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油气藏地球物理方法应用至油气田开发中,直接关系着构造、储层和流体表征精度和准确度.为了详细梳理油气田开发中油气藏地球物理研究核心内容和新进展,为该项研究推广应用提供参考.从构造解释、储层预测、流体描述等3方面梳理该研究核心内容.结果认为,构造描述中地球物理研究主要包括井震结合构造精细解释、基于密井网资料构造精细解释,储...  相似文献   

海域天然气水合物勘测的地球物理方法   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
到目前为止,已经探明的天然气水合物储量要远小于预测的水合物储量.这种现状不同程度地反映出我们对天然气水合物赋存规律认识不足,和对天然气水合物勘探方法认识不足.本文根据作者多次参加水合物地球物理调查国际航次的认识及文献资料,综述了海域天然气水合物勘探方面一些有效的地球物理技术方法,以利于我国海域天然气水合物的勘探工作以及勘探方法的创新.本文指出,地震勘探是目前进行天然气水合物勘探最常用、也是最重要的方法.地震方法主要包括传统的单道、多道地震方法、高分辨地震方法、深拖多道地震探测方法、海底地震仪方法、多道-多分量海底地震电缆方法、海底地震检波器方法等.此外,根据水合物发育区特有的海底地形地貌特征和水体异常特征,根据水合物发育所需要的温度-压力场特征、电磁特征和含水合物地层的剪切模量特征发展的多波束方法、旁扫声纳方法、海底热流探测方法、海底电磁方法以及海底重力测量方法等都在海域天然气水合物勘探中有着很好的效果.  相似文献   

泥岩裂缝性储层地震勘探方法初探   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对胜利油田罗家地区以构造裂缝为主、与断层关系密切的特点,本文采用地震资料相干分析和方差分析技术,力求精细而准确地确定该区目的层的断裂系统;提出了地震吸收系数分析技术,期望为确定目的层段的裂缝发育分布提供重要的证据;利用全方位地震信息进行AVA、VVA方法的研究,可望定量地得到目的层段的裂缝方位和密度分布情况;针对AVA和VVA技术的不足,采用了不同方位角阻抗的变化来检测裂缝发育情况的IPVA方法.实例分析表明,该套泥岩裂缝储层勘探方法取得了良好的效果,在泥岩裂缝油气藏定量检测方面获得了重要进展.  相似文献   

Journal of Seismology - Seismic attenuation and the associated quality factor (Q) have long been studied in various sub-disciplines of seismology, ranging from observational and engineering...  相似文献   

Based on experiences which have been gained at Wahnbachreservoir the success of chemical P-elimination in tributarie is described with regard to oligotrophication and subsequent improvement of the conditions for drinking water treatment. Presented at the International Conference on Lake Restoration at Zürich, 3–4 November 1986  相似文献   

辽河油区潜山油藏内幕评价方法初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
辽河油区潜山主要包括太古宇变质岩潜山和元古界碳酸盐岩潜山,变质岩和碳酸盐岩潜山储层共同的特点是都属于裂缝型油藏.潜山内幕研究是潜山油藏研究的核心,主要包括:潜山内幕岩性剖面、内幕构造、内幕储层评价、内幕油藏特征等.本文通过对辽河油区变质岩及碳酸盐岩潜山油藏内幕的探索性研究,总结出变质岩潜山和碳酸盐岩潜山内幕研究的基本程序与方法,为同类型油藏内幕研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   

双相介质波传播理论作为油气勘探开发领域的前沿课题,可建立地下储层性质与地面观测数据之间的定量关系,同时可为储层的流体预测提供理论支撑.在阐述储层基本特征的基础上,本文回顾了单一孔隙、含复杂孔隙结构、部分饱和多相流体、各向异性(裂缝系统)双相介质理论的研究进程.同时系统地回顾了基于双相介质理论的波场响应模拟和流体预测方法的发展进程和应用现状,并在前人研究的基础上给出了对地震波场正演和流体预测方法相关研究未来发展趋势的思考和认识,对双相介质理论的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

煤层气以吸附状态赋存在煤层中而有别于常规天然气,导致传统评价常规天然气储层的方法不再适于评价煤层.煤层气含量的计算是煤层评价中最重要的一个环节,总结对比前人应用地球物理技术评价煤层气含量各种方法得出,兰格缪尔等温吸附法是计算煤层气最合适的方法,因此被广泛应用到煤层气的评价中.一般的兰格缪尔等温吸附方程都是由某一温度下甲烷的等温吸附试验数据,得出适用于该温度条件下甲烷的等温吸附方程,而不能预测其它温度.本文针对烟煤和无烟煤提出了适于不同温度条件的等温吸附方程,此外还重点论述了在无煤心实验数据情况下的煤质测井分析方法.  相似文献   

Recent radium measurements from the near-surface Caribbean Sea are presented. The surface horizontal and vertical distributions of226Ra are essentially the same as reported by Szabo et al. (1967) for the early 1960's. The226Ra activity at the surface is relatively uniform across the Caribbean, with an average of8.2±0.4dpm/100kg. The subsurface distribution to ~200 m averages7.8±0.4dpm/100kg and increases slowly below 200 m. reaching ~9.5 dpm/100 kg at 560 m. In contrast to226Ra, the surface concentration of228Ra was much more variable in both time and space. An average increase of 33% was found between 1968 and 1976 in the western Caribbean and during both years an anomalously high228Ra activity was found in the eastern Caribbean. These data support previous hypotheses that water entering the eastern Caribbean has been enriched in228Ra prior to entry and that variable mixing of the Atlantic water masses found to the northeast and southeast of the Lesser Antilles may produce temporal variations in the near-surface228Ra activity. Scatter plots of228Ra vs. salinity and sigma-t indicate that the near-surface vertical distribution of228Ra in the Caribbean Sea is predominantly influenced by advection. Thus228Ra cannot be used to study near-surface vertical mixing rates in this region.  相似文献   




地震走时层析成像方法是解决复杂近地表模型速度建模问题的重要技术.该方法是一种迭代反演方法,在反演过程中需要反复计算地震射线走时.故而,高效高精度且能适应复杂模型的走时计算方法是地震走时层析成像实用化的关键技术之一.本文引入医学成像领域研究的MSFM(Multi-stencils Fast Marching Methods)用于地震层析反演中的走时计算.该方法在标准FMM(Fast Marching Methods)基础上利用坐标旋转生成新的FMM计算模板,使计算网格点对角方向邻点参与计算,改善了标准FMM存在对角方向误差大的缺陷.本文分析对比了MSFM和标准FMM的计算精度和计算效率;针对地震层析成像技术解决的起伏地表模型建模问题,研究了起伏地表模型地震走时计算的MSFM实现方法;采用炮点邻近区域局部细分网格技术只需增加很少的计算量即可大幅提高计算精度.理论分析和模型试算表明MSFM算法明显改善了FMM的计算精度,同时保持了FMM算法的高效性.文章通过对崎岖地表模型的正演和层析反演试算,验证了基于MSFM的地震走时计算方法对复杂模型有很强的适应能力.研究表明该方法作为地震走时层析反演中高效高精度的正演算法,有很好的应用价值.  相似文献   

Geostatistical integration of near-surface geophysical data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Accurate statics calculation and near‐surface related noise removal require a detailed knowledge of the near‐surface velocity field. Conventional seismic surveys currently are not designed to provide this information, and 3D high‐resolution reflection/refraction acquisition is not feasible for large survey areas. Satellite images and vibrator plate attributes are dense low‐cost data, which can be used in spatially extrapolating velocities from sparse uphole data by geostatistics. We tested this approach in two different areas of Saudi Arabia and found that the optimal recipe depends on the local geology.  相似文献   

Advances in computer power and in reservoir characterization allow simulation of pressure transients in complex reservoirs generated stochastically. Generally, interpretation of these transient gives useful information about the reservoir hydraulic properties: a major goal is to interpret these transients in the stochastic context. First we ensemble average the pressure over all the random permeability field realizations to derive an equation which drives the ensemble averaged pressure. We use the Fourier transform in space and the Laplace transform in time, in conjuction with a perturbation series expansion in successive powers of the permeability fluctuations to obtain an explicit solution. The Nth order term of this series involves the hydrodynamic interaction between N permeability heterogeneities and after averaging we obtain an expansion containing correlation functions of permeability fluctuations of increasing order.Next, Feynman graphs are introduced allowing a more attractive graphical interpretation of the perturbation series. Then series summation techniques are employed to reduce the graph number to be summed at each order of the fluctuation expansion. This in turn gives useful physical insights on the homogenization processes involved. In particular, it is shown that the sum of the so-called ‘one-particle irreducible graphs’ gives the kernel of a linear integro-differential equation obeyed by the ensemble average pressure. All the information about the heterogeneity structure is contained in this renormalized kernel, which is a limited range function.This equation on its own is the starting point of useful asymptotic results and approximations. In particular it is shown that interpretation of pumping tests yields the steady-state equivalent permeability after a sufficiently long time for an infinite reservoir, as expected.  相似文献   

Geostatistics of near-surface moisture in bare cultivated organic soils   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The aim of this study was to characterise fine scale patterns of organic soil moisture content in the top 5 cm by means of semi-variogram modelling. Soil moisture content was observed along a transect on 2 occasions, early in the 1999 growing season to avoid any influences originating from vegetation and cultural practices. Soil moisture values were found to be normally distributed and were not significantly correlated with the soil organic matter content. Many similarities were depicted between the exponential semi-variograms characteristics of this study and another one in mineral soils, reported in the literature, except for the much higher sills associated with organic soils. Of particular interest were similar correlation lengths, indicating that a correlation range of the order of 100 m should be expected for mineral soils and for the level of moisture and organic matter contents found in this study.  相似文献   

The electric field in the near-surface layers of a spherically symmetrical Earth was calculated. This electric field is generated by electrokinetic processes in a water-saturated porous medium deformed by lunisolar tides. An exact analytical solution of the Frenkel’ equations describing electrokinetic phenomena is found. Data of observations of the horizontal components of the electric field are processed. The main harmonics of diurnal and semidiurnal tides are identified in accordance with the theory.  相似文献   

中国东南丘陵山区水质良好水库现状与天目湖保护实践   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
东南丘陵山区是我国水库分布最为集中的区域之一,这些水库在保障区域供水安全方面具有极其重要的作用,应该优先保护.然而,水库水环境保护正面临丘陵山区开发强度持续增加,开发方式和空间布局不合理,氮、磷污染及富营养化趋势严峻,缺乏完善监测和管理体系等众多问题.本文以2000年以来天目湖水库保护实践过程为例,从库体水环境治理、流域污染物削减和综合管理3个方面介绍天目湖沙河水库保护的措施和成效,在此基础上提出良好湖库优先保护的建议:建立具有部门协调能力的水库管理机构,实行基于湖库水生态目标的水质目标管理,治理丘陵山区茶果园的面源污染,注重流域生态系统整体的恢复,禁止上游水源涵养区和临湖地带的开发,划定生态保护红线,明确禁止和限制的开发类型与规模,加强湖库及流域的监测和预警,开展必要的水库水体治理工程,并针对性地制定湖库管理条例.天目湖十几年的保护实践中有效地解决了流域开发与水库水质保护之间的矛盾,使天目湖水质由快速恶化转为稳步好转,为东南丘陵山区经济发展过程中水库的环境保护探索了一条道路.  相似文献   




The rapid decrease of the acceleration spectral amplitude at high frequencies has widely been modeled by the spectral decay factor kappa (κ). Usually, the path-corrected component of κ, often called κ0, is believed to be a local and frequency-independent site characteristic, in turn representing attenuation related to waves propagating vertically through the very shallow layers beneath the study site. Despite the known relevance of κ0 in a wide range of seismological applications, most methods for its calculation do not fully consider the influence of the scattering component. To account for the scattering component, we present a summary of statistical observations of the seismic wavefield at sites of the Swiss seismic networks. The intrinsic properties of the wavefield show a clear dependency on the local shallow subsoil conditions with differences in the structural heterogeneity of the shallow subsoil layers producing different scattering regimes. Such deviations from the ballistic behavior (i.e., direct waves that sample only distinct directions) are indicative for local structural heterogeneities and the associated level of scatter. Albeit the attenuation term related to scattering depends nonlinearly on the intrinsic term, the results indicate that the commonly used explanation for the high-frequency decay spectrum might not be appropriate but involving the amount of scattering might allow better constrained estimates of κ0.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a single vortex on a beta-plane is discussed in this paper. A barotropic, an equivalent barotropic, one-and-a half and two-layer models are considered. The momentum and energy balances are used to describe the evolution of a vortex. A quasi-stationary balance of the Rossby, Zhukovsky-Kutta forces and the force induced by Rossby-wave radiation, describes the dynamics of the barotropic vortex. A net Coriolis force occurs if the fluid is stratified. The difference between the dynamics of cyclones and anticyclones results directly from the Coriolis force acting on a single vortex in a stratified fluid.All vortices radiate Rossby waves in the quasigeostrophic approximation but intense anticyclones propagate steadily in a one-and-a half layer model. A critical amplitude that bounds radiating and steadily propagating anticyclones is found. Steady propagation of anticyclones in general is impossible in a two-layer fluid due to the radiation of a barotropic Rossby-wave. Some solutions of solitary wave type which are known for a two-layer model, survive owing to wave interference.A single vortex can extract energy from a Rossby wave if synchronism conditions are satisfied. The wave interference again plays a crucial role in this case. The wave interference also determines the energy exchange of vortices located at larger distances. If the distance between the vortices is shorter than the length of the radiated waves, modon may be formed due to a small energy loss.The unbounded monotonic variation of the planetary vorticity is a characteristic feature of a beta-plane approximation. As a result, a single vortex propagates up to a 'rest latitude' where it disappears. The evolution of a single barotropic vortex over bottom topography provides another example of a background vorticity distribution with a local extremum above hills (valleys) or ridges (troughs). Physics of its movement differs from a beta-plane case, but if a vortex lies over broad topography, equations are similar and the evolution of a vortex manifests the same typical features. Particularly, a cyclonic vortex tends to drift to the top of a hill or a ridge. An anticyclonic vortex, on the contrary, slides to the bottom of a valley or a trough.An interaction of a barotropic vortex with a broad mean flow is tractable qualitatively on the basis of previous results. Numerical examples illustrating absorption of a small vortex by a larger one and a vortex movement across the flow, are direct analogies of the vortex evolution over a hill and a ridge, respectively. At the same time, strong influence of strain drastically changes the vortex structure.  相似文献   

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