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Geoconservation – protecting, managing and enhancing natural geological features and materials, and geomorphological landforms and processes – is especially important in Great Britain, a place sometimes described as the ‘cradle’ of the science of geology. For such a small area of land, Britain has an unusually diverse geological make-up, with rocks from every geological period present. Many stratigraphical terms used internationally were devised here, and British sites provide key study areas where important new geological theories were developed in the pioneering era of the Earth sciences. Therefore, with such a wealth of geology, and Britain's seminal place in the science itself, it is particularly important to conserve and protect key localities here for future generations. A first step in that process is the auditing of the geology and geomorphology of Britain, by carrying out a scientific evaluation exercise according to standard criteria, and creating an inventory of the most important sites for science.In the mid-1970s, the Nature Conservancy Council (NCC) began an ambitious programme for assessment and documentation of the most important sites for the scientific study of geology and geomorphology in Great Britain, building on previous statutory site conservation activity that had already been started in 1949 by the former Nature Conservancy. As a result, the ‘Geological Conservation Review’ (GCR) was formally launched in 1977. The GCR was a world-first project of its type in the systematic assessment of the whole geological heritage of a country, from first principles. Widespread consultation with geologists and geomorphologists across Great Britain was co-ordinated; their guidance and involvement was a key component of the site selection process. Almost 3000 nationally or internationally important sites had been selected for around 100 site-selection categories for the GCR register by 1990. Almost all the GCR sites are now conserved under British law as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), the GCR information providing the scientific evidence-base that underpins that designation.As part of the site-selection process – which is still active – a considerable archive of information about geological sites was amassed. A major publication exercise detailing all the GCR sites in what was to become the GCR Series of books was devised early on in the GCR programme.Thirty-six volumes of the GCR Series have been seen to completion by NCC and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, and many GCR site reports have been many made freely available on the World Wide Web. As a new venture, the remaining nine volumes will now be published by Elsevier Science Publishers as Special Issues of the Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association. Each GCR volume includes an overview of the subject and outlines the history of study of the relevant branch of the Earth sciences, but most importantly contains detailed accounts of the features of geological importance in the sites described. A scientific interpretation is provided for each site account, which includes supportive illustrations, tables and photographs and an extensive reference list.The GCR rationale, methods and information resource have been invaluable in almost every aspect of geoconservation carried out in Britain, including World Heritage Site nominations, protection of stratotypes, justifying the scientific conservation value of sites at Public Inquiries, in stimulating geological research and in providing a readily available information resource for local, regional, national and international geoconservation activities.  相似文献   

In August 1994, Britain's top science journal, Nature, announced that a team of scientists working at the University of Cambridge had found Europe's oldest rocks at a remote location near to Gruinard Bay in the Scottish Highlands. They reported ancient volcanic rocks with an age of 3300 million years. This was more than 300 million years older than any age previously measured on rocks in the British Isles and between 100 and 200 million years older than any rocks known in Europe. The discovery of itself is in many ways unremarkable, for much older rocks are known from ancient continental shield areas in Canada, Australia and Greenland. What was important was that the reported age did not agree with any of the other measured ages known within the British Isles. This was highlighted in a comment in the same issue of Nature, which suggested that the new data were so important that they require a massive revision of our views on the earliest history of the British Isles. For other scientists, however, the conflict between these new data and previously reported ages began to raise questions about the methods employed in dating the 'oldest rocks'.  相似文献   

The ‘Maresfield Map’ is a map that purports to show features pertinent to the old iron industry in the Sussex Weald of southern England in 1724. It first appeared in a journal published by the Sussex Archaeological Society in early 1913, at roughly the same time as the formal publication by the Geological Society of London of papers introducing the discovery of the ‘remains’ of what became known as ‘Piltdown Man’ to the world. Piltdown Man was eventually revealed as fraudulent in 1953, followed by the Maresfield Map in 1974. Experiments in replication now show that the Maresfield Map is a sort of ‘treasure map’ (in a negative sense), which points fairly accurately to the supposed find‐spot of Piltdown Man, along with a coded accusation against Charles Dawson. The map's compiler is thought to have been L.F. Salzmann, the editor of the journal in which the map appeared. As such, the map represents the only such denunciation to have been published in the open literature in Dawson's lifetime, albeit a cryptic one. Mr Salzmann's possible motives are explored.  相似文献   

Glen Roy is a classic geosite for ice-dammed lake shorelines, the Parallel Roads, and associated features formed during the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stade (12.9–11.7 ka). The area played a key part in the development of the glacial theory in the early 19th century and continues today to have outstanding scientific value for understanding the processes and timing of events at the end of the last glaciation. Glen Roy has also been long-appreciated as an awe-inspiring visitor attraction, and is now a flagship site for geotourism within Lochaber Geopark. Statutory geoconservation in Glen Roy, beginning in the second half of the 20th century, was founded on the exceptional scientific value of the area. The history and practice of geoconservation in Glen Roy illustrate the contested values of geoheritage and the evolving approaches adopted. Important lessons include the need for open dialogue and partnership working among the local community, land owners and managers, the statutory conservation agency (Scottish Natural Heritage), Lochaber Geopark and the scientific community.  相似文献   

This study investigates the variations in erosional processes beneath Briksdalsbreen; a Norwegian valley glacier, with a thin coarse grained deforming bed. The subglacial zone was investigated in situ, close to the central glacial flow line (Site A) and close to the valley wall (Site B), via boreholes. The till was collected using two different sediment samplers and the bed was examined using a borehole video camera. In order to evaluate how representative borehole sampling was of the subglacial environment, the results from in situ subglacial samples were compared with random samples taken from an exposed subglacial surface in the glacier foreland, as well as a sample taken from the site after glacier retreat. The results indicated that the texture of the exposed subglacial surface was similar to in situ samples from subglacial Site B (close to the valley wall), and that the samples collected with the ‘small’ sediment sampler had the closest fit. SEM analysis revealed eroded quartz grains at both sites as a result of rotation (abrasion) and fracture. The samples from close to the valley wall were very poorly sorted, with evidence for rounding and preservation of pre-weathered surfaces, which suggest that a relatively simple pattern of erosion from crushing to rotation dominated. However, the till from the centre of the glacier was better sorted, more angular, and with few pre-weathered surfaces. We suggest that this results from a more complex glacial erosional history associated with greater strain and longer residence time within the deforming layer. When compared with other deformation tills, it was confirmed that there is a relationship between grain size and erosional style. Clay-rich tills show little comminution, fine sand-rich tills generate a significant silt component, whilst the coarse sand-rich tills at Briksdalsbreen showed complex deformational styles but no significant silt component.  相似文献   

The first monograph of the British Silurian crinoids was published as early as 1839 and identified 14 species; over 120 are now known. The most productive horizon for both diversity of species and numbers of well‐preserved specimens is the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation at Dudley (Lower Silurian, Wenlock), a site of international significance. Other localities have produced fewer, but different species. Herein, we introduce the most important crinoid localities in the Llandovery to Ludlow of the British Isles, and figure some of the many beautiful and significant specimens that they have produced.  相似文献   

Hance D. Smith 《GeoJournal》1992,26(4):483-487
The basic patterns of economic and political development of the British Isles region in a European context is outlined for the half century following Columbus’ discovery of America, noting the separate identities of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. The maritime dimension of these developments was based on trade with Europe, developed mainly in England and Scotland; and upon considerable development of the fisheries. Exploration and colonial expansion did not begin until after 1550 and continued into the seventeenth century. The historical role of the British Isles in Europe is considered as a sequence of approximately half-century phases extending from 1500 until the present, in which British maritime supremacy played a role in the nineteenth century similar to that played by the Spanish Empire in the sixteenth century.  相似文献   

选择黑龙江省扎龙湿地自然保护区作为研究区,开展了基于Dempster-Shafer理论的证据推理方法(ER)湿地遥感空间分类研究,提出了一种针对ETM+多波段遥感影像的计算证据支持度的新算法,利用证据推理方法集成研究区5个时相的ETM+影像。研究表明,证据推理方法能有效集成多时相ETM+影像实现湿地空间分类,其总体分类精度比基于任一单时相影像的最大似然法(MLC)分类精度都高,提高幅度约为2%~12%。  相似文献   

The procedure for geotechnical site investigation is well established but little attention is currently given to investigating the potential of vegetation to assist with ground stability. This paper describes how routine investigation procedures may be adapted to consider the effects of the vegetation. It is recommended that the major part of the vegetation investigation is carried out, at relatively low cost, during the preliminary (desk) study phase of the investigation when there is maximum flexibility to take account of findings in the proposed design and construction. The techniques available for investigation of the effects of vegetation are reviewed and references provided for further consideration. As for general geotechnical investigation work, it is important that a balance of effort is maintained in the vegetation investigation between (a) site characterisation (defining and identifying the existing and proposed vegetation to suit the site and ground conditions), (b) testing (in-situ and laboratory testing of the vegetation and root systems to provide design parameters) and (c) modelling (to analyse the vegetation effects).  相似文献   

周口店遗址是中国古人类学的发源地 ,在很长的时期内一直是我国古人类学、旧石器时代考古学和第四纪地质学的科研基地。该遗址丰富的人类化石、文化遗物和动物化石都是宝贵的科学资源 ,而过去对这些材料整理与研究的局限性为未来系统而深入的研究工作和产生新的成果预留了空间。遗址区仍然埋藏着丰厚的科学资源 ,新的发现、发掘和研究势必在探索东亚地区古人类体质与行为特点、演化过程以及生存环境背景的重建诸方面取得新的突破。  相似文献   

A mandible identified as noble marten (Martes americana nobilis) recovered from sediments dating to 11,800 cal yr BP and a humerus identified as M. a. cf. nobilis recovered from sediments dating from 13,100 to 12,500 cal yr BP at the Marmes Rockshelter archaeological site in southeastern Washington represent the first record of this taxon in the state. Mammalian taxa associated with the Marmes Rockshelter noble marten represent a diversity of open mesic habitats corroborating earlier analyses of other records of the noble marten in the western United States and exemplify how paleozoologists determine the ecology and environmental predilections of extinct taxa. The recovery site represents the topographically lowest record of this species in western North America and the farthest north record in the United States. Future research should examine known late-Quaternary Martes spp. remains from British Columbia and Alberta to fill in the 2200-km geographic gap in the known distribution of this taxon between a record in the northern Yukon and those in the western United States, and to refine our knowledge of noble marten paleoecology.  相似文献   

地球难以承载人类重负——《生命行星报告2004》解读   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
人类对地球自然资源的利用状况反映人类社会的可持续发展状况,要定量反映人类的可持续发展状况,就需要定量评价人类对地球自然资源的利用状况。世界自然基金会(WWF)等机构每2年发布一次的《生命行星报告》是世界上有影响的对人类对地球自然资源利用状况的定量评价分析研究报告。《生命行星报告2004》运用全球足迹网络(Global Footprint Network)提供的新的科学分析方法比较了世界上150个国家的生态足迹;以更加复杂的数据和分析、更加详细的时间趋势,测算了全球生物多样性的状况。报告肯定,地球的生态超载已经成为一个现实,人类目前消费的自然资源超过地球生产能力的20%,即人类目前使用着1.2个地球,导致了生物多样性的快速减少。  相似文献   

生产矿山隐伏矿体定位预测   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
生产矿山隐伏矿体定位预测是当前成矿学和矿产勘查学的科学前沿和研究重点。本文系统探讨了生产矿山隐伏矿体定位预测的性质、特点、预测理论和技术方法;提出生产矿山隐伏矿体定位预测是一项大风险、高难度、强探索的科学系统工程;成功进行矿体定位预测的基础是成矿预测理论,关键是找矿方法和技术的突破;进行多学科联合、不同预测理论相互渗透、不同预测方法技术相互结合、同时引入新的预测理论和方法,从四维空间预测隐伏矿体的空间位置、形态及矿化强度是矿山找矿的最佳途径。  相似文献   

The debate on genetic modification (GM) is persistent, polarized and mainly involves organized groups at the national level. With the European Union’s new policy of coexistence, commercial cultivation of GM crops is expected by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality within the next few years, especially maize (BT) and potato (Phytophthera resistance and starch production). This makes the debate relevant for those directly confronted with this cultivation: the inhabitants of local rural communities. In The Netherlands, stakeholders formulated coexistence rules to prevent problems between conventional, organic and GM farmers that grow their crops in the same limited land area. Little is known, however, regarding the perceptions of the non-farming inhabitants of rural communities (“the neighbours”) in the debate. This paper presents the results of a focus group-based argumentative analysis of whether (and how) the GM issues play a decisive role among non-farming inhabitants of four rural communities in the Netherlands. We analysed the arguments in relation to a conceptual model that describes the potential rise and dynamics from a pre-Nimby ambivalence towards an outspoken Nimby position. We observed that the GM debate was given very little priority relative to other national issues on the political agenda and that more social cohesion correlates with fewer arguments in the national debate. It is argued that this mechanism keeps the Nimby ambivalence in an undetermined mode, which in turn diminishes the chances of radical rural-based protest against local GM cultivation of crops.  相似文献   

长白山自然保护区是我国建立较早的和典型的自然保护区之一,其主要功能是进行自然生态环境的保护。但是,为了克服保护资金短缺境况,长白山自然保护区将发展旅游业作为生态环境保护工作资金支持的一条途径,而旅游业曾长期被认为是对生态环境影响微乎其微的产业,但自长白山开始发展旅游业以来,经济效益的实现似乎掩盖了原本的生态环境保护目标。本文在分析了长白山旅游发展对生态环境造成的负面影响之后,提出了一系列在长白山旅游发展过程中生态环境的保护措施,以期兼顾长白山自然保护区发展和保护两大目标的实现。  相似文献   

The stable isotope geochemistry of Miocene sediments from the leeward margin of the Great Bahama Bank was examined to investigate burial diagenetic processes in periplatform carbonates. Data indicate that, in addition to differences in bulk proportions of neritic and pelagic carbonate along the slope, rhythmic variation in primary carbonate content has controlled patterns of burial diagenesis and associated geochemical signatures throughout much of the succession examined. The present study focuses on Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1006 and 1007, the most distal of five sites drilled from marginal to deep basin environments during Leg 166. These Miocene sections are characterized by their cyclic appearance, manifest as decimetre‐ to metre‐scale alternations between light‐coloured ooze/chalk/limestone and dark‐coloured marl/marlstone. The section at Site 1006 contains a high proportion of pelagic carbonate and is unlithified to a subbottom depth of ~675 m. Fluctuations in δ18O and δ13C values at this site are independent of lithological variation and reflect primary conditions. At Site 1007, located at the toe‐of‐slope and composed of a mixture of bank‐derived and pelagic carbonate, limestones are densely cemented, show little evidence of compaction and have δ18O values up to 2‰ higher than coeval sediments at Site 1006. Marlstones at Site 1007 are poorly cemented, exhibit an increase in compaction‐related features with depth and have lower and more variable δ18O values that are similar to those of coeval sediments at Site 1006. Isotopic and petrographic characteristics of limestone interbeds result from cement precipitation from cold sea water during the first ~100 m of burial. Higher proportions of insoluble materials and pelagic carbonate seem to have inhibited diagenetic alteration in adjacent marlstones; in spite of significant compaction and pressure solution during burial, original isotopic compositions appear to be best preserved in these intervals at Site 1007. The documented contrasts in petrographic and isotopic patterns illustrate the role of primary sediment composition in controlling lithification processes in periplatform carbonates and stress the importance of considering such factors when interpreting geochemical data from ancient shelf and slope limestones.  相似文献   

Ryan Holifield 《Geoforum》2009,40(3):363-372
A common source of conflict at hazardous waste sites in the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Superfund program is the accuracy of scientific investigations and representations produced to inform cleanup decisions. Liable firms often produce these technical representations themselves, and communities surrounding sites frequently argue that such “voluntary” investigations are compromised by conflicts of interest. In order to challenge the representations of powerful firms, locally situated actors often develop trans-local connections with expertise and equipment concentrated at distant centers of calculation. Although some interpret the spatial politics of such connecting in terms of “jumping scales,” another important spatial dimension of this network construction is differential positioning. In a conflict over groundwater models at the St. Regis Superfund Site in Minnesota, the counter-network that emerged to challenge the owner’s representations of the site positioned some actors as “outsiders” and others as “insiders.” This differential positioning enabled the counter-network to balance the need to demonstrate the reliability and impartiality of its claims with the requirement to maintain its accountability to local public interests. I argue that these requirements result from the prevalent view of the science-policy interface, which assumes a rigid separation between science and politics. Nonetheless, the conflict over groundwater at St. Regis reveals how at the science-policy interface, speaking for things and speaking for people are thoroughly entangled.  相似文献   

长江中下游丰富的新石器时代文化遗址,为研究该地区新石器时期气候环境变化、古人类活动和文化演化等提供了丰富的材料。浙江余姚田螺山遗址是河姆渡早期文化保存比较完整的一处新石器时代遗址。文章通过对田螺山遗址剖面植硅体、硅藻和炭屑等的分析,探讨了田螺山遗址河姆渡文化早期的原始农业和古人类活动的文化环境背景。7000~6600cal.aB.P.期间,植硅体和炭屑含量较低,淡水-半咸水硅藻丰富,推测为淡水或泻湖沉积环境,受海水影响较小;  从6600cal.aB.P.开始,水稻植硅体和炭屑含量增加说明田螺山先人已经开始大量种植水稻;  晚期(约6000cal.aB.P.后)海绵骨针和硅藻海水种含量的增长说明该时期田螺山地区明显受到海水影响。研究结果表明,河姆渡文化早期,田螺山地区就已经开始水稻栽培,原始农业形态基本是以稻作农业为主;  田螺山遗址河姆渡文化之前和之后都可能存在相对海面较高或受海水影响的时期,其与河姆渡文化在田螺山地区兴起与消失有着一定的关系。  相似文献   

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