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Four or five sets of ab initio models, including Unrestricted Hartree Fock (UHF) and hybrid Density Functional Theory (DFT) are calculated for each species in a series of aqueous ferric aquo-chloro complexes: , , , FeCl3(H2O)3, FeCl3(H2O)2, , FeCl5H2O2−, , ) in order to determine the relative isotopic fractionation among the complexes, to compare the results of different models for the same complexes, to examine factors that influence the magnitude of the isotopic fractionation, and to compare bond-partner-driven fractionation with redox-driven fractionation.Relative to , all models show a nearly linear decrease in 56Fe/54Fe as the number of Cl ions per Fe3+ ion increases, with slopes of −0.8‰ to −1.0‰ per Cl at 20 °C. At 20 °C, 1000 ln β (β = 56Fe/54Fe reduced partition function ratio relative to a dissociated Fe atom) values range from 8.93‰ to 9.73‰ for , 8.04-9.12‰ for , 7.61-8.73‰ for , 7.14-8.25‰ for , and 3.09-4.41‰ for . The fractionation between and ranges from 1.5‰ to 2.6‰, depending on the model; this is comparable in magnitude to fractionation effects due to Fe3+/Fe2+ redox reactions. β values from the UHF models are consistently higher than those from the hybrid DFT models.Isotopic fractionation is shown to be sensitive to differences in ligand bond stiffness (above), coordination number, bond length, and the frequency of the asymmetric Fe-X stretching vibrational mode, as predicted by previous theoretical studies. Complexes with smaller coordination numbers have higher 1000 ln β (7.46‰, 5.25‰, and 3.48‰ for , ,, respectively, from the B3LYP/6-31G(d) model). Species with the same number of chlorides but fewer waters also show the effect of coordination number on 1000 ln β: (7.46‰ vs. 7.05‰ for FeCl3(H2O)2 vs. FeCl3(H2O)3 and 5.25‰ vs. 4.94‰ for vs. FeCl5H2O2− with the B3LYP/6-31G(d) model). As more Fe-Cl bonds substitute for Fe-OH2 bonds (with a resulting decrease in β), the lengths of the Fe-Cl bonds and the Fe-O bonds increase.Preliminary modeling of shows an Fe3+/Fe2+ fractionation of 3.2‰ for the B3LYP/6-31G(d) model, in agreement with previous studies. The addition of an explicit outer hydration sphere of 12 H2O molecules to models of improves agreement with measured vibrational frequencies and bond lengths; 1000 ln β increases by 0.8-1.0‰. An additional hydration sphere around increases 1000 ln β by only 0.1‰.Isotopic fractionations predicted for this simple system imply that ligands present in an aqueous iron environment are potentially important drivers of fractionation, and suggest that significant fractionation effects are likely in other aqueous systems containing sulfides or organic ligands. Fractionation effects due to both speciation and redox must be considered when interpreting iron isotope fractionations in the geological record.  相似文献   

Iron isotope fractionations produced during chemical and biological Fe(II) oxidation are sensitive to the proportions and nature of dissolved and solid-phase Fe species present, as well as the extent of isotopic exchange between precipitates and aqueous Fe. Iron isotopes therefore potentially constrain the mechanisms and pathways of Fe redox transformations in modern and ancient environments. In the present study, we followed in batch experiments Fe isotope fractionations between Fe(II)aq and Fe(III) oxide/hydroxide precipitates produced by the Fe(III) mineral encrusting, nitrate-reducing, Fe(II)-oxidizing Acidovorax sp. strain BoFeN1. Isotopic fractionation in 56Fe/54Fe approached that expected for equilibrium conditions, assuming an equilibrium Δ56FeFe(OH)3-Fe(II)aq fractionation factor of +3.0‰. Previous studies have shown that Fe(II) oxidation by this Acidovorax strain occurs in the periplasm, and we propose that Fe isotope equilibrium is maintained through redox cycling via coupled electron and atom exchange between Fe(II)aq and Fe(III) precipitates in the contained environment of the periplasm. In addition to the apparent equilibrium isotopic fractionation, these experiments also record the kinetic effects of initial rapid oxidation, and possible phase transformations of the Fe(III) precipitates. Attainment of Fe isotope equilibrium between Fe(III) oxide/hydroxide precipitates and Fe(II)aq by neutrophilic, Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria or through abiologic Fe(II)aq oxidation is generally not expected or observed, because the poor solubility of their metabolic product, i.e. Fe(III), usually leads to rapid precipitation of Fe(III) minerals, and hence expression of a kinetic fractionation upon precipitation; in the absence of redox cycling between Fe(II)aq and precipitate, kinetic isotope fractionations are likely to be retained. These results highlight the distinct Fe isotope fractionations that are produced by different pathways of biological and abiological Fe(II) oxidation.  相似文献   

Variations in the stable isotope abundances of transition metals have been observed in the geologic record and trying to understand and reconstruct the physical/environmental conditions that produced these signatures is an area of active research. It is clear that changes in oxidation state lead to large fractionations of the stable isotopes of many transition metals such as iron, suggesting that transition metal stable isotope signatures could be used as a paleo-redox proxy. However, the factors contributing to these observed stable isotope variations are poorly understood. Here we investigate how the kinetics of iron redox electrochemistry generates isotope fractionation. Through a combination of electrodeposition experiments and modeling of electrochemical processes including mass-transport, we show that electron transfer reactions are the cause of a large isotope separation, while mass transport-limited supply of reactant to the electrode attenuates the observed isotopic fractionation. Furthermore, the stable isotope composition of electroplated transition metals can be tuned in the laboratory by controlling parameters such as solution chemistry, reaction overpotential, and solution convection. These methods are potentially useful for generating isotopically-marked metal surfaces for tracking and forensic purposes. In addition, our studies will help interpret stable isotope data in terms of identifying underlying electron transfer processes in laboratory and natural samples.  相似文献   

The hexa-aqua complexes [Fe(H2O)6−mn(OH)n](2−n)+n = 0 → 3, m = 0 → 6 − n; [Fe(H2O)6−mn(OH)n](3−n)+n = 0 → 4, m = 0 → 6 − n were investigated by ab-initio methods with the aim of determining their ground-state geometries, total energies and vibrational properties by treating their inner solvation shell as part of their gaseous precursor1 (or “hybrid approach”). After a gas-phase energy optimization within the Density Functional Theory (DFT), the molecules were surrounded by a dielectric representing the Reaction Field through an implicit Polarized Continuum Model (PCM). The exploration of several structural ligand arrangements allowed us to quantify the relative stabilities of the various ionic species and the role of the various forms of energy (solute-solvent electronic interaction, cavitation, dispersion, repulsion, liberation free energy) that contribute to stabilize the aqueous complexes. A comparison with experimental thermochemistries showed that ab-initio gas-phase + solvation energies are quite consistent with experimental evidence and allow the depiction of the most stable form in solution and the eventual configurational disorder of water/hydroxyl species around central cations. A vibrational analysis performed on the 54Fe, 56Fe, 57Fe and 58Fe isotopomers indicated important separative effects systematically affected by the extent of deprotonation. The role of the system’s redox state (fO2) and acidity (pH) on the isotopic imprinting of the aqueous species in solution was investigated by coupling the separative effects with speciation calculations. The observed systematics provided a tool of general utility in the interpretation of the iron isotopic signature of natural waters. Applications to the interpretation of isotopic fractionation in solution dictated by redox equilibria and to the significance of the Fe-isotopic imprinting of Banded Iron Formations are given.  相似文献   

李雪芳  唐茂  刘耘 《地球化学》2009,38(3):299-306
锗(Ge)同位素在地球化学领域有着潜在的应用意义,但是Ge同位素平衡分馏参数的缺乏,严重制约了其在相关研究中的应用。本研究提供了富有机物流体中物种Ge(OH)4、GeO(OH)3^-以及Ge的一些亲有机质络合物(Ge与邻苯二酚、柠檬酸以及草酸配合形成的络合物)之间的Ge同位素平衡分馏参数。用基于Urey模型(或称Bigeleisen-Mayer公式)理论,结合量子化学计算的方法,在B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p)理论水平下计算了这些Ge同位素平衡分馏系数,其中,溶液效应用精确的“水滴法”来处理。预测这些基本分馏参数的误差约为±0.2‰。纯水溶液中,△Ge(OH)4-GeO(OH)3^-约为0.6‰,海水中稍小,约为0.3‰;而△Ge(OH)4-Ge-邻苯二酚、△Ge(OH)4-Ge-草酸、△Ge(OH)4-Ge-柠檬酸(c)和△Ge(OH)4-Ge柠檬酸(d)非常大,分别约为4.4‰、3.5‰、3.8‰和3.9‰。这些大的分馏或许可以用来示踪生物作用参与过程。结果表明,轻的Ge同位素将富集在富有机质的环境,如煤系、黑色页岩及一些缺氧的条件下,因此这些环境可能存在一个轻Ge同位素的“汇”。  相似文献   

We present molecular orbital/density functional theory (MO/DFT) calculations that predict a greater isotopic fractionation in redox reactions than in reactions involving ligand exchange. The predicted fractionation factors, reported as 1000·ln(56-54α), associated with equilibrium between Fe-organic and Fe-H2O species were <1.6‰ in vacuo and <1.2‰ in solution when the oxidation state of the system was held constant. These fractionation factors were significantly smaller than those predicted for equilibrium between different oxidation states of Fe, for which 1000·ln(56-54α) was >2.7‰ in vacuo and >2.2‰ in solution when the bound ligands were unchanged. The predicted 56Fe/54Fe ratio was greater in complexes containing Fe3+ and in complexes with shorter Fe-O bond lengths; both of these trends follow previous theoretical results. Our predictions also agree with previous experimental measurements that suggest that the largest biological fractionations will be associated with processes that change the oxidation state of Fe, and that identification of biologically controlled Fe isotope fractionation may be difficult when abiotic redox fractionations are present in the system. The models studied here also have important implications for future theoretical isotope calculations, because we have discovered the necessity of using vibrational frequencies instead of reduced masses when predicting reduced partition functions in aqueous-phase species.  相似文献   

The Si stable isotope fractionation between metal and silicate has been investigated experimentally at 1800, 2000, and 2200 °C. We find that there is a significant silicon stable isotope fractionation at high temperature between metal and silicate in agreement with Shahar et al. (2009). Further we find that this fractionation is insensitive to the structure and composition of the silicate as the fractionation between silicate melt and olivine is insignificant within the error of the analyses. The temperature-dependent silicon isotope fractionation is Δ30Sisilicate-metal = 7.45 ± 0.41 × 106/T2. We also demonstrate the viability of using laser ablation MC-ICPMS as a tool for measuring silicon isotope ratios in high pressure and temperature experiments.  相似文献   

A method of determination of the reduced isotopic partition function ratio (β-factor) from the partial density of state (PDOS) obtained by inelastic nuclear resonant X-ray scattering (INRXS) in synchrotron radiation experiments has been established. The method has been demonstrated by the example of tin isotopes. The tin β-factors for CaSnO3, SnO2, SnO have been computed from the INRXS-derived PDOSs.

In this study, we investigated Fe and Li isotope fractionation between mineral separates of olivine pheno- and xenocrysts (including one clinopyroxyene phenocryst) and their basaltic hosts. Samples were collected from the Canary Islands (Teneriffa, La Palma) and some German volcanic regions (Vogelsberg, Westerwald and Hegau). All investigated bulk samples fall in a tight range of Li and Fe isotope compositions (δ56Fewr = 0.06–0.17‰ and δ7Lima = 2.5–5.2‰, assuming δ7Li of the olivine-free matrix is virtually identical to that of the bulk sample for mass balance reasons). In contrast, olivine phenocrysts display highly variable, but generally light Fe and mostly light Li isotope compositions compared to their respective olivine-free basaltic matrix, which was considered to represent the melt (with δ56Feol = ? 0.24 to 0.14‰ and δ7Liol = ? 10.5 to + 6.5‰, respectively). Single olivine crystals from one sample display even a larger range of δ56Feol between ? 0.7 and + 0.1‰. One single clinopyroxene phenocryst displays the lightest Li isotope composition (δ7Licpx = ? 17.7‰), but no Fe isotope fractionation relative to melt. The olivine phenocrysts show variable Mg# and Ni (correlated in most cases) that range between 0.89 and 0.74 and between 300 and 3000 μg/g, respectively. These olivines likely grew by fractional crystallization in an evolving magma. One sample from the Vogelsberg volcano contained olivine xenocrysts (Mg# > 0.89 and Ni > 3000 μg/g), in addition to olivine phenocrysts. This sample displays the highest Li- and the second highest Fe-isotope fractionation between olivine and melt (Δ7Liol-melt = ? 13; Δ56Feol-melt = ? 0.29).Our data, i.e. the variable olivine- at constant whole rock and matrix isotope compositions, strongly indicate disequilibrium, i.e. kinetic Fe and Li isotope fractionation between olivine and melt (for Li also between cpx and melt) during fractional crystallization. Δ7Liol-melt is correlated with the Li partitioning between olivine and melt (i.e. with Liol/Limelt), indicating Li isotope fractionation due to preferential (faster) diffusion of 6Li into olivine during fractional crystallization. Olivine with low Δ7Liol-melt, also have low Δ56Feol-melt, indicating that Fe isotope fractionation is also driven by diffusion of isotopically light Fe into olivine, potentially, as Fe–Mg inter-diffusion. The lowest Δ56Feol-melt (? 0.40) was observed in a sample from Westerwald (Germany) with abundant magnetite, indicating relatively oxidizing conditions during magma differentiation. This may have enhanced equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation between olivine and melt or fine dispersed magnetite in the basalt matrix may have shifted its Fe isotope composition towards higher δ56Fe. The decoupling of Li- and Fe isotope fractionation in cpx is likely due to faster diffusion of Li relative to Fe in cpx, implying that the large investigated cpx phenocryst resided in the magma for only a short period of time which was sufficient for Li- but not for Fe diffusion. The absence of any equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation between the investigated cpx phenocryst and its basaltic host may be related to the similar Fe3 +/Fe2 + of cpx and melt. In contrast to cpx, the generally light Fe isotope composition of all investigated olivine separates implies the existence of equilibrium- (in addition to diffusion-driven) isotope fractionation between olivine and melt, on the order of 0.1‰.  相似文献   

Iron isotope fractionation between aqueous Fe(II) and biogenic magnetite and Fe carbonates produced during reduction of hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) by Shewanella putrefaciens, Shewanella algae, and Geobacter sulfurreducens in laboratory experiments is a function of Fe(III) reduction rates and pathways by which biogenic minerals are formed. High Fe(III) reduction rates produced 56Fe/54Fe ratios for Fe(II)aq that are 2-3‰ lower than the HFO substrate, reflecting a kinetic isotope fractionation that was associated with rapid sorption of Fe(II) to HFO. In long-term experiments at low Fe(III) reduction rates, the Fe(II)aq-magnetite fractionation is −1.3‰, and this is interpreted to be the equilibrium fractionation factor at 22°C in the biologic reduction systems studied here. In experiments where Fe carbonate was the major ferrous product of HFO reduction, the estimated equilibrium Fe(II)aq-Fe carbonate fractionations were ca. 0.0‰ for siderite (FeCO3) and ca. +0.9‰ for Ca-substituted siderite (Ca0.15Fe0.85CO3) at 22°C. Formation of precursor phases such as amorphous nonmagnetic, noncarbonate Fe(II) solids are important in the pathways to formation of biogenic magnetite or siderite, particularly at high Fe(III) reduction rates, and these solids may have 56Fe/54Fe ratios that are up to 1‰ lower than Fe(II)aq. Under low Fe(III) reduction rates, where equilibrium is likely to be attained, it appears that both sorbed Fe(II) and amorphous Fe(II)(s) components have isotopic compositions that are similar to those of Fe(II)aq.The relative order of δ56Fe values for these biogenic minerals and aqueous Fe(II) is: magnetite > siderite ≈ Fe(II)aq > Ca-bearing Fe carbonate, and this is similar to that observed for minerals from natural samples such as Banded Iron Formations (BIFs). Where magnetite from BIFs has δ56Fe >0‰, the calculated δ56Fe value for aqueous Fe(II) suggests a source from midocean ridge (MOR) hydrothermal fluids. In contrast, magnetite from BIFs that has δ56Fe ≤0‰ apparently requires formation from aqueous Fe(II) that had very low δ56Fe values. Based on this experimental study, formation of low-δ56Fe Fe(II)aq in nonsulfidic systems seems most likely to have been produced by dissimilatory reduction of ferric oxides by Fe(III)-reducing bacteria.  相似文献   

Iron isotopes were used to investigate iron transformation processes during an in situ field experiment for removal of dissolved Fe from reduced groundwater. This experiment provided a unique setting for exploring Fe isotope fractionation in a natural system. Oxygen-containing water was injected at a test well into an aquifer containing Fe(II)-rich reduced water, leading to oxidation of Fe(II) and precipitation of Fe(III)(hydr)oxides. Subsequently, groundwater was extracted from the same well over a time period much longer than the injection time. Since the surrounding water is rich in Fe(II), the Fe(II) concentration in the extracted water increased over time. The increase was strongly retarded in comparison to a conservative tracer added to the injected solution, indicating that adsorption of Fe(II) onto the newly formed Fe(III)(hydr)oxides occurred. A series of injection-extraction (push-pull) cycles were performed at the same well. The δ57Fe/54Fe of pre-experiment background groundwater (−0.57 ± 0.17 ‰) was lighter than the sediment leach of Fe(III) (−0.24 ± 0.08 ‰), probably due to slight fractionation (only ∼0.3 ‰) during microbial mediated reductive dissolution of Fe(III)(hydr)oxides present in the aquifer. During the experiment, Fe(II) was adsorbed from native groundwater drawn into the oxidized zone and onto Fe(III)(hydr)oxides producing a very light groundwater component with δ57Fe/54Fe as low as −4 ‰, indicating that heavier Fe(II) is preferentially adsorbed to the newly formed Fe(III)(hydr)oxides surfaces. Iron concentrations increased with time of extraction, and δ57Fe/54Fe linearly correlated with Fe concentrations (R2 = 0.95). This pattern was reproducible over five individual cycles, indicating that the same process occurs during repeated injection/extraction cycles. We present a reactive transport model to explain the observed abiotic fractionation due to adsorption of Fe(II) on Fe(III)(hydr)oxides. The fractionation is probably caused by isotopic differences in the equilibrium sorption constants of the various isotopes (Kads) and not by sorption kinetics. A fractionation factor α57/54 of 1.001 fits the observed fractionation.  相似文献   

Fe, S, and Cu reduced partition function ratios (β-factors) allow calculation of equilibrium isotope fractionation factors. β-Factors for chalcopyrite are calculated from experimental and theoretical partial phonon densities of state states (Kobayashi et al., 2007). The Fe β-factors for mackinawite are calculated from Mössbauer spectroscopy data (Bertaut et al., 1965). Excellent agreement exists between Fe β-factors for chalcopyrite calculated from the experimental and theoretical 57Fe phonon densities of states, supporting the reliability of the Fe β-factors for chalcopyrite. The 34S β-factor for chalcopyrite is consistent with experimental data on equilibrium sulfur isotope fractionation factors among sulfides and theoretical 34S β-factors, except those recently calculated by a DFT approach.Up-to-date experimental isotope-exchange data on equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation factors between minerals and aqueous Fe were critically reevaluated in conjunction with Fe β-factors for minerals, and the following expressions for β-factors for aqueous Fe2+ and Fe3+ were obtained:

The oxygen isotope fractionation factor of dissolved oxygen gas has been measured during inorganic reduction by aqueous FeSO4 at 10−54 °C under neutral (pH 7) and acidic (pH 2) conditions, with Fe(II) concentrations ranging up to 0.67 mol L−1, in order to better understand the geochemical behavior of oxygen in ferrous iron-rich groundwater and acidic mine pit lakes. The rate of oxygen reduction increased with increasing temperature and increasing Fe(II) concentration, with the pseudo-first-order rate constant k ranging from 2.3 to 82.9 × 10−6 s−1 under neutral conditions and 2.1 to 37.4 × 10−7 s−1 under acidic conditions. The activation energy of oxygen reduction was 30.9 ± 6.6 kJ mol−1 and 49.7 ± 13.0 kJ mol−1 under neutral and acidic conditions, respectively. Oxygen isotope enrichment factors (ε) become smaller with increasing temperature, increasing ferrous iron concentration, and increasing reaction rate under acidic conditions, with ε values ranging from −4.5‰ to −11.6‰. Under neutral conditions, ε does not show any systematic trends vs. temperature or ferrous iron concentration, with ε values ranging from −7.3 to −10.3‰. Characterization of the oxygen isotope fractionation factor associated with O2 reduction by Fe(II) will have application to elucidating the process or processes responsible for oxygen consumption in environments such as groundwater and acidic mine pit lakes, where a number of possible processes (e.g. biological respiration, reduction by reduced species) may have taken place.  相似文献   

Isotope fractionation during the evaporation of silicate melt and condensation of vapor has been widely used to explain various isotope signals observed in lunar soils, cosmic spherules, calcium–aluminum-rich inclusions, and bulk compositions of planetary materials. During evaporation and condensation, the equilibrium isotope fractionation factor (α) between high-temperature silicate melt and vapor is a fundamental parameter that can constrain the melt’s isotopic compositions. However, equilibrium α is difficult to calibrate experimentally. Here we used Mg as an example and calculated equilibrium Mg isotope fractionation in MgSiO3 and Mg2SiO4 melt–vapor systems based on first-principles molecular dynamics and the high-temperature approximation of the Bigeleisen–Mayer equation. We found that, at 2500 K, δ25Mg values in the MgSiO3 and Mg2SiO4 melts were 0.141?±?0.004 and 0.143?±?0.003‰ more positive than in their respective vapors. The corresponding δ26Mg values were 0.270?±?0.008 and 0.274?±?0.006‰ more positive than in vapors, respectively. The general \(\alpha - T\) equations describing the equilibrium Mg α in MgSiO3 and Mg2SiO4 melt–vapor systems were: \(\alpha_{{{\text{Mg}}\left( {\text{l}} \right) - {\text{Mg}}\left( {\text{g}} \right)}} = 1 + \frac{{5.264 \times 10^{5} }}{{T^{2} }}\left( {\frac{1}{m} - \frac{1}{{m^{\prime}}}} \right)\) and \(\alpha_{{{\text{Mg}}\left( {\text{l}} \right) - {\text{Mg}}\left( {\text{g}} \right)}} = 1 + \frac{{5.340 \times 10^{5} }}{{T^{2} }}\left( {\frac{1}{m} - \frac{1}{{m^{\prime}}}} \right)\), respectively, where m is the mass of light isotope 24Mg and m′ is the mass of the heavier isotope, 25Mg or 26Mg. These results offer a necessary parameter for mechanistic understanding of Mg isotope fractionation during evaporation and condensation that commonly occurs during the early stages of planetary formation and evolution.  相似文献   

Two higher plant species (rye grass and clover) were cultivated under laboratory conditions on two substrates (solution, phlogopite) in order to constrain the corresponding Mg isotope fractionations during plant growth and Mg uptake. We show that bulk plants are systematically enriched in heavy isotopes relative to their nutrient source. The Δ26Mgplant-source range from 0.72‰ to 0.26‰ for rye grass and from 1.05‰ to 0.41‰ for clover. Plants grown on phlogopite display Mg isotope signatures (relative to the Mg source) ∼0.3‰ lower than hydroponic plants. For a given substrate, rye grass display lower δ26Mg (by ∼0.3‰) relative to clover. Magnesium desorbed from rye grass roots display a δ26Mg greater than the nutrient solution. Adsorption experiments on dead and living rye grass roots also indicate a significant enrichment in heavy isotopes of the Mg adsorbed on the root surface. Our results indicate that the key processes responsible for heavy isotope enrichment in plants are located at the root level. Both species also exhibit an enrichment in light isotopes from roots to shoots (Δ26Mgleaf-root = −0.65‰ and −0.34‰ for rye grass and clover grown on phlogopite respectively, and Δ26Mgleaf-root of −0.06‰ and −0.22‰ for the same species grown hydroponically). This heavy isotope depletion in leaves can be explained by biological processes that affect leaves and roots differently: (1) organo-Mg complex (including chlorophyll) formation, and (2) Mg transport within plant. For both species, a positive correlation between δ26Mg and K/Mg was observed among the various organs. This correlation is consistent with the link between K and Mg internal cycles, as well as with formation of organo-magnesium compounds associated with enrichment in heavy isotopes. Considering our results together with the published range for δ26Mg of natural plants and rivers, we estimate that a significant change in continental vegetation would induce a change of the mean river δ26Mg that is comparable to analytical uncertainties.  相似文献   

We report the results of an experimental calibration of oxygen isotope fractionation between quartz and zircon. Data were collected from 700 to 1000 °C, 10–20 kbar, and in some experiments the oxygen fugacity was buffered at the fayalite–magnetite–quartz equilibrium. Oxygen isotope fractionation shows no clear dependence on oxygen fugacity or pressure. Unexpectedly, some high-temperature data (900–1000 °C) show evidence for disequilibrium oxygen isotope partitioning. This is based in part on ion microprobe data from these samples that indicate some high-temperature quartz grains may be isotopically zoned. Excluding data that probably represent non-equilibrium conditions, our preferred calibration for oxygen isotope fractionation between quartz and zircon can be described by:
This relationship can be used to calculate fractionation factors between zircon and other minerals. In addition, results have been used to calculate WR/melt–zircon fractionations during magma differentiation. Modeling demonstrates that silicic magmas show relatively small changes in δ18O values during differentiation, though late-stage mafic residuals capable of zircon saturation contain elevated δ18O values. However, residuals also have larger predicted melt–zircon fractionations meaning zircons will not record enriched δ18O values generally attributed to a granitic protolith. These results agree with data from natural samples if the zircon fractionation factor presented here or from natural studies is applied.  相似文献   

地质流体中不同络合物之间的稳定同位素平衡分馏系数是利用稳定同位素示踪地质流体演化过程的必要前提.但由于受实验条件的限制,流体中部分元素不同络合物之间的同位素分馏系数难以通过实验精确测定.基于第一性原理的理论计算是获得溶液中不同络合物之间稳定同位素平衡分馏系数的一种重要手段,能够获取各种极端条件下同位素分馏系数.在应用第...  相似文献   

Silicon shows no variation in its chemical valence in nature and exists mainly in the form of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra, so very small silicon isotope thermodynamic fractionation occurs and the resultant silicon isotope variation is limited. Dynamic fractionation of Si isotopes during precipitation of SiO2 from a solution is a main factor leading to substantial variations in silicon isotopes in nature. In this experimental study, we determined the dynamic fractionation factorα for silicon isotopes during precipitation of SiO2 from the solution. And in combination of α, a theoretical explanation is presented of the considerably low δ30Si values of black smokers on modern seafloor, Archean banded magnetite-quartzite and clay minerals of weathering origin, and of clearly high δ30Si values of siliceous rocks in shallow-sea carbonate platforms. This paper won the Paper of Excellence in the Second National Young Scientist Symposium on Geochemistry of Minerals and Rocks.  相似文献   

The mass-dependent fractionation laws that describe the partitioning of isotopes are different for kinetic and equilibrium reactions. These laws are characterized by the exponent relating the fractionation factors for two isotope ratios such that α2/1 = α3/1β. The exponent β for equilibrium exchange is (1/m1 − 1/m2)/(1/m1 − 1/m3), where mi are the atomic masses and m1 < m2 < m3. For kinetic fractionation, the masses used to evaluate β depend upon the isotopic species in motion. Reduced masses apply for breaking bonds whereas molecular or atomic masses apply for transport processes. In each case the functional form of the kinetic β is ln(M1/M2)/ln(M1/M3), where Mi are the reduced, molecular, or atomic masses. New high-precision Mg isotope ratio data confirm that the distinct equilibrium and kinetic fractionation laws can be resolved for changes in isotope ratios of only 3‰ per amu. The variability in mass-dependent fractionation laws is sufficient to explain the negative Δ17O of tropospheric O2 relative to rocks and differences in Δ17O between carbonate, hydroxyl, and anhydrous silicate in Martian meteorites. (For simplicity, we use integer amu values for masses when evaluating β throughout this paper.)  相似文献   

硅同位素动力学分馏的实验研究及地质应用   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
由于硅在自然界中没有化学阶态变化,主要呈硅氧四面体形式存在,因此硅同位素的热力学分馏很小,由此产生的硅同位素变化不大。溶液中SiO2沉淀过程的同位素动力学分馏是引起自然界硅同位素明显变化的主要原因。本文实验测定了溶液中SiO2沉淀过程的硅同位素动力学分馏系数α,并结合所测定的硅同位素动力学分馏系数对现代海底黑烟囱、太古代条带状磁铁石英岩、风化成因粘土矿物的δ^30Si值明显偏低;浅海碳酸盐台地中硅  相似文献   

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