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东亚副热带夏季风与山西省夏季降水的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用山西省58个台站1960~2009年夏季降水资料和NCAR/NCEP逐月再分析资料,在考虑蒙古中纬度地区和西太平洋副热带地区大气环流特征的基础上,根据海陆气压差建立了东亚副热带夏季风指数,并研究该指数与山西省夏季降水的关系。结果表明:东亚副热带夏季风指数ISSM表现出明显的长期气候变化趋势,20世纪60~70年代以正值为主,而70年代末之后以负值为主。ISSM指数能够很好地反映出蒙古低压和西太平洋副热带高压系统的典型特征。东亚副热带夏季风越强对应着山西夏季降水越多,山西中部、南部偏东的大部分区域属于东亚副热带夏季风控制区,运城盆地、西部高原山地、忻州盆地、大同盆地等属于东亚副热带夏季风西北边缘区。  相似文献   

东亚夏季风和中国东部夏季降水年代际变化的模拟   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
陈红  薛峰 《大气科学》2013,37(5):1143-1153
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所发展的第四代大气环流模式模拟了1970年代末东亚夏季风和相关的中国东部夏季降水年代际变化。结果表明,在给定的观测海温强迫下,模式能模拟出东亚夏季风的年代际减弱及 相关的环流场变化,包括东亚沿海的偏北风异常以及西太平洋副高的形态变化,模式还较好再现了中国东部夏季降水的雨型变化,即长江流域降水偏多,而华北和华南偏少,但位置略偏南。基于奇异值分解(SVD)的分析表明,热带海洋变暖是这次东亚夏季风的年代际减弱的主要因素,这与太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)在1970年代末期的位相转变有关。此外,模式还较好模拟了长江流域的变冷趋势,进而减弱了海陆温差,使东亚夏季风减弱。  相似文献   

Relationship Between East Asian Winter Monsoon and Summer Monsoon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Centre for Atmospheric Research(NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis data and monthly Hadley Center sea surface temperature(SST) data,and selecting a representative East Asian winter monsoon(EAWM) index,this study investigated the relationship between EAWM and East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) using statistical analyses and numerical simulations.Some possible mechanisms regarding this relationship were also explored.Results indicate a close relationship between EAWM and EASM:a strong EAWM led to a strong EASM in the following summer,and a weak EAWM led to a weak EASM in the following summer.Anomalous EAWM has persistent impacts on the variation of SST in the tropical Indian Ocean and the South China Sea,and on the equatorial atmospheric thermal anomalies at both lower and upper levels.Through these impacts,the EAWM influences the land-sea thermal contrast in summer and the low-level atmospheric divergence and convergence over the Indo-Pacific region.It further affects the meridional monsoon circulation and other features of the EASM.Numerical simulations support the results of diagnostic analysis.The study provides useful information for predicting the EASM by analyzing the variations of preceding EAWM and tropical SST.  相似文献   

东亚夏季风环流和雨带的季节内变化   总被引:7,自引:9,他引:7  
苏同华  薛峰 《大气科学》2010,34(3):611-628
基于常规气象要素资料及变差度方法, 分析了东亚夏季风环流的演变特征, 发现东亚地区在夏季期间存在两次明显的次季节突变, 主要表现为西太平洋副热带高压 (副高) 的两次东退北跳, 第一次是在6月中旬, 第二次是在7月下旬。由于副高与雨带密切相关, 雨带在演进过程中也呈现出两次明显的突跳, 分别对应于江淮流域至日本一带梅雨期以及中国华北和东北雨季的开始。较第一次北跳而言, 副高的第二次北跳更为明显。副高的第一次北跳主要受南海地区对流活动加强的影响, 而第二次北跳则是暖池对流活动与高纬地区环流共同作用的结果。暖池地区向东北方向传播的Rossby波列以及高纬地区东传的Rossby波通过锁相作用使得副高强烈北跳。此外, 副高与其西部边缘凝结潜热的相互作用导致副高发生季节内的低频振荡。 风场变差度的分析表明, 高纬地区对流层中低层环流的调整随着夏季季节进程逐渐减弱, 这与中高纬地区温差的变化有关。而高纬地区高层环流的调整在夏季后半期随着高度的增加却逐渐增强, 这与高层环流从夏到冬的季节变化有关。从风场相似度的变化上还可以看到, 副高第二次北跳后东亚地区呈现出明显不同的环流状态。 南半球环流对于南海及暖池地区对流活动的增强有重要影响。6月中旬, 南海与暖池地区对流活动的增强是由于南海西边界西风加强并向东扩展造成的, 这与马斯克林高压 (马高) 的加强密切相关。而在7月中旬, 澳大利亚高压 (澳高) 的增强使其东北部的越赤道气流加强, 南半球大量冷空气侵入到暖池地区, 加强了暖池地区的不稳定性以及低层的辐合, 从而使暖池地区的对流活动增强。但在夏季前半期, 暖池对流活动也可调制澳高强度与其东北部越赤道气流强弱的关系, 使得二者呈现出相反的变化趋势。南半球冬季期间, 澳高在振荡中减弱, 这与澳洲大陆下垫面温度及上游马高的能量频散有关, 前者影响澳高的变化趋势 (减弱), 而后者影响澳高的低频振荡。  相似文献   

2019年夏季东亚大气环流异常及对我国气候的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
丁婷  高辉 《气象》2020,46(1):129-137
为更好了解2019年夏季(6—8月)我国主要气候异常特征及成因,利用气象要素站点资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析大气环流资料分析了2019年夏季降水、气温的时空分布和东亚大气环流特征,并初步诊断了长江中下游降水偏少的可能原因。结果显示,2019年夏季全国气温偏暖明显,降水总量接近常年,但旱涝分布有明显的空间差异,东部主要多雨区位于江南至华南及东北地区,云南和黄淮等地气象干旱长时间持续。东部季风区降水还呈现出明显的季节内变化,尤其是江南等地在夏季前期降水过程密集,涝灾严重,但后期急速减少,高温事件迅速爆发。华南前汛期和江南梅雨开始早结束晚。2019年夏季,欧亚中高纬度地区两槽一脊的环流形势非常明显。其中黄海至日本海持续维持的低槽造成夏季西太平洋副热带高压强度偏强,位置略偏西偏南。这一低槽也是长江中下游少雨和江南多雨的直接原因。其在夏季前期位置明显偏南,和副热带高压脊线南北位置的演变非常一致。但在夏季后期,随着这一低槽的减弱北移,副热带高压迅速北跳,也造成雨带从江南快速移动到北方地区。  相似文献   

Based on the National Centers for Environmental Prediction and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis data from 1950-1999, interdecadal variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) and its associated atmospheric circulations are investigated. The EASM exhibits a distinct interdecadal variation, with stronger (weaker) summer monsoon maintained from 1950-1964 (1976-1997). In the former case, there is an enhanced Walker cell in the eastern Pacific and an anti-Walker cell in the western Pacific. The associated ascending motion resides in the central Pacific, which flows eastward and westward in the upper troposphere, descending in the eastern and western ends of the Pacific basin. At the same time, an anomalous East Asian Hadley Cell (EAHC) is found to connect the low-latitude and mid-latitude systems in East Asia, which strengthens the EASM. The descending branch of the EAHC lies in the west part of the anti-Walker cell, flowing northward in the lower troposphere and then ascending at the south of Lake Baikal (40°-50°N, 95°- 115°E) before returning to low latitudes in the upper troposphere, thus strengthening the EASM. The relationship between the EASM and SST in the eastern tropical Pacific is also discussed. A possible mechanism is proposed to link interdecadal variation of the EASM with the eastern tropical Pacific SST. A warmer sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) therein induces anomalous ascending motion in the eastern Pacific, resulting in a weaker Walker cell, and at the same time inducing an anomalous Walker cell in the western Pacific and an enhanced EAHC, leading to a weaker EASM. Furthermore, the interdecadal variation of summer precipitation over North China is found to be the south of Lake Baikal through enhancing and reducing strongly regulated by the velocity potential over the regional vertical motions.  相似文献   

东亚季风区夏季风强度和降水的配置关系   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
1979~2000年东亚地区夏季风强度和夏季总降水之间的关系被分为四种类型:A:强季风、强降水;B:强季风、弱降水;C:弱季风、强降水;D:弱季风、弱降水.通过研究不同关系对应的大气环流特征和SST异常,并分析不同要素在季风和降水关系变化中的作用,发现在季尺度上东亚季风区夏季风强度和地区同期降雨总量的关系具有多面性特征,此关系取决于环流场的整体配置,其中西太平洋副高﹑南亚高压和中高纬阻塞形式为三个起主导作用的因素.另外,海温变化对东亚季风和总降水的关系有明显的影响,尤其是北太平洋﹑印度洋和南海区域海温.合成分析结果表明500 hPa东亚异常波列和东亚夏季风强度密切相关,但波形与东亚季风区夏季总降水强弱没有明显联系.  相似文献   

The first decadal leading mode of East Asian summer rainfall (EASR) is characterized by rainfall anomalies along the East Asian subtropical rain belt. This study focuses on the second decadal leading mode (2DLM), accounting for 17.3% of rainfall decadal vari- ance, as distinct from the other two neighboring modes of EAMR, based on the state-of-the-art in-situ rainfall data. This mode is characterized by a South-China-wet-Huaihe- River-dry pattern, and is dominated by a quasi-30-yr pe- riod. Further analysis reveals the 2DLM corresponds to an enhanced lower-level monsoon jet, an eastward extension of the western North Pacific subtropical high, and a weakened East Asian upper-level westerly jet flow. The Tibetan Plateau surface temperature and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) are closely linked with the 2DLM. The regressed SST pattern indicates the PDO-like pattern of sea surface temperature anomalies may have a telecon- nection relationship with the 2DLM of EASR.  相似文献   

This study discusses the potential contribution of the Pacific decadal oscillation(PDO)to the weakening of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM)and the evident correlation between the positive PDO and"Southern flood and Northern drought(SFND)"summer rainfall pattern over East China.The mechanism behind this contribution is also discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between the soil temperature in May and the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) precipitation in June and July using station observed soil temperature data over Northwest China from 1971 to 2000.It is found that the memory of the soil temperature at 80-cm depth can persist for at least 2 months,and the soil temperature in May is closely linked to the EASM precipitation in June and July.When the soil temperature is warmer in May over Northwest China,less rainfall occurs over the Yangtze and Huaihe River valley but more rainfall occurs over South China in June and July.It is proposed that positive anomalous soil temperature in May over Northwest China corresponds to higher geopotential heights over the most parts of the mainland of East Asia,which tend to weaken the ensuing EASM.Moreover,in June and July,a cyclonic circulation anomaly occurs over Southeast China and Northwest Pacific and an anticyclonic anomaly appears in the Yangtze and Huaihe River valley at 850 hPa.All the above tend to suppress the precipitation in the Yangtze and Huaihe River valley.The results also indicate that the soil temperature in May over Northwest China is closely related to the East Asia/Pacific (EAP) teleconnection pattern,and it may be employed as a useful predictor for the East Asian summer monsoon rainfall.  相似文献   

东亚夏季风活动与不同类型云的相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用1998~2007年候平均卫星-台站融合降水资料以及ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) D1云资料,分别定义了标准降水指数和两类云指数。降水指数大值区的移动能很好的表征东亚夏季风活动,两类云指数能分别反映某个区域深对流云(DC)、高积云(Ac)和积云(Cu)云量的集中变化特征。根据不同地区降水集中时段以及降水量等气候特征,结合中国气候区划(温度带及干湿区)及不同地域的地形特征,把中国大陆受东亚夏季风影响的地区划分为五个子区域。利用ISCCP D1云气候资料和降水资料,在候时间尺度上通过分析降水与不同云类、标准降水指数与两类云指数的相关性研究了东亚夏季风活动与不同类型云的对应关系。研究表明:ISCCP定义的深对流云(DC)、卷层云(Cs)与降水量在五个区显著正相关,表明东亚夏季风活动伴随有大量的对流云及云砧出现;高积云(Ac)、积云(Cu)的总云量与降水量在五个区显著负相关,表明夏季风活动增强时,Ac和Cu云量减少;层云(St)和层积云(Sc)与降水量在南方和北方分别呈显著的负相关和正相关,说明季风活动在南方伴随着对流云的显著增加,在北方则使层状云和对流云均有所增加;高层云(As)、卷云(Ci)和雨层云(Ns)与季风活动没有显著的相关性。  相似文献   

The different spatial distributions of aerosol-induced direct radiative forcing and climatic effects in a weak(2003)and a strong(2006)East Asian summer monsoon(EASM)circulation were simulated using a high-resolution regional climate model(RegCM3).Results showed that the atmospheric circulations of summer monsoon have direct relations with transport of aerosols and their climatic effects.Both the top-of-the-atmosphere(TOA)and the surface-negative radiative forcing of aerosols were stronger in weak EASM circulations.The main difference in aerosol-induced negative forcing in two summers varied between 2 and 14 W m 2from the Sichuan Basin to North China,where a maximum in aerosol-induced negative forcing was also noticed in the EASM-dominated areas.The spatial difference in the simulated aerosol optical depth(AOD)in two summers generally showed the similar pictures.Surface cooling effects induced by aerosols were spatially more uniform in weak EASM circulations and cooler by about 1–4.5 C.A preliminary analysis here indicated that a weaker low-level wind speed not conducive to the transport and diffusion of aerosols could make more contributions to the differences in the two circulations.  相似文献   

In terms of Kuo-Qian p-sigma incorporated coordinate five-level primitive equation spheric band (70oN-30oS) model with the Ural high’s effect introduced into it as initial and boundary conditions, study is made of the high’s in-fluence on Asian summer monsoon circulation and dryness / wetness, of eastern China bated on case contrast and control experiments. Results show that as an excitation source, the blocking high produces a SE-NW stationary wavetrain with its upper-air atnicyclonic divergent circulation (just over a lower-level trough zone) precisely over the middle to lower reaches of the Changjiang River, enhancing East Asian westerly jet, a situation that contributes to perturbation growth, causing an additional secondary meridional circulation at the jet entrance, which intensifies the updraft in the monsoon area. As such, the high’s presence and its excited steady wavetrain represent the large-scale key factors and acting mechanisms for the rainstorm over the Chamgjiang-Huaihe River catchment in the eastern part of the land.  相似文献   

东亚夏季风成员的相互作用,构成了东亚夏季风高、低层环流的“多齿轮耦合”形态。本文利用多变量主成分分析(MV-EOF)等方法诊断分析了东亚夏季风多齿轮耦合的变化特征、耦合机制、时间稳定性、空间稳定特征及其对中国夏季降水的影响机制,并在此基础上构建了典型多齿轮耦合形态影响夏季降水的概念模型。结果表明,多齿轮耦合受到垂直温、压场的强迫和青藏高原大地形的影响,主要表现在年际变化上(周期为2~6年)。其前两个模态稳定地反映了东亚夏季风成员典型联动作用。在第一模态中,北方气旋、南亚高压和西太平洋副热带高压为主要耦合系统。其中北方气旋为正压结构,在高层通过南侧偏西气流与南亚高压耦合,南亚高压则通过中纬东部地区下沉辐散气流与西太平洋副热带高压联动。当该耦合模态增强时,有利于中国夏季降水呈自北向南“+-+-”分布。第二模态主要反映中高纬气旋、东亚副热带西风气流、南亚高压、西北太平洋反气旋系统和西太平洋副热带高压耦合特征。其中,中高纬气旋和西北太平洋反气旋为正压系统,两者通过其间的东南气流联动。气旋系统在高层通过南侧西风与东亚副热带西风急流和南亚高压联动。反气旋在中低层通过南侧的偏东气流影响副热带高压强度和面积。当该耦合模态增强时,中国黄河以北及河套地区降水偏多,黄河以南降水偏少。  相似文献   

徐霈强  冯娟  陈文 《大气科学》2016,40(4):831-840
东亚冬季风(East Asian Winter Monsoon,简称EAWM)和东亚夏季风(East Asian Summer Monsoon,简称EASM)作为东亚季风系统的两个组成部分,他们之间存在显著的转换关系。前人的研究表明EAWM与次年EASM的转换关系只有在ENSO事件发生时才显著,然而这些研究都是基于ENSO对大气环流的影响是对称的这一假设下进行的。本文的研究表明EAWM和次年EASM的转换关系在ENSO冷暖事件中存在着明显的不对称性。通过将EAWM分为与ENSO有关的部分(EAWMEN)和与ENSO无关的部分(EAWMRES),我们发现在强EAWMEN年(即La Ni?a年),在西北太平洋会存在一个从冬季维持到次年夏季的气旋性环流异常(the anomalous western North Pacific Cyclone,WNPC),从而造成EASM偏弱;而在弱EAWMEN年(即El Ni?o年时),在西北太平洋会存在一个从冬季维持到次年夏季的反气旋性环流异常(the anomalous western North Pacific anticyclone,WNPAC),从而引起次年EASM偏强。比较而言,WNPAC的位置比WNPC的位置偏南,且强度更强,因而在El Ni?o年能够引起次年EASM更大幅度的增强。造成这一不对称联系的主要原因是热带太平洋和印度洋异常海温的演变差异。在强EAWMEN年,热带太平洋的负海温异常衰减地较慢,使得在次年夏季仍然维持着显著的负异常海温;相反,在弱EAWMEN年,热带太平洋的正海温异常衰减地较快,以至于在次年夏季的异常海温信号已经基本消失,但此时印度洋却有着显著的暖海温异常。海温演变的差异进一步造成了大气环流的差异,从而导致EAWM与次年EASM联系的不对称性。  相似文献   

东亚副热带西风急流位置变化与亚洲夏季风爆发的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张耀存  况雪源 《湖北气象》2008,27(2):97-103
利用1961~2000年的NCEP/NCAR候平均再分析资料,初步探讨了季节转换期间东亚副热带西风急流南北和东西向位置变化与亚洲季风爆发之间的联系。结果表明,亚洲夏季风爆发伴随着东亚副热带西风急流轴线的北跳和急流中心西移,急流轴北跳至35°N以北的青藏高原上空,南支西风急流消失,亚洲季风环流形势建立。南海季风爆发早年,低纬的东风向北推进的时间早,到达的纬度偏北,中纬的西风急流强度偏弱,季风爆发晚年则相反。同时,南海夏季风爆发早年,青藏高原上空急流核出现较早,西太平洋上空急流核减弱较快,急流中心“西移”较早。而在南海夏季风爆发晚年,西太平洋上空的急流核减弱较迟,青藏高原上空急流核形成偏晚,急流中心“西移”较迟。此外,急流中心东西向位置和强度变化与江淮流域梅雨的开始和结束也有密切关系。  相似文献   

中国东部夏季降水的准两年周期振荡及其成因   总被引:18,自引:13,他引:18  
应用中国160测站降水资料和ERA-40再分析资料以及EOF和熵谱分析方法,分析了中国夏季(6~8月)降水和东亚水汽输送通量的年际变化,表明中国(特别是华南、长江流域和淮河流域以及华北等地区)夏季降水具有2~3 a周期变化特征,即准两年周期的振荡特征,并表明中国降水的这种周期振荡与东亚上空夏季风水汽输送通量的准两年周期振荡密切相关;并且,还利用NCEP/NCAR的海表温度和日本气象厅的沿137°E海温剖面观测资料,分析了热带西太平洋表层与次表层海温的年际变化,揭示了热带西太平洋热力状态的变化也有显著的准两年周期的变化特征.作者利用相关和集成分析来讨论热带西太平洋热状态的准两年周期振荡对中国夏季降水和东亚水汽输送的影响,表明了热带西太平洋海温的准两年周期振荡对东亚夏季风及其所驱动的水汽输送都有很大影响.此外,作者还利用东亚/太平洋型(EAP型)遥相关理论,简单地讨论了热带西太平洋热力状态的准两年周期振荡影响中国夏季风降水准两年周期变化的物理机制.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代初东亚夏季风的年代际转型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用1979—2009年JRA-25和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,通过复矢量经验正交方法揭示了东亚地区夏季850 hPa风场变率的优势模态。结果表明:两套再分析资料所揭示的东亚夏季风在20世纪90年代初均发生了年代际转型,与我国夏季降水的年代际转型时间一致。伴随着东亚夏季风的年代际转型,我国北方大部分地区夏季降水减少,尤其是我国东北北部和长江、黄河之间105°E附近区域显著减少,而华南地区和淮河流域降水显著增加。从动力上解释我国夏季降水年代际转型特征,夏季500 hPa高度场两个时段 (1993—2009年和1979—1992年) 的差值分布显示为欧亚大陆北部准纬向遥相关波列,夏季850 hPa风场差值分布表现为贝加尔湖东南侧和日本以南地区存在两个异常反气旋式环流,而我国南方地区和鄂霍次克海附近均为异常气旋式环流。夏季西北太平洋、北印度洋以及部分中高纬度海洋的海温和春季欧亚大陆积雪在20世纪90年代初出现显著变化,春季北极海冰的年代际转型发生在20世纪90年代初,都可能成为东亚夏季风年代际转型的原因。  相似文献   

Bin WANG  Juan LI  Qiong HE 《大气科学进展》2017,34(10):1235-1248
Severe flooding occurred in southern and northern China during the summer of 2016 when the 2015 super El Nio decayed to a normal condition. However, the mean precipitation during summer(June–July-August) 2016 does not show significant anomalies, suggesting that — over East Asia(EA) — seasonal mean anomalies have limited value in representing hydrological hazards. Scrutinizing season-evolving precipitation anomalies associated with 16 El Nio episodes during 1957–2016 reveals that, over EA, the spatiotemporal patterns among the four categories of El Nio events are quite variable, due to a large range of variability in the intensity and evolution of El Nio events and remarkable subseasonal migration of the rainfall anomalies. The only robust seasonal signal is the dry anomalies over central North China during the El Nio developing summer. Distinguishing strong and weak El Nio impacts is important. Only strong El Nio events can persistently enhance EA subtropical frontal precipitation from the peak season of El Nio to the ensuing summer, by stimulating intense interaction between the anomalous western Pacific anticyclone(WPAC) and underlying dipolar sea surface temperature anomalies in the Indo-Pacific warm pool, thereby maintaining the WPAC and leading to a prolonged El Nio impact on EA. A weak El Nio may also enhance the post-El Nio summer rainfall over EA, but through a different physical process: the WPAC re-emerges as a forced response to the rapid cooling in the eastern Pacific. The results suggest that the skillful prediction of rainfall over continental EA requires the accurate prediction of not only the strength and evolution of El Nio, but also the subseasonal migration of EA rainfall anomalies.  相似文献   

东亚夏季风的季节内振荡研究   总被引:34,自引:10,他引:34  
琚建华  钱诚  曹杰 《大气科学》2005,29(2):187-194
利用动力学因子和热力学因子结合的方法,将东亚夏季风区的西南风与OLR进行了综合处理,构造成东亚季风指数(IM).研究结果表明,该指数既可很好地反映东亚季风区的风场、高度场的环流特征,又能较好地描述我国长江中下游地区夏季降水和气温的变化.通过功率谱和带通滤波结合的方法研究东亚夏季风中的季节内振荡,东亚夏季风区内低频振荡在夏季主要是以30~60天周期的振荡为主;东亚夏季风的季节内振荡在东亚沿海呈波列的形式,并表现为随时间向北传播的季风涌;由于该季节内振荡的波动,造成了东亚热带夏季风在东亚热带和副热带地区活动的反位相关系.  相似文献   

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