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The speciation of water in silicate melts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous models of water solubility in silicate melts generally assume essentially complete reaction of water molecules to hydroxyl groups. In this paper a new model is proposed that is based on the hypothesis that the observed concentrations of molecular water and hydroxyl groups in hydrous silicate glasses reflect those of the melts from which they were quenched. The new model relates the proportions of molecular water and hydroxyl groups in melts via the following reaction describing the homogeneous equilibrium between melt species: H2Omolecular (melt) + oxygen (melt) = 2OH (melt). An equilibrium constant has been formulated for this reaction and species are assumed to mix ideally. Given an equilibrium constant for this reaction of 0.1–0.3, the proposed model can account for variations in the concentrations of molecular water and hydroxyl groups in melts as functions of the total dissolved water content that are similar to those observed in glasses. The solubility of molecular water in melt is described by the following reaction: H2O (vapor) = H2Omolecular (melt).These reactions describing the homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria of hydrous silicate melts can account for the following observations: the linearity between fH2O and the square of the mole fraction of dissolved water at low total water contents and deviations from linearity at high total water contents; the difference between the partial molar volume of water in melts at low total water contents and at high total water contents; the similarity between water contents of vapor-saturated melts of significantly different compositions at high pressures versus the dependence on melt composition of water solubility in silicate melts at low pressures; and the variations of viscosity, electrical conductivity, the diffusivity of “water,” the diffusivity of cesium, and phase relationships with the total dissolved water contents of melts.This model is thus consistent with available observations on hydrous melt systems and available data on the species concentrations of hydrous glasses and is easily tested, since measurements of the concentrations of molecular water and hydroxyl groups in silicate glasses quenched from melts equilibrated over a range of conditions and total dissolved water contents are readily obtainable.  相似文献   

The investigation of hydrous boro(alumino)silicate melts and glasses with near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy revealed an important effect of boron on the water speciation. In the NIR spectra of B-bearing glasses new hydroxyl-related bands develop at the high frequency side of the 4500 cm−1 peak. In NaAlSi3O8 + B2O3 glasses this new peak is present as a shoulder at 4650 cm−1, and in NaAlSi3O8-NaBSi3O8 (Ab-Rd) glasses it appears as a resolved peak at 4710 cm−1. These bands increase with increasing boron concentration, suggesting that they are due to B-OH complexes. Furthermore, the variations in the NIR spectra indicate that with increasing B-content, but constant total water concentration, the amount of structurally bonded hydroxyl groups increases at the expense of molecular H2O. For example, at a total water concentration of 4 wt.%, pure Rd-glass contains ∼50% more water as hydroxyl groups than pure Ab-glass.In-situ NIR spectroscopy at high P and T using a hydrothermal diamond-anvil cell was used to gain information about the temperature dependence of the water speciation in NaBSi3O8 melts. The data demonstrate the conversion of molecular H2O to hydroxyl groups with increasing temperature. However, a fully quantitative evaluation of the high T spectra was hampered by problems with defining the correct baseline in the spectra. As an alternative approach annealing experiments on a Rd-glass containing 2.8 wt.% water were performed. The results confirm the conversion of H2O to OH groups with increasing T, but also suggest that the OH groups represented by the 4710 cm−1 peak (B-OH) participate much less in the conversion reaction compared to X-OH, represented by the 4500 cm−1 peak.  相似文献   

A Conjugated Toop-Samis-Flood-Grjotheim (CTSFG) model is developed by combining the framework of the Toop-Samis polymeric approach with the Flood-Grjotheim theoretical treatment of silicate melts and slags. Electrically equivalent ion fractions are computed over the appropriate matrixes (anionic and cationic) in a Temkin notation for fused salts, and are used to weigh the contribution of the various disproportionation reactions of type:

Solubility and speciation of nitrogen in silicate melts have been investigated between 1400 and 1700 °C and at pressures ranging from 10 to 30 kbar for six different binary alkali and alkaline-earth silicate liquids and a Ca-Mg-alumino silicate. Experiments were performed in a piston-cylinder apparatus. The nitrogen source is silver azide, which breaks down to Ag and molecular N2 below 300 °C. At high pressure and temperature, the nitrogen content may be as high as 0.7 wt% depending on the melt composition, pressure, and temperature. It increases with T, P and the polymerization state of the liquid. Characterization by Raman spectroscopy and 15N solid state MAS NMR indicates that nitrogen is not only physically dissolved as N2 within the melt structure like noble gases, but a fraction of nitrogen interacts strongly with the silicate network. The most likely nitrogen-bearing species that can account for Raman and NMR results is nitrosyl group. Solubility data follow an apparent Henry’s law behavior and are in good agreement with previous studies when the nitrosyl content is low. On the other hand, a significant departure from a Henry’s law behavior is observed for highly depolymerized melts, which contain more nitrosyl than polymerized melts. Possible solubility mechanisms are also discussed. Finally, a multi-variant empirical relation is given to predict the relative content of nitrosyl and molecular nitrogen as a function of P, T, and melt composition and structure. This complex speciation of nitrogen in melts under high pressure may have significant implication concerning crystal-melt partitioning of nitrogen as well as for potential elemental and isotopic fractionation of nitrogen in the deep Earth.  相似文献   

Optical absorption spectra obtained on glasses quenched from sodium silicate melts show Mn3+ to be the dominant species for melts heated in air and Mn2+ to be the dominant species for melts heated at Po2 = 10?17 bar. The absorption spectrum of Mn3+ consists of an intense band at 20,000cm?1 with a 15,000cm?1 satellite possibly arising from the Jahn-Teller effect. The independence of the spectrum from melt composition and the high band intensity is offered as evidence for a distinct Mn3+ complex in the melt. The spectrum of Mn2+ is weak and many expected bands are not observed. A two-band luminescence spectrum from Mn2+ has been tentatively interpreted as due to Mn2+ in interstitial sites in the network and Mn2+ coordinated by non-bridging oxygens.  相似文献   

We have measured activity coefficients for NiO and FeO in a variety of silicate melts (SiO2-CaO-MgO-Al2O3) using electrochemical methods similar to square wave voltametry. We report the activity of the oxide ion (aO2−) in one composition. Based on these measurements, we have constructed a model that predicts the variations in activity we observe, and also variations in NiO activity reported in the literature. Activity of metal-oxide components such as NiO and FeO in silicate melts can be understood by considering contributions from both the activity of the oxide ion and the activity of the cation through expressions of the type:

Here empirical models for calculating self-diffusion coefficients and diffusion matrices are combined with MELTS, a thermodynamic model for silicate minerals and melts, to estimate diffusive dissolution rates, interface melt compositions and melt diffusivities. Simulations of olivine dissolution experiments in basalt show that the overall model is capable of accurately reproducing diffusive dissolution rates, and the resulting diffusion profiles, over a range of pressures and temperatures. However, the overall model is less successful at reproducing olivine dissolution in andesite, diopside dissolution in either basalt or andesite, or anorthite dissolution in picrite. Yet, even for these systems the predicted dissolution rates are generally within about a factor of two of the measured ones. Comparisons between simulations and experiments suggest that errors in the self-diffusion and thermodynamic models are responsible for the differences, and show that dissolution experiments could be a powerful way of testing and calibrating these and similar models. The overall model will also be a useful tool for designing future experiments, and for identifying the parameters that control diffusive dissolution (and crystallization) in silicate melts under a wide range of conditions.  相似文献   

The solubility of rutile has been determined in a series of compositions in the K2O-Al2O3-SiO2 system (K1 = K2O(K2O + Al2O3) = 0.38–0.90), and the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 system (C1 = CaO(CaO + Al2O3) = 0.47–0.59). Isothermal results in the KAS system at 1325°C, 1400°C, and 1475°C show rutile solubility to be a strong function of the K1 ratio. For example, at 1475°C the amount of TiO2 required for rutile saturation varies from 9.5 wt% (K1 = 0.38) to 11.5 wt% (K1 = 0.48) to 41.2 wt% (K1 = 0.90). In the CAS system at 1475°C, rutile solubility is not a strong function of C1. The amount of TiO2 required for saturation varies from 14 wt% (C1 = 0.48) to 16.2 wt% (C1 = 0.59).The solubility changes in KAS melts are interpreted to be due to the formation of strong complexes between Ti and K+ in excess of that needed to charge balance Al3+. The suggested stoichiometry of this complex is K2Ti2O5 or K2Ti3O7. In CAS melts, the data suggest that Ca2+ in excess of A13+ is not as effective at complexing with Ti as is K+. The greater solubility of rutile in CAS melts when C1 is less than 0.54 compared to KAS melts of equal K1 ratio results primarily from competition between Ti and Al for complexing cations (Ca vs. K).TiKβ x-ray emission spectra of KAS glasses (K1 = 0.43–0.60) with 7 mole% added TiO2, rutile, and Ba2TiO4, demonstrate that the average Ti-O bond length in these glasses is equal to that of rutile rather than Ba2TiO4, implying that Ti in these compositions is 6-fold rather than 4-fold coordinated. Re-examination of published spectroscopic data in light of these results and the solubility data, suggests that the 6-fold coordination polyhedron of Ti is highly distorted, with at least one Ti-O bond grossly undersatisfied in terms of Pauling's rules.  相似文献   

Incremental amounts of Na2O and K2O added to immiscible melts in the MgO-CaO-TiO2-Al2O3 SiO2 system cause a decrease in critical temperature, phase separation and change in the pattern of Al2O3 partitioning. Al2O3, which is concentrated in the low SiO2 immiscible melts in the alkali-free system, is increasingly partitioned into the high-SiO2 immiscible melt as the alkali/aluminium ratio is increased. However, K2O is more effective than Na2O in stabilizing Al2O2 in the SiO2-rich melt. The coordination changes occurring in the aluminosilicate melts upon the addition of the alkali oxides are described by CaAl2O4+2SiOK=2KAlO2+SiOCaOSi where K (or Na) displaces Ca as the charge-balancing cation for the networkforming AlO4 tetrahedra. The increased stability of the AlO4 species in the highly polymerized SiO2-rich melt and the consequent shrinkage of the miscibility gap is ascribed to positive configurational entropy and negative enthalpy changes associated with the formation of K, Na-AlO4 species. Element partition systematics indicate that (Na, K)AlO2 species favor the more polymerized, CaAl2O4 and TiO2 species, the less polymerized silicate structure in the melt.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of temperature and composition on the diffusivities of dissolved carbon dioxide and argon in silicate melts, diffusion experiments were performed at magmatic pressure and temperature conditions in (a) albite melts with excess Na2O (0-8.6 wt%) and a constant Si/Al ratio of 3, and (b) albite70quartz30 to jadeite melts with decreasing SiO2 content and a constant Na/Al ratio of 1. We obtained diffusion coefficients at 500 MPa and 1323-1673 K. In the fully polymerized system Ab70Qz30 - Jd, the change in composition only has a weak effect on bulk CO2 diffusivity, but Ar diffusivity increases clearly with decreasing SiO2 content. In the system Ab + Na2O, bulk CO2 and Ar diffusivity increase significantly with gradual depolymerisation. The relatively small change in composition on molar basis in the depolymerized system leads to a significantly larger change in diffusivities compared to the fully polymerized Ab70Qz30-Jd join. Within error, activation energies for bulk CO2 and Ar diffusion in both systems are identical with decreasing silica content (Ab + Na2O: 159 ± 25 kJ mol−1 for bulk CO2 and 130 ± 8 kJ mol−1 for Ar; Ab70Qz30-Jd: 163 ± 16 kJ mol−1 for bulk CO2 and 148 ± 15 kJ mol−1 for Ar) even though this results in depolymerisation in one system and not the other.Although there is a variation in CO2 speciation with changing composition as observed in quenched glasses, it has previously established that this is not a true representation of the species present in the melt, with the ratio of molecular CO2 to carbonate decreasing during quenching. Thus, diffusion coefficients for the individual CO2 species cannot be directly derived by measuring molecular CO2 and CO32- concentration-distance profiles in the glasses. To obtain diffusivities of individual CO2 species, we have made two assumptions that (1) inert Ar can be used as a proxy for molecular CO2 diffusion characteristics as shown by our previous work and (2) the diffusivity of CO32− can be calculated assuming it is identical to network forming components (Si4+ and Al3+). This is derived from viscosity data (Eyring eqn.) and suggests that CO32− diffusion would be several orders of magnitude slower than molecular CO2 diffusion.The systematics of measured bulk CO2 diffusivity rates and comparison with the Ar proxy all suggest that the faster molecular CO2 species is much more dominant in melts than measurements on resulting quenched glasses would suggest. This study has confirmed an observation of surprisingly consistent bulk CO2 diffusivity across a range of natural compositions were Ar diffusivity significantly increases. This is consistent with an actual increase in molecular CO2 mobility (similar to Ar) that is combined with an increase in the proportion of the slower carbonate in the melt.These results demonstrate that the CO2 diffusion and speciation model provides an insight into the transport processes in the melt and is promising and an alternative tool to in situ speciation measurements at magmatic conditions, which at the moment are technically extremely difficult. We present the first high pressure high temperature in situ MIR spectra of a CO2 bearing albitic glass/melt suggesting that molecular CO2 is a stable species at high temperature, which is qualitatively consistent with the modelled CO2 speciation data.  相似文献   

A theoretical model has been developed which describes the amphoteric character of oxides in silicate melts. This has been used to account for the increased stability of the higher oxidation states of altervalent trace elements in silicate melts with increasing basicity and to derive a general expression for the estimation of trace element activities in silicate melts.  相似文献   

Partitioning coefficients between olivine and silicate melts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
J.H. Bdard 《Lithos》2005,83(3-4):394-419
Variation of Nernst partition coefficients (D) between olivine and silicate melts cannot be neglected when modeling partial melting and fractional crystallization. Published natural and experimental olivine/liquidD data were examined for covariation with pressure, temperature, olivine forsterite content, and melt SiO2, H2O, MgO and MgO/MgO + FeOtotal. Values of olivine/liquidD generally increase with decreasing temperature and melt MgO content, and with increasing melt SiO2 content, but generally show poor correlations with other variables. Multi-element olivine/liquidD profiles calculated from regressions of D REE–Sc–Y vs. melt MgO content are compared to results of the Lattice Strain Model to link melt MgO and: D0 (the strain compensated partition coefficient), EM3+ (Young's Modulus), and r0 (the size of the M site). Ln D0 varies linearly with Ln MgO in the melt; EM3+ varies linearly with melt MgO, with a dog-leg at ca. 1.5% MgO; and r0 remains constant at 0.807 Å. These equations are then used to calculate olivine/liquidD for these elements using the Lattice Strain Model. These empirical parameterizations of olivine/liquidD variations yield results comparable to experimental or natural partitioning data, and can easily be integrated into existing trace element modeling algorithms. The olivine/liquidD data suggest that basaltic melts in equilibrium with pure olivine may acquire small negative Ta–Hf–Zr–Ti anomalies, but that negative Nb anomalies are unlikely to develop. Misfits between results of the Lattice Strain Model and most light rare earth and large ion lithophile partitioning data suggest that kinetic effects may limit the lower value of D for extremely incompatible elements in natural situations characterized by high cooling/crystallization rates.  相似文献   

We present a database and a graphical analysis of published experimental results for dissolution rates of olivine, quartz plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, spinel, and garnet in basaltic and andesitic melts covering a range of experimental temperatures (1100–1500°C) and pressures (105 Pa-3.0 GPa). The published datasets of Donaldson (1985, 1990) and Brearly and Scarfe (1986) are the most complete. Experimental dissolution rates from all datasets are recalculated and normalized to a constant oxygen basis to allow for direct comparison of dissolution rates between different minerals. Dissolution rates (ν) range from 5·10−10 oxygen equivalent moles (o.e.m.) cm−2 s−1 for olivine in a basaltic melt to 1.3·10−5 o.e.m. cm−2 s−1 for garnet in a basaltic melt. Values of ln ν are Arthenian for the experiments examined and activation energies range from 118 to 1800 kJ/o.e.m. for quartz and clinopyroxene, respectively.

The relationship between calculated A/RT for the dissolution reactions, where A is the thermodynamic potential affinity, and values of ν is linear for olivine, plagioclase, and quartz. We interpret this as strong evidence in support of using calculated A as a predictor of ν for, at least, superliquidus melt conditions.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that a hydrous, halide bearing silicate melt is a viable medium for diamond growth. Experiments were conducted in the MgO–SiO2–H2O–C ± KCl ± NaCl system, which was used as a model for harzburgitic mantle. In no case did we observe crystals that could be interpreted as spontaneously nucleated, but growth of diamond on seed crystals at 1,400–1,600°C and 7 GPa in experiments of 4 h duration was observed. The addition of KCl to the system produced crystallization of diamond at temperatures as low as 1,400°C. At higher temperatures, larger growth features were produced than those that seen in the KCl-free system at the same conditions. The NaCl-bearing system is different; in these experiments, the diamond seed crystals show evidence of possible dissolution and layer growth, albeit more subdued growth than in the KCl system. Therefore, NaCl may be an inhibitor of diamond growth in a hydrous silicate melt. Based on these results, hydrous silicate melts could play a role in formation of diamond in either deep subduction zones, or above slabs imbricated against a lithospheric ‘root’ in the sub-continental lithospheric mantle. The water and halide necessary for their formation could be transported into the mantle in hydrous phases such as serpentine in subducting lithospheric slabs. Dehydration of serpentine at >200 km depth would release hydrous, halide-bearing fluids into the overlying mantle wedge or lithospheric root, triggering melting at conditions similar to those of the formation of natural diamond.  相似文献   

Products of controlled smelting of basalt, andesite, granite, with and without additions of dolomite and/or catalysts, show tendencies toward liquation stratification, structural reorganization, microheterogeneities, microtextures, etc., under certain conditions, and in general, behavior which may resemble petrologically the natural liquation, crystallization, and mineralogenesis. -- V .P. Sokoloff.  相似文献   

With the configurational entropy theory of relaxation processes of Adam and Gibbs (1965), one predicts that the viscosity depends on temperature according to log η = Ae + BeTSconf, where Sconf is the configurational entropy of the liquid. Thermochemical calculations of Sconf performed for some mineral compositions show the importance of non-configurational contributions to the entropy differences between amorphous and crystalline phases. Except for the case of SiO2, the available thermodynamic data indicate that the above equation for viscosity accounts quantitatively for the experimentally determined temperature dependence of the viscosity of silicate melts. The Adam and Gibbs theory also provides a simple rationale for the non linear variation of the logarithmic viscosity with composition in mixed alkali silicate liquids at low temperatures, the minimum of viscosity resulting from the contribution of the entropy of mixing to Sconf.  相似文献   

The volumes per oxygen of some silicate melts have been calculated and then compared with those of silicate glasses.It is suggested that the volume of a silicate melt can be divided into two parts.One is contri buted by the silicon-oxygen network and the other by the “oxides”.Variation patterns of VPOs suggest that the volume of the Si-O network generally remains unchanged and the expansion of the melt is caused mainly by the locat expansion of the “oxides”.It is further proposed that the radius of O^2- shows little variation,in striking contrast to the radius of cations.The mechanism governing the expansion is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Trace element partitioning between apatite and silicate melts   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We present new experimental apatite/melt trace element partition coefficients for a large number of trace elements (Cs, Rb, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Sm, Gd, Lu, Y, Sr, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, U, Pb, and Th). The experiments were conducted at pressures of 1.0 GPa and temperatures of 1250 °C. The rare earth elements (La, Ce, Pr, Sm, Gd, and Lu), Y, and Sr are compatible in apatite, whereas the larger lithophile elements (Cs, Rb, and Ba) are strongly incompatible. Other trace elements such as U, Th, and Pb have partition coefficients close to unity. In all experiments we found DHf > DZr, DTa ≈ DNb, and DBa > DRb > DCs. The experiments reveal a strong influence of melt composition on REE partition coefficients. With increasing polymerisation of the melt, apatite/melt partition coefficients for the rare earth elements increase for about an order of magnitude. We also present some results in fluorine-rich and water-rich systems, respectively, but no significant influence of either H2O or F on the partitioning was found. Furthermore, we also present experimentally determined partition coefficients in close-to natural compositions which should be directly applicable to magmatic processes.  相似文献   

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