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We study the temporal intensity profile, or pulse shape, of cosmic ray ground-level enhancements (GLEs) by calculating the rise \(( \tau_{\mathrm{r}})\) and decay \((\tau_{\mathrm{d}})\) times for a small subset of all available events. Although these quantities show very large inter-event variability, a linear dependence of \(\tau_{ \mathrm{d}} \approx 3.5 \tau_{\mathrm{r}}\) is found. We interpret these observational findings in terms of an interplanetary transport model, thereby including the effects of scattering (in pitch-angle) as these particles propagate from (near) the Sun to Earth. It is shown that such a model can account for the observed trends in the pulse shape, illustrating that interplanetary transport must be taken into account when studying GLE events, especially their temporal profiles. Furthermore, depending on the model parameters, the pulse shape of GLEs may be determined entirely by interplanetary scattering, obscuring all information regarding the initial acceleration process, and hence making a classification between impulsive and gradual events, as is traditionally done, superfluous.  相似文献   

The Forbush decrease (Fd) of the Galactic cosmic ray (GCR) intensity and disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic field generally take place simultaneously and are caused by the same phenomenon, namely a coronal mass ejection (CME) or a shock wave created after violent processes in the solar atmosphere. The magnetic cut-off rigidity of the Earth’s magnetic field changes because of the disturbances, leading to additional changes in the GCR intensity observed by neutron monitors and muon telescopes. Therefore, one may expect distortion in the temporal changes in the power-law exponent of the rigidity spectrum calculated from neutron monitor data without correcting for the changes in the cut-off rigidity of the Earth’s magnetic field. We compare temporal changes in the rigidity spectrum of Fds calculated from neutron monitor data corrected and uncorrected for the geomagnetic disturbances. We show some differences in the power-law exponent of the rigidity spectrum of Fds, particularly during large disturbances of the cut-off rigidity of the Earth’s magnetic field. However, the general features of the temporal changes in the rigidity spectrum of Fds remain valid as they were found in our previous study. Namely, at the initial phase of the Fd, the rigidity spectrum is relatively soft and it gradually becomes hard up to the time of the minimum level of the GCR intensity. Then during the recovery phase of the Fd, the rigidity spectrum gradually becomes soft. This confirms that the structural changes of the interplanetary magnetic field turbulence in the range of frequencies of 10?6?–?10?5 Hz are generally responsible for the time variations in the rigidity spectrum we found during the Fds.  相似文献   

In this work, non-recurrent Forbush decreases (FDs) triggered by the passage of shock-driving interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) have been analyzed. Fifty-nine ICMEs have been studied, but only 25 % of them were associated to a FD. We find that shock-driving magnetic clouds (MCs) produce deeper FDs than shock-driving ejecta. This fact can be explained regarding the observed growing trends between decreases in neutron monitor (NM) count rate and MC/ejecta speed and its associated rigidity. MCs are faster and have higher associated rigidities than ejecta. Also the deceleration of ICMEs seems to be a cause for producing FDs, as can be inferred from the decreasing trend between NM count rate and deceleration. This probably implies that the interaction between the ICME traveling from the corona to the Earth and the solar wind can play an important role in producing deeper FDs. Finally, we conclude that ejecta without flux rope topology are the ones less effective in unchaining FDs.  相似文献   

Caballero  R.  Valdés-galicia  J.F. 《Solar physics》2003,213(2):413-426
Galactic cosmic ray fluctuations from six mountain altitude neutron monitors around the world are analyzed during the period 1990–1999. The period comprises the maximum and declining phase of solar cycle 22 and the beginning of cycle 23. The evolution of the most significant periodicities and comparisons with solar activity and interplanetary indicators are presented. We found a 38-day variation present in all neutron monitors, solar activity parameters, and IMF fluctuations. The possible origin of this and other stable periodicities of cosmic ray variations in the analyzed period are discussed.  相似文献   

In this work we present a cosmic ray model that couples primary solar cosmic rays at the top of the Earth’s atmosphere with the secondary ones detected at ground level by neutron monitors during Ground-Level Enhancements (GLEs). The Neutron Monitor Based Anisotropic GLE Pure Power Law (NMBANGLE PPOLA) model constitutes a new version of the already existing NMBANGLE model, differing in the solar cosmic ray spectrum assumed. The total output of the model is a multi-dimensional GLE picture that reveals part of the characteristics of the big solar proton events recorded at ground level. We apply both versions of the model to the GLE of 15 April 2001 (GLE60) and compare the results.  相似文献   

The solar neutron detector Space Environment Data Acquisition Equipment – Attached Payload (SEDA-FIB) onboard the International Space Station (ISS) detected several events from the solar direction associated with three large solar flares observed on 05 (X1.1), 07 (X5.4), and 09 (M6.3) March 2012. In this study, we focus on the interesting event of 05 March, present the temporal profiles of the neutrons, and discuss the physics that may be related to a possible acceleration scenario for ions above the solar surface. We compare our data with images of the flares obtained by the ultraviolet telescope Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).  相似文献   

The yield functions for a neutron multiplicity analyzer of a neutron monitor NM-64 have been calculated for the observed multiplicities 1, 2, 3 and 4. The accuracy of these functions, which is limited by the scattering in the mean lifetimes of the neutrons in the monitor, has been given.  相似文献   

We present observations of a UV event which occurred in a polar coronal hole. They were obtained by SUMER on SOHO in several chromospheric and transition region spectral lines. Its birth site was about 50 arc sec inside the limb and in a network lane showing a net outflow before its initiation. The event had an extension of about 5 arc sec along the slit, a duration of about 3 min and was characterized by a large increase of intensity together with a significant line broadening with, however, downflows of about 50 km s–1 being dominant. Proper motions with a velocity of about 10 km s–1 were also observed. The event appeared at middle transition (Ovi) temperatures and it simultaneously showed up in chromospheric (Oi, Ly ) and low transition region (Cii) temperatures. We discuss this event in view of different scenarios to account for it. Our event could be a part of the large family of quiet-Sun explosive events observed by Ryutova and Tarbell (2000) taking place in polar coronal holes that are triggered by magnetic reconnection in the low solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

On 7 and 8 March 1996, the SOHO spacecraft and several other space- and ground-based observatories cooperated in the most comprehensive observation to date of solar polar plumes. Based on simultaneous data from five instruments, we describe the morphology of the plumes observed over the south pole of the Sun during the SOHO observing campaign. Individual plumes have been characterized from the photosphere to approximately 15 R⊙ yielding a coherent portrait of the features for more quantitative future studies. The observed plumes arise from small (∼ 2-5 arc sec diameter) quiescent, unipolar magnetic flux concentrations, on chromospheric network cell boundaries. They are denser and cooler than the surrounding coronal hole through which they extend, and are seen clearly in both Feix and Fexii emission lines, indicating an ionization temperature between 1.0–1.5 x 106 K. The plumes initially expand rapidly with altitude, to a diameter of 20–30 Mm about 30 Mm off the surface. Above 1.2 R⊙ plumes are observed in white light (as ‘coronal rays’) and extend to above 12 R⊙. They grow superradially throughout their observed height, increasing their subtended solid angle (relative to disk center) by a factor of ∼10 between 1.05 R⊙ and 4–5 R⊙ and by a total factor of 20–40 between 1.05 R⊙ and 12 R⊙. On spatial scales larger than 10 arc sec, plume structure in the lower corona (R < 1.3 R⊙) is observed to be steady-state for periods of at least 24 hours; however, on spatial scales smaller than 10 arc sec, plume XUV intensities vary by 10–20% (after background subtraction) on a time scale of a few minutes. (Dr. Hassler is now employed by Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, CO)  相似文献   

The magnetic field distribution in the superfluid, spherical, hadronic core of a rotating neutron star, which consists of vortex and vortex-free zones, is investigated. Due to the effect of entrainment of superconducting protons by rotating superfluid neutrons, a nonuniform magnetic field, the average value of which is constant, is formed in the vortex zone of the neutron star, directed parallel to the star's axis of rotation. It is shown that at the stellar surface, near the equatorial plane, there is a vortex-free zone of macroscopic size in which there is no magnetic field. The magnetic field near the boundaries of the vortex-free zone falls off exponentially with depth into the interior of this zone. This result essentially alters earlier concepts about the magnetic field distribution in the superfluid hadronic core of a neutron star. Outside the hadronic core the magnetic field has a dipole character with a magnetic moment on the order of 1030 g×cm3.  相似文献   

Observations and theoretical analyses indicate that solar radio noise can affect radio communications and GPS operations. In this work, we present a statistics relevant to the period 2000–2003 derived from the data recorded by the Trieste Solar Radio System (TSRS) and we stress the importance of precise radio flux measurements as pointed out by a comparison of tenflare catalog data with the TSRS ones for the period 2005–2006.  相似文献   

On the basis of the 5.46 min IMF data and the 3-min data on magnetic field at polar cap station Alert, various characteristics of the interplanetary magnetic field and polar cap magnetic activity are examined for the purpose of separating the substorm precursors. It is shown that the most suitable characteristics toward this aim are the following: 1.σ(BZ)-index, defined as the 15-min sum of values of the southward (BZS) components of the IMF with an account of the negative gradient of the IMF vertical (BZ) component; and 2.PC(BZ)-index, defined as the 15-min sum of values of the polar cap magnetic disturbances, concerned with southward component BZS, with an account of variability of these disturbances. Every intense peak in the substorm activity is preceded by a corresponding increase in σ(BZ) and PC(BZ) indices. Thus, the conclusion is made that moderate and large substorms have a growth phase and as a result such substorms may be forecasted using the above indices.  相似文献   

Yudin  A. V. 《Astronomy Letters》2022,48(6):311-320
Astronomy Letters - The relativistic hydrodynamics equations are adapted for the spherically symmetric case and the Lagrangian form. They are used to model the explosive disruption of a...  相似文献   

在本文中,我们讨论了由中子星和黑洞构成的密近双星系统的引力效应。首先,我们清楚地解释了引力辐射存在引起的轨道圆化,并估算了圆化的时间尺度。求解了围绕史瓦西黑洞作圆轨道运动的矢量进动方程,得到了一个精确解。由进动周期和中心黑洞的质量的关系,我们得到了估算中子星伴随的黑洞质量的方法。随后我们讨论了以中子星脉冲信号随自旋进动变化来寻找黑洞的方法。  相似文献   

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