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中联西北工程设计研究院(原机械工业部第十一设计研究院)是国家综合性甲级院.能为业主提供规划、咨询、设计、采购、设备成套、非标设备研制、工程总承包、项目管理、建设监理等工程建设全方位、全过程的服务。  相似文献   

<正>中联西北工程设计研究院有限公司(以下简称"中联西北院有限公司")创建于1964年,发端于国家"三五"计划建设时期的原国家机械工业部第十一设计研究院,承担设计了全国80%以上的行业骨干企业和科研院所。现隶属于世界500强特大型央企之一——中国机械工业集团有限公司,是以"民用建筑设计为核心、工业与环境工程设计为特色、工程总承包为主业"的国家大型全案式工程建设集成专家。公司具有40项各类资质,包含建筑(全行业)、机械(全行业)、电子广电通信(全  相似文献   

近年来,在面临多变、快变、巨变的行业联合重组、深化改革的严峻形势下,中联西北院要实现“做精做优,做强做大”,自身就必须要有一种积极健康、开拓奋进、持之以恒的推动力,这股推动力强劲与否,从很大程度上讲不是依赖于制度和技术,而是依靠企业文化,依靠我们每一位中联西北院人的思想和行动。[第一段]  相似文献   

工程构筑现代文明,设计成就财富梦想。改革开放的30年,是中联西北院坚持改革创新、努力打造"省内领先,国内一流"设计业品牌的30年;也是中联西北院的价值创造力、社会影响力以及行业美誉度、政府认可度大幅度提升的30年。  相似文献   

许志安,男,吉林白城人,1952年出生,大学学历,中共党员,教授级高工,全国机械工业企业高级职业经理人,现任中国联合工程公司副总裁。  相似文献   

正中联西北工程设计研究院(以下简称"中联西北院")1964年成立,现隶属世界500强企业中国机械工业集团有限公司(以下简称"国机集团")。50年风雨磨砺,半世纪春华秋实,中联西北院历经多次改革,踏平坎坷成大道,演绎出了一部发展的创业史诗。5000多项工程实践的倾心钜献,近百项国家专利和专有技术的雄厚储备,300多项国家和省部级奖项的荣耀积淀,印证了中联西北院一路激情洒大地、满天风雨化彩虹、忠实履行企业责任、推动社会和谐进步的铿锵步伐。  相似文献   

当国内外工程设计界的同行来到世界上直径最大、一次推进距离最长的盾构法施工隧道的时候,都会为工程的宏伟、设计的科学赞叹不已,都会把敬佩的目光投向这一隧道的设计者——上海市隧道工程轨道交通设计研究院(以下简称“上隧院”)。2009年这一工程建成后,成为中国隧道建设史上的一座里程碑,获得建国60周年公路勘察设计经典工程称号。  相似文献   

作为探索者,它调动全院之力,共同凝炼成果,连续两年荣获国家科学技术进步二等奖。作为思想者,它始终秉承"搞科研不讲政治不行,干事业没有方向不行,科技干部缺乏精神支柱不行"这一座右铭。作为建设者,它为防护工程设计科研事业铸造了一个又一个辉煌。  相似文献   

6月15日,2011全国工程设计科技创新大会"建筑.勘察"分会场在北京举行。会议由中国勘察设计协会建筑设计分会承办,建筑设计分会秘书长张钟声主持。来自工程勘察与岩土行业和建筑设计行业的  相似文献   

机械工业第六设计研究院原隶属于机械工业部,为事业单位,2000年10月转制后隶属于中国机械装备(集团)公司,为企业单位。该院现有在职员工459人,外聘人员300人,离退休人员356人,其中,中国工程院院士1人,中国工程设计大师2人,教授级高级工程师50人,高级工程师近260人,工程师300多人。该院是工业和民用建筑设计双甲级单位,并具有甲级工程总承包和工程监理资质。建院五十多年来,该院先后完成了5000余项大中型工业和民用建筑项目的设计和咨询,为我国国民经济建设和发展做出了卓越贡献。  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The results of geochronological U–Pb studies of quartz syenite of the Kumysty Сomplex of the Greater Karatau Ridge (Southern Kazakhstan) revealed its Late...  相似文献   

南昌有色冶金设计研究院是建国初期创建的有色行业综合甲级设计研究院,现有职工925人,设有36个专业。建院以来为国家基本建设提供了2000余项大中型综合工程和单项设计。共获国家和省(部)级优秀设计奖81项,国家和省(部)级科技进步奖87项。改革开放以来,在铜冶炼方面,先后承担了江西贵溪冶炼厂、安徽铜  相似文献   

Six microfacies are defined on quantitative petrographic data in a carbonate/clastic sequence from the subsurface, oil producing Mauddud Formation of early Middle Cretaceous age. These are, in descending order of importance and abundance: (1) biomicritic wackestone-packstone, (2) argillaceous mudstone, (3) micritic mudstone, (4) glauconitic sandstone, (5)Orhitolina pelsparitic grainstone, and (6) argillaceous dolomite.Sedimentation took place during a marine transgression onto a very shallow, intertidal, restricted marine shelf lagoons. Facies variations appear to be related to depth and energy changes and proximity to areas of clastic deposition. These changes may have been controlled by slight tectonic events in the hinterland and changes in the rate of basin subsidence.
Zusammenfassung Auf der Grundlage quantitativer petrographischer Daten werden sechs Mikrofazies in einer karbonat/klastischen Folge aus der unter der ErdoberflÄche liegenden, ölliefernden Mauddud-Formation der frühen Mittelkreide definiert. In absteigender Reihenfolge der Bedeutung und HÄufigkeit sind dieses: (1) biomikritischer wackestone-packstone, (2) toniger Schlickstein, (3) unkritischer Schlickstein, (4) glaukonitischer Sandstein, (5) Orbitolina-führender pelsparitischer Grainstone und (6) toniger Dolomit.Die Sedimentation erfolgte wÄhrend einer marinen Transgression auf sehr flache, intertidale Lagunen eines begrenzten marinen Schelfs. Die Fazies-Variationen scheinen mit den Wechseln in Wassertiefe und Energie sowie der mit NÄhe von Gebieten mit klastischer Sedimentation zusammenzuhÄngen.Diese Wechsel könnten durch kleinere tektonische Ereignisse im Hinterland und durch VerÄnderungen der Absenkungsrate des Beckens ausgelöst worden sein.

Résumé Des données pétrographiques quantitatives permettent de définir six microfacies dans une série clasto-carbonatée d'âge crétacé inférieur du sous-sol de la région pé trolifère de Mauddud. Ce sont par ordre décroissant d'importance et d'abondance: (1) des wacstones-pacstone biomicritiques; (2) des argilites; (3) des argilites micritiques; (4) des grès glauconitiques; (5) des grainstone pelsparitiques à orbitolines; (6) des dolomies argileuses.La sédimentation se produisit au cours d'une transgression marine dans des lagunes très plates, intercotidales, d'une plate-forme continentale de faible étendue. Les variations de facies semblent Être dues à des changements de profondeur et d'énergie, ainsi qu'à la proximité de régions à sédimentation clastique.Ces changements pourraient résulter de légers mouvements tectoniques dans l'arrière-pays et de variations dans le degré de subsidence du bassin de sédimentation.

- Mauddud, ( ). : 1) ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) ; 5) , 6) . , . , , , . , .

The deformation value in the Lower and Middle Jurassic terrigenous rocks from the valley of the Belaya River (the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus) is quantified by the morpholology of the cleavage zones. The numeral determination of the axis ratios of the deformation ellipses by the Fry method is performed as well. It is shown that for a statistical sample of the random cross-sections of the thin sections in the terrigenous rocks with cleavage structure the deformation value can be estimated correctly. The method of random cross-sections described in this work can be used for the quantitative estimation of deformation in nonoriented samples of terrigenous rocks.  相似文献   

The regional variation in the sales of a new product, a corrugated zink plate for roofing, is described and explained with the help of regression analysis covering a four year period following the product's introduction. Distance from the plant, share of rural population, income per capita, intensity of competition and a regional dummy explain 76–90 % of the regional variation in a year. As the product commands a practically uniform price and has identical availability irrespective of customer location, and as official marketing information is centralized and therefore also uniform, the distance and dummy variables should not appear in the regression equation. Their actual appearance and the positive sign of the competition-variable are explained by the spatial innovation effect. Its significance is evaluated and measures are suggested for its exploitation.  相似文献   

一、科技进步和创新是新经济时代设计院现代化建设的重要支柱 当前,知识经济初见端倪,信息革命风起云涌,世界的经济体系更加依赖于人类的知识和智慧。近年来,科技创新已成为世界规模的强大浪潮,成为一切文明、进步的源泉。在全球范围内,科学技术在各领域中的巨大作用已被证实。人类为了更好地生存和发展,在现有的知识资源与物质基础上,大力推进科技创新已形成世界性潮流。 1999年党中央、国务院颁发了《关于加强技术创  相似文献   

一、科技进步和创新是新经济时代设计院现代化建设的重要支柱 当前,知识经济初见端倪,信息革命风起云涌,世界的经济体系更加依赖于人类的知识和智慧.近年来,科技创新已成为世界规模的强大浪潮,成为一切文明、进步的源泉.在全球范围内,科学技术在各领域中的巨大作用已被证实.人类为了更好地生存和发展,在现有的知识资源与物质基础上,大力推进科技创新已形成世界性潮流.  相似文献   

The integrated geophysical interpretation for the different geophysical tools such as resistivity and gravity is usually used to define the structural elements, stratigraphic units, groundwater potentiality, and depth to the basement rocks. In the present work, gravity and resistivity data were utilized for detecting the groundwater aquifer and structural elements, as well as the upper and lower surfaces of the subsurface basaltic sheet in an area located at the eastern side of Ismailia Canal, northeastern Greater Cairo, Egypt. Two hundred and ten gravity stations were measured using an Autograv instrument through a grid pattern of 50?×?50 m. The different required corrections were carried out, such as drift, elevation, tide, and latitude corrections. The final corrected data represented by the Bouguer anomaly map were filtered using high- and low-pass filters into regional and residual gravity anomaly maps. The resulting residual gravity anomaly map was used for gravity modeling to calculate the depths to the upper and lower surfaces of the basaltic sheet. The resulting gravity models indicated that the depths to the upper surface of the basaltic sheet are ranged between 26 and 314 m, where the shallower depths were found around the southern and eastern parts. The depths to the lower surface of the basaltic sheet are varied from 86 to 338 m, and the thickness of the basaltic sheet is ranged from 24 to 127 m, where the biggest thicknesses were found around the southern and northern parts of the study area. Forty-two vertical electrical soundings (VES) were carried out using Schlumberger configuration with AB/2 spacings ranged from 1.5 to 500 m. 1D quantitative interpretation was carried out through manual and analytical interpretations. The VES data were also inverted assuming a 3D resistivity distribution. The results from the 3D resistivity inversion indicated that the subsurface section consists of sand, sandstone, and sandy–clays of Miocene deposits overlying the basalts. Such basaltic features (of Oligocene age) are underlain by Gabal Ahmar Formation of Oligocene deposits, which are composed of sand and sandstone. Therefore, two aquifers were deduced in the area. The first is the Miocene aquifer (shallower) and the other is the Oligocene aquifer (deeper).  相似文献   

Water column optical properties of Greater Florida Bay were investigated in the context of their impacts on seagrass distribution. Scattering played an important role in light attenuation throughout the shallow water system. The northwest region was characterized by an absence of seagrasses and the highest scattering by particles, mostly from resuspended carbonate sediments. Higher seagrass densities were observed in the open waters just north of the Florida Keys, where absorption coefficients were dominated by colored dissolved organic material and scattering was lower than in the northwest region. Patchy dense seagrass meadows were observed in the clear waters south of the Keys where scattering and absorption were low and contributed equally to light attenuation. In general, seagrasses were observed in areas where >7.5% of surface irradiance reached the plants and where optical properties were not dominated by scattering. Although the prevention of eutrophication and nuisance algal blooms may be necessary for preserving seagrass meadows in this system, our observations and model calculations indicate that nutrient control alone may be insufficient to permit seagrass recolonization if optical properties are dominated by particulate scattering from resuspended sediments.  相似文献   

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