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江苏青龙山磷灰石中出溶体的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
最近的研究证实,在大别-苏鲁超高压变质带的多硅白云母榴辉岩和超基性岩中的磷灰石矿物内普遍发育有针柱状出溶晶体,初步研究证明这些出溶晶体多为各种硫化物:如黄铁矿、黄铜矿等。本文重点研究苏鲁青龙山地区的多硅白云母榴辉岩和退变榴辉岩中磷灰石内的出溶晶体,通过扫描电镜、电子探针和X-光能谱的线扫描分析,确认这些出溶晶体是铜的硫化物,并根据无标样定量的分析结果初步推测有可能是CuS2晶体。目前已知的CuS2晶体都是在高温高压(T=700-1000℃和P=4.5-5.0GPa)条件下人工合成的。这样的温压条件与青龙山榴辉岩的超高压变质条件是吻合的。在磷灰石中能保存超高压的硫化物,可能是由于磷灰石自身的稳定性和化学惰性。因此推测在超高压变质作用中,磷灰石晶体中易于保存硫化物出溶体与石榴石和绿辉石中易于保存柯石英和金刚石的作用相类似。  相似文献   

Surprises from the top of the mantle transition zone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Recent studies of chromite deposits from the mantle section of ophiolites have revealed a most unusual collection of minerals present as inclusions within the chromite. The initial discoveries were of diamonds from the Luobosa ophiolite in Tibet. Further work has shown that mantle chromitites from ophiolites in Tibet, the Russian Urals and Oman contain a range of crustal minerals including zircon, and a suite of highly reducing minerals including carbides, nitrides and metal alloys. Some of the minerals found represent very high pressure phases indicating that their likely minimum depth is close to the top of the mantle transition zone. These new results suggest that crustal materials may be subducted to mantle transition zone depths and subsequently exhumed during the initiation of new subduction zones—the most likely environment for the formation of their host ophiolites. The presence of highly reducing phases indicates that at mantle transition zone depths the Earth's mantle is ‘super’‐reducing.  相似文献   

Daniel J. Schulze 《Lithos》2003,71(2-4):195-213
A new empirical method has been devised for classification of mantle-derived garnets in kimberlite. Simple chemical screens have been developed to distinguish between garnets from different parageneses, based on Mg, Fe, Ca, Cr, Ti and Na values of published analyses of garnets from >2000 ultramafic xenoliths in kimberlite. Although crustal garnets are typically uncommon as xenocrysts in kimberlite, the first step in the classification is to screen these from the mantle population, using data from >600 garnet-bearing crustal rocks. Such a screen may also prove useful in evaluating the source (crust vs. mantle) of garnet in kimberlite exploration samples. Subsequent steps divide mantle garnets into eclogite, peridotite and Cr-poor megacryst groupings, and sub-groups of the peridotite (lherzolite, harzburgite, wehrlite) and eclogite (Groups I and II and A, B, C and grospydite) populations. Important features of this classification include the fact that it is based on distinctions between groups of fundamental geological significance (e.g., peridotite vs. eclogite) and it is based on a large, well-documented and well-understood xenolith database. As it utilizes oxide values and molar ratios of major and minor elements, the rationale for the screens is readily understood and it is simple to use.  相似文献   

We have performed dissections of two diamondiferous eclogites (UX-1 and U33/1) from the Udachnaya kimberlite, Yakutia in order to understand the nature of diamond formation and the relationship between the diamonds, their mineral inclusions, and host eclogite minerals. Diamonds were carefully recovered from each xenolith, based upon high-resolution X-ray tomography images and three-dimensional models. The nature and physical properties of minerals, in direct contact with diamonds, were investigated at the time of diamond extraction. Polished sections of the eclogites were made, containing the mould areas of the diamonds, to further investigate the chemical compositions of the host minerals and the phases that were in contact with diamonds. Major- and minor-element compositions of silicate and sulfide mineral inclusions in diamonds show variations among each other, and from those in the host eclogites. Oxygen isotope compositions of one garnet and five clinopyroxene inclusions in diamonds from another Udachnaya eclogite (U51) span the entire range recorded for eclogite xenoliths from Udachnaya. In addition, the reported compositions of almost all clinopyroxene inclusions in U51 diamonds exhibit positive Eu anomaly. This feature, together with the oxygen isotopic characteristics, is consistent with the well-established hypothesis of subduction origin for Udachnaya eclogite xenoliths. It is intuitive to expect that all eclogite xenoliths in a particular kimberlite should have common heritage, at least with respect to their included diamonds. However, the variation in the composition of multiple inclusions within diamonds, and among diamonds, from the same eclogite indicates the involvement of complex processes in diamond genesis, at least in the eclogite xenoliths from Yakutia that we have studied.  相似文献   

本文用电子背散射衍射技术(electron backscatter diffraction,EBSD)测试了海南文昌玄武岩中二辉橄榄岩包体中的辉石主晶与其出溶片晶的结晶学取向关系。结合电子探针成分测试,得出:单斜辉石(透辉石)主晶中出溶了两组不同方向的片晶,一组为斜方辉石(顽火辉石-易变辉石)片晶,另一组为单斜辉石(普通辉石)片晶。由于出溶片晶在EBSD测试切面上体现为以线状体,因此需要找到一种方法将线状体所代表的片晶的晶面符号推算出来。本文介绍了一种利用吴氏网进行坐标系旋转的"晶带相交法",该方法可以作图推算出溶片晶的晶面符号。根据"晶带相交法"得出,斜方辉石(顽火辉石-易变辉石)出溶片晶为(100),单斜辉石(普通辉石)出溶片晶为~(401)。根据前人的研究资料,出溶片晶~(401)可能指示最小出溶压力为9.5~12.5GPa。出溶片晶的结晶学取向涉及到主晶与出溶体的晶体结构匹配关系,并且与出溶温度-压力有关,因此出溶片晶的结晶学取向分析具有晶体化学理论意义和反映地质温压过程的实际意义。这种"晶带相交法"可以推广应用于其他矿物出溶结构的结晶学取向研究中。  相似文献   

西藏松多榴辉岩矿物出溶体研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭倩  赵文霞  陈建林  王保弟 《岩石学报》2012,28(5):1689-1696
西藏松多榴辉岩中的石榴石和单斜辉石中发育有大量的矿物出溶体。电子探针能谱分析结果表明,石榴石中的出溶体为金红石,绿辉石中的出溶体为石英和富钾质矿物(钾长石)。根据石榴石-绿辉石-多硅白云母矿物温压计计算出的松多榴辉岩变质温压范围接近石英-柯石英相转变线,结合这些出溶体的存在,指示了西藏松多榴辉岩曾经历过超高压变质作用,这为松多榴辉岩的形成条件提供了重要证据。  相似文献   

Using a recently developed petrogenetic grid for MORB + H2O, we propose a new model for the transportation of water from the subducting slab into the mantle transition zone. Depending on the geothermal gradient, two contrasting water-transportation mechanisms operate at depth in a subduction zone. If the geothermal gradient is low, lawsonite carries H2O into mantle depths of 300 km; with further subduction down to the mantle transition depth (approximately 400 km) lawsonite is no longer stable and thereafter H2O is once migrated upward to the mantle wedge then again carried down to the transition zone due to the induced convection. At this depth, hydrous β-phase olivine is stable and plays a role as a huge water reservoir. In contrast, if the geothermal gradient is high, the subducted slab may melt at 700–900 °C at depths shallower than 80 km to form felsic melt, into which water is dissolved. In this case, H2O cannot be transported into the mantle below 80 km. Between these two end-member mechanisms, two intermediate types are present. In the high-pressure intermediate type, the hydrous phase A plays an important role to carry water into the mantle transition zone. Water liberated by the lawsonite-consuming continuous reaction moves upward to form hydrous phase A in the hanging wall, which transports water into deeper mantle. This is due to a unique character of the reaction, because Phase A can become stable through the hydration reaction of olivine. In the case of low-pressure intermediate type, the presence of a dry mantle wedge below 100 km acts as a barrier to prevent H2O from entering into deeper mantle.  相似文献   

地幔转换带中的水及其地球动力学意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
综述了近20年国际上地幔转换带中水的研究进展。前人研究表明,地球深部的水主要以OH-(hy-droxyl)形式存储在名义上无水矿物(NAMs)中。高温高压实验研究表明,地幔转换带中的主要矿物均具有较高的储水能力,且在转换带的温压条件下,其储水能力随着温度的升高而降低,其中瓦兹利石(β-Ol)和林伍德石(γ-Ol)的储水能力为2%~3%,超硅石榴子石(Mj)的储水能力为0.1%左右,据此估算地幔转换带的储水能力约为1.2%~1.91%,是地表水总量的3.9~6.2倍;而转换带除外的上地幔和下地幔主要矿物的含水量或储水能力均小于0.1%,因此与上、下地幔相比,地幔转换带可能是地幔的主要储水库。尽管地幔转换带具有较强的储水能力,但对地幔转换带的实际含水量还存在干、湿两方面的地质和地球物理证据和争议。地幔转换带中的水会对转换带中一系列的过程产生重要影响,当水含量增加时,橄榄石(Ol)向β-Ol、γ-Ol分解以及超硅石榴石的分解反应分别向低压、高压和低压方向迁移,从而由橄榄石向β-Ol和γ-Ol分解两个相变反应界定的转换带宽度也会增加;水还会使地幔深部的部分熔融温度降低,熔体的密度降低;同时,水的加入可以很好地解释地幔岩"pyrolite"模型在410km不连续面处产生的与地震波测量不相符突变,也可以解决全地幔对流模式所不能解释的地幔成分分层问题。因此,深入研究和探讨转换带中的水对地球深部动力学过程的影响,包括中国东部地区受太平洋板块深俯冲作用的影响,均具有重要的约束和研究意义。  相似文献   

Peridotitic inclusions in alluvial diamonds from the Kankan region of Guinea in West Africa are mainly of lherzolitic paragenesis. Nevertheless, extreme Cr2O3 contents (max. 17 wt%) in some of the exclusively lherzolitic garnets document that the diamond source experienced a previous stage of melt extraction in the spinel stability field. This initial depletion was followed by at least two metasomatic stages: (1) enrichment of LREE and Sr and (2) introduction mainly of MREE–HREE and other HFSE (Ti, Y, Zr, Hf). The Ti- and HFSE-poor character of stage (1) points towards a CHO-rich fluid or carbonatitic melt, the high HFSE in stage (2) favour silicate melts as enriching agent. Eclogitic inclusions are derived from a large depth interval ranging from the lithosphere through the asthenosphere into the transition zone. The occurrence of negative Eu anomalies in garnet and clinopyroxene from both lithosphere and transition zone suggests a possible relationship to subducted oceanic crust. Lithospheric eclogitic inclusions are derived from heterogeneous sources, that may broadly be divided into a low-Ca group with LREE depleted trace element patterns and a high-Ca group representing a source with negative LREE–HREE slope that is moderately enriched in incompatible elements relative to primitive mantle. High-Ca inclusions of majoritic paragenesis are significantly more enriched in incompatible elements, such as in Sr and LREE. Calculated whole rock compositions require metasomatic enrichment even if a derivation from MORB is assumed. Received: 26 January 2000 / Accepted: 18 May 2000  相似文献   

Genesis of diamonds in the lower mantle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The “forbidden” assemblage (ferropericlase + enstatite) as inclusions in diamonds has been taken as evidence to imply that these inclusions and their host diamonds formed initially in the lower mantle. Magnesite is probably the only stable carbonate at depths greater than ∼220 km. Like dehydration reactions, the reaction boundary for the decarbonation of magnesite has a positive dT/dP slope at lower pressures, which becomes negative at higher pressures, if no other phase intervenes. This reaction boundary probably intersects the geotherm between ∼900 and ∼1100 km, below which magnesite decomposes into an assemblage periclase + diamond + oxygen. Thus, ferropericlase is the most likely inclusion in diamond formed in the lower mantle. The high frequency of sole occurrence of ferropericlase in diamonds from Sao Luiz, Brazil seems to substantiate the present speculation. Received: 8 June 1998 / Accepted: 28 September 1998  相似文献   

孙贺  肖益林  顾海欧  王洋洋  王晓霞 《岩石学报》2018,34(12):3497-3508
铙钹寨镁铁-超镁铁质岩体被认为是北大别地体下方岩石圈地幔的碎块,并随着三叠纪的华北和华南的大陆碰撞而一同经历了深俯冲和折返过程,对其进行详细的研究可以为我们更好地理解陆-陆碰撞过程中的壳幔相互作用、物质迁移、多期变质和熔流体交代等地球动力学过程提供信息。本文应用电子探针和LA-ICP-MS对铙钹寨榴辉岩进行了系统的元素环带、出溶结构和熔体包裹体研究,揭示出该岩体至少经历了三期变质事件,两期矿物出溶和两期熔体交代过程。峰期变质矿物组合为含金红石出溶体的石榴石核部+其内包裹的绿辉石,石榴石中金红石±磷灰石矿物出溶体和绿辉石包裹体中的金红石±石英±磷灰石出溶片晶指示该岩体确定经历过超高压变质作用,流体活动以高盐度的卤水±氮气的流体为主,峰期变质作用过程中无熔体活动痕迹。高压麻粒岩相变质矿物组合为Ⅱ期石榴石+紫苏辉石+基质具有出溶石英片晶结构的富Na单斜辉石,流体活动以CO2流体为主,熔体包裹体记录了在折返初期,高压麻粒岩相变质之前存在一期小规模的硫化物熔体活动。晚期角闪岩相退变质矿物组合为透辉石+角闪石+长石,流体活动以低盐度水溶液为主,并伴随着一期壳源的硅酸盐熔体交代事件。根据矿物环带、出溶结构和熔体包裹体化学组合及分布特征,并结合前人的研究成果,我们得出了该岩体较为完整的变质演化和熔-流体交代的P-T-t-E/F/M轨迹。  相似文献   

朱永峰  H.-J.Massonne 《岩石学报》2007,23(12):3249-3254
在中国大陆科学钻探主孔中部的榴辉岩样品B1021R642P40a、B1039R646P47a、B1046R648P4c和B1053R649P74k中,我们发现了磷灰石的磁黄铁矿出溶结构.磷灰石是该榴辉岩的主要副矿物,其自形程度较高,与石榴石共生.样品中几乎所有磷灰石均发育出溶结构,至少存在两组相互垂直的出溶棒.出溶棒形状规则,一样宽(<1μm),但长度变化大(5~50μm).利用高分辨能谱仪测定表明,出溶棒主要由Fe和S两种元素组成.由于还不能准确地确定其Fe/S比值,初步确定其为磁黄铁矿(Fe1-xS).磷灰石由于含大量稀土元素和挥发性组分如OH、F、Cl和S,它的深循环因此可能对地球的水、硫以及其它挥发性组分的全球平衡具有重要影响.  相似文献   

戎合  杨经绥  张仲明  徐向珍 《岩石学报》2013,29(6):1861-1866
大别苏鲁超高压变质带上的大陆科学钻探主孔(CCSD-MH)中榴辉岩中的金刚石形成于大陆深俯冲作用过程,西藏雅鲁藏布江缝合带罗布莎蛇绿岩铬铁矿中的金刚石来自深部地幔,两者的形成背景和机制可能不同.本文对两地的金刚石样品开展了傅立叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)定性分析.结果表明,西藏罗布莎金刚石样品为ⅠaA型;而CCSD-MH金刚石为ⅠaAB型,既表明其杂质氮的聚集形式和演化路径上存在着差异.红外光谱特征不仅仅表明两者属天然金刚石常见类型,并且超高压变质带中的金刚石形成时间可能更久远.  相似文献   

在苏鲁超高压变质带东北部胶东荣成地区的退变金红石榴辉岩中,我们发现了具含铜磁黄铁矿出溶结构的磷灰石。磷灰石在该榴辉岩中含量较高(≈5%),多为不规则形状,颗粒大小不一,粗大者可达1.2mm×0.6mm。样品中几乎所有的磷灰石均发育出溶结构,出溶棒可能分为相互垂直的两组,各自分别沿同一方向分布,出溶棒密度大,形状规则,宽度相似,长度最长可达0.1mm。在扫描电子显微镜下,利用X射线能谱仪测定出溶棒主要由Fe、Cu和S三种元素组成。由于很难准确确定三者的比例,暂将其定为含铜磁黄铁矿((Fe_(1-x)Cu_x)S)。报道的磷灰石含铜磁黄铁矿出溶结构,与江苏赣榆地区磷灰石的磁黄铁矿出溶结构,同产于苏鲁超高压变质带中,具有可对比性;磷灰石中Cu、Fe的溶解度可能是温压条件的函数;因此进一步精确研究磷灰石中这些出溶结构的成分和成因,将为深入探讨苏鲁超高压变质带不同地体变质条件、成因的差异及俯冲折返机制等问题提供重要线索。  相似文献   

Olivine inclusions in diamonds from kimberlites originating from the deep Upper Mantle contain significant amounts of chromium. It has been suggested that divalent chromium occurs in these olivines. This hypothesis is supported by recent Mössbauer and electronic spectral measurements at high pressures, which demonstrate that pressure-induced reduction takes place in compounds and minerals initially containing Fe3+, Mn3+, and Cu2+ ions. The process is facilitated at high temperatures. Low oxidation states of other metals such as Cr(II) are expected to be stabilized under the very high pressures and elevated temperature conditions in the Mantle. Since Cr2+ ions are susceptible to the Jahn-Teller effect, they are predicted by crystal field theory to be stabilized in certain distorted coordination sites, such as the olivine Ml site, all three sites of the -spinel phase, and the 7-coordinated site of the strontium plumbate structure-type. The Cr2+ ions in olivines are stabilized in kimberlites intruded into the Crust by the high confining pressures in the diamond inclusions.  相似文献   

Speculations on the nature and cause of mantle heterogeneity   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Hotspots and hotspot tracks are on, or start on, preexisting lithospheric features such as fracture zones, transform faults, continental sutures, ridges and former plate boundaries. Volcanism is often associated with these features and with regions of lithospheric extension, thinning, and preexisting thin spots. The lithosphere clearly controls the location of volcanism. The nature of the volcanism and the presence of ‘melting anomalies’ or ‘hotspots’, however, reflect the intrinsic chemical and lithologic heterogeneity of the upper mantle. Melting anomalies—shallow regions of ridges, volcanic chains, flood basalts, radial dike swarms—and continental breakup are frequently attributed to the impingement of deep mantle thermal plumes on the base of the lithosphere. The heat required for volcanism in the plume hypothesis is from the core. Alternatively, mantle fertility and melting point, ponding and focusing, and edge effects, i.e., plate tectonic and near-surface phenomena, may control the volumes and rates of magmatism. The heat required is from the mantle, mainly from internal heating and conduction into recycled fragments. The magnitude of magmatism appears to reflect the fertility, not the absolute temperature, of the asthenosphere. I attribute the chemical heterogeneity of the upper mantle to subduction of young plates, aseismic ridges and seamount chains, and to delamination of the lower continental crust. These heterogeneities eventually warm up past the melting point of eclogite and become buoyant low-velocity diapirs that undergo further adiabatic decompression melting as they encounter thin or spreading regions of the lithosphere. The heat required for the melting of cold subducted and delaminated material is extracted from the essentially infinite heat reservoir of the mantle, not the core. Melting in the upper mantle does not requires the instability of a deep thermal boundary layer or high absolute temperatures. Melts from recycled oceanic crust, and seamounts—and possibly even plateaus—pond beneath the lithosphere, particularly beneath basins and suture zones, with locally thin, weak or young lithosphere. The characteristic scale lengths—150 to 600 km—of variations in bathymetry and magma chemistry, and the variable productivity of volcanic chains, may reflect compositional heterogeneity of the asthenosphere, not the scales of mantle convection or the spacing of hot plumes. High-frequency seismic waves, scattering, coda studies and deep reflection profiles are needed to detect the kind of chemical heterogeneity and small-scale layering predicted from the recycling hypothesis.  相似文献   

The strong interaction between the eastward flow escaping from Tibet and the rigid Sichuan Basin resulted in the rise of the Longmenshan. However, the detailed dynamics in the mantle remains controversial. In this study, the structure of the mantle transition zone (MTZ) beneath eastern Tibet and Sichuan Basin is investigated using 5080 receiver functions from 51 broadband stations. The depth of the 410 km discontinuity is close to the global average, except for the Longmenshan where the 410 and 660-km discontinuities are found to be depressed by up to 10–25 km and 5–10 km, respectively. The observed simultaneous depressions of the 410 and 660-km discontinuities distributed along the LMS, together with proofs from tomography and regional tectonics, suggest that asthenospheric flow sinks into the MTZ, resulting in a high velocity zone, as well as variation in the MTZ thickness. The depressions are not from the traditional Clapeyron slopes or temperature variation. Also, the depression of the 410 km discontinuity and the dehydration of wadsleyite are syngenetic, both of which originate from the dry mantle flow traveling across the old 410 km interface.  相似文献   

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