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Herein we propose a multiple injection and recovery well system strategically operated for freshwater storage in a brackish aquifer. With the system we call aquifer storage transfer and recovery (ASTR) by using four injection and two production wells, we are capable of achieving both high recovery efficiency of injected freshwater and attenuation of contaminants through adequately long residence times and travel distances within the aquifer. The usual aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) scheme, in which a single well is used for injection and recovery, does not warrant consistent treatment of injected water due to the shorter minimum residence times and travel distances. We tested the design and operation of the system over 3 years in a layered heterogeneous limestone aquifer in Salisbury, South Australia. We demonstrate how a combination of detailed aquifer characterization and solute transport modeling can be used to maintain acceptable salinity of recovered water for its intended use along with natural treatment of recharge water. ASTR can be used to reduce treatment costs and take advantage of aquifers with impaired water quality that might locally not be otherwise beneficially used.  相似文献   

本文应用核磁共振成像技术,在均值、非均值模型中研究了复合剂驱油动态实验过程。观察及分析了复合剂驱油特征和效果,对复合剂驱油段塞前缘进行了实时跟踪,得到了复合剂驱油段塞前缘油墙的形成及剩余油分布与运移的二维图像,给出了复合剂驱油后,剩余油的饱和度分布曲线。实验表明:在层状非均值地层中,若渗透率差异大,复合剂段塞主要进入高渗层,而波及不到低渗层,即复合剂波及效率低。若渗透率差异小,复合剂段塞大部分进入高渗层,有少部分进入低渗层,即复合剂波及效率较高。  相似文献   

Thermodynamic and kinetic investigations were performed to determine the influence of coalescence of chemically dispersed crude oil droplets in saline waters. For the range of pH (4-10) and salinity (10 per thousand, 30 per thousand, 50 per thousand ) values studied, zeta-potential values ranged from -3 to -10 mV. As the interaction potential values calculated using Derjaguin-Landau-Verway-Overbeek (DLVO) theory were negative, the electrostatic barrier did not produce significant resistance to droplet coalescence. Coalescence kinetics of premixed crude oil and chemical dispersant were determined within a range of mean shear rates (Gm = 5, 10, 15, 20 s(-1)) and salinity (10 per thousand, 30 per thousand ) values. Coalescence reaction rates were modeled using Smoluchowski reaction kinetics. Measured collision efficiency values (alpha = 0.25) suggest insignificant resistance to coalescence in shear systems. Experimentally determined dispersant efficiencies (alpha = 0.35) were 10-50% lower than that predicted using a non-interacting droplet model (alpha = 0.0). Unlike other protocols in which the crude oil and dispersant are not premixed, salinity effects were not significant in this protocol. This approach allowed the effects of dispersant-oil contact efficiency eta(contact) to be separated from those of water column transport efficiency (eta(transport)) and coalescence efficiency (eta(coalescence)).  相似文献   

Field characterization of a trichloroethene (TCE) source area in fractured mudstones produced a detailed understanding of the geology, contaminant distribution in fractures and the rock matrix, and hydraulic and transport properties. Groundwater flow and chemical transport modeling that synthesized the field characterization information proved critical for designing bioremediation of the source area. The planned bioremediation involved injecting emulsified vegetable oil and bacteria to enhance the naturally occurring biodegradation of TCE. The flow and transport modeling showed that injection will spread amendments widely over a zone of lower‐permeability fractures, with long residence times expected because of small velocities after injection and sorption of emulsified vegetable oil onto solids. Amendments transported out of this zone will be diluted by groundwater flux from other areas, limiting bioremediation effectiveness downgradient. At nearby pumping wells, further dilution is expected to make bioremediation effects undetectable in the pumped water. The results emphasize that in fracture‐dominated flow regimes, the extent of injected amendments cannot be conceptualized using simple homogeneous models of groundwater flow commonly adopted to design injections in unconsolidated porous media (e.g., radial diverging or dipole flow regimes). Instead, it is important to synthesize site characterization information using a groundwater flow model that includes discrete features representing high‐ and low‐permeability fractures. This type of model accounts for the highly heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity and groundwater fluxes in fractured‐rock aquifers, and facilitates designing injection strategies that target specific volumes of the aquifer and maximize the distribution of amendments over these volumes.  相似文献   

Large-scale advective transport through highly heterogeneous 3D formations is investigated using highly resolved numerical simulations and simple analytic models. Investigations are focused on impacts of two types of contaminant injection on transport through isotropic formations where flow conditions are uniform in the average. Transport is quantified by analyzing breakthrough curves for control planes at various distances from the injection zone. In flux-proportional injection mode local mass in injection zone is proportional to local groundwater flux; this setup models many practical cases such as contaminant injection through wells. In resident concentration mode local concentration in injection zone is constant. Results show that impacts of injection mode on breakthrough curves and their moments are strong and they persist for hundreds of correlation scales. The resident concentration mode leads to a fatter tails of the breakthrough curves, while the peaks are generally underpredicted. For a synthetic porous medium with logconductivity variance of 8, dispersivity computed using resident concentration mode at control plane 100 integral scales away from the injection zone was about 10 times larger than corresponding one for flux-proportional mode. Hence, injection mode impacts on transport through highly heterogeneous formations are strong and they persist for large distances from the injection zone.  相似文献   

In the central North Sea ‘Gannet‐A’ field, a 50 ft oil rim is overlain by a gas cap of variable thickness. Oil is produced from horizontal wells which initially produced dry oil, but as the field became more mature, a significant water cut was seen in several wells. A dedicated 4D seismic monitor survey was acquired in order to assess the remaining distribution of oil reserves. By forward modelling the synthetic seismic response to parameters such as contact movement and residual saturations (using 2D and 3D wedge models), and comparing the results with real seismic data, we are able to decipher the contact movements across the field. It is shown that, in one part of the field, the increased water cut is caused primarily by the vertical displacement of the entire oil rim into the initial gas cap. This oil‐rim displacement produces a very different 4D seismic response from the case of a static gas–oil contact and rising oil–water contact (normal production). As a result of these observations, we are able to optimize field production by both re‐perforation of existing wells and by drilling sidetracks into the displaced rim: a brown‐field development opportunity that might otherwise be missed.  相似文献   

A new method for time‐lapse signal separation and enhancement using singular‐value decomposition is presented. Singular‐value decomposition is used to separate a 4D signal into its constituent parts: common geology, time‐lapse response and noise. Synthetic tests which demonstrate the advantages of the singular‐value decomposition technique over traditional differencing methods are also presented. This signal separation and enhancement technique is used to map out both the original and moved oil–water contacts across the Nelson Field. The singular‐value decomposition technique allows the oil–water contact to be mapped across regions which would have been missed using traditional differencing methods. In particular, areas toward the edges of the field are highlighted by the technique. The oil–water contact is observed to move upwards across the field, with the largest movements being associated, as anticipated, with natural production. The results obtained are broadly consistent with those predicted by the reservoir simulator model. Singular‐value decomposition is demonstrated to be a useful tool for enhancing the time‐lapse signal and for gaining confidence in areas where traditional differencing fails.  相似文献   

The use of surfactant solutions for the in situ recovery of residual NAPL in aquifers is increasingly considered as a viable remediation technique. The injection of a few pore volumes of high concentration surfactant solutions can mobilize most of the residual NAPL contacted by the solutions. However, the washing solutions'physico-chemical properties (low density and high viscosity), combined with the natural porous media heterogeneity, can prevent a good sweep of the entire contaminated volume. From the petroleum industry, it is well-known that polymer solutions can be injected following a surfactant solution slug to act as a mobility buffer and increase the overall sweep efficiency. The objective of our laboratory study is first to select and characterize polymers that would be suitable for aquifer restoration. Our experiments showed that among several polymers, xanthan gum solution rheology was made in order to predict shear rates, xanthan gum concentrations, salinity, and temperature effects on solution viscosity. The second set of experiments were made with a sand box which was designed to reproduce a simple heterogeneous media consisting of layers of sand with different permeability. These tests illustrate the xanthan gum solution's ability to increase surfactant solution's sweep efficiency and limit viscous fingering. The tests established that: (1) the injection of xanthan solution behind a surfactant solution slug decreases fluid velocity in high permeability layers and increases it in low-permeability ones, thus increasing the sweep efficiency (2) xanthan solutions eliminate viscous fingering at the polymer/surfactant solution front; (3) a xanthan solution preflush is desirable to limit surfactant solution mobility and prevent surfactant adsorption on solids; and (4) depending on site heterogeneity injection strategies should be applied to limit overriding by low-density surfactant solution.  相似文献   

Several technologies for cleaning up DNAPLs in source zones rely on solubilizing contaminants or destroying them in situ. Typically, these approaches employ an injection/withdrawal system to recirculate this treatment fluids. Our interest is in examining factors that influence delivery efficiency. Although many factors can affect this efficiency, this study looks at the combined influence of density-driven flow and porous media heterogeneities. The analysis is based on a series of numerical simulations of hypothetical chemical floods (e.g., potassium permanganate), which are highly resolved in space and time with a scale that is typical of field installations. Results indicate that the characteristics of convective mixing, i.e., natural, forced, and mixed convection, greatly affect delivery efficiency and patterns of mass transport. The ratio of the Grashof number (Gr) and Reynolds number (Re) proved useful in interpreting the patterns of flooding in a homogeneous porous medium. When higher-permeability layers are included in the domain, they act as conduits, effectively expediting the transport of treatment chemicals from injection to recovery wells. These large fluxes of chemicals in the high-permeability layers produce significant flooding inefficiencies. The problem is less severe in heterogeneous medium where the connectivity through the treatment zone is less well developed. Overall, this paper illustrates that density effects and high-permeability pathways need to be considered in designing chemical floods.  相似文献   

Wettability is an essential property of reservoirs that is of great importance for enhancing oil recovery(EOR) and oil migration. The wettability of reservoirs is generally believed to be strongly affected by mineral compositions but it is not always the case. An integrated study of petrography and wettability was carried out to determine the impact of chlorite minerals on the wettability of the sandstone reservoirs in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation. Chlorites are found to be commonly present in the reservoir sandstones as detrital grains, rim-shaped cements, and biotite-chloritized forms with the pore peripheries being largely coated by chlorite, which is the main mineral in direct contact with pores. At pore scale, the wetting state of chlorites can either be oil-wet or water-wet in the tight sandstone reservoirs depending on wettability alteration by oil charge. Chlorites in contact with pores occupy a large of proportions of oil-wet pore walls and are crucial for the formation of oil-wetting state of reservoir sandstones. At core scale, the contents of chlorites in direct contact with pores do not correlate well with the AmottHarvey index due to other factors such as heterogeneity, oil-bearing degrees of samples.  相似文献   

Tuning is the effect of interference between the reflections from the top and bottom of a thin layer on the amplitude of the composite reflection. For a homogeneous sandstone reservoir containing an oil column overlying brine, interference between the reflection from the top reservoir and the oil/water contact is a function of the height of the oil column. If the properties of the sandstone do not vary across the oil/water contact, the SS, PS and SP reflection coefficients from the oil/water contact are small in comparison to the PP reflection coefficient. This allows analytic expressions for the effective PP and PS reflection coefficients from the reservoir to be derived that include all P‐wave multiples within the oil column. For a given source/receiver offset, the component of the wavevector inside the oil column normal to the interface is larger for the PPPP reflection than for the PPPS reflection, due to the asymmetry in the raypath for the PPPS reflection. The PPPS reflection is therefore useful for determining oil‐column heights larger than that discriminated by the PPPP reflection, especially when used at wider offsets. A convenient classification of the AVO response of hydrocarbon‐bearing sandstone reservoirs overlain by shale is the scheme of Rutherford and Williams. Class 1 sands have higher acoustic impedance for normal incidence than the overlying shale, Class 2 sands have nearly the same acoustic impedance as the shale and Class 3 sands have lower acoustic impedance. Synthetic shot gathers calculated for these three classes as a function of oil‐column height show that a combination of the PPPP and the PPPS amplitudes can be plotted as a tuning trajectory, which can be used to determine the oil‐column height. This method is most sensitive for reservoirs that belong to AVO classes 1 and 2, and therefore may be useful in AVO analysis of Class 1 and 2 reservoirs where the traditional AVO indicators (developed for Class 3 reservoirs) do not work very well. These results demonstrate the usefulness of shear waves recorded in the marine environment at wide offsets.  相似文献   

We use a three-dimensional mixed-wet random network model representing Berea sandstone to extend our previous work on relative permeability hysteresis during water-alternating-gas (WAG) injection cycles [Suicmez, VS, Piri, M, Blunt, MJ, 2007, Pore-scale simulation of water alternate gas injection, Transport Porous Med 66(3), 259–86]. We compute the trapped hydrocarbon saturation for tertiary water-flooding, which is water injection into different initial gas saturations, Sgi, established by secondary gas injection after primary drainage. Tertiary water-flooding is continued until all the gas and oil is trapped. We study four different wettability conditions: water-wet, weakly water-wet, weakly oil-wet and oil-wet. We demonstrate that the amounts of oil and gas that are trapped show surprising trends with wettability that cannot be captured using previously developed empirical trapping models. We show that the amount of oil that is trapped by water in the presence of gas increases as the medium becomes more oil-wet, which is opposite from that seen for two-phase flow. It is only through a careful analysis of displacement statistics and fluid configurations that these results can be explained. This illustrates the need to have detailed models of the displacement processes that represent the three-phase displacement physics as carefully as possible. Further work is needed to explore the full range of behavior as a function of wettability and displacement path.  相似文献   

The aim of seismic reservoir monitoring is to map the spatial and temporal distributions and contact interfaces of various hydrocarbon fluids and water within a reservoir rock. During the production of hydrocarbons, the fluids produced are generally displaced by an injection fluid. We discuss possible seismic effects which may occur when the pore volume contains two or more fluids. In particular, we investigate the effect of immiscible pore fluids, i.e. when the pore fluids occupy different parts of the pore volume. The modelling of seismic velocities is performed using a differential effective‐medium theory in which the various pore fluids are allowed to occupy the pore space in different ways. The P‐wave velocity is seen to depend strongly on the bulk modulus of the pore fluids in the most compliant (low aspect ratio) pores. Various scenarios of the microscopic fluid distribution across a gas–oil contact (GOC) zone have been designed, and the corresponding seismic properties modelled. Such GOC transition zones generally give diffuse reflection regions instead of the typical distinct GOC interface. Hence, such transition zones generally should be modelled by finite‐difference or finite‐element techniques. We have combined rock physics modelling and seismic modelling to simulate the seismic responses of some gas–oil zones, applying various fluid‐distribution models. The seismic responses may vary both in the reflection time, amplitude and phase characteristics. Our results indicate that when performing a reservoir monitoring experiment, erroneous conclusions about a GOC movement may be drawn if the microscopic fluid‐distribution effects are neglected.  相似文献   

A dome-shaped layer can be selected as a storage site for fluid injection. In this study, we develop a mathematical model for simulating transient head distribution in a heterogeneous and anisotropic dome-shaped layer due to a constant-head injection in a fully penetrating well. In the model, a form of step change is adopted to approximate the upper and lower boundaries of the dome and then the layer is split into two regions. The Laplace-domain solution of the model is developed using the Laplace transform and method of separation of variables. The transient injection rate at wellbore can then be obtained based on Darcy’s law and Bromwich integral method. The predicted head contours from the head solution show significant vertical flow components near the location of step change in the dome reservoir. The results of sensitivity analysis indicate that the hydraulic conductivity is the most sensitive parameter and the specific storage is the least sensitive one to the injection rate after a short period of injection time. In addition, the injection rate for a dome reservoir is also very sensitive to the change of the height for the reservoir near the injection well (first region) at a very early injection time. In contrast, the injection rate is more sensitive to the change of the height of the second region than that of the first region at late time. This analytical solution may be used as a primary tool to assess the capacity of fluid injection to various dome reservoirs.  相似文献   

The Laplace Transform Galerkin (LTG) method and the Arnoldi modal reduction method (AMRM) have been implemented in finite element schemes designed to solve mass transport problems in porous media by Sudicky [Sudicky, E.A., Water Resour. Res., 25(8) (1989) 1833-46] and Woodbury et al [Woodbury, A.D., Dunbar, W.S., & Nour-Omid, B., Water Resour. Res., 26(10) (1990) 2579-90]. In this work, a comparative analysis of the two methods is performed with attention focused on efficiency and accuracy. The analysis is performed over one- and two-dimensional domains composed of homogeneous and heterogeneous material properties. The results obtained using homogeneous material properties indicate that for a given mesh design the LTG method maintains a higher degree of accuracy than does the AMRM. However, in terms of efficiency, the Arnoldi attains a pre-defined level of accuracy faster than does the LTG method. It is also shown that for problems involving homogeneous material properties the solution obtained using the LTG method on a coarse mesh is comparable in terms of solution time and accuracy to that obtained using the AMRM on a fine mesh. Comparisons similar to those performed using homogeneous material properties are also performed for the case where the hydraulic conductivity field is heterogeneous. For this case, the level of accuracy achieved by the AMRM and the LTG method are similar. However, as with the analysis involving homogeneous material properties, the AMRM is found to be more efficient than the LTG method. It is also shown that for heterogeneous material properties, use of the LTG method under high grid Peclet conditions can be potentially problematic.  相似文献   

In this paper, a relatively simple and physically solid algorithm is developed for solving the problem of reference density selection for the models of heterogeneous media. The way is suggested for determining the excess density of the individual elements of the structured model against the background varying density of the hosting rocks: in the calculations, the latter should be replaced by the hydrostatic density of the normal model, which only depends on depths. It is shown that the excess density of the elements within the inhomogeneous layer, referred to the depth-varying hydrostatic density of the normal model, has a significantly lower value throughout the entire depth of the studied domain and minimizes the gravitational effect of density contact along a curvilinear boundary. The efficiency of the algorithm is demonstrated by the model example and case study. Within the density model for the lithosphere of the Timan–Pechora plate, the structural layers corresponding to the sedimentary cover, crystalline crust, and upper mantle are isolated. For each of them, the fields are calculated within the gravitational model of a heterogeneous layer with curvilinear boundaries.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the possibility of using low-frequency electromagnetic waves to detect and monitor oil contamination of soils, a series of laboratory measurements were performed. A new measurement system to monitor the resistivities of soil and sand samples while samples are being contaminated by diesel oil is presented. The frequency used in measurements is 100 kHz. Since the measurement system is composed of coil-type transmitters and receivers, there is no need for electrodes to be in contact with samples. The contamination process is simulated using diesel oil dripping on top of soil and sand samples. The conductivity distributions in samples along the sample length are recorded as a function of time. Water-wet sand and soil samples were measured during diesel oil contamination. The measured data show that the conductivities of soil and sand samples change during the contamination process. The change in resistivity for measured samples before and after diesel oil contamination is in the range of 20% to 50%, giving a reflection coefficient change in the low-frequency limit of 4.7% to 7%. This amount of change in the reflection coefficient makes it very challenging to detect and monitor oil contamination based on EM reflection from the contaminants. The results suggest that EM methods based on propagation and induction, such as tomography and borehole induction, could be used for this purpose.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon production and fluid injection affect the level of subsurface stress and physical properties of the subsurface, and can cause reservoir‐related issues, such as compaction and subsidence. Monitoring of oil and gas reservoirs is therefore crucial. Time‐lapse seismic is used to monitor reservoirs and provide evidence of saturation and pressure changes within the reservoir. However, relative to background velocities and reflector depths, the time‐lapse changes in velocity and geomechanical properties are typically small between consecutive surveys. These changes can be measured by using apparent displacement between migrated images obtained from recorded data of multiple time‐lapse surveys. Apparent displacement measurements by using the classical cross‐correlation method are poorly resolved. Here, we propose the use of a phase‐correlation method, which has been developed in satellite imaging for sub‐pixel registration of the images, to overcome the limitations of cross‐correlation. Phase correlation provides both vertical and horizontal displacements with a much better resolution. After testing the method on synthetic data, we apply it to a real dataset from the Norne oil field and show that the phase‐correlation method can indeed provide better resolution.  相似文献   

The goal of wave‐mode separation and wave‐vector decomposition is to separate a full elastic wavefield into three wavefields with each corresponding to a different wave mode. This allows elastic reverse‐time migration to handle each wave mode independently. Several of the previously proposed methods to accomplish this task require the knowledge of the polarisation vectors of all three wave modes in a given anisotropic medium. We propose a wave‐vector decomposition method where the wavefield is decomposed in the wavenumber domain via the analytical decomposition operator with improved computational efficiency using low‐rank approximations. The method is applicable for general heterogeneous anisotropic media. To apply the proposed method in low‐symmetry anisotropic media such as orthorhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic, we define the two S modes by sorting them based on their phase velocities (S1 and S2), which are defined everywhere except at the singularities. The singularities can be located using an analytical condition derived from the exact phase‐velocity expressions for S waves. This condition defines a weight function, which can be applied to attenuate the planar artefacts caused by the local discontinuity of polarisation vectors at the singularities. The amplitude information lost because of weighting can be recovered using the technique of local signal–noise orthogonalisation. Numerical examples show that the proposed approach provides an effective decomposition method for all wave modes in heterogeneous, strongly anisotropic media.  相似文献   

Heating heavy oil reservoirs is a common method for reducing the high viscosity of heavy oil and thus increasing the recovery factor. Monitoring of these viscosity changes in the reservoir is essential for delineating the heated region and controlling production. In this study, we present an approach for estimating viscosity changes in a heavy oil reservoir. The approach consists of three steps: measuring seismic wave attenuation between reflections from above and below the reservoir, constructing time‐lapse Q and Q?1 factor maps, and interpreting these maps using Kelvin–Voigt and Maxwell viscoelastic models. We use a 4D relative spectrum method to measure changes in attenuation. The method is tested with synthetic seismic data that are noise free and data with additive Gaussian noise to show the robustness and the accuracy of the estimates of the Q‐factor. The results of the application of the method to a field data set exhibit alignment of high attenuation zones along the steam‐injection wells, and indicate that temperature dependent viscosity changes in the heavy oil reservoir can be explained by the Kelvin–Voigt model.  相似文献   

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