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Photometric and spectroscopic observations of the nearby type-IIP supernova 2004dj are presented. The 56Ni mass in the envelope of SN 2004dj was estimated from the light curve to be ≈0.02M. This estimate is confirmed by modeling the Hα luminosity. The Hα emission line exhibits a strong asymmetry characterized by the presence of a blue component in the line with a shift of ?1600 km s?1 at the early nebular phase. A similar asymmetry was found in the Hβ, [O I], and [Ca II] lines. The line asymmetry is interpreted as being the result of asymmetric 56Ni ejecta. The Hα profile and its evolution are reproduced in the model of an asymmetric bipolar 56Ni structure for a spherical hydrogen distribution. The mass of the front 56Ni jet is comparable to that of the central component and twice that of the rear 56Ni jet. We point out that the asymmetric bipolar structure of 56Ni ejecta is also present in SN 1999em, a normal type-IIP supernova.  相似文献   

Based on observations of SN 1999em, we determined the physical parameters of this supernova using hydrodynamic calculations including nonequilibrium radiative transfer. Taking the distance to SN 1999em estimated by the expanding photosphere method (EPM) to be D = 7.5 Mpc, we found the parameters of the presupernova: radius R = 450R, mass M = 15M, and explosion energy E = 7 × 1050 erg. For the distance D = 12 Mpc determined from Cepheids, R, M, and E must be increased to the following values: R = 1000R, M = 18M, and E = 1051 erg. We show that one cannot restrict oneself to using the simple analytical formulas relating the supernova and presupernova parameters to obtain reliable parameters for type-IIP presupernovae.  相似文献   

The mineralogical composition of grains produced in supernova ejecta is explored via chemical equilibrium condensation computations. These calculations are carried out for chemical compositions characteristic of each of several supernova zones, taking into account the pressure decrease due to adiabatic expansion and condensation. The distributions of the major elements among the various gaseous species and solid phases are graphically displayed. These computations reveal that many of the major condensates from supernova ejecta are also stable against evaporation in a gas of solar composition at high temperatures. This is especially true for minerals containing the elements O, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Fe and Ti. Grains which form in supernova ejecta are less likely to become homogenized with solar nebular gas than SN gas and are thus potential sources of exotic isotopic compositions in the early solar system. The calculated elemental distributions of supernova condensates are applied to problems concerning isotopic anomalies and large mass-dependent isotopic fractionations discovered in the meteorite Allende. The order in which the major elements become totally condensed is found to be nearly independent of the supernova zone considered, being the same as that for a solar gas. The consequence of this may be that some of the observed depletions of heavy elements in the interstellar gas are due to supernova-produced dust.Paper presented at the Conference on Protostars and Planets, held at the Planetary Science Institute, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, between January 3 and 7, 1978.  相似文献   

A nuclear reaction network of 903 different, strong and electromagnetic reactions, linking 107 chemical constituents is used to study the elements synthesized in the neutron rich material, ejected in supernova explosions. A large number of three body reactions virtually eliminates the usual bottle neck at theA=5 mass gap.For initially high temperatures and densities,T=1010K and =7×108 gm/cm3, with expansion time scales of 10–3–10–2 sec, three differentn top ratios,n/p=4,n/p=3/2, andn/p1, are considered for the ejected matter. In all three cases, the material synthesized is preponderantly heavy. For then/p=4 model, the conditions at the charged particle freeze-out are ideal for the r-process. The onset of this rapid neutron capture phase is explicitly shown with a sequence of time lapse abundance plots.  相似文献   

The presence of dust at high redshift requires efficient condensation of grains in supernova (SN) ejecta, in accordance with current theoretical models. Yet observations of the few well-studied supernovae (SNe) and supernova remnants (SNRs) imply condensation efficiencies which are about two orders of magnitude smaller. Motivated by this tension, we have (i) revisited the model of Todini & Ferrara for dust formation in the ejecta of core collapse SNe, and (ii) followed, for the first time, the evolution of newly condensed grains from the time of formation to their survival – through the passage of the reverse shock – in the SNR. We find that  0.1–0.6  M  of dust form in the ejecta of 12–40 M stellar progenitors. Depending on the density of the surrounding interstellar medium, between 2 and 20 per cent of the initial dust mass survives the passage of the reverse shock, on time-scales of about  4–8 × 104  yr  from the stellar explosion. Sputtering by the hot gas induces a shift of the dust size distribution towards smaller grains. The resulting dust extinction curve shows a good agreement with that derived by observations of a reddened QSO at   z = 6.2  . Stochastic heating of small grains leads to a wide distribution of dust temperatures. This supports the idea that large amounts (∼0.1 M) of cold dust  ( T ∼ 40   K)  can be present in SNRs, without being in conflict with the observed infrared emission.  相似文献   

The thermal conditions leading to the rapid nucleation and growth of dust in astronomical explosions are examined. The contribution herein to nucleation physics lies only in the clarification of the ambient conditions where it apparently occurs. In both nova and interior shells of supernovae, dust precipitates in gas densities of order of 10–14 g cm–3 a few months after the explosion. The ambient conditions differ widely, however. Supernova condensation occurs in a thermal equilibrium, with photons, ions, electrons and grains having equal temperatures. In novae huge disequilibria exist, with photon and electron temperatures near 5×104 K, photon energy density near 750 K, and forming refractory grains near 1800 K. In neither type of explosion can the condensed matter easily maintain chemical equilibrium with the total system. Interesting isotopic anomalies are trapped in both types of refractory condensate in the interstellar medium. The nova provides the best astronomical laboratory for observing the condensation.Invited contribution to the Proceedings of a Workshop onThermodynamics and Kinetics of Dust Formation in the Space Medium, held at the Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 6–8 September, 1978.  相似文献   

In the ejecta of a supernova, the temperature of the created grains differs from that of the gas due to the radiation from the star. We investigated the grain formation in the supernova using a developed new nucleation rate where the temperature difference between the gas and the grains is taken into account. If the temperature of the grains is higher than that of the gas, the nucleation process does not occur when the gaseous temperature attains the condensation temperature. As a result we found that the temperature difference between the gas and the grains in SN1987A is about 50–200K which leads that the nucleation is delayed for about 20–100 days.  相似文献   

Upper bounds are derived for the masses of pure Ni56 and Fe56 stars, which are dynamically stable with respect to photodisintegration. Possible effects on stellar evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of relativity, the assumption of a superstrong magnetic field (SMF), and the shell model, the neutrino energy loss (NEL) rates of nuclides 56Fe, 56Co, 56Ni, 56Mn, 56Cr, and 56V by electron capture are investigated in the range of magnetic fields from 1013 G to 1018 G in magnetars. We also discuss the rates of change of the electron fraction (RCEF) in SMF and compare our results in SMF with those of FFN and Nabi, which is for the case without SMF. The results show that the NEL rates are increased greatly and even exceed by eight orders of magnitude in SMF. The RCEF are decreased largely and even exceed by seven orders of magnitude in SMF. On the other hand, our calculated NEL rates with SMF are larger by seven orders of magnitude than FFN’s at B=1018 G, and even by eight orders of magnitude compared to Nabi’s.  相似文献   

采用高斯修正法,研究了核素~(56)Fe、~(56)Co、~(56)Ni和~(56)Mn电子俘获过程中微子能量损失.结果表明:对核素的Gamow-Teller(G-T)共振跃迁能级分布的高斯修正使中微子能量损失率增加.在低能跃迁电子俘获过程为主导地位的反应中,高斯修正对中微子能量损失的影响很小,而对高能G-T共振跃迁为主要的电子俘获过程的中微子能量损失的影响将大大增加.如核素~(56)Fe在密度ρ_7=100(ρ_7以10~7 mol·cm~(-3)为单位),高斯函数半宽度△=14.3,18.3,22.3 Mev时,修正差异大约达2个数量级,核素~(56)Ni在△=6.3,18.3Mev差异分别达60%和40%.  相似文献   

We present X-ray, broad-band optical and low-frequency radio observations of the bright type IIP supernova SN 2004et. The Chandra X-ray Observatory observed the supernova at three epochs, and the optical coverage spans a period of ∼470 d since explosion. The X-ray emission softens with time, and we characterize the X-ray luminosity evolution as   L X∝ t −0.4  . We use the observed X-ray luminosity to estimate a mass-loss rate for the progenitor star of  ∼2 × 10−6 M yr−1  . The optical light curve shows a pronounced plateau lasting for about 110 d. Temporal evolution of photospheric radius and colour temperature during the plateau phase is determined by making blackbody fits. We estimate the ejected mass of 56Ni to be  0.06 ± 0.03 M  . Using the expressions of Litvinova & Nadëzhin we estimate an explosion energy of  (0.98 ± 0.25) × 1051 erg  . We also present a single epoch radio observation of SN 2004et. We compare this with the predictions of the model proposed by Chevalier, Fransson & Nymark. These multiwavelength studies suggest a main-sequence progenitor mass of  ∼20 M  for SN 2004et.  相似文献   

Theoretically expected natures of a supernova (SN) driven by a wind/jet are discussed. Approximate analytical formulations are derived to clarify basic physical processes involved in the wind/jet-driven explosions, and it is shown that the explosion properties are characterized by the energy injection rate     and the mass injection rate     . To explain observations of Supernova 1998bw associated with gamma-ray burst (GRB) 980425, the following conditions are required:     and     (if the wind Lorentz factor  Γw∼ 1  ) or     (if  Γw≫ 1  ). In Supernova 1998bw, 56Ni  (∼0.4 M)  is probably produced in the shocked stellar mantle, not in the wind. The expected natures of SNe, e.g. ejected 56Ni mass and ejecta mass, vary depending on     and     . The sequence of the SN properties from high     and     to low     and     is as follows: Supernova 1998bw-like – intermediate case – low mass ejecta  (≲1 M)  where 56Ni is from the wind – whole collapse. This diversity may explain the diversity of SNe associated with GRBs. Our result can be used to constrain natures of the wind/jet, which are linked to the central engine of GRBs, by studying properties of the associated SNe.  相似文献   

We use conventional numerical integrations to assess the fates of impact ejecta in the Saturn system. For specificity we consider impact ejecta launched from four giant craters on three satellites: Herschel on Mimas, Odysseus and Penelope on Tethys, and Tirawa on Rhea. Speeds, trajectories, and size of the ejecta are consistent with impact on a competent surface (“spalls”) and into unconsolidated regolith. We do not include near-field effects, jetting, or effects peculiar to highly oblique impact. Ejecta are launched at velocities comparable to or exceeding the satellite's escape speed. Most ejecta are swept up by the source moon on time-scales of a few to several decades, and produce craters no larger than 19 km in diameter, with typical craters in the range of a few km. As much as 17% of ejecta reach satellites other than the source moon. Our models generate cratering patterns consistent with a planetocentric origin of most small impact craters on the saturnian icy moons, but the predicted craters tend to be smaller than putative Population II craters. We conclude that ejecta from the known giant craters in the saturnian system do not fully account for Population II craters.  相似文献   

Using Shell-Model Monte Carlo (SMMC) method and Random Phase Approximation (RPA) theory, the electron capture (EC) and the electron capture cross section (ECCS) of nuclei 55Co and 56Ni are investigated. We also discuss the rates of the change of electron fraction (RCEF) and the error factor C, which is compared our results with those of AFUD, which calculated by the method of Aufderheide. The results show that the ECCS and the EC rates for 55Co and 56Ni increased about four orders of magnitude at relative high temperature (such as T 9=5,7,9). On the other hand, the RCEF for two nuclides decreased greatly, and even exceed four orders of magnitude. The error factor shows ours is agreed reasonably well with AUFD under the higher density surroundings (e.g. ρ7=106, Y e =0.43; ρ7=506, Y e =0.42; ρ7=4010, Y e =0.41). But under the lower density surroundings (e.g. ρ7=3.36, Y e =0.48) the maximum error is ~14.5 % for 55Co but is ~14.0 % for 56Ni. The error is ~9.5 % and ~9.0 % for 55Co, 56Ni at ρ7=5.86, Y e =0.47 respectively.  相似文献   

ASASSN-15lh is a super luminous supernova, whose light curve is similar to that of the type Ia supernova (SN Ia). Since the luminosity of SN Ia is directly related to the decay of 56Ni, in this paper, we consider the de-excitation energy of the new nuclei, and calculate the energy generated by the decay of 56Ni in the explosive environment of ASASSN-15lh. The calculated mass of 56Ni needed by the ASASSN-15lh explosion is 31.32 M. This result agrees with the estimation of the mass of 56Ni ≥ 30 M derived from the observed light curve of ASASSN-15lh. No agreement has reached for the explosion mechanism of supernova ASASSN-15lh so far. The calculation in this paper provides a reference for the further study on the progenitor and explosion mechanism of the supernova ASASSN-15lh.  相似文献   

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