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Two-color photometric data obtained on the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory are used to analyze the structure of 13 large disk galaxies in the NGC 80 group. Nine of the 13 studied galaxies are classified as lenticular galaxies. The stellar populations in the galaxies are very diverse, from old stars with ages of T > 10 billion years (IC 1541) to relatively young stars with ages of T ∼ 1–3 billion years (IC 1548, NGC 85); in one case, star formation is ongoing (UCM 0018+2216). In most of the studied galaxies, more precisely in all of them brighter than M B ∼ −18, two-tiered stellar disks are detected, whose radial surface-brightness profiles can be described by two exponential segments with different characteristic scales—shorter near the center and longer at the periphery. All of the dwarf S0 galaxies with single-tiered disks are close companions to larger galaxies. Except for this fact, no dependence of the properties of S0 galaxies on distance from the center of the group is found. Morphological signs of a “minor merger” are found in the lenticular galaxy NGC 85. Based on these last two results, it is concluded that the most probable mechanism for their transformation of spiral into lenticular galaxies in groups is gravitational (minor mergers and tidal interactions).  相似文献   

The results of multicolor surface photometry of the S0 galaxies NGC 524, NGC 1138, and NGC 7280 and the spiral galaxies NGC 532, NGC 783, and NGC 1589 are reported. U BV RI observations were acquired with the 1.5-m telescope of the Maidanak Observatory (Uzbekistan), while JHK data were taken from the 2MASS catalog. The overall structure of the galaxies is analyzed and the galaxy images decomposed into bulge and disk components. The parameters of the galaxy components—rings, bars, spiral arms, and dust lanes—are determined. The bulge/disk decompositions based on averaged one-dimensional photometric profiles yield incorrect parameters for the bulges of the S0-Sa galaxies with bars and/or rings, whose inner regions are dominated by the radiation of the bulge.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes possible origins of stars located in intergalactic space that are not bound to specific galaxies, which comprise 15–50% of all stars in galaxy clusters. Some such stars can form in streams of intergalactic gas flowing around gas-rich disk galaxies moving in the cluster. Others may be the products of the decay of young, low-mass, spheroidal galaxies after the loss of their gaseous components during an initial burst of star formation. The decay of low-mass disk galaxies moving at high speeds after they have lost their gaseous components due to the pressure of the incident flow of dense intergalactic gas is possible in the cluster core. The largest fraction of intergalactic stars are probably produced by the partial disruption of galaxies as a result of close passages, collisions, or mergers. Collisions of low-mass, gas-rich galaxies are especially good suppliers of intergalactic stars. Both stars from decaying stellar components of galaxies and stars arising in the gaseous components of colliding galaxies can be supplied to the intergalactic medium. The merger of galaxies harboring supermassive black holes in their nuclei could lead to the partial or total disruption of these galaxies during the deceleration of the binary black hole that is formed during the merger. An enhanced density of intergalactic stars is observed in the cores of galaxy clusters, underscoring the role of galaxy collisions in the formation of the intergalactic stellar population, since the frequency of galaxy collisions grows with their density.  相似文献   

The giant lenticular galaxy NGC 80, which is the brightest member of a rich group, possesses a central evolutionarily-distinct region: the stars in the nucleus and in a circumnuclear ring of radius 5″t–7″ have a mean age of only 7 Gyr, whereas the stellar population of the bulge is older than 10 Gyr. The nucleus of NGC 80 is also chemically distinct: it is a factor of 2–2.5 richer in metals than its immediate neighborhood and is characterized by a high magnesium-to-iron abundance ratio [Mg/Fe]≈+0.3. The global stellar disk of NGC 80 has a two-tiered structure: its outer part has an exponential scale length of 11 kpc and normal surface density, while the inner disk, which is also exponential and axisymmetric, is more compact and brighter. Although the two-tiered structure and the chemically distinct nucleus obviously have a common origin and owe their existence to some catastrophic restructuring of the protogalactic gaseous disk, the origin of this remains unclear, since the galaxy lacks any manifestations of perturbed morphology or triaxiality.  相似文献   

The influence of close passages of galaxies on the shapes of disk galaxies and the distribution of stars in them is studied for several types of interactions in the framework of the restricted N-body problem. Depending on the conditions adopted, either two spiral density waves or ring structures are formed in the stellar disk of the galaxy. These structures can generate star formation fronts with the corresponding shape, as are observed in disk galaxies. Our calculations can also be applied to study the influence of the passage of a nearby star on a protoplanetary disk. The formation of ring structures there could specify the type of planet formation in the outer regions of the planetary system and the distribution of semimajor axes for the planetary orbits. We use the same model to study the generation and evolution of spiral density waves in the stellar disks of galaxies as a result of the recently found asymmetry of the gravitational potential in the massive dark haloes in disk galaxies. The dipole component of the gravitational field of the halo can continuously permanently generate the spiral structure in disk galaxies.  相似文献   

The formation of ring structures in galactic disks is investigated. It is shown that, in addition to the known mechanism of forming rings in “head-on” collisions between galaxies, ring structures can be formed during close passages of galaxies if the perturbing galaxy moves in a plane close to the equatorial plane of the perturbed disk galaxy, opposite to the direction of rotation of the disk. Numerical simulations of the formation of structures in the disk of a massive galaxy undergoing a passage with another galaxy are considered. The results of these cmputations show the formation of pronounced ring structures in the galactic disk when the initial inclination of the trajectory of the perturbing galaxy to the equatorial plane of the perturbed galaxy is no more than ~25°. However, the probability of close passages of galaxies with these parameters is small, as is the probability of head-on collisions. The characteristic time scale for the existence of pronounced rings is of order the dynamical time scale at the edge of the galaxy, 200–300 million years, close to the corresponding time for head-on collisions. The evolution of the rings has the same character in both cases: they gradually expand and move toward the periphery of the galaxy. The results of these simulations can also be applied to a close passage of one star by another star with a protoplanetary disk. According to the computation results, the characteristic time scale for the existence of pronounced rings in such a protoplanetary disk depends mainly on the size of the disk; this time scale can reach several tens of thousands of years for a disk radius of about 1000 AU. The formation of ring structures in such a disk could influence the formation and evolution of planetesimals, and possibly the character of the formation of planets and the distribution of their orbital semi-major axes.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic observations of three lenticular (S0) galaxies (NGC 1167, NGC 4150, and NGC 6340) and one SBa galaxy (NGC 2273) have been taken with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences aimed to study the structure and kinematic properties of early-type disk galaxies. The radial profiles of the stellar radial velocities and the velocity dispersion are measured. N-body simulations are used to construct dynamical models of galaxies containing a stellar disk, bulge, and halo. The masses of individual components are estimated formaximum-mass disk models. A comparison of models with estimated rotational velocities and the stellar velocity dispersion suggests that the stellar disks in lenticular galaxies are “overheated”; i.e., there is a significant excess velocity dispersion over the minimum level required to maintain the stability of the disk. This supports the hypothesis that the stellar disks of S0 galaxies were subject to strong gravitational perturbations. The relative thickness of the stellar disks in the S0 galaxies considered substantially exceed the typical disk thickness of spiral galaxies.  相似文献   

Using the “Scenario Machine” (a computer code based on the Monte-Carlo method, developed to calculate the evolution of a large ensemble of binaries), we have carried out population-synthesis calculations for X-ray binaries for the purpose of modeling the X-ray luminosity functions in various type galaxies. These calculations were focused on the evolution of magnetized neutron stars. The X-ray luminosity function is not universal, and depends on the star formation rate in the galaxy. In theoretical models, it is very important to take into account the evolution of the binaries and their lifetimes in their X-ray stages. We calculated the cumulative and differential X-ray luminosity functions in galaxies with a constant star formation rate, the cumulative luminosity functions for various time intervals since the peak star formation, and curves describing the evolution of the X-ray luminosity after a star formation burst in the galaxy.  相似文献   

Hubble Space Telescope archive data are used to perform photometry of stars in seven fields at the center and periphery of the galaxy NGC 2366. The variation of the number density of stars of various ages with galactocentric radius and along the minor axis of the galaxy are determined. The boundaries of the thin and thick disks of the galaxy are found. The inferred sizes of the subsystems of NGC 2366 (Z thin = 4 kpc and Z thick = 8 kpc for the thin and thick disks, respectively) are more typical for spiral galaxies. Evidence for a stellar halo is found at the periphery of NGC 2366 beyond the thick disk of the galaxy.  相似文献   

Stellar photometry obtained using the Hubble Space Telescope is used to study the distributions of the number densities of stars of various ages in 12 irregular and dwarf spiral galaxies viewed edge-on. Two subsystems can be distinguished in all the galaxies: a thin disk comprised of young stars and a thick disk containing a large fraction of old stars (primarily red giants) in the system. Variations of the stellar number density in the thin and thick disks in the Z direction perpendicular to the plane of the galaxy follow an exponential law. The size of the thin disk corresponds to the visible size of the galaxy at the μ = 25 mag/arcsec2 isophote, while the thick disk is a factor of two to three larger. In addition to a thick disk, the massive irregular galaxy M82 also has a more extended stellar halo that is flattened at the galactic poles. The results of our previous study of 12 face-on galaxies are used together with the new results presented here to construct an empirical model for the stellar structure of irregular galaxies. Original Russian Text ? N.A. Tikhonov, 2006, published in Astronomicheskiĭ Zhurnal, 2006, Vol. 83, No. 7, pp. 579–588.  相似文献   

Data from the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory obtained using the SCORPIO instrument in imaging mode are used to study member galaxies of the NGC 2300 group. Surface photometry has been carried out for the five largest galaxies in the group, whose isophotal parameters and the parameters of their large-scale structural components (disks and bulges) have been determined. The morphological type of the central galaxy in the group has been refined, and shown to be elliptical. Studies of structural features in non-central disk galaxies have revealed an enhanced percent of bars: bars were found in all disk galaxies of this group, with all of these being compact structures. The similarity of the structural features of the disks of the group galaxies suggests that these disksmay be being restructured in the process of the current merger of the two X-ray subgroups comprising NGC 2300: the group NGC 2300 itself and the group NGC 2276.  相似文献   

We list and analyze the main currently known mechanisms for accelerating the space motions of stars. A high space velocity of a star can be a consequence of its formation in the early stages of the evolution of a massive galaxy, when it was spheroidal and non-stationary, so that stars were born with velocities close to the escape velocity for the galaxy. Another possibility is that the star arrived from another galaxy with a velocity that is high for our Galaxy. The decay of unstable close multiple stars or supernova explosions in close binaries can also provide velocities of up to several hundreds of km/s to main-sequence stars and velocities of up to ∼1000 km/s to degenerate stars, neutron stars, and stellar-mass black holes. The merger of components of a binary system containing two neutron stars or a neutron star and a black hole due to gravitational-wave radiation can accelerate the nascent black hole to a velocity∼1000 km/s. Hypervelocity relativistic stars can be born due to asymmetric neutrino ejection during a supernova explosion. Stars can be efficiently accelerated by single and binary supermassive black holes (with masses from several millions to several billions of solar masses) in the nuclei of galaxies. Thanks to their gravitational field and fast orbital motion (in the case of binary objects), supermassive black holes are able to accelerate even main-sequence stars to relativistic velocities.  相似文献   

Complexes of young clusters and high-luminosity stars in the shape of regular, circular arcs have been found in a number of galaxies, first and foremost the LMC, NGC 6946, and M83. These shapes are found even in strongly inclined galaxies, suggesting that the observed arcs are projections of partial spherical shells. Obviously, these stellar shells must have formed from gaseous shells swept up by some source of central pressure and become gravitationally unstable. The power of this source corresponds to several dozen supernova explosions; however, its nature remains unclear. A central cluster providing a source of O stars and supernovae is usually absent. The presence of multiple arcs located close to each other can be explained by the fall of a swarm of fragments or by the progenitor stars originating in a single peculiar star cluster, implying the existence of stellar objects capable of giving rise to explosions with energies an order of magnitude higher than those of individual supernovae. The same objects may be responsible for gamma-ray bursts. It may be that only the most massive clusters with frequent or especially powerful supernova explosions are capable of producing HI supershells. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why no supershells have been found around numerous clusters that should be capable of producing them according to current theories. The presence of star clusters in shell-like structures provides extremely important information about the physical conditions in and the ages of the initial gaseous shells, making stellar arcs the best available laboratory for studies of triggered star formation.  相似文献   

The condition for gravitational stability of the stellar disks of the galaxies NGC 936 and NGC 3198 makes maximum disk models unacceptable. We present mass estimates for these objects' spheroidal components. The mass of the dark halo of NGC 3198, within four disk radial scale lengths, exceeds its disk mass by a factor of 1.6 to 2. The masses of the disk and spheroidal subsystem (halo + bulge), within four radial scale lengths, are approximately the same for NGC 936.  相似文献   

The paper reports the results of BV RI surface photometry of the giant galaxy NGC 5351 based on CCD observations obtained on the 1-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Analysis of the structure and radial brightness distribution in the galaxy shows that NGC 5351 has a complex and, in some places, asymmetric structure. The galaxy possesses a large quantity of dust. The average internal extinction due to dust is AV=1.2m±0.4m. After correcting for the effect of this dust, the parameters of the galaxy are typical of late-type spirals. The compositions of the stellar population in various parts of the galaxy are estimated using two-color diagrams. Star-forming regions in NGC 5351 are identified and studied. Most of the star-forming regions are located in the ring of the galaxy. Evolutionary modeling is used to estimate the ages of regions of violent star formation. An elliptical companion galaxy to NGC 5351 was found. The rotation curve of the galaxy is modeled and its mass estimated. The disk of NGC 5351 is self-gravitating within its optical radius.  相似文献   

We present and analyze spectroscopic and photometric observations for NGC 2685, the prototype polar-ring galaxy. The spectroscopic data were acquired using the 6 m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the UAGS spectrograph and a scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer, while the photometric analysis was based on images from the Hubble Space Telescope archive. We demonstrate that the subsystem usually called the “inner polar ring” is a highly inhomogeneous gas and dust disk rotating approximately in the polar plane relative to the galaxy’s main body. When the self-absorption in the disk is taken into account, a comparison of its color indices with those from model computations of the color evolution of galaxies results in an age for the disk of about 1.4 × 109 years, much lower than the previously accepted estimate.  相似文献   

The results of multicolor surface photometry of the S0 galaxies NGC 524, NGC 1138, and NGC 7280 and the spiral galaxies NGC 532, NGC 783, and NGC 1589 are analyzed. UBVRI observations were acquired with the 1.5-m telescope of the Maidanak Observatory (Uzbekistan), while JHK data were taken from the 2MASS catalog. The brightness and color distributions in the galaxies are analyzed. Extinction in dust lanes in three spiral galaxies is estimated. The contributions of the radiation of the spherical and disk components in different photometric bands are estimated. Two-color diagrams are used to estimate the composition of the stellar populations in various galaxy components. The variations of the color characteristics in the S0 galaxies is due mostly to radial metallicity gradients.  相似文献   

Various origins for the formation of the heavy-element abundance gradients observed in nearly all disk galaxies are analyzed in the framework of evolutionary models. In an isolated galaxy, there is a radial gradient of the abundance of heavy elements only early in its evolution (the first several billion years), which subsequently practically disappears. The gradients of chemical compositions of young objects and the interstellar gas require that typical disk galaxies be open systems (i.e., that they eject some heavy elements into circumgalactic space and/or accrete intergalactic gas) and that the rates of both processes be dependent on galactocentric distance.  相似文献   

We present BVRI surface photometry of the late-type spiral galaxy NGC 3627. The distributions of the color indices and extinction-independent Q indices show that the observed photometric asymmetry in the inner part of the galaxy, including the bar, is due to an asymmetric distribution of absorbing material. The bluest regions of star formation are located in a ring surrounding the bar. The background-subtracted color indices of individual blue knots are used to estimate the ages of young stellar aggregates. In combination with previously published photometric data, our measurements indicate that the R-band profile of the disk is rather flat in its inner part (r<50″) and becomes steeper further from its center. We estimate the mass of the disk and dark halo by decomposing the rotation curve. The mass-to-light ratio M/L B for the stellar disk is ≈1.4. The galaxy possesses a massive dark halo; however, the mass of the disk exceeds that of the halo in the inner part of the galaxy, which displays a regular spiral structure.  相似文献   

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