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Two diagnostic dynamic models for flow in hyperbolic and elliptic regions of a geophysical fluid are developed and compared. As the main interest here is in local dynamical processes, these models are used to study trajectories near stagnation points in the flow field. The simplest model presumes a balance between the Coriolis and geopotential accelerations. This model is equivalent to the classic approach that characterizes these regimes by the quadratic equation for the eigenvalues of the velocity gradient. However, since that model imposes geostrophic dynamics, the eigenvalues of the velocity gradient can be replaced by the local curvature or Hessian of the geopotential scaled by Coriolis. The general model adds both local and inertial accelerations to the dynamical balance. In contrast to the classic result the consequent frequency equation is a quartic that involves both the Hessian of the geopotential field, the components of the velocity gradient, and Coriolis. Roots of this equation give two distinct time scales, which are interpreted as Lagrangian time scales. Motion of the geopotential field produces a third Eulerian time scale. Critical trajectories are those whose initial positions and velocities are such that they are independent of the Lagrangian time scales. These simple models establish that within hyperbolic and elliptic regions of the geopotential field there may be trajectories whose time scales differ radically from even their nearest neighbors.A characteristic of critical trajectories in the ocean is that they often are found near stagnation points. These may be hard to identify even in model simulations, but a similar quantity, the null in the geopotential gradient, might be easier to obtain. To analyze the relation between the critical trajectories, stagnation points, and gradient null, evolution models for the later two objects are proposed. For a steady geopotential all three coincide. However with a time varying geopotential, they are distinct even though all have the same time scale. The analysis provides a metric for the separation of all three objects.  相似文献   

Giulio Pontecorvo   《Marine Policy》2008,32(6):1050-1052
The continuing public concern with overfishing ignores the underlying problems that face fishery mangers. Attention needs to be given to (1) the transitory nature of the ocean environment, (2) the natural variation in fish stocks, (3) the role of the fishing industry and market forces in fishery management, and (4) the failure to focus on what it is we most need from the oceans, in what form we need it, and at what price.  相似文献   

A hybrid thermal protection method using waste heat from a surface-mounted outboard motor is shown to create a warm “micro-climate” environment for divers. The effects of surface heater capacities, water flow rates, shelter volume and shelter insulation on micro-climate temperatures are characterized. During long, cold-water decompression stops this method offers a reliable, low-cost alternative to surface-supplied hot water suits or diver-carried heating systems. An added bonus for divers using closed-circuit breathing apparatus is prolonged durations of their carbon dioxide scrubbers when surrounded by the warm water “micro-climate”. Closed-circuit and open-circuit options of this diver decompression shelter concept are evaluated.  相似文献   

Marine ecosystems were among the first to provide potential examples of multiple stable states. However, remarkably few of these have been explored in detail, and none have been rigorously confirmed. This may be because differences between alternative states are too subtle to document in the context of regular disturbance, because one state is naturally far more likely to occur than any other, or because most environments naturally support only one type of stable community. It is also possible that the temporal and spatial criteria required to document alternate stable states rigorously may be too difficult to meet in most circumstances. Nevertheless, the possibility of alternative stable states has recently received renewed attention in the context of marine conservation biology. People may be widening the range of habitats in which alternate stable states are possible, or they may be shifting communities to new domains of attraction that rarely occur in the absence of massive anthropogenic perturbations. The ability of people now to alter ocean ecosystems on global scales may eliminate “edge effects” that might otherwise rescue perturbed communities. Ecosystems with alternate stable states are characterized by positive feedback mechanisms that stabilize transitions; even if return to original conditions is predicted (that is, the alternate states are not stable), the same mechanisms will retard recovery. This may explain in part why return to original conditions following anthropogenic disturbance is slower than expected. Slow recovery times and transitions to new states are both potentially costly to human societies. Thus, from a conservation perspective the indefinite persistence of an alternate state may be less important than the presence of feedback loops that slow recovery. Both possibilities reinforce the arguments for application of the precautionary principle in managing marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

ObservationofcloudsandsolarradiationoverthePacificOceanasrelationtoglobalclimate¥FarnParungo;ClarenceNagamoto;CeciliaM.I.R.Gi...  相似文献   

The effect of the shear and normal stress free surface boundary conditions on the laminar flow induced by wave propagation is discussed. The approximate form of the boundary conditions, as used by (Lin, P., Zhang, W., 2008. Numerical simulation of wave-induced laminar boundary layers. Coast. Eng. 55, 400–408), is valid only when the free surface slope is mild.  相似文献   

A survey of the region eastward of Nantucket provided an opportunity to examine the cold temperate–boreal boundary along the high‐energy Great South Channel. Here described are the benthic macroinvertebrate community types encountered, with a focus on the influence of climate change on the range boundaries of the benthic biomass dominants and the potential existence of transient multiple stable states. The survey identified three primary community types. The shallowest sites were occupied by a surfclam‐dominated community, comprising an abundance of large (≥150 mm) surfclams, and a few common attached epibiota primarily attached to exposed surfclam shell. Two communities exist at intermediate depths, one dominated by submarket and small market‐size surfclams (<150 mm) and the other, created by mussel mats and their attendant epibiota, crabs, sea urchins, and other mobile epifauna. Mussels are a foundational species, establishing a hard‐bottom terrain conducive to these other denizens in soft‐bottom habitat. Cobbles were nearly ubiquitous, rocks were routinely recovered, and boulders were encountered occasionally. Slow growing attached epibionts were exceedingly rare and mobile epifauna were not obviously associated with these large sedimentary particles; nor were the surfclam or mussel communities. The frequency of barnacle scars suggests sediment scour under the high‐flow regime characteristic of the surveyed region, which voids the habitat potential of these sedimentary particles. The abundance of surfclam shell indicates that surfclams have inhabited the shoaler depths for an extended time; limited shell at deeper sites supports the inference from the absence of large animals that these sites are relatively newly colonized and represent further evidence of an offshore shift in range brought on by increasing bottom water temperatures. The dichotomous nature of the two primary community types at mid‐depths suggests that these two communities represent multiple stable states brought on by the interaction of an invading cold temperate species with the receding boreal fauna resulting in a transient intermingling of species, which, however, structure the habitat into exclusionary stable states rather than overlapping in a co‐occurrence ecotone.  相似文献   

热带太平洋海洋大气耦合系统对全球变暖的响应是气候变化的热点问题.前人研究发现,气候模式的模拟偏差对于全球变暖响应结果有重要影响.本文利用美国大气研究中心(National Center for Atmospheric Research,NCAR)的地球系统模式(The Community Earth System Model,CESM)中的大气模式(Community Atmosphere Model version 5,CAM5)设计数值试验,在相同的SST(Sea Surface Temperature)增暖强迫下,通过改变海洋SST的年际变化振幅,来分析热带海洋年际变化强度的模拟对未来热带海区降水和大气环流场未来变化的影响.试验结果表明,随着SST年际变化强度的增加,全球变暖后热带太平洋降水变化的东西不对称性,以及向暖池区域辐合的风场变化等特征都逐渐减弱.进一步的分析发现,不同年际变化信号导致的大气场变化差异主要发生在冬季,是由于热带太平洋SST年际变化主模态ENSO(El Nino Southern Oscillation)的不对称性造成的:在厄尔尼诺年,强(弱)的年际变化信号会造成降水在东太平洋产生较大(小)的变化;而在拉尼娜年和正常年份,年际变化信号的强弱对热带降水变化的影响则不大.当热带海温的年际变化较大时,厄尔尼诺年的海温异常更强,造成的降水和风场的变化特征也会更加显著.  相似文献   

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