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准确厘定地质事件的绝对时间是地学最核心的内容之一,放射性同位素地质年代学是最为可靠的绝对定年方法。近半个世纪以来,国际上以固体岩石为定年对象的长周期定年体系的进展乏善可陈,基于石榴石的多同位素定年体系是近10多年来一个在理论和实践中得到长足发展的体系。因为含有多种长周期放射性同位素及其稳定的衰变产物,石榴石可以说是万能的地质年代学定年矿物。随着近些年的化学流程和质谱技术的进步,Sm-Nd和Lu-Hf体系逐渐从众多基于石榴石的定年体系中脱颖而出,成为基于石榴石首选的姊妹定年体系,为变质的时间和过程提供前所未有的分辨率。通过回顾和剖析石榴石姊妹定年体系的基础和发展,及其在获取和解释方面的优势、复杂性和存在的陷阱,指出今后发展的趋势和短期内潜在的突破点。  相似文献   

胡恭任 《矿物岩石》2007,27(2):33-38
周潭群变质岩系中石榴石、十字石和黑云母微区化学成分变化明显,石榴石变斑晶具典型的生长环带,由晶体中心向两侧边缘XMg,XFe值递增,XCa,XMn值递减,反映增温过程,晶体最边缘的化学成分反映变质峰期的温度条件。变质岩系经历了角闪岩相变质作用,划分为3个变质阶段。各阶段石榴石的分布、形态、矿物组合、化学成分及其成因条件存在一定差异。通过成因矿物学的系统研究,确定本区变质岩系石榴石的结晶生长演化史及变晶变形序列。  相似文献   

苏鲁超高压榴辉岩的成因一直是一个令人困惑的问题。本文通过对榴辉岩的进变质作用——榴辉岩相向石榴石岩相转变的初步研究,为苏鲁榴辉岩带的地幔转换带(高压可达10GPa)成因提供了最初的证据。   相似文献   

大别山榴辉岩中石榴石的结构水:红外光谱分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对大别山(包括南大别和北大别)几个典型产地榴辉岩中的石榴石进行了傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)分析,结果显示所有石榴石颗粒都含有一定量的结构水,以OH-的形式存在,结构水含量w(H2O)最高可达1859×10-6。水含量在同一榴辉岩样品不同石榴石颗粒间表现出较大的差异,反映了原岩中水含量的不均一分布。与以前报道的南大别碧溪岭榴辉岩中石榴石情况相似,水含量的不均一性表明:①榴辉岩原岩经历的水-岩交换作用的方式是“隧道式”而非“弥散式”;②超高压变质过程中流体的活动性十分有限;③整个超高压板块俯冲-折返的过程十分快速。南大别石榴石水含量总体上高于北大别,这种差异可能与北大别所经历的高温麻粒岩相变质作用有关。  相似文献   

岩石在形成时和形成后所经历的任何热力学事件都应在其内部留下痕迹,如何寻找和发现这些遗迹是地质学界长期关注和亟待解决的问题。笔者认为,电子显微技术(TEM)是解决这一问题的最有效、最直观的方法之一。最近几年,大量的TEM研究结果证实,各类变质岩中的石榴石均发生不同程度的塑性变形。深入研究其变形程度和变形特征,对于揭示岩石所经历的变质变形历史具有重要的意义,特别是通过观测位错密度,可定性推算岩石曾经历的古差异应力,为拟定区域构造演化模式提供佐证。  相似文献   

本文对内蒙古南部太古宙集宁群变质岩系中6个石榴石样品进行了研究,讨论了晶体形态、物理性质、化学成分与岩石成分和波谱学之间的关系。研究表明,本区(含石墨)富铝片麻岩类岩石中,石榴石以富镁的铁铝榴石组份为主,而二辉石岩中的石榴石则以富钙的铁铝榴石组份为主。石榴石钙的含量受岩石成分所控制。从测得的晶胞参数来看,除个别者外,a_0值均随着Ca~(2 )的含量增加而增大。据穆斯堡尔谱分析,本区集宁群变质岩系中除个别样品受到了氧化或蚀变而有Fe~(3 )成分混入外,大部分石榴石可能都是在变质程度比较高的还原环境下形成的。  相似文献   

对南大别黄镇低温榴辉岩中不同粒径的石榴石颗粒所具有的不同化学成分分带进行研究,通过建立相应的扩散调整模型,运用扩散动力学的方法进行了模拟计算。结果表明该榴辉岩中石榴石经过峰期榴辉岩相变质之后,其成分环带经约23 Ma的扩散调整形成现在的组分特征。黄镇榴辉岩在峰期变质之后曾经历的是一个约6℃/Ma冷却过程,该过程持续了约23 Ma。黄镇榴辉岩不大可能与南大别超高压榴辉岩一样受到过超高压变质作用。  相似文献   

王型珍 《矿物岩石》1994,14(1):18-27
本文据我国河南桐柏围山城地区的石榴石的物理性质、化学成分、晶体结构(使用X射线分析、红外吸收光谱和穆斯堡尔谱)的研究,证实该区石榴石存在着铝榴石和钙榴石两个系列,并探索了变质岩原岩的组分;变质岩的形成温度为725-755℃原始变质岩为中等压力产物。多硅白云母形成时的温度和压力属于叠加变质作用的温压条件。本区的区域变质岩是多期变质作用叠加的产物。  相似文献   

大别山地区榴辉岩及体生石榴石橄榄岩的矿物化学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

刘俊来 《地质学报》2002,76(3):372-372
对四套具不同特点的方解石质原岩断层构造岩应用光学显微镜、透射电子显微镜和阴极发光显微镜开展了系统研究。它们都表现出相似的变形显微构造特点与变形作用,宏观碎裂结构与微观糜棱状结构。碎屑颗粒或者变形的原岩颗粒具有发育的晶内变形显微构造(变形双晶、扭折和微破裂等),基质颗粒为弥散的极细粒物质。透射电镜下的微构造表现为反映脆性变形与晶质塑性变形共存的位错  相似文献   

鄂北—豫南地区榴辉岩相岩石变质作用演化特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
王晓燕 《岩石学报》1997,13(3):369-379
鄂北-豫南地区榴辉岩相变质岩石类型多样,其野外产状和岩石化学特征反映了原地变质成因。根据区域地质及榴辉岩相变质岩石的野外产状,结合榴辉岩中石榴石绿辉石的Fe2+-Mg互换温度计所计算出的峰期变质温度,将本区榴辉岩分为两类,一类为中温榴辉岩,产于晚太古界—早元古界大别群,为B类榴辉岩,由绿帘角闪岩相岩石进变质形成。榴辉岩相变质作用分为两阶段,首先为柯石英榴辉岩相阶段,其峰期变质条件为T=600℃~700℃,P=2.7~3.0GPa,然后近等温降压,出现蓝闪石等含水矿物,为蓝闪石榴辉岩相阶段,此时水活度在榴辉岩相变质过程中起着重要作用;另一类为低温榴辉岩,产于中元古界七角山组,为C类榴辉岩,由蓝片岩相岩石进变质形成,其峰期变质条件为T=490℃~560℃,P<1.5GPa。中温榴辉岩与低温榴辉岩具有不同的变质作用特征。最后讨论了本区高压变质带的成因演化。  相似文献   

程裕淇  庄育勋  高天山  简平 《地质学报》2002,76(1):1-13,T001
安徽岳西菖蒲—碧溪岭地区出露两条北北西向的高压—超高压变质岩带:西带由土桥冲至菖蒲水电站,该带由层状硬玉石英岩类、大理岩及少量的石英深色榴辉岩以及浅色榴辉岩等组成;东带由小南山岭至碧溪岭,主要由层状的浅色榴辉岩系列和层状深色榴辉岩系列岩石组成。该区发育的层状浅色榴辉岩和层状的深色榴辉岩两种榴辉岩在岩石组合、矿物组合、矿物成分等方面有明显差别。浅色榴辉岩一般由硬玉质绿辉石(Jd 65~45)、+镁铝以及钙铝端元成分(Pyr+Gro,60±)的石榴子石+蓝晶石±多硅白云母±石英及次生的角闪石、绿帘石组成。其中夹有硬玉质绿辉石石英岩、富蓝晶石岩石、石榴子石岩和硬玉石榴白云片岩等岩石薄层。深色榴辉岩由绿辉石(Jd20~50)±富铁铝端元的石榴子石(Alm 50~60)+金红石±石英及次生的角闪石等组成。石英深色榴辉岩由绿辉石(Jd 40~45)+镁铝端元的石榴子石(Pyr 10~30)+石英+金红石及次生的角闪石、长石组成。深色榴辉岩与石榴橄榄岩分布上紧密相随。浅色榴辉岩的原岩为基性凝灰质沉积岩,相伴随的硬玉石英岩、硬玉岩、白云片岩的原岩大致分别为粉砂岩、长石砂岩、泥质粉砂岩;深色榴辉岩为基性凝灰质熔岩。大理岩的原岩为灰岩。同时,本文的研究表明,在相同的变质作用条件下,榴辉岩相岩石中石榴  相似文献   

 We have studied the plastic deformation of Mg2SiO4 wadsleyite polycrystals. Wadsleyite was synthesized from a forsterite powder in a multianvil apparatus. It was then recovered and placed in a second multianvil assembly designed to induce plastic deformation by compression between two hard alumina pistons. After the deformation experiment, the microstructures are characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and large-angle convergent beam electron diffraction (LACBED). Deformation experiments have been carried out at 15–19 GPa and at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 1800–2000 °C. Five different dislocation types have been identified by LACBED: [100], 1/2〈111〉, [010], 〈101〉 and [001]. The [001] dislocations result from dislocation reactions and not from activation of a slip system. The [010] dislocations are activated under high stresses at the beginning of the experiments and further relax by decomposition into 1/2〈111〉 dislocations or by dissociation into four 1/4[010] partial dislocations. The following slip systems have been identified: 1/2〈111〉{101}, [100](010), [100](001), [100]{011}, [100]{021}, [010](001), [010]{101} and 〈101〉(010). Received: 15 July 2002 / Accepted: 14 February 2003 Acknowledgements High-pressure experiments were performed at the Bayerisches Geoinstitut under the EU IHP – Access to Research Infrastructures Programme (Contract no. HPRI-1999-CT-00004 to D.C. Rubie). P.C. has benefited from a Congé thématique pour recherche from the University of Lille, and would like to thank warmly all the people in Bayreuth who contributed to this work by daily assistance and discussions: Nathalie Bolfan-Casanova, Daniel Frost, Jed L. Mosenfelder and Brent Poe. The quality of the preparation of the TEM specimens by H. Schultze is greatly appreciated.  相似文献   

名义上无水矿物的水含量研究对于认识俯冲带流体活动和地球动力学具有重要意义.对大别山金河桥榴辉岩中石榴石进行了傅里叶变换红外光谱分析和主微量元素分析,结果表明石榴石含有分子水和结构羟基,分别为 < 1×10-6~1 946×10-6和< 1×10-6~1 347×10-6.石榴石羟基含量与Ca、Na、Ti、Zr和Pr正相关,而与Si负相关,表明羟基结合机制以水榴石替代为主并伴有其他机制.分子水主要为初始水或折返过程中羟基转化形成.石榴石总水含量为 < 1×10-6~3 293×10-6,最大值对应于峰期超高压石榴石水储存能力.水在峰期石榴石中可达到饱和.石榴石变化的水含量受原岩性质、流体可获得性、压力和温度等多种因素控制,但主要由折返过程中降压脱水导致.石榴石平均总水含量为749×10-6~1 164×10-6,是俯冲板片向地幔水传输的重要介质.   相似文献   

山东大疃榴辉岩和石榴透辉石岩的成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东大疃迟家店和石榴二辉橄榄岩中榴辉岩与石榴透辉石岩呈过渡关系,前者位于中心,后者为边缘带,在边缘带的透辉石中出现不规则状和条纹状绿辉石,通过对两类岩石的岩石学,矿物学特征及岩石平衡温压条件的研究,并与国内外不同地区,不同产状同类岩石进行一对比后认为,二者的关系虽然基本符合常见蚀变规律,即中心的榴辉石中绿辉石蚀变成透辉石,从而形成石榴透辉石岩边缘带,但是根据榴辉岩,石榴透辉石岩的REE特征和岩石平  相似文献   

豫南中温榴辉岩中角闪石的变质演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在该区中温榴辉岩的各个演化阶段中,出现了不同成分的角闪石。石榴石环带及其核部的闪石等矿物包囊体记录了前榴辉阶段及其进变质演化的特征。在榴岩阶段晚期,蓝闪石稳定出现,其成分环带反映了压力降低的连续过程;角闪石-斜长石后成合晶为石榴石和绿辉石的退变质产物;退变质后期,钙质闪石大量出现。角闪石的矿物组合及其成分变化,反映了中温榴辉岩的顺时针变质演化过程。  相似文献   

夏琼霞 《地球科学》2019,44(12):4042-4049
石榴石是高压-超高压变质岩石中最重要的变质矿物之一,是研究俯冲带深部变质和熔融过程的理想研究对象.通过对俯冲带内不同条件下形成的石榴石进行详细研究,确定了岩浆成因、变质成因和转熔成因石榴石.岩浆石榴石是岩浆熔体在冷却过程中结晶形成,成分主要为锰铝榴石-铁铝榴石,通常含有石英、长石、磷灰石等晶体包裹体.变质石榴石是在亚固相条件下通过变质反应形成,包裹体为参与变质反应的矿物组合;进变质生长的石榴石通常显示核部到边部锰铝榴石降低的特征.转熔石榴石是在超固相条件下通过转熔反应形成,通常含有晶体包裹体,其中既有从转熔熔体结晶的矿物包裹体,也有转熔反应残留的矿物包裹体.对超高压变质岩石中转熔石榴石的识别,可以为深俯冲陆壳岩石的部分熔融提供重要的岩石学证据,是大陆俯冲带部分熔融研究的重要进展之一.   相似文献   

Occurrences of eclogite, eclogite-amphibolite, and garnet amphibolitefrom Puerto Cabello, Venezuela are described. Chemical analysesof thirteen rocks, eight garnets, six clinopyroxenes, and nineamphiboles are presented. Field evidence shows that the eclogitesand associated mafic rocks occur as sheets or lenses conformablewith pelitic and calcareous rocks and have been metamorphosedin situ. The associated country rocks have attained a metamorphicmineral assemblage typical of the epidote-amphibolite facies.The chemical composition of the eclogite and associated rocksis variable but is essentially that of tholeiitic basalt. Clino-pyroxenesfrom the eclogites are omphacites containing 34–51 moleper cent jadeite and the remainder largely diopside; coexistinggarnets contain approximately 50 mole per cent almandine, 24mole per cent pyrope, 25 mole per cent grossular+andradite,and 1 mole per cent spessartine. Determinations for the temperatureof metamorphism of these rocks give approximately 525±50°C. Determinations of total pressure of metamorphism, basedon the jadeite content of omphacite, on glaucophane II, kyanite,and calcite stability fields, and on stratigraphic reconstructionsgive a range of values between 5 and 10 kb with a most probablevalue near 7 kb. These data suggest a moderate geothermal gradientduring metamorphism of approximately 20 °C/km. An evaluationof the role of volatiles during metamorphism indicates thatthe original basalts were converted to eclogites in an environmentclosed to water and carbon dioxide. The field relationshipsat Puerto Cabello demonstrate the general instability of eclogite;the great majority of mafic rocks are amphibolites, garnet amphibolites,and eclogite-amphibolites. Eclogites, sensu stricto, are preservedonly in random ‘dry’ pockets within the stratigraphicsection containing the metabasalts. The transformation of basaltto eclogite to amphibolite is considered to have been a continuousparagenetic sequence during a single pseriod of metamorphism.  相似文献   

High-pressure, regional metamorphic rocks (the Raspas Formation)constitute an inclusion more than 10 km long and 3 km wide ina protrusion of extensively serpentinized harzburgite in ElOro Province, southwestern Ecuador. The high-pressure rocks,all feldspar-free, consist of a dominant pelitic schist withquartzite layers, eclogite, eclogite amphibolite, garnetite,and retrograde mafic rocks. The pelitic schist is coarse grainedand is composed of quartz + phengite + paragonite + garnet +chloritoid + rutile + graphite ± kyanite ± pyrite.Eclogite is fine to medium grained, massive to strongly foliated(average mode: omphacite (Jd42Ac6(Di + He)32), 38.2 per cent;garnet (Alm53 Spess2 Pyr19 Gross26), 26.6; barroisite (4.1 percent Na2O), 22.6; clinozoisite, 4.1; rutile, 2.1; quartz, 5.7;other minerals, 0.7).Eclogite amphibolite is a medium-grainedand massive to foliated rock composed of amphibole (3.1 percent Na2O) + garnet + zoisite + kyanite + rutile + pyrite ±omphacite± paragonite ± quartz ± apatite. Retrogrademafic rocks include glaucophane schist, greenschist, and coarse-grained,amphibole-rich rocks. Prograde metamorphism took place in an active Benioff zone.Based on phase relations in the pelitic schist, partitioningof Mg/(Mg + Fetotal + Mn) in garnet-amphibole and in omphacite-amphibolepairs (Dòbretsov et al., 1975), the absence of lawsonite,and other evidence, the conditions of metamorphism are estimatedto have been T = 580 ° ± 20 °C and P total =13 ± 3 kb (43 ± 10 km depth). P H2O ranged from P total in pelitic schist, through P total in eclogite amphibolitc,to «P total in eclogite. Retrograde metamorphism accompaniedrapid uplift of the Raspas Formation during which the rockspassed through the stability field of glaucophane-epidote schist,but not the stability field of lawsonite. The inclusion of high-pressure rocks was carried upward intactin a protrusion of extensively serpentinized harzburgite whichrose diapirically through the relatively denser amphiboliteand greenschist which constitute the regional basement of ElOro Province. Serpentinization of harzburgite began at depth,and continued coevally with eclogitization. Protrusive riseoccurred upon abandonment of the Benioff zone. Radiometric K-Arages on the uplift of the Raspas Formation and the youngestlavas of a volcanic are of Jurassic-Early Cretaceous age ineastern Ecuador are synchronous (132 m.y.). Present address: Département de Géologie, Université Laval, Québec, P. Q. G1K 7P4 Canada  相似文献   

The Adula Nappe is a slice of Pre-Mesozoic continental basementaffected by Early Alpine (Mesozoic or Lower Tertiary) high-pressuremetamorphism. Mineral compositions in mafic rocks containingomphacite + garnet + quartz record a continuous regional trendof increasing recrystalliza tion temperatures and pressuresthat can be ascribed to this regional high-pressure metamorphicevent. P-T estimates derived from mineral compositions gradefrom about 12 kb and 500 ?C or less in the north of the nappeto more than 20 kb/800 ?C in the south. The regional P-T trend is associated with a mineralogical transitionfrom assemblages containing additional albite and abundant amphiboles,epidote minerals, and white micas in the north (omphacite-garnetamphibolites) to kyanite eclogites containing smaller amountsof hornblende and zoi.site in the south. Textures and mineralcompositional data show that these hydrous and anhydrous silicatesassociated with omphacite + garnet + quartz arc primary partsof the high-pressure assem blages. Observed phase relationsbetween these primary silicates, theoretical Schreinemakersanalysis, and the thermobarometric results, together indicatethat the regional transition from omphacite amphibolites tokyanite eclogites can be described by two simplified reactions: alb+epi+hbl=omp+kya+qtz+par (H2O-conserving) (15) par+epi+hbl+qtz=omp+kya+H2O (dehydration) (12) which have the character of isograd reactions. Local variations of water activity (aH2O) as indicated by isofacialmineral assemblages, and the H2O character of the reaction (15),are interpreted to reflect largely H and predominantly fluid-absenthigh-pressure metamorphism within the northern part of the nappe.The omphacite amphibolites and paragonite eclogites in thisarea are thought to have formed by H2O reactions from Pre-Mesozoichigh-grade amphibolites, i.e. from protoliths of similar bulkH2O-countent. The second ‘isograd’ (12) is interpreted to markthe regional transition from largely fluid-absent metamorphismin the north to fluid-present metamorphism in the south, wheremetamorphic pressures and temperatures in excess of 12-15kband 500-600?C were sufficient for prograde in-situ dehydrationof similar hydrous protoliths to kyanite eclogites. The observationof abundant veins, filled with quartz+kyanite+omphacite, suggeststhat a free fluid coexisted locally with the kyanite eclogitesof the southern Adula Nappe at some time during progressivedehydration.  相似文献   

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