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The current controversy between thick and thin target models of hard X-ray flares is reviewed and it is concluded that the most promising method of distinguishing them is in terms of the differences in the distribution of the source with height in the solar atmosphere. Quantitative predictions are made of this height distribution for both models and the results discussed in relation to observations of hard X-ray emission from flares behind the limb. It is concluded that the thick target model is as compatible with such events as the thin target whereas the latter is in general much less satisfactory in terms of energy requirements and of flare observations at other wavelengths. Other source models are also briefly considered.  相似文献   

The polarization of hard solar X-radiation (> 10 keV) is calculated on the assumption that electrons get a non-isotropic velocity distribution in the initial phase of a flare. The brems-strahlung generated by nonthermal electrons spiralling around magnetic field lines with discrete pitch angles is considerably polarized if observed at approximately right angles to the magnetic field. In the energy range from 10 to 50 keV the degree of polarization is not strongly dependent on the photon energy. For pitch-angle distributions of the form sin2 and cos2, the polarization has opposite signs; it decreases appreciably at high photon energies. The observation of X-ray polarization will be useful in deducing the physical conditions in flares.  相似文献   

The microwave and hard X-ray characteristics of 13 solar flares that produced microwave fluxes greater than 500 solar flux units have been analyzed. These Great Microwave Bursts were observed in the frequency range from 3 to 35 GHz at Bern, and simultaneous hard X-ray observations were made in the energy range from 30 to 500 keV with the Hard X-Ray Burst Spectrometer on the Solar Maximum Mission spacecraft. The principal aim of this analysis is to determine whether or not the same distribution of energetic electrons can explain both emissions. The temporal and spectral behaviors of the microwaves as a function of frequency and the X-rays as a function of energy were tested for correlations, with results suggesting that optically thick microwave emission, at a frequency near the peak frequency, originates in the same electron population that produces the hard X-rays. The microwave emission at lower frequencies, however, is poorly correlated with emission at the frequency which appears to characterize this common source. A single-temperature and a multitemperature model were tested for consistency with the coincident X-ray and microwave spectra at microwave burst maximum. Four events are inconsistent with both of the models tested, and neither of the models attempts to explain the high-frequency part of the microwave spectrum. A source area derived on the basis of the single-temperature model agrees to within the uncertainties with the observed area of the one burst for which spatially resolved X-ray images are available.Swiss National Science Foundation Fellow from the University of Bern.Also Energy/Environmental Research Group, Incorporated, Tucson, Arizona, and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Present address: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland.  相似文献   

The energy spectrum of diffuse hard X-rays measured in the range 10–40 keV shows a rather sharp change of slope. The logarithmic derivative of the spectrum changes around 20–30 keV by the increment significantly greater than 0.5 within an interval smaller than 50 keV.  相似文献   

The problem of producing the hard X-ray burst at the onset of solar flares may be thought of in terms of the problem of producing the non-thermal electrons which emit the X-rays via bremsstrahlung. Electron acceleration to relativistic energies without similar ion acceleration is difficult to achieve, even in an ad hoc theoretical model. Yet from global energetic considerations, it is not feasible to accelerate the electrons as a minor constituent of the total energetic particle population. Therefore, it is necessary to invoke a more sophisticated process for the electron acceleration. In this paper we describe a mechanism for achieving this via an initial acceleration of a neutralized ion beam. When such a beam impacts the chromosphere, the electrons start to scatter while the ions continue downwards, rapidly setting up an electric field which is either cancelled by the inflow of background chromospheric electrons or results in the runaway acceleration of beam electrons. In the former case the result is simply heating, whereas in the latter case much of the ion kinetic energy is transferred into electron kinetic energy. The final electron energy may be similar to the typical energy of the ions. The electrons that are accelerated are those in the neutral beam that experience an electric field greater than the critical Dreicer field. Thus there will be a low-energy cut-off to the electron spectrum which overcomes the well-known energetics problem at low energies with certain other spectral forms.  相似文献   

Simultaneous hard X-ray and optical observations of Sco X-1 were carried out on 1971 May 1 at Hyderabad, India, when Sco X-1 was optically bright. The X-ray intensity observed by balloon-borne counter telescopes increased in coincidence with optical enhancements, while the plasma temperature derived by fitting the X-ray spectrum in the energy range 20–40 keV to the thermal bremsstrahlung spectrum did not appreciably change over the whole period of observation.  相似文献   

Various methods are explored for obtaining regularized solutions of the severely ill-posed Laplace inversion problem involved in deriving plasma temperature (T) structure (differential emission measure(T)) from bremsstrahlung spectra. Inversions of simulated data show that zero-order regularisation (Tikhonov regularisation inL 2 space) is very unsatisfactory even with weighting, while first-order regularisation (Tikhonov regularisation in Sobolev space) yields reasonable results.The method is applied to a high-resolution hard X-ray flare spectrum observed by Lin and Schwartz (1987) and yields a positive solution for(T) showing that a purely thermal interpretation is possible for that event. The form of(T) found has two broad features: one peaking at around 107 K and falling off steeply toward 2 × 108 K; a second spread around a peak near 4.5 × 108 K. The interpretation of such(T) in terms of plasma heating and conductive flux is discussed in terms of plasma heat fluxes and heating rates. For 1-D geometry, the distribution of the plasma heating rateH(T) per unit volume is inferred from(T) in the limits of classical diffusive conduction and of saturated heat flux, the former being relevant atT below around 5 × 107 K and the latter at much higherT. We find there exists a maximum inH(T) around 2 × 108 K, a fact which may be important for energy release theories.  相似文献   

The brightness distribution of diffuse soft X-rays in the pulse height range 0.15–0.3 keV (L-band) and 0.5–0.8 keV (M-band) are obtained over a quarter of the sky centered at the galactic anticenter with 1.5 m polypropylene window proportional counters on board a sounding rocket. In theL-band three enhanced regions are noticed on the map. They coincide with the northern and southern Hi holes and the inner part of the galactic radio Loop II.In the northern Hi hole theN H dependence of theL-band flux and the hardness ratioM/L can be fitted with a local hot plasma model with the absorption by a low velocity neutral hydrogen gas (|V|<25 km s–1) along the line of sight. The X-ray feature of Loop II is similar to that of Loop I. In the lowN H region (<3×1020 H atoms cm–2) theM/L value is lower than 0.3, whereas it varies in the range 0.1–0.4 at low latitudes (|b|<300). This fact seems to be interpreted in terms of a model that a number of hot plasma clouds contribute to X-ray emission.  相似文献   

Hudson  H.S.  Hurford  G.J.  Brown  J.C. 《Solar physics》2003,214(1):171-175
We consider the scattering of flare-associated X-rays above 1 keV at coronal heights, particularly from regions of enhanced density. This includes a discussion of the polarization of the scattered X-rays. Although the scattered radiation would not be bright by comparison with the total hard X-ray flux from a flare, its detectability would be enhanced for events located a few degrees behind the limb for which the dominant `footpoint' hard X-ray sources are occulted. Thus we predict that major flares occurring beyond the solar limb may be detectable via scattering in density enhancements that happen to be visible above the limb, and that such sources may be strongly polarized. Since thin-target bremsstrahlung will generally greatly exceed the scattered thick-target flux in flare loops themselves, these considerations apply only to coronal structures that do not contain significant populations of non-thermal electrons.  相似文献   

An example of global auroral distribution is presented which is clearly more circular than oval and is thus fit to an offset circle. The area surrounded by the aurora is also compared with the open region constructed by a model of the open magnetosphere for the IMF condition about 1 h prior to the auroral observation.  相似文献   

Results of the analysis of four balloon observations of Cyg X-1 in the energy range 20–200 keV are reported. Long term time variability of the flux is confirmed and is estimated to amount to a factor 1.5–2. The source appears to remain in a state of lower flux for longer times. No obvious correlation with the low energy behaviour following the transition detected by Uhuru is found.  相似文献   

Experimental results on the intensity, energy spectrum and time variations in hard X-ray emission from Cyg X-1 based on a balloon observation made on 1971, April 6 from Hyderabad (India) are described. The average energy spectrum of Cyg X-1 in the 22–154 keV interval on 1971 April 6 is best represented by a power law dN/dE=(5.41±1.53)E –(1.92±0.10) photons cm–2s–1 keV–1 which is in very good agreement with the spectrum of Cyg X-1 derived from an earlier observation made by us on 1969 April 16 in the 25–151 keV band and given by dN/dE=(3.54±2.44)E –(1.89±0.22) photons cm–2s–1 keV–1. A thermal bremsstrahlung spectrum fails to give a good fit over the entire energy range for both the observations. Comparison with the observations of other investigators shows that almost all balloon experiments consistently give a spectrum of E –2, while below 20 keV the spectrum varies fromE –1.7 toE –5. There is some indication of a break in the Cyg X-1 spectrum around 20 keV. Spectral analysis of data in different time intervals for the 1971 April 6 flight demonstrates that while the source intensity varies over time scales of a few minutes, there is no appreciable variation in the spectral slope. Analysis of various hard X-ray observations for long term variations shows that over a period of about a week the intensity of Cyg X-1 varies upto a factor of four. The binary model proposed by Dolan is examined and the difficulties in explaining the observed features of Cyg X-1 by this model are pointed out.  相似文献   

In-situ observations from the FREJA magnetospheric research satellite and the Fast Auroral SnapshoT satellite have shown that plasma waves are frequently observed in the auroral plasma,which are believed to be fundamentally important in wave energy dissipation and particle energization.However,the effects of a displacement current on these waves have not been examined.Based on the two-fluid theory,we investigate the dispersion relation and polarization properties of fast,Alfven,and slow modes in the presence of a displacement current,and the effects of the displacement current on these waves are also considered.The results show that the wave frequency,polarization,magnetic helicity and other properties for the fast and Alfven modes are highly sensitive to the normalized Alfven velocity v_A/c,plasma betaβ,and propagation angle θ,while for the slow mode the dependence is minor.In particular,for both fast and Alfven modes,the magnetic helicity is obviously different with and without the displacement current,especially for the Alfven mode with the helicity reversals from right-handed to left-handed when v_A/c increases from 0 to 0.3.The charge-neutral condition of both fast and Alfven modes with frequencies larger than the proton cyclotron frequency is invalid in the presence of the displacement current.Moreover,the presence of the displacement current leads to relatively large magnetic compressibility for the Alfven mode and relatively large electron compressibility for the fast mode.These results can be useful for a comprehensive understanding of the wave properties and the physics of particle energization phenomena in auroral plasmas.  相似文献   

Cinematic, photometric observations of the 3B flare of August 7, 1972 are described in detail. The time resolution was 2 s; the spatial resolution was 1–2″. Flare continuum emissivity at 4950 Å and at 5900 Å correlated closely in time with the 60–100 keV non-thermal X-ray burst intensity. The observed peak emissivity was 1.5 × 1010 erg cm?2 s?1 and the total flare energy in the 3900–6900 Å range was ~1030 erg. From the close temporal correspondence and from the small distance (3″) separating the layers where the visible emission and the X-rays arose, it is argued that the hard X-ray source must have had the same silhouette as the white light flare and that the emission patches had cross-sections of 3–5″. There was also a correlation between the location of the most intense visible emissions near sunspots and the intensity and polarization of the 9.4 GHz radio emission. The flare appeared to show at least three distinct particle acceleration phases: one, occurring at a stationary source and associated with proton acceleration gave a very bluish continuum and reached peak intensity at ~ 1522 UT. At 1523 UT, a faint wave spread out at 40 km s?1 from flare center. The spectrum of the wave was nearly flat in the range 4950–5900 Å. Association of the wave with a slow drift of the microwave emission peak to lower frequencies and with a softening of the X-ray spectrum is interpreted to mean that the particle acceleration process weakened while the region of acceleration expanded. The observations are interpreted with the aid of the flare models of Brown to mean that the same beam of non-thermal electrons that was responsible for the hard X-ray bremsstrahlung also caused the heating of the lower chromosphere that produced the white light flare.  相似文献   

A two-component (core-halo) emission model has been applied reconciling hard and soft X-ray burst emissions with the microwave burst radiation. The core region is represented by a nonthermal energy distribution (Maxwellian+power law tail) and assumed to be surrounded by a thermal halo. Parameters characterizing the energy distribution and emission measures have been derived numerically from soft and hard X-ray measurements. Using an artificial magnetic field model the microwave flux spectrum has been calculated on the basis of gyro-synchrotron emission and absorption by solving the equation of radiation transfer along the ray trajectories. Open parameters were used to adapt the spectrum to the radio measurements.Thus probable informations about the most appropriate magnetic field parameters as well as about the time- and frequency- dependent source diameters (yielding growth velocities of the core region during the impulsive phase) are deduced for the burst of 1972 May 18 as an example. A fit of the observed spectrum at the burst maximum is consistent with a magnetic field of 150O G at the core centre decreasing up to about 40 G at the top of the halo at a height of 50 000 km above the centre, a core density of 1010 cm–3 decreasing to 109 cm–3 at the outer halo boundary, and a core diameter of 15 000 km (]20).Due to the simple geometry and emission process adopted,- the model refers primarily to special impulsive bursts. For the representation of broad band microwave bursts, e.g. type IV , events, a more complex source geometry and/or other variants of the emission mechanism must be invoked.  相似文献   

We review recent observations of polarization of moderately hard X-rays in solar flares and compare them with the predictions of recent detailed modeling of hard X-ray bremsstrahlung production by non-thermal electrons. We find that the recent advances in the complexity of the modeling lead to substantially lower predicted polarizations than in earlier models and more fully highlight how various parameters play a role in determining the polarization of the radiation field. The new predicted polarizations are comparable to those predicted by thermal modeling of solar flare hard X-ray production, and both are in agreement with the observations. In the light of these results, we propose new polarization observations with current generation instruments which could be used to discriminate between non-thermal and thermal models of hard X-ray production in solar flares.  相似文献   

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