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Central Italy is an active tectonic area that has been recently studied by several regional mantle, Pn and SKS, studies which revealed the presence of a strong regional anisotropy. In this paper, we present the first petrophysical results on the only mantle xenoliths from Central Italy, which place new constraints on the upper mantle structures of this region. The Torre Alfina mantle xenoliths are very small in size, from few millimetres to about 1.5 cm. They are mainly dunites and harzburgites, with subordinate lherzolites and wehrlites. Since olivine and spinel are always present, they should have crystallised in the spinel-bearing lherzolite field. Their mineralogical composition is ol+spl±opx±cpx. Both olivines and pyroxenes are present as porphyroclasts and as neoblasts. The xenoliths show different degrees of recrystallization. Geothermobarometry on these xenoliths give a temperature range of 1040±40 °C and a pressure estimate of about 1.5 GPa, corresponding to 50 to 60 km depth. Previous seismic studies have estimated the Moho to be at 20 to 25 km in this region, hence the xenoliths come from a hot mantle, probably asthenospheric, below a lithosphere of about 25 to 40 km in thickness below the Moho. We measure the crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of olivines and pyroxenes using a SEM and the Electron Back Scattered Diffraction (EBSD) technique. The CPO shows all three axes of olivine are tightly clustered: [100] axis is typically more tightly clustered than [010] and [001] is the most widely distributed axis. The fabric strength expressed by the integral J index, varies from 4.5 to 25.9, and decreases with the degree of recrystallization. We use CPO data to calculate anisotropic seismic properties of the xenoliths. They are very homogenous and probably statistically representative of the mantle below the Torre Alfina area. Vp ranges from 8.4 to 9.1 km/s, Vs1 from 4.8 to 5.0 km/s. The seismic anisotropy is more variable; AVp ranges from 9.8% to 19.3% and AVs from 7.3% to 13.4%. The majority of the xenoliths display an orthorhombic seismic symmetry, but xenoliths with a transverse isotropic behaviour have also been observed.

We consider four geodynamic models for the source region of the xenoliths (extension, shear, upwelling, slab tilted), defined by different orientations of the structural reference frame, and we calculated for each model the variation of the seismic properties with temperature, pressure and volume fraction of orthopyroxene. After comparing this variation of calculated seismic parameters with seismic observations from the region, we form the hypothesis that the xenoliths come from either an extensional tectonic zone (lineation X and foliation plane XY horizontal) or transcurrent shear zone (lineation X horizontal and foliation plane XY vertical) and that the mantle beneath Torre Alfina is composed by 70% olivine and 30% orthopyroxene forming an anisotropic layer of about 160 or 110 km in thickness, respectively.  相似文献   

The Coyote Lake basalt, located near the intersection of the Hayward and Calaveras faults in central California, contains spinel peridotite xenoliths from the mantle beneath the San Andreas fault system. Six upper mantle xenoliths were studied in detail by a combination of petrologic techniques. Temperature estimates, obtained from three two-pyroxene geothermometers and the Al-in-orthopyroxene geothermometer, indicate that the xenoliths equilibrated at 970–1100 °C. A thermal model was used to estimate the corresponding depth of equilibration for these xenoliths, resulting in depths between 38 and 43 km. The lattice preferred orientation of olivine measured in five of the xenolith samples show strong point distributions of olivine crystallographic axes suggesting that fabrics formed under high-temperature conditions. Calculated seismic anisotropy values indicate an average shear wave anisotropy of 6%, higher than the anisotropy calculated from xenoliths from other tectonic environments. Using this value, the anisotropic layer responsible for fault-parallel shear wave splitting in central California is less than 100 km thick. The strong fabric preserved in the xenoliths suggests that a mantle shear zone exists below the Calaveras fault to a depth of at least 40 km, and combining xenolith petrofabrics with shear wave splitting studies helps distinguish between different models for deformation at depth beneath the San Andrea fault system.  相似文献   

We have measured P- and S-wave velocities on two amphibolite and two gneiss samples from the Kola superdeep borehole as a function of pressure (up to 600 MPa) and temperature (up to 600 °C). The velocity measurements include compressional (Vp) and shear wave velocities (Vs1, Vs2) propagating in three orthogonal directions which were in general not parallel to inherent rock symmetry axes or planes. The measurements are accompanied by 3D-velocities calculations based on lattice preferred orientation (LPO) obtained by TOF (Time Of Flight) neutron diffraction analysis which allows the investigation of bulk volumes up to several cubic centimetres due to the high penetration depth of neutrons. The LPO-based numerical velocity calculations give important information on the different contribution of the various rock-forming minerals to bulk elastic anisotropy and on the relations of seismic anisotropy, shear wave splitting, and shear wave polarization to the structural reference frame (foliation and lineation). Comparison with measured velocities obtained for the three propagation directions that were not in accordance with the structural frame of the rocks (foliation and lineation) demonstrate that for shear waves propagating through anisotropic rocks the vibration directions are as important as the propagation directions. The study demonstrates that proper measurement of shear wave splitting by means of two orthogonal polarized sending and receiving shear wave transducers is only possible when their propagation and polarization directions are parallel and normal to foliation and lineation, respectively.  相似文献   

商咏梅  周永胜  马玺 《岩石学报》2024,40(4):1285-1298

SKS测量结果显示松辽盆地快波方向分布较为复杂, 由于缺乏深部岩石变形资料约束, 制约了地震波各向异性成因解释。本文通过对松辽盆地南部双辽地区橄榄岩包体进行详细的岩石学、地球化学、显微结构、各向异性研究, 结果显示双辽地区橄榄岩包体的平衡温度为893~1152℃, 来源于岩石圈地幔。橄榄岩中橄榄石的晶格优选方位(CPO)类型主要为A型、D型和AG型, 其中, AG型和D型CPO可能形成于西太平洋板块向欧亚大陆俯冲回撤导致的岩石圈变形, AG型橄榄石CPO也可能形成于熔体存在下的橄榄石变形。基于CPO计算获得的橄榄岩包体全岩VP各向异性(AVP)为4.79%~11.80%, 最大剪切波各向异性(AVSmax)为3.13%~7.93%。结合地球物理测量结果, 推断松辽盆地南部复杂的SKS各向异性的主要贡献可能来源于面理陡倾或直立的岩石圈地幔。


M.G. Kopylova  J. Lo  N.I. Christensen 《Lithos》2004,77(1-4):493-510
Modes and compositions of minerals in Slave mantle xenoliths, together with their pressures and temperatures of equilibrium were used to derive model depth profiles of P- and S-wave velocities (Vp, Vs) for composites equivalent to peridotite, pyroxenite and eclogite. The rocks were modeled as isotropic aggregates with uniform distribution of crystal orientations, based on single-crystal elastic moduli and volume fractions of constituent minerals. Calculated seismic wave velocities are adjusted for in situ pressure and temperature conditions using (1) experimental P- and T- derivatives for bulk rocks' Vp and Vs, and (2) calculated P- and T- derivatives for bulk rocks' elastic moduli and densities. The peridotite seismic profiles match well with the globally averaged IASP91 model and with seismic tomography results for the Slave mantle. In peridotite, an observed increase of seismic wave velocities with depth is controlled by lower degrees of chemical depletion in the deeper upper mantle. In eclogite, seismic velocities increase more rapidly with depth than in peridotite. This follows from contrasting first-order pressure derivatives of bulk isotropic moduli for eclogite and peridotite, and from the lower compressibility of eclogite at high pressures. Our calculations suggest that depletion in cratonic mantle has a distinct seismic signature compared to non-cratonic mantle. Depleted mantle on cratons should have slower Vp, faster Vs and should show lower Poisson's ratios due to an orthopyroxene enrichment. For the modelled Slave craton xenoliths, the predicted effect on seismic wave velocities would be up to 0.05 km/s.  相似文献   

M. Faccenda  G. Bressan  L. Burlini   《Tectonophysics》2007,445(3-4):210-226
The compressional and shear wave velocities have been measured at room temperature and pressure up to 450 MPa on 5 sedimentary rock samples, representative of the most common lithologies of the upper crust in the central Friuli area (northeastern Italy). At 400 MPa confining pressure the Triassic dolomitic rock shows the highest velocities (Vp  7 km/s, Vs  3.6 km/s), the Jurassic and Triassic limestones samples intermediate velocities (Vp  6.3 /s, Vs  3.5 km/s) and the Cenozoic and Paleozoic sandstones the lowest velocities (Vp  6.15 km/s, Vs  3.35 km/s). The Paleozoic sandstone sample is characterized by the strongest anisotropy (10%) and significant birefringence (0.2 km/s) is found only on the Cenozoic sandstone sample. We elaborated the synthetic profiles of seismic velocities, density, elastic parameters and reflection coefficient, related to 4 one-dimensional geological models extended up to 22 km depth. The synthetic profiles evidence high rheological contrasts between Triassic dolomitic rocks and the soft sandstones and the Jurassic limestones. The Vp profiles obtained from laboratory measurements match very well the in-situ Vp profile measured by sonic log for the limestones and dolomitic rocks, supporting our one-dimensional modelling of the calcareous-carbonatic stratigraphic series. The Vp and Vs values of the synthetic profiles are compared with the corresponding ones obtained from the 3-D tomographic inversion of local earthquakes. The laboratory Vp are generally higher than the tomographic ones with major discrepancies for the dolomitic lithology. The comparison with the depth location of seismicity reveals that the seismic energy is mainly released in correspondence of high-contrast rheological boundaries.  相似文献   

本总结了榴辉岩的高温高压弹性波速测量结果,并将其应用于苏鲁超高压变质带地震资料的解释。由于榴辉岩具有高密度和高波速,它们和长英质片麻岩、大理岩、石英岩、角闪岩、麻粒岩、蛇纹石化橄榄岩的界面可以产生强反射。如果俯冲的陆壳物质以榴辉岩与围岩互层的形式在上地幔保留下来,就可能在造山带的上地幔产生地震反射。根据CCSD孔区地震剖面所建立的地壳成分模型表明:苏鲁超高压带地壳浅部的高速层可归因于夹在花岗质片麻岩、副片麻岩、角闪岩等岩石中的榴辉岩和超基性岩;中地壳主要由中酸性片麻岩、斜长角闪岩和副片麻岩组成;下地壳以中基性麻粒岩为主。在该超高压变质带现今的深部地壳,榴辉岩含量很少或几乎没有。因此,折返的超高压变质岩是以构造岩片的形式沿一系列剪切带逆冲并覆盖在正常的中下地壳之上,深部榴辉岩的缺乏可能与下地壳拆沉作用无关。  相似文献   

A passive teleseismic experiment (TOR), traversing the northern part of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) in Germany, Denmark and Sweden, recorded data for tomography of the upper mantle with a lateral resolution of few tens of kilometers as well as for a detailed study of seismic anisotropy. A joint inversion of teleseismic P-residual spheres and shear-wave splitting parameters allows us to retrieve the 3D orientation of dipping anisotropic structures in different domains of the sub-crustal lithosphere. We distinguish three major domains of different large-scale fabric divided by first-order sutures cutting the whole lithosphere thickness. The Baltic Shield north of the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone (STZ) is characterised by lithosphere thickness around 175 km and the anisotropy is modelled by olivine aggregate of hexagonal symmetry with the high-velocity (ac) foliation plane striking NW–SE and dipping to NE. Southward of the STZ, beneath the Norwegian–Danish Basin, the lithosphere thins abruptly to about 75 km. In this domain, between the STZ and the so-called Caledonian Deformation Front (CDF), the anisotropic structures strike NE–SW and the high-velocity (ac) foliation dips to NW. To the south of the CDF, beneath northern Germany, we observe a heterogeneous lithosphere with variable thickness and anisotropic structures with high velocity dipping predominantly to SW. Most of the anisotropy observed at TOR stations can be explained by a preferred olivine orientation frozen in the sub-crustal lithosphere. Beneath northern Germany, a part of the shear-wave splitting is probably caused by a present-day flow in the asthenosphere.  相似文献   

Quaternary basanitic to nephelinitic volcanoes from Tahalra (western Ahaggar, southern Algeria) contain numerous Mg-ilmenite and amphibole-rich inclusions (±olivine, ±salite) and spinel lherzolite (±pargasite) inclusions associated with kaersutite megacrysts. On the basis of petrological, geochemical and Sr isotopic study of representative xenoliths (including a composite nodule defined as a vein cross-cutting peridotite) and lavas, we attribute the series of amphibole-rich xenoliths and megacrysts to segregation under upper mantle conditions from a hydrous high Ti and LREE melt geochemically similar to the Quaternary basanite but isotopically different. Amphibole-rich rocks and megacrysts are the results of magmatic events (less than 40 Ma) probably contemporaneous with the various pre-Quaternary volcanic phases recognized in Ahaggar. The amphibole-rich veins and the Quaternary lavas have a garnet lherzolitic source enriched in REE (7 to 9 times chondritic in LREE, 2 times in HREE). This enrichment probably results from former metasomatic events unrelated to the recent magmatic history. Melts from which these veins precipitated within upper mantle peridotite also account for mantle enrichment processes; they induced a local partial melting and contact metasomatism (pargasitization). The upper mantle beneath the volcanic areas of Ahaggar is veined and hydrous, and consequently lightened: thus, the uplift of basement may be the isostatic response to magmatism and related metasomatism and therefore the result of the Cenozoïc igneous activity.  相似文献   

Coarse-grained, granular spinel lherzolites xenoliths from the Premier kimberlite show evidence of melt extraction and metasomatic enrichment, documenting a complex history for the shallow mantle beneath the Bushveld complex. Compositions of orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and spinel indicate equilibration within the spinel–peridotite facies of the upper mantle, at depths from 80 to 100 km and temperatures from 720 to 850 °C. Bulk compositions have lower Mg-number [atomic 100 Mg/(Mg + Fe*)] than previously studied spinel peridotites from Premier, and have higher Mg/Si than low-temperature coarse grained garnet lherzolites, suggesting shallower melting conditions or metasomatic enrichment. Clinopyroxene in one sample is highly LREE-depleted indicating very minor modification of a residue of 20% melt extraction, whereas the calculated REE pattern for a melt in equilibrium with a mildly LREE-depleted sample is similar to MORB or late Archean basalt, possibly related to the Bushveld Complex. Bulk and mineral compositions suggest minimal refertilization by silicate melts in four out of six samples, but REE patterns indicate introduction of a LIL-enriched component that may be related to kimberlite.  相似文献   

During ODP Leg 103, serpentinized peridotite (clinopyroxene-spinel harzburgite) was cored within the basement approximatively at the boundary between the North Atlantic oceanic curst to the west, and the thinned continental crust of the Galicia passive margin (Spain) to the east. The exposure of mantle derived peridotite on the seafloor occurred at the end of the period of rifting, roughly 110 Ma ago. Ductile shear zones observed in the cored peridotite are consistent with movements along a deep low-angle, normal fault rooted within the upper mantle and dipping eastward, beneath the Galicia margin. To explain the tectonic denudation of the mantle at the ocean-continent boundary, we use a non-uniform stretching model for the lithosphere, set up from the Wernicke's model (1985).  相似文献   

The compressional wave velocities (Vp), pressure derivatives (Vp′) and anisotropy (A) of three types of eclogites and country rocks from the Dabie–Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt, China, have been measured under confining pressures up to 800 MPa. Type-1 eclogites, which are coarse-grained and subjected to almost no retrograde metamorphism, experienced recovery-accommodated dislocation creep at peak metamorphic conditions (in the diamond stability field). Type-2 eclogites are fine-grained reworked Type-1 materials that experienced recrystallization-accommodated dislocation creep under quartz/coesite boundary conditions during the early stage of exhumation. Type-3 eclogites are retrogressed samples that were overprinted by significant amphibolite facies metamorphism during a late stage of exhumation within the crust. Type-1 eclogites are richer in Al2O3 and MgO but poorer in SiO2 and Na2O than Type-2 and Type-3 eclogites. Anisotropy of Type-1 and Type-2 eclogites is generally low (<4%) because volumetrically important garnet is elastically quasi-isotropic, while Type-3 eclogites can exhibit high anisotropy (>10%) due to the presence of strongly anisotropic retrograde minerals such as amphibole, plagioclase and mica. The transition of the pressure dependence of velocity from the poroelastic to elastic regimes occurs at a critical pressure (Pc), which depends mainly on the density and distribution of microcracks and in turn on the exhumation history of rocks. The Vp–pressure relationship can be expressed by Vp=a(lnP)2+blnP+c (PPc) and Vp=V0+DP (PPc), where P is the confining pressure, a and b are constants describing the closure of microcracks below Pc, c is the velocity when P is equal to one (MPa), V0 is the projected velocity of a crack-free sample at room pressure, and D is the intrinsic pressure derivative above Pc. When data are curve-fit, pressure derivatives and anisotropy as functions of pressure are determined. The average Vp of the eclogites in the linear regime is 8.42+1.41×10−4P for Type-1, 7.80+1.58×10−4P for Type-2, and 7.33+2.04×10−4P for Type-3, where Vp is in km/s and P in MPa. The decrease in V0 and increase in D from Type-1 to Type-3 eclogites are attributed to a decrease in garnet content and an increase in retrograde minerals. The NE–SW trending, NW-dipping, slab-like high Vp anomaly (8.72 km/s at a depth of 71 km) which extends from the Moho to at least 110 km beneath the Dabie–Sulu region, can be interpreted as the remnant of a subducted slab which is dominated by Type-1 eclogites and has frozen in the upper mantle since about 200–220 Ma. Such relic crustal materials, subducted and preserved as eclogite layers intercalated with felsic gneiss, garnet–jadeite quartzite, marble and serpentinized peridotite, could be responsible for regionally observed seismic reflectors in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

中国白垩纪大陆科学钻探松科1井连续取嫩江组三~五段岩心长532.07rn,岩心收获率为94.8%,是迄今获取的最连续完整的沉积记录。文章对此进行了厘米级沉积地质描述(分层厚度2~5cm)。嫩三~五段沉积时期与坎潘阶中期对应。通过对松科1井嫩三~五段岩心的精细描述,揭示其岩性一岩相一旋回的沉积序列及其过程。嫩三~五段识别...  相似文献   

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