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张旭东  周济林 《天文学报》2006,47(2):175-185
最近的多普勒观测表明恒星HD 12661周围存在两颗中等偏心率轨道上运行的行星,内行星的最小质量为2.3木星质量,轨道周期为263.6天;外行星的最小质量为1.57木星质量,轨道周期为1444.5天.该系统的稳定性要求两颗行星处在平运动轨道共振.用数值方法研究了该系统形成初期在恒星气体盘作用下的轨道迁移与稳定性,计算了行星在迁移中被平运动共振俘获的概率.发现这两颗行星目前很可能正处在11:2平运动共振边缘,且运动是混沌的,从而澄清了关于系统目前构形的不同说法,并且很可能在系统形成后行星迁移到目前构形时,气体盘几乎消失了.  相似文献   

This paper is an extension of the work done by Pierens & Nelson in which they investigated the behaviour of a two-planet system embedded in a protoplanetary disc. They put a Jupiter mass gas giant on the internal orbit and a lower mass planet on the external one. We consider here a similar problem taking into account a gas giant with mass in the range 0.5 to  1 M J  and a Super-Earth (i.e. a planet with mass  ≤10 M   ) as the outermost planet. By changing disc parameters and planet masses, we have succeeded in getting the convergent migration of the planets which allows for the possibility of their resonant locking. However, in the case in which the gas giant has the mass of Jupiter, before any mean-motion first-order commensurability could be achieved, the Super-Earth is caught in a trap when it is very close to the edge of the gap opened by the giant planet. This confirms the result obtained by Pierens & Nelson in their simulations. Additionally, we have found that, in a very thin disc, an apsidal resonance is observed in the system if the Super-Earth is captured in the trap. Moreover, the eccentricity of the small planet remains low, while the eccentricity of the gas giant increases slightly due to the imbalance between Lindblad and corotational resonances. We have also extended the work of Pierens & Nelson by studying analogous systems in which the gas giant is allowed to take sub-Jupiter masses. In this case, after conducting an extensive survey over all possible parameters, we have succeeded in getting the 1:2 mean-motion resonant configuration only in a disc with low aspect ratio and low surface density. However, the resonance is maintained just for a few thousand orbits. Thus, we conclude that for typical protoplanetary discs the mean-motion commensurabilities are rare if the Super-Earth is located on the external orbit relative to the gas giant.  相似文献   

We have carried out an extensive study of the possibility of the detection of Earth-mass and super-Earth Trojan planets using transit timing variation method with the Kepler space telescope. We have considered a system consisting of a transiting Jovian-type planet in a short period orbit, and determined the induced variations in its transit timing due to an Earth-mass/super-Earth Trojan planet. We mapped a large section of the phase space around the 1:1 mean-motion resonance and identified regions corresponding to several other mean-motion resonances where the orbit of the planet would be stable. We calculated transit timing variations (TTVs) for different values of the mass and orbital elements of the transiting and perturbing bodies as well as the mass of central star, and identified orbital configurations of these objects (ranges of their orbital elements and masses) for which the resulted TTVs would be within the range of the variations of the transit timing of Kepler’s planetary candidates. Results of our study indicate that in general, the amplitudes of the TTVs fall within the detectable range of timing precision obtained from the Kepler’s long-cadence data, and depending on the parameters of the system, their magnitudes may become as large as a few hours. The probability of detection is higher for super-Earth Trojans with slightly eccentric orbits around short-period Jovian-type planets with masses slightly smaller than Jupiter. We present the details of our study and discuss the implications of its results.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the evolution of a pair of interacting planets – a Jupiter-mass planet and a Super-Earth with a mass of  5.5 M   – orbiting a Solar-type star and embedded in a gaseous protoplanetary disc. We focus on the effects of type I and II orbital migrations, caused by the planet–disc interaction, leading to the capture of the Super-Earth in first-order mean-motion resonances by the Jupiter. The stability of the resulting resonant system in which the Super-Earth is on the internal orbit relative to the Jupiter is studied numerically by means of full 2D hydrodynamical simulations. Our main aim is to determine the Super-Earth behaviour in the presence of the gas giant in the system. It is found that the Jupiter captures the Super-Earth into the interior 3:2 or 4:3 mean-motion resonance, and that the stability of such configurations depends on the initial positions of the planets and on the evolution of the eccentricity. If the initial separation of the orbits of the planets is larger than or close to that required for the exact resonance, the final outcome is the migration of the pair of planets at a rate similar to that of the gas giant, at least for the time of our simulations. Otherwise, we observe a scattering of the Super-Earth from the disc. The evolution of planets immersed in a gaseous disc is compared with their behaviour in the case of the classical three-body problem when the disc is absent.  相似文献   

Massive planets form within the lifetime of protoplanetary disks, and therefore, they are subject to orbital migration due to planet–disk interactions. When the first planet reaches the inner edge of the disk, its migration stops and consequently the second planet ends up locked in resonance with the first one. We detail how the resonant trapping works comparing semi-analytical formulae and numerical simulations. We restrict to the case of two equal-mass coplanar planets trapped in first-order resonances, but the method can be easily generalized. We first describe the family of resonant stable equilibrium points (zero-amplitude libration orbits) using series expansions up to different orders in eccentricity as well as a non-expanded Hamiltonian. Then we show that during convergent migration the planets evolve along these families of equilibrium points. Eccentricity damping from the disk leads to a final equilibrium configuration that we predict precisely analytically. The fact that observed multi-exoplanetary systems are rarely seen in resonances suggests that in most cases the resonant configurations achieved by migration become unstable after the removal of the protoplanetary disk. Here we probe the stability of the resonances as a function of planetary mass. For this purpose, we fictitiously increase the masses of resonant planets, adiabatically maintaining the low-amplitude libration regime until instability occurs. We discuss two hypotheses for the instability, that of a low-order secondary resonance of the libration frequency with a fast synodic frequency of the system, and that of minimal approach distance between planets. We show that secondary resonances do not seem to impact resonant systems at low amplitude of libration. Resonant systems are more stable than non-resonant ones for a given minimal distance at close encounters, but we show that the latter nevertheless play the decisive role in the destabilization of resonant pairs. We show evidence that as the planetary mass increases and the minimal distance between planets gets smaller in terms of mutual Hill radius, the region of stability around the resonance center shrinks, until the equilibrium point itself becomes unstable.  相似文献   

Orbital resonances may have played an important role in determining the locations where the planetesimal swarm eventually accreted into full-size planets. Several pairs of planets do indeed have commensurable orbital periods at present, but the case for control of planet formation by resonances is weakened by the fact that many pairs are not commensurable and that those which are do not necessarily exist at the strongest resonances. However, the mass loss and redistribution that occurred in the early solar system evolution can substantially alter the positions of planets and planetary embryos within the swarm. A cascaded resonance structure is hypothesized where planetesimal growth was accelerated at 2:1 interior and 1:2 exterior resonances with an early-formed Jupiter producing runaway growth of planetary embryos. These embryos produce their own resonances which, in turn, lead to additional embryos in a process that successively propagates inward and outward to generate a resonant configuration of embryos. In this manner, the early presence of Jupiter imposed a harmonic structure on the accumulating planetesimal swarm. For an accretion disk with surface density obeying a power law of index ?1.2 the positions of the planetary embryos can be moved into a reasonably good agreement with most of the present planetary positions that is as good as that given by the Titius-Bode law.  相似文献   

We present the results of an extensive study of the final stage of terrestrial planet formation in disks with different surface density profiles and for different orbital configurations of Jupiter and Saturn. We carried out simulations in the context of the classical model with disk surface densities proportional to \({r^{-0.5}}, {r^{-1}}\) and \({r^{-1.5}}\), and also using partially depleted, non-uniform disks as in the recent model of Mars formation by Izidoro et al. (Astrophys J 782:31, 2014). The purpose of our study is to determine how the final assembly of planets and their physical properties are affected by the total mass of the disk and its radial profile. Because as a result of the interactions of giant planets with the protoplanetary disk, secular resonances will also play important roles in the orbital assembly and properties of the final terrestrial planets, we will study the effect of these resonances as well. In that respect, we divide this study into two parts. When using a partially depleted disk (Part 1), we are particularly interested in examining the effect of secular resonances on the formation of Mars and orbital stability of terrestrial planets. When using the disk in the classical model (Part 2), our goal is to determine trends that may exist between the disk surface density profile and the final properties of terrestrial planets. In the context of the depleted disk model, results of our study show that in general, the \(\nu _5\) resonance does not have a significant effect on the dynamics of planetesimals and planetary embryos, and the final orbits of terrestrial planets. However, \(\nu _6\) and \(\nu _{16}\) resonances play important roles in clearing their affecting areas. While these resonances do not alter the orbits of Mars and other terrestrial planets, they strongly deplete the region of the asteroid belt ensuring that no additional mass will be scattered into the accretion zone of Mars so that it can maintain its mass and orbital stability. In the context of the classical model, the effects of these resonances are stronger in disks with less steep surface density profiles. Our results indicate that when considering the classical model (Part 2), the final planetary systems do not seem to show a trend between the disk surface density profile and the mean number of the final planets, their masses, time of formation, and distances to the central star. Some small correlations were observed where, for instance, in disks with steeper surface density profiles, the final planets were drier, or their water contents decreased when Saturn was added to the simulations. However, in general, the final orbital and physical properties of terrestrial planets seem to vary from one system to another and depend on the mass of the disk, the spatial distribution of protoplanetary bodies (i.e., disk surface density profile), and the initial orbital configuration of giant planets. We present results of our simulations and discuss their implications for the formation of Mars and other terrestrial planets, as well as the physical properties of these objects such as their masses and water contents.  相似文献   

Several families of the planar general three-body problem for fixed values of the three masses are found, in a rotating frame of reference, where the mass of two of the bodies is small compared to the mass of the third body. These families were obtained by the continuation of a degenerate family of periodic orbits of three bodies where two of the bodies have zero masses and describe circular orbits around a third body with finite mass, in the same direction.The above families represent planetary systems with the body with the large mass representing the Sun and the two small bodies representing two planets or comets. One section of a family is shown to represent the Jupiter family of comets and also a model for the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn system is found.The stability analysis revealed that stability exists for small masses and small eccentricities of the two planets. Planetary systems with relatively large masses and eccentricities are proved to be unstable. In particular, the Jupiter family of comets, for small masses of the two small bodies, and the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn system are proved to be stable. Also, it was shown that resonances are not necessarily associated with instabilities.  相似文献   

The Lagrange stability of the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn and 47 UMa two-planetary systems at a time scale of 106 yr was studied using the method of averaging. When the masses of Jupiter and Saturn increase by 19 times, these planets can closely converge. The study of Lagrange stability in the case of successive mass increase allows for the obtainment of upper estimates of possible masses of extrasolar planets. Close approachs in the 47 UMa system are possible when minimal masses increase by 38 times. approachs are revealed when analyzing osculating elements; in averaged elements, approachs are absent. Resonant properties of six extrasolar two-planetary systems where the outer planet is less massive than the inner one are studied. The values of semi-major axes of planet orbits in HD 82943 and HD 73526 systems lie in a narrow resonant zone; in 47 UMa, μ Ara and HD 108874 systems lie in a wide resonant zone. In the HD 12661, the system resonances of a lower order were not revealed.  相似文献   

Observational constraints on interior models of the giant planets indicate that these planets were all much hotter when they formed and they all have rock and/or ice cores of ten to thirty earth masses. These cores are probably soluble in the envelopes above, especially in Jupiter and Saturn, and are therefore likely to be primordial. They persist despite the continual upward mixing by thermally driven convection throughout the age of the solar system, because of the inefficiency of double-diffusive convection. Thus, these planets most probably formed by the hydrodynamic collapse of a gaseous envelope onto a core rather than by direct instability of the gaseous solar nebula. Recent calculations by Mizuno (1980, Prog. Theor. Phys.64, 544) show that this formation mechanism may explain the similarity of giant planet core masses. Problems remain however, and no current model is entirely satisfactory in explaining the properties of the giant planets and simultaneously satisfying the terrestrial planet constraints. Satellite systematics and protoplanetary disk nebulae are also discussed and related to formation conditions.  相似文献   

We study orbital evolution of multi-planet systems with masses in the terrestrial planet regime induced through tidal interaction with a protoplanetary disk assuming that this is the dominant mechanism for producing orbital migration and circularization. We develop a simple analytic model for a system that maintains consecutive pairs in resonance while undergoing orbital circularization and migration. This model enables migration times for each planet to be estimated once planet masses, circularization times and the migration time for the innermost planet are specified. We applied it to a system with the current architecture of Kepler 444 adopting a simple protoplanetary disk model and planet masses that yield migration times inversely proportional to the planet mass, as expected if they result from torques due to tidal interaction with the protoplanetary disk. Furthermore the evolution time for the system as a whole is comparable to current protoplanetary disk lifetimes. In addition we have performed a number of numerical simulations with input data obtained from this model. These indicate that although the analytic model is inexact, relatively small corrections to the estimated migration rates yield systems for which period ratios vary by a minimal extent. Because of relatively large deviations from exact resonance in the observed system of up to 2 %, the migration times obtained in this way indicate only weak convergent migration such that a system for which the planets did not interact would contract by only \({\sim }1\,\%\) although undergoing significant inward migration as a whole. We have also performed additional simulations to investigate conditions under which the system could undergo significant convergent migration before reaching its final state. These indicate that migration times have to be significantly shorter and resonances between planet pairs significantly closer during such an evolutionary phase. Relative migration rates would then have to decrease allowing period ratios to increase to become more distant from resonances as the system approached its final state in the inner regions of the protoplanetary disk.  相似文献   

We use numerical integrations to investigate the dynamical evolution of resonant Trojan and quasi-satellite companions during the late stages of migration of the giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Our migration simulations begin with Jupiter and Saturn on orbits already well separated from their mutual 2:1 mean-motion resonance. Neptune and Uranus are decoupled from each other and have orbital eccentricities damped to near their current values. From this point we adopt a planet migration model in which the migration speed decreases exponentially with a characteristic timescale τ (the e-folding time). We perform a series of numerical simulations, each involving the migrating giant planets plus test particle Trojans and quasi-satellites. We find that the libration frequencies of Trojans are similar to those of quasi-satellites. This similarity enables a dynamical exchange of objects back and forth between the Trojan and quasi-satellite resonances during planetary migration. This exchange is facilitated by secondary resonances that arise whenever there is more than one migrating planet. For example, secondary resonances may occur when the circulation frequencies, f, of critical arguments for the Uranus-Neptune 2:1 mean-motion near-resonance are commensurate with harmonics of the libration frequency of the critical argument for the Trojan and quasi-satellite 1:1 mean-motion resonance . Furthermore, under the influence of these secondary resonances quasi-satellites can have their libration amplitudes enlarged until they undergo a close-encounter with their host planet and escape from the resonance. High-resolution simulations of this escape process reveal that ≈80% of jovian quasi-satellites experience one or more close-encounters within Jupiter’s Hill radius (RH) as they are forced out of the quasi-satellite resonance. As many as ≈20% come within RH/4 and ≈2.5% come within RH/10. Close-encounters of escaping quasi-satellites occur near or even below the 2-body escape velocity from the host planet. Finally, the exchange and escape of Trojans and quasi-satellites continues to as late as 6-9τ in some simulations. By this time the dynamical evolution of the planets is strongly dominated by distant gravitational perturbations between the planets rather than the migration force. This suggests that exchange and escape of Trojans and quasi-satellites may be a contemporary process associated with the present-day near-resonant configuration of some of the giant planets in our Solar System.  相似文献   

The final stage in the formation of terrestrial planets consists of the accumulation of ∼1000-km “planetary embryos” and a swarm of billions of 1-10 km “planetesimals.” During this process, water-rich material is accreted by the terrestrial planets via impacts of water-rich bodies from beyond roughly 2.5 AU. We present results from five high-resolution dynamical simulations. These start from 1000-2000 embryos and planetesimals, roughly 5-10 times more particles than in previous simulations. Each simulation formed 2-4 terrestrial planets with masses between 0.4 and 2.6 Earth masses. The eccentricities of most planets were ∼0.05, lower than in previous simulations, but still higher than for Venus, Earth and Mars. Each planet accreted at least the Earth's current water budget. We demonstrate several new aspects of the accretion process: (1) The feeding zones of terrestrial planets change in time, widening and moving outward. Even in the presence of Jupiter, water-rich material from beyond 2.5 AU is not accreted for several millions of years. (2) Even in the absence of secular resonances, the asteroid belt is cleared of >99% of its original mass by self-scattering of bodies into resonances with Jupiter. (3) If planetary embryos form relatively slowly, then the formation of embryos in the asteroid belt may have been stunted by the presence of Jupiter. (4) Self-interacting planetesimals feel dynamical friction from other small bodies, which has important effects on the eccentricity evolution and outcome of a simulation.  相似文献   

Precision radial velocity measurements of the Sun-like dwarf 14 Herculis published by Naef et al., Butler et al. and Wittenmyer, Endl & Cochran reveal a Jovian planet in a 1760-d orbit and a trend indicating the second distant object. On the grounds of dynamical considerations, we test a hypothesis that the trend can be explained by the presence of an additional giant planet. We derive dynamical limits to the orbital parameters of the putative outer Jovian companion in an orbit within ∼13 au. In this case, the mutual interactions between the Jovian planets are important for the long-term stability of the system. The best self-consistent and stable Newtonian fit to an edge-on configuration of Jovian planets has the outer planet in 9-au orbit with a moderate eccentricity of ∼0.2 and confined to a zone spanned by the low-order mean motion resonances 5:1 and 6:1. This solution lies in a shallow minimum of (χ2ν)1/2 and persists over a wide range of the system inclination. Other stable configurations within 1σ confidence interval of the best fit are possible for the semimajor axis of the outer planet in the range of (6,13) au and the eccentricity in the range of (0, 0.3). The orbital inclination cannot yet be determined but when it decreases, both planetary masses approach ∼10 m J and for i ∼ 30° the hierarchy of the masses is reversed.  相似文献   

The chaotic behaviour of the motion of the planets in our Solar System is well established. In this work to model a hypothetical extrasolar planetary system our Solar System was modified in such a way that we replaced the Earth by a more massive planet and let the other planets and all the orbital elements unchanged. The major result of former numerical experiments with a modified Solar System was the appearance of a chaotic window at κ E ∈ (4, 6), where the dynamical state of the system was highly chaotic and even the body with the smallest mass escaped in some cases. On the contrary for very large values of the mass of the Earth, even greater than that of Jupiter regular dynamical behaviour was observed. In this paper the investigations are extended to the complete Solar System and showed, that this chaotic window does still exist. Tests in different ‘Solar Systems’ clarified that including only Jupiter and Saturn with their actual masses together with a more ‘massive’ Earth (4 < κ E < 6) perturbs the orbit of Mars so that it can even be ejected from the system. Using the results of the Laplace‐Lagrange secular theory we found secular resonances acting between the motions of the nodes of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. These secular resonances give rise to strong chaos, which is the cause of the appearance of the instability window. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Abstract— The main asteroid belt has lost >99.9% of its solid mass since the time at which the planets were forming, according to models for the protoplanetary nebula. Here we show that the primordial asteroid belt could have been cleared efficiently if much of the original mass accreted to form planetsized bodies, which were capable of perturbing one another into unstable orbits. We provide results from 25 N‐body integrations of up to 200 planets in the asteroid belt, with individual masses in the range 0.017–0.33 Earth masses. In the simulations, these bodies undergo repeated close encounters which scatter one another into unstable resonances with the giant planets, leading to collision with the Sun or ejection from the solar system. In response, the giant planets' orbits migrate radially and become more circular. This reduces the size of the main‐belt resonances and the clearing rate, although clearing continues. If ~3 Earth masses of material was removed from the belt this way, Jupiter and Saturn would initially have had orbital eccentricities almost twice their current values. Such orbits would have made Jupiter and Saturn 10–100x more effective at clearing material from the belt than they are on their current orbits. The time required to remove 90% of the initial mass from the belt depends sensitively on the giant planets' orbits, and weakly on the masses of the asteroidal planets. 18 of the 25 simulations end with no planets left in the belt, and the clearing takes up to several hundred million years. Typically, the last one or two asteroidal planets are removed by interactions with planets in the terrestrial region  相似文献   

Junko Kominami  Shigeru Ida 《Icarus》2004,167(2):231-243
We have performed N-body simulations on final accretion stage of terrestrial planets, including the eccentricity and inclination damping effect due to tidal interaction with a gas disk. We investigated the dependence on a depletion time scale of the disk, and the effect of secular perturbations by Jupiter and Saturn. In the final stage, terrestrial planets are formed through coagulation of protoplanets of about the size of Mars. They would collide and grow in a decaying gas disk. Kominami and Ida [Icarus 157 (2002) 43-56] showed that it is plausible that Earth-sized, low-eccentricity planets are formed in a mostly depleted gas disk. In this paper, we investigate the formation of planets in a decaying gas disk with various depletion time scales, assuming disk surface density of gas component decays exponentially with time scale of τgas. Fifteen protoplanets with are initially distributed in the terrestrial planet regions. We found that Earth-sized planets with low eccentricities are formed, independent of initial gas surface density, when the condition (τcross+τgrowth)/2?τgas?τcross is satisfied, where τcross is the time scale for initial protoplanets to start orbit crossing in a gas-free case and τgrowth is the time scale for Earth-sized planets to accrete during the orbit crossing stage. In the cases satisfying the above condition, the final masses and eccentricities of the largest planets are consistent with those of Earth and Venus. However, four or five protoplanets with the initial mass remain. In the final stage of terrestrial planetary formation, it is likely that Jupiter and Saturn have already been formed. When Jupiter and Saturn are included, their secular perturbations pump up eccentricities of protoplanets and tend to reduce the number of final planets in the terrestrial planet regions. However, we found that the reduction is not significant. The perturbations also shorten τcross. If the eccentricities of Jupiter and Saturn are comparable to or larger than present values (∼0.05), τcross become too short to satisfy the above condition. As a result, eccentricities of the planets cannot be damped to the observed value of Earth and Venus. Hence, for the formation of terrestrial planets, it is preferable that the secular perturbations from Jupiter and Saturn do not have significant effect upon the evolution. Such situation may be reproduced by Jupiter and Saturn not being fully grown, or their eccentricities being smaller than the present values during the terrestrial planets' formation. However, in such cases, we need some other mechanism to eliminate the problem that numerous Mars-sized planets remain uncollided.  相似文献   

Ravit Helled  Gerald Schubert 《Icarus》2008,198(1):156-162
Sedimentation rates of silicate grains in gas giant protoplanets formed by disk instability are calculated for protoplanetary masses between 1 MSaturn to 10 MJupiter. Giant protoplanets with masses of 5 MJupiter or larger are found to be too hot for grain sedimentation to form a silicate core. Smaller protoplanets are cold enough to allow grain settling and core formation. Grain sedimentation and core formation occur in the low mass protoplanets because of their slow contraction rate and low internal temperature. It is predicted that massive giant planets will not have cores, while smaller planets will have small rocky cores whose masses depend on the planetary mass, the amount of solids within the body, and the disk environment. The protoplanets are found to be too hot to allow the existence of icy grains, and therefore the cores are predicted not to contain any ices. It is suggested that the atmospheres of low mass giant planets are depleted in refractory elements compared with the atmospheres of more massive planets. These predictions provide a test of the disk instability model of gas giant planet formation. The core masses of Jupiter and Saturn were found to be ∼0.25 M and ∼0.5 M, respectively. The core masses of Jupiter and Saturn can be substantially larger if planetesimal accretion is included. The final core mass will depend on planetesimal size, the time at which planetesimals are formed, and the size distribution of the material added to the protoplanet. Jupiter's core mass can vary from 2 to 12 M. Saturn's core mass is found to be ∼8 M.  相似文献   

According to current observational data, planets of many exoplanetary systems have resonant motion. The formation of resonance configurations is studied within a unified model of planetary migration. Planets in the observed systems 24 Sex, HD 37124, HD 73526, HD 82943, HD 128311, HD 160691, Kepler 9, NN Ser, which are moving in the 2: 1 resonance, could have been captured into this resonance due to both the Type I and II migration with a wide range of parameters. The migration conditions are defined for the formation of HD 45364 and HD 200964 that are in the 3: 2 and 4: 3 first-order resonances, correspondingly. The results obtained for HD 200964 show that planets can be captured in the first-order resonances, when the outer-to-inner orbital period ratios for the planets are less than 3: 2, only if Type I migration rates are large, and the mass of at least one planet is substantially less than the modern masses of the observed giant planets. The formation of the HD 102272, HD 108874, HD 181433 and HD 202206 systems with planets in high-order resonances is considered. The capture into these resonances can be realized with very slow Type II migration. Possible bounds for migration parameters are considered. In particular, it has been found that the capture of HD 108874 into the 4: 1 resonance is possible only if the angle between the plane of planetary orbits and the plane of sky is appreciably less than 90°, i.e., the planetary masses are a few times larger than the minimum values. The capture of HD 202206 into the 5: 1 resonance is possible at low migration rates; however, another mechanism is required to explain the high observed eccentricity of the inner planet (for example, strong gravitational interaction between the planets). Resonant configurations can be disrupted due to the interaction between planets and remaining fragments of the planetesimal disk as, for example, may occur in the three-planet system 47 UMa. The specific orbital features observed for this system are explained.  相似文献   

We study orbits of planetary systems with two planets, for planar motion, at the 1/1 resonance. This means that the semimajor axes of the two planets are almost equal, but the eccentricities and the position of each planet on its orbit, at a certain epoch, take different values. We consider the general case of different planetary masses and, as a special case, we consider equal planetary masses. We start with the exact resonance, which we define as the 1/1 resonant periodic motion, in a rotating frame, and study the topology of the phase space and the long term evolution of the system in the vicinity of the exact resonance, by rotating the orbit of the outer planet, which implies that the resonance and the eccentricities are not affected, but the symmetry is destroyed. There exist, for each mass ratio of the planets, two families of symmetric periodic orbits, which differ in phase only. One is stable and the other is unstable. In the stable family the planetary orbits are in antialignment and in the unstable family the planetary orbits are in alignment. Along the stable resonant family there is a smooth transition from planetary orbits of the two planets, revolving around the Sun in eccentric orbits, to a close binary of the two planets, whose center of mass revolves around the Sun. Along the unstable family we start with a collinear Euler–Moulton central configuration solution and end to a planetary system where one planet has a circular orbit and the other a Keplerian rectilinear orbit, with unit eccentricity. It is conjectured that due to a migration process it could be possible to start with a 1/1 resonant periodic orbit of the planetary type and end up to a satellite-type orbit, or vice versa, moving along the stable family of periodic orbits.  相似文献   

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