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A series of branched alkylbenzene ranging from C15 to C19 with several isomers (2–5) at each carbon number were identified in sediments from the Dongsheng sedimentary uranium ore deposits, Ordos Basin, China. The distribution patterns of the branched alkylbenzenes show significant differences in the sample extracts. The branched alkylbenzenes from organic-rich argillites and coals range from C15 to C19 homologues, in which the C17 or C18 dominated. On the other hand, the C19 branched alkylbenzenes dominated in the sandstone/siltstone extracts. The obvious differences of the branched alkylbenzene distributions between the uranium-host sandstones/siltstones and the interbedded barren organic-rich mudstones/coals probably indicate their potential use as biological markers associated with particular depositional environments and/or maturity diagenetic processes. Possible origins for these branched alkylbenzenes include interaction of simple aromatic compounds with, or cyclization and aromatization reactions of, these linear lipid precursors such as fatty acids, methyl alkanoates, wax esters or alkanes/alkenes that occur naturally in carbonaceous sediments. The possible simple aromatic compounds may include substituted benzenes, functionalized compounds such as phenols that are bound to kerogen at the benzyl position, and phenols that are decomposition products derived from aquatic and terrestrial sources. The distributions of methyl alkanoates and n-alkanes were found to be different between organic-rich mudstone/coal and sandstone/siltstone. From this result, it can be concluded that such differences of the alkylbenzene distributions were mainly resulting from the differences of organic precursors, although maturity effect and radiolytic alteration cannot be completely excluded.  相似文献   

The Dongsheng sandstone-type uranium deposit is one of the large-sized sandstone-type uranium deposits discovered in the northern part of the Ordos Basin of China in recent years. Geochemical characteristics of the Dongsheng uranium deposit are significantly different from those of the typical interlayered oxidized sandstone-type uranium ore deposits in the region of Middle Asia. Fluid inclusion studies of the uranium deposit showed that the uranium ore-forming temperatures are within the range of 150–160℃. Their 3He/4He ratios are within the range of 0.02–1.00 R/Ra, about 5–40 times those of the crust. Their 40Ar/36Ar ratios vary from 584 to 1243, much higher than the values of atmospheric argon. The δ18OH2O and δD values of fluid inclusions from the uranium deposit are -3.0‰– -8.75‰ and -55.8‰– -71.3‰, respectively, reflecting the characteristics of mixed fluid of meteoric water and magmatic water. The δ18OH2O and δD values of kaolinite layer at the bottom of the uranium ore deposit are 6.1‰ and -77‰, respectively, showing the characteristics of magmatic water. The δ13CV-PDB and δ18OH2O values of calcite veins in uranium ores are -8.0‰ and 5.76‰, respectively, showing the characteristics of mantle source. Geochemical characteristics of fluid inclusions indicated that the ore-formation fluid for the Dongsheng uranium deposit was a mixed fluid of meteoric water and deep-source fluid from the crust. It was proposed that the Jurassic-Cretaceous U-rich metamorphic rocks and granites widespread in the northern uplift area of the Ordos Basin had been weathered and denudated and the ore-forming elements, mainly uranium, were transported by meteoric waters to the Dongsheng region, where uranium ores were formed. Tectonothermal events and magmatic activities in the Ordos Basin during the Mesozoic made fluids in the deep interior and oil/gas at shallow levels upwarp along the fault zone and activated fractures, filling into U-bearing clastic sandstones, thus providing necessary energy for the formation of uranium ores.  相似文献   

Groundwater processes and sedimentary uranium deposits   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
 Hydrologic processes are fundamental in the emplacement of all three major categories of sedimentary uranium deposits: syngenetic, syndiagenetic, and epigenetic. In each case, the basic sedimentary uranium-enrichment cycle involves: (1) leaching or erosion of uranium from a low-grade provenance; (2) transport of uranium by surface or groundwater flow; and (3) concentration of uranium by mechanical, geochemical, or physiochemical processes. Although surface flow was responsible for lower Precambrian uranium deposits, groundwater was the primary agent in upper Precambrian and Phanerozoic sedimentary uranium emplacement. Meteoric or more deeply derived groundwater flow transported uranium in solution through transmissive facies, generally sands and gravels, until it was precipitated under reducing conditions. Syndiagenetic uranium deposits are typically concentrated in reducing lacustrine and swamp environments, whereas epigenetic deposits accumulated along mineralization fronts or tabular boundaries. The role of groundwater is particularly well illustrated in the bedload fluvial systems of the South Texas uranium province. Upward migration of deep, reducing brines conditioned the host rock before oxidizing meteoric flow concentrated uranium and other secondary minerals. Interactions between uranium-transporting groundwater and the transmissive aquifer facies are also reflected in the uranium mineralization fronts in the lower Tertiary basins of Wyoming. Similar relationships are observed in the tabular uranium deposits of the Colorado Plateau. Received, May 1998 · Revised, July 1998 · Accepted, September 1998  相似文献   

我国西北地区层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿床中铀的赋存形式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国西北地区主要层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿床的贫矿石(U≤0.01%)中铀主要以分散形式,被砂岩填隙物中的粘土、褐铁矿等矿物,以及碎屑物和矿物的裂隙面等吸附,偶呈显微(μm级)、超显微状(<1μm)沥青铀矿(其次为铀石)。随着矿石铀品位的增高,其中呈铀矿物形式的铀的比例逐渐增大,在特高品位(U>1%)的矿石中,铀基本呈铀矿物(沥青铀矿,偶有铀石)形式产出。类质同象铀的份额极微,其可利用性缺乏实际意义。矿石中铀矿物主要赋存于矿化砂岩的填隙部位及碎屑物、矿物的孔隙或解理中,有时可交代碳屑、黄铁矿、绿泥石、黑云母等。由矿石中U4 /U6 含量比例推算原生铀矿物(沥青铀矿)的近似含氧系数变化范围为2.35~2.74,均值为2.49,与沉积、淋积铀矿床中的铀氧化物含氧系数相当,表明该类铀矿床生于常温条件下。极少数样品落入低温热水成因沥青铀矿的含氧系数范围(含氧系数低至2.35),表明个别地段可能出现低温热水铀成矿作用,推测可能受断裂构造热的影响。进而推测,特富矿石(U>1%)可能是源自深部、沿断裂上升的含铀低温热水叠造作用的产物,板状矿体便是深、浅部流体混合的证据之一。  相似文献   

The Turpan–Hami basin, covering an area of approximately 50,000 km2 in NW China, contains concealed sandstone-type U deposits in a Jurassic sequence of sandstone, mudstone and coal beds. Sampling of soil profiles over the Shihongtan concealed U deposit in this basin shows that fine-grained soil collected from the clay-rich horizon contains U concentrations three times higher than similar soils at background areas. Selective leaching studies of these soils show that U is mainly associated with clay minerals, which comprise from 17.9% to 40% (average 30.4%) of the total mineral content. This may indicate that U is converted to uranyl ions [UO2]2+ under oxidizing conditions and is sorbed on clay minerals to accumulate in anomalous concentrations. Fine-grained soil (<120 mesh, <0.125 mm) from the clay-rich horizon, generally occurring at a depth of 0–40 cm, is shown to be an effective sampling medium for deep-penetrating geochemical surveys. A wide-spaced geochemical survey at a density of approximately 1 site per 100 km2 was carried out throughout the whole basin using this sampling medium. Samples were analyzed for 30 elements by ICP-MS following a 4-acid extraction. Three large-scale geochemical anomalies of U and Mo were delineated over the whole basin. One of the anomalies is consistent with the known U deposit at Shihongtan in the western part of the basin. A new potential target in the eastern part of the basin was selected for a follow-up survey at a density of 1 sample per 4 km2. A drilling exploration programme at the center of the geochemical anomaly delineated by this follow-up survey discovered a new U deposit.  相似文献   

The characters of organic matter in rocks and ores in the Fankou and Dabaoshan deposits are systematically studied with regard to their implications for mineralization.The results show that kerogens in this area faaa mainly into the plutonism field in Van Krevelen‘s diagram.Reflectivity of the organic substance was measured to be 3.06%(Fankou)and 1.67%(Dabaoshan),corresponding to the paleo-geotemperatures of 232℃ and 184℃ respectively.The same types of porphyrins and hydrocarbons were recognized in the rocks and ores and hydrocarbon-bearing inclusions are widespread in quartz and calcite,particularly in Dabaoshan,It is thought that the orgain matter must have played a critical role in diagenesis and metallization in these deposits and that the hydrothermal solution was most likely to be the type of water-oil hot brine.  相似文献   

The author unites deposits, the material of which had been supplied as thermal solutions and deposited predominantly on the sea floor, under the name of thermal-sedimentary. It is assumed that the iron of such deposits had been extracted as Fe2+ from rocks by waters heated by the subterranian heat. The ferruginous precipitates producing thermal-sedimentary iron ores are formed, in the author's opinion, at discharge points of thermal solutions. Iron contained in them is precipitated as ferrihydrite (2.5Fe2O3·4.5H2O), which spontaneously transforms into hematite.
Zusammenfassung Der Autor faßt unter dem Begriff thermalsedimentär Lagerstätten zusammen, deren Stoffbestand in Thermallösungen zugeführt und hauptsächlich auf dem Meeresboden abgelagert wurde. Es wird angenommen, daß das Eisen derartiger Lagerstätten durch zirkulierende Wässer, die ihre Erwärmung dem unterirdischen Kreislauf verdanken, als Fe2+ aus den durchflossenen Gesteinen herausgelöst worden ist. Die eisenhaltigen Ablagerungen, die die thermal-sedimentären Eisenerze bilden, werden nach Ansicht des Autors an den Austrittsstellen der Thermallösungen gebildet. Das Eisen, das in ihnen enthalten ist, fällt als Ferrihydrit aus, welches unmittelbar in Hämatit übergeführt wird.

近年来以基准面旋回为参照面的高分辨率层序地层学迅速发展,其最大的优势在于能够适用于受多重因素控制的陆相沉积盆地,并有效提高层序地层分析的准确度和分辨率。基准面旋回原理也同样适用于砂岩型铀矿的勘探开发研究和实践,它控制了砂岩、泥岩的空间分布和岩石孔渗、封闭性能,决定了地层结构的叠加样式。文章以东胜铀矿床为例,分析了基准面旋回在砂岩型铀矿勘探开发中的应用。认为:基准面升降旋回中形成的砂、泥岩地层结构配置良好;长期基准面上升早期形成的辫状河河道砂岩具连通性好、粒度粗、碎屑含量高、杂基含量低及孔渗条件好等特点,是重要的含矿层。  相似文献   

Notwithstanding the current fashion which favours an epigenetic origin for what used to be termed SEDEX deposits, there are several lines of evidence to indicate that Phanerozoic base-metal orebodies of this type have at least some exhalative aspects. The fossil polychaete worms, which occur in Lower Carboniferous pyrite mounds at Tynagh and Silvermines in Ireland, have affinities to Paralvinella, an organism that lives attached to hydrothermal chimneys at the Juan de Fuca hot spring site in the Northeast Pacific. In addition, fossil tube worms, and their moulds, occur both in silica masses underlying the Carboniferous giant Red Dog sulphide orebody in Alaska and in Devonian barite and base-metal deposits in North America and in Russia, respectively. The development of sulphide and carbonate fossil microbialites over exhalative centres further supports generation of some mineral deposits on sea or lake floors. Carbonate microbialite mounds are also developing today over warm springs and seepages.The existence of an environment in which sulphide mineralisation developed at the sea floor has implications also in a different sphere. Life itself may have emerged in a similar milieu at 4.2 Ga from iron monosulphide bubbles. A primitive metabolism could have been driven by the high, long-lived and constant, redox potential of 300 mV made available across an iron monosulphide membrane which would have been spontaneously generated where sulphide-bearing, submarine, alkaline springs issued into the acidic, iron-bearing, Hadean ocean. The alkaline spring provided bisulphide to the iron-rich (carbonic) acid ocean for the precipitation of iron-monosulphide bubbles (probotryoids), as well as acetate (Shock, 1992) — the feeder to the biochemical Krebs cycle, driven in reverse by the high partial pressure of CO2. In addition to its scientific significance, an understanding of these beginnings may well benefit research into many aspects of economic geology.Even more extreme redox contrasts are revealed by the presence of sedimentary jasper or iron formation in three of the major Carboniferous sulphide orebodies in Ireland. Pyritic sulphide microbialites also grew over some of the associated fossil hot-spring sites and may be recognised by their bacteriogenic δ34S values (−20 to −40‰). Recognition of such fossil hot-spring sites could lead to further discoveries of SEDEX deposits.  相似文献   

Six epizonal gold deposits in the 30-km-long Yangshan gold belt, Gansu Province are estimated to contain more than 300 t of gold at an average grade of 4.76 g/t and thus define one of China's largest gold resources. Detailed paragenetic studies have recognized five stages of sulfide mineral precipitation in the deposits of the belt. Syngenetic/diagenetic pyrite (Py0) has a framboidal or colloform texture and is disseminated in the metasedimentary host rocks. Early hydrothermal pyrite (Py1) in quartz veins is disseminated in metasedimentary rocks and dikes and also occurs as semi-massive pyrite aggregates or bedding-parallel pyrite bands in phyllite. The main ore stage pyrite (Py2) commonly overgrows Py1 and is typically associated with main ore stage arsenopyrite (Apy2). Late ore stage pyrite (Py3), arsenopyrite (Apy3), and stibnite occur in quartz ± calcite veins or are disseminated in country rocks. Post-ore stage pyrite (Py4) occurs in quartz ± calcite veins that cut all earlier formed mineralization. Electron probe microanalyses and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analyses reveal that different generations of sulfides have characteristic of major and trace element patterns, which can be used as a proxy for the distinct hydrothermal events. Syngenetic/diagenetic pyrite has high concentrations of As, Au, Bi, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, and Zn. The Py0 also retains a sedimentary Co/Ni ratio, which is distinct from hydrothermal ore-related pyrite. Early hydrothermal Py1 has high contents of Ag, As, Au, Bi, Cu, Fe, Sb, and V, and it reflects elevated levels of these elements in the earliest mineralizing metamorphic fluids. The main ore stage Py2 has a very high content of As (median value of 2.96 wt%) and Au (median value of 47.5 ppm) and slightly elevated Cu, but relatively low values for other trace elements. Arsenic in the main ore stage Py2 occurs in solid solution. Late ore stage Py3, formed coevally with stibnite, contains relatively high As (median value of 1.44 wt%), Au, Fe, Mn, Mo, Sb, and Zn and low Bi, Co, Ni, and Pb. The main ore stage Apy2, compared to late ore stage arsenopyrite, is relatively enriched in As, whereas the later Apy3 has high concentrations of S, Fe, and Sb, which is consistent with element patterns in associated main and late ore stage pyrite generations. Compared with pyrite from other stages, the post-ore stage Py4 has relatively low concentrations of Fe and S, whereas As remains elevated (2.05~3.20 wt%), which could be interpreted by the substitution of As? for S in the pyrite structure. These results suggest that syngenetic/diagenetic pyrite is the main metal source for the Yangshan gold deposits where such pyrite was metamorphosed at depth below presently exposed levels. The ore-forming elements were concentrated into the hydrothermal fluids during metamorphic devolatilization, and subsequently, during extensive fluid–rock interaction at shallower levels, these elements were precipitated via widespread sulfidation during the main ore stage.  相似文献   

东胜砂岩型铀矿位于鄂尔多斯盆地北部,矿化受灰绿色砂岩控制,不同于典型层间氧化带成矿模式。在前人研究的基础上,本文系统的总结了该铀矿床的稀土元素地球化学特征,讨论了水-岩反应过程中稀土元素地球化学行为。对围岩、矿化砂岩及铀矿石的稀土元素组成、关系及成因研究发现REE与U呈正相关性,对铀矿化具有指示意义,各类岩石稀土配分曲线形态相似但又存在差异,说明它们沉积成岩环境相同,形成不同品位铀矿体的流体具有不同来源和演化过程。元素等位线研究表明,稀土元素在不同成矿过程表现出不同的活动性,总体可以划分两个过程,一是低品位铀矿石的形成过程,稀土元素活动性较弱;一是高品位铀矿石的形成过程,稀土元素活动性明显增强。结合Ce、Eu异常和REE活动性特征,认为区内铀矿化流体以具低温及偏碱性特点的地下水为主,REE主要以[REE(CO_3)_3]~(3-)的形式迁移,pH、Eh及温度压力的降低是导致U和REE沉淀的重要因素。  相似文献   

Most altered clay minerals in uranium ore deposits in granites in the selected provinces of South China haveδ 18O m values ranging from 6.22 to 7.24,δDm from −60 to −70,δ 18O from +3.05 to −3.07, and from −20.2 to −37.5‰. Relative enrichment of32S in the uranium ore deposits and greater variations in Pb isotopic composition of galenas from them show that uranium ores in the granites were formed in such a way that uranium in shallow-source granites had been mobilized by heated meteoric waters and then migrated to local favourable locations along great faults to form uranium ore deposits. Zhang Shaoli, Yang Wenjin, Tang Chunjing and Xu Wenxin did part of this work.  相似文献   

The unique combination of several exogenic processes augmenting uranium mineralization followed one another in time at deposits of the Khiagda ore field and gave rise to the formation of uranium resources exceptional for the paleovalley geologic and economic type. The specific geological evolution, volcanic activity, and regional climatic conditions taken together became the main cause of local occurrence of these deposits.  相似文献   

The lithology and geochemistry of upper Oxfordian sedimentary rocks enriched in marine organic matter (OM) have been studied. These rocks occur as a persistent unit of Upper Jurassic rocks exposed on the right bank of the Unzha River in the Kostroma district. The OM was investigated in detail in both the carbon-rich rocks and their hosts. It was established that the OMs from the Oxfordian rocks are characterized by a low degree of thermal (catagenetic) maturity and their geochemical signature reflects specific features of synsedimentary and early diagenetic processes. Kerogen in the carbon-rich sedimentary rocks is markedly enriched in Sorg, and its formation was related to the early diagenetic sulfate reduction (sulfurization of the lipid fraction of the initial OM). The composition of kerogen from the host clay is sharply distinct in many parameters. No derivatives of isorenieratene were revealed in the aromatic fraction of bitumen in the carbon-rich rocks. The Oxfordian carbonaceous rocks are distinguished by slightly enriched in S, Mo, V, and Ni. Anoxic conditions were unstable in the water column during the deposition of carbon-rich sediments (such conditions were probably episodic). The Corg-rich unit formed due to a short-term abrupt increase in the productivity of phytoplankton related to eutrophication of water, probably, as a result of the recycling and redistribution of biophile elements.  相似文献   

We show evidence that the primary uranium minerals, uraninite and coffinite, from high-grade ore samples (U3O8>0.3%) in the Wuyiyi, Wuyier, and Wuyisan sandstone-hosted roll-front uranium deposits, Xinjiang, northwestern China were biogenically precipitated and psuedomorphically replace fungi and bacteria. Uranium (VI), which was the sole electron acceptor, was likely to have been enzymically reduced. Post-mortem accumulation of uranium may have also occurred through physio-chemical interaction between uranium and negatively-charged cellular sites, and inorganic adsorption or precipitation reactions. These results suggest that microorganisms may have played a key role in formation of the sandstone- or roll-type uranium deposits, which are among the most economically significant uranium deposits in the world.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地东胜地区沉积体系与砂岩型铀成矿   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
赵宏刚  欧光习 《铀矿地质》2006,22(3):136-142,189
沉积体系分析在可地浸砂岩型铀矿床的研究中起着非常重要的作用.本文以沉积体系分析和层序地层学为依据,对鄂尔多斯盆地东胜地区中侏罗统直罗组沉积体系特征、沉积相的空间展布、沉积环境的演化和层序地层学等方面进行了研究,认为:(1)沉积相的平面分布控制着砂体的空间展布,进而影响着赋铀砂体的空间分布;(2)沉积相和沉积环境的演化创造了良好的岩相及岩性组合条件,有利于层间氧化作用的进行;(3)沉积层序控制了3层结构的岩性空间组合.  相似文献   

The Southeastern Yunnan region is one of the most important polymetallic ore districts in South China. Located in the southern margin of the South China Block, these ore districts are part of a wider granite-related magmatic-hydrothermal system. Laojunshan granite intrusions, located in the western part of the Southeastern Yunnan, are closely related to W-Sn mineralisation. In this paper we report zircon U-Pb ages, geochemical and petrological characteristics for the ore-related granites in Laojunshan area. Three samples from three intrusive suites of the granitic rocks in Laojunshan intrusion have been analyzed by the LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb techniques, yielding ages of 86.66?±?0.42 Ma, 86.72?±?0.47 Ma and 86.02?±?0.48 Ma, respectively. Bulk analysis reveals that three intrusive suites are strongly-peraluminous, silica-rich, aluminum-rich and alkali-rich granites and their ACNK values fall mainly into a small range of 1.10–1.38. Moreover, all granites show enriched Rb, La and Zr and depleted Ba, Sr and Ti, as well as a uniformly flat REE-pattern with a marked negative Eu anomaly. The granites and polymetallic W–Sn mineralization possibly both occurred during the Late Coniacian.  相似文献   

Reported for the first time in this paper are the results of simulating experiments on the γ-irradiation-induced oxidation of Fe^2 under the physicochemical conditions(T=200℃,P=50MPa,Eh=-0.1V,pH=7.2)simial to those under which moderate-low temperature hydrothermal uranium deposits are formed.Evdence shows that the effect of groundwater radiolysis seems to be the major mechanism of wall-rock alteration(hematitizaton)of hydrothermal uranium deposits.Moreover,adiscussion was made of possible effects of radiolysis of the water-rock system on wall-rock alterations including argillization and decoloration of uranium ore deposits on the basis of the experimental results.  相似文献   

Gold deposits hosted in the Gezhen shear zone at Qingxi, Hainan Island occur in the Preeambrian metamorphic rock series and are regionally developed in the N-E direction along the tectonic zone. From northeast to southwest are distributed the Tuwaishan-Baoban gold mining district, the Erjia gold mining district and the Bumo gold mining district, making up the most industrially important gold metallogenesis zone on the Hainan Island. Isotope geochemical studies of the typical gold deposits in this metallogenesis zone indicate that their ore-forming materials stemmed largely from the Baoban Group migmatite series, though the involvement of some plutonic materials could not be ruled out. The ore fluids are the mixture of migrnatitized hydrothermal solutions and meteoric waters in addition to the involvement of local magmatic hydrothermal solutions. The superimposition of plutonie materials and magmatic hydrothermal solutions is controlled by the deformation environment of the shear zone and later magrnatic activities. Obvious variations are noticed in isotopic composition in the region studied, probably related to tectonic deformation, metamorphism and other evolutionary characteristics. This study is of great significance in understanding the relationship between the shear zone and gold metallogenesis,the rules of gold metallogenesis and gold ore prognosis.  相似文献   

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