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Inka  Dor Aline  Ehruch 《Marine Ecology》1987,8(2):193-205
Abstract. Several species of cyanobacteria, diatoms and one euglenid alga populated the littoral zone of hypersaline solar ponds investigated over a period of three years. The composition of the microalgae community changed with salinity and temperature. In the shallow marginal zone the diatoms predominated in winter and spring, at salinities of 30–72 g-1-1 and at temperatures not exceeding 30o°C, whereas in summer, cyanobacteria were the most abundant. In the deeper zone, at higher salinities and temperatures, cyanobacteria predominated throughout the year. The depth limit of algal growth was 60-80cm, where salinity and temperature exceeded 211 g-1-1 and 48°C.
The most euryhaline and eurythermal among cyanobacteria were Aphanolhece halophytica F remy and Phormidium hypolimneticum C ampbell , among diatoms Nitzschia sp. aff. N. rostellata H ustedt , Amphora coffeaeformis (A gardh ) K utzing , and Navicula massadaea E hrlich .  相似文献   

Lagoa de Araruama in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is a hypersaline coastal lagoon as a result of semi-arid climate conditions, a small drainage basin and a choked entrance channel. The lagoon has been continuously hypersaline for at least 4·5 centuries, but the mean salinity has varied substantially. It has recently decreased from 57 to 52 as indicated by density (salinity) measurements between 1965 and 1990.Analysis of more than 20 years of salinity time series data, in addition to monthly lagoon cruises to measure the spatial salinity distribution, indicate that the lagoon salinity largely fluctuates in response to the difference between evaporation and precipitation. The major factor explaining the long-term trend of decreasing salinity in the lagoon is the constant pumping of 1 m3s−1of freshwater to the communities surrounding the lagoon from an adjacent watershed, and subsequent discharge of this water into Lagoa de Araruama. The net salt budget is primarily a balance between the advective import of salt from the coastal ocean and eddy diffusive export of salt to the ocean, although the extensive mining of salt from the lagoon during past decades is also a small but significant contribution to the salt budget. The flushing half-life is proposed as a useful time scale of water exchange, is calculated based on a combination of hydrological and tidal processes, and is excellent for comparison of lagoons and assessing water quality changes. The flushing half-life measures 83·5 days for Lagoa de Araruama, considerably longer than for most other coastal lagoons. The proposed dredging of a second ocean channel to Lagoa de Araruama is probably not a good idea. It is likely to accelerate the decrease of lagoon salinity and somewhat improve the lagoon water exchange. At the same time, this will eliminate the apparent buffering capacity provided by the hypersaline environment, and thus may potentially cause water quality problems.  相似文献   

根据2012年9月在杭州湾口门中部外侧海域岱衢洋主槽内获得的包括大、中、小潮的垂向流速和悬浮泥沙观测资料,利用机制分解方法计算了岱衢洋的水沙输移通量等特征,分析并讨论了各个输沙项对总输沙量的贡献,解释了杭州湾水沙进出外海的输运机制。研究结果表明:研究区域单宽涨潮量大潮为小潮的2.3倍,单宽落潮量大潮为小潮的1.6倍。从小潮到大潮的余流和单宽净输水量由向海变为向陆;单宽涨潮输沙量大潮为小潮的4.5倍,单宽落潮输沙量大潮为小潮的2.7倍。单宽输沙量表现为小潮和中潮向海,大潮向陆的特点,大潮单宽净输沙量约为小潮和中潮的2倍;在各输沙项中,平流输沙主要来自水体净输移(拉格朗日余流决定)对悬沙输移的贡献,平流输沙方向小潮向海,中潮和大潮向陆,其中大潮和小潮时平流输沙在各项中贡献率最大;潮泵输沙小潮和中潮向海,大潮输沙向陆,中潮时潮泵输沙贡献率在各项中贡献率最大;垂向净环流输沙方向均向陆,大中小潮悬沙含量的垂向的差异是导致小潮垂向净环流输沙量大,大潮输沙量小的主要原因;杭州湾中部通过岱衢洋通道与外海泥沙交换的主要形式是大进大出、反复搬运,而在一个完整的半月周期内外海泥沙净进杭州湾的量相对较小。  相似文献   

Physico-chemical properties in the brine and under-ice water were measured in Saroma-ko Lagoon on the northeastern coast of Hokkaido, Japan, which is connected to the Sea of Okhotsk, during the period from mid-February through mid-March 2006. The brine within brine channels of the sea ice was collected with a new sampling method examined in this study. Salinity, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA), dissolved oxygen (DO), nutrients and oxygen isotopic ratio (δ18O) contained in the brine within brine channels of the sea ice and in the under-ice water varied largely in both time and space during the ice melt period, when discharge from Saromabetsu River located on the southeast of the lagoon increased markedly due to the onset of snow melting. The under-ice plume expands as far as 4.5 km from the river mouth at mid-March 2006, transporting chemical components supplied from the river into the lagoon. The under-ice river water was likely transported into the sea ice through well-developed brine channels in the sea ice due to upward flushing of water through brine channels occurred by loading of snowfalls deposited over the sea ice. These results suggest that the river water plume plays an important role in supplying chemical components into the sea ice, which may be a key process influencing the biogeochemical cycle in the seasonally ice-covered Saroma-ko Lagoon.  相似文献   

Thirty-one surficial sediment samples were collected from the floor of Izmit Bay with a grab onboard the R/V Bilim in summer 1987 and analysed for their grain size, total carbonate, and organic carbon distribution.Low calcareous-terrigenous mud (2–45% CaCO3) with a relatively high silt percentage was the principal sediment type found on the floor of Izmit Bay. Sediments rich in sand and gravel usually occur in the narrow and shoal areas of the bay, where biogenic and topography-related hydrodynamic conditions are dominant factors controlling the nature of bottom deposits. The carbonates are made up almost entirely of the remains of calcareous organisms. Organic carbon concentrations of the sediments (0·35-1·62%) are probably associated with the high primary production rates in this region. Thus, the rates of sedimentation in the Izmit Bay calculated from the organic carbon and primary productivity data are estimated to be up to 70 cm/1000 years.  相似文献   

The accumulation and retention of 241Am by the pelagic tunicate Oikopleura dioica were examined using laboratory cultures and radiotracer methodology. Animals (i.e., trunks and tails) and discarded empty houses accumulated Am from seawater, giving volume/volume concentration factors of 59±8 and 10±1, respectively. The half-time for retention of Am in empty labelled houses transferred to non-contaminated seawater was 29 h; the retention half-time of Am in houses discarded by larvaceans feeding on Am-labelled diatoms was 219 h; the half-time of Am in fecal pellets produced by animals feeding on a monospecific diet of diatoms was 134 h, and 247 h for fecal pellets from animals fed a mixed diet. Approximately 30% of filtered cells remained in houses after the houses were discarded. Sinking rates of discarded houses and fecal pellets were found to vary with temperature and size, ranging from 26–157 m day?1 (house) and from 25–166 m day?1 (fecal pellets). The ubiquity and abundance of appendicularians, together with their prodigious production of houses (e.g., 10±2 houses day?1 at 17°C for each experimental animal) point to their potential significance in the vertical transport of Am, and probably other reactive metals, to intermediate depths in the ocean.  相似文献   

南极周边海域沉积物中的有机碳和氮元素地球化学特征对于深入研究全球碳循环和海洋生态环境演变具有重要意义。本文对取自南极罗斯海的RBA08C柱状样沉积物进行了有机碳和氮元素地球化学特征分析。结果表明:RBA08C柱样中TOC含量在顶部0~12cm呈现随柱深增加而降低的趋势, 自12cm以深含量总体相对稳定; TN总体具有与TOC相同的变化趋势, 两者含量变化呈现较强正相关性, 说明可能具有相同来源; 沉积物TOC/TN比值和δ13C值揭示RBA08C柱样有机质主要为海洋生源沉积, 其含量变化应主要受控于上层水体生产力、沉积速率和氧化还原环境等因素的共同作用; RBA08C柱样的TOC埋藏率约为50%, 与位于普里兹湾埃默里冰架边缘的IS-4站柱样相同, 加之较为相近的TOC和TN含量及变化趋势, 表明两者可能具有相近的沉积速率, 其所在的海区是南极海域较重要的碳循环和碳储区。  相似文献   

分析了浙江南部近海(东海陆架泥质区)沉积物柱状样中游离态和碱不稳定结合态脂类生物标志物的组成.沉积物中的脂肪酸呈现以C16脂肪酸为主峰的单峰形分布趋势,具明显偶碳优势,除表层沉积物中脂肪酸以游离态为主外,结合态为柱状样中脂肪酸的主要存在形态,脂肪酸的垂直分布主要由降解作用控制;以甾醇和脂肪醇为主体的醇酮组分主要以游离态...  相似文献   

在渤海选用了82个强天气过程,利用三维模式模拟了海区的天文-风暴潮,模式经实测资料检验,获得了较满意的模拟结果。根据渤海沿岸主要验潮站观测年极值高(低)水位和年极值风增(减)水所得到的多年一遇高(低)水位和多年一遇风增(减)水,以及天文最高(最低)潮位,建立了由多年一遇风增(减)水和天文最高(最低)潮位的线性组合计算多年一遇高(低)水位的计算公式,并以此公式推算了渤海海区5个典型地区的多年一遇高(低)水位,供海洋工程设计时使用。  相似文献   

综合运用 SEDEX化学法、ASPILA化学法和 XRF仪器分析法 ,对在东海赤潮多发区花鸟山外海域采集的柱状沉积物进行了总磷及其不同形态磷含量的系统分析。研究表明 ,总磷及其不同形态磷在沉积柱垂向上的分布有一定的变化规律。在采样深度范围内 ,总磷 (TP)、有机磷 (OP)和铁结合态磷 (Fe - P)的含量自下而上增高 ,而吸附态磷 (Ad - P)、自生钙结合态磷 (Ca- P)与碎屑态磷 (De- P)的含量向上递减。样品柱具有较均匀的粒度及矿物、化学组成 ,基本可以排除沉积物质来源和沉积环境变化对沉积物中磷含量的影响 ,而且也不能仅仅用早期成岩作用来解释磷的上述行为。不同形态磷在柱状沉积物中的分布规律 ,在一定程度上反映了近年来陆源区环境污染加剧的趋势。  相似文献   

李鹏  杨世伦 《海洋与湖沼》2014,45(1):126-133
为研究潮间带和潮下带的水、沙、盐交换,于2006年6月25~28日(夏季大潮)和2006年12月29日~2007年1月4日(冬季中-大潮和小潮)在长江口九段沙一典型潮沟的固定点利用OBS-3A和ADP-XR进行了水深、浊度、盐度、流速流向剖面和回声强度观测。结果和结论为:(1)夏季大潮、冬季中-大潮、冬季小潮的潮周期垂向平均流速分别为26.5、15.9和8.4 cm/s,夏、冬季观测到的最大流速分别为84 cm/s和35 cm/s。(2)夏季盐度变化范围为0.65~4.91,平均盐度2.14;冬季盐度变化范围为3.5~10.3,中-大潮和小潮平均盐度分别为6.26和7.98。(3)高悬沙浓度出现在涨潮初期和部分落潮末期的低水位阶段;涨潮阶段的平均悬沙浓度是落潮阶段的1.11~7.0倍。(4)涨、落潮阶段的水体和盐输运量大体上趋于平衡;(5)无论是冬夏季或大小潮,潮沟在潮周期内的净输沙方向均指向陆,即落潮输沙量小于涨潮输沙量(平均小40%);平均每个潮周期的净输沙量为6102 kg,结合潮盆面积推算的潮周期沉积速率为0.0112 mm/tide,或8.2 mm/a。  相似文献   

The <2 μm fraction of 45 sediment samples from the Elbe and Weser rivers and from the southeastern North Sea (German Bight) was analyzed for its contents of clay minerals and selected chemical elements. This was done to provide new information to the controversial question about the origin and distribution of clays in this near-shore marine region. The proportions of smectite, chlorite, illite and kaolinite were determined from intensities of the (001) basal reflection of the XRD pattern using weighted integrated factors and IR-mineral spectra, which were fitted to the values of the chemical analyses. Illite – the major clay mineral – was characterized by its K/Rb ratios and K-Ar ages. Anthropogenic metal contamination was demonstrated by the Cu, Pb and Zn contents.  相似文献   

This study investigated the interpretation and level of support of government regulations in Bahía de Kino, Sonora, one of the most important fishing communities in terms of diving extraction of benthic resources in the Northern Gulf of California. Research was conducted from April to August 2007, focusing on the small-scale fisheries sector of commercial divers. Information on fishers’ awareness of current policies, fishers’ attitudes concerning different aspects of fisheries regulation, and fishers' suggestions on how their fisheries should be managed, was gathered through structured interviews (including open and closed-ended questions), informal talks and participant observation. Results provide further evidence supporting the need for formally recognizing the fishers as key stakeholders in local fisheries, and for working cooperatively towards the design of management strategies and regulations that provide better stimulus for resource stewardship and discourage overfishing. Very importantly, this study suggests that there is strong support from resource users for implementing regulatory measures for local fisheries. Results could be used as a preliminary baseline to initiate the discussion among fishery stakeholders towards the development of species-specific management plans for the area, as required by the recently enacted fisheries act in Mexico, the “Ley General de Pesca y Acuacultura Sustentables”.  相似文献   

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