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Hawkins 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,296(1):L20-L22
It has been argued in a number of recent papers that dark matter is in the form of Jupiter-mass primordial black holes that betray their presence by microlensing quasars. This lensing accounts for a number of characteristic properties of quasar light curves, in both single quasars and gravitationally lensed multiple systems, that are not explained on the basis of intrinsic variation. One prediction of this idea is that Jupiter-mass bodies will be detected by the MACHO experiment as short events of about 2 d duration, although the expected frequency of detection is still very hard to estimate. However, the recent report by the MACHO group of the detection of a Jupiter-mass body in the direction of the Galactic bulge is consistent with this prediction, and is possibly the first direct detection of non-baryonic matter in the Galaxy. 相似文献
引力透镜效应是探测星系团物质分布的有效方法之一.目前,利用引力透镜数据重构星系团质量分布的主流方法可以分为两大类,即参数法和非参数法.在实际研究工作中,受限于质量模型假设和计算分辨率等方面的影响,现有的重构算法仍有诸多亟需解决的问题.基于Shapelets基函数的引力透镜质量重构方法通过基函数来实现引力透镜质量重构,使用Shapelets基函数分解引力透镜势,以引力透镜中多重像的位置和背景星系椭率畸变为限制条件来迭代求解基函数系数从而得到透镜体的质量分布.通过拟合一个模拟的NFW (Navarro,Frenk and White)透镜系统测试了新方法的可行性,结果表明新方法可以在整体上重构出透镜体的质量分布,并拟合出接近真实的源位置,能够为星系团质量测量提供一套灵活且高效的重构算法. 相似文献
YunLiNational Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 《中国天文和天体物理学报》2002,2(5):399-407
We calculate the gravitational lensing probabilities by cold dark matter (CDM) halos with different density profiles, and compare them with current observations from the Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey (CLASS) and the Jodrell-Bank VLA Astrometric Survey (JVAS). We find that the lensing probability is dramatically sensitive to the clumping of the dark matter, or quantitatively, the concentration parameter. We also find that our predicted lensing probabilities in most cases show inconsistency with the observations. It is argued that high lensing probability may not be an effective tool for probing the statistical properties of inner structures of dark matter halos. 相似文献
Takashi Hamana † 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2001,326(1):326-332
Gravitational lensing causes a correlation between a population of foreground large-scale structures and the observed number density of the background distant galaxies as a consequence of the flux magnification and the lensing area distortion. This correlation has not been taken into account in calculations of the theoretical predictions of the cosmic shear statistics but may cause a systematic error in a cosmic shear measurement. We examine its impact on the cosmic shear statistics using the semi-analytic approach. We find that the lensing magnification has no practical influence on the cosmic shear variance. Exploring the possible shapes of the redshift distribution of source galaxies, we find that the relative amplitude of the effect on the convergence skewness is 3 per cent at most. 相似文献
M. Sereno 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2007,380(3):1023-1028
Gravitational lensing provides an efficient tool for the investigation of matter structures, independent of the dynamical or the hydrostatic equilibrium properties of the deflecting system. However, it depends on the kinematic status. In fact, either a translational motion or a coherent rotation of the mass distribution can affect the lensing properties. Here, light deflection by galaxy clusters in motion is considered. Even if gravitational lensing mass measurements of galaxy clusters are regarded as very reliable estimates, the kinematic effect should be considered. A typical peculiar motion with respect to the Hubble flow brings about a systematic error ≲0.3 per cent, independent of the mass of the cluster. On the other hand, the effect of the spin increases with the total mass. For cluster masses ∼1015 M⊙ , the effect of the gravitomagnetic term is ≲0.04 per cent on strong lensing estimates and ≲0.5 per cent in the weak-lensing analyses. The total kinematic effect on the mass estimate is then ≲1 per cent, which is negligible in current statistical studies. In the weak-lensing regime, the rotation imprints a typical angular modulation in the tangential shear distortion. This would allow, in principle, a detection of the gravitomagnetic field and a direct measurement of the angular velocity of the cluster but the required background source densities are well beyond current technological capabilities. 相似文献
Massimo Meneghetti Micol Bolzonella Matthias Bartelmann Lauro Moscardini Giuseppe Tormen 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,314(2):338-347
We present the results of a set of numerical simulations evaluating the effect of cluster galaxies on arc statistics.
We perform a first set of gravitational lensing simulations using three independent projections for each of nine different galaxy clusters obtained from N -body simulations. The simulated clusters consist of dark matter only. We add a population of galaxies to each cluster, mimicking the observed luminosity function and the spatial galaxy distribution, and repeat the lensing simulations including the effects of cluster galaxies, which themselves act as individual lenses. Each galaxy is represented by a spherical Navarro, Frenk & White density profile.
We consider the statistical distributions of the properties of the gravitational arcs produced by our clusters with and without galaxies. We find that the cluster galaxies do not introduce perturbations strong enough to significantly change the number of arcs and the distributions of lengths, widths, curvature radii and length-to-width ratios of long arcs. We find some changes to the distribution of short-arc properties in the presence of cluster galaxies. The differences appear in the distribution of curvature radii for arc lengths smaller than 12 arcsec, while the distributions of lengths, widths and length-to-width ratios are significantly changed only for arcs shorter than 4 arcsec. 相似文献
We perform a first set of gravitational lensing simulations using three independent projections for each of nine different galaxy clusters obtained from N -body simulations. The simulated clusters consist of dark matter only. We add a population of galaxies to each cluster, mimicking the observed luminosity function and the spatial galaxy distribution, and repeat the lensing simulations including the effects of cluster galaxies, which themselves act as individual lenses. Each galaxy is represented by a spherical Navarro, Frenk & White density profile.
We consider the statistical distributions of the properties of the gravitational arcs produced by our clusters with and without galaxies. We find that the cluster galaxies do not introduce perturbations strong enough to significantly change the number of arcs and the distributions of lengths, widths, curvature radii and length-to-width ratios of long arcs. We find some changes to the distribution of short-arc properties in the presence of cluster galaxies. The differences appear in the distribution of curvature radii for arc lengths smaller than 12 arcsec, while the distributions of lengths, widths and length-to-width ratios are significantly changed only for arcs shorter than 4 arcsec. 相似文献
Detecting mass substructure in galaxy clusters: an aperture mass statistic for gravitational flexion
Adrienne Leonard Lindsay J. King Stephen M. Wilkins 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,395(3):1438-1448
Gravitational flexion has been introduced as a technique by which one can map out and study substructure in clusters of galaxies. Previous analyses involving flexion have measured the individual galaxy–galaxy flexion signal, or used either parametric techniques or a Kaiser, Squires and Broadhurst (KSB)-type inversion to reconstruct the mass distribution in Abell 1689. In this paper, we present an aperture mass statistic for flexion, and apply it to the lensed images of background galaxies obtained by ray-tracing simulations through a simple analytic mass distribution and through a galaxy cluster from the Millennium Simulation. We show that this method is effective at detecting and accurately tracing structure within clusters of galaxies on subarcminute scales with high signal to noise even using a moderate background source number density and image resolution. In addition, the method provides much more information about both the overall shape and the small-scale structure of a cluster of galaxies than can be achieved through a weak lensing mass reconstruction using gravitational shear data. Lastly, we discuss how the zero-points of the aperture mass might be used to infer the masses of structures identified using this method. 相似文献
Zhong-Lue Wen Yan-Bin Yang Xu Zhou Qi-Rong Yuan Jun Ma National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing Department of Physics Nanjing Normal University Nanjing 《中国天文和天体物理学报》2006,6(5)
We investigate the cross-correlation between galaxy clusters and QSOs using Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) DR4 - 5000 deg2 data. With photometric redshifts of galaxies, we select galaxy clusters based on the local projected densities of LRGs brighter than Mr' = -22. The QSOs are from the main sample of SDSS QSO spectroscopic survey to i' - 19. A significant positive correlation is found between the clusters and QSOs. Under the assumption that the signal is caused by gravitational leasing, we fit the signal with singular isothermal sphere (SIS) model and NFW profile halo model. The velocity dispersionσv = 766 km s-1 is derived for the best-fit of SIS model. Best-fit for the NFW model requires the dark matter halo mass within 1.5 h-1 Mpc to be 4.6×1014 h-1 M⊙. The mass parameterΩcl of the cluster sample is deduced as 0.077 with the SIS model and 0.083 with the NFW model. Our results ofΩcl are smaller than those given by Croom & Shanks and by Myers et al. 相似文献
Julia M. Comerford Priyamvada Natarajan 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2007,379(1):190-200
The properties of clusters of galaxies offer key insights into the assembly process of structure in the universe. Numerical simulations of cosmic structure formation in a hierarchical, dark matter dominated universe suggest that galaxy cluster concentrations, which are a measure of a halo's central density, decrease gradually with virial mass. However, cluster observations have yet to confirm this correlation. The slopes of the run of measured concentrations with virial mass are often either steeper or flatter than that predicted by simulations. In this work, we present the most complete sample of observed cluster concentrations and masses yet assembled, including new measurements for 10 strong-lensing clusters, thereby more than doubling the existing number of strong-lensing concentration estimates. We fit a power law to the observed concentrations as a function of virial mass, and find that the slope is consistent with the slopes found in simulations, though our normalization factor is higher. Observed lensing concentrations appear to be systematically larger than X-ray concentrations, a more pronounced effect than that found in simulations. We also find that at a fixed mass, the bulk of observed cluster concentrations are distributed lognormally, with the exception of a few anomalously high concentration clusters. We examine the physical processes likely responsible for the discrepancy between lensing and X-ray concentrations, and for the anomalously high concentrations in particular. The forthcoming Millennium simulation results will offer the most comprehensive comparison set to our findings of an observed concentration–mass power law relation. 相似文献
Bernhard Geiger & Peter Schneider 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,295(3):497-510
Analysing the weak lensing distortions of the images of faint background galaxies provides a means to constrain the average mass distribution of cluster galaxies and potentially to test the extent of their dark matter haloes as a function of the density of their environment. The observable image distortions are a consequence of the interplay between the effects of a global cluster mass distribution and the perturbations resulting from individual cluster galaxies. Starting from a reconstruction of the cluster mass distribution with conventional techniques, we apply a maximum likelihood method to infer the average properties of an ensemble of cluster galaxies. From simulations this approach is found to be reliable as long as the galaxies including their dark matter haloes only contribute a small fraction to the total mass of the system. If their haloes are extended, the galaxies contain a substantial mass fraction. In this case our method is still applicable in the outer regions of clusters, where the surface mass density is low, but yields biased estimates of the parameters describing the mass profiles of the cluster galaxies in the central part of the cluster. In that case it will be necessary to resort to more sophisticated strategies by modelling cluster galaxies and an underlying global mass distribution simultaneously. We conclude that galaxy–galaxy lensing in clusters provides a unique means to probe the presence and extent of dark haloes of cluster galaxies. 相似文献
Huan Yuan Shan Martin Feix Benoit Famaey HongSheng Zhao 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2008,387(3):1303-1312
Strong gravitational lensing by galaxies in MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) has until now been restricted to spherically symmetric models. These models were able to account for the size of the Einstein ring of observed lenses, but were unable to account for double-imaged systems with collinear images, as well as four-image lenses. Non-spherical models are generally cumbersome to compute numerically in MOND, but we present here a class of analytic non-spherical models that can be applied to fit double-imaged and quadruple-imaged systems. We use them to obtain a reasonable MOND fit to 10 double-imaged systems, as well as to the quadruple-imaged system Q2237+030 which is an isolated bulge-disc lens producing an Einstein cross. However, we also find five double-imaged systems and three quadruple-imaged systems for which no reasonable MOND fit can be obtained with our models. We argue that this is mostly due to the intrinsic limitation of the analytic models, even though the presence of small amounts of additional dark mass on galaxy scales in MOND is also plausible. 相似文献
Neil Trentham Ole Möller Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2001,322(3):658-668
There are a number of theoretical and observational hints that large numbers of low-mass galaxies composed entirely of dark matter exist in the field. The theoretical considerations follow from the prediction of cold dark matter theory that there exist many low-mass galaxies for every massive one. The observational considerations follow from the observed paucity of these low-mass galaxies in the field but not in dense clusters of galaxies; this suggests that the lack of small galaxies in the field is due to the inhibition of star formation in the galaxies as opposed to the fact that their small dark matter haloes do not exist. In this work we outline the likely properties of low-mass dark galaxies, and describe observational strategies for finding them, and where in the sky to search. The results are presented as a function of the global properties of dark matter, in particular the presence or absence of a substantial baryonic dark matter component. If the dark matter is purely cold and has a Navarro, Frenk & White density profile, directly detecting dark galaxies will only be feasible with present technology if the galaxy has a maximum velocity dispersion in excess of 70 km s−1 , in which case the dark galaxies could strongly lens background objects. This is much higher than the maximum velocity dispersions in most dwarf galaxies. If the dark matter in galaxy haloes has a baryonic component close to the cosmic ratio, the possibility of directly detecting dark galaxies is much more realistic; the optimal method of detection will depend on the nature of the dark matter. A number of more indirect methods are also discussed. 相似文献