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The Dajing Cu-Sn-polymetallic ore deposit is famous for its large scale, abundant associated elements, narrow and closely-spaced development of ore veins and high grade, but exploration within the mining district and its deeper parts has revealed no Yanshanian rockbody. Therefore, there have been proposed a diversity of hypotheses on the genesis of the deposit. The authors, from the angle of mantle-branch structure, provided evidence showing that the mining district is located in the core of the Da Hinggan Ling mantle-branch structure, the multi-stage evolution of mantle plume paved the way for the ascending of deep-source ore fluids and these fluids extracted part of the ore-forming materials. Then, these ore-forming materials were concentrated in the favorable structural loci (e.g. structural fissures) to form ores. The orientation of ore-forming and ore-controlling fissures is closely related to the regionally structural stress field at the metallogenic stage. The zonation of Sn, Cu, Au, Ag, Pb, and Zn within the mining district appears to be related to metallogenesis and the crystallization temperature of ore-forming materials. Mineralization of Sn, Cu, Au, etc. which require relatively high crystallization temperature and pressure is in most cases recognized in the central part of the mining district, while that of Ag, Pb, Zn, etc. which require relatively low crystallization temperature and pressure is, for the most part, produced in the periphery of the mining district.  相似文献   

The Yinjiagou Mo–Cu–pyrite deposit of Henan Province is located in the Huaxiong block on the southern margin of the North China craton. It differs from other Mo deposits in the East Qingling area because of its large pyrite resource and complex associated elements. The deposit’s mineralization process can be divided into skarn, sulfide, and supergene episodes with five stages, marking formation of magnetite in the skarn episode, quartz–molybdenite, quartz–calcite–pyrite–chalcopyrite–bornite–sphalerite, and calcite–galena–sphalerite in the sulfide episode, and chalcedony–limonite in the supergene episode. Re–Os and 40Ar–39Ar dating indicates that both the skarn-type and porphyry-type orebodies of the Yinjiagou deposit formed approximately 143 Ma ago during the Early Cretaceous. Four types of fluid inclusions (FIs) have been distinguished in quartz phenocryst, various quartz veins, and calcite vein. Based on petrographic observations and microthermometric criteria the FIs include liquid-rich, gas-rich, H2O–CO2, and daughter mineral-bearing inclusions. The homogenization temperature of FIs in quartz phenocrysts of K-feldspar granite porphyry ranges from 341 °C to >550 °C, and the salinity is 0.4–44.0 wt% NaCl eqv. The homogenization temperature of FIs in quartz–molybdenite veins is 382–416 °C, and the salinity is 3.6–40.8 wt% NaCl eqv. The homogenization temperature of FIs in quartz–calcite–pyrite–chalcopyrite–bornite–sphalerite ranges from 318 °C to 436 °C, and the salinity is 5.6–42.4 wt% NaCl eqv. The homogenization temperature of FIs in quartz–molybdenite stockworks is in a range of 321–411 °C, and the salinity is 6.3–16.4 wt% NaCl eqv. The homogenization temperature of FIs in quartz–sericite–pyrite is in a range of 326–419 °C, and the salinity is 4.7–49.4 wt% NaCl eqv. The ore-forming fluids of the Yinjiagou deposit are mainly high-temperature, high-salinity fluids, generally with affinities to an H2O–NaCl–KCl ± CO2 system. The δ18OH2O values of ore-forming hydrothermal fluids are 4.0–8.6‰, and the δDV-SMOW values are between −64‰ and −52‰, indicating that the ore-forming fluids were primarily magmatic. The δ34SV-CDT values of sulfides range between −0.2‰ and 6.3‰ with a mean of 1.6‰, sharing similar features with deeply sourced sulfur, implying that the sulfur mainly came from the lower crust composed of poorly differentiated igneous materials, but part of the heavy sulfur came from the Guandaokou Group dolostone. The 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb values of sulfides are in the range of 17.331–18.043, 15.444–15.575, and 37.783–38.236, respectively, which is generally consistent with the Pb isotopic signature of the Yinjiagou intrusion, suggesting that the Pb chiefly originated from the felsic–intermediate intrusive rocks in the mine area, with a small amount of lead from strata. The Yinjiagou deposit is a porphyry–skarn deposit formed during the Mesozoic transition of a tectonic regime that is EW-trending to NNE-trending, and the multiepisode boiling of ore-forming fluids was the primary mechanism for mineral deposition.  相似文献   

The large-scale Bayanbaolege Ag polymetallic deposit is situated in the Tuquan–Linxi Fe-Sn-Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag metallogenic sub-belt in eastern slopes of the southern Great Xing’an Range, NE China. The sulfide-quartz vein-type orebodies in the deposit are hosted primarily in the Early Cretaceous granodiorite porphyry and Late Permian strata. Three primary paragenetic stages of veining have been identified: (I) arsenopyrite- pyrite-quartz stage, (II) pyrite-sphalerite-quartz stage, and (III) galena-silver minerals (pyrargyrite, argentite, and pearceite)-calcite stage. The Rb–Sr dating of sulfides yielded an isochron age of 129.9 ± 2.9 Ma (MSWD = 2.1) for the sphalerite, which constrains the mineralization age to the Early Cretaceous. Rb and Sr concentrations in the sulfides ranged from 0.0940 to 1.0294 ppm and 0.0950–3.3818 ppm, respectively. The initial 87Sr/86Sr value of the sphalerite was 0.70852 ± 0.00018, indicating that the mineralized materials were derived from the mixed crust-mantle source area. S isotope analysis showed that the δ34S values of the sulfide samples varied in a narrow range, from −1.5‰ to +1.3‰ (mean −0.65‰), indicating a magmatic S source. Pb isotopic ratios of the sulfides (206Pb/204Pb = 18.306–18.416, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.524–15.605, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.095–38.479) and the granodiorite porphyry (206Pb/204Pb = 18.341–18.933, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.539–15.600, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.134–38.944) reflect that the ore-forming materials originated from contemporaneous magma with Early Cretaceous granodiorite porphyry. This study of the Bayanbaolege deposit and other hydrothermal deposits in the area provides compelling evidence that the widespread Mesozoic magmatism and mineralization in the southern Great Xing’an Range occurred in an intracontinental extensional tectonic setting, which was associated with the westward subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate.  相似文献   

Located along the southern part of the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone in southern Tibet, Bangbu is one of the largest gold deposits in Tibet. Auriferous sulfide-bearing quartz veins are controlled by second- or third-order brittle fractures associated with the regional Qusong–Cuogu–Zhemulang brittle-ductile shear zone. Fluid inclusion studies show that the auriferous quartz contains aqueous inclusions, two-phase and three-phase CO2-bearing inclusions, and pure gaseous hydrocarbon inclusions. The CO2-bearing inclusions have salinities of 2.2–9.5% NaCleq, and homogenization temperatures (Th) of 167–336 °C. The δD, δ18O, and δ13C compositions of the Bangbu ore-forming fluids are − 105.5 to − 44.4‰, 4.7 to 9.0‰ and − 5.1 to − 2.2‰, respectively, indicating that the ore-forming fluid is mainly of metamorphic origin, with also a mantle-derived contribution. The 3He/4He ratio of the ore-forming fluids is 0.174 to 1.010 Ra, and 40Ar/36Ar ranges from 311.9 to 1724.9. Calculations indicate that the percentage of mantle-derived He in fluid inclusions from Bangbu is 2.7–16.7%. These geochemical features are similar to those of most orogenic gold deposits. Dating by 40Ar/39Ar of hydrothermal sericite collected from auriferous quartz veins at Bangbu yielded a plateau age of 44.8 ± 1.0 Ma, with normal and inverse isochronal ages of 43.6 ± 3.2 Ma and 44 ± 3 Ma, respectively. This indicates that the gold mineralization was contemporaneous with the main collisional stage between India and Eurasia along the Yarlung Zangbo suture, which resulted in the development of near-vertical lithospheric shear zones. A deep metamorphic fluid was channeled upward along the shear zone, mixing with a mantle fluid. The mixed fluids migrated into the brittle structures along the shear zone and precipitated gold, sulfides, and quartz because of declining temperature and pressure or fluid immiscibility. The Bangbu is a large-scale Cenozoic syn-collisional orogenic gold deposit  相似文献   

The original ore-fluid of the Huogeqi Cu–Pb–Zn deposit in Inner Mongolia, northern China, was enriched in heavy oxygen isotopes with δ18O values ranging from 9.9 to 11.4 per mil, which is characteristic of the metamorphic devolatilization of pelitic rocks. The δD values determined by direct measurement of syn-ore hydrothermal tremolite range from − 116 to − 82 per mil, lying between the domains of typical metamorphic fluid and meteoric water, which is in equilibrium with organic matter. Oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios indicate that the ore-fluid was derived from deep-sourced metamorphic fluid and interacted with organic-rich shale during fluid migration, which is consistent with the fluid evolution history revealed by a previous fluid inclusion study. Sulfides in the deposit are characteristically enriched in heavy S isotopes, with an average δ34S value of 13.4 ± 6.2 per mil (1σ, n = 103). The S-isotope ratios are identical to stratabound sulfides generated through the non-bacterial reduction of Neoproterozoic marine sulfate (with δ34S values of ~ 17 per mil). Previous studies on lead isotopes of sulfides revealed that the ore-forming metals (Cu, Pb, and Zn) at the Huogeqi deposit were also remobilized from a stratabound source. This source was syngenetically elevated in its Cu-, Pb-, and Zn-sulfide content as a result of submarine hydrothermal activities forming sulfide-rich layers within a rift tectonic setting. The Fe isotope ratios for sulfides are consistent with those of an intercalated iron-formation within the ore-hosting rocks, suggesting that the Fe in the sulfides was derived from local host rocks during sulfide precipitation and the Fe-rich rocks are favorable lithological units for high-grade mineralization. The heterogeneous sources of ore-fluid, S, ore-forming metals, and Fe are explained by a multistage genetic model, which is supported by the geological characteristic of the deposit. The enriched sulfides were subsequently remobilized and enriched by metamorphic devolatilization during the Permian and Triassic periods. The metamorphic ore-fluid ascended along a shear zone and interacted with organic-rich shale. Sulfides eventually precipitated within the shear zone at a shallower crustal level, especially where the shear zone intersected Fe-rich host rocks. This multistage genetic model has implications for mineral exploration. Greenschist to amphibolite facies terranes containing thick Neoproterozoic rift sequences are ideal regions for potential Cu–Pb–Zn mineralization. In particular, intercalated volcanic rocks within the rift sequences are indicative of high heat-flow and are ideal for the development of submarine hydrothermal systems. The primary structures hosting mineralization and ore shoots in the Huogeqi area are jogs in the shear zones. In addition, Fe-rich lithological units, such as iron-formations, are ideal hosts for high-grade ore.  相似文献   

The Yaochong porphyry Mo deposit in Xinxian County, Henan Province, China, is located in the Hong’an terrane, that is, the western part of the Dabie orogen. The Dabie orogen is part of a >1,500 km long, Triassic continental collision belt between the North China Block and the South China Block. Four types of vein are present. Paragenetically, from early to late, they are as follows: stage 1 quartz + K-feldspar ± pyrite ± magnetite vein; stage 2 quartz + K-feldspar + molybdenite ± pyrite vein; stage 3 quartz + polymetallic sulfides ± K-feldspar vein; and stage 4 quartz ± carbonate ± fluorite vein. Four compositional types of fluid inclusion, pure CO2, CO2 bearing, aqueous, and solid bearing, are present in quartz from the first three stages; only low-salinity aqueous fluid inclusions occur in quartz from the last stage. All the estimated salinities are ≤13.1 wt% NaCl eq., and no halite crystals were identified. Homogenization temperatures for the fluid inclusions from stages 1 to 4 are in the ranges of 262–501, 202–380, 168–345, and 128–286 °C, respectively, and estimated depths decrease from 6.9 to 8.9 km, through 6.2–7.2, to ~4.7 km. Quartz separates from the veins yielded a δ18O value of 7.7–11.2 ‰, corresponding to δ18OH2O values of ?1.3 to 6.9 ‰ using temperature estimates from fluid inclusion data; δDH2O values of fluid inclusion vary from ?80 to ?55 ‰, and δ13CCO2 from ?2.3 to 2.7 ‰, suggesting that the ore-fluids evolved from magmatic to meteoric sources. We conclude that the ore-forming fluid system at Yaochong was initially high temperature, high salinity, and CO2-rich and then progressively evolved to CO2-poor, lower salinity, and lower temperature, by mixing with meteoric water, which results in ore precipitation.  相似文献   

The Luoboling Cu–Mo deposit in the Zijinshan Orefield, Fujian province, southeastern China, is a large porphyry deposit hosted by the Sifang granodiorite and the Luoboling granodiorite porphyry. The largest Cu–Mo orebody is saddle-shaped with various types of hydrothermal veinlets. Intensive hydrothermal alteration in the deposit is characterized by outward zoning from potassic, overprinted by phyllic alteration, to phyllic and alunite–dickite alteration. Based on the mineral assemblages and crosscutting relationships of veins, the ore-forming process can be divided into three stages, namely: an early-stage K-feldspar + quartz ± magnetite ± molybdenite veins associated with potassic alteration; a middle-stage quartz + molybdenite + chalcopyrite + pyrite veins in phyllic zone; and a late-stage quartz ± gypsum veins in the phyllic and alunite–dickite alteration zones. Six molybdenite separates yield a Re−Os isochron age 104.6 ± 1.0 Ma, which is identical to the age of emplacement of the Sifang and Luoboling granodiorite porphyries. Three types of fluid inclusions (FIs) were observed at the Luoboling deposit: 1) NaCl–H2O (aqueous), 2) daughter mineral-bearing and 3) CO2–H2O fluid inclusions. FIs of the early and middle stages are predominantly vapor-rich aqueous and daughter mineral-bearing inclusions, together with minor CO2-rich and liquid-rich aqueous inclusions; whereas the late-stage minerals only contain liquid-rich aqueous inclusions. Homogenization temperatures and salinities of FIs trapped in the early-stage minerals range from 420 to 540 °C and 0.4 to 62.9 wt.% NaCl equiv., respectively. FIs of the middle-stage yield homogenization temperatures of 340 to 480 °C and salinities of 0.5 to 56.0 wt.% NaCl equiv. CO2 content and the oxygen fugacity (indicated by daughter minerals) of FIs trapped in middle-stage minerals are lower than those in the early stage. The liquid-rich aqueous inclusions of the late-stage homogenize at temperatures of 140 to 280 °C, yielding salinities of 0.4 to 8.4 wt.% NaCl equiv. The minimum estimated pressures of the three stages are 30–70 MPa, 10–40 MPa and 1–10 MPa, respectively, corresponding to minimum ore-forming depths of 1–2.8 km. Fluids trapped in early, middle and late stages yield δD values of − 67‰ to − 54‰, − 54‰ to − 70‰, and − 62‰, and δ18O values of 5.4‰ to 6.7‰, 2.8‰ to 4.2‰, and − 2.1‰, respectively. Fluid boiling, which resulted in the formation of stockworks and the precipitation of sulfides, occurred in the early and middle stages. The fluids subsequently evolved into a low temperature, low salinity system in the late stage, along with an input of meteoric water. The Luoboling porphyry Cu–Mo system was developed in a transition from continental arc to back-arc extension region, which was related to the westward subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate beneath the Huanan Orogen.  相似文献   

The Pingshui Cu–Zn deposit is located in the Jiangshan–Shaoxing fault zone, which marks the Neoproterozoic suture zone between the Yangtze block and Cathaysia block in South China. It contains 0.45 million tons of proven ore reserves with grades of 1.03 wt.% Cu and 1.83 wt.% Zn. This deposit is composed of stratiform, massive sulfide ore bodies, which contain more than 60 vol.% sulfide minerals. These ore bodies are hosted in altered mafic and felsic rocks (spilites and keratophyres) of the bimodal volcanic suite that makes up the Neoproterozoic Pingshui Formation. Metallic minerals include pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, tennantite, tetrahedrite and magnetite, with minor galena. Gangue minerals are quartz, sericite, chlorite, calcite, gypsum, barite and jasper. Three distinct mineralogical zones are recognized in these massive sulfide ore bodies: a distal zone composed of sphalerite + pyrite + barite (zone I); an intermediate zone characterized by a pyrite + sphalerite + chalcopyrite assemblages (zone II); and a proximal zone containing chalcopyrite + pyrite + magnetite (zone III). A thin, layer of exhalative jaspilite overlies the sulfide ore bodies except in the proximal zone. The volcanic rocks of the Pingshui Formation are all highly altered spilites and keratophyres, but their trace element geochemistry suggests that they were generated by partial melting of the depleted mantle in an island arc setting. Homogenization temperatures of the primary fluid inclusions in quartz from massive sulfide ores are between 217 and 328 °C, and their salinities range from 3.2 to 5.7 wt.% NaCl equivalent. Raman spectroscopy of the fluid inclusions showed that water is the dominant component, with no other volatile components. Fluid inclusion data suggest that the ore-forming fluids were derived from circulating seawater. The δ34S values of pyrite from the massive sulfide ores range from − 3.6‰ to + 3.4‰, indicating that the sulfur was primarily leached from the arc volcanic rocks of the Pingshui Formation. Both pyrite from the massive sulfide ores and plagioclase from the spilites have similar lead isotope compositions, implying that the lead was also derived from the Pingshui Formation. The low lead contents of the massive sulfide ores and the geochemistry of their host rocks are similar to many VMS Cu–Zn deposits in Canada (e.g., Noranda) and thus can be classified as belonging to the bimodal-mafic subtype. The presence of magnetite and the absence of jaspilite and barite at the − 505 m level in the Pingshui deposit suggest that this level is most likely the central zone of the original lateral massive sulfide ore bodies. If this interpretation is correct, the deep part of the Pingshui Cu–Zn deposit may have significant exploration potential.  相似文献   

Wang  Changhong  Wang  Keyong  Cai  Wenyan  Li  Jian  Liu  Hanlun  Wang  Yicun 《中国地球化学学报》2020,39(4):497-511
Acta Geochimica - We studied the fluid inclusions of the Jiguanshan Mo deposit in China, which is a large porphyry deposit located in the southern Xilamulun Metallogenic Belt. The irregular Mo ore...  相似文献   

The Chalukou giant porphyry Mo deposit, located in the northern Great Xing'an Range, is the largest Mo deposit in the Xing'an–Mongolia orogenic belt. This deposit's ore bodies are mainly hosted in an intermediate–felsic complex and Jurassic volcanic sedimentary rocks, of which Late Jurassic granite porphyry, quartz porphyry and fine grained granite are closely associated with the Mo mineralization. Three types of fluid inclusions (FIs) are present in the quartz associated with oxide and sulphide minerals, i.e., liquid-rich two-phase, gas-rich two-phase and daughter mineral-bearing multiphase FIs. The FIs in the quartz phenocrysts of the granite porphyry contain liquid-rich two-phase, gas-rich two-phase and daughter mineral-bearing multiphase FIs. The homogenization temperatures vary from 230 °C to 440 °C and 470 °C to 510 °C, and their salinities vary from 0.7% to 53.7% NaCl eq. and 6.2% to 61.3% NaCl eq., respectively. The FIs of K-feldspar–quartz–magnetite veins of the early stage are composed of liquid-rich two-phase, gas-rich two-phase and daughter mineral-bearing multiphase FIs with homogenization temperatures and salinities of 320 °C to 440 °C and 4.2% to 52.3% NaCl eq., respectively. The FIs of quartz–molybdenite veins and breccia of the middle stage are composed of liquid-rich two-phase, gas-rich two-phase and daughter mineral-bearing multiphase FIs with homogenization temperatures and salinities of 260 °C to 410 °C and 0.4% to 52.3% NaCl eq., respectively. FIs of quartz–fluorite–galena–sphalerite veins of the late stage are liquid-rich two-phase FIs with homogenization temperatures and salinities of 170 °C to 320 °C and 0.5% to 11.1% NaCl eq., respectively. The ore-forming fluids of the Chalukou deposit are characterised by high temperature, high salinity and high oxygen fugacity, belonging to an F-rich H2O–NaCl ± CO2 system. The δ18OW values vary from − 4.5‰ to 3.2‰, and the δDW values vary from − 138‰ to − 122‰, indicating that the ore-forming fluids were a mixture of magmatic and meteoric water. The δ34S values range from − 1.9‰ to + 3.6‰ with an average of + 1.6‰. The 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb values of the metallic minerals are in the ranges of 18.269–18.501, 15.524–15.567 and 38.079–38.264, respectively. Both the S and Pb isotopic systems indicate that the ore metals and fluids came primarily from a deep-seated magma source from the juvenile lower crust. The Mo mineralization in the Chalukou deposit occurred at a depth of 0.5 to 1.3 km, and multiple stages of phase separation or immiscibility of ore-forming fluid was critical for the formation of the Chalukou deposit.  相似文献   

The Baishan porphyry Mo deposit formed in the Middle Triassic in Eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang, northwestern China. Mo mineralization is associated with the Baishan monzogranite and granite porphyry stocks, mainly presenting as various types of hydrothermal veinlets in alerted wall rocks, with potassic, phyllic, propylitic, and fluorite alteration. The ore-forming process can be divided into four stages: stage I K-feldspar–quartz–pyrite veinlets, stage II quartz–molybdenite ± pyrite veinlets, stage III quartz–polymetallic sulfide veinlets and stage IV barren quartz–calcite veins. Four types of fluid inclusions (FIs) can be distinguished in the Baishan deposit, namely, liquid-rich two-phase (L-type), vapor-rich two-phase (V-type), solid-bearing multi-phase (S-type) and mono-phase vapor (M-type) inclusions, but only the stage I quartz contains all types of FIs. The stages II and III quartz have three types of FIs, with exception of M-type. In stage IV quartz minerals, only the L-type inclusions can be observed. The FIs in quartz of stages I, II, III and IV are mainly homogenized at temperatures of 271–468 °C, 239–349 °C, 201–331 °C and 134–201 °C, with salinities of 2.2–11.6 wt.% NaCl equiv., 1.1–10.2 wt.% NaCl equiv., 0.5–8.9 wt.% NaCl equiv. and 0.2–5.7 wt.% NaCl equiv., respectively. The ore-forming fluids of the Baishan deposit are characterized by high temperature, moderate salinity and relatively reduced condition, belonging to a H2O–NaCl ± CH4 ± CO2 system. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of quartz indicate that the ore-forming fluids were gradually evolved from magmatic to meteoric in origin. Sulfur and lead isotopes suggest that the ore-forming materials came predominantly from a deep-seated magma source from the lower continental crust. The Mo mineralization in the Baishan deposit is estimated to have occurred at a depth of no less than 4.7 km, and the decrease in temperature and remarkable transition of the redox condition (from alkalinity to acidity) of ore-forming fluids were critical for the formation of the Baishan Mo deposit.  相似文献   

The Chorukh-Dairon deposit is part of the metallogenic belt of WMo, CuMo, AuW, and Au deposits along the Late Paleozoic active continental margin of the Tien Shan. It is related to the Late Carboniferous multiphase pluton, with successive intrusive phases of early monzogabbro through monzonite-quartz monzonite to monzogranite and leucogranite, and the latest lamprophyre dikes. The deposit is an example of complex W–Mo–Cu magmatic-hydrothermal system related to magnetite-series shoshonitic igneous suite. It contains zones of W–Cu–Mo oxidized prograde and retrograde skarns, with abundant scapolite, plagioclase, K-feldspar, andradite garnet, magnetite, as well as molybdoscheelite and minor chalcopyrite, and molybdenite. Skarns are overprinted by hydrosilicate alteration assemblages, with amphibole, chlorite, epidote, quartz, calcite, scapolite, albite, scheelite, and chalcopyrite, and are cut by quartz-carbonate-barite-fluorite-sulfide veins.The fluid evolution included a release of high temperature (~ 400–500 °C), high pressure (900–1100 to 700–800 bars), high salinity magmatic-hydrothermal aqueous chloride fluid, with its direct separation from crystallizing magma and formation of prograde and retrograde skarns. Fluid enrichment in Ca (up to 15–22 wt.% CaCl2) at the retrograde skarn stage was possibly related to magmatic differentiation and provided intense molybdoscheelite deposition from a homogenous fluid. In contrast, hydrosilicate alteration assemblages were formed at lower temperatures (~ 350–400 °C) initially from a homogenous and then from a boiling Ca-rich (20–22 wt.% CaCl2) magmatic-hydrothermal fluid, with the latter contributing to the most intense scheelite deposition. The stable isotope data (δ13CCO2 =  3.0 ± 0.5‰ and δ18ОH2O = + 6.5 ± 0.5‰, δ34S = + 7.5 to + 7.7‰) obtained for the hydrosilicate stage minerals suggest significant fluid sourcing from magmatic and meteoric waters as well as from sedimentary rocks enriched in seawater sulfate, possibly evaporites, although a strongly homogenous character of the isotopic composition reveals intense isotope homogenization in a magmatic chamber. Some light sulfur isotope enrichment of sulfides from the quartz-carbonate-barite-fluorite-sulfide veins (δ34S = + 6.0 to + 6.1‰) may be linked to the evolution of the magmatic source toward more mantle-related sulfur species, as these veins were formed after emplacement of the late mafic (lamprophyre) dikes.  相似文献   

Detailed studies have been conducted on the geology and geochemistry of the deposit and granite in the mining district in the last two decades, and by comparing this deposit with other typical epithermal deposits in the world, it is clear that the Erentaolegai silver deposit is a lower-sulfidation, adularia-sericite-type epithermal silver deposit and the bulk mineralogy of this deposit is consistent with low-sulfidation epithermal mineralization. Determined by the Rb-Sr isochron method, the age of magmatic intrusives in the mining district is 120 Ma. So, it can be concluded that the local areas were marginally subjected to the movement in Late Yanshanian and produced granitic magma, and about 29% mantle material, as is calculated, was involved in magmatism. The magma experienced crystallization-differentiation, resulting in the formation of granite and quartz porphyry; the latter was the product of violent granitic magma crystallization-differentiation, so silver was enriched in later petrogenetic stages and post-petrogenetic ore fluids from which Ag was derived dominantly. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic characteristics indicate that meteoric waters on the Earth‘ s surface played an important role in the formation of granitic magma and the deposit: ( 1 ) contributing a lot to the fundamental complex partial melting;(2) contributing a lot to magma crystallization-differentiation, and bringing silver into the magma which is eventually responsible for the formation of quartz porphyry; and (3) contributing a lot to the formation of great amounts of ore fluid. The lead isotopic characteristics show that the silver and lead have an affinity for each other.  相似文献   

The super-large Shuangjianzishan Pb–Zn–Ag deposit is a newly discovered deposit located in the Huanggang–Ganzhuermiao polymetallic metallogenic belt of Inner Mongolia, NE China. The deposit's resource includes 0.026 Mt Ag, 1.1 Mt Pb, and 3.3 Mt Zn. The deposit is controlled by a NW-trending ductile shear zone and NE- and NW-trending faults in black pelite assigned to the lower Permian Dashizhai Formation. LREE enrichment, HREE depletion, Nb, Ta, P, and Ti depletion, and Zr and Hf enrichment characterize felsic magmatic rocks in the Shuangjianzishan Pb–Zn–Ag district. The ages of porphyritic monzogranite, rhyolitic crystal–vitric ignimbrite, and porphyritic granodiorite are 254–252, 169, and 130 Ma, respectively. Pyrite sampled from the mineralization has Re–Os isochron ages of 165 ± 7 Ma, which suggest the mineralization is associated with the ca. 169 Ma magmatism in the Shuangjianzishan district.Zircons extracted from the porphyritic granodiorite yield εHf(t) values of − 11.34 to − 1.41, with tDM2 dates of 1275–1901 Ma. The εHf(t) values of zircons in the rhyolitic crystal–vitric ignimbrite and the ore-bearing monzogranite porphyry are 7.57–16.23 and 10.18–15.96, respectively, and their tDM2 ages are 177–733 and 257–632 Ma, respectively. Partial melting of depleted mantle resulted in the formation of the ca. 254–252 Ma ore-bearing porphyritic monzogranite and the ca. 169 Ma rhyolitic crystal–vitric ignimbrite; dehydration partial melting of subducted oceanic crust resulted in the formation of the ca. 130 Ma porphyritic granodiorite. The porphyritic monzogranite was emplaced during the late stages of closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean during the transformation from a collisional to extensional tectonic setting. The ca. 170 and ca. 130 Ma magmatism and mineralization in the Shuangjianzishan district are related to subduction of the Mongolia–Okhotsk Ocean and subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Ocean Plate, respectively.  相似文献   

Available cores of porphyritic granite and aplitic granite from the Diyanqinamu porphyry Mo deposit in the north central Great Xing’an Range presented an opportunity to examine and analyze Mesozoic igneous rocks far from the Paleo-Pacific subduction zone. The Diyanqinamu granites are highly fractionated I-type, distinguished from the M-, A- or S-type granite by: high SiO2, and Rb; low Zr, Nb, Y, and Ce; low Fe2O3total/MgO and (K2O + Na2O)/CaO ratios; low alumina saturation index (<1.1); low initial ISr ratios (0.70137–0.70451); positive εNd(t) values (2.37–3.77); and negative correlation between P2O5 and SiO2. The aplitic granites were generated by fractional crystallization of the porphyritic granite, as evidenced by: spatial proximity; consistent zircon U–Pb ages (156 Ma) within error; correlations between other oxides and SiO2 in Haker diagrams; low Ba, Sr, Nb, P, Ti, Eu; linear relationship in both (La/Yb)N vs. La and Sr vs. Ba diagrams; and, decreasing LREE and ∑REE with increasing SiO2. The Diyanqinamu granites have young depleted-mantle two-stage model ages (avg. TDM2 = 660 Ma) similar to those of most Mesozoic voluminous felsic magmas in northeastern China, and were likely sourced from pre-existent crustal components both “old” and juvenile that had been juxtaposed during the tectonic evolution of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. These granites project in the transitional field from syn-collision to post-collision tectonic settings on tectonic discrimination diagrams, implying emplacement in an extensional environment. Extensional volcanism and basin formation in the Great Xing’an Range region in Late Jurassic is coeval with the Diyanqinamu granites, demonstrating that post-orogenic lithospheric extension related to the closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean was the main driving force for Late Jurassic magmatism in this region.  相似文献   

The Dabu Cu-Mo porphyry deposit is situated in the southern part of the Lhasa terrane within the post-collisional Gangdese porphyry copper belt (GPCB). It is one of several deposits that include the Qulong and Zhunuo porphyry deposits. The processes responsible for ore formation in the Dabu deposit can be divided into three stages of veining: stage I, quartz–K-feldspar (biotite) ± chalcopyrite ± pyrite, stage II, quartz–molybdenite ± pyrite ± chalcopyrite, and stage III, quartz–pyrite ± molybdenite. Three types of fluid inclusions (FIs) are present: liquid-rich two-phase (L-type), vapor-rich two-phase (V-type), and solid bearing multi-phase (S-type) inclusions. The homogenization temperatures for the FIs from stages I to III are in the ranges of 272–475 °C, 244–486 °C, and 299–399 °C, and their salinities vary from 2.1 to 49.1, 1.1 to 55.8, and 2.9 to 18.0 wt% NaCl equiv., respectively. The coexistence of S-type, V-type and L-type FIs in quartz of stage I and II with similar homogenization temperatures but contrasting salinities, indicate that fluid boiling is the major factor controlling metal precipitation in the Dabu deposit. The ore-forming fluids of this deposit are characterized by high temperature and high salinity, and they belong to a H2O–NaCl magmatic–hydrothermal system. The H–O–S–Pb isotopic compositions indicate that the ore metals and fluids came primarily from a magmatic source linked to Miocene intrusions characterized by high Sr/Y ratios, similar to other porphyry deposits in the GPCB. The fluids forming the Dabu deposit were rich in Na and Cl, derived from metamorphic dehydration of subducted oceanic slab through which NaCl-brine or seawater had percolated. The inheritance of ancient subduction-associated arc chemistry, without shallow level crustal assimilation and/or input of the meteoric water, was responsible for the generation of fertile magma, as well as CO2-poor and halite-bearing FIs associated with post-collisional porphyry deposits. The estimated mineralization depths of Qulong, Dabu and Zhunuo deposits are 1.6–4.3 km, 0.5–3.4 km and 0.2–3.0 km, respectively, displaying a gradual decrease from eastern to western Gangdese. Deep ore-forming processes accounted for the generation of giant-sized Qulong deposit, because the exsolution of aqueous fluids with large fraction of water and chlorine in deep or high pressure systems can extract more copper from melts than those formed in shallow systems. However, the formation of small-sized Dabu deposit can be explained by a single magmatic event without additional replenishment of S, metal, or thermal energy. In addition, the ore-forming conditions of porphyry Cu–Mo deposits in GPCB are comparable to those of porphyry Cu ± Au ± Mo deposits formed in oceanic subduction-related continental or island arcs, but differ from those of porphyry Mo deposit formed in the Dabie-Qinling collisional orogens. The depth of formation of the mineralization and features of primary magma source are two major controls on the metal types and ore-fluid compositions of these porphyry deposits.  相似文献   

The Haobugao Zn–Fe deposit is a typical skarn deposit located in the southern part of the Great Xing’an Range that hosts polymetallic mineralization over a large region. The main ore minerals at the deposit include sphalerite, magnetite, galena, chalcopyrite and pyrite, and the main gangue minerals include andradite, grossular garnet, hedenbergite, diopside, ilvaite, calcite and quartz. There are broadly two mineralizing periods represented by the relatively older skarn and younger quartz–sulfide veins. In detail, there are five metallogenic stages consisting of an early skarn, late skarn, oxide, early quartz–sulfide, and late quartz–sulfide–calcite stages. Electron microprobe analyses show that the garnet at the deposit varies in composition from And97.95Gro0.41Pyr1.64 to And30.69Gro66.69Pyr2.63, and pyroxene is compositionally in the diopside–hedenbergite range (i.e. Di90.63Hd8.00Jo1.37–Hd88.98Di4.53Jo6.49). Petrographic observations and electron microprobe analyses indicate that the sphalerite has three generations ([Zn0.93Fe0.08]S–[Zn0.75Fe0.24]S). The Zn associated with the first generation sphalerite replaced Cu and Fe of early xenomorphic granular chalcopyrite (i.e. [Cu1.01Fe1.03]S2–[Cu0.99Fe0.99]S2), and part of the first generation sphalerite is coeval with late chalcopyrite (i.e. [Cu0.96Fe0.99Zn0.03]S2–[Cu1.00Fe1.03Zn0.01]S2). Magnetite has a noticeable negative Ce anomaly (δCe = ∼0.17 to 0.54), which might be a result of the oxidized ore-fluid. Thirty δ34SV-PDB analyses of sulfides from the ore range from −2.3 to −0.1‰ in value, which are indicative of a magmatic source. The δ13C‰ and δ18O‰ values for calcite from the ore formed at quartz–sulfide–calcite stage vary from −9.9 to −5.5‰ and from −4.2 to 1.1‰, respectively, contrasting with δ13C‰ (2.9–4.8‰) and δ18O‰ (9.8–13.9‰) values for calcite from marble. It is suggested that the ore-forming fluid associated with late stage of mineralization was predominantly magmatic in origin with some input of local meteoric water.Molybdenite from the Haobugao deposit defines an isochron age of 142 ± 1 Ma, which is interpreted as the mineralization age being synchronous, within error, with the zircon U–Pb ages of 140 ± 1, 141 ± 2, and 141 ± 1 Ma for granite at the deposit. These data and characteristics of lithology and mineralization further show that the Zn–Fe mineralization is temporally and spatially related to the emplacement of granite in an extensional tectonic setting during the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

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