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By checking DSS optical images and NVSS radio images, 782 Markarian galaxies were identified to be NVSS radio sources. A comparison of the radio luminosity at 1.4 GHz and the far-infrared (FIR) luminosity for 468 "normal" galaxies shows a tight correlation. Most of the Seyfert galaxies and quasars follow the radio-FIR relation deduced from the "normal" galaxy sample, but with a somewhat larger scatter. A total 167 Markarian galaxies, comprising 100 "normal" galaxies, 66 Seyfert galaxies and one quasar, have either excess radio emission or much lower FIR spectral index α(25μm,60μm). These galaxies may be classified as "AGN-powered". For "normal" galaxies, the average q value (defined as the log ratio between FIR and radio luminosities) is 2.3. There seems a trend for q to slightly decrease with increasing radio luminosity. This may imply that the ongoing active star formation in galaxies with higher radio luminosities is more efficient in heating the cosmic-ray electrons.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONThe broad emission lines, the most important characteristics of active galactic nuclei (AGN),are generally believed to be emitted by photoionized gas in the clouds that are illuminated bythe UV to X-ray continuum radiation of the celltral source (Netzer 1990). The photoionizationmodel is quite successful in explaining the average emission line properties of AGNs using anaverage ionizing continuum. To date, there are two sets of statistical relationships between thecolltin…  相似文献   

Based on a sample of 72 Blue Compact Galaxies (BCGs) observed with the 2.16m telescope of the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC) and about 4000 strong emission line galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we analyzed their chemical evolution history using the revised chemical evolution model of Larsen et al. Our sample covers a much larger metallicity range (7.2 < 12 log(O/H) < 9.0). We found that, in order to reproduce the observed abundance pattern and gas fraction over the whole metallicity range, a relatively continuous star formation history is needed for high metallicity galaxies, while assuming a series of instantaneous bursts with long quiescent periods (some Gyrs) for low metallicity galaxies. Model calculations also show that only the closed-box model is capable of reproducing the observational data over the whole metallicity range. Models that consider the ordinary winds and/or inflow can only fit the observations in the low metallicity range, and a model with enriched wind cannot fit the data in the whole metallicity range. This implies that the current adopted simple wind and inflow models are not applicable to massive galaxies, where the underlying physics of galactic winds or inflow could be more complicated.  相似文献   

在Sloan数字巡天计划第二批释放的数据中选择了15257个面向的盘状星系,统计研究它们的颜色星等关系.结果表明3个颜色g-r、r-i、r-z均与r波段的绝对星等有紧密的相关关系,即:越亮的星系,颜色越红,而且色指数弥散越小.并且简单讨论了观测到的颜色星等关系对盘状星系的恒星形成历史的约束.  相似文献   

The molecular phase of the ISM constitutes the main source of fuel for the activity in starburst and AGNs. The physical conditions and chemical constitution of the molecular gas will change with, and respond to, the evolution of the activity. This paper includes a short discussion of the 12CO/13CO 1–0 line intensity ratio as a diagnostic tool of the molecular gas properties of luminous galaxies – paired with examples of high-resolution studies of how the line ratio varies within galaxies. A possible connection between the OH megamasers and galaxies with unusually high 12CO/13CO 1–0 line intensity ratios are also briefly discussed.The relative intensities of the dense gas tracers HNC, HCN, HCO+ and CN are a result of both chemistry and starburst evolution. The discussion on the interpretation of HNC 1–0 emission includes the importance of ion-neutral chemistry in a luminous starburst region. Finally, simple cartoon ISM models and how they can be applied to LIRGs and ULIRGs, are presented.  相似文献   

We have analysed, for the first time, the clustering properties of Wolf-Rayet (W-R) galaxies, using a large sample of 846 W-R galaxies selected from the Data Release 4 (DR4) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We compute the cross-correlation function between W- R galaxies and a reference sample of galaxies drawn from the DR4. We compare the function to the results for control samples of non-W-R star-forming galaxies that are matched closely in redshift, luminosity, concentration, 4000-A break strength and specific star formation rate (SSFR). On scales larger than a few Mpc, W-R galaxies have almost the same clustering amplitude as the control samples, indicating that W-R galaxies and non-W-R control galax- ies populate dark matter haloes of similar masses. On scales between 0.1-1 h-1 Mpc, W-R galaxies are less clustered than the control samples, and the size of the difference depends on the SSFR. Based on both observational and theoretical considerations, we speculate that this negative bias can be interpreted by W-R galaxies residing preferentially at the centers of their dark matter haloes. We examine the distribution of W-R galaxies more closely using the SDSS galaxy group catalogue of Yang et al., and find that ~82% of our W-R galaxies are the central galaxies of groups, compared to ~74% for the corresponding control galaxies. We find that W-R galaxies are hosted, on average, by dark matter haloes of masses of 1012,3 M☉, compared to 1012,1 M? For centrally-located W-R galaxies and 1012,7 M☉ For satellite ones. We would like to point out that this finding, which provides a direct observational support to our conjecture, is really very crude due to the small number of W-R galaxies and the incom- pleteness of the group catalogue, and needs more work in future with larger samples.  相似文献   

We have performed a statistical study of the properties of the broadband continuum of Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s) by collecting ratio,infrared, optical and X-ray continuum data from various databases and comparedthe results with control samples of Broad Line Seyfert 1 galaxies (BLSls). We findthat the fraction (~ 6%) of Radio Loud (RL) NLSls is significantly less than thatof BLS1s (~ 13%), which is caused by the lack of radio-very-loud sources in theformer. The rarity of RL NLS1s, especially radio-very-loud ones, is consistent withthe scenario of small black hole and high accretion rate for NLSls. Six new radio loudNLSls are found and five RL NLS1 candidates are presented. In comparison withthe BLS1s, the NLS1s tend to have stronger far infrared emission, cooler infraredcolors and redder B- K color, which suggests that NLS1s are hosted by dust-richernuclei. The NLS1s also show steeper soft X-ray spectrum and large soft X-rayto optical flux ratio, while a significant fraction show fiat soft X-ray spectra. Atleast two factors can account for this, absorption and spectral variability. We alsoperform a correlation analysis between various broad band data. It is found thatmost correlations identified for NLS1s are also valid for radio quiet BLS1s: (1) theoptical colors are anti-correlated with X-ray spectral index; (2) higher optical, X-ray and NIR luminosity objects show bluer optical colors and red H - K color; (3)higher luminosity objects show warmer IRAS color; (4) the radio loudness correlateswith B - K and X-ray to optical flux ratio. Radio loud objects behave somewhatdifferently in a few correlations.  相似文献   

From the second group of the data released by the Sloan numerical patrol survey (SDSS DR2), 395 face-on late-type spiral galaxies brighter than 15-th magnitude in the waveband r are selected as the sample. The relations between the color gradients and structural parameters of disks are studied. The results indicate the following: (1) The color gradient is independent of the absolute magnitude (mass) of the disk. (2) The color gradient of disk is concerned with the size of disk. The larger the disk, the steeper the color gradient. (3) The color gradient of disk is concerned with the color of disk. The bluer the disk color, the steeper the gradient. (4) The color gradient of disk is related with the surface brightness of disk. The brighter the disk, the steeper the color gradient. Moreover, the historical constraint formed by the relations between the color gradients of disks and various structural parameters is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Using the multi-band photometric data of all five CANDELS (Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey) fields and the near-infrared (F125W and F160W) high-resolution images of HST WFC3 (Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3), a quantitative study of morphology and structure of mass-selected galaxies is presented. The sample includes 8002 galaxies with a redshift 1 < z < 3 and stellar mass M*> 1010M. Based on the Convolutional Neural Network (ConvNet) criteria, we classify the sample galaxies into SPHeroids (SPH), Early-Type Disks (ETD), Late-Type Disks (LTD), and IRRegulars (IRR) in different redshift bins. The findings indicate that the galaxy morphology and structure evolve with redshift up to z ~ 3, from irregular galaxies in the high-redshift universe to the formation of the Hubble sequence dominated by disks and spheroids. For the same redshift interval, the median values of effective radii (re) of different morphological types are in a descending order: IRR, LTD, ETD, and SPH. But for the Sérsic index (n), the order is reversed (SPH, ETD, LTD, and IRR). In the meantime, the evolution of galaxy size (re) with the redshift is explored for the galaxies of different morphological types, and it is confirmed that their size will enlarge with time. However, such a phenomenon is not found in the relations between the redshift (1 < z < 3) and the mean axis ratio (b/a), as well as the Sérsic index (n).  相似文献   

The 395 late-type spiral galaxies brighter than 15m in r-band are selected from the Data Release 2 of Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the colormagnitude relations of these galaxies and their disks are investigated. It is found that the colors g − r, r − z and g − z of these galaxies and their disks are strongly correlated with the r-band absolute magnitudes, i.e., the more luminous galaxies (or disks) have the redder colors than the less luminous galaxies (or disks). And the correlation of galaxies is stronger than that of their disks.  相似文献   

We present disk thicknesses, some other parameters and their statistics of 108 non-edge-on spiral galaxies. The method for determining the disk thickness is based on solving Poisson's equation for a disturbance of matter density in three-dimensional spiral galaxies. From the spiral arms found we could obtain the pitch angles, the inclination of the galactic disk, and the position of the innermost point (the forbidden region with radius r 0 to the galactic center) of the spiral arm, and finally the thickness.  相似文献   

Nearby luminous galaxies serve as templates to gain insight into the building blocks of the most luminous galaxies in the distant universe. In this conference I have shown that the most luminous galaxies in the Local Universe are mergers of evolved gas-rich galaxies that radiate the bulk of their energy in the mid and far-infrared. The most important implication for future studies on the formation of galaxies at early cosmological timescales is that they will appear as luminous sub-millimeter sources. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, it was suggested that contamination of the nuclear luminosity by the host galaxy plays an important role in determining the parameters of the standard a disk of AGNs. Using the nuclear absolute B band magnitude instead of the total absolute B band magnitude, we have recalculated the central black hole masses, accretion rates and disk inclinations for 20 Seyfert 1 galaxies and 17 Palomar-Green (PG) quasars. It is found that a small value of a is needed for the Seyfert 1 galaxies than for the PG quasars. This difference in a possibly leads to the different properties of Seyfert 1 galaxies and quasars. Furthermore, we find most of the objects in this sample are not accreting at super-Eddington rates if we adopt the nuclear optical luminosity in our calculation.  相似文献   

基于COSMOS(Cosmic Evolution Survey)/Ultra VISTA(Ultra-deep Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy)场中多波段测光数据,利用质量限选取了红移分布在0z3.5的星系样本.通过UVJ(U-V和V-J)双色图分类判据将星系分类成恒星形成星系(SFGs)和宁静星系(QGs).对于红移分布在0z1.5范围内且M*1011M⊙的QGs来说,该星系在样本中所占比例高于70%.在红移0z3.5范围内,恒星形成星系的恒星形成率(SFR)与恒星质量(M*)之间有着很强的主序(MS)关系.对于某一固定的恒星质量M*来说,星系的SFR和比恒星形成率(s SFR)会随着红移增大而增大,这表明在高红移处恒星形成星系更加活跃,有激烈的恒星形成.相对于低质量的星系来说,高质量的SFGs有较低的s SFR,这意味着低质量星系的增长更多的是通过星系本身的恒星形成.通过结合来自文献中数据点信息,发现更高红移(2z8)星系的s SFR随红移的演化趋势变弱,其演化关系是s SFR∝(1+z)0.94±0.17.  相似文献   

Estimates of AGN Black Hole Mass and Minimum Variability Timescale   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Black hole mass is one of the fundamental physical parameters of active galactic nuclei (AGNs), for which many methods of estimation have been proposed. One set of methods assumes that the broad-line region (BLR) is gravitationally bound by the central black hole potential, so the black hole mass can be estimated from the orbital radius and the Doppler velocity. Another set of methods assumes the observed variability timescale is determined by the orbital timescale near the innermost stable orbit around the Schwarzschild black hole or the Kerr black hole, or by the characteristic timescale of the accretion disk. We collect a sample of 21 AGNs, for which the minimum variability timescales have been obtained and their black hole masses (Mσ) have been well estimated from the stellar velocity dispersion or the BLR size-luminosity relation. Using the minimum variability timescales we estimated the black hole masses for 21 objects by the three different methods, the results are denoted by Ms, Mk and Md, respectively. We compared each of them with Mσindividually and found that: (1) using the minimum variability timescale with the Kerr black hole theory leads to small differences between Mσand Mk, none exceeding one order of magnitude, and the mean difference between them is about 0.53 dex; (2) using the minimum variability timescale with the Schwarzschild black hole theory leads to somewhat larger difference between Mσand Ms: larger than one order of magnitude for 6 of the 21 sources, and the mean difference is 0.74 dex; (3) using the minimum variability timescale with the accretion disk theory leads to much larger differences between Mσand Md, for 13 of the 21 sources the differences are larger than two orders of magnitude; and the mean difference is as high as about 2.01 dex.  相似文献   

从Sloan数字巡天第2批释放的数据(SDSS DR2)中选择了395个在r波段亮于15等的面向晚型旋涡星系作为样本,研究了盘的颜色梯度与结构参数的关系.结果表明:盘的颜色梯度与盘的绝对星等(质量)无关;盘的颜色梯度与盘的尺度有关,越大的盘颜色梯度越陡;盘的颜色梯度与盘的颜色有关,越蓝的盘颜色梯度越陡;盘的颜色梯度与盘的表面亮度有关,越亮的盘颜色梯度越陡,并简单讨论了盘的颜色梯度与各结构参数的相关关系对晚型旋涡星系盘恒星形成历史的约束.  相似文献   

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