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We here investigate the motion of particles in a dipole magnetic field under the assumption of conservation of the first two adiabatic invariants. The results are then combined with Liouville's theorem to obtain the variation of the distribution function, and hence the plasma bulk parameters with L-shell. A comparison of the numerical results with recently published analytical approximations is made. Finally, the results are used to describe the structure of the ring current plasma in the outer radiatoin zone, the effects of the Alfvén layers being quantitatively evaluated for a simple electric field model.  相似文献   

In this paper hourly data of maximum electron density and total electron content in a unit column up to the level of peak electron density of the F2-layer at Puerto Rico (magnetic dip 52.5°N) in the American sector are studied to find their DS and Dst variations and to compare them with those of the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field for 93SC type geomagnetic storms which occurred during the period September 1957–March 1962. These variations are obtained separately for positive and negative F2-storms and then averaged for all the types. It is found that the positive F2-storms are in a way connected with the equatorial type of DS variation of the H-field and the negative F2-storms with the high-latitude type DS variation of the H-field. The Dst variation of the H-field is practically of the same character for both positive and negative F2-storms. These findings combined with those of others indicate that it is the DS current in the ionosphere that cause the observed changes in the F2-layer through electromagnetic movements; diffusion along the field lines and changes in the loss-rates of electrons may also contribute to the nett effects. A statistical survey shows that while there are equal chances for positive F2-storms in Summer and Winter at Puerto Rico, there is a much larger number of negative F2-storms in Summer than in Winter. At a southern conjugate place, there is a much larger number of positive F2-storms in Winter, but equal number of negative F2-storms in Summer and Winter. More than half the total number of the F2-storms are found to be similar types (33 per cent positive, 23 per cent negative) from the consideration of the F2-changes during individual magnetic storms at the conjugate places. These are discussed in the concluding section of the paper.  相似文献   

A fully time dependent mathematical model of the thermal plasma at L = 1.4 is described. In the mathematical model account is taken of a quiet-time E × B drift in the meridional plane. Atmospheric conditions appropriate to equinox at sunspot minimum and at sunspot maximum are considered. Results of the model calculations are presented. Emphasis is placed on the effects on the thermal plasma of a quiet-time E × B drift in the meridional plane. A comparison of the model calculations which include an E × B drift with those in which there is no E × B drift shows than an E × B drift significantly affects the plasma concentration and temperature distributions during the day at both sunspot minimum and sunspot maximum; the effects at night are very small. An upward E × B drift during the day increases both NmF2 and hmF2 and decreases the plasma temperature. The decrease in plasma temperature is due primarily to the increase in plasma concentration. It is more pronounced in the electron temperature than in the ion temperature and it varies considerably with altitude, time and atmospheric conditions. The changes in plasma concentration and temperature brought about by an E × B drift also change the O+-H+ transition height and the O+ and H+ tube contents. For the E × B drifts considered the O+-H+ transition height is raised during the morning and lowered during the afternoon. The changes in O+ tube content roughly follow the changes in NmF2. The changes in H+ tube content, however, are small since the H+ tube content is controlled by the H+ concentration at the higher altitudes of the tube of plasma and these concentration values are only slightly affected by the E × B drifts considered.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of Titan's atmospheric structure with emphasis on the stratosphere is simulated by a three-dimensional general circulation model. The model includes the transport of haze particles by the circulation. The likely pattern of meridional circulation is reconstructed by a comparison of simulated and observed haze and temperature distribution. The GCM produces a weak zonal circulation with a small latitudinal temperature gradient, in conflict with observation. The direct reason is found to be the excessive meridional circulation. Under uniformly distributed opacity sources, the model predicts a pair of symmetric Hadley cells near the equinox and a single global cell with the rising branch in the summer hemisphere below about z = 230 km and a thermally indirect cell above the direct cell near the solstice. The interhemispheric circulation transports haze particles from the summer to the winter hemisphere, causing a maximum haze opacity contrast near the solstice and a smaller contrast near the equinox, contrary to observation. On the other, if the GCM is run under modified cooling rate in order to account for the enhancement in nitrites and some hydrocarbons in the northern hemisphere near the vernal equinox, the meridional cell at the equinox becomes a single cell with rising motions in the autumn hemisphere. A more realistic haze opacity distribution can be reproduced at the equinox. However, a pure transport effect (without particle growth by microphysics, etc.) would not be able to cause the observed discontinuity of the global haze opacity distribution at any location. The stratospheric temperature asymmetry can be explained by a combination of asymmetric radiative heating rates and adiabatic heating due to vertical motion within the thermally indirect cell. A seasonal variation of haze particle number density is unlikely to be responsible for this asymmetry. It is likely that a thermally indirect cell covers the upper portion of the main haze layer. An artificial damping of the meridional circulation enables the formation of high-latitude jets in the upper stratosphere and weaker equatorial superrotation. The latitudinal temperature distribution in the stratosphere is better reproduced.  相似文献   

We show that in the framework of R2 gravity and in the linearized approach it is possible to obtain spherically symmetric stationary states that can be used as a model for galaxies. Such approach could represent a solution to the Dark Matter Problem. In fact, in the model, the Ricci curvature generates a high energy term that can in principle be identified as the dark matter field making up the galaxy. The model can also help to have a better understanding on the theoretical basis of Einstein-Vlasov systems. Specifically, we discuss, in the linearized R2 gravity, the solutions of a Klein-Gordon equation for the spacetime curvature. Such solutions describe high energy scalarons, a field that in the context of galactic dynamics can be interpreted like the no-light-emitting galactic component. That is, these particles can be figured out like wave-packets showing stationary solutions in the Einstein-Vlasov system. In such approximation, the energy of the particles can be thought of as the galactic dark matter component that guarantees the galaxy equilibrium. Thus, because of the high energy of such particles the coupling constant of the R2-term in the gravitational action comes to be very small with respect to the linear term R. In this way, the deviation from standard General Relativity is very weak, and in principle the theory could pass the Solar System tests. As pertinent to the issue under analysis in this paper, we present an analysis on the gravitational lensing phenomena within this framework.Although the main goal of this paper is to give a potential solution to the Dark Matter Problem within galaxies, we add a section where we show that an important property of the Bullet Cluster can in principle be explained in the scenario introduced in this work.To the end, we discuss the generic prospective to give rise to the Dark Matter component of most galaxies within extended gravity.  相似文献   

The micro-imaging dust analysis system (MIDAS) is an essential element among the scientific payload on the international Rosetta mission to comet 46P/Wirtanen. The MIDAS instrument based on an atomic force microscope (AFM) collects small particles drifting outwards from the nucleus surface. AFM is able to image small structures in 3D at nanometer-scale resolution. These images provide morphological and statistical information like grain size distribution on the dust population. In order to support the development of the flight hardware, optimisation of the control functions and consolidation of a proper scheme of data interpretation, laboratory studies with similar instruments were carried out. The obtained data demonstrate the capabilities of this technique. For the first time an instrument is able to observe the smallest (nm-sized) grains which are predicted by models and were to a certain extent deduced from previous measurements on the Giotto and Vega missions to comet 1P/Halley. On larger (μm-sized) particles the complex morphology will be visualised with high precision in 3D, and if present, within these aggregates crystalline materials with defined crystal faces can be identified.  相似文献   

Tetsuya Tokano 《Icarus》2009,204(2):619-636
The detection of large hydrocarbon seas/lakes near the poles by the Cassini spacecraft raises the question as to whether and how polar seas affect the meteorology on Titan. The polar meteorology and methane hydrological cycle in the presence of seas are investigated by a three-dimensional atmospheric general circulation model coupled to a one-dimensional sea energy balance model considering the observed sea/lake geography. The sea composition has a large control on the seasonal evolution of seas, temperature and wind system in the polar region, particularly in the north where large seas are located. The surface of ethane-rich seas, which do not evaporate methane, undergo a large seasonal temperature variation and the sea surface is often warmer than the surrounding land surface. Land breeze in summer towards the seas causes a moisture convergence over the seas, which leads to enhanced summer precipitation in the sea area. On the other hand, methane-rich seas evaporate some methane and are therefore colder than the surroundings. This causes a sea breeze across the north pole in summer, which blows away the moisture from the polar region, so precipitation becomes scarce in the north polar region. The breeze can become stronger than the tidal wind. Sea evaporation peaks in winter, when the temperature and average methane mixing ratio in the planetary boundary layer become lowest. The sea level predominantly rises in summer by precipitation and retreats in winter by evaporation. The meteorology in the south polar region is less sensitive to the composition of the lakes because of the paucity and smallness of southern lakes. Lake-effect precipitation can occur either by moisture convergence by the breeze or humidity enhancement over the seas, but is more characteristic of warm seasons than of cold seasons.  相似文献   

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