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Geophysical studies in recent volcanic zones of both Martinique and Guadeloupe have permitted either to bring to light or to precise the contribution of certain factors to the activities of these regions: pluviometric influence, presence of high temperature (135°C) in solfataric activities of the Guadeloupe, influence of the physico-chemical composition of the magma on the evolution of surface activities. C14 dating allows the epoque of the last important volcanic activity in the Guadeloupe to be determined. Results concerning the correlation of high seismicity connected with volcanic activities in the Guadeloupe are presented. Earthquake swarms (200 to 300 shocks) occur, on the average, every year.  相似文献   

Résumé On fait une application particulière de la théorie de la corrélation et de la régression pour l'interprétation des données résultant d'une prospection magnétique. Est déterminée, en premier lieu, la corrélation multiple entre l'intensité de la composante verticale du champ magnétique, la teneur en Fe et la profondeur d'un complexe porteur de minéralisations de fer. Le seconde partie de l'ouvrage présente un modèle d'estimation du contenu de fer et du volume de complexe minéralisé sur la base des courbes de régression déterminées. Dans la troisième partie du travail est effectué un calcul des erreurs d'appréciation de la qualité et de la quantité des réserves.  相似文献   

Rigaud  P. 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1973,106(1):1219-1225
Pure and Applied Geophysics - The aim of the experiment is the measurement of the variation of the ozone content of the mesosphere and upper stratosphere during the night and at sunrise. We have...  相似文献   

We have carried out a series of recordings reproducing the small scale structures of temperature and windspeed within the boundary layer. The results obtained have been processed by computer and a direct comparison made between the slope of the spectral density functions and the theoretical slopen=5/3 defining the turbulence in the region of the inertial subrange.The measurements made at various altitudes on thin atmospheric samples demonstrate the variability of the spectral density slope with altitude. The hypotheses put forward by A. M. Obukhov, R. Bolgiano, G. H. Shur, P. Misme, A. Monin or S. Panchev, for example, enable the spectral variations and certain discontinuities in the turbulence observed during the experiments, within and beyond the boundary layer, to be explained.

Offshore seismic refraction profiles permitted us to characterize the extent of the geological formations which prolong the principal units of the Provence and Alpes Maritimes southwards and to establish their respective relationships. The concept of a “Var graben” is confirmed and defined. A magma chamber, probably in relation with the volcanic deposits of the Cap d'Ail, has been disclosed and coincides with the positive magnetic anomaly observed in this area.  相似文献   

The radio-magnetotelluric method (Radio-MT) can be operated in water tanks to an adaptation of the electric field transducer. Measurements are very easy to carry out: the set of transducers (electric and magnetic field transducers) is towed on a raft behind a boat. The small dimension of the system makes it possible to perform resistivity profiling across rivers and thus to assess lateral variations of the underground proprieties across the watercourse with a better accuracy than is possible with the direct current prospecting method where the total length of the measurement array is over about 200 m. With the latter method only profiles parallel to the watercourse are possible if the river is not wider than a few hundred metres. This means that the two methods are complementary.We have performed several experiments and survey campaigns with this new method. With one of them, we have compared the resistivity results obtained by both methods along a 7 km long profile. The second survey campaign has helped to understand the geological structure of the surroundings of a river across which a dam construction is planned. Lastly, we have carried out resistivity measurements along the same profile, some 50 m long, three times, in a lake with three different water depths: dry lake, and waterdepths of 30 cm and 1 m. With this comparison we have been able to experimentally confirm the theoretical modelling of the effect of water on the Radio-MT resistivity measurements.The applications of Radio-MT in water are the same as those of DC prospecting: geological surveying and survey of the sediment on the water floor (mud, sands and gravels). Of course, unlike DC resistivity prospecting, Radio-MT cannot be used at sea where the skin depth of the electromagnetic waves is too small.


La radio-magnétotellurique (Radio-MT) peut être mise en œuvre dans l'eau grâce à l'adaptation du capteur de champ électrique. Les mesures sont très simples: il suffit de remorquer l'ensemble des deux capteurs (de champ électrique et de champ magnétique) sur un flotteur derrière un bateau. Le faible encombrement du matériel permet de réaliser des profils de résistivité apparente en travers des cours d'eau et donc d'évaluer, avec une meilleure précision qu'en prospection électrique par courant continu, les variations des propriétés du sous-sol en travers de la rivière. En effet, en courant continu la longueur totale d'un dispositif est au minimum de 200 m et seuls les profils en long sont possibles si le cours d'eau étudié a une largeur inférieure à quelques centaines de mètres. En revanche, en Radio-MT, les sondages ne sont pas possibles, ce qui rend les deux méthodes complémentaires.Nous avons effectué plusieurs expérimentations et campagnes de reconnaissance avec cette nouvelle méthode: L'une a consisté à comparer le long d'un profil de 7 km les mesures obtenues avec les deux méthodes. La deuxième campagne de reconnaissance a aidé à comprendre la structure géologique détaillée dans l'environnement d'une riviére où la construction d'un barrage est projetée. Enfin, nous avons réalisé trois fois le même profil de 50 m de long sur un lac avec trois profondeurs d'eau différentes: lac à sec, 30 cm et 1 m d'eau environ. Nous avons pu ainsi confirmer expérimentalement les résultats de la modélisation théorique concernant l'effet de la couche d'eau sur les mesures.Les applications de la Radio-MT en site aquatique sont les mêmes que celles de la prospection électrique par courant continu: reconnaissance géologique, étude du sédiment formant le fond des cours d'eau (vase, sables, graviers). Naturellement, contrairement au courant continu, la Radio-MT n'est pas applicable en mer où la profondeur de pénétration des ondes électromagétiques est trop faible.  相似文献   

Resume Une campagne de mesures de contraintes a eu lieu en 1983 au voisinage de l'Etna. Ces mesures, effectuées par une technique de surcarottage au fond de forages peu profonds (5 à 6 mètres), montrent un changement radical du régime des contraintes entre la région au Sud de l'Etna et le pied du versant Nord de l'edifice volcanique.
An in-situ rock stress survey was carried out in the Etna region in 1983. Measurements made with the overcoring technique at the bottom of shallow (5–6 m deep) boroholes have shown a strong variation in stress field between the region on the South of Etna and the zone at the northern foot of the volcano.

Some turbiditic measures carried out by a limnological diffusiometer along with the physico-chemical determinations of the Lake of Neuchatel have permitted to subdivide the water column in 4 distinct layers: the Epilimnium, the Clear Water Layer, the Pelagic Nepheloid Layer and the Benthic Nepheloid Layer.   相似文献   

Summary Thirty years ago, when no easy and efficient process of sounding could reveal them the true depth of a glacier,C. Somigliana tried to help the glaciologist with a formula giving them the maximal thickness of any transverse section. Requisites were: breadth, maximal velocity, slope and coefficient of internal friction to be known. Commanding condition: no gliding of the ice on the glacier-bed. Numerous recent soundings of Swiss ice-streams did afford the opportunity of verifying the pertinency of the formula. Therefore the writer selected sixteen of the most reliable soundings and reckoned the values of the coefficient of viscosity . The results have been deceptive: if however the mean value of differs not much from 1014 CGS usually accepted (afterLagally), the divergencies are very great, extending from less than the half to almost the double (The same is been shown for the recent formulae ofHaefeli andKoechlin). Therefore no secure number can be derived for the required depth. The condition of no gliding is mostly not realized and the are therefore lessened. If however the real value of for the ice can ever be ascertained it will be possible to reckon the velocity of the up to now unmeasured gliding of the ice on the bed.  相似文献   

After recalling briefly the major geological characters of the Nepal Himalayas and the global evolution of the Himalayan chain we stress the importance of three dominant and remarkably constant tectonic features in this chain: (1) a huge overthrust is seen everywhere to entail a visible throw of more than 100 km; (2) a shallow dipping cleavage develops over an observable thickness in excess of 15 km; and (3) in the underthrusting slab the stretching lineation keeps a similar direction constantly perpendicular to the local trend of the chain.We suggest that these features, especially the cleavage, can be explained in terms of a simple mechanical model, namely simple shear on a crustal scale. This clearcut case could be used as a model for the origin of flattish cleavages in many orogens. After discussing other modes of formation for such cleavages (diapiric intrusion, extension) we show that the Himalayan model could apply to other chains.  相似文献   

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