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We present results of a fully non-local, compressible model of convection for A-star envelopes. This model quite naturally reproduces a variety of results from observations and numerical simulations which local models based on a mixing length do not. Our principal results, which are for models with T eff between 7200 and 8500 K, are the following. First, the photospheric velocities and filling factors are in qualitative agreement with those derived from observations of line profiles of A-type stars. Secondly, the He  ii and H  i convection zones are separated in terms of convective flux and thermal interaction, but joined in terms of the convective velocity field, in agreement with numerical simulations. In addition, we attempt to quantify the amount of overshooting in our models at the base of the He  ii convection zone.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to explore the evolution of helium-core white dwarf stars in a self-consistent way with the predictions of detailed non-grey model atmospheres and element diffusion. To this end, we consider helium-core white dwarf models with stellar masses of 0.406, 0.360, 0.327, 0.292, 0.242, 0.196 and 0.169 M and follow their evolution from the end of mass-loss episodes, during their pre-white dwarf evolution, down to very low surface luminosities.
We find that when the effective temperature decreases below 4000 K, the emergent spectrum of these stars becomes bluer within time-scales of astrophysical interest. In particular, we analyse the evolution of our models in the colour–colour and in the colour–magnitude diagrams and find that helium-core white dwarfs with masses ranging from ∼0.18 to 0.3 M can reach the turn-off in their colours and become blue again within cooling times much less than 15 Gyr and then remain brighter than M V ≈16.5 . In view of these results, many low-mass helium white dwarfs could have had enough time to evolve to the domain of collision-induced absorption from molecular hydrogen, showing blue colours.  相似文献   

This paper is aimed at exploring the effects of diffusion on the structure and evolution of low-mass helium white dwarfs. To this end, we solve the multicomponent flow equations describing gravitational settling and chemical and thermal diffusion. The diffusion calculations are coupled to an evolutionary code in order to follow the cooling of low-mass, helium core white dwarf models having envelopes made up of a mixture of hydrogen and helium, as recently suggested by detailed evolutionary calculations for white dwarf progenitors in binary systems. We find that diffusion causes hydrogen to float and the other elements to sink over time-scales shorter than evolutionary time-scales. This produces a noticeable change in the structure of the outer layers, making the star inflate. Thus, in order to compute accurately the mass–radius relation for low-mass helium white dwarfs we need to account for the diffusion processes during (at least) the white dwarf stages of the evolution of these objects. This should be particularly important when studying the general characteristics of binary systems containing a helium white dwarf and a pulsar.
In addition, we present an analytic, approximate model for the outer layers of the white dwarf aimed at interpreting the physical reasons for the change in the surface gravity for low-mass white dwarfs induced by diffusion.  相似文献   

We present a detailed calculation of model atmospheres for DA white dwarfs. Our atmosphere code solves the atmosphere structure in local thermodynamic equilibrium with a standard partial linearization technique, which takes into account the energy transfer by radiation and convection. This code incorporates recent improved and extended data base of collision-induced absorption by molecular hydrogen. We analyse the thermodynamic structure and emergent flux of atmospheres in the range 2500 T eff60 000 K and 6.5log  g 9.0. Bolometric correction and colour indices are provided for a subsample of the model grid. Comparison of the colours is made with published observational material and results of other recent model calculations.
Motivated by the increasing interest in helium-core white dwarfs, we analyse the photometric characteristics of these stars during their cooling, using evolutionary models recently available. Effective temperatures, surface gravities, masses and ages have been determined for some helium-core white dwarf candidates, and their possible binary nature is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The interpretation of pulsation data for sun-like stars is currently facing challenges quite similar to those faced by white dwarf modelers ten years ago. The observational requirements for uninterrupted long-term monitoring are beginning to be satisfied by successful multi-site campaigns and dedicated satellite missions. But exploration of the most important physical parameters in theoretical models has been fairly limited, making it difficult to establish a detailed best-fit model for a particular set of oscillation frequencies. I review the past development and the current state of white dwarf asteroseismology, with an emphasis on what this can tell us about the road to success for asteroseismology of other types of stars.  相似文献   

In this paper a theoretical model of a magnetic white dwarf is studied. All numerical calculations are performed under the assumption of a spherically symmetric star. The obtained equation of state is stiffer with the increase of value of the magnetic field (B). Numerical values of the maximum mass and radius are presented. The influence of the magnetic field on the results is evident. Finally the departure from the condition of isothermality of a degenerate electron gas in the gravitational field is discussed.  相似文献   

A     region along the celestial equator (Stripe 82) has been imaged repeatedly from 1998 to 2005 by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). A new catalogue of ∼4 million light-motion curves, together with over 200 derived statistical quantities, for objects in Stripe 82 brighter than   r ∼21.5  has been constructed by combining these data by Bramich et al. This catalogue is at present the deepest catalogue of its kind. Extracting ∼130 000 objects with highest signal-to-noise ratio proper motions, we build a reduced proper motion diagram to illustrate the scientific promise of the catalogue. In this diagram, disc and halo subdwarfs are well-separated from the cool white dwarf sequence. Our sample of 1049 cool white dwarf candidates includes at least eight and possibly 21 new ultracool H-rich white dwarfs  ( T eff < 4000 K)  and one new ultracool He-rich white dwarf candidate identified from their SDSS optical and UKIDSS infrared photometry. At least 10 new halo white dwarfs are also identified from their kinematics.  相似文献   

We present the first evidence for the direct detection of nickel in the photosphere of the hot DO white dwarf REJ 0503−289. While this element has been seen previously in the atmospheres of hot H-rich white dwarfs, this is one of the first similar discoveries in a He-rich object. Intriguingly, iron, which is observed to be more abundant than Ni in the hot DA stars, is not detected, the upper limit to its abundance (Fe/He=10−6) implying an Fe/Ni ratio a factor of 10 lower than seen in the H-rich objects (Ni/He=10−5 for REJ 0503−289). The abundances of nickel and various other elements heavier than He were determined from Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph spectra. We used two completely independent sets of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium model atmospheres, which both provide the same results. This not only reduces the possibility of systematic errors in our analysis, but is also an important consistency check for both model atmosphere codes.
We have also developed a more objective method of determining T eff and log  g , from the He lines in the optical spectrum, in the form of a formal fitting of the line profiles to a grid of model spectra, an analogue of the standard procedure utilizing the Balmer lines in DA white dwarfs. This gives the assigned uncertainties in T eff and log  g a firm statistical basis and allows us to demonstrate that inclusion of elements heavier than H, He and C in the spectral calculations, exclusively considered in most published optical analyses, yields a systematic downward shift in the measured value of T eff.  相似文献   

Using the latest non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) synthetic spectra and stellar model calculations, we have evaluated the potential effect of the presence of heavy elements in the photospheres of hot H-rich DA white dwarfs. In particular, we have examined their influence on the effective temperature and surface gravity perceived from analysis of the Balmer line profiles. It is apparent that both the inclusion of non-LTE effects in the models and significant quantities of heavy elements act independently to lower the value of T eff determined from a particular spectrum. Hence, the true effective temperatures of the heavy element-rich DA white dwarfs, currently estimated to be above 55 000 K, are apparently lower than previously reported from pure-H LTE analyses, by some 4000–7000 K. We do not see any similar influence on measurements of log g . This work concentrates on a group of relatively bright well-studied objects, for which heavy element abundances are known. As a consequence of this, establishment of correct temperatures for all other hot white dwarfs will require a programme of far-UV spectroscopy in order to obtain the essential compositional information. Since only stars with effective temperatures lying notionally in the range from ≈ 55 000 to 70 000 K (52 000–62 000 K when the non-LTE effects and heavy elements are taken into account) have been considered here, important questions remain regarding the magnitude of any similar effects in even hotter white dwarfs and pre-white dwarfs. The resulting implications for the plausibility of the evolutionary link between the main hot DA population and their proposed precursors, the H-rich central stars of planetary nebulae, need to be investigated.  相似文献   

The influence of strong, large‐scale magnetic fields on the structure and temperature distribution in white dwarf atmospheres is investigated. Magnetic fields may provide an additional component of pressure support, thus possibly inflating the atmosphere compared to the non‐magnetic case. Since the magnetic forces are not isotropic, atmospheric properties may significantly deviate from spherical symmetry. In this paper the magnetohydrostatic equilibrium is calculated numerically in the radial direction for either for small deviations from different assumptions for the poloidal current distribution. We generally find indication that the scale height of the magnetic white dwarf atmosphere enlarges with magnetic field strength and/or poloidal current strength. This is in qualitative agreement with recent spectropolarimetric observations of Grw+10°8247. Quantitatively, we .nd for e.g. a mean surface poloidal field strength of 100 MG and a toroidal field strength of 2‐10 MG an increase of scale height by a factor of 10. This is indicating that already a small deviation from the initial force‐free dipolar magnetic field may lead to observable effects. We further propose the method of finite elements for the solution of the two‐dimensional magnetohydrostatic equilibrium including radiation transport in the diffusive approximation. We present and discuss preliminary solutions, again indicating on an expansion of the magnetized atmosphere.  相似文献   

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