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The thermoelastic parameters of synthetic Mn3Al2Si3O12 spessartine garnet were examined in situ at high pressure up to 13 GPa and high temperature up to 1,100 K, by synchrotron radiation energy dispersive X-ray diffraction within a DIA-type multi-anvil press apparatus. The analysis of room temperature data yielded K 0 = 172 ± 4 GPa and K 0  = 5.0 ± 0.9 when V 0,300 is fixed to 1,564.96 Å3. Fitting of PVT data by means of the high-temperature third-order Birch–Murnaghan EoS gives the thermoelastic parameters: K 0 = 171 ± 4 GPa, K 0  = 5.3 ± 0.8, (?K 0,T /?T) P  = ?0.049 ± 0.007 GPa K?1, a 0 = 1.59 ± 0.33 × 10?5 K?1 and b 0 = 2.91 ± 0.69 × 10?8 K?2 (e.g., α 0,300 = 2.46 ± 0.54 × 10?5 K?1). Comparison with thermoelastic properties of other garnet end-members indicated that the compression mechanism of spessartine might be the same as almandine and pyrope but differs from that of grossular. On the other hand, at high temperature, spessartine softens substantially faster than pyrope and grossular. Such softening, which is also reported for almandine, emphasize the importance of the cation in the dodecahedral site on the thermoelastic properties of aluminosilicate garnet.  相似文献   

The high temperature volume and axial parameters for six C2/c clinopyroxenes along the NaAlSi2O6–NaFe3+Si2O6 and NaAlSi2O6–CaFe2+Si2O6 joins were determined from room T up to 800°C, using integrated diffraction profiles from in situ high temperature single crystal data collections. The thermal expansion coefficient was determined by fitting the experimental data according to the relation: ln(V/V 0) = α(T T 0). The thermal expansion coefficient increases by about 15% along the jadeite–hedenbergite join, whereas it is almost constant between jadeite and aegirine. The increase is related to the Ca for Na substitution into the M2 site; the same behaviour was observed along the jadeite–diopside solid solution, which presents the same substitution at the M2 site. Strain tensor analysis shows that the major deformation with temperature occurs in all samples along the b axis; on the (010) plane the higher deformation occurs in jadeite and aegirine at a direction almost normal to the tetrahedral–octahedral planes, and in hedenbergite along the projection of the longer M2–O bonds. The orientation of the strain ellipsoid with temperature in hedenbergite is close to that observed with pressure in pyroxenes. Along the jadeite–aegirine join instead the high-temperature and high-pressure strain are differently oriented.  相似文献   

通过密度泛函理论模拟了H_2O_2和SO_2气体在矿物氧化物(α-Fe_2O_3)表面上的非均相反应,研究了H_2O_2和SO_2在α-Fe_2O_3(001)表面的吸附机制和氧化机制。研究结果表明,SO_2、H_2O_2均在α-Fe_2O_3(001)表面通过Fe原子进行吸附,H_2O_2相比于SO_2优先吸附在α-Fe_2O_3(001)表面,且H_2O_2在表面的赋存形式趋向于两个·OH形式吸附。通过二者共吸附的局域态密度、差分电荷密度、Mulliken电荷布局分析结果发现,SO_2和H_2O_2的共吸附形式是通过H_2O_2产生的·OH吸附在α-Fe_2O_3(001)表面,同时SO_2被H_2O_2产生的·OH氧化[S(SO_2)-电荷布局:0. 79 e→1. 32 e; O(H_2O_2)-电荷布局:-0. 77 e→-1. 11 e]形成·OH+SO_2团簇。模拟结果表明大气微量气体H_2O_2能够在矿物氧化物表面介导SO_2吸附并促进SO_2的转化,为理解H_2O_2在大气中非均相氧化SO_2的反应过程提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The 10?-phase, Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 · nH2O, where n = 0.65÷2, belongs to the group of dense hydrous magnesium silicates (DHMS), which were produced in experiments and are regarded as hypothetical mineral carriers for H2O in the mantle. However, DHMS were almost never observed in nature. The only exception is the finding of the 10?-phase as nanoinclusions in olivines from mantle nodules in kimberlites. The inclusions with sizes of a few ten nanometers have a pseudohexagonal habit and are characterized by the presence of voids free of solids. The 10?-phase fills the equatorial parts of the inclusions, and, in the majority of inclusions, it is replaced by the low-pressure serpentine + talc assemblage. Based on the analysis of electron microscope images, a model was proposed for the solid-state formation of inclusions, the precursory material of which was transformed to the 10?-phase with the liberation of a water fluid. According to this model, the formation of hydrous nanoinclusions and their subsequent autoserpentinization occurred without the influx of H2O from the external medium through the mobilization of intrinsic hydroxyl-bearing point defects trapped during olivine crystallization. The subsequent autoserpentinization of the inclusions occurred during decompression owing to interaction between the inclusion material and the host olivine matrix. The process was accompanied by the partial exhaustion of the fluid phase and the replacement 10?-phase + H2O = Serp + Tc. The criterion for the credibility of the model is the conservation of the volume of material during the reaction at P = const and T = const. Original Russian Text ? N.R. Khisina, R. Wirth, 2008, published in Geokhimiya, 2008, No. 4, pp. 355–363.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic analysis of the system Na2O-K2O-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-F2O–1 provides phase equilibria and solidus compatibilities of rock-forming silicates and fluorides in evolved granitic systems and associated hydrothermal processes. The interaction of fluorine with aluminosilicate melts and solids corresponds to progressive fluorination of their constituent oxides by the thermodynamic component F2O–1. The chemical potential (F2O–1) buffered by reaction of the type: MOn/2 (s)+n/2 [F2O–1]=MFn (s, g) where M=K, Na, Ca, Al, Si, explains the sequential formation of fluorides: carobbiite, villiaumite, fluorite, AlF3, SiF4 as well as the common coexistence of alkali- and alkali-earth fluorides with rock-forming aluminosilicates. Formation of fluorine-bearing minerals first starts in peralkaline silica-undersaturated, proceeds in peraluminous silica-oversaturated compositions and causes progressive destabilization of nepheline, albite and quartz, in favour of villiaumite, cryolite, topaz, chiolite. Additionally, it implies the increase of buffered fluorine solubilities in silicate melts or aqueous fluids from peralkaline silica-undersaturated to peraluminous silica-oversaturated environments. Subsolidus equilibria reveal several incompatibilities: (i) topaz is unstable with nepheline or villiaumite; (ii) chiolite is not compatible with albite because it only occurs only at very high F2O–1 levels. The stability of topaz, fluorite, cryolite and villiaumite in natural felsic systems is related to their peralkalinity (peraluminosity), calcia and silica activity, and linked by corresponding chemical potentials to rock-forming mineral buffers. Villiaumite is stable in strongly peralkaline and Ca-poor compositions (An<0.001). Similarly, cryolite stability requires coexistence with nearly-pure albite (An<2). Granitic rocks with Ca-bearing plagioclase (An>5) saturate with topaz or fluorite. Crystallization of topaz is restricted to peraluminous conditions, consistent with the presence of Li-micas or anhydrous aluminosilicates (cordierite, garnet, andalusite). Fluorite is predicted to be stable in peraluminous biotite granites, amphibole-, clinopyroxene- or titanite-bearing calc-alkaline suites as well as in peralkaline granitic and syenitic rocks. Fluorine concentrations in felsic melts buffered by the coexistence of F-bearing minerals and feldspars increase from peralkaline through metaluminous to mildly peraluminous compositions. At low-temperature conditions, the hydrothermal evolution of peraluminous granitic and greisen systems is controlled by white mica-feldspar-fluoride equilibria. With decreasing temperature, topaz gradually breaks down via: (i) (OH)F–1 substitution and fluorine transfer to fluorite by decalcification of plagioclase below 600 °C, (ii) formation of muscovite and additional fluorite at 475–315 °C, and (iii) formation of paragonite and cryolite, consuming F-rich topaz and albite below 315 °C. These equilibria explain the absence of magmatic fluorite in Ca-bearing topaz granitic rocks; its abundance in hydrothermal rocks is due to: (i) closed-system defluorination of topaz, (ii) open-system decalcification of plagioclase or (iii) hydrolytic alteration. These results provide a complete framework for the investigation of fluorine-bearing mineral stabilities in felsic igneous suites.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at . A link in the frame on the left on that page takes you directly to the supplementary material.Editorial responsibility: T.L. Grove  相似文献   

A natural Ca-poor pigeonite (Wo6En76Fs18) from the ureilite meteorite sample PCA82506-3, free of exsolved augite, was studied by in situ high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The sample, monoclinic P21/c, was annealed up to 1,093°C to induce a phase transition from P21/c to C2/c symmetry. The variation with increasing temperature of the lattice parameters and of the intensity of the b-type reflections (h + k = 2n + 1, present only in the P21/c phase) showed a displacive phase transition P21/c to C2/c at a transition temperature T Tr = 944°C, first order in character. The Fe–Mg exchange kinetics was studied by ex situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction in a range of temperatures between the closure temperature of the Fe–Mg exchange reaction and the transition temperature. Isothermal disordering annealing experiments, using the IW buffer, were performed on three crystals at 790, 840 and 865°C. Linear regression of ln k D versus 1/T yielded the following equation: ln k\textD = - 3717( ±416)/T(K) + 1.290( ±0.378);    (R2 = 0.988) \ln \,k_{\text{D}} = - 3717( \pm 416)/T(K) + 1.290( \pm 0.378);\quad (R^{2} = 0.988) . The closure temperature (T c) calculated using this equation was ∼740(±30)°C. Analysis of the kinetic data carried out taking into account the e.s.d.'s of the atomic fractions used to define the Fe–Mg degree of order, performed according to Mueller’s model, allowed us to retrieve the disordering rate constants C 0 K dis+ for all three temperatures yielding the following Arrhenius relation: ln( C0 K\textdis + ) = ln K0 - Q/(RT) = 20.99( ±3.74) - 26406( ±4165)/T(K);    (R2 = 0.988) \ln \left( {C_{0} K_{\text{dis}}^{ + } } \right) = \ln \,K_{0} - Q/(RT) = 20.99( \pm 3.74) - 26406( \pm 4165)/T(K);\quad (R^{2} = 0.988) . An activation energy of 52.5(±4) kcal/mol for the Fe–Mg exchange process was obtained. The above relation was used to calculate the following Arrhenius relation modified as a function of X Fe (in the range of X Fe = 0.20–0.50): ln( C0 K\textdis + ) = (21.185 - 1.47X\textFe ) - \frac(27267 - 4170X\textFe )T(K) \ln \left( {C_{0} K_{\text{dis}}^{ + } } \right) = (21.185 - 1.47X_{\text{Fe}} ) - {\frac{{(27267 - 4170X_{\text{Fe}} )}}{T(K)}} . The cooling time constant, η = 6 × 10−1 K−1 year−1 calculated on the PCA82506-3 sample, provided a cooling rate of the order of 1°C/min consistent with the extremely fast late cooling history of the ureilite parent body after impact excavation.  相似文献   

Chemical and structural data are reported for C2/c pyroxene phenocrysts collected from three potassic series (Group A: basanite-tephrite, Group B: tephrite-phonolitic tephrite, Group C: alkaline basalt-trachybasalt) of the Neogene alkaline volcanics (NAVs) in northeastern Turkey, in order to investigate the evolution of the magmatic plumbing system and the location of magma chamber(s) with crystallization conditions. The rock series hosting the clinopyroxene phenocrysts show generally porphyritic texture and have a variable phenocryst-rich nature (20–58%), with phenocryst assemblages characterized by cpx ± ol ± plag ± foid ± amp ± bio. The clinopyroxene phenocrysts can be chemically classified as Ti- and Fe3+-rich Al-diopsides for Groups A and B (AB-cpxs) and Ti- and Fe3+-poor Al-diopsides for Group C (C-cpxs). They have poorly variable composition, clustering in the diopside field. Structurally, the diopside groups have nearly similar a (ranging from 9.73 to 9.75 ?), V cell (437.2–440.9 ?3), and 〈beta〉 angle values (106.01°–106.23°), but some differences in polyhedral parameters and geometries of the AB-cpxs and C-cpxs have been observed. For example, the AB-cpxs are characterized by larger c (5.27–5.30 vs. 5.25–5.28 ?), V T (2.27–2.30 vs. 2.23–2.28 ?3), and V M2 (25.53–25.72 vs. 25.41–25.59 ?3) values and smaller b (8.87–8.88 vs. 8.88–8.91 ?) and V M1 (11.49–11.63 vs. 11.64–11.83 ?3) values with respect to the C-cpxs. In addition, the AB-cpxs show higher values of V M2/V M1 (2.20–2.23) due to large V M2 and small V M1 compared to the V M2/V M1 ratios of the C-cpxs (<2.19). Such differences in the crystal structure of the AB-cpxs and C-cpxs from the NAVs are partly related to different crystallization pressures, but mostly related to variation in melt composition and, possibly, the influence of other crystallizing mineral phases. In particular, R(M2-O1) and R(M1-O2) (i.e. bond lengths) differences in the clinopyroxenes of different groups support the presence of evolved host rocks with different alkaline character (i.e. silica-undersaturated Groups A–B and silica-saturated Group C). Based on the cpx-geothermobarometry, the crystallization pressures for the C-cpxs are lower than 4.5 kbars, but the AB-cpxs have relatively high-pressure values (5.6–10.6 kbars), suggesting that the AB-cpxs crystallized in higher pressure environments. The relatively higher crystallization temperatures of the AB-cpxs also indicate higher cooling rates. The PT estimates suggest that the source regions of the clinopyroxene phenocrysts from the NAVs were crustal magma chambers in a closed plumbing system at a moderate- to low-pressure regime.  相似文献   

The structural evolution with pressure and the equations of state of three members of the brownmillerite solid solution, Ca2(Fe2−x Al x )O5, have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction up to a maximum pressure of 9.73 GPa. The compositions of the samples were x = 0.00 and x = 0.37 (with Pnma symmetry) and x = 0.55 (with I2mb symmetry). No phase transitions were observed in the experiments. The equation of state parameters determined from the pressure-volume data are K 0T = 128.0 (7) GPa, K0 = 5.8 (3) for the sample with x = 0.00, K 0T = 131 (2) GPa, K0 = 5.5 (4) for x = 0.37, and K 0T = 137.5 (6) GPa, K′0 = 4 for x = 0.55. The bulk modulus therefore increases with Al content, being 11% higher in the x = 0.55 sample than in the Al-free sample. The unit-cell compression is anisotropic, with the c-axis being stiffer than a or b, and the anisotropy increases with increasing Al content of the structure. The structural response to pressure of all samples is similar. The (Al,Fe)O4 tetrahedra and the (Al,Fe)O6 octahedra undergo approximately isotropic compression. There is an increase in the twists of the chains of corner-sharing (Al,Fe)O4 tetrahedra, and an increase in the tilts of the (Al,Fe)O6 octahedra, because these framework polyhedra are stiffer than the Ca–O bonds to the extra-framework Ca site. The alignment of the two shortest Ca–O bonds sub-parallel to [001] accounts for the relative stiffness of the c-axis and thus the elastic anisotropy. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

1974年在一水晶矿石英脉晶洞中,发现了一种含Ba、Li的硅酸盐新矿物--纤钡锂石。我们对纤钡锂石进行了光性研究、比重测定、差热及热失重分析、红外光谱分析、X射线单晶结构分析等工作,现分述如下。  相似文献   

采用CO碳化SiO2和Al3O4负载的Co(NO3)2的方法制备了SiO2和Al3O4负载的Co2C催化剂,采用N2物理吸附、X射线衍射和H2-程序升温还原技术对催化剂进行了表征,并用于催化费托合成反应中.结果显示,需要较长碳化时间才可合成负载的Co2C催化剂;所制催化剂表现出CO加氢生成高碳醇的催化性能,其原因可能在于催化剂表面存在的金属Co物种使CO解离,表面Co物种有利于CO插入,从而导致醇的生成,但体相Co2C则不具有催化活性.  相似文献   

Biachellaite, a new mineral species of the cancrinite group, has been found in a volcanic ejecta in the Biachella Valley, Sacrofano Caldera, Latium region, Italy, as colorless isometric hexagonal bipyramidal-pinacoidal crystals up to 1 cm in size overgrowing the walls of cavities in a rock sample composed of sanidine, diopside, andradite, leucite and hauyne. The mineral is brittle, with perfect cleavage parallel to {10$ \bar 1 $ \bar 1 0} and imperfect cleavage or parting (?) parallel to {0001}. The Mohs hardness is 5. Dmeas = 2.51(1) g/cm3 (by equilibration with heavy liquids). The densities calculated from single-crystal X-ray data and from X-ray powder data are 2.515 g/cm3 and 2.520 g/cm3, respectively. The IR spectrum demonstrates the presence of SO42−, H2O, and absence of CO32−. Biachellaite is uniaxial, positive, ω = 1.512(1), ɛ = 1.514(1). The weight loss on ignition (vacuum, 800°C, 1 h) is 1.6(1)%. The chemical composition determined by electron microprobe is as follows, wt %: 10.06 Na2O, 5.85 K2O, 12.13 CaO, 26.17 Al2O3, 31.46 SiO2, 12.71 SO3, 0.45 Cl, 1.6 H2O (by TG data), −0.10 −O=Cl2, total is 100.33. The empirical formula (Z = 15) is (Na3.76Ca2.50K1.44)Σ7.70(Si6.06Al5.94O24)(SO4)1.84Cl0.15(OH)0.43 · 0.81H2O. The simplified formula is as follows: (Na,Ca,K)8(Si6Al6O24)(SO4)2(OH)0.5 · H2O. Biachellaite is trigonal, space group P3, a =12.913(1), c = 79.605(5) ?; V = 11495(1) ?3. The crystal structure of biachellaite is characterized by the 30-layer stacking sequence (ABCABCACACBACBACBCACBACBACBABC). The tetrahedral framework contains three types of channels composed of cages of four varieties: cancrinite, sodalite, bystrite (losod) and liottite. The strongest lines of the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d, ? (I, %) (hkl)] are as follows: 11.07 (19) (100, 101), 6.45 (18) (110, 111), 3.720 (100) (2.1.10, 300, 301, 2.0.16, 302), 3.576 (18) (1.0.21, 2.0.17, 306), 3.300 (47) (1.0.23, 2.1.15), 3.220 (16) (2.1.16, 222). The type material of biachellaite has been deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, registration number 3642/1.  相似文献   

Any progress in our understanding of low-temperature mineral assemblages and of quantitative physico-chemical modeling of stability conditions of mineral phases, especially those containing toxic elements like selenium, strongly depends on the knowledge of structural and thermodynamic properties of coexisting mineral phases. Interrelation of crystal chemistry/structure and thermodynamic properties of selenium-containing minerals is not systematically studied so far and thus any essential generalization might be difficult, inaccurate or even impossible and erroneous. Disagreement even exists regarding the crystal chemistry of some natural and synthetic selenium-containing phases. Hence, a systematic study was performed by synthesizing ferric selenite hydrates and subsequent thermal analysis to examine the thermal stability of synthetic analogues of the natural hydrous ferric selenite mandarinoite and its dehydration and dissociation to unravel controversial issues regarding the crystal chemistry. Dehydration of synthesized analogues of mandarinoite starts at 56–87?°C and ends at 226–237?°C. The dehydration happens in two stages and two possible schemes of dehydration exist: (a) mandarinoite loses three molecules of water in the first stage of the dehydration (up to 180?°C) and the remaining two molecules of water will be lost in the second stage (>180?°C) or (b) four molecules of water will be lost in the first stage up to 180?°C and the last molecule of water will be lost at a temperature above 180?°C. Based on XRD measurements and thermal analyses we were able to deduce Fe2(SeO3)3·(6-x)H2O (x?=?0.0–1.0) as formula of the hydrous ferric selenite mandarinoite. The total amount of water apparently affects the crystallinity, and possibly the stability of crystals: the less the x value, the higher crystallinity could be expected.  相似文献   

 An olivine grain from a peridotite nodule 9206 (Udachnaya kimberlite, Siberia) was investigated by TEM methods including AEM, HRTEM, SAED and EELS techniques. A previous study of the 9206 olivine sample revealed OH absorption bands in the IR spectrum and abundant nanometer-sized OH-bearing inclusions, of hexagonal-like or lamellar shape. Inclusions, which are several hundred nm in size, consist of 10 ? phase, talc and serpentine (chrysotile and lizardite). The lamellar (LI) and hexagon-like small inclusions of several ten nm in size (SI) are the topic of the present paper. AEM investigations of the inclusions reveal Mg, Fe and Si as cations only. The Mg/Si and Fe/Si atomic ratios are lower in the inclusions than in the host olivine. The Si concentration in the olivine host and both lamellar inclusions and small inclusions is the same. A pre-peak at 528eV was observed in EEL spectra of LI and SI, which is attributed to OH or Fe3+. From these data it is concluded that there is a OH- or Fe3+-bearing cation-deficient olivine-like phase present. HRTEM lattice fringe images of LI and SI exhibit modulated band-like contrasts, which are superimposed onto the olivine lattice. Diffraction patterns (Fourier-transforms) of the HREM images as well as SAED patterns show that the band-like contrasts in HRTEM images of the inclusions are caused by periodic modulations of the olivine lattice. Three kinds of superperiodicity in the olivine structure such as 2a, 3a and 3c, were observed in SAED patterns. The corresponding olivine supercells labelled here as Hy-2a, Hy-3a and Hy-3c were derived. The M1-vacancies located in the (100) and (001) octahedral layers of the olivine lattice are suggested to form ordered arrays of planar defects (PD), which cause the band-like contrasts in HRTEM patterns as well as the superperiodicity in the SAED patterns. The vacancy concentrations as well as the chemical composition of Hy-2a, Hy-3a and Hy-3c olivine supercells were calculated using crystal chemical approaches, assuming either {(OH)< O−V" Me−(OH)< O}, or {F e < Fe H Me } or {2F e < Fe V Me "} point defect associates. The calculated theoretical compositions Mg1.615Fe+2 0.135v0.25SiO4H0.5 (Hy-2a) and Mg1.54Fe2+ 0.12v0.33SiO4H0.66 (Hy-3a and Hy-3c) are in a good agreement with the AEM data on inclusions. Hy-2a, Hy-3a and Hy-3c are considered to be a hydrous olivine with the extended chemical formula (Mg1-yFe2+ y)2−xvxSiO4H2x. The crystal structure of hydrous olivine is proposed to be a modular olivine structure with Mg-vacant modules. The crystal chemical formula of hydrous olivines in terms of a modular structure can be written as [MgSiO4H2] · 3[Mg1.82Fe0.18SiO4] for Hy-2a, [MgSiO4H2] · 2[Mg1.82Fe0.18SiO4] for Hy-3a and Hy-3c. Hydrous olivine is suggested to be exsolved from the olivine 9206, which has been initially saturated by OH-bearing point defects. The olivine 9206 hydration as well as the following exsolution of hydrous olivine inclusions is suggested to occur at high pressure-high temperature conditions of the upper mantle. Received: 15 January 2001 / Accepted: 2 July 2001  相似文献   

In the course of a thorough study of the influences of the second coordination sphere on the crystal field parameters of the 3d N -ions and the character of 3d N –O bonds in oxygen based minerals, 19 natural Cr3+-bearing (Mg,Ca)-garnets from upper mantle rocks were analysed and studied by electronic absorption spectroscopy, EAS. The garnets had compositions with populations of the [8] X-sites by 0.881 ± 0.053 (Ca + Mg) and changing Ca-fractions in the range 0.020 ≤ w Ca[8] ≤ 0.745, while the [6] Y-site fraction was constant with x Cr3+ [6] = 0.335 ± 0.023. The garnets had colours from deeply violet-red for low Ca-contents (up to x Ca = 0.28), grey with 0.28 ≤ x Ca ≤ 0.4 and green with 0.4 ≤ x Ca. The crystal field parameter of octahedral Cr3+ 10Dq decreases strongly on increasing Ca-fraction from 17,850 cm−1 at x Ca[8] = 0.020 to 16,580 cm−1 at x Ca[8] = 0.745. The data could be fit with two model which do statistically not differ: (1) two linear functions with a discontinuity close to x Ca[8] ≈ 0.3,
(2) one continuous second order function,
The behaviour of the crystal field parameter 10Dq and band widths on changing Ca-contents favour the first model, which is interpreted tentatively by different influences of Ca in the structure above and below x Ca[8] ≈ 0.3. The covalency of the Cr–O bond as reflected in the behaviour of the nephelauxetic ratio decreases on increasing Ca-contents.  相似文献   

Alloriite, a new mineral species, has been found in volcanic ejecta at Mt. Cavalluccio (Campagnano municipality, Roma province, Latium region, Italy) together with sanidine, biotite, andradite, and apatite. The mineral is named in honor of Roberto Allori (b. 1933), an amateur mineralogist and prominent mineral collector who carried out extensive and detailed field mineralogical investigations of volcanoes in the Latium region. Alloriite occurs as short prismatic and tabular crystals up to 1.5 × 2 mm in size. The mineral is colorless, transparent, with a white streak and vitreous luster. Alloriite is not fluorescent and brittle; the Mohs’ hardness is 5. The cleavage is imperfect parallel to {10 0}. The density measured with equilibration in heavy liquids is 2.35g/cm3 and calculated density (D calc) is 2.358 g/cm3 (on the basis of X-ray single-crystal data) and 2.333 g/cm3 (from X-ray powder data). Alloriite is optically uniaxial, positive, ω = 1.497(2), and ɛ = 1.499(2). The infrared spectrum is given. The chemical composition (electron microprobe, H2O determined using the Penfield method, CO2, with selective sorption, wt %) is: 13.55 Na2O, 6.67 K2O, 6.23 CaO, 26.45 Al2O3, 34.64 SiO2, 8.92 SO3, 0.37 Cl, 2.1 H2O, 0.7 CO2, 0.08-O = Cl2, where the total is 99.55. The empirical formula (Z = 1) is Na19.16K6.21Ca4.87(Si25.26Al22.74O96)(SO4)4.88(CO3)0.70Cl0.46(OH)0.76 · 4.73H2O. The simplified formula (taking into account the structural data, Z = 4) is: [Na(H2O)][Na4K1.5(SO4)] · [Ca(OH,Cl)0.5](Si6Al6O24). The crystal structure has been studied (R = 0.052). Alloriite is trigonal, the space group is P31c; the unit-cell dimensions are a = 12.892(3), c = 21.340(5) ?, and V = 3071.6(15) ?3. The crystal structure of alloriite is based on the same tetrahedral framework as that of afghanite. In contrast to afghanite containing clusters [Ca-Cl]+ and chains ...Ca-Cl-Ca-Cl..., the new mineral contains clusters [Na-H2O]+ and chains ...Na-H2O-Na-H2O.... The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d, ? (I, %)(hkl)] are: 11.3(70)(100), 4.85(90)(104), 3.76(80)(300), 3.68(70)(301), 3.33(100)(214), and 2.694(70)(314, 008). The type material of alloriite is deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. The registration number is 3459/1. Original Russian Text ? N.V. Chukanov, R.K. Rastsvetaeva, I.V. Pekov, A.E. Zadov, 2007, published in Zapiski Rossiiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 2007, No. 1, pp. 82–89. A new mineral alloriite and its name were accepted by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, Russian Mineralogical Society, May 8, 2006. Approved by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, International Mineralogical Association, August 2, 2006.  相似文献   

西大别造山带红安高压榴辉岩主要矿物为石榴石、绿辉石、冻蓝闪石、石英和绿帘石,有时可见蓝闪石、多硅白云母和钠云母。石榴石具有生长环带且边缘成分变化大,可分为代表峰期的Ⅰ型边(XMg高、Grs低)和受退变质改造的Ⅱ型边(XMg低、Grs高)。石榴石内蓝闪石包体发育冻蓝闪石退变边,说明包体不能完全反映进变质条件。基质绿辉石比包体绿辉石Jd含量低,在一个晶体内成分有明显变化和沿解理缝发育冻蓝闪石,显示峰后绿辉石有成分变化和退变质改造。基质中冻蓝闪石晶体较大,核部见有蓝闪石残留,说明二者有成因联系。冻蓝闪石和绿辉石都发育后成合晶结构,石榴石有韭闪石的反应冠状体。在THERMOCALC程序计算的P-T视剖面图中,石榴石Ⅰ型边反映的峰期P-T条件为2.4~2.6GPa、570~585℃,和基质中多硅白云母Si含量等值线限定范围一致,对应硬柱石蓝闪石榴辉岩组合。石榴石Ⅱ型边P-T范围为1.9~2.4GPa、530~570℃,低于峰期条件。在可能的峰后降压过程中,岩石先后主要经历了硬柱石脱水生成绿帘石和蓝闪石、绿辉石退变为冻蓝闪石的反应阶段。绿辉石、冻蓝闪石发育的后成合晶说明晚期退变过程缺乏流体,石榴石的韭闪石冠状体也可能在该阶段产生,都受局部成分域控制。红安高压榴辉岩中各矿物与成分代表不同变质阶段,称其为冻蓝闪石榴辉岩只是对现有主要组成矿物的描述,不是基于共生关系的严格岩石学命名。  相似文献   

冶金炉渣是在迅速冷却的条件下结晶的,铸石是在熔体的固相线以下恒温结晶的,这两种情况皆属不平衡状态。过去的硅酸盐体系的实验研究几乎仅局限于平衡状态,对非平衡状态研究甚少,只是近来才开始这方面的研究。在硅锰渣铸石和硅锰渣微晶铸石中,主要矿物为锰铸普通辉石--钙锰辉石与钙契尔马克分子(CaAlSiAlO6)以及少量的Mg2Si2O6的固溶体,其次是钙蔷薇辉石和钙长石,另外还有极少量的方锰石、硫化锰等。  相似文献   

纤钡锂石产于湖南临武香花岭地区一水晶矿锂云母石英脉晶洞中,与锂云母、石英等矿物共生。矿物为浅黄白色,丝绢光泽,呈针状、纤维状、放射状或平行束状集合体,纤维长达1厘米。经X射线单晶及粉晶衍射测定:该矿物属斜方晶系,空间群Ccca,晶胞参数:a=13.60(?),b=20.24(?),e=5.16(?)。最强衍射线为:10.12(?)(100) 4.05(?)(78) 3.39(?)(91) 2.605(?)(31)2.390(?)(28)。  相似文献   

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