变化复杂的反馈机制。通过分析气象站点和冰芯资料,研究区周边地区气温上升、降水量缓慢增加可能是冰川微弱退缩的原因之一;增强的西风环流带来更多的降水、研究区以极大陆型大规模冰川为主,也可能是冰川退缩幅度较小的原因。  相似文献   

喀喇昆仑山分布有众多的跃动型冰川,跃动机理存在异质性。使用Landsat、Sentinel-1A、TSX/TDX等多源遥感数据,获取了中喀喇昆仑布拉尔杜冰川在跃动期间冰川表面高程和表面流速变化。结果表明:布拉尔杜冰川从2006年开始,流速逐渐增加;到2013年之后进入快速运动期,最高流速可达4.9 m·d-1;2015年8月底,冰川表面速度急剧下降,随后保持较低的流速至2016年1月,而后流速再次增加,到同年2月初便进入平静期。2000—2014年冰川主干中上游有明显隆起,而冰川接收区明显减薄,最大减薄达89 m;2014—2018年冰川主干中上游以及各支流均有不同程度的减薄,冰川主干的接收区高程显著增加,最大增厚120 m。根据冰川表面高程变化以及流速变化的特征,认为布拉尔杜冰川的支流引发了此次跃动,且本次跃动受水文机制的影响较大;结合现有的数据和文献,推断布拉尔杜冰川的跃动间隔约为40 a;为喀喇昆仑冰川跃动研究提供更多的实例,也可为此区域冰川灾害预警研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Monica Sund 《Polar research》2006,25(2):115-122
Surging glaciers are common in Svalbard yet relatively few glaciers have been observed during a surge. This paper presents observations of the currently surging glacier Skobreen, in southern Spitsbergen. The study is based on examinations of new and archival photographs and maps. Skobreen, an 18 km2 valley glacier terminating into the lower part of the glacier Paulabreen, has not been registered previously as a surging glacier. Skobreen experienced a build-up in its upper part, while there has been a lowering of the surface in the terminal region. Photographs from 1990 show incipient crevassing in the upper part. Photographs from 2003 show a slight advance of the terminus and marginal crevassing, indicating an initiation period of about 15 years for a surge of this glacier. In June 2005 transverse crevassing appeared in the upper part of the glacier, while the middle section moved as a block with strong shear margins and a pronounced drawdown of the ice surface. No traces of a surge front could be seen in the crevasse pattern. However, the crevasse pattern indicates an initiation area in the transition zone between the transverse crevassing in the upper part and the block of ice in the middle region.  相似文献   

喀喇昆仑山区冰川由于存在正物质平衡或跃动、前进现象,被称之为"喀喇昆仑异常",不过该地区冰川变化差异显著,尤其是大型表碛覆盖冰川,呈现与其他类型冰川明显的差异性响应,为理解喀喇昆仑冰川异常的机理,冰川尺度的详细变化研究十分必要。音苏盖提冰川位于喀喇昆仑山乔戈里峰北坡,是中国面积最大的冰川,是典型的大型表碛覆盖冰川。通过应用TanDEM-X/TerraSAR-X(2014年2月)与SRTM-X DEM(2000年2月)的差分干涉测量方法计算音苏盖提冰川表面高程变化,并结合冰川表面流速对冰川表面高程变化和跃动进行分析和讨论。结果表明:2000—2014年音苏盖提冰川表面高程平均下降了1.68±0.94 m,即冰川整体厚度在减薄,年变化率为-0.12±0.07 m·a-1。冰川表面高程变化分布不均,其中南分支(S)冰流冰川整体减薄较为显著,冰川南分支冰流运动速度较快,前进/跃动的末端占据了冰川的主干,阻滞原主干冰川物质的向下运移(跃动),导致原主干冰舌表面高程上升;冰川厚度减薄随着海拔升高先下降后保持稳定,同时呈现一定的波动性;低海拔表碛区域消融大于裸冰区,可能存在较薄...  相似文献   

The identification of surge activity is important in assessing the duration of the active and quiescent phases of the surge cycle of Svalbard glaciers. Satellite and aerial photographic images are used to identify and describe the form and flow of Perseibreen, a valley glacier of 59 km2 on the east coast of Spitsbergen. Heavy surface crevassing and a steep ice front, indicative of surge activity, were first observed on Perseibreen in April 2002. Examination of high resolution (15 m) Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite imagery confirmed this surge activity. Perseibreen retreated by almost 750 m between 1961 and 1990. Between 1990 and the summer of 2000, Perseibreen switched from retreat and its front began to advance. Rapid advance was underway during the period June 2000 to May 2001, with terminus advance at over 400 m yr−1. Between May and August 2001 the rate increased to over 750 m yr−1. The observed crevasse orientation indicates that ice was in longitudinal tension, suggesting the down-glacier transfer of mass. Ice surface velocities, derived from image correlation between ASTER images, were 2-2.5 m d−1 between May and August 2001. The glacier was flowing at a relatively uniform speed with sharp velocity gradients located close to its lateral margins, a velocity structure typical of ice masses in the active phase of the surge cycle. The stress regime is extensional throughout and the surge appears to be initiated low on the glacier. This is similar to the active-phase dynamics of other Svalbard tidewater glaciers. Perseibreen has probably been inactive since at least 1870, a period of about 130 years to the present surge which defines a minimum length for the quiescent phase.  相似文献   

This paper describes glaciological features observed on the surface of the large outlet glacier Kuannersuit Glacier on Disko Island, West Greenland, during its initial quiescent phase after a major surge event occurred in 1995–98 in order to classify the glaciomorphological surge system. Focus is on surge features either associated with active surging such as a propagating surge front and serac formation or formed as a consequence of surging such as looped medial moraines and potholes; and on hydrological features related to the evolution of the glacier drainage system such as the supraglacial routing, moulin types and chasms. A chronological glaciomorphological model of the initial quiescent phase of Kuannersuit Glacier, which can be regarded as representative for large outlet surge‐type glaciers with terrestrial terminal regime and long quiescent phase, is proposed.  相似文献   

Glacial surges in Svalbard are protracted and characterized by individual dynamic evolution, in contrast to many other areas, which calls for a subdivision of the classic two‐phased surge cycle. A dominating part of the ice masses seem to have a surge potential and this represents a considerable challenge for palaeoclimatic studies. Glaciological and geological models therefore need to be coupled. The issue is discussed with Fridtjovbreen glacier as an example. This ice mass is one of few glaciers studied throughout a surge cycle. It was active for 12 years (1991–2002) and represents the most protracted surge documented. The maximum advance rate was 4.2 m day?1, its maximum extent was reached after seven years, its run‐out distance was 4 km, and the relocated ice filled 5 km2 of the fjord. Intense subglacial thrusting occurred during various stages, including part of the ice‐front retreat, as shown by sub‐bottom profiling data from 2002. A six‐stage model is presented and processes are discussed with emphasis on the ice‐front retreat with transition to the quiescent phase. Although the surge mechanism itself is unrelated to climate, climatic conditions obviously play a major role in the course of a surge. During the surge, the ice mass made a dramatic impression in the landscape, but 10 years after the maximum extent, there is little onshore evidence of the event.  相似文献   

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