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The Variscan orogenesis in Europe peaked during the Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous times when Gondwanan terranes collided with Laurasia. Hitherto it has been thought that Carboniferous tectonics in northern Arabia and the adjacent parts of NE Africa were broad swells (‘arches’) and depressions (‘basins’) that formed as a far-field contractional effect of the Variscan compression. The discovery of a 351 ± 3 Ma (U–Pb in zircon) within-plate felsic volcanism in the Helez borehole, southern coastal Israel, suggests that the Levant Arch is, instead, extensional in origin. Felsic volcanism was associated with gabbro underplating of the crust, an extreme (~50°C/km) crustal thermal gradient, major uplift, and truncation of the ≥2.5 km section. Taken together with the recent discovery of the ~340 Ma oceanic crust in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Levant Arch is interpreted as an uplifted shoulder of a rift, preceding ocean spreading.  相似文献   

The Vohibory Block of south‐western Madagascar is part of the East African Orogen, the formation of which is related to the assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent. It is dominated by metabasic rocks, which have chemical compositions similar to those of recent basalts from a mid‐ocean ridge, back‐arc setting and island‐arc setting. The age of formation of protolith basalts has been dated at 850–700 Ma by U–Pb SHRIMP analysis of magmatic cores in zircon, pointing to an origin related to the Neoproterozoic Mozambique Ocean. The metabasic rocks are interpreted as representing components of an island arc with an associated back‐arc basin. In the early stage of the Pan‐African orogeny, these rocks experienced high‐pressure amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism (9–12 kbar, 750–880 °C), dated at 612 ± 5 Ma from metamorphic rims in zircon. The metamorphism was most likely related to accretion of the arc terrane to the margin of the Azania microcontinent (Proto‐Madagascar) and closure of the back‐arc basin. The main metamorphism is significantly older than high‐temperature metamorphism in other tectonic units of southern Madagascar, indicating a distinct tectono‐metamorphic history.  相似文献   

The Mozambique Belt (MB) of the East Africa Orogen contains large areas of granulite-facies migmatitic gneisses with Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic protolith ages and that were recycled during the Neoproterozoic Pan-African orogeny. The study area is situated along the Great Ruaha River and within the Mikumi National Park in central Tanzania where migmatitic gneisses and mafic to intermediate granulites are interlayered with Neoproterozoic granulite-facies migmatitic metapelites. Mineral textures suggest isothermal decompression, with the peak mineral assemblage comprising Grt–Bt–Ky–Kfs–Pl–Qtz ± Phn ± Ti-Oxide ± melt and amphibolite-facies retrograde assemblage Grt–Bt–Sil–Ms–Kfs–Pl–Qtz ± Fe–Ti-Oxide. The near isothermal retrograde overprint is seen in well-developed formation of pseudomorphs after garnet. The HP granulite-facies assemblages record PT conditions of 13–14 kbar at 760–800 °C. Retrogression and the release of fluids from crystallizing melts occurred at 7 kbar and 650–700 °C. A fluid inclusion study shows three types of fluid inclusion consisting of nearly pure CO2, as well as H2O–NaCl and H2O–CO2 mixtures. We suggest that a immiscible CO2-bearing brine represents the fluid composition during high-grade peak metamorphism, and that the fluid inclusions containing H2O–NaCl or nearly pure CO2 represent trapped fluids from in situ crystallised melt. The results suggest strong isothermal decompression, which is probably related to a fast exhumation after crustal thickening in the central part of the Mozambique Belt in Tanzania.  相似文献   

In a comprehensive U–Pb electron microprobe study of zircon and monazite from the khondalite belt of Trivandrum Block in southern Kerala, we present age data on five key metapelite locations (Nedumpara, Oottukuzhi, Kulappara, Poolanthara and Paranthal). The rocks here, characterized by the assemblage of garnet–sillimanite–spinel–cordierite–biotite–K–feldsapr–plagiocalse–quartz–graphite, have been subjected to granulite facies metamorphism under extreme thermal conditions as indicated by the stability of spinel + quartz and the presence of mesoperthites that equilibrated at ultrahigh-temperature (ca. 1000 °C) conditions. The oldest spot age of 3534 Ma comes from the core of a detrital zircon at Nedumpara and is by far the oldest age reported from this supracrustal belt. Regression of age data from several spot analyses in single zircons shows “isochrons” ranging from 3193 ± 72 to 2148 ± 94 Ma, indicating heterogeneous population of zircons derived from multiple provenance. However, majority of zircons from the various localities shows Neoproterozoic apparent ages with sharply defined peaks in individual localities, ranging between 644–746 Ma. The youngest zircon age of 483 Ma was obtained from the outermost rim of a grain that incorporates a relict core displaying ages in the range of 2061–2543 Ma.The cores of monazites also show apparent older ages of Palaeo-Mesoproterozoic range, which are mantled by late Neoproterozoic/Cambrian rims. The oldest monazite core has an apparent age of 2057 Ma. Extensive growth of new monazite during latest Neoproterozoic to Cambrian–Ordovician times is also displayed by grain cores with apparent ages up to 622 Ma. The homogeneous core of a sub-rounded monazite grain yielded a maximum age of 569 Ma, markedly younger than the 610 Ma age reported in a previous study from homogenous and rounded zircon core from a metapelite in Trivandrum Block. These younger ages from abraded grains that have undergone fluvial transport are interpreted to indicate that deposition within the khondalite belt was as young as, or later than, this range. Probability density plots indicate that majority of the monazite grain population belong to Late Proterozoic/Cambrian age (ca. 560–520 Ma) with major peaks defining sharp spikes in individual localities.The age data presented in this study indicate that the metasediments of the Trivandrum Block sourced from Archaean and Paleo-Mesoproterozoic crustal fragments that were probably assembled in older supercontinents like Ur and Columbia. The largest age population of zircons belong to the Neoproterozoic, and are obviously related to orogenies during the pre-assembly phase of Gondwana, possibly from terrains belonging to the East African Orogen. Several prominent age spikes within the broad late Neoproterozoic–Cambrian age range displayed by monazites denote the dynamic conditions and extreme thermal perturbations attending the birth of Gondwana. Our study further establishes the coherent link between India and Madagascar within the East Gondwana ensemble prior to the final assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent.  相似文献   

Cambrian orogenesis (550–490 Ma) in the Lambert Province of the southern Prince Charles Mountains resulted in three successive stages of deformation. The earliest of these deformations resulted in the development of a layer‐parallel foliation (S1) that was folded into macro‐scale recumbent folds (F2). Subsequent deformation buckled the rocks into long‐wavelength (c. 20 km), SW‐ to NW‐trending antiformal closures (F3) mostly separated from each other by west to SW trending, steeply dipping, high‐strain zones. Metapelitic rocks from the region are divisible into two compositional types: a high‐Al, ‐Fe and ‐K type and a high‐Mg, ‐Ca and ‐Na type. In rocks of both composition, relic staurolite preceded the formation of upper amphibolite facies garnet + biotite + sillimanite ± muscovite mineral assemblages that record peak pressures and temperatures of c. 650–700 °C and 6–7 kbar. Subsequent decompression of c. 3 kbar is implied from texturally late plagioclase and a reduction in the modal abundance of garnet in the high‐Al, ‐Fe and ‐K metapelites, and from texturally late cordierite in the more magnesium rocks. This clockwise P–T–t path, with prograde heating followed by rapid decompression, is: (i) equivalent to that recorded in the same‐aged rocks at Prydz Bay located 600 km to the north, and (ii) similar to the modelled response of the crust to thickening following continent–continent collision. These results indicate that large areas of East Antarctica were thickened and rapidly exhumed, probably in response to collisional orogenesis during the Early Cambrian. This supports the inference that Early Cambrian orogenesis in the Prydz Bay–Prince Charles Mountains region of East Antarctica marks one of the fundamental lithospheric boundaries within Gondwana.  相似文献   

Granitoids within the Precambrian basement of north-eastern and southern Somalia are subdivided on the basis of geology, geochronology and petrology into three different assemblages. The post-kinematic assemblage in north-eastern Somalia ( 630 Ma) comprises granodiorites and granites which belong to a medium-K calc-alkaline suite. Average initial Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic ratios [Sri = 0.7048, Nd = –1.8,206Pb/204Pb(i) = 17.704 and207Pb/204Pb(i) = 15.611] indicate that these melts were derived from a mantle or juvenile crustal source with only slight involvement of pre-existing crust as a contaminant. Two different assemblages are found in southern Somalia. The older assemblage is composed of crustal anatectic, synkinematic, parautochthonous granites ( 600 Ma) related to amphibolite facies retrogression of an intensively reworked pre-Pan-African crust [Sri = 0.7100, Nd = –8.4,206Pb/204Pb(i) = 15.403 and207Pb/204Pb(i) = 15.259]. These monzo- and syenogranites are moderately potassic and peraluminous. The younger assemblage ( 470 Ma) consists of post-kinematic monzonites to syenogranites with A-type affinities. Initial Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic data for this metaluminous assemblage [Sri = 0.7114, Nd = –13.1,207Pb/204Pb(i) = 16.913 and207Pb/204Pb(i) = 15.512] indicate a significant lower crustal component but, however, also a mantle signature. The late Proterozoic to early Palaeozoic granitoids in Somalia thus express contrasting regimes, characterized by strong juvenile input in the north, close to the Arabian-Nubian Shield, whereas intense crustal reworking with little addition of juvenile material prevailed in the south. Somalia was definitively not a cratonic area during the Pan-African, but a zone of high crustal mobility.  相似文献   

We carried out SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating on A-type granitic intrusions from the Namaqua-Natal Province,South Africa,Sverdrupfjella,western Dronning Maud Land,Antarctica and the Nampula Province of northern Mozambique.Zircon grains in these granitic rocks are typically elongated and oscillatory zoned,suggesting magmatic origins.Zircons from the granitoid intrusions analyzed in this study suggest~1025-1100 Ma ages,which confirm widespread Mesoproterozoic A-type granitic magmatism in the Namaqua-Natal(South Africa),Maud(Antarctica) and Mozambique metamorphic terrains.No older inherited(e.g.,~2500 Ma Achean basement or~1200 Ma island are magmatism in northern Natal)zircon grains were seen.Four plutons from the Natal Belt(Mvoti Pluton,Glendale Pluton,Kwalembe Pluton,Ntimbankulu Pluton) display 1050-1040 Ma ages,whereas the Nthlimbitwa Pluton in northern Natal indicates older 1090-1080 Ma ages.A sample from Sverdrupfjella,Antarctica has~1091 Ma old zircons along with~530 Ma metamorphic rims.Similarly,four samples analysed from the Nampula Province of Mozambique suggest crystallization ages of~1060-1090 Ma but also show significant discordance with two samples showing younger~550 Ma overgrowths.None of the Natal samples show any younger overgrowths.A single sample from southwestern Namaqualand yielded an age of~1033 Ma.Currently available chronological data suggest magmatism took place in the Namaqua-Natal-MaudMozambique(NNMM) belt between~1025 Ma and~1100 Ma with two broad phases between~1060-1020 Ma and 1100-1070 Ma respectively,with peaks at between~1030-1040 Ma and~1070-1090 Ma.The age data from the granitic intrusions from Namaqualand.combined with those from Natal,Antarctica and Mozambique suggest a crude spatial-age relationship with the older1070 Ma ages being largely restricted close to the eastern and western margins of the Kalahari Craton in northern Natal,Mozambique.Namaqualand and WDML Antarctica whereas the younger 1060 Ma ages dominate in southern Natal and western Namaqualand and are largely restricted to the southern and possibly the western margins of the Kalahari Craton.The older ages of magmatism partially overlap with or are marginally younger than the intracratonic Mkondo Large lgneous Provinee intruded into or extruded onto the Kalahari Craton,suggesting a tectonic relationship with the Maud Belt.Similar ages from granitic augen gneisses in Sri Lanka suggest a continuous belt stretching from Namaqualand to Sri Lanka in a reconstituted Gondwana,formed during the terminal stages of amalgamation of Rodinia and predating the East African Orogen.This contiguity contributes to defining the extent of Rodinia-age crustal blocks,subsequently fragmented by the dispersal of Rodinia and Gondwana.  相似文献   

The Argentine Precordillera, a rifted fragment of Laurentian crust and sedimentary cover, collided with Gondwana in Middle Ordovician time; the time of collision (Ocloyic orogeny) is similar to that of the Taconic orogeny of eastern Laurentia. Three hypotheses have been proposed to explain Ordovician docking of the Precordillera with western Gondwana: (A) the Precordillera microcontinent was rifted from Laurentia in Cambrian time and, following solitary drift, collided with Gondwana, independent of the Laurentian Taconic orogeny; (B) a continentcontinent collision of Laurentia with Gondwana, producing a continuous Taconic–Ocloyic orogenic belt, was followed by rifting that left the Precordillera attached to Gondwana; and (C) the Precordillera at the tip of a distal plateau on greatly stretched Laurentian crust collided with Gondwana and subsequently separated from Laurentia.Contrasts in several aspects of Taconic and Ocloyic orogenic history provide for discrimination between the microcontinent and continent–continent-collision hypotheses. Stratigraphic gradients and lithologic assemblages within the synorogenic clastic wedges are incompatible with a single continuous orogenic belt, which, in palinspastic location, places the thin, fine-grained southern fringe of the Taconic clastic wedge adjacent to the thickest and coarsest part of the Ocloyic clastic wedge. Separate temporal and spatial distribution patterns of volcanic ash (bentonite) beds in Laurentia and the Precordillera indicate originally separate dispersal systems. Late Ordovician Hirnantian Gondwanan glacial deposits in the Precordillera indicate substantial latitudinal separation from Laurentia. Post-collision faults with large vertical separation in the Precordillera have no coeval counterparts on the Laurentian foreland. These contrasts indicate originally separate (not initially continuous, and subsequently dismembered) orogenic belts, favoring the microcontinent hypothesis and eliminating the continent–continent-collision hypothesis.Initial Taconic tectonic loading near the southern corner of the Alabama promontory of Laurentia and the lack of post-Taconic extension there are inconsistent with the tectonic history required by the plateau hypothesis, but are consistent with the tectonic history required by the microcontinent hypothesis. Paleobiogeography, distribution of bentonite beds, and the Hirnantian glacial deposits, all indicate wide separation (Iapetus Ocean) between the Precordillera and southern Laurentia at the time of the Ocloyic and Taconic orogenies, further favoring the microcontinent hypothesis.  相似文献   

Two different Pan-African tectono-metamorphic events are recognised in the Taita Hill Tsavo East National Park/Galana river area, SE-Kenya (Mozambique belt) based on petrographic and geothermobarometric evidence. Structurally, this area can be subdivided into four units: (1) the easternmost part of the basement along the Galana river is characterized by subhorizontal slightly to the west and east dipping foliation planes. Migmatic paragneisses with intercalated marbles, calcsilicates and metapelites and bands of amphibolites are the dominant rock type. (2) The western part of the Galana river within the Tsavo East National Park is a ca. 25 km wide shear zone with subvertical foliation planes. The eastern part shows similar rocks as observed in unit 1, while towards west, metasedimentary units become rare and the main rock types are tonalitic gneisses with intercalated amphibolites. (3) A 10 km wide zone (Sagala Hills zone) between the strike slip zone (unit 2) and the Taita Hills (unit 4) is developed. This zone is characterized by elongated and folded felsic migmatic amphibole and garnet bearing orthogneiss bodies with intercalated bands of mafic rocks. (4) The Taita Hills are a slightly to the N dipping nappe stack. The main rock type in the Taita Hills are amphibole–biotite–plagioclase–quartz ± garnet ± clinopyroxene ± scapolite bearing migmatic gneisses with mafic bands. In the southern part, metapelites, marbles and some amphibolites are common.Although the geological structures are different in units 1 and 2, the calculated PT conditions are similar with peak PT of 760–820 °C and 7.5–9.5 kbar. Temperatures in unit 3 (Sagalla Hills zone) and unit 4 (Taita Hills) are slightly higher ca. 760–840 °C, but pressure is significantly higher, ranging from 10 to 12 kbar. Sillimanite growth around kyanite, garnet zonation pattern, mineral reaction textures, and PT calculations constrain a “clock-wise” PT-path with near isobaric cooling following the peak of metamorphism. The different PT conditions, tectonic setting, and a different age of metamorphism are evidence that units 1 and 2 (Galana river) belong to a different tectono-metamorphic event than unit 3 (Sagala Hills zone) and 4 (Taita Hills). The major shear zone (unit 2) marks a tectonic suture dividing the two different tectono-metamorphic domains. It is also likely that it played an important role during exhumation of the granulite facies rocks from units 3 and 4.  相似文献   

Crystalline rocks from the Sierra de Comechingones, eastern Sierras Pampeanas, evolved through three distinct orogenic cycles during the Eopalaeozoic: (1) the first tectono-thermal event named Pampean orogeny (550 to 505 Ma), which peaked in the Early Cambrian, was responsible for extensive metamorphism, partial melting, juvenile magmatism, rapid decompression, and persistent tectonic activity. Large part of the crustal section that was residing at middle levels (c. 27 km) was heated above 800 °C during the thermal peak stage of the Pampean orogeny; decompression of the Pampean orogen's core took place at this high temperature. The exhumation mechanism that assisted rapid uplifting combined the effects of ongoing tectonic forces with a buoyant instability created by a large amount of anatectic magmas in the middle to lower crust. (2) Beginning at the Early Ordovician, the Famatinian orogeny produced an overall shortening, causing pervasive textural reworking of the Cambrian metamorphic sequences under a high-strain regime. By being adjacent to the Famatinian magmatic arc, the western border of the Cambrian crystalline package absorbed imposed deformation along a crustal scale ductile shear zone. Within this zone, the high-grade metamorphic rocks were reworked and re-hydrated to lower temperature assemblages (<600°C and 3–6 kbar). Early Ordovician subduction-related igneous activity, even though manifested as small plutons, intruded Cambrian crystalline sequences, and experienced textural reworking during Late Famatinian tectonic exhumation. Late Famatinian convergence resulted in west-vergent ductile shear zones that placed Cambrian onto Ordovician crystalline sequences. (3) During post-Famatinian times (360–400 Ma) enduring crustal perturbation produced intra-crustal-derived granitic magmatism. West- to northwest-directed thrusting was concentrated in belts nucleated along crustal-scale tectonic boundaries formed between older tectono-stratigraphic units. As a result, Devonian anatectic granites were formed and tectonically extruded among Pampean and Famatinian crystalline sequences. The post-Famatinian event is also characterised by the intrusion of batholith-scale monzogranites into Pampean and Famatinian crystalline sequences residing in the upper crust.

Crystalline rocks currently exposed in the Sierra de Comechingones show that they crystallised and were exhumed in a setting where tectono-thermal activity lasted, even though it might have waned, until the Middle Palaeozoic. From the latest Neoproterozoic (c. 550 Ma) until the Late Devonian (c. 360 Ma) tectonic activity was intermittently acting, indicating continuous convergence along the proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana.  相似文献   

New results on the pressure–temperature–time evolution, deduced from conventional geothermobarometry and in situ U‐Th‐total Pb dating of monazite, are presented for the Bemarivo Belt in northern Madagascar. The belt is subdivided into a northern part consisting of low‐grade metamorphic epicontinental series and a southern part made up of granulite facies metapelites. The prograde metamorphic stage of the latter unit is preserved by kyanite inclusions in garnet, which is in agreement with results of the garnet (core)‐alumosilicate‐quartz‐plagioclase (inclusions in garnet; GASP) equilibrium. The peak metamorphic stage is characterized by ultrahigh temperatures of ~900–950 °C and pressures of ~9 kbar, deduced from GASP equilibria and feldspar thermometry. In proximity to charnockite bodies, garnet‐sillimanite‐bearing metapelites contain aluminous orthopyroxene (max. 8.0 wt% Al2O3) pointing to even higher temperatures of ~970 °C. Peak metamorphism is followed by near‐isothermal decompression to pressures of 5–7 kbar and subsequent near‐isobaric cooling, which is demonstrated by the extensive late‐stage formation of cordierite around garnet. Internal textures and differences in chemistry of metapelitic monazite point to a polyphasic growth history. Monazite with magmatically zoned cores is rarely preserved, and gives an age of c. 737 ± 19 Ma, interpreted as the maximum age of sedimentation. Two metamorphic stages are dated: M1 monazite cores range from 563 ± 28 Ma to 532 ± 23 Ma, representing the collisional event, and M2 monazite rims (521 ± 25 Ma to 513 ± 14 Ma), interpreted as grown during peak metamorphic temperatures. These are among the youngest ages reported for high‐grade metamorphism in Madagascar, and are supposed to reflect the Pan‐African attachment of the Bemarivo Belt to the Gondwana supercontinent during its final amalgamation stage. In the course of this, the southern Bemarivo Belt was buried to a depth of >25 km. Approximately 25–30 Myr later, the rocks underwent heating, interpreted to be due to magmatic underplating, and uplift. Presumably, the northern part of the belt was also affected by this tectonism, but buried to a lower depth, and therefore metamorphosed to lower grades.  相似文献   

The assembly of Late Neoproterozoice Cambrian supercontinent Gondwana involved prolonged subduction and accretion generating arc magmatic and accretionary complexes, culminating in collision and formation of high grade metamorphic orogens. Here we report evidence for mafic magmatism associated with post-collisional extension from a suite of gabbroic rocks in the Trivandrum Block of southern Indian Gondwana fragment. Our petrological and geochemical data on these gabbroic suite show that they are analogous to high Fe tholeiitic basalts with evolution of the parental melts dominantly controlled by fractional crystallization. They display enrichment of LILE and LREE and depletion of HFSE with negative anomalies at Zre Hf and Ti corresponding to subduction zone magmatic regime. The tectonic affinity of the gabbros coupled with their geochemical features endorse a heterogeneous mantle source with collective melt contributions from sub-slab asthenospheric mantle upwelling through slab break-off and arc-related metasomatized mantle wedge, with magma emplacement in subduction to post-collisional intraplate settings. The high Nb contents and positive Nbe Ta anomalies of the rocks are attributed to inflow of asthenospheric melts containing ancient recycled subducted slab components and/or fusion of subducted slab materials owing to upwelling of hot asthenosphere. Zircon grains from the gabbros show magmatic crystallization texture with low U and Pb content. The LA-ICPMS analyses show 206 Pb/238 U mean ages in the range of 507-494 Ma suggesting Cambrian mafic magmatism. The post-collisional mafic magmatism identified in our study provides new insights into mantle dynamics during the waning stage of the birth of a supercontinent.  相似文献   

The Brasília belt borders the western margin of the São Francisco Craton and records the history of ocean opening and closing related to the formation of West Gondwana. This study reports new U–Pb data from the southern sector of the belt in order to provide temporal limits for the deposition and ages of provenance of sediments accumulated in passive margin successions around the south and southwestern margins of the São Francisco Craton, and date the orogenic events leading to the amalgamation of West Gondwana.Ages of detrital zircons (by ID–TIMS and LA-MC-ICPMS) were obtained from metasedimentary units of the passive margin of the São Francisco Craton from the main tectonic domains of the belt: the internal allochthons (Araxá Group in the Áraxá and Passos Nappes), the external allochthons (Canastra Group, Serra da Boa Esperança Metasedimentary Sequence and Andrelândia Group) and the autochthonous or Cratonic Domain (Andrelândia Group). The patterns of provenance ages for these units are uniform and are characterised as follows: Archean–Paleoproterozoic ages (3.4–3.3, 3.1–2.7, and 2.5–2.4 Ga); Paleoproterozoic ages attributed to the Transamazonian event (2.3–1.9 Ga, with a peak at ca. 2.15 Ga) and to the ca. 1.75 Ga Espinhaço rifting of the São Francisco Craton; ages between 1.6 and 1.2 Ga, with a peak at 1.3 Ga, revealing an unexpected variety of Mesoproterozoic sources, still undetected in the São Francisco Craton; and ages between 0.9 and 1.0 Ga related to the rifting event that led to the individualisation of the São Francisco paleo-continent and formation of its passive margins. An amphibolite intercalation in the Araxá Group yields a rutile age of ca. 0.9 Ga and documents the occurrence of mafic magmatism coeval with sedimentation in the marginal basin.Detrital zircons from the autochthonous and parautochthonous Andrelândia Group, deposited on the southern margin of the São Francisco Craton, yielded a provenance pattern similar to that of the allochthonous units. This result implies that 1.6–1.2 Ga source rocks must be present in the São Francisco Craton. They could be located either in the cratonic area, which is mostly covered by the Neoproterozoic epicontinental deposits of the Bambuí Group, or in the outer paleo-continental margin, buried under the allochthonous units of the Brasília belt.Crustal melting and generation of syntectonic crustal granites and migmatisation at ca. 630 Ma mark the orogenic event that started with westward subduction of the São Francisco plate and ended with continental collision against the Paraná block (and Goiás terrane). Continuing collision led to the exhumation and cooling of the Araxá and Passos metamorphic nappes, as indicated by monazite ages of ca. 605 Ma and mark the final stages of tectonometamorphic activity in the southern Brasília belt.Whilst continent–continent collision was proceeding on the western margin of the São Francisco Craton along the southern Brasília belt, eastward subduction in the East was generating the 634–599 Ma Rio Negro magmatic arc which collided with the eastern São Francisco margin at 595–560 Ma, much later than in the Brasília belt. Thus, the tectonic effects of the Ribeira belt reached the southernmost sector of the Brasília belt creating a zone of superposition. The thermal front of this event affected the proximal Andrelândia Group at ca. 588 Ma, as indicated by monazite age.The participation of the Amazonian craton in the assembly of western Gondwana occurred at 545–500 Ma in the Paraguay belt and ca. 500 Ma in the Araguaia belt. This, together with the results presented in this work lead to the conclusion that the collision between the Paraná block and Goiás terrane with the São Francisco Craton along the Brasília belt preceded the accretion of the Amazonian craton by 50–100 million years.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1359-1383
The Jiangnan Orogen is located at a key tectonic position along the junction between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks. We obtained detailed major and trace elements, whole-rock Nd + zircon Hf isotope data, and U–Pb age data from several Mesozoic granites, including the Fuling (FL), Taiping–Huangshan (TH), Lingshan (LS), Sanqingshan (SQS), and Baijuhuajian intrusions in order to investigate their sources and petrogeneses related to extension in South China. Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) analyses of zircon from the FL, TH, SQS, and LS bodies yield Early Cretaceous ages of 124–135 Ma. These plutons are alkali-feldspar granites to syenogranites–monzogranites, and show A-type affinities. They have high K2O and total alkali contents, and are enriched in rare earth elements (except for Eu), Zr, and other high-field-strength elements as well as high Ga/Al ratios, and are depleted in Ba and Sr. These granites are metaluminous to weakly peraluminous (ACNK from 0.81 to 1.27). The whole-rock ?Nd(T) values of??5.34 to??0.96 are coupled with zircon ?Hf(T) values (from??5.3 to +4.24), and all samples plot along the mantle array. Field observations, geochronology, geochemistry, Nd isotopic, and zircon Hf isotopic compositions suggest that they formed by the partial melting of Mesoproterozoic metamorphic basement, with input from juvenile, mantle-derived materials in the shallow (<30 km) crust at high temperatures (756–965°C). These melts underwent crystal fractionation of biotite, plagioclase, and K-feldspar. The upwelling of asthenosphere triggered partial melting of the metamorphic protolith in a back-arc or intra-arc rift setting, reflecting rollback of the Pacific plate. Our research adds new geochronologic constraints on Cretaceous (135–120 Ma) A-type granites from the NE sector of the Jiangnan Orogen. Combined with previous research, we suggest that three main episodes of late Mesozoic extensional tectonism took place in South China: (1) 190–170 Ma (mainly inland), (2) 165–120 Ma (including 165–150 Ma in SE Shi-Hang, 135–120 Ma in NE Shi-Hang, and ~125 Ma in the Lower Yangtze River Belt), and (3) 100–90 Ma (coastal area), showing an oceanwards younging trend due to the subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific plate.  相似文献   

The Borborema Province, in the NE of Brazil, is a rather complex piece in the Brazil–Africa puzzle as it represents the junction of the Dahomeyide/Pharusian, Central African, Araçuai and Brasilia fold belts located between the West-African/São Luis, Congo/São Francisco and Amazonas craton. The correlation between the Dahomeyides from W-Africa (Ghana, Benin, Togo, and Mali) and the Borborema Province involves the Médio Coreaú and Central Ceará domains. The inferred continuation of the main oceanic suture zone exposed in the Dahomeyides of W Africa is buried beneath the Phanerozoic Parnaíba Basin in Brazil (northwest of the Médio Coreaú domain) where some high density gravity anomalies may represent hidden remnants of an oceanic suture. In addition to this major suture a narrow, nearly continuous strip composed of mainly mafic pods containing relics of eclogite-facies assemblages associated with partially migmatized granulite-facies metapelitic gneisses has been found further east in the NW Borborema Province. These high pressure mafic rocks, interpreted as retrograded eclogites, are located between the Transbrasiliano Lineament and the Santa Quitéria continental arc and comprise primitive to evolved arc-related rocks with either arc- or MORB-type imprints that can indicate either deep subduction of oceanic lithosphere or roots of continental and oceanic magmatic arcs. Average peak PT conditions under eclogite-facies metamorphism (T = 770 °C and P = 17.3 kbar) were estimated using garnet–clinopyroxene thermometry and Jd content in clinopyroxene. Transition to granulite-facies conditions, as well as later widespread re-equilibration under amphibolite facies, were registered both in the basic and the metapelitic rocks and suggest a clockwise PT path characterized by an increase in temperature followed by strong decompression. A phenomenon possibly related to the exhumation of a highly thickened crust associated with the suturing of the Médio Coreaú and Central Ceará domains, two distinct crustal blocks separated by the Transbrasiliano Lineament.  相似文献   

The tectonic transition from Prototethys to Paleotethys orogeny in the East Kunlun orogenic belt is not completely clear, and is a major unresolved geologic issue in Northern Tibet Plateau. Here, we present zircon geochronology, whole-rock elemental and zircon Hf isotopic geochemistry for newly discovered mafic dykes in the East Kunlun orogenic belt, to provide constraints on this issue. The studied mafic dykes are hornblende gabbros, consisting of hornblende (60–65 vol.%), plagioclase (15–25 vol.%) and augite and biotite (0–5 vol.%). LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb dating shows that these mafic dykes were emplaced at about 393 Ma. All the mafic dykes are characterized by high contents of CaO (8.82–11.48 wt.%), MgO (9.07–11.39 wt.%), V (275–336 ppm), Cr (370–467 ppm) and Ni (78.3–120 ppm), with high Mg# (63–67), flat CI-normalized REE distribution and depleted ?Hf(t) values (2.03–5.35), showing tholeiitic affinities and geochemical characteristics similar to those of mid-ocean ridge basalts. They were derived from low degree (about 5–15%) partial melting of a fertile spinel lherzolite source, which have been metasomatized by fluids introduced to the mantle by former subducted slab. The geologic–petrologic evidence suggests that the mafic dykes were emplaced in a shift tectonic setting related to continental rifting, which was caused by the extensional collapse related to the lithospheric thinning after the Prototethys orogeny. The delamination-induced thermal disturbance and extensional decompression triggered partial melting of the mantle and the emplacement of the mafic dykes. Combined with previous work, we propose that the Middle Devonian mafic dykes may be the early magmatic response to the transition from Prototethys to Paleotethys marking the opening of the Paleotethys in the East Kunlun orogenic belt.  相似文献   

The quest for direct lines of evidence for Paleolithic plant consumption during the African Middle Stone Age has led scientists to study residues and use-wear on flaked stone tools. Past work has established lithic function through multiple lines of evidence and the spatial breakdown of use-wear and microscopic traces on tool surfaces. This paper focuses on the quantitative analysis of starch assemblages and the botanical identification of grains from flake and core tools to learn about human ecology of carbohydrate use around the Niassa woodlands, in the Mozambican Rift. The processing of starchy plant parts is deduced from the occurrence of starch assemblages that presumably got attached to stone tool surfaces by actions associated with extractive or culinary activities. Specifically, we investigate starch grains from stone tools recently excavated in northern Mozambique at the site of Mikuyu; which presumably spans the middle to late Pleistocene and represents similar sites found along the Malawi/Niassa corridor that links East, Southern, and Central Africa. Starch was extracted and processed with a diverse tool kit consisting of scrapers, cores, points, flakes, and other kinds of tools. The microbotanical data suggests consumption of seeds, legumes, caryopses, piths, underground storage organs, nuts, and mesocarps from more than a dozen families. Our data suggest a great antiquity for starch use in Africa as well as an expanded diet and intensification.  相似文献   

Continental margin sediments of an exotic nature, which have been thrust over the Rhenohercynian zone of Central Germany, occur mainly in olistostromes of Lower Carboniferous age. A stratigraphy compiled from the exotic rocks reflects the wide spectrum of continental shelf and adjacent basinal facies that existed at least from the Early Ordovician to the Early Carboniferous. Facies and faunal relationships are comparable with those in the Palaeozoic of the western Mediterranean region, Saxothuringia (south-east Germany) and the Barrandian area (Czech Republic), which suggests deposition at the northern margin of the Gondwana Palaeozoic supercontinent. Among the exotic rocks, a Middle Devonian to Early Carboniferous facies, referred to as Flinzkalk, contains sediments showing characteristics of contourites. They may have originated from reworked turbidites, formed under a current which flowed parallel to the North Gondwana margin, similar to the Gulf Stream flowing along eastern North America today.  相似文献   


The Progress Granite is one of numerous S‐type granitoid plutons exposed in the Larsemann Hills region, southwest Prydz Bay, east Antarctica. The granite was emplaced into a migmatitised pelitic to felsic paragneiss sequence during a regional high‐grade transpressional event (D2) that pre‐dates high‐grade extension (D3). SHRIMP (II) U‐Pb dating for two occurrences of the Progress Granite from D2 and D3 structural domains gives 206Pb/238U ages of 516.2 ± 6.8 Ma and 514.3 ± 6.7 Ma, respectively. These ages are interpreted as crystallisation ages for the Progress Granite and confirm Early Palaeozoic orogenesis in the Larsemann Hills region. This orogen appears to have evolved during continental convergence and is probably responsible for widespread radiogenic isotopic resetting and the near‐complete exhumation of the adjacent northern Prince Charles Mountains which evolved during a ca 1000 Ma event. The identification of a major Early Palaeozoic orogen in Prydz Bay allows tentative correlation of other domains of Early Palaeozoic tectonism both within the east Antarctic Shield and other, once contiguous, Gondwana fragments and illustrates the potential complexity inherent within intercratonic mobile belts. One such possibility, tentatively offered here, suggests a continuous belt of Early Palaeozoic tectonism from Prydz Bay eastward to the West Denman Glacier region and into the Leeuwin complex of Western Australia.  相似文献   

The Early Paleozoic evolution of the northern margin of Gondwana is characterized by several episodes of bimodal magmatism intruded or outpoured within thick sedimentary basins. These processes are well recorded in the Variscan blocks incorporated in the Ligurian Alps because they experienced low temperature Alpine metamorphism. During the Paleozoic, these blocks, together with the other Alpine basements, were placed between the Corsica-Sardinia and the Bohemian Massif along the northern margin of Gondwana. In this framework, they host several a variegated lithostratigraphy forming two main complexes(Complexs I and II) that can be distinguished by both the protoliths and their crosscutting relationships, which indicate that the acidic and mafic intrusives of Complex II cut an already folded sequence made of sediments, basalts and granitoids of Complex I. Both complexes were involved in the Variscan orogenic phases as highlighted by the pervasive eclogite-amphibolite facies schistosity(foliation II). However, rare relicts of a metamorphic foliation at amphibolite facies conditions(foliation I)is locally preserved only in the rocks of Complex I. It is debatable if this schistosity was produced during the early folding event e occurred between the emplacement of Complex I and II e rather than during an early stage of the Variscan metamorphic cycle.New SHRIMP and LA ICP-MS Ue Pb zircon dating integrated with literature data, provide emplacement ages of the several volcanic or intrusive bodies of both complexes. The igneous activity of Complex I is dated between 507 ± 15 Ma and 494 ± 5 Ma, while Complex II between 467 ± 12 Ma and 445.5 ± 12 Ma.The folding event recorded only by the Complex I should therefore have occurred between 494 ± 5 Ma and 467 ± 12 Ma. The Variscan eclogite-amphibolite facies metamorphism is instead constrained between ~420 Ma and ~300 Ma. These ages and the geochemical signature of these rocks allow constraining the Early Paleozoic tectono-magmatic evolution of the Ligurian blocks, from a middleeupper Cambrian rifting stage, through the formation of an Early Ordovician volcanic arc during the Rheic Ocean subduction, until a Late Ordovician extension related to the arc collapse and subsequent rifting of the PaleoThetys. Furthermore, the ~420-350 Ma ages from zircon rims testify to thermal perturbations that may be associated with the Silurian rifting-related magmatism, followed by the subduction-collisional phases of the Variscan orogeny.  相似文献   

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