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In recent years the northwestern Black Sea has been investigated by a great number of geophysical methods. Charts of the M discontinuity and (isopachous) charts of the “granitic”, the “basaltic”, the Paleozoic, the Jurassic-Triassic, the Upper and Lower Cretaceous and the Eocene layers were plotted based on the results of the combined data of these investigations together with associated drilling data. The data for different velocity levels confirms the concept of layered-block structure of the crust, where large blocks are divided by deep faults penetrating to the upper mantle. Sedimentation within each block is continuous while reverse fault zones, dividing the East European Platform with a crustal thickness of more than 40 km and the Scythian Platform with a crust of about 30 km thick, and the latter from the Black Sea depression with crust of about 20 km, are discontinuous. Therefore, one can speak of a continuous-discontinuous nature of the sedimentation.

An inverse relationship in thicknesses of the “granitic” and sedimentary layers has been established. In places of intensive sedimentation the thickness of the “granitic” layer is less than that within the stable unsagging blocks. On the whole the greater the thickness of “basaltic” layer, the greater is the crustal thickness.

The relationship between the main geological structures of the area should be sought in the nature of structure of these “granitic” and “basaltic” layers.  相似文献   

The compilation of statistical data for 269 seismic crustal sections (total length: 81,000 km) which are available in the U.S.S.R. has shown that the preliminary conclusions drawn on relations between the elevation of the surface relief and Bouguer anomalies on one hand and crustal thickness (depth to the M-discontinuity) on the other hand are not fulfilled for the continental part of the U.S.S.R. The level of isostatic compensation has been found to be much deeper than the base of the earth's crust due to density inhomogeneities of the crust and upper mantle down to a depth of 150 km.

The results of seismic investigations have revealed a great diversity of relations between shallow geological and deep crustal structures:

Changes in the relief of the M-discontinuity have been found within the ancient platforms which are conformable with the Precambrian structures and which can exceed 20 km. In the North Caspian syneclise, extended areas devoid of the “granitic” layer have been discovered for the first time in continents. The crust was found to be thicker in the syneclises and anteclises of the Turanian EpiHercynian plate. In the West Siberian platforms these relations are reversed to a great extent.

Substantial differences in crustal structure and thickness were found in the crust of the Palaeo zoides and Mesozoides. Regions of substantial neotectonic activity in the Tien-Shan Palaeozoides do not greatly differ in crustal thickness if compared to the Kazakhstan Palaeozoides which were little active in Cenozoic time. The same is true for the South Siberian Palaeozoides.

The Alpides of the southern areas in the U.S.S.R. display a sharply differing surface relief and a strongly varying crustal structure. Mountains with roots (Greater Caucasus, Crimea) and without roots (Kopet-Dagh, Lesser Caucasus) were found there.

The Cenozoides of the Far East are characterized by a rugged topography of the M-discontinuity, a thinner crust and a less-pronounced “granitic” layer. A relatively small thickness of the crust was discovered in the Baikal rift zone.

The effective thickness of the magnetized domains of the crust as well as other calculations show that the temperature at the depth of the M-discontinuity (i.e., at depths of 40–50 km) is not higher than 300–400° C for most parts of the U.S.S.R.  相似文献   

Recently completed investigations of the crustal structure on ancient shields of the East European platform carried out with the method of “deep seismic sounding” (D.S.S.) have drastically changed the previous notions about the deep structure of shields in general. In the upper crust, in the so-called “granitic” layer, complex anticlinal and synclinal structures as well as numerous faults, thrusts, etc., have been identified. A flattening of steeply dipping seismic interfaces with depth is observed. The crustal thickness in different tectonic zones ranges from 30 to 60 km. It is shown that the M-structure correlates with the sub-surface tectonics in the Ukrainian Shield.  相似文献   

The thermal structure of Archean and Proterozoic lithospheric terranes in southern Africa during the Mesozoic was evaluated by thermobarometry of mantle peridotite xenoliths erupted in alkaline magmas between 180 and 60 Ma. For cratonic xenoliths, the presence of a 150–200 °C isobaric temperature range at 5–6 GPa confirms original interpretations of a conductive geotherm, which is perturbed at depth, and therefore does not record steady state lithospheric mantle structure.

Xenoliths from both Archean and Proterozoic terranes record conductive limb temperatures characteristic of a “cratonic” geotherm (40 mW m−2), indicating cooling of Proterozoic mantle following the last major tectonothermal event in the region at 1 Ga and the probability of thick off-craton lithosphere capable of hosting diamond. This inference is supported by U–Pb thermochronology of lower crustal xenoliths [Schmitz and Bowring, 2003. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 144, 592–618].

The entire region then suffered a protracted regional heating event in the Mesozoic, affecting both mantle and lower crust. In the mantle, the event is recorded at 150 Ma to the southeast of the craton, propagating to the west by 108–74 Ma, the craton interior by 85–90 Ma and the far southwest and northwest by 65–70 Ma. The heating penetrated to shallower levels in the off-craton areas than on the craton, and is more apparent on the southern margin of the craton than in its western interior. The focus and spatial progression mimic inferred patterns of plume activity and supercontinent breakup 30–100 Ma earlier and are probably connected.

Contrasting thermal profiles from Archean and Proterozoic mantle result from penetration to shallower levels of the Proterozoic lithosphere by heat transporting magmas. Extent of penetration is related not to original lithospheric thickness, but to its more fertile character and the presence of structurally weak zones of old tectonism. The present day distribution of surface heat flow in southern Africa is related to this dynamic event and is not a direct reflection of the pre-existing lithospheric architecture.  相似文献   

Claus Prodehl 《Tectonophysics》1981,80(1-4):255-269
The crustal structure of the central European rift system has been investigated by seismic methods with varying success. Only a few investigations deal with the upper-mantle structure. Beneath the Rhinegraben the Moho is elevated, with a minimum depth of 25 km. Below the flanks it is a first-order discontinuity, while within the graben it is replaced by a transition zone with the strongest velocity gradient at 20–22 km depth. An anomalously high velocity of up to 8.6 km/s seems to exist within the underlying upper mantle at 40–50 km depth. A similar structure is also found beneath the Limagnegraben and the young volcanic zones within the Massif Central of France, but the velocity within the upper mantle at 40–50 km depth seems to be slightly lower. Here, the total crustal thickness reaches only 25 km. The crystalline crust becomes extremely thin beneath the southern Rhônegraben, where the sediments reach a thickness of about 10 km while the Moho is found at 24 km depth. The pronounced crustal thinning does not continue along the entire graben system. North of the Rhinegraben in particular the typical graben structure is interrupted by the Rhenohercynian zone with a “normal” West-European crust of 30 km thickness evident beneath the north-trending Hessische Senke. A single-ended profile again indicates a graben-like crustal structure west of the Leinegraben north of the Rhenohercynian zone. No details are available for the North German Plain where the central European rift system disappears beneath a sedimentary sequence of more than 10 km thickness.  相似文献   

The relative importance of the contribution of the lower crust and of the lithospheric mantle to the total strength of the continental lithosphere is assessed systematically for realistic ranges of layer thickness, composition, and temperature. Results are presented as relative strength maps, giving the ratio of the lower crust to upper mantle contribution in terms of crustal thickness and surface heat flow. The lithosphere shows a “jelly sandwich” rheological layering for low surface heat flow, thin to average crustal thickness, and felsic or wet mafic lower crustal compositions. On the other hand, most of the total strength resides in the seismogenic crust in regions of high surface heat flow, crust of any thickness, and dry mafic lower crustal composition.  相似文献   

P. Giese  C. Morelli  L. Steinmetz   《Tectonophysics》1973,20(1-4):367-379
During the past two decades deep seismic sounding measurements have been carried out in western and southern Europe, mainly using the refraction method. These investigations were performed partly on a national basis but as well within international cooperative programs under the sponsorship of the European Seismological Commission.

In France, a systematic study has been executed to determine the main feature of deep structures under the Central Massif and the Paris Basin. In the Forez and Margeride regions, the sub-crustal velocity is lower (7.2 km/sec) than the normal value (8.0 km/sec) observed in the adjacent areas.

The central and southern part of Western Germany is covered by an extensive network of refraction profiles. The crustal thickness varies, similarly to France, from 25 to 35 km. A great amount of deep reflection data was obtained by commercial and special reflection work. The crust beneath the Rhinegraben area shows the typical “rift system” structure with a low subcrustal velocity (7.4–7.7 km/sec).

Very intensive refraction work has been carried out in the Alpine area. The maximum crustal thickness found near the axis of the negative gravity anomaly is about 55–60 km. Furthermore, a clear lowvelocity layer at a depth between 10 and 30 km has been detected. A key position with regard to the geotectonic structure of the Alps is held by the zone of Ivrea characterized by a pronounced gravity high. From the refraction work it may be concluded that there material of the lower crust and the upper mantle (7.2–7.5 km/sec) is overlying a layer of extremely low velocity (5.0 km/sec) which is interpreted as sialic crust.

Three years ago, a systematic study of crustal structure of the Italian peninsula has been started. Reversed profiles were observed on Sicily, in Calabria, and in Puglia. On Sicily, the structure is very complicated; the crust of the western part looks like a transition between a continental and oceanic structure whereas the eastern side shows a continental-type crust. In Calabria and Puglia, the crustal thickness has been determined to be about 25–35 km.  相似文献   

Interpretation of reprocessed seismic reflection profiles reveals three highly coherent, layered, unconformity-bounded sequences that overlie (or are incorporated within) the Proterozoic “granite–rhyolite province” beneath the Paleozoic Illinois basin and extend down into middle crustal depths. The sequences, which are situated in east–central Illinois and west–central Indiana, are bounded by strong, laterally continuous reflectors that are mappable over distances in excess of 200 km and are expressed as broad “basinal” packages that become areally more restricted with depth. Normal-fault reflector offsets progressively disrupt the sequences with depth along their outer margins. We interpret these sequences as being remnants of a Proterozoic rhyolitic caldera complex and/or rift episode related to the original thermal event that produced the granite–rhyolite province. The overall thickness and distribution of the sequences mimic closely those of the overlying Mt. Simon (Late Cambrian) clastic sediments and indicate that an episode of localized subsidence was underway before deposition of the post-Cambrian Illinois basin stratigraphic succession, which is centered farther south over the “New Madrid rift system” (i.e., Reelfoot rift and Rough Creek graben). The present configuration of the Illinois basin was therefore shaped by the cumulative effects of subsidence in two separate regions, the Proterozoic caldera complex and/or rift in east–central Illinois and west–central Indiana and the New Madrid rift system to the south. Filtered isostatic gravity and magnetic intensity data preclude a large mafic igneous component to the crust so that any Proterozoic volcanic or rift episode must not have tapped deeply or significantly into the lower crust or upper mantle during the heating event responsible for the granite–rhyolite.  相似文献   

Numerous ge ological and geophysical investigations within the past decades have shown that the Rhinegraben is the most pronounced segment of an extended continental rift system in Europe. The structure of the upper and lower crust is significantly different from the structure of the adjacent “normal” continental crust.

Two crustal cross-sections across the central and southern part of the Rhinegraben have been constructed based on a new evaluation of seismic refraction and reflection measurements. The most striking features of the structure derived are the existence of a well-developed velocity reversal in the upper crust and of a characteristic cushion-like layer with a compressional velocity of 7.6–7.7 km/sec in the lower crust above a normal mantle with 8.2 km/sec. Immediately below the sialic low-velocity zone in the middle part of the crust, an intermediate layer with lamellar structure and of presumably basic composition could be mapped.

It is interesting to note that the asymmetry of the sedimentary fill in the central Rhinegraben seems to extend down deeper into the upper crust as indicated by the focal depths of earthquakes. The top of the rift “cushion” shows a marked relief which has no obvious relation to the crustal structure above it or the visible rift at the surface.  相似文献   

A gravimetric and magnetometric study was carried out in the north-eastern portion of the Cuyania terrane and adjacent Pampia terrane. Gravimetric models permitted to interpret the occurrence of dense materials at the suture zone between the latter terranes. Magnetometric models led to propose the existence of different susceptibilities on either side of the suture. The Curie temperature point depth, representing the lower boundary of the magnetised crust, was found to be located at 25 km, consistent with the lower limit of the brittle crust delineated by seismic data; this unusually thick portion of the crust is thought to release stress producing significant seismicity.

Moho depths determined from seismic studies near western Sierras Pampeanas are significantly greater than those obtained from gravimetric crustal models.

Considering mass and gravity changes originated by the flat-slab Nazca plate along Cuyania and western Pampia terranes, it is possible to reconcile Moho thickness obtained either by seismic or by gravity data. Thus, topography and crustal thickness are controlled not only by erosion and shortening but by upper mantle heterogeneities produced by: (a) the oceanic subducted Nazca plate with “normal slope” also including asthenospheric materials between both continental and oceanic lithospheres; (b) flat-slab subducted Nazca plate (as shown in this work) without significant asthenospheric materials between both lithospheres. These changes influence the relationship between topographic altitudes and crustal thickness in different ways, differing from the simple Airy system relationship and modifying the crustal scale shortening calculation. These changes are significantly enlarged in the study area. Future changes in Nazca Plate slope will produce changes in the isostatic balance.  相似文献   

Deep Crustal Electrical Signatures of Eastern Dharwar Craton, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wide band magnetotelluric (MT) investigations were carried out along a profile from Kavali in the east to Anantapur towards west across the Eastern Ghat Granulite Terrain (EGGT), Eastern Dhanvar Craton (EDC) and a Proterozoic Cuddapah Basin. This 300 km long profile was covered with 20 stations at an interval of 12–18 km. The MT data is subjected to robust processing, decomposition and static shift correction before deriving a 2-D model. The model shows a resistive crust (−10,000–30,000 ohm-m) to a depth of 8–10 km towards west of the Cuddapah basin. The mid crust is less resistive (about 500 ohm-m) and the lower crust with a slight increase in resistivity (about 1,500 ohm-m) in the depth range of 20–22 km. The resistivity picture to the east of the Cuddapah basin also showed a different deep crustal structure. The resistivity of upper crust is about 5,000 ohm-m and about 200 ohm-m for mid and lower crust. The sediment resistivity of Cuddapah basin is of the order of 15–20 ohm-m. MT model has shown good correlation with results from other geophysical studies like deep seismic sounding (DSS), gravity and magnetics. The results indicate that the lower crustal layers are of intermediate type showing hydrous composition in Eastern Dhanvar Craton.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary studies of geotransects across the North European Plain and Southern North Sea, and geological reexamination of the Variscides of the North Bohemian Massif, permit a new 3-D reassessment of the relationships between the principal crustal blocks abutting Baltica along the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ). Accretion was in three stages: Cambrian accretion of the Bruno–Silesian, Lysogory and Malopolska terranes; end-Ordovician/early Silurian accretion of Avalonia; and early Carboniferous accretion of the Armorican Terrane Assemblage (ATA). Palaeozoic plume-influenced metabasite geochemistry in the Bohemian Massif explains the progressive rifting away of peri-Gondwanan crustal blocks before their accretion to Baltica. Geophysical data, faunal and provenance information from boreholes, and dated small inliers and cores confirm that Avalonian crust extends beyond the Anglo-Brabant Deformation Belt eastwards to northwest Poland. The location and dip of reflectors along the TESZ and beneath the North European Plain suggest that Avalonian crust overrode the Baltica passive margin, marked by a high-velocity lower crustal layer, on shallowly southwest-dipping thrust planes forming the Heligoland–Pomerania Deformation Belt. The “Variscan orocline” of southwest Poland masks two junctions between the Armorican Terrane Assemblage (ATA) and previously accreted crustal blocks. To the east is a dextrally transpressive contact with the Bruno–Silesian and Malopolska blocks, accreted in the Cambrian, while to the north is a thrust contact with easternmost Avalonia, deeply buried beneath younger sedimentary cover. In the northeast Bohemian and Rhenohercynian Massifs Devonian “early Variscide” deformation dominated by WNW and NW-directed thrusting, records closure of Ordovician–Devonian seaways between detached “islands” of the ATA and Avalonia.  相似文献   

东秦岭造山带两类元古宙地壳基底及其地壳增生   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许继锋  张本仁 《地球科学》1996,21(5):470-480
通过研究南秦岭地区陡岭群、武当群和北秦岭地区秦岭群的变质基性岩等的铅同位素和微量元素组成,揭示出东秦岭造山带分布有两种性质及不同归属的元古宙地壳,指出中、古元古代时可能一个统一的地壳基底;南秦岭的中、古元古代地壳是在扬子陆地基底上通过岛弧的侧向加积形成和,北秦岭元古宙地壳则可能垂向增生于一个富入射性成因铅同位素组成的、具古洋壳幔性质的微地块之上,研究还表明陡岭群不是北秦岭地区的秦岭群,而应属于南秦  相似文献   

Lower crustal xenoliths recovered from Eocene to Cambrian kimberlites in the central and southern Slave craton are dominated by mafic granulites (garnet, clinopyroxene, plagioclase±orthopyroxene), with subordinate metatonalite and peraluminous felsic granulites. Geothermobarometry indicates metamorphic conditions of 650–800 °C at pressures of 0.9–1.1 GPa. The metamorphic conditions are consistent with temperatures expected for the lower crust of high-temperature low-pressure (HT-LP) metamorphic belts characteristic of Neoarchean metamorphism in the Slave craton. U–Pb geochronology of zircon, rutile and titanite demonstrate a complex history in the lower crust. Mesoarchean protoliths occur beneath the central Slave supporting models of an east-dipping boundary between Mesoarchean crust in the western and Neoarchean crust in the eastern Slave. At least, two episodes of igneous and metamorphic zircon growth occurred in the interval 2.64–2.58 Ga that correlate with the age of plutonism and metamorphism in the upper crust, indicating magmatic addition to the lower crust and metamorphic reworking during this period. In addition, discrete periods of younger zircon growth at ca. 2.56–2.55 and 2.51 Ga occurred 20–70 my after the cessation of ca. 2.60–2.58 Ga regional HT-LP metamorphism and granitic magmatism in the upper crust. This pattern of younger metamorphic events in the deep crust is characteristic of the Slave as well as other Archean cratons (e.g., Superior). The high temperature of the lower crust immediately following amalgamation of the craton, coupled with evidence for continued metamorphic zircon growth for >70 my after ‘stabilization’ of the upper crust, is difficult to reconcile with a thick (200 km), cool lithospheric mantle root beneath the craton prior to this event. We suggest that thick tectosphere developed synchronously or after these events, most likely by imbrication of mantle beneath the craton at or after ca. 2.6 Ga. The minimum age for establishing a cratonic like geotherm is given by lower crustal rutile ages of ca. 1.8 Ga in the southern Slave. Transient heating and possible magmatic additions to the lower crust continued through the Proterozoic, with possible additional growth of the tectosphere.  相似文献   

The Borborema Province of northeastern Brazil is a major Proterozoic crustal province that, until now, has never been explored using deep crustal seismic methods. Here are reported the first results obtained from a high-quality seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection profile that has defined the internal seismic velocity structure and thickness of the crust in this region. Almost 400 recording stations were deployed in the Deep Seismic Refraction (DSR) experiment through an NW–SE ca. 900 km linear array and 19 shots were exploded at every 50 km along the line. Data from the 10 southeastern most shots of the seismic profile were processed in this work. The main features and geological structures crossed by the studied portion of the profile belong to the so-called Central Sub-province of the Borborema tectonic province. The crustal model obtained is compatible with a typical structure of extended crust. The model was essentially divided into three layers: upper crust, lower crust, and a half-space represented by the shallower portion of the mantle. The Moho is an irregular interface with depth ranging between 31.7 and 34.5 km, and beneath the Central Sub-province it varies from 31.5 to 33 km depth, where its limits are related to major crustal discontinuities. The distribution of velocities within the crust is heterogeneous, varying vertically from 5.7 to 6.3 km/s in the upper crust and from 6.45 to 6.9 km/s in the lower crust. From the average crustal velocity distribution it is evident that the Central Sub-province has seismic characteristics different from neighboring domains. The crust is relatively thin and crustal thickness variations in the profile are subtle due to stretching that occurred in the Cretaceous, during the fragmentation of Pangaea, opening of the South Atlantic Ocean and separation of South America from Africa.  相似文献   

Extrusion temperatures for basaltic lavas in the Permo-Carboniferous Oslo Rift, estimated from whole rock major element compositions, are estimated to be 1270 to 1340°C. This means that magmatism during the Oslo rifting event was not associated with a large temperature anomaly in the underlying upper mantle. Partial melting is believed to be caused by a combination of crustal extension, a weak temperature anomaly in the underlying asthenosphere, and/or high fluid-contents in the mantle source region (“wet-spot”). Petrological and gcochemical data imply that large masses of cumulate rocks were deposited in the deep crust during the Oslo rifting event. The densities and seismic velocities (Vp) of these cumulate rocks are estimated to be 2.8–3.5 g/cm3 and 7.5–8.0 km/s. A rough estimate suggests that cumulus minerals alone account for a net transfer of at least 2 × 1017 kg of magmatic material from the mantle into the deep crust. In addition comes material representing

1. (a) cumulate minerals corresponding to eroded magmatic surface and subsurface rocks

2. (b) intercumulus material, and

3. (c) magmas crystallized to completion in the deep crust.

Estimates based exclusively on geophysical data tend to underestimate the true transfer of mass into the lower crust as gabbroic cumulate rocks, and melts crystallizing to completion in the lower crust have densities and seismic velocities similar to those of lower crustal wallrocks.  相似文献   

A.G. Rodnikov 《Tectonophysics》1973,20(1-4):105-114
Results of seismic investigations in the transition zone from the Asian Continent to the Pacific Ocean are reported in detail. At the bottom of the sedimentary sequence presumably Cretaceous rocks are found in depressions of the sea floor. The “granitic” layer in the transition zone consists of igneous-sedimentary rocks in different stages of granitization. The “basaltic” layer is developed irregularly in thickness and seismic velocities; its origin is obscure. Apparently the earth's crust in the transition zone is still under formation.  相似文献   

The kimberlite fields scattered across the NE part of the Siberian Craton have been used to map the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM), as it existed during Devonian to Late Jurassic time, along a 1000-km traverse NE–SW across the Archean Magan and Anabar provinces and into the Proterozoic Olenek Province. 4100 garnets and 260 chromites from 65 kimberlites have been analysed by electron probe (major elements) and proton microprobe (trace elements). These data, and radiometric ages on the kimberlites, have been used to estimate the position of the local (paleo)geotherm and the thickness of the lithosphere, and to map the detailed distribution of specific rock types and mantle processes in space and time. A low geotherm, corresponding approximately to the 35 mW/m2 conductive model of Pollack and Chapman [Tectonophysics 38, 279–296, 1977], characterised the Devonian lithosphere beneath the Magan and Anabar crustal provinces. The Devonian geotherm beneath the northern part of the area was higher, rising to near a 40 mW/m2 conductive model. Areas intruded by Mesozoic kimberlites are generally characterised by this higher, but still ‘cratonic' geotherm. Lithosphere thickness at the time of kimberlite intrusion varied from ca. 190 to ca. 240 km beneath the Archean Magan and Anabar provinces, but was less (150–180 km) beneath the Proterozoic Olenek Province already in Devonian time. Thinner Devonian lithosphere (140 km) in parts of this area may be related to Riphean rifting. Near the northern end of the traverse, differences in geotherm, lithosphere thickness and composition between the Devonian Toluopka area and the nearby Mesozoic kimberlite fields suggest thinning of the lithosphere by ca. 50–60 km, related to Devonian rifting and Triassic magmatism. A major conclusion of this study is that the crustal terrane boundaries defined by geological mapping and geophysical data (extended from outcrops in the Anabar Shield) represent major lithospheric sutures, which continue through the upper mantle and juxtapose lithospheric domains that differ significantly in composition and rock-type distribution between 100 and 250 km depth. The presence of significant proportions of harzburgitic and depleted lherzolitic garnets beneath the Magan and Anabar provinces is concordant with their Archean surface geology. The lack of harzburgitic garnets, and the chemistry of the lherzolitic garnets, beneath most of the other fields are consistent with the Proterozoic surface rocks. Mantle sections for different terranes within the Archean portion of the craton show pronounced differences in bulk composition, rock-type distribution, metasomatic overprint and lithospheric thickness. These observations suggest that individual crustal terranes, of both Archean and Proterozoic age, had developed their own lithospheric roots, and that these differences were preserved during the Proterozoic assembly of the craton. Data from kimberlite fields near the main Archean–Proterozoic suture (the Billyakh Shear Zone) suggest that reworking and mixing of Archean and Proterozoic mantle was limited to a zone less than 100 km wide.  相似文献   

The POLONAISE'97 (POlish Lithospheric ONset—An International Seismic Experiment, 1997) seismic experiment in Poland targeted the deep structure of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) and the complex series of upper crustal features around the Polish Basin. One of the seismic profiles was the 300-km-long profile P2 in northwestern Poland across the TESZ. Results of 2D modelling show that the crustal thickness varies considerably along the profile: 29 km below the Palaeozoic Platform; 35–47 km at the crustal keel at the Teisseyre–Tornquist Zone (TTZ), slightly displaced to the northeast of the geologic inversion zone; and 42 km below the Precambrian Craton. In the Polish Basin and further to the south, the depth down to the consolidated basement is 6–14 km, as characterised by a velocity of 5.8–5.9 km/s. The low basement velocities, less than 6.0 km/s, extend to a depth of 16–22 km. In the middle crust, with a thickness of ca. 4–14 km, the velocity changes from 6.2 km/s in the southwestern to 6.8 km/s in the northeastern parts of the profile. The lower crust also differs between the southwestern and northeastern parts of the profile: from 8 km thickness, with a velocity of 6.8–7.0 km/s at a depth of 22 km, to ca.12 km thickness with a velocity of 7.0–7.2 km/s at a depth of 30 km. In the lowermost crust, a body with a velocity of 7.20–7.25 km/s was found above Moho at a depth of 33–45 km in the central part of the profile. Sub-Moho velocities are 8.2–8.3 km/s beneath the Palaeozoic Platform and TTZ, and about 8.1 km/s beneath the Precambrian Platform. Seismic reflectors in the upper mantle were interpreted at 45-km depth beneath the Palaeozoic Platform and 55-km depth beneath the TTZ.

The Polish Basin is an up to 14-km-thick asymmetric graben feature. The basement beneath the Palaeozoic Platform in the southwest is similar to other areas that were subject to Caledonian deformation (Avalonia) such that the Variscan basement has only been imaged at a shallow depth along the profile. At northeastern end of the profile, the velocity structure is comparable to the crustal structure found in other portions of the East European Craton (EEC). The crustal keel may be related to the geologic inversion processes or to magmatic underplating during the Carboniferous–Permian extension and volcanic activity.  相似文献   

The study in this paper determined whole rock major and trace elements, zircon U-Pb age and Hf, O isotopes of 5 mafic dikes in the southwestern Fujian province. The 5 dikes are mainly diabase and the whole rock SiO2 content are between 45%~53%. Most zircons of the mafic dikes display obvious oscillatory zoning and fan-shaped zoning, and have the typical magmatic zircon crystallization characteristics. Zircon U-Pb age is dispersed with 96~2 400 Ma range. In addition to the minimum age (96~142 Ma) which might be the age of the formation of dikes, the remaining are captured zircon. The captured zircon age was mainly distributed in 4 groups: Early Proterozoic (2 467~1 796 Ma); Middle and late Proterozoic (1 343~647 Ma); Silurian to late Triassic Epoch (427~225 Ma); and Late Jurassic (159~140 Ma). Hf-O isotope shows that the early Proterozoic zircon was derived from the mantle of the homogeneous chondrite reservoir, and the others show magmatic mixing characteristics between depleted mantle and crust. Zircon’s εHf(t) and δ18O of the early Late Cretaceous clearly show the mixing trend of depleted mantle and crustal magma. The peak of zircon Hf two-stage depleted mantle model age TDM2 was mainly distributed in the 1.6~1.9 Ga. The Early Proterozoic mafic crust might be the main source for latter granite.  相似文献   

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