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The PT-phase relations of a Hawaiian tholeiite with 18.2% MgO has olivine–orthopyroxene multiple saturation at 20.5 kbar and 1,550°C. This pressure is less than the pressure at the lithosphere/asthenosphere transition, and it is suggested that tholeiites with this and lesser MgO contents are fractionated. Assuming a harzburgitic residuum it is shown that Hawaiian primary tholeiites contain about 23% MgO, and are generated at 36±5 kbar and 1,680±50°C. This pressure is equivalent to a depth of 112 km, which is consistent with the thickness of the lithosphere and thermal plume modeling. The minimal MgO content of primary Hawaiian tholeiites is suggested as 19% MgO.  相似文献   

The first occurrence of amphibole-bearing basalt in the southern Cascade volcanic province has been found in the Medicine Lake area of California. Little Mount Hoffman, a late Pleistocene cinder and scoria cone, has erupted high-alumina olivine tholeiite, the petrography of which yields a paragenetic phenocryst sequence of amphibole→olivine→plagioclase. The amphibole is compositionally a tschermakite. Comparison with available experimental data indicates an initial depth of crystallization somewhere between 40 and 100 km, temperature near 1000 °C, and f O 2 near the Ni-NiO and QFM buffers. Contribution No. 124  相似文献   

Summary The chemical composition of olivine phenocrysts was determined for 13 basaltic samples taken from the central part of the Cameroon Volcanic line to estimate the compositions of the primary olivine phenocrysts and the primary magmas. The Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios of the olivines attain 0.91, though many of the magnesian olivines are identified on a textural basis as xenocrysts from peridotite inclusions. Most magnesian olivine phenocrysts have Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios of 0.87–0.88 and NiO contents of 0.32–0.35 wt %. The NiO versus Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios of the olivines can be used to estimate the compositions of the primary phenocrysts in a range of Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.88–0.90. Assuming the Fe(3)/(total Fe) ratios of the magmas are 0.17–0.25, which is estimated from the Fe-Mg partitioning between plagioclase and groundmass, the compositions of the primary magmas were obtained from the Fe2+-Mg partition equilibrium with the primary olivine phenocrysts. The primary magmas of the Cameroonian basalts have 13.5 ± 4.0 wt MgO, which is similar to the compositions of basalts with highest MgO contents reported so far from the Cameroon volcanic line.
Olivin Kristalle in einigen Basalten aus Kamerun: Hinweise auf die Zusammensetzung des primitiven Magmas
Zusammenfassung Die chemische Zusammensetzung von Olivin Phenokristallen wurde in 13 Basalt-Proben, die vom Zentralteil .des Kamerun-Vulkangürtels stammen, bestimmt, um Hinweise auf die Zusammensetzung der primären Olivineinsprenglinge and des primären Magmas zu erlangen. Die Mg/(Mg + Fe) Verhältnisse der Olivine reichen bis 0.91, obwohl viefle dieser Mg-Olivine auf Grund textureller Kriterien als aus Peridotit-Einschlüssen stammende Xenokristalle zu identifizieren sind. Die Mg/(Mg + Fe) Verhältnsse der Hauptmasse der Olivin-Phenokristalle liegen im Bereich von 0.87 bis 0.88, die Ni0 Gehalte zwischen 0.32 und 0.35 Gew %. Die Ni0 gegen Mg/(Mg + Fe) Verhältnisse eignen sich zur Abschätzung der Zusammensetzung der primären Phenokristalle, solange die Mg/(Mg + Fe) Verhältnisse im Bereich von 0.88 bis 0.90 liegen. Die Zusammensetzung des Primärmagmas wurde mittels der Fe2+-Mg-Verteilung zwischen dem Magma und den sich mit dem Magma im Gleichgewicht befindlichen primären Olivinkristallen unter der Annahme eines Fe3+/Fe total Verhältnisses von 0.17–0.25, welches sich aus der Mg-Fe Verteilung zwischen Plagioklas und Grundmasse ergibt, bestimmt. Demnach ergibt sich für das primäre Magma der Kamerun Basalte ein MgO Gehalt von 13.5 + 4.0 Gew%. Dieser Wert ist mit der Zusammensetzung von Basalten mit höchsten MgO-Gehalten, wie sie bisher vom Kamerun-Vulkangürtel berichtet worden sind, vergleichbar.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

The population density of olivine phenocrysts of the tholeiites display an exponential variation, which is typical of igneous as well as contact metamorphic rocks. The exponential variation is explained by a new growth probability model, which is consistent with experimental work. The forsterite content of the olivine phenocrysts decreases with decreasing size. Various phenocryst features suggest that the tholeiites first crystallized slowly in a magma chamber, after which they underwent crystallization for a short period of time in a feeder dyke before eruption took place.  相似文献   

Petrographic and chemical criteria indicate that the overwhelming majority of olivines in kimberlites are probably cognate phenocrysts. The implied low volume of xenocryst olivines requires that primitive kimberlite magmas are highly ultrabasic liquids. Two chemically distinctive olivine populations are present in all of the kimberlites studied. The dominant olivine population, which includes large rounded olivines and smaller euhedral crystals, is Mg-rich relative to late-stage rim compositions. It is characterized by a range in 100 Mg/(Mg + Fe) and uniform Ni concentration, reflecting Rayleigh-type crystallization during magma evolution. The most Mg-rich of these olivines are considered to be similiar to those in the mantle source rocks. The second compositional population, generally very subordinate, though markedly more abundant in the megacrystrich Monastery kimberlite, is Fe-rich relative to rim compositions. This group of olivines crystallized from evolved liquids in equilibrium with iron-rich megacrysts, both entrained by the kimberlite magma during ascent. Differences between the chemical fields of Fe-rich olivines in Group I and Group II kimberlites point to relatively deeper derivation of the latter suite. Olivine chemistry can be used to characterize kimberlite magma sub-types, and may prove to be a useful tool for evaluating the diamond potential of kimberlites.  相似文献   

A relatively narrow range of oxygen isotopic ratios (?? 18O?=?5.0?C5.4??) is preserved in olivine of mantle xenoliths, mid-ocean ridge (MORB), and most ocean island basalts (OIB). The values in excess of this range are generally attributed either to the presence of a recycled component in the Earth??s mantle or to shallow level contamination processes. A viable way forward to trace source heterogeneity is to find a link between chemical (elemental and isotopic) composition of the earlier crystallized mineral phases (olivine) and the composition of their parental magmas, then using them to reconstruct the composition of source region. The Canary hotspot is one of a few that contains ~1- to 2-Ga-old recycled ocean crust that can be traced to the core-mantle boundary using seismic tomography and whose origin is attributed to the mixing of at least three main isotopically distinct mantle components i.e. HIMU, DMM, and EM. This work reports ion microprobe and single crystal laser fluorination oxygen isotope data of 148 olivine grains also analyzed for major and minor elements in the same spot. The olivines are from 20 samples resembling the most primitive shield stage picrite through alkali basalt to basanite series erupted on Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Gomera, La Palma and El Hierro, Canary Islands, for which shallow level contamination processes were not recognized. A broad range of ?? 18Oolivine values from 4.6 to 6.1?? was obtained and explained by stable, long-term oxygen isotope heterogeneity of crystal cumulates present under different volcanoes. These cumulates are thought to have crystallized from mantle-derived magmas uncontaminated at crustal depth, representing oxygen isotope heterogeneity of source region. A relationship between Ni?×?FeO/MgO and ?? 18Oolivine values found in one basanitic lava erupted on El Hierro, the westernmost island of the Canary Archipelago, was used to estimate oxygen isotope compositions of partial melts presumably originated from peridotite (HIMU-type component inherited its radiogenic isotope composition from ancient, ~1 to 2?Ga, recycled ocean crust) and pyroxenite (young, <1?Ga, recycled oceanic crust preserved as eclogite with depleted MORB-type isotopic signature) components of the Canary plume. The model calculations yield 5.2 and 5.9?±?0.3?? for peridotite- and pyroxenite-derived melts, respectively, which appeared to correspond closely to the worldwide HIMU-type OIB and upper limit N-MORB ?? 18O values. This difference together with the broad range of ?? 18O variations found in the Canarian olivines cannot be explained by thermodynamic effects of oxygen isotopic fractionation and are believed to represent true variations in the mantle, due to oceanic crust and continental lithosphere recycling.  相似文献   

We describe and model a potential re-equilibration process that can affect compositions of melt inclusions in magnesian olivine phenocrysts. This process, referred to as “Fe-loss”, can operate during natural pre-eruptive cooling of host magma and results in lower FeOt and higher MgO contents within the initially trapped volume of inclusion. The extent of Fe-loss is enhanced by large temperature intervals of magma cooling before eruption. The compositions of homogenised melt inclusions in olivine phenocrysts from several subduction-related suites demonstrate that (1) Fe-loss is a common process, (2) the maximum observed degree of re-equilibration varies between suites, and (3) within a single sample, variable degrees of re-equilibration can be recorded by melt inclusions trapped in olivine phenocrysts of identical composition. Our modelling also demonstrates that the re-equilibration process is fast going to completion, in the largest inclusions in the most magnesian phenocrysts it is completed within 2 years. The results we obtained indicate that the possibility of Fe-loss must be considered when estimating compositions of parental subduction-related magmas from naturally quenched glassy melt inclusions in magnesian olivine phenocrysts. Compositions calculated from glassy inclusions affected by Fe-loss will inherit not only erroneously low FeOt contents, but also low MgO due to the inherited higher Mg##of the residual melt in re-equilibrated inclusions. We also demonstrate that due to the higher MgO contents of homogenised melt inclusions affected by Fe-loss, homogenisation temperatures achieved in heating experiments will be higher than original trapping temperatures. The extent of overheating will increase depending on the degree of re-equilibration, and can reach up to 50 °C in cases where complete re-equilibration occurs over a cooling interval of 200 °C. Received: 2 November 1998 / Accepted: 27 September 1999  相似文献   

Melt inclusions in olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts in kersantite and camptonite at Chhaktalao in Madhya Pradesh, India are mainly of the evolved type forming daughter minerals of olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase, spinel, mica, titanomagnetite and sulphides. Heating studies exhibit a temperature range from 1215° to 1245°C for the melt inclusions in olivine in camptonite and 1220–1245°C for olivine in kersantite. The temperature for melt inclusions in pyroxene ranged from 1000° to 1150°C in camptonite and 850–1100°C for pyroxene in kersantite. The bubble inside these melt inclusions is mainly CO2. The Th°C of CO2 into liquid phase occurred between 26° and 31°C in olivine and 25–30°C in pyroxene from kersantite and camptonite. The maximum density estimated is 0.72 g/cm3 and the minimum is 0.45 g/cm3. The depth of entrapment of the melt inclusion is estimated between 10–15 km. The pressure of entrapment of melt inclusion in olvine is 4.6 kbar where as that in pyroxene is 3.7 kbar. The lamprophyres in the Chhaktalao area are considered to be derived from low depth and low pressure region, possibly within spinel lherzolite zone.  相似文献   

High-spatial resolution analysis of light element isotope variations by secondary-ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) has numerous applications in geochemistry and cosmochemistry. Recent attention has focused on 7Li/6Li variations in magmatic phenocrysts to infer the volatile degassing history of their parent magmas, and on minerals from mantle samples to determine source-region processes and the recycling history of mantle reservoirs. In these studies the effect of mineral composition on the 7Li/6Li ratio measured by SIMS has been considered secondary, and generally disregarded. We show, using a suite of nine olivines analyzed by MC-ICP-MS or TIMS, that there is a substantial effect of composition on the 7Li/6Li ratio of olivine measured by SIMS. For magnesian olivine (74 < Fo < 94) the effect is a linear function of composition, with δ7Li increasing by 1.3‰ for each mole percent decrease in forsterite component. At higher Fe contents, the relationship ceases to be linear. The composition range over which linear behavior is exhibited appears to depend on instrumental conditions. A calibration of this matrix effect over the linear range is presented, assuming the measurement of 7Li/6Li relative to an olivine standard of known composition. Application of this calibration to a suite of olivines separated from basaltic lavas from Ko'olau, Hawai'i demonstrates that the matrix effect is responsible for a geologically spurious correlation between δ7Li and Mg#. However, after correction, the olivines retain evidence of Li isotope heterogeneity, the degree and nature of which differs in each of the four separates studied. These results emphasize the importance of compositional correction for SIMS measurement of δ7Li in olivine, particularly in zoned crystals, and support previous conclusions that Li isotope variability in igneous materials is subject to late-stage disturbance. The significant matrix effect demonstrated for olivine suggests that matrix effects in other minerals require further evaluation.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide solubilities in H2O-free hydrous silicate melts of natural andesite (CA), tholeiite (K 1921), and olivine nephelinite (OM1) compositions have been determined employing carbon-14 beta-track mapping techniques. The CO2 solubility increases with increasing pressure, temperature, and degree of silica-undersaturation of the silicate melt. At 1650° C, CO2 solubility in CA increases from 1.48±0.05 wt % at 15 kbar to 1.95±0.03 wt % at 30 kbar. The respective solubilities in OM1 are 3.41±0.08 wt % and 7.11±0.10 wt %. The CO2 solubility in K1921 is intermediate between those of CA and OM1 compositions. At lower temperatures, the CO2 contents of these silicate melts are lower, and the pressure dependence of the solubility is less pronounced. The presence of H2O also affects the CO2 solubility (20–30% more CO2 dissolves in hydrous than in H2O-free silicate melts); the solubility curves pass through an isothermal, isobaric maximum at an intermediate CO2/(CO2+H2O) composition of the volatile phase. Under conditions within the upper mantle where carbonate minerals are not stable and CO2 and H2O are present a vapor phase must exist. Because the solubility of CO2 in silicate melts is lower than that of H2O, volatiles must fractionate between the melt and vapor during partial melting of peridotite. Initial low-temperature melts will be more H2O-rich than later high-temperature melts, provided vapor is present during the melting. Published phase equilibrium data indicate that the compositional sequence of melts from peridotite +H2O+CO2 parent will be andesite-tholeiite-nephelinite with increasing temperature at a pressure of about 20 kbar. Examples of this sequence may be found in the Lesser Antilles and in the Indonesian Island Arcs.  相似文献   

Experimental studies have been performed on an olivine tholeiite and tholeiitic picrite at pressure and temperature ranges of 20–40 kb and 1200–1300°C. The lower and upper limits of basalt-eclogite transition zone for tholeiitic picrite are 23 kb and 31·67 kb at 1200°C, and 24·67 kb and 33·67 kb at 1300°C, whereas for olivine tholeiite, these are 27 kb and 32·33 kb at 1200°C, and 28·70 kb and 33·70 kb at 1300°C. While the assemblages for both samples below the transition region are Pl+Px+Mt, they are Pl+Gt+Px+Mt within it. The eclogite field has Gt+Px+Mt. The ratio of garnet to plagioclase increases from the transition zone to the eclogite field and with the disappearance of plagioclase, the percentage of garnet increases to 30 in the eclogite field. Comparison of our results with previous studies on basalt-eclogite transition shows that the transition zone found by us occurs at higher pressure-temperature conditions. Seismic studies of the region below the Deccan Traps show an increase in velocity (1–4%) at depth. It is suggested that after partial melting, during ascent of the basaltic liquid, a significant portion of it crystallizes within the upper mantle as pockets of eclogite. As eclogite is more dense than peridotite, their presence should cause a similar increase in the seismic velocity below the Deccan area.  相似文献   

Electron and ion-probe microanalysis have been used to obtain zoning profiles for major and trace elements in olivine phenocrysts from a high-magnesian andesite from Shodo-Shima island, southwest Japan. This rock was previously thought to represent undifferentiated, primary magma. Some crystals have unzoned cores, while others show cores which are reversely zoned with respect to Mg/ (Mg+Fe), Ni, Mn and Cr. In addition, some Ni profiles show a normally zoned hump at the most central portions of the reversely zoned crystals. All crystals show normally zoned rims. The Li concentrations are constant throughout the cores of all crystals studied, but rise sharply, by a factor of up to at least six, in the rims. The Ca and Co concentrations are essentially constant throughout all the crystals. Mechanisms for producing the observed zoning profiles are discussed, and it is concluded that the reverse zoning was produced by the introduction of crystals into a less differentiated magma than that in which they grew. The reversely zoned crystals could therefore represent xenocrysts which were introduced into an undifferentiated magma, or phenocrysts introduced into a more primitive magma by a magma mixing process. The Ni profiles are used to estimate the residence time of these crystals in the more primitive magma. The following trace element partition co-efficients have been estimated for the olivine-groundmass system in this rock: D Ni=16; D Mn=1.1; D Co=4.2; D Ca =0.02; D Ti=0.005; D V=0.05; D Sc=0.2; D Na=0.0002. Studies of trace element zoning will become increasingly important as the new generation of trace element microprobes become available but a larger database of experimentally determined values for trace element partition coefficients and diffusion coefficients in crystals and magmas, and a better understanding of other disequilibrium processes are required to fully exploit the new data.  相似文献   

Three contemporaneous yet mineralogically and chemically distinct lava series which range in composition from olivine basalt through basaltic andesite through two-pyroxene andesite, have been analyzed for their strontium isotopic composition. The Mammoth-Modoc lavas produce a mantle isochron which suggests derivation from a source approximately 243 m.y. old. The Medicine Lake shield-forming extrusives produce a minimum mantle isochron; the age of this source is likely greater than 760 m.y. old. Encompassing the entire time span of eruption for the two basalt-andesite series are a number of low potassium high alumina olivine tholeiite lavas which, when analyzed as a coherent group, produce a zero age. Lavas related to these three magma series have been extruded during the last 105 years and cover a limited geographic area. The isotope data suggest a model with substantial heterogeneity in the subcontinental lithosphere and asthenosphere, at least beneath the Medicine Lake Highland portion of the southern Cascade petrographic province.Contribution No. 126  相似文献   

Olivine phenocrysts in ugandite and leucite basanite from the western branch of the East African Rift have been analysed for up to 34 trace elements by Laser-ICP-MS with detection limits as low as 1 ppb. A combination of point analyses with varying ablation crater diameters and line scans allow the identification of subtle zonations from core to rim, as well as characterization of the chemical effects of contamination along cracks. Trace element concentrations are remarkably uniform between large and small phenocrysts; fractionated leucite basanites (Mg# 59) have higher D Ca and D Al, and less fractionated LREE/HREE than MgO-rich ugandites (Mg# 75–80). Minor zonation is seen in elements with cation charges from 5+ to 2+ (P, Ti, Zr, Cr, Al, Sc, V, Cu, Mn, Ni) and show correlation between Ti and Al, but not P. Early phenocryst cores with high Li or Ni, low Mn, or enrichments in many trace elements can be identified, whereas xenocrysts have exceptionally low Na, Cr, Ti, V and Co. Partition coefficients for Ni are 31–35, less than in lamproites, with which they demonstrate an approximately linear correlation with K2O content, K2O/Al2O3 and K2O/Na2O of the melt, but none with SiO2 content or Mg#. D-values for Cr, Mn and Co overlap with those of basalts, whereas those for Sc (0.011–0.018), Zn (0.44–0.49) and Ga (0.006–0.007) are lower. D V of various potassic rocks (0.015 in the Ugandan rocks) confirms the dependence on fO2 calibrated by the Fe3+/(Fe3++Fe2+) of spinels; the Ugandan potassic rocks crystallized at fO2 = FMQ to FMQ + 1. The ugandite olivines have some trace element characteristics reminiscent of those in metasomatized Kaapvaal peridotites, but not ocean islands. Line scan analyses are contaminated in Al, Ca, Cu, Ga, Sr, Zr, Nb, La and Ce, elements that are also concentrated in microcracks between subgrains, indicating smearing out during polishing, and demonstrating that large spot analyses produce the best results.  相似文献   

滇西莴中新生代高镁富钾火山岩富含橄榄石斑晶,其核部Fo含量变化较大(94~75%),由大斑晶(〉1mm)、中等粒径斑晶(0.3~1mm)至小斑晶(〈0.3mm),Fo含量总体变小;橄榄石斑晶CaO含量大于0.1wt%,随着Fo含量的降低,MnO含量升高,而NiO含量降低,并具有明显的岩浆结晶分异趋势,均为岩浆成因,但来源复杂;大斑晶和中等粒径斑晶的核部Fo含量明显与全岩MgO不平衡,均属于捕虏晶来源。橄榄石斑晶中的尖晶石包裹体高Cr#(0.77~0.94)、低Mg#(0.17~0.65),具有较低的Al2O3含量(〈10wt%);尖晶石包裹体的TiO2含量总体上较低(〈1.0wt%),暗示了绝大部分橄榄石属于岛弧型岩浆成因,来源于富集交代的方辉橄榄岩部分熔融岩浆;少量高TiO2尖晶石包裹体(1.36~3.96wt%)的存在则暗示了部分橄榄石斑晶的形成可能与峨眉山大火成岩省有关。大斑晶和中等粒径斑晶橄榄石均具明显的成分梯度变化,由核部、幔部至边部。其Fo、NiO含量降低而MnO、CaO含量增大,并且边部成分特征与小斑晶橄榄石相类似,其源区至少存在两次岩浆作用过程,核部成分变化反映的是早期高Mg#岩浆中的橄榄石结晶分离作用过程,而边部以及小斑晶橄榄石的成分变化则反映了后期喷发岩浆(Mg#略低)体系中橄榄石的结晶分离作用过程。  相似文献   

阿尔泰山南缘中泥盆统北塔山组地层发育世界罕见的总厚度达百米的苦橄质熔岩.苦橄岩的斑晶主要为蛇纹石化的自形一半自形橄榄石.对橄榄石斑晶的电子探针分析结果表明,其成分相当均匀,其Fo含量为79.8%~81.8%,并且具有异常低的CaO含量(0~0.06%),明显比典型岛弧苦橄岩中橄榄石的Fo含量和CaO含量要低的多.根据前人对Ca在橄榄石一硅酸盐熔体中的行为实验成果推测,这种橄榄石可能是高硅、低铁、低碱的玄武质岩浆结晶形成的.  相似文献   

This study focuses on Jurassic shallow intrusions and subvolcanic bodies from around Trudolyubovka village in the southwestern Crimea. All the rocks are similar in mineral composition and have similar geochemical features and occur in close spatial and geological association. This allows us to assign the intrusions to a single magmatic series and interpret them as differentiation products of a single parental melt. The investigation of melt inclusions in olivine from the most magnesian sample showed that the composition of igneous melts ranged from basalt to basaltic andesite of a moderately potassic subalkaline affinity. Compared with N-MORB, they are enriched in LILE, but have similar HFSE and REE contents. The early magmatic melts crystallized at temperatures ranging from 1240 to 1125°C, pressures of 6–8 kbar, and an oxygen fugacity of ΔQFM = +0.6; and later melts crystallized at 1090–940°C, ~1.5 kbar, and oxygen fugacity increasing from ΔQFM + 0.9 to ΔQFM + 2.3. The minimum pressure of groundmass crystallization was estimated as 40–60 bar. The primitive melts were formed in a mature island arc or an active continental margin setting by ~13% melting of a DMM-like source. The melting occurred at spinel-facies depths under the influence of a slab-derived fluid at a temperature 25°C below the dry peridotite solidus.  相似文献   

Olivine is abundant in Earth’s upper mantle and ubiquitous in basaltic lavas, but rarely occurs in eclogite. Partial melts of eclogite are, therefore, not in equilibrium with olivine, and will react with peridotite as they migrate through the upper mantle. If such melts erupt at Earth’s surface, their compositions will be highly modified and they may be olivine-saturated. We investigated experimentally the reaction between olivine and siliceous eclogite partial melt, and determined element partitioning between olivine and the melt produced by this reaction. Our results demonstrate that mixing of reacted eclogite partial melt with primitive basalt is capable of producing the positive correlation between melt SiO2 content and olivine Ni content observed in some Hawaiian lavas. Experiments were carried out by equilibrating eclogite partial melt or basalt with San Carlos olivine at 1 bar and 1,201–1,350°C. Our results show that eclogite partial melts equilibrated with mantle olivine retain their high SiO2, low FeO and MgO characteristics. Further, olivine-melt partition coefficients for Ni measured in these experiments are significantly larger than for basalt. Mixing of these melts with primitive Hawaiian tholeiitic lavas results in crystallization of high-Ni olivines similar to those in Makapuu-stage Koolau lavas, even though the mixed magmas have only moderate Ni contents. This results from a hyperbolic increase of the Ni partition coefficient with increasing polymerization of the mixed melt. Note that while eclogite partial melt in contact with peridotite will equilibrate with pyroxene as well as olivine, this will have the effect of buffering the activity of SiO2 in the reacted melt at a higher level. Therefore, an eclogite partial melt equilibrated with harzburgite will have higher SiO2 than one equilibrated with dunite, enhancing the effects observed in our experiments. Our results demonstrate that an olivine-free “hybrid” pyroxenite source is not required to explain the presence of high-Ni olivines in Hawaiian lavas and, therefore, indicate that the proportion of eclogite in the Hawaiian plume is less than has been estimated in recent studies.  相似文献   

The problem of whether cumulate rocks were formed by crystal settling or by in situ crystallization after magma emplacement is an important issue concerning the mechanisms of magmatic differentiation. However, it is hard to distinguish these two processes for plutonic rocks because the primary texture and chemical composition have generally been modified by postcumulus processes. To contribute this problem, we studied the distribution and compositions of Cr-spinel inclusions hosted in olivine and plagioclase in the Murotomisaki Gabbroic Intrusion (MGI), SW Japan. It is shown that the olivine-hosted inclusions are restricted to specific horizons where accumulation of olivine phenocrysts is thought to have occurred and that the compositional variations of the Cr-spinel are explained by a secondary compositional modification that probably took place after the magma emplacement. It is also shown that the Cr-spinel inclusions in a chilled margin have suffered the least compositional modification and nearly retains the primary composition. Those in the interior of the intrusion, on the contrary, have been significantly modified by re-equilibration with residual melt driven by cation diffusions through the host phases. Those in plagioclase have been less modified. It is shown that all the spinel inclusions had primarily the same and common composition at the time of magma emplacement. This implies that all the inclusion-bearing crystals, olivine and plagioclase, represent primary phenocrysts that had already existed in the emplaced magma. In this way, spinel inclusion in the MGI may be regarded to be a useful petrographic “marker” for identifying intratelluric phenocrysts and also as a “tracer” to trace the motion of the primary phenocrysts after the magma emplacement.  相似文献   


The primary melt and fluid inclusions in regenerated zonal crystals of olivine and homogeneous phenocrysts of olivine from kimberlites of the Udachnaya-East pipe, were first studied by means of microthermometry, optic and scanning electron microscopy, electron and ion microprobe analysis (SIMS), inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry (ICP MSC), and Raman spectroscopy. It was established that olivine crystals were regenerated from silicate–carbonate melts at a temperature of ~1100°C.


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