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The Central Himalayan region is vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change and characterized by regional climatic conditions. The livelihood of the mountain communities across the Himalaya is at risk owing to the consequences of variable precipitation patterns. There exists limited empirical research on precipitation variability due to inadequate hydro-meteorological stations at highaltitude regions. The study uses a novel methodology which integrates precipitation variability with resource sensitivity over the three verticals of Central Himalaya: Himadri, Himachal and Shivaliks and across four major river basins: Yamuna, Upper Ganga, Ghaghar and Ramganga. The magnitude of the significant precipitation trends was estimated through time series analysis at a 95% confidence interval. To assess the sensitivity of natural resources(forest, water and land) and human resources, fourteen mountain-specific indicators were identified which captured resource index using data standardization and principal component analysis. Sen's slope and Resource index were plotted in a 2 D Cartesian coordinate to draw precipitation-resource quadrants with their effective coverage area: High Precipitation and Scarce Resources(35.92%); Low Precipitation and Abundant Resources(30.10%); Low Precipitation and Scarce Resources(22.33%) and High Precipitation and Abundant Resources(11.65%). This helped in developing quadrant-specific adaptation strategies under regional variability of precipitation. The methodology and the research findings will certainly assist water experts, resource managers and policy makers to strengthen adaptive capacity and improve the resilience of vulnerable communities across Himalaya.  相似文献   

Tropical disturbances over the South China Sea (SCS) during the period of 1997-2006 are analyzed using the Tropical Storm and Hurricane WX products. A total of 158 tropical disturbances were formed over the SCS from 1997 to 2006, with 54 developing tropical disturbances which developed into tropical depressions and 104 non-developing tropical disturbances which never developed into tropical depressions. The development rate of tropical disturbances into tropical depressions was 34.18% in these ten years. During the period of this study, total annual numbers of tropical disturbances and developing tropical disturbances over the SCS had significant decreasing trends; however, the development rate of tropical disturbances had an insignificant increasing trend.  相似文献   

Recently, study in past trends of climate variables gained significant consideration because of its contribution in adaptions and mitigation strategies for potential future changes in climate, primarily in the area of water resource management. Future interannual and inter-seasonal variations in maximum and minimum temperature may bring significant changes in hydrological systems and affect regional water resources. The present study has been performed to observe past(1970-2010) as well as future(2011-2100)spatial and temporal variability in temperature(maximum and minimum) over selected stations of Sutlej basin located in North-Western Himalayan region in India. The generation of future time series of temperature data at different stations is done using statistical downscaling technique. The nonparametric test methods, modified Mann-Kendall test and Cumulative Sum chart are used for detecting monotonic trend and sequential shift in time series of maximum and minimum temperature. Sen’s slope estimator test is used to detect the magnitude of change over a period of time on annual and seasonal basis. The cooling experienced in annual TMax and TMin at Kasol in past(1970-2010) would be replaced by warming in future as increasing trends are detected in TMax during 2020 s and 2050 s and in TMin during 2020 s, 2050 s and 2080 s under A1 B and A2 scenarios. Similar results of warming are also predicted at Sunnifor annual TMin in future under both scenarios which witnessed cooling during 1970-2010. The rise in TMin at Rampur is predicted to be continued in future as increasing trends are obtained under both the scenarios. Seasonal trend analysis reveals large variability in trends of TMax and TMin over these stations for the future periods.  相似文献   

Trait structure is increasingly used in plankton ecology to understand diversity and biogeography.However,our knowledge of micro zooplankton(e.g.planktonic ciliates) trait structure and its variation with hydrography is limited.In this study,we analyzed planktonic ciliate trait structure in waters with different hydrography and deep Chlorophyll a maximum(DCM) layers over three seamounts:Yap,Mariana,and Caroline seamounts.Mariana seamount had a lower surface temperature than the Yap and Caroline seamounts.DCM layers over Mariana and Caroline seamounts were deeper than Yap seamount.There was a weak upwelling in upper 50 m around top of Mariana seamount.The ciliate distribution showed bimodal pattern(high abundance appeared in the surface and DCM layers) over three seamounts.At surface layer,the large size-fraction(30 μm) abundance proportion to aloricate ciliate over Yap seamount(44.4%)was higher than Mariana(32.8%) and Caroline(36.1%) seamounts.For tintinnid abundance proportion to total ciliate,Mariana(12.0%) and Caroline(11.5%) seamounts at about 100-m depth were higher than that of Yap seamount(6.4%).Vertically,tintinnid could be divided into 4 groups over the three seamounts.At30-m depth,group I(species occurring from surface to 100 m only) was dominant component over Yap and Caroline seamounts,while group IV(species occurring at every depth) changed into dominant component over Mariana seamount,the weak upwelling might be the reason.Salpingella faurei was the top dominant species,which corresponded to deeper DCM layers over Mariana and Caroline seamounts.Our results showed that the upwelling and the deeper DCM could influence the planktonic ciliate trait structure.  相似文献   

The Loess Plateau of China has experienced a lengthy drought and severe soil erosion.Changes in precipitation and land use largely determine the dynamics of runoff and sediment yield in this region. Trend and mutation analyses were performed on hydrological data(1981–2012) from the Yanwachuan watershed in the Loess Plateau Gully Region to study the evolution characteristics of runoff and sediment yield. A time-series contrasting method also was used to evaluate the effects of precipitation and soil and water conservation(SWC) on runoff and sediment yield. Annual sediment yield declined markedly from 1981 to 2012 although there was no significant change in annual precipitation and annual runoff. Change points of annual runoff and annual sediment yield occurred in 1996 and 1997,respectively. Compared with that in the baseline period(1981–1996), annual runoff and annual sediment yield in the change period(1997–2012)decreased by 17.0% and 76.0%, respectively, but annual precipitation increased by 6.3%. Runoff decreased in the flood season and normal season, but increased in the dry season, while sediment yield significantly declined in the whole study period. The SWC measures contributed significantly to the reduction of annual runoff(137.9%) and annual sediment yield(135%) and were more important than precipitation. Biological measures(forestland and grassland) accounted for 61.04% of total runoff reduction, while engineering measures(terraces and dams) accounted for 102.84% of total sediment yield reduction. Furthermore, SWC measures had positive ecological effects. This study provides a scientific basis for soil erosion control on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONOneoftheeffectsofglobalwarmingisthatprecipita-tionhasincreasedoversomeareasintheworld,andthegaugedataofprecipitation (excludingAntarctica)showthatglobalprecipitationhasincreasedslightlybyabout9mmforthe20thcentury, whichwas verysmallcomparedwiththeinterannualandmul-ti-decadalvariability(NEWetal.,2001).Butregion-ally,thereexisted agreatdealofdifferences,suchasinmostpartsofAfrica, Amazon,westernSouthAmerica,theweatherhasbecomedrier,andinmostpartsofEuropeandCanada,thereexisted…  相似文献   

In the present scenario,tapping the unutilised hydropower potential is one of the highest priorities in developing countries of the world.Special emphasis is being imparted to run of the river(RoR)mode of power generation.However,the governments are now facing the dilemma whether to promote small hydropower projects(SHPs) or encourage large hydropower projects(LHPs).RoR large hydropower projects result into large scale cutting of mountains for constructing tunnels and access roads,generation of huge quantity of muck and large scale impact on flora and fauna due to diversion of rivers/streams.On the other hand,though SHPs are claimed to be greener and more sustainable by a section of researchers and energy planners but,they will be required to be set up in large number to generate equivalent amount of electricity.The aim of this study is to rank the most sustainable installed capacity range of RoR hydropower projects.To achieve this aim,the study proposes the use of quite popular multi-criteria decision making(MCDM)method of Operation Research named Analytical Hierarchy Process.A case study has been presented from Himachal Pradesh,a hydro rich state located in the western Himalayan region.As per sustainability assessment carried out in this study,hydropower projects in the capacity range 1 to 5 MW have been ranked to be the most sustainable.  相似文献   

Trends in temperature and precipitation extremes from 1961 to 2008 have been investigated over Circum-Bohai-Sea region,China using daily temperature and precipitation data of 63 meteorological stations.The re-sults show that at most stations,there is a significant increase in the annual frequency of warm days and warm nights,as well as a significant decrease in the annual frequency of cold days,cold nights,frost days,and annual diurnal temperature range(DTR).Their regional averaged changes are 2.06 d/10yr,3.95 d/10yr,-1.88 d/10yr,-4.27 d/10yr,-4.21 d/10yr and-0.20℃/10yr,respectively.Seasonal changes display similar patterns to the annual results,but there is a large seasonal difference.A significant warming trend is detected at both annual and seasonal scales,which is more contributed by changes of indices defined by daily minimum temperature than those defined by daily maximum tem-perature.For precipitation indices,the regional annual extreme precipitation displays a weak decrease in terms of magnitude and frequency,i.e.extreme precipitation days(RD95p),intensity(RINTEN),proportion(RPROP) and maximum consecutive wet days(CWD),but a slight increase in the maximum consecutive dry days(CDD),which are consistent with changes of annual total precipitation(PRCPTOT).Seasonally,PRCPTOT and RD95p both exhibit an increase in spring and a decrease in other seasons with the largest decrease in summer,but generally not significant.In summary,this study shows a pronounced warming tendency at the less rainy period over Circum-Bohai-Sea region,which may affect regional economic development and ecological protection to some extent.  相似文献   

对滇西宝兴厂矿区复式岩体锆石进行了阴极发光(Cathodoluminescence)和激光探针等离子质谱(LA-ICP-MS)分析。结果显示锆石发育良好的振荡环带,且Th/U比值>0.1;大部分锆石REE含量极高,且HREE富集、LREE亏损、强烈的正Ce异常和轻微的负Eu异常,是典型的花岗岩岩浆锆石。锆石Hf同位素结果显示,εHf(t)值变化于-0.4~2.7,二阶段模式年龄(TDM2)介于0.83~1.00 Ga,继承锆石年龄为0.93~1.54 Ga,指示显著的壳幔混合过程:印度大陆壳与欧亚大陆壳碰撞俯冲,深部地幔岩浆上涌,造成新生代-中生代基底物质部分熔融,形成以壳源为主的壳-幔混源岩浆。   相似文献   

The Himalayan Yew (Taxus baccata subsp, wallichiana) is an endangered native high value medicinal plant of the Himalayan Region. The several medicinal properties of the bark and leaves of this species have increased its risk of extinction due to pressures for utilization. It is also subjected to harvest for fuelwood. The species does not regenerate well from seed and that is another risk factor. The objective of this research was to investigate the population ecology of the species as a foundation for its conservation. Six forest communities in the Khokhan Wildlife Sanctuary where the species is present were sampled. The abundance of the species, impacts of harvesting and its current regeneration patterns indicate that it may soon be extirpated from the Sanctuary. A plan for conserving the remaining sub-populations is presented. It could provide a template for conservation in other locations where the species is at risk.  相似文献   

川滇地区2010~2013年重力变化及重力网的地震监测能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了当前川滇地区重力网的分形特征,发现其分形维数为1.43~1.62,对应格网距为30~60km,具备了监测Ms5.0级以上地震的能力。选择20′(约37km)的格网间距,对研究区域内2010~2013年的重力变化数据进行格网化,并分析重力变化与地震的关系。虽然经历了芦山Ms7.0级地震的能量释放,但是龙门山断裂带西南段与鲜水河断裂带东南段交叉地带仍然存在较强重力变化,对该区域的震情需继续加强监测。  相似文献   

Seven surveys were carried out in April, September, October, December 2006 and March, May, August 2007 in the Yellow Sea, China. Variations in the spatial and temporal distribution of Synechococcus, picoeukaryotes and heterotrophic bacteria are quantified using flow cytometry. Synechococcus and heterotrophic bacteria are most abundant from late spring to autumn, while picoeukaryotes concentration is high in spring. Synechococcus and heterotrophic bacteria concentrated high in the northwest part of the Yellow Sea in spring and autumn, while picoeukaryotes distributed evenly over the whole study area except for a small frontal zone in the coastal area on the west (in spring) and central Yellow Sea (in autumn). Under mixing conditions, the vertical distribution of the three picoplankton groups showed a well-mixed pattern. Upon a well-established stratification, the maximum abundance of picoplankton occurred above the mixed layer depth (~30 m). Cell sizes of Synechococcus and picoeukaryotes were estimated by converting forward scatter signals (FSC) from cytometry analysis to cell diameter, showing the results of 0.65–0.82 μm for Synechococcus and 0.85–1.08 μm for picoeukaryotes. The average integrated carbon biomasses ranged 15.26–312.62 mgC/m2 for Synechococcus, 18.54–61.57 mgC/m2 for picoeukaryotes, and 402.63–818.46 mgC/m2 for heterotrophic bacteria. The distribution of Synechococcus and heterotrophic bacteria was temperature dependent, and picoplankton presence was poor in the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass.  相似文献   

Introduction The Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) is known for its unique, natural, representative biodiversity (Samant et al. 1998a). This biodiversity is being utilized by the inhabitants of the IHR in various forms, i.e., medicine, food (wild edibles), fuel, fodder, timber, making agricultural tools, fiber, religious and various other purposes (Samant and Dhar 1997, Samant et al. 1998b). In the remote areas of the IHR where primary health centers are located far from the villages, the in…  相似文献   

The grassland in the Hindu Kush Himalayan(HKH) region is one of the large st and most biodiverse mountain grassland types in the world,and its ecosystem service functions have profound impacts on the sustainable development of the HKH region.Monitoring the spatiotemporal distribution of grassland aboveground biomass(AGB) accurately and quantifying its response to climate change are indispensable sources of information for sustainably managing grassland ecosystems in the HKH region.In this study,...  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate if on-farm cut vs. grazed pastures differed in soil fertility and species density in the temperate Himalayan highlands. Soil fertility and species relative density were measured from 30 cut and 30 grazed dairy pastures. In both types of pasture, soil pH, available phosphorus (P) and exchangeable potassium (K) were negatively correlated with pasture age and slope. In cut pasture, cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) and pasture age were positively correlated, whereas in grazed pasture, they were negatively correlated. In grazed pasture, unsown species and pasture age were positively correlated. Soil available P was significantly greater in cut pastures whereas soil exchangeable K was significantly greater in grazed pastures. In terms of species density, cut pasture had greater densities of cocksfoot and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), whereas grazed pasture showed greater densities of white clover, sedge and local grass. Our study suggests that, if there are no improvements in the current method of pasture management, the cut pastures in the future are likely to have a simple pasture mixture constituting only cocksfoot and white clover (Trifolium repens). Whereas in grazed pasture, the pasture mixture is likely to be comprised of white clover and unsown species such as sedge, local grass and broadleaf weeds.  相似文献   

Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve(NDBR) was declared as the first Himalayan Biosphere Reserve owing to its unique biological and cultural wealth. Its core zones, Nanda Devi National Park and Valley of Flowers National Park, are a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. In spite of lying at a high altitude, interplay of factors such as unique geographical location, climate, topography and wide altitudinal variations have endowed NDBR with a rich and diverse flora. Proportionately high percentage of endemic and near endemic plants makes NDBR a very important protected area from conservation point of view. However, its floristic wealth is facing unprecedented threats in the form of climate change and growing anthropogenic pressure. Hence, a need was felt to assess the directionality, quality and sufficiency of past and ongoing research for the conservation of floral and ethnobotanical wealth of NDBR in the absence of any such previous attempt. Based on an extensive review of more than 150 plant studies on NDBR, this communication provides a detailed account of the current state of knowledge and information gaps on flora, vegetation ecology, rare, endangered, threatened(RET) and endemic plants and ethnobotany. Priority research areas and management measures are discussed for the conservation of its unique floral wealth. Incomplete floral inventorization, lack of biodiversity monitoring, meagre studies on lower plant groups, population status of medicinal plants, habitat assessment of threatened taxa and geo-spatial analysis of alpine vegetation were identified as areas of immediate concern.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheWesternPacificWarmPool (WP)isaseaareawhereseasurfacetemperature (SST)isthehighestintheglobaloceansandair seainteractionisthemostviolentinthePacific.Manyre centresearchesshowedthatvariationsinthethermalconditions (inSST ,especially)oftheWPplay…  相似文献   

This study describes the spatial and temporal variation of a drought index and makes inferences regarding the environmental factors that influence this variability in the Hengduan Mountains. A drought index is typically used to determine the moisture conditions and the magnitude of water deficiency in a given area. Based on data from 26 meteorological stations over the period 1960-2012, the spatial and temporal variations of the drought index were analyzed using a thin plate smoothing splines method that considered elevation as a covariate. The drought index was estimated based on the potential evapotranspiration (E0) as defined by the Penman Monteith model modified by FAO (1998). The results of the reported analysis showed that the drought index in the Hengduan Mountains has been decreasing since 1960 at a rate of -0.008/a. This represented a progressive shift from the "sub-humid" class, which typified the wider area in the Hengduan Mountains, toward the "humid" class, which appeared in the Hengduan Mountains areas. The drought index was relatively high in the north and low in the south and the variation of the drought index varied with seasons. The drought index showed increasing trends in summer and autumn and it is greater in autumn than in summer, while it showed a decreasing trend in spring and winter. Drought index is inversely proportional to the soil relative humidity and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI).  相似文献   

西太平洋地区国家间电信流影响因子及其作用分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电信流是一种存在于空间反映人类的通信活动,电信流的大小是反映一个国家经济发展水平与利用ICTs技术的主要依据。本文在回顾自1970年以来国家间电信流研究的成果和发展过程的基础上,从模型进程中透视了电信流影响因子指标体系的变化,提出影响国家间电信流的八类因子:电信设备、经济发展、国际贸易、国际旅游、国家联系、政府促进、文化联系、空间结构。本文以西太平洋地区为例,运用数学方法对各类影响因子进行分析、排序, 并创新性地从分析结果中将各种物质流对电信流的作用归结为4种形式:增强、替代、协同和衍生作用。  相似文献   

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