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江帆 《海洋与海岸带开发》2013,(12):25-27
海洋观测是人类研究认知海洋的基础,是开发利用海洋的重要途径和手段。海洋标准计量工作可以为全球海洋观测工作提供基础性保障。加速我国海洋标准计量工作国际化发展,既可以为全球应对气候变化、保障海洋健康、防御海洋灾害和发展海洋经济等活动作出更大的贡献,同时也有利于我国海洋强国战略的实现。文章分析了加速我国海洋标准计量工作国际化发展的必要性,同时对如何做好我国海洋标准计量工作国际化发展提出了几点建议。 相似文献
海洋标准物质体系的研究与进展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
海洋标准物质是定量计算的依据和用于比较的基准,在海洋管理和污染评价控制中是保证数值有效可靠的重要基础。本文分析了国内外海洋标准物质的研究进展动态,论述了建立海洋标准物质体系的重要作用;同时提出了海洋标准物质体系的框架结构和相关建议与对策。 相似文献
文章在对我国海洋计量体系的沿革、现状进行充分调查和深入研究的基础上,借鉴国内外其他领域成熟体系建设的成功经验,客观分析研究我国海洋计量体系建设、机制运转等方面存在的问题和缺陷,进而结合当前国内外海洋形势的最新发展,探讨我国海洋计量体系科学发展建设之趋势和策略。 相似文献
加快国外海洋标准计量信息资料的采集与研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
海洋标准计量包括海洋标准化和海洋计量两个方面,其主要工作有海洋管理、海洋监测与调查、海洋科学研究与开发以及海洋环境预报等范畴的标准计量工作。海洋标准化的主要内容是海洋管理的标准化、海洋信息资料处理和交换的标准化、海洋监测与调查程序方法的标准化、海洋仪器设备和海洋标准物质的标准化、海洋环境预 相似文献
根据X射线衍射分析结果,对东太平洋地区妈新世末-渐新世初的地层进行了矿和学研究。始新世末的含金属粘土层,矿物组合比较复杂,含有蒙脱石、针铁矿、重晶石、方英石、伊利石、石英、斜发沸石、钙十字沸石等多种矿物,且该粘土层(顶、底部除外)不含方解石,说明它的沉积环境处在方解石补偿深度以下,突变的海洋沉积环境和含金属粘土层中有微玻璃陨石以及富含指示地外成因的Ni、Co、Ir等亲铁元素的存在,推测该金属粘土层 相似文献
东太平洋地区DSDP573孔始新世末期的微玻璃陨石 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
通过研究 DSDP5 73孔的岩心样品 ,首次在该孔始新世与渐新世的界线地层含金属粘土层中发现了微玻璃陨石 ,且主要富集在其底部。一个样品 (5 g)中最多可达 12粒。这些微玻璃陨石主要呈球形、椭球形。用电子探针测试了其化学成分 ,Si O2 含量为 2 9.6 4%~ 5 8.93%,Al2 O3 为 3.42 %~ 2 0 .96 %,Fe O为 9.98%~ 2 9.5 5 %,Mg O为 4.32 %~ 16 .0 5 %,Ir为 0 .0 6 %~ 0 .81%。总体来说 ,微玻璃陨石的化学成分变化较大 ,可能与靶岩的成分变化较大有关。始新世末期北美微玻璃陨石场的展布方向约为 2 5 0°,这与太平洋板块运动方向改变所需要的矢量变化(2 45°)仅相差 5°,推测很可能是始新世末期陨星的撞击引起了太平洋板块在该时期的运动方向由 NNW突然变为NWW。 相似文献
深海钻探573B孔始新世末与渐新世初地层界线处有一层含金属黏土,其底部有一微锰结核富集层。研究了这些微锰结核的形态特征、化学成分及形成,总体看来始新世末期微锰结核中锰的含量比太平洋CC区的大锰结核、微锰结核含量明显高,但铁含量则明显低,属亚氧化成岩类型。始新世末期该区丰富的金属元素和微量元素的供给、沉积间断或缓慢 的沉积速率等条件利于该时期微锰结核的形成。 相似文献
对东太平洋海盆 430 柱沉积物的组分、古生物、结构构造以及古地磁、铀系等进行研究后, 将沉积物进行分类、命名与分层, 并确定其年代。研究表明, 本柱由下至上的沉积物分别为含沸石粘土、深海粘土、硅质粘土和钙质粘土。该柱中存在 4 个沉积间断, 其中在 325 cm附近层位有一厚约 10 cm 的多金属结核层,此界面为中中新世至晚上新世的沉积间断,它在 C C区内普遍存在, 持续时间长, 分布范围广。反映此时南极底层流十分强盛, 对东太平洋 C C 区的沉积作用和多金属结核形成与发育产生重要的影响。 相似文献
Variability of the North Pacific Current and its bifurcation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The North Pacific Current (NPC) bifurcates approaching the west coast of North America into a subpolar branch that forms the Alaska Current, and a subtropical branch that includes the California Current. The variability of this current system is discussed using numerical results from a wind-driven, reduced-gravity model. Indices of the strength of the subpolar and subtropical components of the NPC are examined based on output from multi-decadal simulations with the numerical model. This shows periods of both correlated and anti-correlated variability of the subpolar and subtropical gyres. A decomposition of the gyre transport time series indicates that the dominant mode of variability is a “breathing” mode in which the subpolar and subtropical gyres co-vary in response to fluctuations in the strength of the NPC. This finding is consistent with an analysis of dynamic height data of limited duration from the array of Argo drifting floats.The variability of the NPC is also examined using sea surface height (SSH) data from satellite altimetry over the period 1993-2005. The leading mode of SSH over the northeast Pacific dominates the variability of the NPC and is shown to be associated with in-phase variations in the transport of the subtropical and subpolar gyres. A strong correlation is found between time-dependent fluctuations in SSH across the NPC and variations in the strength of the transport of the NPC in the model. This agreement provides evidence for variability of the NPC occuring in direct response to large-scale atmospheric forcing. 相似文献
Daniel S. Scheirer Ken C. Macdonald Donald W. Forsyth Stephen P. Miller Dawn J. Wright Marie-Hélène Cormier Charles M. Weiland 《Marine Geophysical Researches》1996,18(1):1-12
Four large-scale bathymetric maps of the Southern East Pacific Rise and its flanks between 15° S and 19° S display many of the unique features of this superfast spreading environment including abundant seamounts (the Rano Rahi Field), axial discontinuities, discontinuity migration, and abyssal hill variation. Along with a summary of the regional geology, these maps will provide a valuable reference for other sea-going programs on-and off-axis in this area, including the Mantle ELectromagnetic and Tomography (MELT) experiment. 相似文献
东太平洋表层沉积物中锐钛矿、重晶石矿物的发现及其指示意义 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4
东太平洋以其发育大洋多金属结核而长期以来倍受地质学家关注,国内外在该区对多金属结核及相关的沉积物、沉积环境、古海洋学等进行了大量的调查研究[1~6],取得了许多重要的研究成果.在此基础上,笔者利用先进的电镜分析测试技术(包括电子衍射技术),对东太平洋克拉里昂和克利伯顿两条断裂带之间的CC区沉积物进行了系统的矿物学研究,在研究中发现了重晶石和锐钛矿矿物.本文将简要报道对这两种矿物的形貌和结构标型特征进行研究的结果,并初步探讨其成因[1]. 相似文献
1994 年 4~11 月在东太平洋铁锰结核区, 使用 “向阳红 09”船, 采集 39 个表层沉积物、12 个上覆水和 7 个结核样。在现场用平板法测定了异养细菌和铁、锰细菌丰度, 用稀释法( M P N 法) 测定硫酸还原菌丰度。为了探讨微生物在大洋成矿过程的作用, 在实验室对异养细菌和锰细菌作纯化分离, 并进行了多项生理生化实验, 参照伯杰氏手册第八版鉴定至属。使用分光光度法, 测定锰细菌对锰、铁离子的转化作用, 使用 p H 计测定了p H 值的变化, 同时测定了不同培养温度对转化作用的影响。结果表明, 沉积物中异养细菌的数量在 3×100~95×103个/g; 锰、铁细菌的数量在1×100 ~1×103 个/g; 硫酸盐还原细菌的数量分布范围在 0~4×103个/g;在上覆水和结核样中各类细菌的数量均较低,比沉积物样中各类细菌数低 1 个数量级。在细菌的种群组成方面与近海区相比存在差异, 特别是在革兰氏阳性菌的组成上微球菌占了绝对优势。在成矿作用方面, 锰细菌对锰、铁氧化还原的实验结果表明, 在好氧的条件下, 锰细菌使可溶性的 M n2+ 氧化为 M n4+ , 其氧化速度与环境温度存在密切关系, 锰细菌对铁的氧化速度比对锰的氧化速度来得快。在 相似文献
Ken C. Macdonald Paul J. Fox Steve Miller Suzanne Carbotte Margo H. Edwards Mark Eisen Daniel J. Fornari Laura Perram Rob Pockalny Dan Scheirer Stacey Tighe Charles Weiland Doug Wilson 《Marine Geophysical Researches》1992,14(4):299-344
SeaMARC II and Sea Beam bathymetric data are combined to create a chart of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) from 8°N to 18°N reaching at least 1 Ma onto the rise flanks in most places. Based on these data as well as SeaMARC II side scan sonar mosaics we offer the following observations and conclusions. The EPR is segmented by ridge axis discontinuities such that the average segment lengths in the area are 360 km for first-order segments, 140 km for second-order segments, 52 km for third-order segments, and 13 km for fourth-order segments. All three first-order discontinuities are transform faults. Where the rise axis is a bathymetric high, second-order discontinuities are overlapping spreading centers (OSCs), usually with a distinctive 3:1 overlap to offset ratio. The off-axis discordant zones created by the OSCs are V-shaped in plan view indicating along axis migration at rates of 40–100 mm yr–1. The discordant zones consist of discrete abandoned ridge tips and overlap basins within a broad wake of anomalously deep bathymetry and high crustal magnetization. The discordant zones indicate that OSCs have commenced at different times and have migrated in different directions. This rules out any linkage between OSCs and a hot spot reference frame. The spacing of abandoned ridges indicates a recurrence interval for ridge abandonment of 20,000–200,000 yrs for OSCs with an average interval of approximately 100,000 yrs. Where the rise axis is a bathymetric low, the only second-order discontinuity mapped is a right-stepping jog in the axial rift valley. The discordant zone consists of a V-shaped wake of elongated deeps and interlocking ridges, similar to the wakes of second-order discontinuities on slow-spreading ridges. At the second-order segment level, long segments tend to lengthen at the expense of neighboring shorter segments. This can be understood if segments can be approximated by cracks, because the propagation force at a crack tip is directly proportional to crack length.There has been a counter-clockwise change in the direction of spreading on the EPR between 8 and 18° N during the last 1 Ma. The cumulative change has been 3°–6°, producing opening across the Orozco and Siqueiros transform faults and closing across the Clipperton transform. The instantaneous present-day Cocos-Pacific pole is located at approximately 38.4° N, 109.5° W with an angular rotation rate of 2.10° m.y.–1 This change in spreading direction explains the predominance of right-stepping discontinuities of orders 2–4 along the Siqueiros-Clipperton and Orozco-Rivera segments, but does not explain other aspects of segmentation which are thought to be linked to patterns of melt supply to the ridge axis.There are 23 significant seamount chains in the mapped area and most are created very near the spreading axis. Nearly all of the seamount chains have trends which fall between the absolute and relative plate motion vectors. 相似文献
In 1983 a combined SeaMARC I, Sea Beam swath mapping expedition traversed the East Pacific Rise from 13°20 N to 9°50 N, including most of the Clipperton Transform Fault at 10°15 N, and a chain of seamounts at 9°50 N which runs obliquely to both the ridge axis and transform fault trends. We collected temperature, salinity and magnetic data along the same track. These data, combined with Deep-Tow data and French hydrocasts, are used to construct a thermal section of the rise axis from 13°10 N to 8°20 N.Thermal data collected out to 25 km from the rise axis and along the Clipperton Transform Fault indicate that temperatures above the rise axis are uniformly warmer by 0.065°C than bottom water temperatures at equal depths off the axis. The rise axis thermal structure is punctuated by four distinct thermal fields with an average spacing of 155 km. All four of these fields are located on morphologic highs. Three fields are characterized by lenses of warmed water 20 km in length and 300 m thick. Additional clues to hydrothermal activity are provided in two cases by high concentrations of CH4, dissolved Mn and 3He in the water column and in another case by concentrations of benthic animals commonly associated with hydrothermal regions.We use three methods to estimate large-scale heat loss. Heat flow estimates range from 1250 MW to 5600 MW for one thermal field 25 km in length. Total convective heat loss for the four major fields is estimated to lie between 2100 MW and 9450 MW. If we add the amount of heat it takes to warm the rest of the rise axis (489 km in length) by 0.065.°C, then the calculated axial heat loss is from 12,275 to 38,525 MW (19–61% of the total heat theoretically emitted from crust between 0 and 1 m.y. in age). 相似文献