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Nanoscale zero-valent iron particles(NZVI) produced by using green tea(GT) extract as a reductant can remove Cr(Ⅵ) from water effectively,which can be utilized in groundwater remediation.In order to define the reaction mechanism and removal effect in the aquifer,in this study,GT-NZVI particles were prepared and measured by some characterization methods to define their surface performance,and then batch and one-dimensional experiments were carried out to reveal the reaction properties of GT-NZVI ...  相似文献   

The redox-sensitive stable isotope geochemistry of chromium bears the potential to monitor the attenuation of chromate pollution and to investigate changes in environmental conditions in the present and the past. The use of stable Cr isotope data as a geo-environmental tracer, however, necessitates an understanding of the reaction kinetics and Cr fractionation behaviour during redox transition and isotope exchange. Here, we report stable chromium isotope fractionation data for Cr(VI) reduction, Cr(III) oxidation and isotopic exchange between soluble Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in aqueous media. The reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) with H2O2 under strongly acidic conditions shows a near-equilibrium isotope fractionation of Δ53/52Cr(Cr(III)-Cr(VI)) of −3.54 ± 0.35‰. At pH neutrality, however, the reduction experiments show a kinetic isotope fractionation Δ53/52Cr(Cr(III)-Cr(VI)) of −5‰ for the extent of reduction of up to 85% of the chromium. The oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI) in alkaline media, using H2O2 as the oxidant, cannot be explained by a single, unidirectional reaction. Our experiments indicate that the involvement of the unstable intermediates Cr(IV) and Cr(V) and their disproportionation during redox reactions between Cr(III) and Cr(VI) influence the overall fractionation factor, depending on the prevailing pH conditions and the reaction rates. No detectable isotope exchange between soluble Cr(VI) and Cr(III) species at pH values of 5.5 and 7 was revealed over a timescale of days to weeks. This means that, at least within such a time frame, the isotopic composition of Cr(VI) in a natural system will not be influenced by equilibration with any Cr(III) and thus reveal the true extent of reduction, given that the Cr isotope composition of the source Cr(VI) and the fractionation factor for the prevailing conditions are known.  相似文献   

Bone char has been used as a low-cost adsorbent for the removal of As(V) from waste water. The batch experiments show that the Langmuir isotherm describes well the adsorption behavior. The adsorption process follows a pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The column experiments were conducted at pH = 4 and 10 mg/L an initial concentration of As(V). The breakthrough curves were investigated for various conditions, such as different flow rates, column bed heights, adsorption cycles, coexisting cations and anions such as Mn2+, Al3+, PO4 3?, SO4 2? and SiO3 2?. The convection–diffusion equation was used to model the experimental transport data of As(V) for these conditions. It has been found that the coexisting cations can enhance As(V) immobilization and increase retardation factor (R f), and coexisting anions significantly decrease the diffusion coefficient (D L) of As(V). The secondary adsorption phenomena were observed in the breakthrough curves of column studies of As(V) with cations, especially Mn2+. The regeneration experiments using distilled water and 0.1 mol/L NaOH solution were done to evaluate the desorption degree. The total desorbed amounts from whole column for three experiments decreased from 8.98 to 7.67 mg and the desorption degrees increased from 0.51 to 0.71 unexpectedly, which indicates that the regeneration operation is feasible. Finally, the chemical analysis of column effluents and infrared spectroscopic analysis of absorbent both revealed that the ligand exchange and electrostatic interaction are the main removal mechanisms.  相似文献   

The Cr(VI) reduction behaviour of five different types of grey cast iron shavings meant for construction of a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) in Thun, Switzerland, was investigated by performing batch and column experiments. Closed system batch experiments clearly demonstrated that the largest shavings also containing the largest spherical C inclusions, were best qualified for the PRB due to their fast Cr(VI) reduction rate. However, the column experiment performed with this type of material revealed that a complete and long term Cr(VI) treatment by the planned PRB was questionable due to the site-specific high groundwater flow velocities and the almost O2 and CaCO3 saturated aquifer conditions. The experimentally observed Cr(VI) breakthrough is explained as a result of a decline of reactivity provoked by a strong passivation by observed Fe hydroxides (FeOOH-polymorphs) and carbonates (calcite and aragonite).The column experiment was simulated using the reactive transport modelling code CrunchFlow. Iron cycling and intra-aqueous reactions were incorporated into a previously described reaction network in order to model the strong decline in reactivity of grey cast iron. All key parameters like aqueous species concentrations and mineralogical evolution of the column were successfully modelled. The modelling results confirmed that the observed Cr(VI) breakthrough was caused by surface passivation of the Fe shavings. Complete oxidation of the initially present mass of shavings is not predicted to occur during the expected PRB lifetime of several decades. The model seems to be robust, and it is expected that an application of the calibrated model in 2D to field sites will allow a quantitative evaluation for the performance of planned PRB’s in such environments.  相似文献   

The molecular-level processes that control green rust sodium sulphate (GRNa,SO4) reaction with chromate were studied using high-resolution techniques. Changes in solid morphology, structure and composition were observed with atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The results suggest the following mechanisms: Chromate replaces sulphate in the GR interlayer and is reduced by Fe(II). Formation of sparingly soluble Cr(III)-solid blocks further chromate entry, but Cr(VI) reduction continues at the GR solid/solution interface. Electron transfer from the centre of the GR crystals to the surface facilitates rapid reaction. Less stable zones of the reacted GRNa,SO4 dissolve and amorphous Cr(III),Fe(III)-solid forms. During equilibration, Cr-substituted goethite evolves in association with remaining GRNa,SO4, fed by material from the amorphous phase and dissolving oxidised GR. In contrast, previous Cr(VI) experiments with the carbonate form of GR, GRCO3, have suggested only reaction and deposition at the surface. From the perspective of environmental protection, these results have important implications. Goethite is sparingly soluble and the inclusion of Cr(III) as a solid-solution makes it even less soluble. Compared to Cr adsorbed at the surface of an Fe(III)-phase, Cr(III) incorporated in goethite is much less likely to be released back to groundwater.  相似文献   

Although direct microbial reduction of Cr(VI) and U(VI) is known, few studies have examined the kinetics and the underlying mechanisms of the reduction of these contaminants by different natural organic matter (NOM) fractions in the presence or absence of microorganisms. In this study, NOM was found to chemically reduce Cr(VI) at pH 3, but the reduction rates were negligible at pH ∼7. The abiotic reduction of U(VI) by NOM was not observed, possibly because of the presence of small amounts of nitrate in the reactant solution. However, all NOM fractions, particularly the soil humic acid (HA), enhanced the bioreduction of Cr(VI) or U(VI) in the presence of Shewanella putrefaciens CN32. The reduction rates varied greatly among NOM fractions with different chemical and structural properties: the polyphenolic-rich NOM-PP fraction appeared to be the most reactive in abiotically reducing Cr(VI) at a low pH, but soil HA was more effective in mediating the microbial reduction of Cr(VI) and U(VI) under anaerobic, circumneutral pH conditions. These observations are attributed to an increased solubility and conformational changes of the soil HA with pH and, more importantly, its relatively high contents of polycondensed and conjugated aromatic organic moieties. An important implication of this study is that, depending on chemical and structural properties, different NOM components may play different roles in enhancing the bioreduction of Cr(VI) and U(VI) by microorganisms. Polycondensed aromatic humic materials may be particularly useful in mediating the bioreduction and rapid immobilization of these contaminant metals in soil.  相似文献   

This study reports the potential ability of non-living biomass of Cabomba caroliniana for biosorption of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions. Effects of contact time, biosorbent dosage, pH of the medium, initial concentration of metal ion and protonation of the biosorbent on heavy metal–biosorbent interactions were studied through batch sorption experiments. Cr(III) was sorbed more rapidly than Cr(VI) and the pH of the medium significantly affected the extent of biosorption of the two metal species differently. Surface titrations showed that the surface of the biosorbent is positively charged at low pH while it is negatively charged at pH higher than 4.0. Protonation of the biosorbent increased its capacity for removal of Cr(III), while decreasing that of Cr(VI). FT-IR spectra of the biosorbent confirmed the involvement of –OH groups on the biosorbent surface in the chromium removal process. Kinetic and equilibrium data showed that the sorption process of each chromium species followed pseudo second-order kinetic model and both Langmuir and Freundlich isothermal models. A possible mechanism for the biosorption of chromium species by non-living C. caroliniana is suggested.  相似文献   

Highly reactive nano-scale biogenic magnetite (BnM), synthesized by the Fe(III)-reducing bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens, was tested for the potential to remediate alkaline Cr(VI) contaminated waters associated with chromite ore processing residue (COPR). The performance of this biomaterial, targeting aqueous Cr(VI) removal, was compared to a synthetic alternative, nano-scale zero valent iron (nZVI). Samples of highly contaminated alkaline groundwater and COPR solid waste were obtained from a contaminated site in Glasgow, UK. During batch reactivity tests, Cr(VI) removal from groundwater was inhibited by ∼25% (BnM) and ∼50% (nZVI) when compared to the treatment of less chemically complex model pH 12 Cr(VI) solutions. In both the model Cr(VI) solutions and contaminated groundwater experiments the surface of the nanoparticles became passivated, preventing complete coupling of their available electrons to Cr(VI) reduction. To investigate this process, the surfaces of the reacted samples were analyzed by TEM-EDX, XAS and XPS, confirming Cr(VI) reduction to the less soluble Cr(III) on the nanoparticle surface. In groundwater reacted samples the presence of Ca, Si and S was also noted on the surface of the nanoparticles, and is likely responsible for earlier onset of passivation. Treatment of the solid COPR material in contact with water, by addition of increasing weight % of the nanoparticles, resulted in a decrease in aqueous Cr(VI) concentrations to below detection limits, via the addition of ⩾5% w/w BnM or ⩾1% w/w nZVI. XANES analysis of the Cr K edge, showed that the % Cr(VI) in the COPR dropped from 26% to a minimum of 4–7% by the addition of 5% w/w BnM or 2% w/w nZVI, with higher additions unable to reduce the remaining Cr(VI). The treated materials exhibited minimal re-mobilization of soluble Cr(VI) by re-equilibration with atmospheric oxygen, with the bulk of the Cr remaining in the solid fraction. Both nanoparticles exhibited a considerable capacity for the remediation of COPR related Cr(VI) contamination, with the synthetic nZVI demonstrating greater reactivity than the BnM. However, the biosynthesized BnM was also capable of significant Cr(VI) reduction and demonstrated a greater efficiency for the coupling of its electrons towards Cr(VI) reduction than the nZVI.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is examination of the mixture between adsorption and permeation process for removing chromium (VI) from the water. Two types of supported membranes are developed: The first one which was made by sol–gel method is called nanoporous and the second one which was made by electrospinning is called nanofiber. The sorption capacity of nanoporous and nanofiber is examined in single batch experiments at various pH values, and it is found that maximum chromium removal is observed for both nanoporous and nanofiber at pH 3.5. Adsorption studies illustrated that the Cr(VI) adsorption onto alumina nanoporous and nanofiber is affected by changes in pH, contact time, dosage of adsorbent, concentration of chromium and solution volume. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms can be used to explain the adsorption equilibria of Cr(VI) onto alumina nanoporous and nanofiber. It was found that balance adsorption data adequate Langmuir isotherm more than Freundlich model. Adsorption kinetics was found to be fitted to pseudo-second order and Weber and Morris model. The output of multiple linear regressions was run for the second-order response surface model implied that the linear agents of pH, sorbent dosage and Cr(VI) concentration are more significant factors. Manufacturing electrospun alumina nanofiber and sol–gel nanoporous with these cheap materials, renewable and fast methods are so important although the removal percentage is significant.  相似文献   

To assess the dynamics of microbially mediated U-clay redox reactions, we examined the reduction of iron(III)-rich nontronite NAu-2 and uranium(VI) by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Bioreduction experiments were conducted with combinations and varied concentrations of MR-1, nontronite, U(VI) and the electron shuttle anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS). Abiotic experiments were conducted to quantify U(VI) sorption to NAu-2, the reduction of U(VI) by chemically-reduced nontronite-Fe(II), and the oxidation of uraninite, U(IV)O2(s), by nontronite-Fe(III). When we incubated S. oneidensis MR-1 at lower concentration (0.5 × 108 cell mL−1) with nontronite (5.0 g L−1) and U(VI) (1.0 mM), little U(VI) reduction occurred compared to nontronite-free incubations, despite the production of abundant Fe(II). The addition of AQDS to U(VI)- and nontronite-containing incubations enhanced both U(VI) and nontronite-Fe(III) reduction. While U(VI) was completely reduced by S. oneidensis MR-1 at higher concentration (1.0 × 108 cell mL−1) in the presence of nontronite, increasing concentrations of nontronite led to progressively slower rates of U(VI) reduction. U(VI) enhanced nontronite-Fe(III) reduction and uraninite was oxidized by nontronite-Fe(III), demonstrating that U served as an effective electron shuttle from S. oneidensis MR-1 to nontronite-Fe(III). The electron-shuttling activity of U can explain the lack or delay of U(VI) reduction observed in the bulk solution. Little U(VI) reduction was observed in incubations that contained chemically-reduced nontronite-Fe(II), suggesting that biologic U(VI) reduction drove U valence cycling in these systems. Under the conditions used in these experiments, we demonstrate that iron-rich smectite may inhibit or delay U(VI) bioreduction.  相似文献   

单斜与六方磁黄铁矿处理含Cr(VI)废水过程中pH值变化规律   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
与六方磁黄铁矿相比,单斜磁黄铁矿Fe缺位较普遍。在初始pH值分别为3.40~9.66和3.47~9.66较宽范围内,利用单斜磁黄铁矿和六方磁黄铁矿处理含Cr(VI) 废水,当反应达到充分平衡时,废水的pH值分别变化在3.61~4.47和5.39~6.57范围内。六方磁黄铁矿除Cr(VI)效果明显不及单斜磁黄铁矿,但被氧化的六方磁黄铁矿除Cr(VI)效率有所 提高。电化学分析表明,在酸性介质中处理的反应过程为H+的消耗过程,而在碱性介质中 则为OH 的消耗过程。根据pH值的这一变化规律,可自行调节处理过程中水质的酸性变化 ,能节省传统工艺中需要加碱以中和处理后酸性水的环节,具有一定的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

天然黄铁矿除Cr(Ⅵ)中Cr2S3物相的发现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用天然黄铁矿处理含Cr(Ⅵ)废水实验,在反应中与反应后黄铁矿表面和胶体沉淀物中明显出现Cr2p的XPS能谱峰,能拟合出574.7~575.1eV、576.6~576.9eV和578.2~578.7eV3个峰位,分别代表Cr2S3、Cr2O3和CrO3物相。在实验过程中新发现Cr2S3沉淀物相,表明在常温常压下的水溶液介质中也能产生铬的硫化物物相。充分利用这些含铬物相,能使天然黄铁矿包括天然磁黄铁矿在还原Cr(Ⅵ)的同时,无需加碱就可将Cr(Ⅲ)沉淀转移到胶体沉淀物中,处理后的上清液中全Cr含量低于1.5mg/L的国家允许排放标准。天然黄铁矿自身溶解出的重金属含量很低,不影响处理后的出水水质。开发利用Cr2S3等含铬沉淀物相,便于推广应用天然黄铁矿和磁黄铁矿还原Cr(Ⅵ)同时沉淀Cr(Ⅲ)的一步法除铬新工艺。  相似文献   

最近几年,人们对一些天然矿物在处理重金属污染物过程中所表现出的高效性、经济性和安全性倍加青睐,并逐渐发展成环境矿物材料研究的方向[1,2]。国外对某些矿物吸附机理也有较系统的评述,有关含铬矿物与有机物的作用也有报道[1,3]。1 实验部分(1)试样来源:黄铁矿取自硫铁矿矿山,经鉴定与粉碎,淘洗,烘干,筛分,磁选后获得。(2)含铬(VI)废水:用分析纯重铬酸钾(K2Cr2O7)和蒸馏水配制。(3)实验仪器:反应体系的酸度用PHS3C型酸度计测定,反应平衡时的吸光度用UV160A分光光度计测定,…  相似文献   

纳米零价铁(nZVI)存在易团聚、钝化和迁移性差等问题,影响对六价铬[Cr(VI)]污染地下水的原位修复效果。为了开发一种低成本、绿色的nZVI改性材料,以球磨生物炭(BC)为载体负载nZVI,构建了nZVI@BC反应体系,再利用羧甲基纤维素(CMC)稳定nZVI@BC,合成了一种新型高效、抗钝化纳米级别的修复材料CMC-nZVI@BC。对改性前后的nZVI进行表征分析,探究了材料添加量、Cr(VI)初始质量浓度、初始pH值、温度及地下水化学组分对CMC-nZVI@BC去除Cr(VI)的影响,并阐明去除Cr(VI)的机理。得出如下结论:(1)铁碳质量比为2∶1时的nZVI@BC对Cr(VI)的去除效果最好, 3 h内0.6 g/L CMC-nZVI@BC对50 mg/L Cr(VI)的去除率达99.9%,表现出较高的去除Cr(VI)的速率和能力;(2)去除Cr(VI)的主要机制是通过还原和沉淀反应;(3)在pH值2~10范围内,pH值对去除Cr(VI)有显著影响,温度影响较小;(4)${\mathrm{SO}}_4^{2-}$的存在促进了Cr(VI)的去除,而${\mathrm{HCO}}_3^{-} $、${\mathrm{NO}}_3^{-} $、Ca2+、Mg2+和腐殖酸对Cr(VI)的去除均有不同程度的抑制作用。这些结果表明,CMC-nZVI@BC可以作为有效去除Cr(VI)的原位修复药剂,为nZVI在地下水原位修复的应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

We have used synchrotron-based soft X-ray core-level photoemission and adsorption spectroscopies to study the reaction of aqueous sodium chromate solutions with freshly fractured pyrite surfaces. Pyrite surfaces were reacted with 50 μM sodium chromate solution at pH 7 for reaction times between 1 min and 37 hr. Additional experiments were performed at pH 2 and pH 4 with 50 μM sodium chromate solutions and at pH 7 with 5 mM solutions. At chromate concentrations of 50 μM, all chromium present on the pyrite surface was in the form of Cr(III), while at 5 mM, both Cr(III) and Cr(VI) were present at the pyrite surface. Minor quantities of oxidized sulfur species (sulfate, sulfite, and zero-valent sulfur) were identified as reaction products on the pyrite surface. The amount of oxidized sulfur species observed on the surface was greater when pyrite was reacted with 5 mM Cr(VI) solutions because the rate of chromium deposition exceeded the rate of dissolution of pyrite oxidation products, effectively trapping Cr(VI) and oxidized sulfur species in an overlayer of iron(III)-containing Cr(III)-hydroxide. This work shows that pyrite, an extremely cheap and readily available waste material, may be suitable for the removal of hexavalent chromium from acidic to circumneutral waste streams. The reduced chromium ultimately forms a coating on the pyrite surface, which passivates the pyrite surface towards further oxidation.  相似文献   

Mixed-valent Fe(II),Fe(III)-layered hydroxide, known as green rust, was synthesized from slightly basic, sodium sulphate solutions in an oxygen-free glove box. Solution conditions were monitored with pH and Eh electrodes and optimized to ensure a pure sulphate green-rust phase. The solid was characterised using Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The composition of the solution from which the green rust precipitated was established by mass and absorption spectroscopy. The sulphate form of green rust is composed of brucite-like layers with Fe(II) and Fe(III) in an ordered distribution. The interlayers contain sulphate, water and sodium in an arrangement characteristic for the nikischerite group. The crystal structure is highly disordered by stacking faults. The composition, formula and crystallographic parameters are: NaFe(II)6Fe(III)3(SO4)2(OH)18·12H2O, space group P-3, a = 9.528(6) Å, c = 10.968(8) Å and Z = 1. Green rust sodium sulphate, GRNa,SO4, crystallizes in thin, hexagonal plates. Particles range from less than 50 nm to 2 μm in diameter and are 40 nm thick or less. The material is redox active and reaction rates are fast. Extremely small particle size and high surface area contribute to rapid oxidation, transforming green rust to an Fe(III)-phase within minutes.  相似文献   

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