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离散快速傅里叶变换算法在频谱分析中得到了广泛的应用,这种算法得到的计算结果是在整个频段上的频谱信息. 在一些应用中,需要了解的仅仅是某一窄带内的频谱精细结构,要求频谱的分辨率较高. 而要得到一个较高分辨率的频谱,直接采用快速傅里叶变换计算则会导致参加快速傅里叶变换运算的数据点数的增加,从而引起计算量和存储量的急剧增大,这样,快速傅里叶变换算法就不能满足要求了. 本文介绍了基于复调制的频率细化技术的原理及其在超低频/极低频电磁接收机研制中的应用,阐述了采用这种技术如何实现高分辨率频谱的计算,并给出了理论数据和实际观测数据的计算结果.   相似文献   

陈恩平  陆洪  张学民 《地震学报》2013,35(4):512-519
分析了DEMETER卫星上测量的极低频(ELF, 3—30 Hz)和超低频(SLF, 30—300 Hz)水平磁场. 其统计变化规律与地面上实测的此频段大气噪声变化规律一致, 并且数值差异也符合电波传播规律, 说明卫星上监测的电磁场来源于地面. 同时对DEMETER卫星上测量的ELF和SLF归一化波阻抗进行了深入地分析, 由电子密度与离子密度计算出的归一化波阻抗与由实测电磁场计算出的归一化波阻抗均有差异. 现有观测资料并不完全“自洽”, 尚有问题需深入研究.  相似文献   

分析了深部地热资源勘察中的地球物理电磁法应用现状,阐明了被动式超低频电磁法在深部地热资源勘察中的可用性和优势;重点论述了被动式超低频电磁法在深部地热资源勘察中的探测机理.利用北京大学研制的BD-6型被动式超低频电磁探测仪在京热119井和168井附近布点探测,在探测过程中利用硬件滤波和水平旋转探头方向的方法消除了工频50Hz的部分谐波干扰,同时探测曲线的重复性也非常好,得到了相应井位的超低频电磁探测数据.在对深部热水储层和盖层岩性界面进行地质解释后,得到热储层赋存深度的绝对误差为23-50 m,盖层岩性界面的相对误差小于6.3%.探测结果表明借助被动式超低频电磁探测仪,可以较准确地获得深部岩溶裂隙地热水的分布信息.  相似文献   

In order to add earthquake monitoring methods and develop new method research, the ELF Network for Earthquake Monitoring selected 30 stations in the Capital Circle and the Sichuan-Yunnan region. Finding electromagnetic field background variation is the basis of distinguishing the seismic electromagnetic anomalies. This paper introduces the data acquisition and selection of the Shexian, Anqiu, Lijiang and Dali stations which have recorded for longer time with better data and are located on the similar latitude. Then we use the natural source electromagnetic field''s auto-power spectrum to express the intensity of the electromagnetic field. By using power spectral data of many frequencies in the observation frequency band, after the data pre-processing and sliding average noising, the background variation of extremely low frequency stations and the range ability were acquired. Taking the Baoshan M5.1 earthquake on October 30, 2015 and Dali M5.0 earthquake on May 18, 2016 as examples, the authors analyzed the earthquake electromagnetic anomaly characteristic of ELF stations around the earthquakes.  相似文献   

强震前ELF/VLF磁场的扰动特征统计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用DEMETER卫星记录的变化磁场数据统计研究了2005—2009年北半球7级以上强震前后空间磁场的扰动特征.在震中±10°范围内利用震前2个月至震后1个月的5年同期观测的ELF/VLF[370~897 Hz]频段磁场功率谱密度数据构建了背景场,定义了表征空间磁场在地震时段相对于背景场的扰动幅度指标.统计研究发现26个强震中42%的地震主要表现为震前磁场扰度幅度逐渐上升,超过3倍标准差,随后在扰度幅度下降过程中发震.35%强震在地震前10天内最大扰动幅度超过3倍标准差,在扰度幅度处于最高值期间发震,震后磁场扰动幅度逐渐回落.23%的强震在震前震后无明显规律.随机事件测试发现在空间天气平静且无强震条件下随机地点上空的磁场无明显的时空演化规律,且随机地点上空的空间磁场相对于背景场的平均扰度幅度很小,最大扰度幅度从未超过2倍标准差,并且没有明显的随时间变化特征.  相似文献   

姚丽  陈化然  何宇飞 《地震学报》2013,35(3):390-399
2010年4月13日23点49分38秒(世界时), 青海省玉树县发生了MS7.1地震. 根据法国DEMETER卫星电场探测仪(ICE)实验数据, 研究震区上空半径500 km范围内电离层10—20 kHz甚低频(VLF)电场频谱信噪比发现, 玉树地震前3个不同频率的地面VLF发射站信号对应的信噪比均出现相同的变化特征, 即震前DEMETER卫星1个重访周期内的平均信噪比明显减弱, 而2009年相同时段和区域的平均信噪比并未出现相似变化趋势. 分析认为, 玉树地震孕震期信噪比衰减现象很可能是由地震-电离层耦合所致.  相似文献   

我国琼东南盆地深水区勘探程度低,工区内只有一口刚打到研究层段黄流组顶部的探井,针对该情况,介绍了一种在无井或少井情况下利用速度谱资料进行地震反演的方法.该方法首先利用离工区较近的井进行有井反演,然后结合有井反演过程的认识,利用速度谱资料提取伪井信息进行伪波阻抗反演,并充分利用已有的地质信息来完善无井反演的结果,最后利用频谱成像技术对反演结果进行验证.结果表明,为了获取准确的伪波阻抗数据,需要准确的速度谱数据,且在构造比较平缓、能量集中、质量较好的道集提取伪井资料,并充分利用已知地震、地质信息和频谱成像分析结果,可以减小无井反演结果的多解性.  相似文献   

三分量地震资料包含着丰富的运动学和动力学信息,各种随机噪声的存在严重降低了资料的信噪比,给有效信息的提取带来了一定的困难.本文在引入多窗谱分析方法的基础上,通过对谱密度矩阵特征问题的求解提取三分量地震记录的偏振参数,实现频率域偏振分析;根据所求得的偏振参数以及随机噪声和有效信号的偏振特性差异,设计相应的自适应滤波器,通过该滤波器的滤波作用,最终实现压制随机噪声的目的.  相似文献   

The frequency-dependent amplification for rock (NEHRP-class B) sites was studied using earthquake ground-motion database collected in Taiwan during implementation of the Taiwan Strong Motion Instrumentation Program. The database used includes several hundred records from earthquakes of ML 4.0–7.3 occurred between 1993 and 2004. The characteristics of amplification were evaluated using the well-known technique of horizontal-to-vertical Fourier spectral ratio (H/V) of the S-wave phase [Lermo J, Chavez-Garcia FJ. Site effect evaluation using spectral ratios with only one station. Bull Seism Soc Am 1993;83:1574–94]. The study allows us to analyze peculiarities of rock sites amplification in Northern and Eastern Taiwan. It was suggested to divide the NEHRP-class B site amplification into four types based on frequency of maximum amplification and the shape of amplification function. The applicability of the technique was also checked for a few stiff and soft soil sites (NEHRP-classes D and E).  相似文献   

According to variations of 137Cs and clay contents, 44 flood couplets were identified in a profile of res- ervoir deposit with a vertical length of 28.12 m in the Yuntaishan Gully. Couplet 27 at the middle of the profile had the highest average 137Cs content of 12.65 Bq·kg?1, which indicated the 1963s' deposits, then 137Cs content decreased both downward and upward in the profile. The second top and bottom couplets had average 137Cs contents of 2.15 Bq·kg?1 and 0.92 Bq·kg?1, respectively. By integrated analysis of reservoir construction and management history, variations of 137Cs contents over the profile, sediment yields of flood couplets and rainfall data during the period of 1958-1970, individual storms related to the flood couplets were identified. 44 floods with a total sediment yield of 2.36×104 m3 occurred and flood events in a year varied between 1 and 10 times during the period of 1960-1970. 7-10 flood events occurred during the wet period of 1961-1964 with very wet autumn, while only 1-2 events during the dry period of 1965-1969. Average annual specific sediment yield was 1.29×104 t·km?2·a?1 for the Yuntaishan Gully during the period of 1960-1970, which was slightly higher than 1.11 ×104 t·km?2·a?1 for the Upper Yanhe River Basin above the Ganguyi Hydrological Station and slightly lower than 1.40 ×104 t·km?2·a?1 for the nearby Zhifang Gully during the same period. Annual specific sediment yields for the Yuntaishan Gully were correlated to the wet season's rainfalls well.  相似文献   

Introduction Earthquake magnitude is a measurement of earthquake intensity, which is one of the basic seismic parameters. The body-wave magnitude mb and surface-wave magnitude MS are based re- spectively on different wave spectrum amplitudes, therefore, the magnitude used as a criterion has its sound physical basis, which is in fact to distinguish the frequency components of seismic waves excited by explosion and earthquake. The magnitude criterion has a very clear physical meaning. Proposed …  相似文献   

沉积相研究是盆地隐蔽油气藏勘探中重要的研究内容之一,综合利用地球物理方法有效识别构造、岩性或沉积相差异是盆地隐蔽油气藏勘探的前提.本文基于重力、航磁、地震等综合地球物理资料,通过重磁异常正演剥离和剖面正反演拟合技术研究了华南桂中地区海相地层的密度分布特征,预测了岩相、沉积相的变化规律.研究发现,本区中、下泥盆统海相地层存在横向的岩性、岩相变化,研究区西北、东南部的台地相区重力异常高、岩石拟合密度值高;中部“X”型台地边缘相区重力异常杂乱、岩石拟合密度变化范围大;东部台沟相区重力异常低、岩石拟合密度值低.利用综合地球物理方法预测沉积相为盆地岩性圈闭油气藏和生物礁油气藏勘探提供了新的研究思路,研究成果已得到初步检验,但还有待进一步完善与实践.  相似文献   

According to variations of 137Cs and clay contents, 44 flood couplets were identified in a profile of reservoir deposit with a vertical length of 28.12 m in the Yuntaishan Gully. Couplet 27 at the middle of the profile had the highest average 137Cs content of 12.65 Bq kg-1, which indicated the 1963s' deposits, then 137Cs content decreased both downward and upward in the profile. The second top and bottom couplets had average 137Cs contents of 2.15 Bq kg-1 and 0.92 Bq kg-1, respectively. By integrated analysis of reservoir construction and management history, variations of 137Cs contents over the profile, sediment yields of flood couplets and rainfall data during the period of 1958-1970, individual storms related to the flood couplets were identified. 44 floods with a total sediment yield of 2.36×104 m3 occurred and flood events in a year varied between 1 and 10 times during the period of 1960-1970. 7-10 flood events occurred during the wet period of 1961-1964 with very wet autumn, while only 1-2 events during the dry period of 1965-1969. Average annual specific sediment yield was 1.29×104 t km-2 a-1 for the Yuntaishan Gully during the period of 1960-1970, which was slightly higher than 1.11 ×104 t km-2 a-1 for the Upper Yanhe River Basin above the Ganguyi Hydrological Station and slightly lower than 1.40 ×104 t km-2 a-1 for the nearby Zhifang Gully during the same period. Annual specific sediment yields for the Yuntaishan Gully were correlated to the wet season's rainfalls well.  相似文献   

探讨了如何基于Midas/GTS来实现用FLAC3D建立复杂边坡模型。首先在Midas/GTS中建立几何模型和划分网格,然后根据两种软件的网格数据形式进行转换,把Midas/GTS的网格模型导入FLAC3D中。对于二维边坡问题,认为采用四边形单元比三角形单元的计算精度更高,在模型较为复杂的情况下建议在Midas/GTS中采用四边形+三角形的方式生成混合网格,然后导入FLAC3D中形成brick+wedge形式的混合网格进行分析,以保证计算精度。最后将上述建模方法应用于某边坡工程的稳定性分析,验证了该建模方法的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

The H/V spectral ratio method based on seismic noise (HVSRN) was used in the Grenoble Basin (France), an Alpine valley characterized by a small apex ratio. The resonance frequencies obtained in the experiments were compared to the thickness of the sediments deduced from a microgravimetric survey and to the 1-D theoretical assessment of site responses. Given the abundance of data on the sediments and depth of the basin, the values of the theoretical resonance frequency fo can be determined quite accurately. However, it has been observed that the effects of basin geometry can disturb fo measurements using the HVSR method, in particular for a case like the Grenoble Basin, which has a small apex ratio (w/H) and strong suspected 2-D and/or 3-D effects. Interpretation of fo values in terms of bedrock depth gives rise to estimation errors of about 10% in certain cases, with the most significant errors (>50%) occurring on the edges of the basin, where subsurface layers are characterised by larger heterogeneities and where the basin topography is accentuated. This study suggests that great care must be taken when using the HVSRN method as an exploration tool, at least in valleys with a small apex ratio.  相似文献   

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