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The upper Tortonian Metochia marls on the island of Gavdos provide an ideal geological archive to trace variations in Aegean sediment supply as well as changes in the North African monsoon system. A fuzzy-cluster analysis on the multiproxy geochemical and rock magnetic dataset of the astronomically tuned sedimentary succession shows a dramatic shift in the dominance of 'Aegean tectonic' clusters to 'North African climate' clusters. The tectonic signature, traced by the starvation of the Cretan sediment, now enables to date the late Tortonian basin foundering on Crete, related to the tectonic break-up of the Aegean landmass, at c.  8.2 Ma. The synchronous decrease in the North African climate proxies is interpreted to indicate a change in the depositional conditions of the sink rather than a climatic change in the African source. This illustrates that interpretations of climate proxies require a multiproxy approach which also assesses possible contributions of regional tectonism.  相似文献   

Habibi  Hanna  Feld  Jan 《Natural Hazards》2020,104(2):1443-1463
Natural Hazards - Emergency support is often delayed after a disaster. Despite the importance of being prepared to deal with the immediate aftermath of disasters, not everyone prepares effectively....  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Calcarenitic bodies punctuate the shallow-water deposits of Plio-Pleistocene Mediterranean basins. Their rhythmic stacking pattern and stratigraphic distribution suggest a close relationship with deep-water sapropel cycles, whose development is controlled by periodic changes in the Earth's orbital parameters. Calcarenitic bodies occur as eccentricity-controlled clusters (over periods of 100–400 kyr) showing a time-correlation with sapropel clusters, starting from 3.1 Ma. Formation of individual calcarenites is possibly driven by obliquity and/or precession cyclicity. This has important implications both for an improved understanding of Mediterranean palaeoceanographic events and correlation of shallow- and deep-water successions. The appearance of sapropel and calcarenitic clusters starting from 3.1 Ma suggests a direct link with the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation, which could be responsible for the amplification of oceanographic events within the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Large seasonal variations in the dissolved load of the headwater tributaries of the Marsyandi river (Nepal Himalaya) for major cations and 87Sr/86Sr ratios are interpreted to result from a greater dissolution of carbonate relative to silicate at high runoff. There is up to a 0.003 decrease in strontium isotope ratios and a factor of 3 reduction in the Si(OH)4/Ca ratio during the monsoon. These variations, in small rivers sampling uniform lithologies, result from a different response of carbonate and silicate mineral dissolution to climatic forcing. Similar trends are observed in compiled literature data, from both Indian and Nepalese Himalayan rivers. Carbonate weathering is more sensitive to monsoonal runoff because of its faster dissolution kinetics. Silicate weathering increases relative to carbonate during the dry season, and may be more predominant in groundwater with longer water-rock interaction times. Despite this kinetic effect, silicate weathering fluxes are dominated by the monsoon flux, when between 50% and 70% of total annual silicate weathering flux occurs.  相似文献   

判别岩石所处的变形破坏阶段是分析岩石变化过程的重要基础。由于室内试验视频数据具有很好的等时距分布特征,可以使用基于长短期记忆的神经网络(LSTM-NN)模型判别外荷作用下岩石的变形破坏阶段。本文根据花岗岩室内单轴压缩试验所得应力-应变曲线和试验视频图像中裂隙的分布情况,将岩石变形破坏过程分成岩石压密阶段、弹性变形阶段、裂隙扩展阶段、整体破坏阶段,在提取不同阶段不同组分主要数字特征参数(面积)基础上,建立了基于LSTM-NN模型的岩石变形破坏阶段分类网络,分析了模型主要参数(学习率和最大周期等)对分类准确性的影响,使用所建模型对岩石所处变形破坏阶段进行了判别。结果表明,在LSTM-NN模型参数中,学习率和最大周期对变形破坏阶段判别准确率的影响较大,二者分别为0.005和200时的判别准确率达到最高;对于整个变形破坏阶段来说,LSTM-NN模型对裂隙扩展阶段预测的判别效果最好、对整体破坏阶段预测的判别效果最差;对于花岗岩中不同组分来说,LSTM-NN模型对变形破坏阶段预测准确性高低的顺序是裂隙、黑云母、长石、石英。  相似文献   

Astronomical tuning of the Messinian pre‐salt succession in the Levant Basin allows for the first time the reconstruction of a detailed chronology of the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC) events in deep setting and their correlation with marginal records that supports the CIESM ( 2008 ) 3‐stage model. Our main conclusions are (1) MSC events were synchronous across marginal and deep basins, (2) MSC onset in deep basins occurred at 5.97 Ma, (3) only foraminifera‐barren, evaporite‐free shales accumulated in deep settings between 5.97 and 5.60 Ma, (4) deep evaporites (anhydrite and halite) deposition started later, at 5.60 Ma and (5) new and published 87Sr/86Sr data indicate that during all stages, evaporites precipitated from the same water body in all the Mediterranean sub‐basins. The wide synchrony of events and 87Sr/86Sr homogeneity implies inter‐sub‐basin connection during the whole MSC and is not compatible with large sea‐level fall and desiccation of the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

The potential significance of the contributions of long chain iso and anteiso monomethyl alkanes (LC MMAs) from plants of the Lamiaceae, a family that includes many culinary and aromatic herbs of cultural value, to sediments and soil has been evaluated by analyzing 21 specimens from 16 species of Lamiaceae from different environmental settings in Hubei Province, central China, and comparing the results with those from tobacco plants, which are established to be rich in these compounds. Odd numbered iso-alkanes (i-C25 to i-C36) and even numbered anteiso-alkanes (a-C25 to a-C36) are abundant in the Lamiaceae (1.9-23.2% and 0.9-23.8% of total alkanes, respectively). The proportions of LC MMAs are relatively high and comparable to those in the tobacco plant. However, chain lengths in the Lamiaceae are longer than those in tobacco plants and compound-specific δ13C values are more negative than in the tobacco plants, potentially allowing distinction of their different origins. The results imply that Lamiaceae, in addition to some other land plants, can be important sources of LC iso- and anteiso-alkanes in sediments and soils.  相似文献   

Trend of climatic changes in geological history of the Earth was determined by gradual decrease in the global surface temperature. Substantial deviations from this trend depended on the prevalent type of volcanism: predominantly explosive volcanism at convergent boundaries between lithospheric plates led to cooling and onset of glacial epochs, while intense intraplate volcanism strengthened greenhouse effect and resulted in global warming. During cold epochs, orogenic processes played an important role in climatic variations. The most frequent and regular climatic variations are controlled by the Earth position in solar orbit (Milankovitch cycles). The Late Cenozoic variations of cold climate were interrelated with orogenic processes caused by collision between the Indian and North Asian lithospheric plates. The first event of considerable cooling in the Northern Hemisphere (2.8–2.5 Ma ago) coincided with a rapid growth of mountains throughout the collision belt. The Tibetan Plateau formed in South Asia. In Central Asia, the large (> 1.5 × 106 km2) Khangai-Altai-Sayan mountain system appeared 3 Ma ago. Total area subjected to orogenic processes in Central and South Asia exceeded 9 × 106 km2. The intense intraplate volcanism suggests that sublithospheric mantle was involved into orogenic processes. Alternation of glacial and interglacial climatic epochs during the last 1.8 m.y. is recorded in Central Asia. These climatic variations are compatible with the Milankovitch cycles. As is established, climatic events recognizable in the Baikal sedimentary record are correlative with interglacial and glacial epochs detectable in volcanic lavas of the East Sayan Mountains. There are indications of lava eruptions into ice during the cold periods. It is assumed therefore that all the cooling epochs detectable in the Baikal sedimentary record after 1.8 Ma were associated with development of mountain glaciation that formed glacial sheet up to 3 km thick and 100 000 km2 in size. During the Brunhes Chron, there were eight glaciations at least. The endogenic (volcanism and orogeny) and exogenic (glaciation) processes during the last 3 m.y. are shown to be correlative. The intermittent development and degradation of thick ice sheets was responsible for oscillation of lithospheric load on the asthenosphere, and this caused periodical magma generation in marginal parts of volcanic provinces.  相似文献   

Isotopic ratios of Sr and Nd from lithogenic components of three isochronous core sections recovered from an east-west transect in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (EMS) have been analyzed. The data are used for a quantitative estimate of the temporal and spatial variation of detrital flux to the EMS, assuming Saharan dust and Aegean/Nile particulate matter as dominant end members. It was established that the carbonate-free Saharan dust flux during deposition of the nonsapropel layers of marine oxygen isotope stage 5.4 (MIS 5.4) was similar to the present flux. During the deposition of sapropels S5 and S6, however, the Saharan dust input was drastically reduced and was not balanced by a change in the riverine influx at this time. Denser vegetation cover during more humid conditions may have reduced physical erosion and sediment removal in the source area. During marine oxygen isotope stage 6.2 (MIS 6.2) a pronounced increase of Saharan dust and detrital influx from the Aegean region is evident and implies more arid conditions in the southern and northern catchment areas. During this period, intersite variations are interpreted in terms of their geographic location relative to the seaways connecting the Aegean Sea and EMS. The width of the straits and hence the amount of sediment entering the eastern basins may have been affected by a low sea level that impeded interbasin sediment dispersal.  相似文献   

Studies of the vegetation response to abrupt climatic events may provide valuable insights into assessing the impacts of such events under future global warming scenarios. Here we present a detailed record of regional vegetation change based on high-resolution pollen records for the intervals 9000–7000 and 5000–3000 cal a bp from the Hulun Lake region of north-eastern China. Our aims were to determine the regional expression of the 8.2- and 4.2-ka events in north-eastern China, especially their effects on vegetation composition. The results show that the response of the vegetation of the Hulun Lake region to the climatic cooling of the 8.2-ka event was relatively minor; however, the 4.2-ka event, which resulted in climatic aridification, resulted in pronounced vegetation degradation. We suggest that the specific characteristics of the 8.2- and 4.2-ka events, together with their duration and the regional climatic background on an orbital time scale, were the main factors responsible for the contrasting vegetation responses. The strengthening and northward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) tended to offset the cooling effect of the 8.2-ka event on regional vegetation in the mid–high latitudes of East Asia; in contrast, the decrease in summer insolation in the Northern Hemisphere and the southward shift of the ITCZ may have intensified the drought effect of the 4.2-ka event in East Asia and the associated vegetation degradation. Under future global warming scenarios, both extreme cooling events and extreme drought events may cause a deterioration of the ecological environment; however, the resulting regional vegetation responses may be substantially different.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of various parameters of pulsars with short (P < 0.1 s) and long (P > 0.1 s) periods is carried out. There is no correlation between the radio and gamma-ray luminosities of the pulsars and their surfacemagnetic fields, but there is a correlation between the X-ray luminosity and the surfacemagnetic field. A dependence of the X-ray and gamma-ray luminosities on the magnetic field at the light cylinder is also found. This result provides evidence for the formation of hard, non-thermal emission at the periphery of the magnetosphere. An appreciable positive correlation between the luminosity and the rate of rotational energy loss by the neutron star is observed, supporting the idea that all radio pulsars have the same basic source of energy. The efficiency of the transformation of rotational energy into radiation is significantly higher in long-period pulsars. The dependence of the pulse width on the pulsar period is steeper for pulsars with short periods than for those with long periods. The results obtained support earlier assertions that there are differences in the processes generating the emission in pulsars with P < 0.1 s and those with P > 0.1 s.  相似文献   

The origin of the genus Bos is a debated issue. From ∼ 0.5 Ma until historic times, the genus is well known in the Eurasian large mammal assemblages, where it is represented by Bos primigenius. This species has a highly derived cranial anatomy that shows important morphological differences from other Plio-Pleistocene Eurasian genera of the tribe Bovini such as Leptobos, Bison, Proamphibos-Hemibos, and Bubalus. The oldest clear evidence of Bos is the skull fragment ASB-198-1 from the middle Pleistocene (∼ 0.6-0.8 Ma) site of Asbole (Lower Awash Valley, Ethiopia). The first appearance of Bos in Europe is at the site of Venosa-Notarchirico, Italy (∼ 0.5-0.6 Ma). Although the origin of Bos has traditionally been connected with Leptobos and Bison, after a detailed anatomical and morphometric study we propose here a different origin, connecting the middle Pleistocene Eurasian forms of B. primigenius with the African Late Pliocene and early Pleistocene large size member of the tribe Bovini Pelorovis sensu stricto. The dispersal of the Bos lineage in Western Europe during middle Pleistocene times seems to coincide with the arrival of the Acheulean tool technology in this continent.  相似文献   

We generated a high-resolution SSTMg/Ca record for the surface-dwelling planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides from the core MD99-2346 collected in the Gulf of Lion, and compared it to that obtained using modern analogue techniques applied to fossil foraminiferal assemblages (SSTMAT). The two temperature records display similar patterns during the last 28,000 years but the SSTMg/Ca estimates are several degrees warmer (∼ +4 °C) than SSTMAT. The temperature shift between SSTMg/Ca and SSTMAT remained relatively constant over time. This seems to exclude a bias on the Mg/Ca record associated with salinity or secondary Mg-rich calcite encrustation on the foraminiferal tests during early diagenesis. Therefore, anomalously high Mg/Ca suggests either: (1) the empirical equation for G. bulloides of Elderfield and Ganssen (2000) is incorrect; or (2) there is a specific Mediterranean genotypes of G. bulloides for which a specific Mg/Ca-temperature calibration is needed.  相似文献   

The boron isotope-pH technique is founded on a theoretical model of carbonate δ11B variation with pH that assumes that the boron isotopic composition of carbonates mirrors the boron isotopic composition of borate in solution (δ11Bcarb = δ11Bborate). Knowledge of the fractionation factor for isotope exchange between boric acid and borate in solution (α4-3), the equilibrium constant for the dissociation of boric acid (pKB*), as well as the isotopic composition of boron in seawater (δ11Bsw) are required parameters of the model.The available data suggests that both the value of α4-3 and the history of δ11Bsw are poorly constrained. However, if one assumes that δ11Bcarb = δ11Bborate, an empirical value for α4-3 can be estimated from the results of inorganic carbonate precipitation experiments. This exercise yields an α4-3 value of ∼0.974 in accordance with recent theoretical estimates, but substantially deviates from the theoretical value of 0.981 often used to estimate paleo-ocean pH. Re-evaluation of ocean pH using an α4-3 value of 0.974 and published foraminiferal δ11B values for the Cenozoic yield pH estimates that are relatively invariant, but unrealistically high (∼8.4-8.6). Uncertainty increases as foraminiferal ‘vital effects’ are considered and different models for secular changes in seawater δ11B are applied.The inability to capture realistic ocean pH possibly reflects on our understanding of the isotopic relationship between carbonate and borate, as well as the mechanism of boron incorporation in carbonates. Given the current understanding of boron systematics, pH values estimated using this technique have considerable uncertainty, particularly when reconstructions exceed the residence time of boron in the ocean.  相似文献   

地中海海域油气储量规模大,但分布不均,可采储量主要分布在地中海中部和东部地区。其中,位于东地中海沿岸的黎凡特盆地近年来陆续发现了多个大油气田,资源量巨大,吸引了国内外学者的广泛关注。但黎凡特盆地存在未来勘探方向不明确等问题,因此本文基于该区域油气资源概况、盆地构造、沉积、成藏组合等的研究,对未来勘探有利区进行了预测。本文认为以色列深水区中生界砂岩、碳酸盐岩及古近系碎屑岩体系等均具有一定的勘探潜力,可作为未来勘探开发的重点区域。  相似文献   

Ahadov  Bahruz  Ozturk  Serkan 《Natural Hazards》2022,111(3):2177-2192
Natural Hazards - In this study, a comprehensive statistical analysis was made for different parts of the world. For this purpose, fundamental seismotectonic earthquake parameters such as b-value,...  相似文献   

地中海海域油气储量规模大,但分布不均,可采储量主要分布在地中海中部和东部地区。其中,位于东地中海沿岸的黎凡特盆地近年来陆续发现了多个大油气田,资源量巨大,吸引了国内外学者的广泛关注。但黎凡特盆地存在未来勘探方向不明确等问题,因此本文基于该区域油气资源概况、盆地构造、沉积、成藏组合等的研究,对未来勘探有利区进行了预测。本文认为以色列深水区中生界砂岩、碳酸盐岩及古近系碎屑岩体系等均具有一定的勘探潜力,可作为未来勘探开发的重点区域。  相似文献   

Extreme climatic events are likely to adversely affect many countries throughout the world, but the degrees among countries may be different. China and Japan are the countries with high incidences of extreme weather/disaster, both facing with the urgent task of addressing climate change. This study seeks to quantitatively compare the impacts of extreme climatic events on socioeconomic systems (defined as vulnerability) of the two countries by simulating the consequences of hypothetical same degree of electricity disruption along with extreme events. To do that, two computable general equilibrium models are constructed, by using which three-stage scenarios are simulated for China and Japan, respectively. The results reveal that China and Japan have unequal socioeconomic vulnerabilities to extreme events. (1) Negative impact of the same degree of power outages is bigger on China’s socioeconomic system than on that of Japan, and this difference is more obvious in the very short-run scenario. (2) The decline of China’s GDP, total output, and employment levels is 2–3 times higher than that of Japan, while the difference of the resident welfare levels is sharper, which of China drops 3–5 times of Japan. (3) Structural factors are the main reason for vulnerability differences between China and Japan, including the differences of expenditure structure, factor input structure for production of life requirement sectors, material and energy dependence for the production of industrial sectors, and usage structure of services outputs. Based on these findings, some policy implications and recommendations for fairness issues on climate change adaptation are proposed.  相似文献   

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