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Hydrological information – which plays a crucial role in resolving conflicts over water allocation and distribution – is commonly seen as apolitical. However, this type of information is seldom objective and free of biases. Instead, it is used to position arguments and interests in accordance with the prevailing political agendas. Information is structured by complex and conflicting networks of public and private stakeholder interests, further reconstituted in different periods of time and place. Based on a study of the upper Yali basin in the municipality of San Pedro de Melipilla, Chile, we show how knowledge about water is produced, circulated and applied in the context of water scarcity and emerging conflicts over access to groundwater. Building on the notion of the hydrosocial cycle, the qualitative study shows how the production of hydrological reports and its application in political decision-making have reinforced asymmetrical relationships between the stakeholders locked in water conflicts. The lack of capacity of local farmers and community organizations to translate experiences into codified hydrological knowledge further exacerbates these asymmetries. Agro-industrial companies operating in the basin use hydrological assessments to locate and shift the water scarcity problems to the users, whereas locals blame them for accumulating disproportionately large concentrations of water extraction rights. Results contribute to the existing literature on environmental knowledge, arguing that discourses on water scarcity are not objective but shaped by socio-political contingencies. Overemphasising on data and techno-science based information to support certain decisions may be misleading without first unveiling the knowledge production processes operating across power-laden landscapes.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine two central concepts of urban metabolism (‘system boundaries’ and ‘flows’), and explore how to approach them as a means to politicise urban metabolism research. We present empirical findings from two case studies of waste management, in Mexico City and Santiago de Chile, looking at: the materiality of waste flows, the actors involved in them, and how waste flows relate to issues of environmental justice. We argue that urban metabolism, as a methodology to understand urban sustainability, has the potential to produce knowledge to trigger urban transformations, and to analyse the social, political and environmental aspects of waste management in urban areas.  相似文献   

Farhana Sultana 《Geoforum》2011,42(2):163-172
This article argues that resource access, use, control, ownership and conflict are not only mediated through social relations of power, but also through emotional geographies where gendered subjectivities and embodied emotions constitute how nature-society relations are lived and experienced on a daily basis. By engaging the insights from feminist political ecology literatures and emotional geographies literatures, the article demonstrates that resource struggles and conflicts are not just material challenges but emotional ones, which are mediated through bodies, spaces and emotions. Such a focus fleshes out the complexities, entanglements and messy relations that constitute political ecologies of resources management, where practices and processes are negotiated through constructions of gender, embodiments, and emotions. Abstractions of ‘resource struggles’ and ‘resource conflicts’ are thereby grounded in embodied emotional geographies of places, peoples, and resources, enabling us to better understand the ways resources and emotions come to matter in everyday survival struggles. This framing can enrich feminist political ecology theorizations and texture our understandings of commonly-used terms such as access, use, control, conflict and struggles vis-à-vis natural resources in any context. In other words, we are better able to conceptualize and explain how and why people access, use, and struggle over resources the ways they do. A case study of drinking water contamination from Bangladesh is used to develop the theoretical arguments in contributing to existing debates in (feminist) political ecologies.  相似文献   

Numerical models on thermal structure, convective flow of solid, generation and transportation of H2O-rich fluid in subduction zones are consolidated to have a comprehensive view of the subduction zone processes: heat balance, circulation of H2O magmatism–metamorphism, growth of arcs and continental margins. A large scale convection model with steady subduction of a cold old slab (130 Myr old) predicts rapid ( 100 Myr) cooling of subduction zones, resulting in cessation of magmatism. The model also predicts that the mantle temperature beneath arcs and continental margins is greatly affected by the effective temperature of the subducting slab, i.e., the age of the subducting slab. If subduction of a young hot slab, including ridge subduction, occurs every 60 to 120 Myr as is suggested for eastern Asia, the average temperature beneath arcs is increased by about 300 °C, which may explain the long-lasting magmatism in eastern Asia. Associated with subduction of young slabs and ridges, thermal structure and circulation of H2O are greatly modified to cause a transition from (1) normal arc magmatism, (2) forearc mantle melting, to (3) slab melting to produce a significant amount (100 km3) of granitic melts, associated with both high-P/T and low-P/T type metamorphism. The last stage of (3) can result in formation of a granitic batholith belt and a paired metamorphic belts. Synthesis of the numerical models and observations suggest that episodic subduction of young slabs and ridges can explain heat source for generating a large amount of granitic magmas of batholiths, synchronous formation of batholith and regional metamorphic belts, and PT conditions of the paired metamorphism. Even the high-P/T metamorphism requires an elevated geothermal structure in the forearc region, associated with ridge subduction. Although the emplacement of the batholiths and the regional metamorphic belts, and the mass balance in subduction zones are not well constrained at present, the episodic event associated with ridge subduction is thought to be essential for net growth of arcs and continental margins, as well as for the long-term heat balance in subduction zones.  相似文献   

Coalfields in North China contain six to seven coal seams in the Permo-Carboniferous strata. The coal seams are underlain by the Ordovician limestone. Large-scale dewatering or depressurizing of the karst aquifer was considered essential to avoid water inrushes and keep the mines safely operational. This practice, however, has caused water supply shortage in the mining areas. The most effective solution to this conflict is to use the uncontaminated karst water from the mines for water supply. This paper explores a management model to maximize the utilization of the karst water while maintaining the safe operation of the mines. The model can provide essential information on water resource distribution for decision makers. The model was applied to the Dongshan Coal Mine in Taiyuan City, China.  相似文献   

综合考虑水文气象、南水北调工程、地下水超采控制、入海水量控制目标等因素,以及现状(2005年)、2010年和2020年3个水平年,设置了9个情景方案,应用海河流域二元水循环模型(简称"二元模型")进行了水资源管理战略情景模拟分析.采用GDP、粮食产量、ET(蒸散发量)、入海水量、总用水量、减少地下水超采量等评价指标对9个情景方案的模拟结果进行了评价,给出了各规划水平年的推荐方案.在此基础上,对今后海河流域水资源管理战略问题如ET控制、地下水超采量控制和入渤海水量控制等进行了讨论.研究表明,未来虽然有南水北调工程对本流域的补水,但需要严格控制流域用水量和耗水量,才能做到逐步减少地下水超采量、增加入渤海水量,实现国民经济与生态环境的和谐发展.  相似文献   

We propose a thermodynamic model for the mixing of gases in aqueous sodium chloride solutions valid to high pressures, high temperatures, and high ionic strength solutions. Our model couples Henry's Law with any equation of state to reproduce experimental data in the aqueous-rich liquid and gas-rich vapor region. In our model, the chemical potential of the solute in the brine is related to the chemical potential of the solute in pure water through salting-out coefficients. The model reproduces all crucial phenomena of binary (gas–water) and pseudo-binary (gas–water–salt) vapor–liquid mixtures below their critical point. We applied the model to reproduce the phase behavior of nitrogen in water and NaCl brines. Results and discussions are shown.  相似文献   

The epithermal El Peñon gold–silver deposit consists of quartz–adularia veins emplaced within a late Upper Paleocene rhyolitic dome complex, located in the Paleocene–Lower Eocene Au–Ag belt of northern Chile. Detailed K–Ar and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology on volcano–plutonic rocks and hydrothermal minerals were carried out to constrain magmatic and hydrothermal events. The Paleocene to Lower Eocene magmatism in the El Peñon area is confined to a rhomb-shaped basin, which was controlled by N–S trending normal faults and both NE- and NW-trending transtensional fault systems. The earliest products of the basin-filling sequences comprise of Middle to Upper Paleocene (~59–55 Ma) welded rhyolitic ignimbrites and andesitic to dacitic lavas, with occasional dacitic dome complexes. Later, rhyolitic and dacitic dome complexes (~55–52 Ma) represent the waning stages of volcanism during the latest Upper Paleocene and the earliest Eocene. Lower Eocene porphyry intrusives (~48–43 Ma) mark the end of the magmatism in the basin and a change to a compressive tectonomagmatic regime. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of hydrothermal adularia from the El Peñon deposit yields ages between 51.0±0.6 and 53.1±0.5 Ma. These results suggest that mineralization occurred slightly after the emplacement of the El Peñon rhyolitic dome at 54.5±0.6 Ma (40Ar/39Ar age) and was closely tied to later dacitic–rhyodacitic bodies of 52 to 53 Ma (K–Ar ages), probably as short-lived pulses related to single volcanic events.  相似文献   

陈兴  薛春纪 《岩石学报》2016,32(5):1301-1314
乌拉根铅锌矿是中国西北地区目前探明金属量最大的铅锌矿床,但大规模成矿所需H2S的成因方式尚不清楚。在野外调查和矿相学观察基础上,论文通过场发射扫描电镜(FESEM)、能谱(EDS)和质谱(MS)观测分析表明,矿石中发育闪锌矿纳米莓球、丝/管状结构,它们由他形闪锌矿微晶集合而成,莓球直径30~700nm,丝/管状结构与莓球密切共生;常见与闪锌矿等矿石矿物共生的方解石纳米莓球结构,由他形方解石微晶集合而成,莓球直径20~800nm;也常见与矿石矿物共生的菱铁矿微米莓球、丝/管状结构,它们由他形菱铁矿微晶集合而成,莓球直径1~3μm,表面毛糙,丝/管状结构常出现在莓球周围并连接着莓球。这些纳/微米莓球在矿石中成群落不均匀分布,属细菌微生物成因,丝/管状结构为胞外聚合物的表现。矿石δ34SCDT变化大且显著偏负值(-27.9‰~15.0‰)。乌拉根大规模铅锌硫化物成矿所需H2S可能主要通过细菌硫酸盐还原(BSR)产生,盆地流体中烃类有机质催化下的细菌微生物硫酸盐还原反应是乌拉根铅锌大规模成矿的重要过程。  相似文献   

Eclogites from the south Tianshan, NW China are grouped into two types: glaucophane and hornblende eclogites, composed, respectively, of garnet + omphacite + glaucophane + paragonite + epidote + quartz and garnet + omphacite + hornblende (sensu lato) + paragonite + epidote + quartz, plus accessory rutile and ilmenite. These eclogites are diverse both in mineral composition and texture not only between the two types but also among the different selected samples within the glaucophane eclogite. Using thermocalc 3.1 and recent models of activity–composition relation for minerals, a PT projection and a series of P–T pseudosections for specific samples of eclogite have been calculated in the system Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (NCFMASH) with quartz and water taken to be in excess. On the basis of these phase diagrams, the phase relations and P–T conditions are well delineated. The three selected samples of glaucophane eclogite AK05, AK11 and AK17 are estimated to have peak P–T conditions, respectively, of 540–550 °C at c. 16 kbar, c. 560 °C at 15–17 kbar and c. 580 °C at 15–19 kbar, and two samples of hornblende eclogite AK10 and AK30 of 610–630 °C and 17–18 kbar. Together with H2O‐content contours in the related P–T pseudosections and textural relations, both types of eclogite are inferred to show clockwise P–T paths, with the hornblende eclogite being transformed from the glaucophane eclogite assemblage dominantly through increasing temperature.  相似文献   

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