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利用酸溶法和碱熔法分解天青石样品,经过离子交换分离得到纯净的Sr,测定^87Sr/^86Sr同位素比值,实验结果表明两种样品分解方法得到的^87Sr/^86Sr同位素比值的偏差〈0.0001,证明在天青石锶同位素组成测定中,酸溶法和碱熔法都是可行的;但与碱熔法相比,酸溶法更简易并且利于本底值的控制。  相似文献   

用ICP-MS准确测定岩石样品中的40余种微量元素   总被引:166,自引:20,他引:166  
本文建立了一种用HF+HNO3,密封溶解样品、以USGS标准岩石样品BCR-1作参考标准、外加质量监控样品测定岩石样品中微量元素的ICP-MS分析方法。该方法具有简单、准确、测定元素多的特点。用该方法对USGS和AGSO的标准岩石样品中40余种微量元素进行测定,结果表明,除个别元素的分析结果与推荐值偏差接近或略大于10%外,绝大多数元素的分析结果与推荐值偏差在5%以内。  相似文献   

用ICP—MS准确测定岩石样品中的40余种微量元素   总被引:56,自引:26,他引:56  
刘颖  刘海臣 《地球化学》1996,25(6):552-558
本文建立了一种用HF+HNO3密封溶解样品,以USGS标准岩石样品BCR-1作参考标准,外加质量监控样品测定岩石样品中微量元素的ICP-MS分析方法。该方法具有简单,准确,测定元素多的特点。用该方法对USGS和AGSO的标准岩石样品中40余种微量元素进行测定,结果表明,除个别元素的分析结果与推荐值偏差接近或略大于10%外,绝大多数元素的分析结果与推荐值偏差在5%以内。  相似文献   

用混酸(HF-HCl-HNO_3-HClO_4)消解样品-电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定地球化学样品中主次量元素效率较高,但易出现标准物质中MgO、CaO等部分项目测定结果偏低的情况,主要原因有基体干扰和样品分解不完全等。本文通过采用加大定容体积与称样量的比值控制基体干扰,分析比较了用两种酸溶方法所得的9种元素的结果,证明采用氢氟酸浸泡的方法可以促进样品分解,可改善MgO、CaO、Na_2O、K_2O、TFe_2O_3、Mn、Al_2O_3的分析质量,而对P、Ti影响不大,两种方法所得Al_2O_3的结果误差均较大;针对较难消解样品通过补加混酸可进一步改善样品分解效果,使包含Al_2O_3在内的测定结果偏低程度有明显改善,所得标准物质测定结果符合地球化学样品分析质量控制规范要求。  相似文献   

何贵  刘涓  韦平  邱果 《四川地质学报》2021,41(z2):53-57,62
用混酸(HF-HCl-HNO3-HClO4)消解样品-电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定地球化学样品中主次量元素效率较高,但易出现标准物质中MgO、CaO等部分项目测定结果偏低的情况,主要原因有基体干扰和样品分解不完全等.本文通过采用加大定容体积与称样量的比值控制基体干扰,分析比较了用两种酸溶方法所得的9种元素的结果,证明...  相似文献   

The complete dissolution of representative test portions of powdered rock samples for the determination of the mass fractions of trace elements by ICP‐MS relies either on aggressive and time‐consuming acid digestions or fusion/sintering with appropriate fluxes. Here, we evaluate a microwave oven dissolution method that employs a solution of NH4HF2 and HNO3. The entire procedure occurs in a closed vessel system and takes up to 4 h. In hundreds of digestions, the precipitation of fluorides was never observed. Replicate decomposition of 100 mg of twenty‐one international reference materials (RMs) of igneous rocks, and also one of a shale presented mostly satisfactory recoveries of forty‐one trace elements. Important exceptions were Zr and Hf in G‐2 and GSP‐2 (mean recoveries of ca. 70%), although for four other felsic rock RMs, the digestion was complete. For ultramafic rock RMs, we present Cr results that indicate quantitative dissolution of Cr‐bearing phases. We discuss the findings and conclude that advances in sample preparation of geological materials for instrumental analysis would benefit from a better understanding of how specific characteristics, such as composition and crystallinity of certain minerals, may affect their reactivity.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the determination of thirty‐seven minor and trace elements (LILE, REE, HFSE, U, Th, Pb, transition elements and Ga) in ultramafic rocks. After Tm addition and acid sample digestion, compositions were determined both following a direct digestion/dilution method (without element separation) and after a preconcentration procedure using a double coprecipitation process. Four ultramafic reference materials were investigated to test and validate our procedure (UB‐N, MGL‐GAS [GeoPT12], JP‐1 and DTS‐2B). Results obtained following the preconcentration procedure are in good agreement with previously published work on REE, HFSE, U, Th, Pb and some of the transition elements (Sc, Ti, V). This procedure has two major advantages: (a) it avoids any matrix effect resulting from the high Mg content of peridotite, and (b) it allows the preconcentration of a larger trace element set than with previous methods. Other elements (LILE, other transition elements Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, as well as Ga) were not fully coprecipitated with the preconcentration method and could only be accurately determined through the direct digestion/dilution method.  相似文献   

A simple flux‐free fusion technique was developed to analyse major and trace element compositions of silicate rocks. The sample powders were melted in a molybdenum capsule sealed in a graphite tube to make a homogenous glass in a temperature‐controlled one‐atmosphere furnace. The glass was then measured for both major and trace element concentrations by LA‐ICP‐MS using a calibration strategy of total metal‐oxide normalisation. The optimum conditions (i.e., temperature and duration) to make homogeneous glasses were obtained by performing melting experiments using a series of USGS reference materials including BCR‐2, BIR‐1, BHVO‐2, AGV‐1, AGV‐2, RGM‐1, W‐2 and GSP‐2 with SiO2 contents from 47 to 73% m/m. Analytical results of the USGS reference materials using our method were generally consistent with the recommended values within a discrepancy of 5–10% for most elements. The routine precision of our method was generally better than 5–10% RSD. Compared with previous methods of LA‐ICP‐MS whole‐rock analyses, our flux‐free fusion method is convenient and efficient in making silicate powder into homogeneous glass. Furthermore, it limits contamination and loss of volatile elements during heating. Therefore, our new method has great potential to provide reliable and rapid determinations of major and trace element compositions for silicate rocks.  相似文献   

Ophiolites exposed across the western Tauride Belt in SW Turkey represent tectonically emplaced fragments of oceanic lithosphere incorporated into continental margin following the closure of the Neotethys Ocean during the Late Cretaceous. The mantle sections of the ophiolites contain peridotites with diverse suites of geochemical signatures indicative of residual origin by melt depletion in both mid‐ocean ridge (MOR) and supra‐subduction zone (SSZ) settings. This study uses a laser‐ablation inductively‐coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) for in situ measurements of trace elements in primary mantle phases in order to identify the upper mantle petrogenetic processes effective during variable stage of melt extraction in these discrete tectonic settings and to discriminate between the effects of reaction with chemically distinct mantle melts migrating through the solid residues. Trace element signatures in pyroxenes suggest small‐length scales of compositional variations which may be interpreted to be a result of post‐melting petrogenetic processes. Relative distribution of rare earth elements and Li between coexisting orthopyroxene‐clinopyroxene pairs in the peridotites suggests compositional disequilibrium in sub‐solidus conditions, which possibly reflects differential effects of diffusive exchange during melting and melt transport or interaction with subduction melts/fluids. On the basis of Ga abundances and Ga–Ti–Fe+3# [Fe+3/(Fe+3 + Cr + Al)] relationships of chrome‐spinels it is documented that the peridotites have experienced the combined effects of partial melting and variable extent of melt‐solid interaction. The MOR peridotites have spinels with geochemical signatures indicative of melt‐depleted residual origin with subsequent incompatible element enrichment through melt impregnation, while the Ga–Ti–Fe+3# relationships of chrome‐spinels in SSZ peridotites indicate that these highly depleted peridotites are not simple melt residues, but have been subject to significant compositional modification by interaction with subduction related melts/fluids. The observed compositional variations, which are related to long‐term tectonic reorganisation of oceanic lithosphere, provide evidence for a time integrated evolution from a mid‐ocean ridge to a supra‐subduction zone setting and may be a possible analogue to explain the coexistence of geochemically diverse MOR–SSZ suites in other Tethyan ophiolites. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sample digestion is a critical stage in the process of chemical analysis of geological materials by ICP‐MS. We present a new HF/HNO3 procedure to dissolve silicate rock samples using a high pressure asher system. The formation of insoluble AlF3 was the major obstacle in achieving full recoveries. This was overcome by setting an appropriate digestion temperature and adding Mg to the samples before digestion. Sodium peroxide sintering was also investigated and the inclusion of a heating step to the alkaline sinter solution improved the recoveries of thirteen elements other than the lanthanides. The results of these procedures were compared with data sets generated by common acid decomposition techniques. Forty‐one trace elements were determined using an ICP‐QMS equipped with a collision cell. Under optimum conditions of gas flow and kinetic energy discrimination, polyatomic interferences were eliminated or attenuated. The measurement bias obtained for eight reference materials (BCR‐2, BHVO‐2, BIR‐1, BRP‐1, OU‐6, GSP‐2, GSR‐1 and RGM‐1) and intermediate precision (RSD) were generally better than ± 5%. The expanded measurement uncertainties estimated for two certified reference materials were mostly between 7 and 15%. New data sets for the reference materials are provided, including constituents with previously unavailable values and also for the USGS candidate reference material G‐3.  相似文献   

A simple, single sample preparation involving pressed rock powder pellets was utilised to determine the trace and ultra trace abundances of petrogenetically important elements including high field‐strength elements and REEs by laser ablation‐ICP‐MS. One of the elements predetermined by XRF spectrometry served as an internal standard. The influence of sample preparation parameters (grain size, pellet compactness and amount of binding media) on analytical performance was also investigated, including sample homogeneity issues at the laser sampling scale. Line scanning with a high repetition frequency (20 Hz) and large beam diameter (200 μm) ensured ablation from a larger sample surface area, eliminating issues related to sample heterogeneity. A median grain size of about 10 μm for silicate rock powders was found to be sufficiently representative at this scale of laser sampling. Granitic rocks or samples containing resistant minerals such as zircon needed extra grinding to achieve grain sizes down to < 5 μm for better precision for elements that are concentrated in these phases. Using 137Ba as an internal standard, reasonable accuracies within 15–20% for most of the high mass trace elements were achieved; in the case of low mass elements, it may deviate up to 40%. Precision of measurements rarely exceeded 15% RSD.  相似文献   

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