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《Applied Geochemistry》1995,10(2):161-173
The isotope compositions of sulfate in bulk precipitation near Munich (Germany) and of seepage water and soil sulfate in five acid forest soils representative of southern Germany were determined in order to ascertain the sources and dynamics of sulfur. While the δ34 S-values of inorganic sulfate in soil solution and solid phases were found to be nearly identical to those of precipitation sulfate, a depletion of several per mil was observed for the δ18 O-values of sulfate within the uppermost 30 cm of the investigated soils. Mineralization of carbon-bonded sulfur to SO42− in the forest floor and humic mineral soil horizons is the only known process which can explain the observed shifts in δ18Osulfate. The fact that this18O-depleted sulfate recharges the groundwater under forests must be considered, when sulfur and oxygen isotope data of sulfate are used for interpretations of the past geochemistry of groundwater systems.Since the δ34S-values of precipitation sulfate were barely altered during percolation through the soils, sulfate mobilities were inferred from a lysimeter experiment with undisturbed soil cores from the same sites, using the stable isotope composition of the irrigation sulfate as a tracer. Fifteen cores of each of the five forest soils, were repeatedly irrigated over 20 months with34S- and18O-enriched sulfate in three different treatments (35, 63, and 131 kg S ha−1 respectively). Despite the fact that the mean residence time of the seepage water was of the order of only a few months, the throughput of irrigation sulfate did not exceed 34% for all soils and irrigation treatments during the experiment. The low recovery of irrigation sulfate in the seepage water implies mean residence times for sulfur in the uppermost 60 cm of the forest soils of the order of decades, much longer than previously suggested.  相似文献   

Carbon sources were estimated by measuring carbon isotope ratios (??13C and ??14C) with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) in forest soils of different lithology. Six locations were selected in temperate deciduous and coniferous stands in Slovenia (?irovski vrh, Idrija, Ko?evski Rog, Pohorje, Gori?nica, and Rakitna), where carbonate rocks consisting of limestone and dolomite are abundant as underlying bedrock. Carbon isotope fractionation would not have occurred in two carbonaceous soils, since the values of both ??13C and ??14C changed consistently in these soils after thermal (550°C, 2?h) or chemical (1?M HCl, 24?h) treatments. Organic components were found to be predominant carbon sources (70?C100%) in the uppermost portions (0?C2?cm in depth). In deeper portions at a depth of about 30?C35?cm, soil carbon may be derived completely from underlying carbonate minerals in Idria, western part of Slovenia. The Combination of heat and chemical treatments with AMS provides practical information on soil carbon sources in carbonaceous soils.  相似文献   

The carbon source plays an important role in denitrification for nitrogen removal from wastewater. In this study, the denitrification performance and nitrous oxide (N2O) generation in four sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) fed with methanol, ethanol, sodium acetate and glucose were investigated. The maximum N2O generation was achieved when glucose was used as the carbon source, with a N2O conversion ratio of 56%. The high conversion ratio was contributed from the organic carbon of glucose and the glucose-acclimated denitrifiers. The nitrite accumulation and N2O generation during denitrification with glucose as the carbon source increased with increasing chemical oxygen demand to nitrogen ratios in the range of 2–8. The microbial community and their relative abundances varied greatly in the four reactors, and a low abundance of Thauera was found in the glucose-fed SBR, which might contribute to the greater N2O production. Practical strategies for N2O generation from the denitrification process using glucose as the carbon source were proposed so as to achieve energy recovery from nitrogen in wastewater.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from different land-use types in eastern China. The dynamic changes of N2O emissions were investigated in tea gardens with different nitrogen application rates, their adjacent vegetable garden and forest soils from June 2009 to May 2010. The results showed that high nitrogen application in a tea garden significantly increased soil N2O emissions. Lower N2O emission and percentage of N2O–N to the applied N were observed in a tea garden with low N application than that from vegetable garden, indicating reasonable control of N application can efficiently decrease N2O pollution in tea gardens. Both air and soil temperature had significant and positive impact on N2O emissions, but little effect of precipitation was observed. Therefore, N application rate and environmental temperature are the most essential factors in influencing N2O emission and should be taken into consideration in the field management of tea production.  相似文献   

Mass-spectrometric stable isotope measurements of CO2 use molecular ion currents at mass-to-charge ratios m/z 44, 45 and 46 to derive the elemental isotope ratios n(13C)/n(12C) and n(18O)/n(16O), abbreviated 13C/12C and 18O/16O, relative to a reference. The ion currents have to be corrected for the contribution of 17O-bearing isotopologues, the so-called ‘17O correction’. The magnitude of this correction depends on the calibrated isotope ratios of the reference. Isotope ratio calibrations are difficult and are therefore a matter of debate. Here, I provide a comprehensive evaluation of the existing 13C/12C (13R), 17O/16O (17R) and 18O/16O (18R) calibrations of the reference material Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW) and CO2 generated from the reference material Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) by reaction with 100% H3PO4 at 25 °C (VPDB-CO2). I find , 18RVSMOW/10−6 = 2005.20 ± 0.45, 13RVPDB-CO2/10-6= 11124 ± 45, and 18RVPDB-CO2/10-6=2088.37±0.90. I also rephrase the calculation scheme for the 17O correction completely in terms of relative isotope ratio differences (δ values). This reveals that only ratios of isotope ratios (namely, 17R/13R and 13R17R/18R) are required for the 17O correction. These can be, and have been, measured on conventional stable isotope mass spectrometers. I then show that the remaining error for these ratios of isotope ratios can lead to significant uncertainty in the derived relative 13C/12C difference, but not for18O/16O. Even though inter-laboratory differences can be corrected for by a common ‘ratio assumption set’ and/or normalisation, the ultimate accuracy of the 17O correction is hereby limited. Errors of similar magnitude can be introduced by the assumed mass-dependent relationship between 17O/16O and 18O/16O isotope ratios. For highest accuracy in the 13C/12C ratio, independent triple oxygen isotope measurements are required. Finally, I propose an experiment that allows direct measurement of 13R17R/18R.  相似文献   

In order to provide biological systematics from which to interpret nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O) isotope ratios of nitrate (15N/14N, 18O/16O, respectively) in the environment, we previously investigated the isotopic fractionation of nitrate during its assimilation by mono-cultures of eukaryotic algae (Granger et al., 2004). In this study, we extended our analysis to investigate nitrate assimilation by strains of prokaryotic plankton. We measured the N and O isotope effects, 15ε and 18ε, during nitrate consumption by cultures of prokaryotic strains and by additional eukaryotic phytoplankton strains (where ε is the ratio of reaction rate constants of the light vs. heavy isotopologues, lightk and heavyk; ε = lightk/heavyk − 1 × 1000, expressed in per mil). The observed 15ε ranged from 5‰ to 8‰ among eukaryotes, whereas it did not exceed 5‰ for three cyanobacterial strains, and was as low as 0.4‰ for a heterotrophic α-protoeobacterium. Eukaryotic phytoplankton fractionated the N and O isotopes of nitrate to the same extent (i.e., 18ε ∼ 15ε). The 18ε:15ε among the cyanobacteria was also ∼1, whereas the heterotrophic α-proteobacterial strain, which showed the lowest 15ε, between 0.4‰ and 1‰, had a distinct 18ε:15ε of ∼2, unlike any plankton strain observed previously. Equivalent N vs. O isotope discrimination is thought to occur during internal nitrate reduction by nitrate reductase, such that the cellular efflux of the fractionated nitrate into the medium drives the typically observed 18ε:15ε of ∼1. We hypothesize that the higher in the 18ε:15ε of the α-proteobacterium may result from isotope discrimination by nitrate transport, which is evident only at low amplitude of ε. These observations warrant investigating whether heterotrophic bacterial assimilation of nitrate decreases the community isotope effects at the surface ocean.  相似文献   

The stable isotope composition (δ15N and δ18O) of nitrate was measured during Summer 1999 in the anaerobic hypolimnion of eutrophic Lake Lugano (Switzerland). Denitrification was demonstrated by a progressive nitrate depletion coupled to increasing δ15N and δ18O values for residual nitrate. Maximum δ15N and δ18O values amounted to 27.2 and 15.7‰, respectively.15N and 18O enrichment factors for denitrification (ε) were estimated using a closed-system model and a dynamic diffusion-reaction model. Using the Rayleigh equation (closed-system approach), we obtained ε values of −11.2 and −6.6‰ for nitrogen and oxygen, respectively. The average ε values derived using the diffusion-reaction model were determined to be −20.7 ± 3.8 for nitrogen and −11.0 ± 1.7 for oxygen. Both N and O isotope fractionation appeared to be lower when denitrification rates where high, possibly in association with high organic carbon availability. In addition, variations in the isotope effects may be attributed to the variable importance of sedimentary denitrification having only a small isotope effect on the water column. The combined measurement of N and O isotope ratios in nitrate revealed that coupled nitrification-denitrification in the open-water was of minor importance. This is the first study of nitrogen and oxygen isotope effects associated with microbial denitrification in a natural lake. Moreover, this study confirms the high potential of δ18O of nitrate as a valuable biogeochemical tracer in aquatic systems, complementing nitrate δ15N.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to determine reduced partition function ratios for a variety of species of zinc, both as a metal and in aqueous solutions in order to calculate equilibrium stable isotope partitioning. We present calculations of the magnitude of Zn stable-isotope fractionation (66,67,68Zn/64Zn) between aqueous species and metallic zinc using measured vibrational spectra (fit from neutron scattering studies of metallic zinc) and a variety of electronic structure models. The results show that the reduced metal, Zn(0), will be light in equilibrium with oxidized Zn(II) aqueous species, with the best estimates for the Zn(II)-Zn(0) fractionation between hexaquo species and metallic zinc being Δ66/64Znaq-metal ∼ 1.6‰ at 25 °C, and Δ66/64Znaq-metal ∼ 0.8‰ between the tetrachloro zinc complex and metallic zinc at 25 °C using B3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ level of theory and basis set. To examine the behavior of zinc in various aqueous solution chemistries, models for Zn(II) complex speciation were used to determine which species are thermodynamically favorable and abundant under a variety of different conditions relevant to natural waters, experimental and industrial solutions. The optimal molecular geometries for [Zn(H2O)6]2+, [Zn(H2O)6]·SO4, [ZnCl4]2− and [Zn(H2O)3(C3H5O(COO)3)] complexes in various states of solvation, protonation and coordination were calculated at various levels of electronic structure theory and basis set size. Isotopic reduced partition function ratios were calculated from frequency analyses of these optimized structures. Increasing the basis set size typically led to a decrease in the calculated reduced partition function ratios of ∼0.5‰ with values approaching a plateau using the aug-cc-pVDZ basis set or larger. The widest range of species were studied at the B3LYP/LAN2DZ/6-31G level of theory and basis-set size for comparison. Aqueous zinc complexes where oxygen is bound to the metal center tended to have the largest reduced partition function ratios, with estimated fractionations ranging from 2.2 to 2.9‰ (66Zn/64Zn) at 25 °C relative to metallic zinc. The tetrahedrally coordinated tetrachloro zinc complex, where zinc is bound exclusively to chloride, had the lowest reduced partition function ratio for a Zn(II) species (Δ66/64Znaq-metal ∼ 1-1.3‰ at 25 °C). Increasing the number of waters in the second shell of solvation of the above complexes led to variable results, most commonly leading to a decrease of ∼0.2 to 0.3‰ in calculated Δ66/64Znaq-metal at 25 °C.These estimates are useful in the interpretation of observed fractionations during the electrochemical deposition of zinc, where aqueous-metal fractionations of up to 5.5‰ are observed. The models show these are not caused by an equilibrium fractionation process. These results suggest that the redox cycle of zinc during industrial processing may be responsible for isotopically distinct reservoirs of zinc observed in polluted environments. The leaching of metallic zinc or zinc tailings from industrial sites could lead to the observed heavy signature in river systems, the magnitude of which will be reliant on the source material and the aqueous species that form.  相似文献   

Carbohydrates are major organic components of dung and are likely to contribute substantially to increased carbon stocks in manured soils. To investigate this hypothesis, a field-scale experiment was conducted on a temperate grassland site in Devon, UK. C4 dung (bulk δ13C value ?12.6‰) was applied to a temperate grassland C3 soil (bulk δ13C value ?30.3‰) in April and the surface soil beneath cow pats sampled at seven dates over a year. Total carbohydrates were extracted as their monosaccharide components and analysed as the alditol acetates using gas chromatography. The δ13C values of the major monosaccharides glucose (?11.5 ±0.6‰), xylose (?10.4 ±0.4‰), arabinose (?10.4 ±0.5‰) and galactose (?8.3 ±1.6‰) extracted from the C4 dung via acid hydrolysis were indicative of their source. Their weighted mean δ13C value was ?10.8‰, 1.8‰ more 13C-enriched than the bulk dung value. The δ13C values of individual monosaccharides recovered by acid hydrolysis in the 0–1 cm and 1–5 cm soil horizons beneath C4 cow pats, compared with control soils determined over 372 days, allowed assessment of the extent of incorporation and fluxes of dung-derived monosaccharides. A maximum of 60% of the dung C in soil was derived from carbohydrates after 56 days, declining to around 20% after 372 days. Incorporation dynamics varied between monosaccharide species. Glucose, xylose and arabinose behaved in a similar manner because of their predominantly plant cell wall derived provenance in the dung, whilst dung-derived galactose and mannose appeared to have a microbial source in the soil. The dynamics of total dung-derived monosaccharides in the top 5 cm was comparable to incorporation and flux of bulk dung C, previously estimated using bulk δ13C values. The movement of dung-derived carbohydrates into the soil was inequivalent between the 0–1 cm and 1–5 cm horizons. The lack of a significant difference in concentration, but the evidence for the persistence of dung-derived monosaccharides in soil based on δ13C values, indicated replacement of existing pools in the soil, suggesting that the ability of this particular soil to sequester further C derived from carbohydrates was limited.  相似文献   

We investigated the biogeochemical cycling of silicon (Si) in an acidic brown soil covered by a coniferous forest (Douglas fir). Based on published and original data, we constructed a conceptual model and used a modified version of the reactive transport code MIN3P for model testing and quantification purposes. The model was first calibrated and further validated with respect to biomass data and Si-concentrations in capillary solutions, which were collected monthly over several years by means of suction-cup lysimeters placed at different soil depths.Following sensitivity tests, the model was calibrated quite accurately (limited to a 10% concentration error) by the adjustment of kinetic constants, longitudinal dispersion, and apparent activation energy for K-feldspar dissolution. Calibrated parameter values were constrained by ranges reported in the literature, when available. Mass balance calculations indicate that an average of 60% of the biogeochemical cycle of Si was controlled by biological processes (i.e. Si-uptake and dissolution of phytoliths). Sensitivity analyses suggest that no more than 55% of the Si-cycle is controlled by weathering of primary silicates. Such a large contribution of biological turnover to Si-cycling may be explained by the combined effects of a relatively large Si-content in the litter fall (i.e. specifically in the needles) and high biomass productivity of the coniferous species considered. In addition to potential implications for the global Si cycle, this investigation raises several fundamental questions concerning the nature of Si-uptake mechanisms and physiological use of Si by trees in natural systems.  相似文献   

Recently, a new method has been introduced for the estimation of photosynthetic oxygen production from the triple isotope composition (δ17O and δ18O) of dissolved O2 in the ocean and of air O2 in ice cores. This method is based on the deviations (17Δ) from mass dependent respiratory fractionation, the major process affecting the isotopic composition of air O2. To apply this method, the slope in the 17O/16O vs. 18O/16O relationship used for 17Δ calculation must be known with high accuracy. Using numerical simulations and closed system experiments, we show how the respiratory slope is manifested in the 17Δ of O2 in situations where respiration is the only process affecting oxygen isotopic composition (kinetic slope), and in systems in steady state between photosynthesis and respiration (steady state slope). The slopes of the fractionation line in these two cases are different, and the reasons of this phenomenon are discussed. To determine the kinetic respiratory slope for the dominant O2 consumers in aquatic systems, we have conducted new experiments using a wide range of organisms and conditions and obtained one universal value (0.5179 ± 0.0006) in ln(δ17O + 1) vs. ln(δ18O + 1) plots. It was also shown that the respiratory fractionations under light and dark are identical within experimental error. We discuss various marine situations and conclude that the kinetic slope 0.518 should be used for calculating 17Δ of dissolved O2. In contrast, a steady state fractionation slope should be used in global mass balance calculations of triple isotope ratios of O2 in air records of ice cores.  相似文献   

Copper stable isotope ratios are fractionated during various biogeochemical processes and may trace the fate of Cu during long-term pedogenetic processes. We assessed the effects of oxic weathering (formation of Cambisols) and podzolization on Cu isotope ratios (δ65Cu). Two Cambisols (oxic weathered soils without strong vertical translocations of soil constituents) and two Podzols (soils showing vertical translocation of organic matter, Fe and Al) were analyzed for Cu concentrations, partitioning of Cu in seven fractions of a sequential extraction and δ65Cu values in bulk soil. Cu concentrations in the studied soils were low (1.4-27.6 μg g−1) and Cu was mainly associated with strongly bound Fe oxide- and silicate-associated forms. Bulk δ65Cu values varied between −0.57‰ and 0.44‰ in all studied horizons. The O horizons had on average significantly lighter Cu isotope compositions (−0.21‰) than the A horizons (0.13‰) which can either be explained by Cu isotope fractionation during cycling through the plants or deposition of isotopically light Cu from the atmosphere. Oxic weathering without pronounced podzolization in both Cambisols and a weakly developed Podzol (Haplic Podzol 2) caused no significant isotope fractionation in the single profiles, while a slight tendency to lower δ65Cu values with depth was visible in all four profiles. This is the opposite depth distribution of δ65Cu values to that we observed in hydromorphic soils (soils which show indication of redox changes because of the influence of water saturation) in a previous study. In a more pronounced Podzol (Haplic Podzol 1), δ65Cu values and Cu concentrations decreased from Ah to E horizons and increased again deeper in the soil. Humus-rich sections of the Bhs horizon had higher Cu concentrations (2.8 μg g−1) and a higher δ65Cu value (−0.18‰) than oxide-rich sections (1.9 μg g−1, −0.35‰) suggesting Cu translocation between E and B horizons as organo-Cu complexes. The different depth distributions in oxic weathered and hydromorphic soils and the pronounced vertical differences in δ65Cu values in Haplic Podzol 1 indicate a promising potential of δ65Cu values to improve our knowledge of the fate of Cu during long-term pedogenetic processes.  相似文献   

To date our knowledge is limited with regard to the responses of ethylene and methane consumption by forest soils to tree species and soil types, and to the effect of presence of ethylene on atmospheric methane consumption. The soils at depths from tropical and temperate forests in China were used to study the responses of ethylene and methane consumption to tree species and soil types. The ethylene and methane consumption by soils beneath each forest floor was measured under the same oxic conditions, along with main properties of forest soils. The accumulation of ethylene was studied in the soil slurry (soil/water, 1/2.5). In temperate soils under spruce and birch forests, maximal consumption rates of ethylene and methane were observed in the 2.5-5.0 cm and 5.0-7.5 cm soil layers, respectively (P〈0.05). However, a maximal consumption of both occurred in the 0-2.5 cm soil layer under temperate Korean pine forest (P〈0.05). Contrary to temperate forest soils, there was a significant lower consumption of ethylene and methane in tropical forest soils at less than 20 cm depths under a seasonal rainforest and secondary rubber forest (P〈0.05). Hence, the potential of ethylene and methane consumption in the 0-20 cm soil profile was variable with tree species and soil types. According to ethylene formation in the soil slurry, there was greater accumulation of ethylene in the 0-2.5 cm soil under temperate forests than under tropical forests, and its accumulation under spruce and birch forests was more than under Korean pine forest (P〈0.05). The presence of extrinsic ethylene can significantly inhibit the consumption of atmospheric methane by forest soils.  相似文献   

Taking limestone soil and yellow soil, the two major soil types in karst areas as examples, analyzing stable carbon isotope composition (δ13C value) of soil organic matter (SOM) in bulk soils and particle-size fractions of four soil profiles under three vegetable forms, the following results are reached: in the limestone soil profile, soil organic carbon contents are all above 1.0%, the highest value is 7.1% in the surface soil; however, they are between 0.3% and 4.6% in the three yellow soil profiles. From the surface to the bottom of the soil profiles, the variation of δ13C value of soil organic carbon for limestone soil profile is only between −24.1‰ and −23.0‰, however, it’s between −24.8‰ and −21.1‰ for yellow soil profiles. The variation range of δ13C value of soil organic carbon associated with particle-size separates is slight for limestone soil but is considerable for yellow soil. The contrast research indicates that the changes between the contents and the δ13C value of soil organic carbon with depth are complex. The vertical patterns of stable carbon isotope in soil organic matter have a distinct regional characteristic in karst areas.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(8):1241-1249
A combination of δ 13C values with C/N ratios in suspended matter has been used to examine the seasonal relationship between C4 and C3 vegetation along the Loess Plateau, NW China. The C isotopic composition of suspended organic matter in rivers, together with C/N ratios can differentiate between soil and plant material, and can be used to estimate the relative contributions of soil organic C and plant litter to the suspended matter. The relationship between C isotopic composition and C/N ratios indicates that the samples are a mixture of two end members: (1) modern soils with relatively constant δ 13C values, low C content and low C/N ratios; (2) plant litter with varying δ 13C values, high C content and high C/N ratios. The results reflect the seasonal distribution of C4/C3 vegetation within the area studied, as part of the Loess Plateau. The abundance of C4 grasses is about 20% for the current summer vegetation ecosystem in the eastern part of the Loess Plateau. Hence, the use of δ 13C values and C/N ratios of suspended matter in rivers and modern soil may be useful for reflecting seasonal distribution of C4/C3 vegetation in catchments. This could be a useful tool for distinguishing between catchments for GIS studies, and long term planning for ecological management of catchment areas.  相似文献   

Lead concentrations and stable lead isotopes (204Pb, 206Pb, 207Pb, 208Pb) were measured in forest moss samples (Pleurozium schreberi or Scleropodium purum) collected at 273 sites across the Czech Republic during 2010. Continuously decreasing median Pb concentrations in moss were documented over the last two decades: 1995: 11 mg/kg, 2000: 5.66 mg/kg, 2005: 4.94 mg/kg and 2010: 2.85 mg/kg. Several local anomalies have decreased in scale, the overall regional distribution patterns remained, however, the same. The regional Pb isotope ratio distributions show that the ratios show little variation for a large central part of the country and provide the large-scale background isotope ratios for the Czech Republic of about 204Pb/206Pb = 0.0550, 206Pb/207Pb = 1.167, 206Pb/208Pb = 0.478 and 207Pb/208Pb = 0.409 for 2010. This background Pb isotope ratio signal in moss has been locally (900–7500 km2) modified by specific Pb isotopic ratio signals caused by deposition of Pb emissions from known local anthropogenic Pb emission sources, such as industrial combustion of local coal, and a variety of industrial enterprises (metallurgical, engineering and glass works). At some sites where mining of uranium and polymetallic ores took place the moss samples show also a locally specific Pb isotope signal. The in terms of area affected largest deviations in the Pb-isotope ratios, e.g., in the Bohemian Massif, may be due to the input of geogenic dust.  相似文献   

Isotopic compositions of sulphur, carbon, and oxygen have been determined for constituents from a total of 103 samples of sedimentary rocks, mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks, nickel ores, and gold ores from the Archaean Yilgarn Block.

Sulphides in the bulk of the sedimentary rocks have δ34S values close to 0‰ and appear to have precipitated from solutions which incorporated magmatic sulphur (either juvenile or derived from older rocks). There is no evidence for widespread sulphate reduction.

δ34S values of sulphides in the nickel deposits and associated mafic/ultramafic igneous rocks are within the magmatic range. The small, high‐grade deposits of the Kambalda‐Nepean‐Scotia type have small positive δ34S values, and the large, low‐to‐medium grade dunite‐associated deposits of the Mount Keith‐Perseverance type have small negative δ34S values.

Sulphides in the Kalgoorlie gold ores are enriched in 32S relative to those in their host dolerite, supporting an epigenetic origin for the gold, under moderately high fO2 conditions.

The δ13C values do not provide unequivocal evidence for the source(s) of the reduced carbon (kerogen) in the sedimentary rocks. Whilst they are compatible with biogenic derivation, it is not possible to rule out contributions from pre‐biotic organic ‘soup’ or from hydrothermal solutions of deep‐seated origin.

Carbonate in the sedimentary rocks are predominantly in epigenetic, sulphide‐bearing veinlets. In many cases, their δ13C values suggest precipitation from hydro‐thermal solutions containing magmatically derived CO2. In only two samples are the petrographic features and δ13C values compatible with marine carbonates. Talc‐carbonate altered ultramafic igneous rocks have δ13C values consistent with their incorporation of magmatically derived CO2.

The ?δ13C (carbonate‐kerogen) values for most of the sedimentary rock studied fall in a narrow range around +10‰, suggesting isotopic exchange between oxidized and reduced carbon species at moderately high temperatures (>250°C).

δ18O values of carbonate from both sedimentary rocks and igneous rocks are mainly within the range +7.2‰ to +18.0‰. If the values are primary they are consistent with the formation of carbonate from hydrothermal solutions of magmatic and/or metamorphic origin. However, it is also possible the δ18O values are the result of post‐depositional equilibration with meteoric waters.  相似文献   

乙烷稳定碳同位素动力学模拟及地质应用   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
详细介绍了限定体系下乙烷稳定碳同位素动力学模拟过程及煤成乙烷的同位素演化规律。地质模拟结果展示,煤成天然气乙烷演化规律与甲烷类似,低熟阶段存在一个下降的趋势,其最轻同位素值为-27.8‰,与我国常用的煤成气判别标准基本一致,对应有机质成熟度(Easy%Ro)为1.0。随后,乙烷稳定碳同位素逐渐变重,与Ro之间呈良好的线性关系。  相似文献   

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