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Recent low temperature, adiabatic calorimetric heat capacity measurements for grossular have been combined with DSC measurements to give entropies up to 1000 K. In conjunction with enthalpy of solution values for grossular, these data have yielded H f o (298.15K) and G f o (298.15K) values of –1583.2 ± 3.5 and –1496.74 ± 3.7 kcal mol–1 respectively. For 15 reactions in the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O system, thermodynamically calculated P-T curves have been compared with experimental reversals and have shown good agreement in most cases. Calculations indicate that gehlenite is probably totally disordered. Estimates of zoisite and lawsonite entropies are consistent with the phase equilibrium and grossular data, but estimates of the entropies of pyrope and andradite show large discrepancies when compared with experimental reversals.Contribution no. 600 from the Mineralogical Laboratory, The Department of Geology and Mineralogy, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA  相似文献   

Thermodynamic calculations in petrology are generally performed at pressures and temperatures beyond the standard state conditions. Accurate prediction of mineral equilibria therefore requires knowledge of the heat capacity, thermal expansion and compressibility for the minerals involved. Unfortunately, such data are not always available. In this contribution we present a data set to estimate the heat capacity, thermal expansion and compressibility of mineral end‐members from their constituent polyhedra, based on the premise that the thermodynamic properties of minerals can be described by a linear combination of the fractional properties of their constituents. As such, only the crystallography of the phase of interest needs to be known. This approach is especially powerful for hypothetical mineral end‐members and for minerals, for which the experimental determination of their thermodynamic properties is difficult. The data set consists of the properties for 35 polyhedra in the system K–Na–Ca–Li–Be–Mg–Mn–Fe–Co–Ni–Zn–Al–Ti–Si–H, determined by multiple linear regression analysis on a data set of 111 published end‐member thermodynamic properties. The large number of polyhedra determined allows calculation of a much larger variety of phases than was previously possible, and the choice of constituents together with the large number of thermodynamic input data results in estimates with associated uncertainty of generally <5%. The quality of the data appears to be sufficiently accurate for thermodynamic modelling as demonstrated by modelling the stability of margarite in the CASH system and the position of the talc–staurolite–chloritoid–pyrope absent invariant point in the KMASH system. In both cases, our results overlap within error with published equivalents.  相似文献   

New experimental data on the effect of anorthite (An) on liquidus phase equilibria in the system Qz–Ab–Or are presented. The data were obtained for 5 wt% An added to variable Qz/Ab/Or compositions at 300 MPa and under H2O-saturated conditions. Crystal–liquid equilibria were determined for 13 synthetic glass compositions made from gels in experiments performed between 660 and 750 °C in cold-seal pressure vessels. Forward and reversal experiments were systematically conducted on each composition to demonstrate equilibrium. A total of 51 charges was examined. Three crystalline phases, quartz, alkali feldspar and plagioclase appear on the H2O-saturated liquidus surface. The determined minimum liquidus 5 wt% An “piercing” point (39% Qz, 33% Ab, 28% Or) is shifted away from the Ab apex toward the Qz–Or sideline when compared with the An-free 300 MPa H2O-saturated minimum. This shift is of the same type as that observed at 100 MPa in the same system and at 200 MPa in a rhyolitic system. The new experimental results are used to test both empirical and thermodynamic models for silicic magmas. Empirical models reproduce reasonably well the new experimental data, although more sophisticated calculations schemes appear to be required to improve their accuracy. The new experimental results in the haplogranodiorite system are not well reproduced with the model of Holland and Powell (2001), mainly because plagioclase stability appears greatly enhanced in the model. Rhyolite-MELTS satisfactorily reproduces the Qz-, Pl- and Af-liquid phase equilibria, but model H2O solubilities are significantly lower and crystallization temperatures higher than in experiments.  相似文献   

The electrical resistivity of polycrystalline graphite and amorphous carbon are measured at high pressures and room temperature. The results show that the resistivity of these carbon phases decreases with increasing pressure below 19 GPa. The pressure dependence of the resistivity (dln?/dP) is determined to be-0.037 GPa?1 for the polycrystalline graphite and-0.039 GPa?1 for the amorphous carbon. A phase transition, interpreted as the transformation to hexagonal diamond phase, is observed in the polycrystalline graphite at about 20 GPa but not in the amorphous carbon. The present experimental results support the assumption that this phase transition is martensitic in nature.  相似文献   

A thermochemical data base for phases in the system Fe-Mg-Si-O at high pressures up to 300 kbar is established by supplementing the available calorimetric data with data calculated from experimental high pressure synthesis studies. Phases included in the data base are the SiO2 polymorphs, rock salt solid solutions (Fe-Mg-O), Fe2O3, Fe3O4, (Mg, Fe)2SiO4 olivine, spinel, modified spinel and (Mg, Fe)SiO3 perovskite and pyroxene. Phases not included are the MgSiO3-ilmenite and -garnet. Fe-Mg solution properties of olivine, spinel, perovskite and wustite (rock salt) are estimated. The wüstite solid solution has been modeled as a nonideal solution of three end members; FeO, FeO1.5 and MgO. The new data base is made consistent with most of the available information on high pressure phase studies. The data base is useful in generating phase diagrams of various different compositions for the purpose of planning new experiments and analysing existing phase synthesis data.  相似文献   

The concentrations and ratios of the major elements determine the physical properties and the phase equilibria behavior of peridotites and basalts in response to the changing energy contents of the systems. The behavior of the trace elements and isotopic features are influenced in their turn by the phase equilibria, by the physical character of the partial melting and partial crystallization processes, and by the way in which a magma interacts with its wall rocks. Concentrating on the trace element and isotope contents of basalts to the exclusion of the field relations, petrology, major element data, and phase equilibria is as improvident as slaughtering the buffalo for the sake of its tongue. The crust is a cool boundary layer and a density filter, which impedes the upward transfer of hot, dense “primary” picritic and komatiitic liquids. Planetary crusts are sites of large-scale contamination and extensive partial crystallization of primitive melts striving to escape to the surface. Escape of truly unmodified primitive melts to the surface is a rare event, requiring the resolution of daunting problems in chemical and mechanical engineering. Primary status for volumetrically abundant basalts such as mid-ocean ridge basalt, ocean island basalt, and continental flood basalts is denied by their low-pressure cotectic character, first remarked upon on petrological grounds in 1928 and on experimental grounds in 1962. These basalt liquids are products of crystal-liquid separation at low pressure. Primary status for these common basalts is further denied by the phase equilibria of such compositions at elevated pressures, when the required residual mantle mineralogy (magnesian olivine and orthopyroxene) is not stable at the liquidus. It is also denied by the picritic or komatiitic nature of partial melts of candidate upper-mantle compositions at high pressures—a conclusion supported by calculation of the melt composition, which would need to be extracted in order to explain the chemical variation between fertile and residual peridotite in natural ultramafic rock suites. The subtleties of magma chamber partial crystallization processes can produce an astounding array of “pseudospidergrams,” a small selection of which have been explored here. Major modification of the trace element geochemistry and trace element ratios, even those of the highly incompatible elements, must always be entertained whenever the evidence suggests the possibility of partial crystallization. At one extreme, periodically recharged, periodically tapped magma chambers might undergo partial crystallization by ∼95% consolidation of a succession of small packets of the magma. Refluxing of the 5% residual melts from such a process into the main body of melt would lead to eventual discrimination between highly incompatible elements in that residual liquid comparable with that otherwise achieved by 0.1 to 0.3% liquid extraction in equilibrium partial melting. Great caution needs to be exercised in attempting the reconstruction of more primitive compositions by addition of troctolite, gabbro, and olivine to apparently primitive lava compositions. Special attention is focussed on the phase equilibria involving olivine, plagioclase (i.e., troctolite), and liquid because a high proportion of erupted basalts carry these two phases as phenocrysts, yet the equilibria are restricted to crustal pressures and are only encountered by wide ranges of basaltic compositions at pressures less than 0.5 GPa. The mere presence of plagioclase phenocrysts may be sufficient to disqualify candidate primitive magmas. Determination of the actual contributions of crustal processes to petrogenesis requires a return to detailed field, experimental, and forensic petrologic studies of individual erupted basalt flows; of a multitude of cumulate gabbros and their contacts; and of upper-mantle outcrops.  相似文献   

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - The new phosphate bearthite, Ca2Al(PO4)2HO, found in high-pressure metamorphic rocks, has been synthesized from a stoichiometric mixture of γ-Al2O3...  相似文献   

The accepted standard state entropy of titanite (sphene) has been questioned in several recent studies, which suggested a revision from the literature value 129.3 ± 0.8 J/mol K to values in the range of 110–120 J/mol K. The heat capacity of titanite was therefore re-measured with a PPMS in the range 5 to 300 K and the standard entropy of titanite was calculated as 127.2 ± 0.2 J/mol K, much closer to the original data than the suggested revisions. Volume parameters for a modified Murgnahan equation of state: V P,T  = V 298° × [1 + a°(T − 298) − 20a°(T − 298)] × [1 – 4P/(K 298 × (1 – 1.5 × 10−4 [T − 298]) + 4P)]1/4 were fit to recent unit cell determinations at elevated pressures and temperatures, yielding the constants V 298° = 5.568 J/bar, a° = 3.1 × 10−5 K−1, and K = 1,100 kbar. The standard Gibbs free energy of formation of titanite, −2456.2 kJ/mol (∆H°f = −2598.4 kJ/mol) was calculated from the new entropy and volume data combined with data from experimental reversals on the reaction, titanite + kyanite = anorthite + rutile. This value is 4–11 kJ/mol less negative than that obtained from experimental determinations of the enthalpy of formation, and it is slightly more negative than values given in internally consistent databases. The displacement of most calculated phase equilibria involving titanite is not large except for reactions with small ∆S. Re-calculated baric estimates for several metamorphic suites yield pressure differences on the order of 2 kbar in eclogites and 10 kbar for ultra-high pressure titanite-bearing assemblages.  相似文献   

One petrogenetic grid for plagioclase-, spinel- and garnet-lherzolite analogues in the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 is presented from 1 bar to 30 kbar and 400 to 1500°C. Another grid for olivine-gabbro, spinel-gabbro and garnet-pyroxenite analogues in the same system is presented from 1 bar to 25 kbar and 500 to 1500°C. Both grids show the distribution of the mineral assemblages and the variations in the composition of clinopyroxene with temperature and pressure. They were developed by applying simple thermodynamic mixing models of clinopyroxene to experimentally determined clino-pyroxene compositions.Calcium tschermak's pyroxene (CaAl2SiO6) in complex CaMgSi2O6-CaAl2SiO6-Mg2Si2O6 clinopyroxenes is best represented by a local charge balance mixing model where aCaAl2SiO6? (XCaM2)(XAlM1) Enthalpy and entropy changes of subsolidus reactions involving variations in the CaAl2SiO6 and Mg2Si2O6 content of clinopyroxene are interdependent due to nonideal mixing of these two end-members. CaAl2SiO6 can strongly reduce the mutual solubility of clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene at moderate pressures and high temperatures. Failure to take this into account can result in temperature underestimates (up to 150°C) of spinel-lherzolites, garnet-pyroxenites, low pressure garnet-lherzolites, spinel-gabbros, and high pressure plagioclase-lherzolites and olivine-gabbros. However, at temperatures and pressures where the Al2O3 content of clinopyroxene is low (e.g. garnet-lherzolite nodules in kimberlite), the mutual solubility is adequantely represented by experimental results in the system CaO-MgO-SiO2.  相似文献   

Heat capacity, thermal expansion, and compressibility data have been obtained for a number of selected phases of the system NaAlSiO4-LiAlSiO4-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O. All C p measurements have been executed by DSC in the temperature range 133–823 K. The data for T ≥ 223 K have been fitted to the function C p (T) = a + cT  −2 + dT  −0.5 + fT  −3, the fit parameters being The thermal expansion data (up to 525 °C) have been fitted to the function V 0(T) = V 0(T) [1 + v 1 (TT 0) + v 2 (T−T 0)2], with T 0 = 298.15 K. The room-temperature compressibility data (up to 6 GPa) have been smoothed by the Murnaghan equation of state. The resulting parameters are These data, along with other phase property and reaction reversal data from the literature, have been simultaneously processed by the Bayes method to derive an internally consistent thermodynamic dataset (see Tables 6 and 7) for the NaAlSiO4-LiAlSiO4-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O quinary. Phase diagrams generated from this dataset are compatible with cookeite-, ephesite-, and paragonite-bearing assemblages observed in metabauxites and common metasediments. Phase diagrams obtained from the same database are also in agreement with the cookeite-free, petalite-, spodumene-, eucryptite-, and bikitaite-bearing assemblages known to develop in the subsolidus phase of recrystallization of␣lithium-bearing pegmatites. It is gratifying to note that the cookeite phase relations predicted earlier by Vidal and Goffé (1991) in the context of the system Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O agree with our results in a general way. Received: 19 May 1998 / Accepted: 25 June 1998  相似文献   

Diffusivities for calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese and aluminum have been measured for St. John's olivine undergoing cation exchange with synthetic basaltic melts. The variety of temperature, pressure and fO2 conditions under which the diffusivities were measured complement the equilibrium-partitioning study of calcium in olivine-bearing basalts by Jurewicz and Watson, 1988. Olivine was found to be anisotropic with respect to the diffusion of calcium, iron, magnesium and manganese. This anisotropy is a weak function of temperature, but strongly dependent upon oxygen fugacity.Because diffusion is independent of olivine composition over the small range of compositions used in this study, it could be shown that the absolute values of the diffusion coefficients were also functions of temperature and fO2. At near-atmospheric total pressure and an oxygen fugacity of 10–8atm, D Fe>D Mn>D Ca and D MgD Mn for a range of geologically reasonable temperatures. These relative diffusivities were shown to change with oxygen fugacity. The power-law dependence of diffusion on oxygen partial-pressure was determined for each cation and the results are consistent with the range of values given by Stocker (1978) and by other workers.For Ca and Fe, the effect of hydrostatic pressure on diffusion appears to be weak, at least for transport parallel to the c crystallographic direction. Unfortunately, no true activation volumes (or other pressure-related parameters) could be computed because the oxygen fugacity was not held constant over changes in pressure, and because accurate post-experiment reconstruction of sample orientation was not possible. Al was found to enter high-pressure olivines at concentrations of up to 0.14 weight percent, thus allowing aluminum diffusion to be characterized. The diffusivity of aluminum is, within error, the same as iron at 20 kb at 1430° C at the ambient fO2 of our piston-cylinder cells. This correspondence suggests that diffusion of Al may depend on transport of either Fe or of Fe +3 defects. While the results of these experiments are generally consistent with results published elsewhere, there are important inconsistencies. Tracer diffusion and interdiffusion in pure, ordered, olivine endmembers (e.g., tephroite and forsterite) showed significantly higher activation energies. This discrepancy could reflect the role of Fe+3 defects in diffusion; however, it may also suggest that order-disorder phenomena may be significant factors influencing diffusion in analog systems.The results of this study are applied to four petrologic problems: (1) calculation of rates of equilibration for olivine xenocrysts; (2) calculation of closure temperatures for the CaO/MgO olivine/basalt geothermometer (Jurewicz and Watson 1988); (3) delineation of an intrinsic-/O2 geobarometer; and (4) investigation of the dependence of olivine dissolution upon crystallographic orientation. In addition, it is demonstrated that diffusion-exchange experiments are useful for studying the dominant point-defect mechanisms for cation diffusion.Currently, a visiting scientist with Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories Materials Laboratory (MLLM), Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433  相似文献   

王雁宾 《地学前缘》2006,13(2):1-36
大体积压机(large-volume press,简称为LVP)与金刚石对顶砧(diamond-anvil cell,简称为DAC)是两种相辅相成的、在高压研究中不可或缺的重要技术。大体积压机在温压范围上较金刚石对顶砧小,但它具有更加均匀的温压环境以及高于金刚石对顶砧几千以至百万倍的试样体积。这些特色使大体积压机成为精确测量试样整体物性和系统研究复杂材料系列的理想工具。在过去的20年里,高压和同步辐射技术方面的进展使大体积高压研究取得了革命性的突破。文中选择近期地学界的一些重要科研成果和技术突破作为例子,力图对同步辐射和大体积高压技术在高温高压研究中的近期进展作综合评述,最后简略讨论了LVP的发展前景。  相似文献   

Abstract A detailed study of garnet–chloritoid micaschists fom the Sesia zone (Western Alps) is used to constrain phase relations in high pressure (HP) metapelitic rocks. In addition to quartz, phengite, paragonite and rutile, the micaschists display two distinct parageneses, namely garnet + chloritoid + chlorite and garnet + chloritoid + kyanite. Talc has never been observed. Garnet and chloritoid are more magnesian when chlorite is present instead of kyanite. The distinction of the two equilibria results from different bulk rock chemistries, not from P–T conditions or redox state. Estimated P–T conditions for the eclogitic metamorphism are 550–600°C, 15–18 kbar.
The presence of primary chlorite in association with garnet and chloritoid leads us to construct two possible AFM topologies for the Sesia metapelites. The paper describes a KFMASH multisystem for HP pelitic rocks, which extends the grid of Harte & Hudson (1979) towards higher pressures and adds the phase talc. Observed parageneses in HP metapelites are consistent with predicted phase relations. Critical associations are Gt–Ctd–Chl and Gt–Ctd–Ky at relatively low temperatures and Gl–Chl–Ky and Gt–Tc–Ky at relatively high temperatures.  相似文献   

The theoreticalP-T grid for stability relations of the phases cordierite (Cd), sapphirine (Sa), hypersthene (Hy), garnet (Ga), spinel (Sp), sillimanite (Si), and quartz (Qz) of Hensen (1971), has proved useful in the interpretation of metamorphic mineral assemblages formed at low oxygen fugacity. Both experimental data and evidence from natural rocks indicate that at high oxygen fugacity compatability relations change as a result of the enlargement of the stability field of spinel, which causes a topological inversion and the stabilisation of the invariant points [Sa], [Ga], and [Cd]. This implies the stable existence of the univariant equilibria (for buffered conditions): Sp+Qz=Ga+Hy+Si+O2 (Sa, Cd), Cd+Sp+Qz=Hy+Si+O2 (Sa, Ga) and Sa+Sp+Qz=Hy+Si+O2 (Ga, Cd) and the divariant reaction: Sp+Qz=Hy+Si+O2 (Sa, Ga, Cd). These redox equilibria are restricted to conditions of high oxygen fugacity. The proposed theoreticalP-T grids, for both low and high oxygen fugacity, satisfactorily explain all experimental data and metamorphic mineral assemblages so far found in granulites.  相似文献   

The low-temperature isobaric heat capacities (C p) of β- and γ-Mg2SiO4 were measured at the range of 1.8–304.7 K with a thermal relaxation method using the Physical Property Measurement System. The obtained standard entropies (S°298) of β- and γ-Mg2SiO4 are 86.4 ± 0.4 and 82.7 ± 0.5 J/mol K, respectively. Enthalpies of transitions among α-, β- and γ-Mg2SiO4 were measured by high-temperature drop-solution calorimetry with gas-bubbling technique. The enthalpies of the α−β and β−γ transitions at 298 K (ΔH°298) in Mg2SiO4 are 27.2 ± 3.6 and 12.9 ± 3.3 kJ/mol, respectively. Calculated α−β and β−γ transition boundaries were generally consistent with those determined by high-pressure experiments within the errors. Combining the measured ΔH°298 and ΔS°298 with selected data of in situ X-ray diffraction experiments at high pressure, the ΔH°298 and ΔS°298 of the α−β and β−γ transitions were optimized. Calculation using the optimized data tightly constrained the α−β and β−γ transition boundaries in the P, T space. The slope of α−β transition boundary is 3.1 MPa/K at 13.4 GPa and 1,400 K, and that of β−γ boundary 5.2 MPa/K at 18.7 GPa and 1,600 K. The post-spinel transition boundary of γ-Mg2SiO4 to MgSiO3 perovskite plus MgO was also calculated, using the optimized data on γ-Mg2SiO4 and available enthalpy and entropy data on MgSiO3 perovskite and MgO. The calculated post-spinel boundary with a Clapeyron slope of −2.6 ± 0.2 MPa/K is located at pressure consistent with the 660 km discontinuity, considering the error of the thermodynamic data.  相似文献   

高压基性麻粒岩出露在柴北缘HP/UHP变质带的绿梁山地区,它主要呈透镜体状分布在石榴蓝晶(夕线)黑云片麻岩中。岩石学和矿物学数据显示高压基性麻粒岩经历了多阶段变质历史,早期可能经历了榴辉岩相变质作用(p>15kbar),以石榴子石中保留的少量绿辉石为特征;高压麻粒岩组合(Grt-Cpx-Pl-Qtz±Amp±Rt-Ilm)为退变质作用产物,其形成的变质条件为p=9.6~13.5kbar,T=730~870℃。晚期的变质反应以围绕石榴子石和后成合晶生成斜方辉石的为特征,形成的p-T条件为6.2~8.5kbar和720~860℃。高压基性麻粒岩中的锆石SHRIMP测定共获得两组年龄,分别为(448±3)Ma和(421±5)Ma。结合锆石阴极发光和矿物包体研究,前者代表高压麻粒岩阶段的变质年龄,后者代表晚期与斜方辉石形成有关的中低压麻粒岩阶段的变质年龄。这些年龄结果显示麻粒岩相变质作用持续了大约27Ma,这可能与早古生代祁连地块与柴达木地块碰撞作用所引起的地壳加厚和后来的热松驰有关。  相似文献   

Anhydrous partial melting experiments, at 10 to 30 kbar from solidus to near liquidus temperature, have been performed on an iron-rich martian mantle composition, DW. The DW subsolidus assemblage from 5 kbar to at least 24 kbar is a spinel lherzolite. At 25 kbar garnet is stable at the solidus along with spinel. The clinopyroxene stable on the DW solidus at and above 10 kbar is a pigeonitic clinopyroxene. Pigeonitic clinopyroxene is the first phase to melt out of the spinel lherzolite assemblage at less than 20°C above the solidus. Spinel melts out of the assemblage about 50°C above the solidus followed by a 150° to 200°C temperature interval where melts are in equilibrium with orthopyroxene and olivine. The temperature interval over which pigeonitic clinopyroxene melts out of an iron-rich spinel lherzolite assemblage is smaller than the temperature interval over which augite melts out of an iron-poor spinel lherzolite assemblage. The dominant solidus assemblage in the source regions of the Tharsis plateau, and for a large percentage of the martian mantle, is a spinel lherzolite.  相似文献   

Near-liquidus phase relations in one-atmosphere dry and water-saturated high pressure conditions were experimentally determined on products of three historic andesitic eruptions. Run conditions ranged from 900 to 1100°C, at pressures up to 1500 bars with fO2 controlled close to the nickel-nickel oxide (NNO) buffer. In order to represent the compositions of the true liquid parts of the erupting magmas, groundmass portions were mechanically separated from the porphyritic andesites. Such groundmass materials should lie exactly on the liquidus field boundary between the phases precipitating from the magma just prior to eruption under the prevailing P-T condition.All the samples showed a crossing of the plagioclase and orthopyroxene liquidi in the pressure-temperature range from 1 to 800 bar and 950–1090°C. The crossing condition approximates the magmatic condition immediately prior to eruption. In the case of the 1970 eruption of Akita-komagatake, the crossing point is at 150 bar and 1090°C, matching closely the observed explosive gas pressure and the temperature. In both cases of the 1783 eruption of Asama and the 1914–1915 eruption of Sakurajima volcanoes, the crossing point shift from higher water pressure and lower temperature for the earlier erupting magmas to lower pressure and higher temperature for the later magmas. This regularity may be explained by a vertical gradient of the temperature and water content within the magma column prior to eruption.  相似文献   

 We have experimentally determined the displacement of the equilibrium Grossular + 2 Kyanite + Quartz ⇆ 3 Anorthite (GASP) as a function of garnet composition in the systems Mg-Ca-Mn, Fe-Mg-Ca and Fe-Mg-Ca-Mn at 1000°C. The results were treated along with selected experimental and observational data available in the literature as well as binary parameters from other workers to obtain a set of mutually compatible binary mixing parameters of the quaternary (Fe,Mg,Ca,Mn)- aluminosilicate garnet solid solution. Attempts to determine equilibrium garnet composition in the GASP equilibrium in the Ca-Mg binary were unsuccessful due to the formation of pyroxene. Calculations of binary and ternary miscibility gaps show that the P,T,X combination required for unmixing of garnet solid solution is not realized by natural samples. The solution model was applied to account for compositional effects on Fe-Mg exchange between garnet and ortho- or clino-pyroxene. Applications of the revised thermometric formulations to selected natural assemblages yield P-T conditions which are much less sensitive to compositional effects compared to the other available formulations, and are consistent with independent constraints. Received: 21 April 1995 / Accepted: 17 May 1996  相似文献   

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