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Clinopyroxene composition in mafic lavas from different tectonic settings   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Many metamorphosed and weathered basalts contain fresh clinopyroxene crystals set in an altered groundmass. Microprobe analysis of these relict grains can be used to identify the magma type of the host lava. Statistical discrimination of clinopyroxenes from known magma types provides a test of the effectiveness of this method, showing that any attempt to classify an unknown clinopyroxene as either an ocean-floor basalt, a volcanic arc basalt, a within plate tholeiite or a within plate alkali basalt magma type should have a 70% chance of success. Identification of within plate alkali basalts is most likely to be successful because their pyroxenes characteristically have high Na and Ti and low Si contents. Within plate tholeiites can usually be distinguished from volcanic arc basalts because their pyroxenes contain more Ti, Fe and Mn. However, neither of these last two magma types can be easily distinguished from ocean floor basalts on the basis of pyroxene analyses. Diagrams of pyroxene composition based on discriminant functions and on Na2O vs MnO vs TiO2, SiO2 vs TiO2 and SiO2 vs Al2O3 provide the basis for visual discrimination. The discrimination achieved is mainly due to differences in the bulk chemistry of the host magmas and in the partitioning of cations into the pyroxene lattice; differences in temperature and crystallization histroy of the magmas are of lesser, but nevertheless finite, importance. Application of this technique to pyroxenes in metabasalts from Othris, Greece gave results consistent with, but more ambiguous than, results obtained from immobile trace element studies.  相似文献   

Migration and accumulation of sulfides at the contact of lithologically and geochemically different layers are considered. The possible mechanisms (gravitational, diffusion, elision, and electrogeochemical) for sulfide transportation during diagenesis are discussed. Data are presented to explain the localization of sulfide minerals at the boundary of reduced and oxidized sediments. The paper considers examples of stratiform sulfide concentrations of not only ore grade, but also lower grade, which, however, are of great significance for understanding the formation conditions of some geochemical anomalies. Link between the diagenetic migration of sulfides and the formation of iridium anomaly is substantiated.  相似文献   

在矿区水文地质调查中应用手持GPS接收机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高手持GPS接收机在矿区水文地质调查中的点位定位精度,在不同地段选择6个测量已知控制点进行参数测定,在每个点上要求搜索到4颗以上卫星信号,定位时间5min以上。对投影方式及比例参数设定后,再利用矿区不同的测量已知点与手持GPS接收机测量点坐标进行对比。测量成果的可靠性和精确性取决于接收机、处理软件、所测卫星的图形强度和观测环境。经参数校准后,手持式GPS接收机单点定位精度优于±5m,可满足矿区1∶1万及更小比例尺水文地质调查对工程点位的精度要求。  相似文献   

在大量现场调查的基础上,对新立金矿的水文地质特征和水文地质结构进行了详细的分析和论述,指出新立金矿属于水文地质条件中等的裂隙充水矿床。根据矿坑渗水点分布特征、渗水强度及水力联系,将矿区整体划分为七大渗水区域。并基于矿区地质结构特征和岩体透水性的差异,建立了矿区岩体水文地质结构系统模型,对岩体结构类型、结构模型和结构特征进行了分析和描述,最后提出了保障矿山安全生产的合理化建议。  相似文献   

胶东和小秦岭:两类不同构造环境中的造山型金矿省   总被引:8,自引:13,他引:8  
胶东和小秦岭是我国排名前两位的金矿产地,根据对这两个地区的实地野外考察、室内研究及对已有大量研究成果的总结,我们认为胶东与小秦岭地区的金矿床均可归入造山型金矿的范畴,它们分别形成于增生型造山体制和碰撞型造山体制.胶东金矿床形成于早白垩世(130~120Ma左右)与洋壳俯冲(增生)造山相关的活动大陆边缘环境,矿床主要产于中生代花岗岩岩体中,严格受断裂带(NNE向或NE向为主)控制,成矿流体具有低盐度高CO_2含量的特征,He-Ar同位素研究显示成矿过程有幔源物质的加入.综合金矿床及中生代岩浆岩(特别是与成矿近同时的早白垩世郭家岭花岗岩及基性岩脉)的地质地球化学特征与成岩成矿动力学,我们提出在俯冲的太平洋板块后退的背景下,胶东地区增厚地壳中的榴辉岩相下地壳及下伏岩石圈地幔发生两阶段拆沉,强烈的壳幔相互作用最终导致了早白垩世普遍的岩浆活动及金的爆发成矿的模式.小秦岭地区金矿床主要以大型含金石英脉的形式产出于太华群变质基底的脆性-韧性剪切带(EW向为主)中,而与区域内燕山期大型花岗岩岩基没有直接联系,矿床地质特征(如低盐度高CO_2,以变质流体为主的成矿热液)与造山型金矿吻合,He-Ar同位素特征表明金矿床形成时有幔源物质的加入.小秦岭地区脉状Au-Mo矿床印支期成矿年龄(215~256Ma,辉钼矿Re-Os)表明印支期是小秦岭地区金成矿的主要时期,小秦岭金矿属于陆陆(华北与扬子)碰撞造山过程中形成的造山型金矿.  相似文献   

Chlorine concentration has been determined by chemical methods in 97 samples of basic rocks collected at Etna volcano (Sicily, Southern Italy), Sao Miguel (Azores Islands), and Lanzarote (Canary Islands). The samples have been processed together with data related to specific magmatic and tectonic conditions, drawn from the literature. Thus, the contents of SiO2, K2O, and P2O5 of 228 samples have been used to investigate Cl distribution in the considered environments, using principal component analysis. The log-centered variance-covariance matrix has been processed in order to overcome the closure constraints. The results indicate that a clear distinction between continental and oceanic regions can be obtained in the components space. A preliminary discriminant diagram involving chlorine thus can be proposed.  相似文献   

董光国  戴永久 《铀矿地质》2006,22(2):104-109,128
文章论述了长城堡岩体西段放射性水文地质特征、水化学异常特征和铀矿化特征,探讨了三者之问的相关关系;指出该区铀矿化受水化学异常区和水文地球化学垂直分带的控制,铀主要富集在氧化-还原过渡带;根据该区铀易浸出的特点,认为适合于用溶浸和地浸法开采。  相似文献   

Occurrences of arsenic (As) in the Bengal Basin of Bangladesh show close relationships with depositional environments and sediment textures. Hydrochemical data from three sites with varying physiography and sedimentation history show marked variations in redox status and dissolved As concentrations. Arsenic concentration in groundwater of the Ganges Flood Plain (GFP) is characteristically low, where high Mn concentrations indicate redox buffering by reduction of Mn(IV)-oxyhydroxides. Low DOC, \( {\text{HCO}}^{ - }_{3} \), \( {\text{NH}}^{ + }_{4} \) and high \( {\text{NO}}^{ - }_{3} \) and \( {\text{SO}}^{{2 - }}_{4} \) concentrations reflect an elevated redox status in GFP aquifers. In contrast, As concentration in the Ganges Delta Plain (GDP) is very high along with high Fe and low Mn. In the Meghna Flood Plain (MFP), moderate to high As and Fe concentrations and low Mn are detected. Degradation of organic matter probably drives redox reactions in the aquifers, particularly in MFP and GDP, thereby mobilising dissolved As. Speciation calculations indicate supersaturation with respect to siderite and vivianite in the groundwater samples at MFP and GDP, but groundwater in the GFP wells is generally supersaturated with respect to rhodochrosite. Values of log PCO2 at MFP and GDP sites are generally higher than at the GFP site. This is consistent with Mn(IV)-redox buffering suggested at the GFP site compared to Fe(III)-redox buffering at MFP and GDP sites.  相似文献   

In Pakistan manganese and ferromanganese ores have been reported from the Hazara area of North West Frontier Province, Waziristan agencies in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas and the Lasbela-Khuzdar regions of Baluchistan. This study is focused on comparison of mineralogy and geochemistry of the continental ferromanganese ores of Hazara and the ophiolitic manganese ores of the Waziristan area of Pakistan. In the Hazara area, ferromanganese ores occur at Kakul, Galdanian and Chura Gali, near Abbottabad, within the Hazira Formation of the Kalachitta-Margala thrust belt of the NW Himalayas of the Indo-Pakistan Plate. The Cambrian Hazira Formation is composed of reddish-brown ferruginous siltstone, with variable amounts of clay, shale, ferromanganese ores, phosphorite and barite. In Waziristan, manganese ores occur at Shuidar, Mohammad Khel and Saidgi, within the Waziristan ophiolite complex, on the western margin of the Indo-Pakistan Plate in NW Pakistan. These banded and massive ores are hosted by metachert and overlie metavolcanics.The ferromanganese ores of the Hazara area contain variable amount of bixbyite, partridgeite, hollandite, pyrolusite and braunite. Bixbyite and partridgeite are the dominant Mn-bearing phases. Hematite dominates in Fe-rich ores. Gangue minerals are iron-rich clay, alumino-phosphate minerals, apatite, barite and glauconite are present in variable amounts, in both Fe-rich and Mn-rich varieties. The texture of the ore phases indicates greenschist facies metamorphism. The Waziristan ores are composed of braunite, with minor pyrolusite and hollandite. Hematite occurs as an additional minor phase in the Fe-rich ores of the Shuidar area. The only silicate phase in these ores is cryptocrystalline quartz.The chemical composition of the ferromanganese ores in Hazara suggests that the Mn–Fe was contributed by both hydrogenous and hydrothermal sources, while the manganese ores of Waziristan originated only from a hydrothermal source. It is suggested that the Fe–Mn ores of the Hazara area originated from a mixed hydrothermal–hydrogenetic source in shallow water in a ontinental shelf environment due to the transgression and regression of the sea, while the Mn ores of Waziristan were formed at sea-floor spreading centers within the Neo-Tethys Ocean, and were later obducted as part of the Waziristan ophiolite complex.  相似文献   

通过对页岩气勘查开发区碳酸盐岩分布特征、岩溶发育规律及岩溶水的赋存与动力循环过程展开研究,采用系统分析法,归纳出平缓单斜型单层、背斜褶曲型多层、向斜褶曲型单层和断裂型四种岩溶水文地质结构,其中平缓单斜型单层和背斜褶曲型多层水文地质结构区岩溶介质类型主要为管道-裂隙型,地下水径流畅通,易导致岩溶水污染。  相似文献   

A natural unique hydrogeological setting favorable for safe and economical disposal of low-level radioactive wastes occurs in the flat hinterland of southeastern North Carolina. The uniqueness results partly from the absence of vertical and horizontal groundwater gradients, representing a nonflow, or null, zone. The null setting is localized to key horizons 30 to 75 feet below land surface and to areas where glauconitic sandy clays of the Peedee Formation lie under less than 25 feet of surficial sandy clays; the Peedee contains nearly stagnant brackish groundwater slightly below the proposed disposal zone.Issues to overcome include: (1) demonstrating better combined safety and economical features over conventional and prescribed settings, (2) dewatering the low-permeability disposal zone for the 20-year operational period, and (3) changing rules to allow disposal slightly below the zone in which the normal water table occurs.Favorable site characteristics of the key setting are: (1) no major aquifer to contaminate, (2) no surface streams or lakes to contaminate, (3) optimal ion exchange and sorptive capacity (clay and glauconite pellets), (4) no appreciable or distinctive vertical and horizontal gradients, (5) no elongated contaminated plume to develop, (6) no surface erosion, (7) a capable setting for injection of potential contaminated water into deep brackish water wells, if needed and allowed, (8) minimum problems of the overfilled bathtub effect, (9) no apparent long-term harmful environmental impact (normal water table would be restored after the 20-year period), (10) relatively inexpensive disposal (engineered barriers not needed and desired), (11) simple and relatively inexpensive monitoring, (12) large tracts of land likely available, and (13) sparse population.In spite of legal and political obstacles to shallow land burial, the null setting described is a capable hydrogeological host to contain low-level radioactive wastes. The setting may have safety and economic advantages over selected sites in eastern North America and over innovative technological experiences in Europe.  相似文献   

A classification diagram was empirically developed for acid volcanic rocks formed in modern geodynamic settings and reflects their peculiar chemical features. The testing of the binary diagram Al2O3/(CaO + MgO)?Fe2O 3 Tot /(CaO + MgO) for the Late Cretaceous (Pimorsky, Siyanovsky, Kamensky, and Levosobolevsky) and Paleogene (Bogopolsky) Volcanic Complexes of East Sikhote Alin demonstrated its high efficiency for deciphering the tectonic settings of ancient acid volcanism.  相似文献   

This paper reports occurrence of high fluoride concentration in groundwater of Gharbar Village, Dhanbad District, Jharkhand, India. The concentration of fluoride varied from 0.3 to 14.9 mg/L in 27 groundwater samples. The correlation studies demonstrate that fluoride has strong positive correlation with pH and sodium and negative correlation with calcium. It indicates dominance of ion exchange activity and rock water interaction. Thermodynamic consideration shows that all the samples were oversaturated with calcite and most of the samples were under saturated with fluorite. The results indicate that occurrence of high concentration of fluoride is leading by geochemical composition of rocks, alkaline environmental condition, weathering of rocks and ion exchange processes.  相似文献   

Epigenetic, vein-type graphite mineralization originates by deposition from C—O—H fluids in high-temperature environments. Consequently, fluid-deposited graphite is uniformly highly crystalline in volumetrically large occurrences. This work examines the factors controlling graphite crystallinity in fluid-deposited occurrences with reference to some case studies from southern Spain where vein-type graphite is associated with a variety of host rocks. Possible causes influencing high crystallinity of graphite in these occurrences include: (1) large graphite occurrences are generated from large volumes of fluids that maintain their temperatures for long periods of time, which is easier at higher temperatures; (2) high temperature conditions are required for a fluid to precipitate a major part of its dissolved carbon during a small temperature decrease; (3) carbon is incorporated into C—O—H fluids mainly through devolatilization reactions which also require high temperatures; (4) highly crystalline graphite generated at high-T/high-P conditions is less susceptible to resorption as P decreases or by subsequent fluid flow; (5) graphite precipitation involves high activation energy that can be overcome only if the temperature is high enough. These causes can be extrapolated to most vein-type graphite deposits worldwide. Received: 23 February 1998 / Accepted: 28 April 1998  相似文献   

The hydrogeologic environment of a petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated site in Korea is characterized by hydrogeologic field work and chemical analyses of groundwater. Quaternary alluvium is the main aquifer contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons, mainly TEX (toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes). Contamination at this site was derived from the leaking of petroleum storage tanks. The aquifer is highly permeable, but vertically heterogeneous. Water-table fluctuations reach up to 2 m during heavy rains. Contaminants migrated to the northwest along the main groundwater-flow direction. The concentration of hydrocarbons in groundwater is particularly high downgradient from the source area. The ubiquitous distribution of TEX was caused by the heterogeneity of the aquifer material and the significant fluctuation of the water-table. Chemical properties of the contaminated groundwater and field parameters indicate that intrinsic biodegradation, including aerobic respiration, nitrate reduction, iron reduction, manganese reduction, and sulfate reduction, occurs at this site. The dilution and mixing due to new groundwater recharge from rainfall is also identified as one of the major attenuation processes of TEX.  相似文献   

Knowledge of groundwater contamination sources is critical for effectively protecting groundwater resources, estimating risks, mitigating disaster, and designing remediation strategies. Many methods for groundwater contamination source identification (GCSI) have been developed in recent years, including the simulation–optimization technique. This study proposes utilizing a support vector regression (SVR) model and a kernel extreme learning machine (KELM) model to enrich the content of the surrogate model. The surrogate model was itself key in replacing the simulation model, reducing the huge computational burden of iterations in the simulation–optimization technique to solve GCSI problems, especially in GCSI problems of aquifers contaminated by dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs). A comparative study between the Kriging, SVR, and KELM models is reported. Additionally, there is analysis of the influence of parameter optimization and the structure of the training sample dataset on the approximation accuracy of the surrogate model. It was found that the KELM model was the most accurate surrogate model, and its performance was significantly improved after parameter optimization. The approximation accuracy of the surrogate model to the simulation model did not always improve with increasing numbers of training samples. Using the appropriate number of training samples was critical for improving the performance of the surrogate model and avoiding unnecessary computational workload. It was concluded that the KELM model developed in this work could reasonably predict system responses in given operation conditions. Replacing the simulation model with a KELM model considerably reduced the computational burden of the simulation–optimization process and also maintained high computation accuracy.  相似文献   

本文结合多年来施工专门水文地质孔的经验教训,探讨和总结了专门水文地质孔清水钻进工艺和孔内局部扩径工艺的特点,常用洗井方法及注意事项,以期在今后工作中把专门水文地质孔的成建井工作做得更好、更趋合理。  相似文献   

This research presents a detailed study which was performed to infer the quantity of metal (Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn, Cu and Fe) contents in sediments of Daye Lake, Central China. The geo-accumulation (I geo) and potential ecological risk (PER) of these metals were assessed. The results reveal that: (1) the mean value of I geo ranked an order of Fe (class 6) > Cd (class 5) > Pb (class 3) > Zn (class 2) > Cr (Class 1) > Cu (Class 0); (2) Potential ecological risk (PER) values calculated for all these metals at different sampled points in Daye Lake exceeded the value of very high risk. Multivariate statistical analyses were carried out to determine the relationship between these six metals and to identify the possible pollution sources, with the results suggesting that the metal content in the sediments has three patterns: the first pattern includes Pb, Cd and Cr which were mainly present due to discharged water by smelting industries; second pattern contains Zn and Cu which mainly originated from the waste residue of the copper mining industry; the third pattern is Fe which is mainly related to mine tailing leaches. This study indicates very high metal content levels in the sediments, which may have adverse risks (average PER = 7,771.62) for the lake’s ecosystem and human beings associated with Daye Lake.  相似文献   

螺髻山核心区地质结构复杂、气象条件不稳定、基础资料缺乏。工作组建立以野外地面调查工作为基础,结合探采结合井、物探、水文试验、长期观测站等多钟工作方式相互组合的水文地质条件综合评价方法,重点研究该区地下水类型、化学特征、含水层分布,补径排条件、动态变化特征及开发利用状态。通过对该区地下水水文地质特征的分析,选择具有供水意义的地下水富集块段进行开发,从而实现以供水安全为目标的精准扶贫,为研究乌蒙山重点地区的水文地质条件提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

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