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The distributions of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd and Co have been determined in a section across the Scotian Shelf into the Atlantic Slope water. Significant differences in concentration exist for most of the trace metals between the four water masses in the section. Depletions of trace metal concentration in the highly productive Atlantic Slope water relative to the underlying Central Atlantic water are thought to be due to biological activity.The distributions of Fe and Mn are strongly related to the distribution of suspended particulate matter. The concentrations of Fe and Mn, extracted from the suspended matter on the Scotian Shelf, are considerably higher than those in the non-detrital fraction of the underlying sediments. This suggests that post-depositional changes cause the loss of both elements from the non-detrital fraction of the particles. Whereas Mn shows major nearshore increases in concentration related to continental runoff, nearshore Fe concentrations are largely controlled by particulate matter distribution. Continental runoff does not appear to have much influence upon the distributions of the other trace metals.  相似文献   

The Ormakam-Moldhesten granite, from the Stavanger area, South Norway, has been dated by the Rb-Sr whole rock method. The isochron ages obtained (1180 m.y., 1243 ±160m.y. and 1534±125 m.y.) show that the granite complex is of Precambrian age. The 1543 m. year age is thought to refer to a period of early granulite facies metamorphism, the 1180 m.y. isochron age is taken as the crystallisation age of a later intrusion of biotite granite. This is within the limits of error of the 1160 m.y. metamorphic event shown earlier to have affected the paragneisses in the area. The results demonstrate clearly the allochthonous position of the gneisses and granitic intrusives overlying the fossiliferous Cambrian beds in the Stavanger area. The tectonostratigraphic succession in this area is thus consistent with the observation of Precambrian nappes to the north (Hardangervidda-Ryfylke area).  相似文献   

This is the first report of juvenile (age 0+) Atlantic menhadens, Brevoortia tyrannus, in the Annapolis River, Nova Scotia. Juvenile Atlantic menhaden were incidentally collected during a 3-yr study of the effects of the STRAFLO hydro-power turbine at Annapolis Royal on alosine fishes. Length distribution and time of capture of collected fish suggest that Atlantic menhaden may spawn in the Bay of Fundy.  相似文献   

The South Mountain Batholith is a peraluminous granitic complexranging in composition from biotite granodiorite to muscovite-topaz‘leucogranite’. Leucogranitic rocks (with generally<2% biotite) form a minor part ({small tilde}1•5%) ofthe batholith, and are of two types: (1) ‘associated leucogranites’occurring as relatively small zones in fine-grained leucomonzogranites;and (2) ‘independent leucogranites’ forming generallylarger bodies having no particular spatial association withother rock types. Mean chemical compositions of these two typesof leucogranite are as follows (associated, independent): Na2O(3•46,3•83),K2O(4•40,4•09),andP2O5 (0•26, 0•45)in wt.%;Li(149, 281), F(1199, 2712),Rb (393, 725), U (7•4, 4•4), Nb (12•8, 23•4),Ta (2•9, 7•1), and Zr (52, 31) in ppm. Rare earthelements also differ between the two types (associated, independent):REE (34•1 ppm, 19•9 ppm); and in the degree and variabilityof heavy REE fractionation (GdN/YbN=4•62•2, 2•00•7).In addition, associated leucogranite has REE compositions similarto those of its host rocks. Mean 18O values (associated +ll•21•2,independent +ll•40•5; relative to SMOW) are comparablewith the mean for the entire South Mountain Batholith (+l0•80•7).Radiometric dating (40Ar/39Ar on muscovite) shows that bothtypes of leucogranite have identical ages of 3723 Ma, equivalentto ages determined by other techniques for granodiorite andmonzogranite samples elsewhere in the batholith. Field relationsand geochemistry suggest that the associated leucogranite resultsfrom an open-system interaction between a fluid and its hostleucomonzogranite, whereas the independent leucogranite bodiesare discrete intrusions of highly fractionated melts that underwentclosed-system, late-magmatic to post-magmatic fluid alteration.Where mineralized, the associated leucogranite characteristicallyhosts greisen-type or disseminated polymetallic mineralization,whereas the independent leucogranite hosts pegmatitic or disseminatedpolymetallic mineralization.  相似文献   

Cathodoluminescence (CL) reveals red and blue colors within single, non-turbid albite (Ab98–99) grains from the Georgeville granite, Nova Scotia. A 720 nm X-ray excited optical luminescence (XEOL) peak characterizes red CL regions, while a 280 nm XEOL feature dominates blue CL regions. Synchrotron X-ray fluorescence results indicate that red CL and the 720 nm XEOL peak intensities relate to total Fe concentrations. The relationship between red CL and Fe content is confirmed by electron microprobe (EMPA) and laser ablation-inductively coupled mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The XEOL technique is used to exclude the Fe K-edge as the cause of red CL. X-ray absorption spectroscopy results indicate that Fe in both the red and blue CL regions is Fe3+, and that red CL activation may relate to the Si–Al order of the feldspar and to the distribution of Fe on tetrahedral sites. The CL textures, combined with EMPA and LA-ICPMS analyses, indicate that blue CL albite (Ab98) regions contain higher concentrations of Ca, Ti, Pb and rare earth elements, and were replaced, in part, by a more Fe-rich, trace element depleted albite (Ab99) which displays red CL. Complex diffraction contrasts and amorphous deposits identified in transmission electron microscope images suggest that aqueous fluids have reacted with both red and blue CL regions. Fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures of up to 430 °C provide a lower estimate of the fluid temperature.  相似文献   

Scheelite and rutile from several metaturbidite-hosted gold-bearing quartz vein deposits of the Meguma Terrane of Nova Scotia were analyzed for trace elements including rare earth elements, niobium and tantalum. Scheelites have high concentrations of Sr, Nb, Y and rare earth elements (REE) with bell-shaped chondrite-normalized REE patterns accompanied by both positive and negative Eu anomalies. They also have high Nb/Ta ratios (80–300). Three distinct trace element types of the scheelites are interpreted to reflect chemical differences in the pulses of hydrothermal fluids. Hydrothermal rutiles have high contents of W (up to 4.2 wt.% WO3), are rich in Ta compared to Nb and have a very low Nb/Ta ratio (~0.3). Hydrothermal fluids which produced both scheelite with a high Nb/Ta and rutile with a low Nb/Ta ratio are an efficient medium for fractionation of this ratio although these two minerals play an important role during the process.  相似文献   

Summary The initial phase of the Donkin-Morien project involves the driving of two parallel tunnels through an interbedded sequence of coal measures strata to intersect the Harbour Seam which lies approximately 3.5 km offshore. The No. 2 tunnel was driven a total distance of 3579 m using a 7.6 m diameter full face shielded Lovat TBM and supported by steel ring beams. The No. 3 tunnel was initially driven a distance of 1027 m using conventional drill and blast methods (7.6 m wide by 5.3 m high with a uniradial arch and supported by rock bolts and shotcrete). The TBM was subsequently used to complete the drivage of the No. 3 tunnel to the Harbour Seam.Both the No. 2 and No. 3 tunnels followed a thick sandstone unit at a grade of –20% for the first 900 m. This provided an opportunity to compare the rock mass disturbance resulting from two different excavation methods. A programme of field and laboratory measurements was therefore undertaken, which included: the use of a borehole dilatometer to determinein situ rock modulus,in situ gas permeability testing, seismic reflection surveys on the tunnel walls, and the laboratory testing of core samples.The paper examines the four different techniques used and compares the results obtained.  相似文献   

Seams from the St. Rose and Chimmey Corner coalfields, Nova Scotia, Canada, were sampled and examined for petrographic and geochemical composition. Rank determinations indicate a rank of high volatile C-B bituminous. Seams show regular alternations of dull and bright microbanded lithotypes, with dull lithotypes predominant in the central portion of the main seam (No. 5 seam). Brighter lithotypes are dominated by vitrinite (>80%), with minor inertinite (avg. 12%) and minor liptinite. Duller lithotypes contain greater amounts of inertinite (up to 40%) and liptinite (primarily sporinite). Mineral matter consists of epigenetic pyrite, with lesser amounts of clay and quartz. Cabonates are common in the Chimney Corner seams. Elemental composition of the seams is similar to other Canadian coals and fall within world coal ranges, with the exception of high concentrations of Cl, Zn, Ni, Mo, Pb, Cu and As.Depositional environment of the seams as indicated by maceral composition, lithotypes and geology suggest a predominance of wet forest to reed moor conditions, in a fluvial-lacustrine setting. Periodic episodes of flooding and drying are indicated by lithotype, maceral and mineral variations.  相似文献   

Nine rock samples from three Jurassic stratigraphic units of a shallow core from NW Germany were analyzed by pyrolysis-gas chromatography. The units contain a mixed Type-II/III kerogen (Dogger-α), a hydrogen-rich Type-II kerogen (Lias-), and a hydrogen-poor Type-III kerogen (Lias-δ). All of the kerogen was immature (Ro = 0.5%). Two sets of kerogen concentrates (“AD”: HCl/HF followed by a density separation, and “A”: only acid treatment) prepared from the rock samples were also analyzed to make a detailed comparison of the pyrolysates of rock and corresponding kerogen-concentrates.Hydrogen-index (HI) values of the kerogen concentrates prepared from organic-carbon poor rock were nearly 200% higher than HI values of the rock samples. Changes in HI were minimal for the samples containing Type-II kerogen. The A and AD samples from the Corg-poor rock yielded pyrolysates with n-alkane series of very different molecular lengths. Pyrograms of the rock samples had n-alkane series extending to n-C14; the chromatograms of the A samples reached the n-C14-nC20 range. The AD samples from Corg-poor rock and all three sample types from the Corg-rich rock had n-alkane series up to n-C29. The benzene/hexane and toluene/heptane ratios for the Corg-poor rock and A samples were far higher than for the AD samples, which had ratios similar to those of all three sample types from the Corg-rich rocks. These results indicate that choice of kerogen preparation method is critical when Corg-poor samples are analyzed.  相似文献   

Rapid sea floor spreading has taken place over the last 8 Myr behind the South Sandwich island arc, producing a regular set of magnetic lineations. Suites of fresh basalts have been dredged from four widely separated localities along the spreading axis. Dredges 20 and 23 yielded sub-alkaline olivine tholeiites, dredge 22 recovered vesicular tholeiites with minor normative olivine, while dredge 24 contained a fractionated suite of highly vesicular quartz-normative basalts with higher FeMg. The concentrations of the incompatible elements Ti, P, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Y and the REE increase systematically from dredge 24 through dredges 22 and 20 to dredge 23 and there is a comparable increase in CeNYbN. Quantitative modelling suggests that all the basalts can be derived from an essentially similar mantle source (with respect to these elements) through varying degrees of partial melting, but involving some residual clinopyroxene. Basalts from dredge 24 have unusually low concentrations of Ti, P, Zr, Nb, Y, REE and Ni, similar to the values in arc tholeiites, and the more primitive dredge 24 liquids seem to have been generated through high degrees of partial melting (~ 30%) leaving a dunitic residue. Transitional arc tholeiite characteristics are also apparent in the relatively high K, Rb, Ba contents and 87Sr86Sr ratios of dredge 24 and 22 basalts, though Nd isotope ratios are uniform. It is considered that fluids derived from the dehydrating subducted slab may have locally penetrated the source regions of the back-arc basalts, carrying K, Rb, Ba and seawater-enriched 87Sr, and producing conditions of magma generation similar to that of arc tholeiites. However, it is unlikely that the sources for these and other marginal basin basalts differ fundamentally from the range of mantle sources feeding normal mid-ocean ridges.  相似文献   

Lignin oxidation products and stable carbon isotope distributions are used to investigate the sources, transport, and chemical stability of land-derived organic matter in dated cores of modern sediment from the southern Washington State continental shelf and slope. There is no evidence for significant chemical alteration of lignin compounds in these sediments for time periods of up to 400 yr. Gymnosperm woods and nonwoody angiosperm tissues account for most of the land-derived organic matter in the deposits. These land plant remains have an average δ13C of approximately ?25.5% and are concentrated in a narrow band of silty sediment which extends northward from the Columbia River mouth along the mid-shelf. Marine organic matter having an approximate δ13C of ?21.5%, strongly predominates in most other shelf and slope environments. Net fluxes of land-derived organic matter into the surface 5 cm of the cores vary directly with sediment accumulation rates. Net fluxes of marine organic material into the surface sediments are highest in environments which favor the preservation of organic matter, but correspond to less than 1% of the primary productivity in the overlying waters.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven samples from the Swartruggens and Star Group II kimberlite dyke swarms, emplaced through the Kaapvaal craton, have been analysed for their major and trace element and Sr, Nd and Hf isotope compositions. The samples are all MgO-rich (~12–35 wt%) with high Mg# (0.72–0.90) and Ni (~610–2700 ppm) contents. The kimberlites are strongly enriched in incompatible elements (Zr = 140–668 ppm; La = 124–300 ppm; Nb = 68–227 ppm; Ba = 1500–7000), and have high and variable chondrite normalised La/Yb ratios (Swartruggens = 94 ± 21; Star = 202 ± 36). 87Sr/86Sr (0.70718–0.71050) ratios are elevated, whereas εNd (−11.95 to −7.84) and 176Hf/177Hf ratios (0.282160–0.282564) are low. Inter- and intra-dyke compositional variation is significant, and there are systematic differences between the kimberlites found at the two localities. Intra-locality differences can largely be attributed to a combination of the effects of alteration, crustal contamination, macrocryst entrainment and phenocryst fractionation. There is some evidence for distinct parental magmas formed through variable and low degrees (0.5–2%) of partial melting, as illustrated by crossing rare earth element patterns. The Star kimberlites have derived from a less radiogenic source, with higher LREE enrichment than the Swartruggens kimberlites. Inferred primary magmas at each locality have high Mg# (~0.83), are Ni-rich (850–1220 ppm) and are strongly enriched in incompatible elements. Calculated mantle source compositions are strongly enriched in incompatible elements (La/Ybn ~ 10–50), but refractory in terms of Mg# and Ni contents. Incompatible element ratios such as Ba/Nb (>13.5), La/Nb (> 1.1) and Ce/Pb (< 22) are unlike those characteristic of Group I kimberlites or ocean island basalts, but indistinguishable from calc-alkaline magmas. Taken together with extremely low εNd and εHf, these compositional characteristics are used to argue for derivation of these Group II kimberlite magmas from the deep subcontinental lithospheric mantle, metasomatised during the Proterozoic by calc-alkaline fluids/melts.  相似文献   

The Permanente terrane, part of the Franciscan accretionary complex of California, contains an unusual fault-bounded packet bearing lithic-volcanic sandstones and conglomerates. Based on petrographical, sedimentological, stratigraphical and geochemical studies, it is concluded that these rocks were deposited on the flank of an oceanic rise or plateau by sediment gravity flows probably below the carbonate compensation depth. The bulk geochemistry of the sandstones is similar to the chemistry of greenstones in the Permanente terrane, suggesting that the greenstones or rocks similar to them represent the source of the lithic-volcanic sandstones, and that the sandstones geochemically ‘remember’ the chemistry of their source rocks. This ‘sedimental memory’ is impressive: geochemical variation in the sandstones is co-linear with presumable magmatic variation trends in the greenstones. Sandstone geochemistry, plotted on Zr/Y vs. Y and V vs. Ti diagrams, shows that compositions occupy similar fields as greenstones in the Permanente terrane and oceanic crustal compositions in general. Because oceanic crustal sequences can become accreted to continental margins, oceanic crust should be considered a potential source of sediment, especially in continental margin settings. However, differentiating sandstones derived from oceanic arcs and from oceanic crust is extremely difficult unless discriminating geochemical criteria are used.  相似文献   

Lead isotopic ages were determined for seven localities of gneissic granite and granodiorite from the Pilbara Region of Western Australia. For four of the localities Rb-Sr ages were also measured. In the lead isotopic system all localities showed some evidence of post-emplacement disturbance; lead redistribution varied from very slight effects to complete equilibration of K-feldspars during metamorphism. In one case, lead and Rb-Sr ages agreed within experimental error; in two cases, Rb-Sr mineral ages were younger than Pb-Pb ages, and in one case, the Rb-Sr age was intermediate between the primary and metamorphic ages recorded by the Pb isotopic system.Four localities show evidence of metamorphism at 2950 my. It is suggested that this represents the time of formation of the granite dome structures in the southeastern Pilbara. At least two of these localities were also affected by post-tectonic metamorphism (2600–2770 my). The other three localities show a more extended history of events starting at about 2900 my and ending between 2000 and 2250 my. The younger metamorphic ages are interpreted to record a thermal event at the time of outpouring of the Proterozoic Fortescue Group which formerly overlay the Archaean rocks.  相似文献   

Twenty-five drinking water samples collected from the household property and from the Sydney Regional Municipality well bores and lakes were analyzed to evaluate the various inorganic parameters, level of concentrations of the priority elements and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The pH of the majority of the water samples was below the guidelines adopted by Health and Welfare Canada (1996), although the drinking waters supplied by the Sydney Regional Municipality were within the guidelines. Only three water samples (13 and 14: Point Aconi area and 16: Port Morien fish plant) have elevated concentrations of various PAHs compared to the detection limit. Eight samples have higher concentrations of manganese and two samples (number 7: Sydney Airport and number 1: RCMP Office; Reserve Mines) have higher concentrations of priority elements (especially lead) than the recommended guidelines (>0.05 mg/l). These priority elements and the PAHs in the drinking water samples may have originated from the leaching of the individual coal seams within that part of the Sydney Basin. Other potential sources of these elements and PAHs (Power Plant disposal, Sydney Tar Pond, metalliferous rocks, hydrocarbon reservoir rocks) are not located close enough to the sampling sites of the water samples. Therefore, they are not considered the source of these elements and PAHs.  相似文献   

The Posht-e-Badam Block in Central Iran likely formed part of the Neoproterozoic Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS). However, its Phanerozoic history is not well constrained. Zircon UPb ages, Hf isotopic compositions and whole-rock geochemistry of igneous rocks from the Bafq district were determined to constrain their source and tectonomagmatic evolution. Two magmatic cycles are identified; early Paleozoic events associated with the Cadomian Orogeny resulting from Proto-Tethys subduction beneath the northern margin of Gondwana, and Cenozoic volcanism related to the Alpine-Himalayan Orogeny and closure of Neo-Tethys. The main plutonic and volcanic rocks record early Cambrian ages. The Zarigan, Narigan and Chahcholeh granitoids, volcanic rocks of the lower Cambrian volcano-sedimentary unit (CVSU) and the Zarigan gabbro have remarkably similar ages of 536 to 528 Ma. The Zarigan and Chahcholeh granitoids and volcanic rocks of the CVSU have positive εHf(t) values of 1.4 to 9.3, with Hf model ages (Hf-TDMc) of 715–1034 Ma. They are mostly A2-types, although some samples show affinity to A1- and I-types, suggesting an asthenospheric mantle source, modified by various amounts of crustal assimilation. The Narigan granite records εHf(t) values of −3.8 - 3.1, with Hf-TDMc of 970 to 1255 Ma and displays I-type characteristics, formed through mixing of mantle-derived melts with predominantly Neoproterozoic crust. All rocks were generated in a post-collisional setting. The Esfordy syenite and mafic dikes are younger and essentially coeval, with weighted mean ages of 457 ± 5 Ma and 451–448 Ma, respectively. The Esfordy syenite has A1-type characteristics, indicating possible derivation in an intraplate rift environment and was likely plume-related. The mafic dikes have OIB-like characteristics. Mafic rocks related to closure of Neo-Tethys include the ca. 23 Ma Bahabad diorite that records εHf(t) values of −16.8 to 10.1 (Hf-TDMc = 241–283 Ma) and an OIB-like signature, indicating assimilation of crustal material by asthenospheric mantle-derived melt.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地上、下古生界地层包裹体气体与气藏中气体地球化学性质对比表明:上古生界气藏中气体与包裹体中气体地球化学性质相似,气藏中气体的地球化学性质能代表成藏初期气体的原始特征;而下古生界气藏中气体与包裹体中气体的地球化学性质差别很大,下古生界气藏中的气体与下古生界源岩模拟生成气体也有非常大的差别。因此,下古生界气藏中的气体不能代表来自下古生界源岩产生天然气。结合前人关于奥陶系源岩的模拟生成天然气、包裹体中气体以及靖边气田天然气的地球化学特征,提出来源于奥陶系的天然气应具有δ13C1<-38‰、δ13C2<-28‰的特征。下古生界地层包裹体中气体与气藏中气体地球化学性质对比表明,下古生界气田天然气乙烷碳同位素的变化范围也比甲烷碳同位素的变化范围大很多,乙烷碳同位素不适合作为判断靖边气田天然气来源的标准。在此基础上,以上古生界天然气甲烷碳同位素的平均值(-32.90‰)与下古生界δ13C1<-38‰天然气甲烷碳同位素的平均值(-39.04‰)分别作为上、下古生界来源天然气甲烷碳同位素的界限值,通过简单计算认为靖边气田大约85%的天然气来源于上古生界煤系。  相似文献   

广泛分布于中国西南川、滇、黔三省的峨眉山玄武岩是我国最早被国际认可的大火成岩省,受到了国内外学者的广泛关注.前人对大火成岩省西区玄武岩已达成多项共识,而对东区玄武岩的岩石组合、火山活动时限、岩石成因等方面还存在诸多争议.本文以峨眉山大火成岩省东区贵州普安玄武岩系为研究对象,通过解析典型剖面,明确该区玄武岩系岩石类型从底...  相似文献   

谢玉芝  汪洋 《地质论评》2023,69(1):2023010010-2023010010
岩石与矿物的地球化学成分数据具有高维度特征。传统的岩矿地球化学成分研究主要采用二元/三元图解判别法,准确率不高,在数理统计方法上有欠缺。机器学习方法非常适用于对大样本高维度的岩矿成分数据进行数理统计处理。本文在介绍机器学习常见算法基本原理的基础上,总结近5年来国内外学者将机器学习方法应用于岩石矿物成分数据研究的实例,包括:① 根据矿物成分溯源其母岩(源岩)、判别矿床类型,② 新生代火山岩溯源,③ 判别变质岩原岩,④ 依据岩浆岩成分判别大地构造环境等。已有的研究实例显示,机器学习方法的准确度明显优于传统的低维度判别法。机器学习本质是分析大样本数据的高维度变量之间的相关、归类等多元统计问题。推广机器学习的应用需要建设开放获取(Open Access)的矿物、岩石成分数据库,同时全面实施开放研究(Open Research)的发表策略。  相似文献   

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