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Axel Mü  ller  Karel Breiter  Reimar Seltmann  Zolt  n P  cskay 《Lithos》2005,80(1-4):201-227
Zoned quartz and feldspar phenocrysts of the Upper Carboniferous eastern Erzgebirge volcano-plutonic complex were studied by cathodoluminescence and minor and trace element profiling. The results verify the suitability of quartz and feldspar phenocrysts as recorders of differentiation trends, magma mixing and recharge events, and suggest that much heterogeneity in plutonic systems may be overlooked on a whole-rock scale. Multiple resorption surfaces and zones, element concentration steps in zoned quartz (Ti) and feldspar phenocrysts (anorthite content, Ba, Sr), and plagioclase-mantled K-feldspars etc. indicate mixing of silicic magma with a more mafic magma for several magmatic phases of the eastern Erzgebirge volcano-plutonic complex. Generally, feldspar appears to be sensitive to the physicochemical changes of the melt, whereas quartz phenocrysts are more stable and can survive a longer period of evolution and final effusion of silicic magmas. The regional distribution of mixing-compatible textures suggests that magma mingling and mixing was a major process in the evolution of these late-Variscan granites and associated volcanic rocks.

Quartz phenocrysts from 14 magmatic phases of the eastern Erzgebirge volcano-plutonic complex provide information on the relative timing of different mixing processes, storage and recharge, allowing a model for the distribution of magma reservoirs in space and time. At least two levels of magma storage are envisioned: deep reservoirs between 24 and 17 km (the crystallisation level of quartz phenocrysts) and subvolcanic reservoirs between 13 and 6 km. Deflation of the shallow reservoirs during the extrusion of the Teplice rhyolites triggered the formation of the Altenberg-Teplice caldera above the eastern Erzgebirge volcano-plutonic complex. The deep magma reservoir of the Teplice rhyolite also has a genetic relationship to the younger mineralised A-type granites, as indicated by quartz phenocryst populations. The pre-caldera biotite granites and the rhyodacitic Schönfeld volcanic rocks represent temporally and spatially separate magma sources. However, the deep magma reservoir of both is assumed to have been at a depth of 24–17 km. The drastic chemical contrast between the pre-caldera Schönfeld (Westfalian B–C) and the syn-caldera Teplice (Westfalian C–D) volcanic rocks is related to the change from late-orogenic geotectonic environment to post-orogenic faulting, and is considered an important chronostratigraphic marker.  相似文献   

The Ghansura Rhyolite Dome of the Bathani volcano-sedimentary sequence in eastern India originated from a subvolcanic felsic magma chamber that was intruded by volatile-rich basaltic magma during its evolution leading to the formation of a porphyritic andesite. The porphyritic andesite consists of rapakivi feldspars, which are characterized by phenocrysts of alkali feldspar mantled by plagioclase rims. Results presented in this work suggest that intimate mixing of the mafic and felsic magmas produced a homogeneous hybrid magma of intermediate composition. The mixing of the hot volatile-rich mafic magma with the relatively colder felsic magma halted undercooling in the subvolcanic felsic system and produced a hybrid magma rich in volatiles. Under such conditions, selective crystals in the hybrid magma underwent textural coarsening or Ostwald ripening. Rapid crystallization of anhydrous phases, like feldspars, increased the melt water content in the hybrid magma. Eventually, volatile saturation in the hybrid magma was reached that led to the sudden release of volatiles. The sudden release of volatiles or devolatilization event led to resorption of alkali feldspar phenocrysts and stabilizing plagioclase, some of which precipitated around the resorbed phenocrysts to produce rapakivi feldspars.  相似文献   

The Nimchak granite pluton (NGP) of Chotanagpur Granite Gneiss Complex (CGGC), Eastern India, provides ample evidence of magma interaction in a plutonic regime for the first time in this part of the Indian shield. A number of outcrop level magmatic structures reported from many mafic-felsic mixing and mingling zones worldwide, such as synplutonic dykes, mafic magmatic enclaves and hybrid rocks extensively occur in our study domain. From field observations it appears that the Nimchak pluton was a vertically zoned magma chamber that was intruded by a number of mafic dykes during the whole crystallization history of the magma chamber leading to magma mixing and mingling scenario. The lower part of the pluton is occupied by coarse-grained granodiorite (64.84–66.61?wt.% SiO2), while the upper part is occupied by fine-grained granite (69.80–70.57?wt.% SiO2). Field relationships along with textural and geochemical signatures of the pluton suggest that it is a well-exposed felsic magma chamber that was zoned due to fractional crystallization. The intruding mafic magma interacted differently with the upper and lower granitoids. The lower granodiorite is characterized by mafic feeder dykes and larger mafic magmatic enclaves, whereas the enclaves occurring in the upper granite are comparatively smaller and the feeder dykes could not be traced here, except two late-stage mafic dykes. The mafic enclaves occurring in the upper granite show higher degrees of hybridization with respect to those occurring in the lower granite. Furthermore, enclaves are widely distributed in the upper granite, whereas enclaves in the lower granite occur adjacent to the main feeder dykes.Geochemical signatures confirm that the intermediate rocks occurring in the Nimchak pluton are mixing products formed due to the mixing of mafic and felsic magmas. A number of important physical properties of magmas like temperature, viscosity, glass transition temperature and fragility have been used in magma mixing models to evaluate the process of magma mixing. A geodynamic model of pluton construction and evolution is presented that shows episodic replenishments of mafic magma into the crystallizing felsic magma chamber from below. Data are consistent with a model whereby mafic magma ponded at the crust-mantle boundary and melted the overlying crust to form felsic (granitic) magma. The mafic magma episodically rose, injected and interacted with an overlying felsic magma chamber that was undergoing fractional crystallization forming hybrid intermediate rocks. The intrusion of mafic magma continued after complete solidification of the magma chamber as indicated by the presence of two late-stage mafic dykes.  相似文献   

Orogenic granitoids often display mineralogical and geochemical features suggesting that open-system magmatic processes played a key role in their evolution. This is testified by the presence of enclaves of more mafic magmas dispersed into the granitoid mass, the occurrence of strong disequilibrium textures in mineralogical phases, and/or extreme geochemical and isotopic variability.

In this contribution, intrusive rocks constituting the Sithonia Plutonic Complex (Northern Greece) are studied on the basis of mineral chemistry, whole-rock major, trace element geochemistry, and Sr and Nd isotopic composition. Sithonia rocks can be divided into a basic group bearing macroscopic (mafic enclaves), microscopic (disequilibrium textures), geochemical, and isotopic evidence of magma interaction, and an acid group in which most geochemical and isotopic features are consistent with a magma mixing process, but macroscopic and microscopic features are lacking.

A two-step Mixing plus Fractional Crystallization (MFC) process is considered responsible for the evolution of the basic group. The first step explains the chemical variation in the mafic enclave group: a basic magma, represented by the least evolved enclaves, interacted with an acid magma, represented by the most evolved granitoid rocks, to give the most evolved enclaves. The second step explains the geochemical variations of the remaining rocks of the basic group: most evolved enclaves interacted with the same acid magma to give the spectrum of rock compositions with intermediate geochemical signatures. A convection–diffusion process is envisaged to explain the geochemical and isotopic variability and the lack of macroscopic and petrographic evidence of magma interaction in the acid group.

The mafic magma is presumably the result of melting of a mantle, repeatedly metasomatized and enriched in LILE due to subduction events, whereas the acid magma is considered the product of partial melting of lower crustal rocks of intermediate to basaltic composition.

It is shown that Sithonia Plutonic Complex offers the opportunity to investigate in detail the complex interplay between geochemistry and magma dynamics during magma interaction processes between mantle and crustal derived magmas.  相似文献   

The Rhodiani ophiolites are represented by two tectonically superimposed ophiolitic units: the “lower” Ultramafic unit and the “upper” Volcanic unit, both bearing calcareous sedimentary covers. The Ultramafic unit consists of mantle harzburgites with dunite pods and chromitite ores, and represents the typical mantle section of supra-subduction zone (SSZ) settings. The Volcanic unit is represented by a sheeted dyke complex overlain by a pillow and massive lava sequence, both including basalts, basaltic andesites, andesites, and dacites. Chemically, the Volcanic unit displays low-Ti affinity typical of island arc tholeiite (IAT) ophiolitic series from SSZ settings, having, as most distinctive chemical features, low Ti/V ratios (< 20) and depletion in high field strength elements and light rare earth elements.The rare earth element and incompatible element composition of the more primitive basaltic andesites from the Rhodiani ophiolites can be successfully reproduced with about 15% non-modal fractional melting of depleted lherzolites, which are very common in the Hellenide ophiolites. The calculated residua correspond to the depleted harzburgites found in the Rhodiani and Othrys ophiolites. Both field and chemical evidence suggest that the whole sequence of the Rhodiani Volcanic unit (from basalt to dacite) originated by low-pressure fractional crystallization under partially open-system conditions. The modelling of mantle source, melt generation, and mantle residua carried out in this paper provides new constraints for the tectono-magmatic evolution of the Mirdita–Pindos oceanic basin.  相似文献   

浙江普陀花岗杂岩体包含若干石英闪长质包体,该类包体中存在三种不同类型的斜长石:正常环带的斜长石、筛孔构造的斜长石和酸性斜长石为核的“反环带”斜长石。根据斜长石的环带构造特征和成分分析,认为本区的岩浆演化过程大致如下:下部基性岩浆注入到上覆酸性岩浆中并进行混合作用,酸性岩浆中已结晶的富钠质斜长石晶体进入偏基性的混合岩浆中,部分熔融形成筛孔构造;随着端员岩浆的进一步混合,富钠质斜长石晶体与中性混合熔体仅形成粗糙的边界,而保留原先构造特征;同时混合岩浆可以直接结晶出正常环带斜长石,呈单颗粒或以膜的形式包围其它环带构造的长石。本文还通过与平潭角闪辉长岩杂岩体内筛孔斜长石的对比,认为斜长石的环带构造和成分可以反映岩浆源区特征和岩浆演化历史。  相似文献   

The Gil-Marquez Complex is an exceptional outcrop of plutonic rocks ranging in composition from diorites to granites emplaced into Devonian terrigenous metasediments of the southernmost part of the Hercynian basement of Iberia. A combined study of this complex, including field geology, petrology, structural geology and geochemistry, reveals that it represents an ancient conduit of magma transport through the continental crust. This conduit allowed the intrusion of magmas of contrasted compositions. Two end-members and several hybrids are identified. The first end-member is a biotite granite and the second is a basaltic magma generated by partial melting of a depletedmantle source. Both magmas rose through a common channel in which favorable conditions for unstable flow and magma mixing occurred. The observed relations in the Gil-Márquez Complex show that mixing in conduits may be an important mechanism for producing homogeneous hybrid magmas.  相似文献   

Zoning patterns of An content and Fe, Mg and Sr concentrations in plagioclase phenocrysts in andesites from Parinacota Volcano (N. Chile) reflect alternating recharge events with two chemically distinct mafic magmas. These magmas are characterized by low and high Sr contents, similar to two recent mafic flank eruptions. One end-member basaltic andesite shows large Sr enrichment and Heavy Rare Earth depletions and thus equilibrated with lower-crustal rocks at depth where plagioclase (high Sr) is unstable, and garnet (high HREE, Y) is stable. A second end-member magma is lower in Sr, Ba contents and has REE patterns typical for parent magmas elsewhere in the Central Andes.

The number of recorded recharge events increases after a catastrophic sector collapse and during the subsequent rebuilding of the stratocone. Variations of An, Fe and Mg contents and morphology of zones suggest also changes in water pressure, including decompression under water under-saturated and water-saturated conditions. Evidence for decompression is more present in post-collapse samples, suggesting that the change in the volcano dynamics involves changes in magma chamber location. This shows the importance of the cone collapse event in the volcano's magmatic evolution. We propose that both end-members are only seen at the surface of Parinacota Volcano because of the particular dynamics of this volcanic system and that similar processes might occur in other volcanic centres of the Central Volcanic Zone.  相似文献   

The present study is based on a set of lavas and crosscutting dikes collected by dives along detailed vertical transects on the northern flank of the western part of the Blanco Transform Fault, Northeast Pacific. The studied area consists of a small basin, the Western Blanco Depression (WBD), extending from the southern end of the Juan de Fuca ridge to a pseudofault trace 60 km eastward. The Northern Scarp of the WBD comprises a volcanic unit overlying a sheeted-dike complex. Major and trace element data, coupled with Sr–Nd isotope ratios, reveal a two-component mantle source, composed by an isotopically depleted matrix variably veined by more enriched material. One chemical group (NS2), indistinguishable from the other Northern Scarp samples on the basis of trace element data, has an unusually depleted isotopic composition typical of a nearly pure mantle end-member. Some cogenetic samples of the Northern Scarp have been used to constrain the differentiation modalities. Anorthite and MgO content profiles in plagioclase xenocrysts and phenocrysts reveal (i) the existence of H2O-bearing evolved melts in the mushy zones and (ii) the occurrence of mixing process between these melts and anhydrous mafic liquids. The hydration is supported by other petrographic features such as high magmatic fO2 values, calculated from Fe–Ti oxide pairs, and the presence of pyroxene inclusions in plagioclase phenocrysts. Mixing, consistent with the existence of Ni-rich ferrobasalts, is interpreted to be the consequence of the reservoir refilling by mafic liquids (Mg# = 70). These petrological and geochemical evidences are combined with the evolution of Mg# with depth to suggest a periodic open-system magma chamber evolution beneath the southern end of the Juan de Fuca ridge.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxene phenocrysts in the Kokchetav trachybasalts are variable in composition and textures. Two distinctive cores are recognized: diopside cores and green salite cores. The diopside cores with Mg# of 80–90 are mantled by colorless salite rims with Mg# of 70–80. The green salite cores have especially low Mg# (<70) but high Al and Ti contents. A Mg-rich band (Mg#=82–90) usually occurs between a green salite core and its rim, and/or between a colorless salite mantle and its rim. Dissolution surfaces are observed on all textural variants. Two magma chambers are needed to explain the observed clinopyroxene phenocrysts. A deep chamber at about 120 km in the upper mantle in which diopside cores crystallized, and a shallow chamber at depths of less than 40 km in which diopside cores were resorbed and overgrown by salite rims or mantles. Magma mixing in the shallow chamber is responsible for the formation of dissolution surfaces between the diopside bands and the colorless salite mantles. The dissolution surfaces on the diopside cores formed in the shallow chamber as a result of pressure decrease. This magma evolution scenario is complicated by the occurrence of the crustal-origin green salite cores in diopsides. These green cores likely represent the relics of continental materials, which were captured in the deep chamber and partially re-melted. Our observations indicate that subducted continental materials were returned to the Earth's surface as a result of magmatism. This study therefore provides direct evidence of a link between subducted continental materials (slab) and magmatism in this orogenic belt.  相似文献   

骆文娟  张招崇  侯通  王萌 《岩石学报》2011,27(10):2947-2962
茨达复式岩体位于中国西南扬子地台西缘的攀西裂谷内,其岩性从基性到酸性连续变化,SiO2含量为40.06% ~68.54%,但以基性和酸性岩石为主,中性岩石较少,而且非常不均匀,通常具有斑杂构造特征.从基性岩到酸性岩,各岩石样品由轻稀土弱富集型变为较强富集型.微量元素表现为酸性岩中Rb、Th、K、La、Ce、Pb、Nd、Zr、Hf、Sm呈正异常和Ba、Nb、Ta、Sr、P、Ti的负异常;基性岩除Ti负异常和Pb正异常外,其它异常不明显;中性岩具有Ti、Sr负异常和Pb正异常,其它特征介于基性岩和酸性岩石之间.野外和岩相学特征明显指示出中性岩石具有混合特征.酸性端元岩浆准铝质的特征以及相对低的SiO2含量指示其起源于玄武质下地壳的部分熔融,而基性端元岩浆的地球化学特征以及高温特征暗示着其起源于地幔柱源区.锆石U-Pb年龄数据表明,该复式岩体中基性端元LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb锆石年龄为243.76±0.77Ma,酸性端元年龄为240.5±0.76Ma,可能代表了峨眉山大火成岩省岩浆活动的尾声阶段.  相似文献   

Tertiary volcanism in the İkizce region at the western edge of the eastern Pontides paleo-magmatic arc is represented by basaltic and andesitic rocks associated with sediments deposited in a shallow basin environment. The basaltic rocks contain plagioclase (An58–80), olivine (Fo82–84), clinopyroxene (Wo44–48En35–42Fs7–17), hornblende (Mg# = 0.68–0.76) phenocrysts, and magnetite microcrysts, whereas the andesitic rocks include plagioclase (An25–61), clinopyroxene (Wo46–49En38–43Fs11–13), hornblende (Mg# = 0.48–0.81), biotite (Mg# = 0.48–0.60) phenocrysts, titanomagnetite, apatite, and zircon microcrysts.Geochemical data indicate magmatic evolution from tholeiitic-alkaline transitional to calc-alkaline characteristics with medium-K contents. The geochemical variation in the rocks can be explained by fractionation of common mineral phases such as clinopyroxene, olivine, hornblende, plagioclase, magnetite, and apatite. The trace elements’ distributions of the volcanic rocks show similarities to those of E-Type MORB, have a shape that is typical of rocks from subduction-related tectonic setting with enrichment in LILE and to a lesser extent in LREE, but depletion in HFSE. The rocks evolved from a parental magma derived from an enriched source formed by subduction induced metasomatism of basaltic rocks, the latter formed through clinopyroxene ± olivine controlled fractionation in a high level magma chamber. The andesitic rocks developed through hornblende ± plagioclase controlled fractionation in shallow level magma chamber(s).  相似文献   

西藏早侏罗世聂荣岩体中偏基性包体与酸性寄主岩的岩浆源区性质和岩石成因以及相互关系尚未得到很好约束,直接限制了对聂荣微陆块在早侏罗世特提斯构造岩浆演化中的作用的认识。为探讨这一问题,本文对采自聂荣地区的一对花岗岩及其闪长岩包体样品进行了锆石U-Pb定年和原位Hf同位素分析。寄主花岗岩的结晶年龄为185.1±1.5Ma,闪长岩包体的结晶年龄为183.6±1.1Ma,指示酸性岩浆和基性岩浆同时侵位。寄主花岗岩的锆石εHf(t)值介于-17.8~-0.9,其Hf同位素地壳模式年龄变化于1.3~2.4Ga,闪长岩包体的锆石εHf(t)值和Hf同位素地壳模式年龄值分别分布于-11.9~-2.9和1.4~2.0Ga,均表现出很大的变化范围。同时于~185Ma结晶的两种岩浆锆石Hf同位素的不均一性和继承锆石的出现,指示了聂荣微陆块早侏罗世中期发生了古老基底深熔或重熔的熔体和富集岩石圈地幔来源的岩浆间的混合,之后再与围岩混染的岩浆作用过程。  相似文献   

Rocks of the Late Cretaceous Dagbasi Pluton (88-83 Ma), located in the eastern Pontides, include mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) ranging from a few centimetres to metres in size, and from ellipsoidal to ovoid in shape. The MMEs are composed of gabbroic diorite, diorite and tonalite, whereas the felsic host rocks comprise mainly tonalite, granodiorite and monzogranite based on both mineralogical and chemical compositions. MMEs are characterized by a fine-grained, equigranular and hypidiomorphic texture. The common texture of felsic host rocks is equigranular and also reveals some special types of microscopic textures, e.g., oscillatory-zoned plagioclase, poikilitic K-feldspar, small lath-shaped plagioclase in large plagioclase, blade-shaped biotite, acicular apatite, spike zones in plagioclase and spongy-cellular plagioclase textures and rounded plagioclase megacrysts in MMEs. Compositions of plagioclases (An33-An60), hornblendes (Mg#=0.77-1.0) and biotites (Mg#=0.61-0.63) of MMEs are slightly distinct or similar to those of host rocks (An12-57; hbl Mg#=0.63-1.0; Bi Mg#=0.50-0.69), which suggest partial to complete equilibration during mafic-felsic magma interactions.The felsic host rocks have SiO2 between 60 and 76 wt% and display low to slightly medium-K tholeiitic to calc-alkaline and peraluminous to slightly metaluminous characteristics. Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element (REE) patterns are fractionated (Lacn/Lucn=1.5-7.3) with pronounced negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*=0.46-1.1). Initial εNd(i) values vary between −3.1 and 1.6, initial 87Sr/86Sr values between 0.7056 and 0.7067.Compared with the host rocks, the MMEs are characterized by relatively high Mg-number of 22-52, low contents of SiO2 (53-63 wt%), low ASI (0.7-1.1) and low to medium-K tholeiitic to calc-alkaline, metaluminous to peraluminous composition. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns are relatively flat [(La/Yb)cn=1.4-3.9; (Tb/Yb)cn=0.9-1.5] and show small negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*=0.63-1.01). Isotope signatures of these rocks (87Sr/86Sr(i)=0.7054-0.7055; εNd(i)=-1.0 to 1.9) are largely similar to the host rocks. Gabbroic diorite enclaves have relatively low contents of SiO2, ASI; high Mg#, CaO, Al2O3, TiO2, P2O5, Sr and Nb concentrations compared to dioritic and tonalitic enclaves.The geochemical and isotopic similarities between the MMEs and their host rocks indicate that the enclaves are of mixed origin and are most probably formed by the interaction between the lower crust- and mantle-derived magmas. All the geochemical data suggest that a basic magma derived from an enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle, interacted with a crustal melt that originated from dehydration melting of the mafic lower crust at deep crustal levels. The existence of compositional and textural disequilibrium and the nature of chemical and isotopic variation in these rock types indicate that magma mixing/mingling between an evolved mafic and a granitic magma was involved in their genesis. Microgranular enclaves are thus interpreted to be globules of a more mafic magma probably from an enriched lithospheric mantle source. Al-in-amphibole estimates the pluton emplacement at ca. 0.3-3.8 kbar, and therefore, magma mixing and mingling must have occurred at 3.8 kbar or below this level.  相似文献   

位于中国南天山西侧阔克萨彦岭一带的川乌鲁碱性杂岩体,与该区川乌鲁铜金多金属矿床有着直接的成因联系,该杂岩体由早期的辉长岩—闪长岩岩、主期的二长岩—正长岩和晚期的正长花岗斑岩脉组成,各期岩石在矿物组成和化学成分上有明显的变化。从早到晚,SiO2含量增加,变化范围是50.52%~70.64%;全碱含量先增后减,在SiO2含量小于61.69%时,随SiO2含量增加而增加,而当SiO2含量大于61.69%时,与SiO2含量负相关。在AR-SiO2图解上,大多样品落入碱性区间,在A/CNK-A/NK图解上表现出由准铝质向过碱性演化的趋势。微量元素表现为大离子亲石元素相对高场强元素富集,Rb、Ba、Th、Sr等元素的相对富集和Nb、Ta、P、Ti等元素的负异常。稀土元素表现为轻稀土相对富集的特征,其(La/Yb)N为14.13~25.09,具有Eu的正异常或极微弱的Eu负异常。一些元素比值的线性关系暗示了该杂岩体为岩浆混合成因,基性岩浆的源区为富水的岩石圈地幔,而酸性岩浆是中下地壳中性火成岩在含饱和水条件下部分熔融的产物。这些性质指示川乌鲁杂岩体是在后碰撞拉张环境中由岩石圈地幔熔融的基性岩浆的底侵作用导致地壳的熔融以及后期的岩浆混合作用有关。  相似文献   

近期在江西九瑞矿集区朗君山地区通过钻探获取了新鲜的第三纪火山岩样品,本文对这些样品进行了系统的矿物学研究。结果表明:这些火山岩样品均为玄武岩,可明显分为两个喷发旋回,主要组成矿物为单斜辉石和斜长石,并有少量的磷灰石和铁钛氧化物等矿物。根据其矿物成分特征判断,早期旋回的玄武岩属于钾玄岩系列,晚期旋回的玄武岩属于拉斑玄武岩系列。对比两套玄武岩中单斜辉石的成分可以发现,早期玄武岩岩浆朝着富钙富锰和贫铝贫碱的方向演化,而晚期玄武岩岩浆则朝着富钛富锰和贫铝贫钙贫铬的方向演化。早期旋回玄武岩中斜长石斑晶发育反环带和韵律环带,辉石斑晶中发育正环带、反环带和韵律环带,且基质中斜长石普遍被碱性长石所交代,推测早期喷发的岩浆遭受过多次岩浆混合作用。早期旋回玄武岩中单斜辉石形成的温度为1124~1157℃,压力为1.23~1.42GPa,相应深度为41~47km,表明这套玄武岩可能是由相对原始岩浆上升到较浅部位分异形成的。根据单斜辉石F1-F2图解和Ti O2-Al Z图解判断,该区玄武岩具有明显的与弧有关的构造环境特征,推测应为弧后拉张盆地环境。  相似文献   

Precise U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotope tracing of zircon is combined with whole-rock geochemical and Sr and Nd isotope data in order to unravel processes affecting mafic to felsic calcalkaline magmas prior to and during their crystallization in crustal magma chambers along the southern border of Central Srednogorie tectonic zone in Bulgaria (SE Europe). ID-TIMS U–Pb dating of single zircons from felsic and mixed/mingled dioritic to gabbroic horizons of single plutons define crystallization ages of around 86.5–86.0, 85.0–84.5 and 82 Ma. Concordia age uncertainties are generally less than 0.3 Ma (0.35%–2σ), and as good as 0.08 Ma (0.1%), when the weighted mean 206Pb/238U value is used. Such precision allows the distinction of magma replenishment processes if separated by more than 0.6–1.0 Ma and when they are marked by newly saturated zircons. We interpret zircon dates from a single sample that do not overlap to reflect new zircon growth during magma recharge in a long-lived crustal chamber. Mingling/mixing of the basaltic magma with colder granitoid mush at mid- to upper-crustal levels is proposed to explain zircon saturation and fast crystallization of U- and REE-rich zircons in the hybrid gabbro.Major and trace-element distribution and Sr and Nd whole-rock isotope chemistry define island arc affinities for the studied plutons. Slab derived fluids and a sediment component are constrained as enrichment sources for the mantle wedge-derived magma, though Hf isotopes in zircon suggest crustal assimilation was also important. Inherited zircons, and their corresponding ε-Hf, from the hybrid gabbroic rocks trace the lower crust as possible source for enrichment of the mantle magma. These inherited zircons are about 440 Ma old with ε-Hf of − 7 at 82 Ma, whereas newly saturated concordant Upper Cretaceous zircons reveal mantle ε-Hf values of + 7.2 to + 10.1. The upper and middle crusts contribute in the generation of the granitoid rocks. Their zircon inheritance is Lower Palaeozoic or significantly older and crustal dominated with 82–85 Ma corrected ε-Hf values of − 28. The Cretaceous concordant zircons in the granitoids are mantle dominated with a ε-Hf values spreading from + 3.9 to + 7.  相似文献   

赵勇伟  樊祺诚 《岩石学报》2012,28(4):1119-1129
哈拉哈河-绰尔河第四纪火山地处重力梯度带上的大兴安岭中段。火山岩主要类型为钠质系列碱性橄榄玄武岩。火山岩大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素相对富集,轻重稀土分异程度弱((La/Yb)N=8~12),稀土元素和微量元素配分曲线与大同碱性玄武岩平行,总体上表现出与OIB相似的特征。在Sr-Nd-Pb同位素组成特征上表现出亏损地幔的特点(εNd=4.8~5.9),接近MORB的源区范围。哈拉哈河-绰尔河第四纪火山岩岩浆由轻稀土富集的石榴子石二辉橄榄岩低程度(8%~15%)部分熔融产生,火山岩高MgO(>9%)、Ni(>200×10-6)和Mg#(60~70),表明它们是较原始的岩浆,岩浆上升过程经历了橄榄石和辉石为主的弱分离结晶作用,没有受到地壳物质明显混染。区域伸展作用引发软流圈地幔上涌是哈拉哈河-绰尔河第四纪火山的岩浆成因。  相似文献   

刘鑫  汤艳杰 《岩石学报》2018,34(11):3315-3326
冀西北姚家庄存在一套晚三叠世的超镁铁岩-正长岩杂岩体,岩体内发育具有环带特征的单斜辉石。辉石的环带有两种:简单环带和复杂环带。简单环带一般为正环带,辉石核部的MgO和Cr2O3含量高,Si O2、Fe O和Na2O含量低;边部的主要氧化物含量与核部刚好相反。简单正环带可以分为两类,其中核边接触带平滑、由核到边化学成分具有渐变特征的正环带辉石可能是岩浆在分离结晶或地壳混染过程中形成。而核边接触带有熔蚀结构、由核到边化学成分突变的正环带辉石可能是早期结晶的辉石颗粒受到晚期低镁岩浆的溶蚀改造而成的。复杂环带具有核-幔-边结构,其中,核部低镁高铁、幔部高镁低铁、边部与核部相似,但其Mg#更低,这些特征暗示了岩浆混合作用的存在,形成辉石核部的母岩浆可能来自富集的岩石圈地幔,幔部高Mg#的特征指示了软流圈地幔物质的贡献,其边部低Mg#的特征则指示了地壳物质的加入。具有韵律环带的复杂辉石是在岩浆多期侵入的过程中形成的。辉石环带的组成特征表明,姚家庄杂岩体是由岩浆多期侵位形成的,后期侵入的岩浆与前期就位的岩浆不断反应,形成了具有多种不同环带特征的辉石,并最终形成了空间上由外到内依次为辉石岩、辉石正长岩和正长岩的环状杂岩体。结合前人的研究成果,推测形成姚家庄岩体的岩浆主要来源于富集的岩石圈地幔,并由少量地壳组分和软流圈物质的贡献。  相似文献   

New mineralogical, bulk chemical and oxygen isotope data on the Palaeoproterozoic Bijli Rhyolite, the basal unit of a bimodal volcanic sequence (Dongargarh Group) in central India, and one of the most voluminous silicic volcanic expressions in the Indian Shield, are presented. The Bijli Rhyolite can be recognized as a poorly sorted pyroclastic deposit, and comprises of phenocrystic K-feldspar + albite ± anorthoclase set in fine-grained micro-fragmental matrix of quartz-feldspar-sericite-chlorite-iron-oxide ± calcite. The rocks are largely metaluminous with high SiO2, Na2O + K2O, Fe/Mg, Ga/Al, Zr, Ta, Sn, Y, REE and low CaO, Ba, Sr contents; the composition points to an ‘A-type granite’ melt. The rocks show negative Cs-, Sr-, Eu- and Ti- anomalies with incompatible element concentrations 2–3 times more than the upper continental crust (UCC). LREE is high (La/Yb ∼ 20) and HREE 20–30 times chondritic. δ18Owhole-rock varies between 4.4 and 7.8‰ (mean 5.87±1.26‰). The Bijli melt is neither formed by fractionation of a basaltic magma, nor does it represent a fractionated crustal melt. It is shown that the mantle-derived high temperature basaltic komatiitic melts/high Mg basalts triggered crustal melting, and interacted predominantly with deep crust compositionally similar to the Average Archaean Granulite (AAG), and a shallower crustal component with low CaO and Al2O3 to give rise to the hybrid Bijli melts. Geochemical mass balance suggests that ∼ 30% partial melting of AAG under anhydrous condition, instead of the upper continental crust (UCC) including the Amgaon granitoid gneiss reported from the area, better matches the trace element concentrations in the rocks. The similar Ta/Th of the rhyolites (0.060) and average granulite (0.065) vs. UCC (0.13) also support a deep crustal protolith. Variable contributions of crust and mantle, and action of hydrothermal fluid are attributed for the spread in δ18Owhole-rock values. The fast eruption of high temperature (∼ 900°C) rhyolitic melts suggests a rapid drop in pressure of melting related to decompression in an extensional setting.  相似文献   

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