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The Dickinson Bayou watershed (near Houston, Texas, Gulf of Mexico) provides habitat for numerous coastally influenced communities of wildlife, including scores of birds and fish. Encroaching development and impervious surfaces are altering the habitat and degrading water quality. Herein we have defined the current health of the bayou using water quality data collected between 2000 and 2006. Elevated bacteria (fecal coliform, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus) and depressed dissolved oxygen concentrations (often <3 mg l−1) are the two major impairments to this ecosystem. While nutrient ratios indicate primary productivity may be nitrogen limited, concerns of eutrophication persist because the bayou has a low intrinsic flushing rate. Consistent with this is the magnitude of algal blooms (ca. 100 μg chl l−1) which often occur in spring/summer. The findings of this study will assist with the understanding of the influence of urban development on small watersheds.  相似文献   

This paper documents a numerical modeling study to calculate the residence time and age of dissolved substances in a partially mixed estuary. A three-dimensional, time-dependent hydrodynamic model was established and applied to the Danshuei River estuarine system and adjacent coastal sea in Taiwan. The model showed good agreement with observations of surface elevation, tidal currents and salinity made in 2002. The model was then applied to calculate the residence time and age distribution response to different freshwater discharges with and without density-induced circulations in the Danshuei River estuarine system. Regression analysis of model results reveals that an exponential equation can be used to correlate the residence time to change of freshwater input. The simulated results show it takes approximately 10, 4.5, and 3 days, respectively, for a water parcel that has entered the headwaters of the estuary to be transported out of the estuary under low, mean, and high flow conditions with density-induced circulation. The calculated age with density-induced circulation is less than that without density-induced circulation. The age of the surface layer is less than that at the bottom layer. Overall the study shows that freshwater discharges are the important factors in controlling the transport of dissolved substances in the Danshuei River estuarine system.  相似文献   

In June 2003, we conducted a two-part field exercise to examine biogeochemical characteristics of water in the lower Mississippi river during the 4 days prior to discharge and in the Mississippi river plume over 2 days after discharge. Here we describe the fates of materials immediately after their discharge through Southwest Pass of the Mississippi delta into the northern Gulf of Mexico. Changes in surface water properties immediately after discharge were much larger and more rapid than changes prior to discharge. Total suspended matter (TSM) declined, probably due to sinking, dissolved macronutrients were rapidly diminished by mixing and biological uptake, and phytoplankton populations increased dramatically, and then declined. This decline appeared to begin at salinities of approximately 10 and was nearly complete by 15. A large increase in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) occurred over approximately the same salinity range. Weak winds (<2 m s−1) during and preceding this cruise apparently led to the formation of an extensive but thin freshwater lens from the river. This lens spread widely without much mixing, and the bloom of phytoplankton that occurred between discharge and a salinity of 10 was probably a freshwater community seeded from the lower river. Phytoplankton bloomed for a period of about 1–2 days, then declined dramatically, apparently releasing large amounts of DOC. Macronutrients from the river were utilized by the river phytoplankton community in the extensive freshwater lens. This contrasted with the more typical situation in which river nutrients stimulate a marine phytoplankton bloom at salinities in the mid-20s. We concluded that the direct effects of dissolved and particulate bio-reactive materials discharged by the Mississippi river were spatially restricted at this time to low-salinity water, at least as surface phenomena. After being transported through the lower river essentially unaltered, these materials were biogeochemically processed within days and tens of km. More generally, the mixing rate of plume water with receiving oceanic water has profound effects on the food web structure and biogeochemical cycling in the plume.  相似文献   

A spatial and temporal study on data collected along the longitudinal gradient of the Principal Channel of Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina, was carried out during 1992–1993. At nine stations, phytoplankton abundance, chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentration, inorganic nutrient levels, Secchi disk depth, euphotic depth:mixing depth ratio (Zeu:Zm), salinity and temperature were recorded. Phytoplankton abundance, Chl-a concentration and nutrient levels decreased towards the outer zone of the estuary. The inner zone (stations 1 and 2), which was characterized by high turbidity, high nutrient concentrations and high Zeu:Zm (>0.16, [critical mixing ratio]), registered the highest phytoplankton abundance and Chl-a concentrations. Temporal variability of data was also noteworthy in this zone. The highest biomass values thus corresponded to June, July, August and the beginning of spring (18 μg Chl-a L−1 and 9×106 cells L−1) concomitantly with a diatom bloom. In the middle zone (stations 3–6), a strong phytoplankton biomass decrease was observed and it coincided with both deep-mixed depths and low Zeu:Zm (<0.16). The outer zone (stations 7–9), which was characterized by low phytoplankton biomass values and low nutrient levels all along the year, was the area mostly influenced by waters from the adjacent continental shelf. In view of the above, it can be concluded that the most important primary production in the Bahía Blanca would be produced in the shallow inner zone during winter, being the spatial reach of the phytoplankton biomass principally limited to estuarine waters. Presumably, less than 5% of such biomass may reach the coastal area of the estuary.  相似文献   

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