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The height of the lower red border of type-B aurora has been determined by triangulation using TV cameras at two ground stations. A mean height of 91.4 ± 1.1 km was determined from a set of 12 measurements made under ideal conditions. A TV spectrograph was used simultaneously to seek possible spectral changes between 6400 and 6900 Å which would be indicative of changes in the vibrational distribution in the N2 First Positive bands. No significant difference was found in this distribution between the spectra from 93 and 122 km. The height distribution of contributions to the OI 5577 Å emission relative to the N+2 First Negative emission was modelled from 80 to 160 km. Contributions from electron impact on atomic O, O+2 dissociative recombination and N2(A)O energy transfer were included. Account was taken of recent laboratory data on O(1S) quenching. It was concluded that these processes could explain the excitation of O(1S) in normal aurora and the height distribution of OI 5577 Å in type-B red aurora. It was confirmed that the lifetime ofO(1S) in type-B red auroral rapid time variations is about 0.5 s and it was found from the model that the observed time variation can be reproduced by the mechanisms considered, provided the concentration of NO in the auroral atmosphere is about 1 × 109 at 95 km. Before reasonable certainty can be attained in the correctness of the interpretation it will however be necessary to have reliable simultaneous observations of neutral atmospheric composition particularly for O and NO as well as unchallengeable measurements of the yields of O(1S) for the processes considered and for several other processes which have been suggested recently.  相似文献   

There are two mechanisms which can account for the oxygen green line emission at 100 km Altitude, namely the Chapman and Barth mechanisms. Theoretical results and experimental data are used in order to discriminate which of these predominates in the atmosphere. In particular we have used an important new test which consists in comparing the phase of the mean diurnal variation of the green line intensity with the phase of the tide responsible for this variation. This is a powerful test because the phase of the green line variation calculated from the tidal phase has a very weak dependence on the atmospheric model used. Our conclusion is that in the atmosphere the Chapman mechanism predominates.  相似文献   

Recent laboratory measurements of the deactivation rate constants for O(1S) have suggested that the dominant production mechanism for the green line in the nightglow is a two-step process. A similar mechanism involving energy transfer from an excited state of molecular oxygen is considered as a potential source of the OI (5577 Å) emission in the aurora. It is shown that the mechanism, O2 + e → O21 + e O21 + O → O2 + O(1S), is consistent with auroral observations; the intermediate excited state has been tentatively identified as the O2(c1?u) state. For the proposed energy transfer mechanism to be the primary source of the auroral green line, the peak electron impact cross-section for O21 production must be approximately 2 × 10?17 cm2.  相似文献   

Recent flowing afterglow measurements have shown that the reaction of N+ with O2 produces 70 ± 30% of the oxygen atom product as O(1D) and < 0.1% as O(1S). These results indicate that this reaction does not contribute to the auroral green line emission (5577 Å), but can account for ~10% of the observed red line (6300 Å) auroral emission.  相似文献   

The results of recent laboratory experiments suggest that the reaction N+ + O2 → NO+ + O(1S) is the principal source of O(1S) in aurora. A negligible time delay between auroral ionization and O(1S) production is associated with this indirect process, which is a necessary condition for a viable mechanism. The 5577A?3914A? volume emission rate ratio associated with this production source remains constant with altitude. The problems encountered by the currently accepted source of O(1S), the reaction of N2(A3Σ) molecules with atomic oxygen are explored, and the contributions of this and other reactions to the auroral green line emission are reevaluated.  相似文献   

Recent laboratory studies show that the O(1S) quantum yield, f(1S), from O2+ dissociative recombination varies considerably with the degree r of vibrational excitation. However, the suggestion that the high values for f(1S) deduced from airglow and auroral observations can be explained by invoking vibrational excitation, creates a number of problems. Firstly, the rapid vibrational deactivation of O2+ ions by collisions with O atoms will keep r too low to account for the magnitude of f(1S); secondly, r varies considerably from one atmospheric source to another but its relative values (which should be reliable) do not co-vary with those of f(1S); thirdly, because r increases markedly above the peak of the X5577 A? dissociative recombination layer, the fits which theorists have obtained to the observed volume emission rate profiles would have to be regarded as fortuitious. It is tentatively suggested that f(1S) is higher in the airglow and aurora than in the laboratory plasma studied by Zipf (1980) because of the electron temperature dependence of the O(1S) specific recombination coefficient for O2+(v' ? 3) ions.The repulsive 1Σu[1D + 1s] state of O2 does not provide a suitable channel for the dissociative recombination. A possible alternative is the bound 3Πu[5S + 3s] state with predissociation to the repulsive 3Πu[3P + 1s] state.  相似文献   

It is argued that Chapman's process is too slow to explain the green line emission in the nightglow but that Barth's two-stage mechanism is fast enough. The key to the difference in their efficiencies is that the life-time of Chapman's intermediate [O3] complex is very much shorter than that of Barth's intermediate [O3] complex because of its greater internal energy. Consequently the chance of the representative mass point passing from the initial surface to the required final surface is very much less in the former case than the latter where O(1S) is one of the products in a quite considerable fraction of the decays of the complex.  相似文献   

Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME) observations of the 3 a.m. 1.27 micrometers nightglow at 45 N latitude, averaged over the period 10-31 July 1984, are reported. From the deduced volume emission rates, we derive the O2(a1 delta g) night-time production rates for the 80-100 km altitude range. Utilizing the mean SME-acquired 3 p.m. ozone profile for the same latitude and time period and an updated photochemical model, we determine night-time O, O3, H, OH, HO2, and H2O2 profiles. These are used in calculating the rates of reactions which are sufficiently exothermic to produce O2(1 delta) or excited states of OH or HO2, which could transfer their energy to O2 to form O2(1 delta). Of these reactions, most have rates that are quite small compared with the observed night-time O2(1 delta) production rate. For several others, laboratory experiments have found O2(1 delta) yields which are insufficient for simulating the observed O2(1 delta). Using yields of O2(1 delta) based on published laboratory and observational studies, we find that the sum of two reaction sequences can approximate the SME measurements: (1) O+O+M and (2) H+O3 followed by OH*+O2.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1986,34(11):1143-1145
The rate coefficient for the quenching ofO(1D) by O(3P) has recently been calculated by Yee et al. (1985). Their results indicate that quenching by atomic oxygen should not be ignored in the analysis of the 6300 Å emission airglow. Data obtained by the Visible Airglow Experiment (VAE) on board the AE satellites have been reanalyzed to determine the quenching rate of O(1D) by atomic oxygen. The results of this analysis are presented.  相似文献   

Considerable interest has been raised by the discovery of Comet Hale-Bopp (1995 O1) and the possibility that it might become a very bright object in Spring 1997. The evidence to support either of the conflicting hypothesis (an intrinsically bright comet or a faint comet in a very large outburst) is too limited to reach solid conclusions and may remain so for some months yet. The pre-discovery observations encountered to date provide some limits to photometric models and suggest that the comet may be intrinsically bright, but do not yet permit a firm discrimination, even between extreme scenarios, due to the enormous extrapolation that must be made from the heliocentric distance at discovery, to that of perihelion.  相似文献   

Ground-based observations of Type B aurora associated with a westward travelling surge indicate that decreases of up to 40% in the ratio of I(5577)/I(3914) occurred at the region of peak luminosity when compared to parts of the surge removed from the Type B aurora, and to a homogeneous arc at a similar elevation angle. Also, a sharper cutoff was observed for the 5577 A luminosity profile at the lower edge of the Type B aurora. Both effects imply increased quenching or decreased excitation of the 5577 A emission, consistent with a lower altitude for the Type B aurora. The diffuse glow equatorward of the surge showed only a slight decrease in ratio at the time of occurrence of the Type B aurora. The characteristics of Type B aurora are highly suggestive of a local mechanism for particle acceleration.  相似文献   

It is observed that in the course of at least one major magnetic storm, during aurorally quiet pauses, the poleward limit of auoral activity is shifted 10–15° equatorward of its typical non-storm-time limit. The storm-time ring current will contribute to the equatorward shift by expanding the size of the magnetosphere, causing an increase in the magnetic flux in the tail that maps into the aurorally inactive polar cap. We use a new model of the ring current to estimate the size of the ring current effect on the shift in the poleward limit. One calculated example that is probably representative gives a shift of between 5 and 10° corresponding to a Dst in the range from ?300 to ?600 nT.  相似文献   

We report the identification of gas jets in comet Hale-Bopp in OH, NH, CN, C2 and C3. This is the first time OH and NH jets without an obvious optical dust jet counterpart have been identified in narrowband comet images. We also confirm the existence of CN jets as reported by Larson et al. (1997) and Mueller et al. (1998). Jet features can be seen in the March and April 1997 datasets, approximately a month before and after perihelion. Our results contribute to the understanding of both the chemical properties of the comet as well as the physical mechanisms necessary to produce these features. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Statistical arguments for the reality of physical associations between a class of QSO's and certain peculiar galaxies are now sufficiently convincing to require an explanation for the nature of the associations. If the associations are indeed real, the objects were probably liberated by tidal encounters between galaxies, rather than by explosive ejection.  相似文献   

The ratio of the intensity of the oxygen green line at 5577 A to that of the N2+ First Negative band (0, 0) at 3914 A in morning and evening pulsating aurora has been observed using a ground-based scanning photometer which scans the entire sky in 2.6 sec with 2° resolution.The ratio I(5577)/I(3914), after corrections for scattering and extinction made on the basis of hemispheric averages of the intensities at each wavelength, is up to 50% lower in the pulsations than in the surrounding diffuse aurora and in pre-breakup discrete auroras. In morning pulsations this ratio showed systematic decreases with time and with increasing intensity.We report here what we believe to be the first quantitative intensity measurements made of the rare phenomenon evening pulsations. These also show a reduced ratio and a tendency for the ratio to decrease with time.The range of previously published values of the 5577 A time constant in pulsating auroras would lead to ratio variations of the same magnitude as those reported here, suggesting that quenching effects may be more important than atmospheric composition changes in determining intensity ratios within the altitude range of pulsating auroras.  相似文献   

A high resolution rocket-borne mechanical flying spot scanner has evolved from similar ground-based instruments. The spinning motion of the rocket together with that of a motor-driven prism are used to scan a narrow-angle photometer systematically and repetitively over the full 4π sr region around the rocket. Outputs from two wavelengths selected by narrow-band interference filters are available from the one instrument. The large quantity of data thus obtained are first reproduced in pictorial form making it relatively easy to identify auroral and airglow features which can then be studied quantitatively. Computer reduction of the data also makes it possible to determine the attitude of the vehicle carrying the scanner to an accuracy better than can be achieved with an aspect magnetometer. Results illustrating the capabilities of the instrument and data analysis system have been obtained from rocket AKD-VB-27 which was launched from the Churchill Research Range, 20 January 1971.  相似文献   

Measurements of auroral H-beta at high temporal and spatial resolution obtained by means of an interference filter scanning photometer have been subjected to a detailed analysis regarding possible sources of signal contamination. Two general categories of potential contamination were investigated: (1) strong spectral emmisions within the 'wings' of the filter passband and (2) weak molecular bands, atomic lines continuumunderlying the H-beta line and therefore contributing to the light passed by the filter. Calculation of the apparent intensity resulting from contamination in the first category yielded an upper limit of 10 R false H-beta signal for the brightest auroral conditions when H-beta intensities are on the order of 1 kR. Estimates of intensities resulting from contamination of the second category were calculated from two points of view: (a) examination of spectral morphology, with a result that 60–70 per cent of the signal recorded is true H-beta and (b) estimation of individual contaminating emssions with a result that at least 65 per cent of the recorded signal is auroral H-beta.  相似文献   

Bockelée-Morvan  D.  Wink  J.  Despois  D.  Colom  P.  Biver  N.  Crovisier  J.  Gautier  D.  Gérard  E.  Lellouch  E.  Moreno  R.  Paubert  G.  Rauer  H.  Davies  J. K.  Dent  W. R. F. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1997,78(1-3):67-67
Spectroscopic observations of comet Hale-Boppwere undertaken near perihelion at millimetre wavelengths with the Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique (IRAM) telescopes at Plateau de Bure (France)and Pico Veleta (Spain). They resulted in the first detections of HCOOH,SO2, NH2CHO and HCOOCH3 in a comet. HDO was detected through its312–221 line at 225.897 GHz,complementing the observation of the 101–000 line at 464.925 GHz at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (Meier et al., 1998,Science 279, 842).Several unidentified lines are present in the spectra. Observations of HC3N, HNCO, OCS, SO, CN, CO+, HCO+, in addition to more ‘classical’species CO, HCN, HNC, CH3CN, CH3OH, H2CO, CS and H2S (Biveret al., this issue) permit us to make out an extensive inventory of the composition of the coma of comet Hale-Bopp at its perihelion. It presents strong analogies with gas-phase abundances measured in interstellar hot cores and bipolar flows, which are believed to reflect the composition of interstellar grains. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of OH, CN, and C2 jets observed in thecoma of Comet Hale–Bopp on UT April 22, 23, and 25, 1997. Monte Carlomodels designed to simulate the gas jets were employed to analyze thenuclear active areas responsible for the observed coma gas jets. Ourresults indicate that four active areas are necessary to reproduce theCN and C2 jets while five active areas are required to simulatethe OH jets. The additional OH active area must produce significantlevels of OH, but cannot emit measurable quantities of either carbonradical. This difference suggests that the nucleus of Comet Hale–Boppis chemically heterogeneous.  相似文献   

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