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A method recently reported for measuring radial drifts in the equatorial plane and ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling fluxes from the Doppler shifts and group delays on whistler mode signals is applied to VLF transmissions from station NLK on 18.6 kHz. Data from 22 nights, primarily during the months November to February, are analysed. When averaged over a time of about 90 min, drifts found are accurate to ±20 ms?1, corresponding to an equatorial electric field accuracy of ±0.05 mVm?1 and fluxes, to ±1.5 × 1012 el m?2 s?1 (two hemisphere total). Given currently accepted values of coupling fluxes, the flux accuracy is of marginal value on individual nights, but useful information on average behaviour may be obtained.We find fluxes generally contribute less than 20% to the measured Doppler shift, most of which is therefore produced by cross-L drifts. To an accuracy of about 20% then, Doppler data alone may give information on these drifts. Doppler shift data previously accumulated over a number of years and relating to signals in ducts near L = 2.3 are re-examined. Dominating the nightly behaviour is an inward drift which reaches a maximum of ~ 100 ms?1 as the duct ends cross the dusk terminator and an outward drift at dawn of the same magnitude which is initiated when the duct end crosses the terminator in the E or lower F-region. In some months, separate effects can be seen corresponding to sunrise at each end of the duct.During the night, there are clear differences between December and June solstice drift behaviour which are as yet unexplained.Two-hemisphere-total coupling fluxes found from the 22 nights of data are ~ 1?2 × 1012 elm?2s?1. At the time of the evening maximum of inward drift the flow is to the ionosphere, but later in the night upfluxes were measured.  相似文献   

A method of measuring the radial component of plasma velocity (or azimuthal electric field) in the equatorial plane of the plasmasphere, and of measuring the flux of plasma between the plasmasphere and the ionosphere is presented. The method uses measured rates of change of phase path and group delay of whistler-mode VLF signals transmitted between geomagnetically conjugate points.Results from four nights are in general agreement with results published by others—equatorial radial velocities of tens of metres per second (azimuthal electrical fields of one or two tenths of a mV/m), fluxes a few times 1012 m?2 s?1-and illustrates the potential and limitations of the method.  相似文献   

Auroral radar studies of ULF pulsations have proved useful in determining the spatial characteristics of resonant oscillations. A particular class of ringing or transient pulsations has been identified in the radar data as toroidal mode eigenoscillations. We have considered a total of 64 events of this type recorded by either the STARE radar in Scandinavia, or the Slope Point radar in New Zealand, giving a combined latitudinal coverage of approx. 12°. These events are interpreted as toroidal mode eigenoscillations; the periods for individual events and the mean periods increase with geomagnetic latitude. Use of hydromagnetic resonance theory allows the equatorial ion mass density to be determined. The densities obtained are appropriate to the plasmatrough and range from ~ 10 to 100 a.m.u. cm?3 near geosynchronous orbit. The radial variation in the equatorial plane is typically R?5 in the midnight-noon sector and R?3 in the noon-midnight sector. To reconcile these pulsation periods with in situ electron density measurements implies that H+ ion densities in the range ~ 1–10 cm?3 and ~50% O+ ions are required.  相似文献   

During the flight of a Petrel rocket, instrumented by the SRC Radio and Space Research Station with Geiger counters and launched westwards from South Uist, Outer Hebrides, Scotland (L=3.38), a transient increase was observed in the intensity of energetic electrons having pitch angles between 60 and 120°. The increase, by a factor of 20 above the quasi-steady intensity observed throughout the remainder of the flight, occurred in 0.8 sec and was simultaneous for both >45 keV and >110 keV electrons. Recorded ~0.5 sec later, on the ground, was a two-hop whistler. During the enhanced electron intensity event, the entire duration of which was ~6 sec, the four-, six- and eight-hop whistlers were also received. From an analysis of the whistlers' spectrogram, it is concluded that the whistlers were ducted through the magnetosphere along the L=3.3 ±0.1 field line; the electron density in the equatorial plane is found to be 330 ±10 cm?3, a value characteristic of conditions within the plasmapause. It is suggested that these temporally and/or spatially associated phenomena, rather than arising by a chance coincidence, were the result of a gyroresonant interaction between energetic electrons and whistler mode waves moving in opposite directions. For gyroresonance on this field line at the equator, the parallel component of energy of the electrons is 25 keV at 3 kHz in the whistler band, or 100 keV at 1 kHz below it. It is suggested that a magnetospheric event occurred, causing both sudden enhanced electron precipitation and favourable conditions for the propagation and/or amplification of whistlers. A possible explanation is that energetic electrons, having a sufficiently anisotropic distribution function and associated with those injected during an earlier auroral substorm, become unstable via the transverse resonance instability when they drift into the plasmasphere, a region of high density thermal plasma.  相似文献   

Comparison of the low altitude polar orbiting Injun 5 Satellite data with the ground VLF data has revealed that there is a definite scarcity of VLF/ELF emissions at the ground level compared with the extent to which they are present at or above the auroral altitudes. Reasons for this have been investigated by performing ray path computations for whistler mode VLF propagation in an inhomogeneous and anisotropic medium, such as the magnetosphere and the ionosphere. Based on wave normal computations in the lower ionosphere, it has been found that many of the near-auroral zone VLF/ELF events are frequently either reflected from, or heavily attenuated in, the lower ionosphere. Besides collisional loss, severe attenuation of VLF signals in the lower ionosphere is also caused by the divergence of ray paths from the vertical (spatial attenuation). Cone of wave normal angles for the wave, within which VLF/ ELF signals are permitted to reach the ground, has been established. Wave normals lying outside this transmission cone are reflected from the lower ionosphere and do not find exit to the Earth-ionosphere cavity. Computations for VLF signals produced at auroral zone distances in the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere indicates that these signals are more or less trapped in the magnetosphere at altitudes > 1RE.  相似文献   

Dynamic behavior of the coupled ionosphere-protonosphere system in the magnetospheric convection electric field has been theoretically studied for two plasmasphere models. In the first model, it is assumed that the whole plasmasphere is in equilibrium with the underlying ionosphere in a diurnal average sense. The result for this model shows that the plasma flow between the ionosphere and the protonosphere is strongly affected by the convection electric field as a result of changes in the volume of magnetic flux tubes associated with the convective cross-L motion. Since the convection electric field is assumed to be directed from dawn to dusk, magnetic flux tubes expand on the dusk side and contract on the dawn side when rotating around the earth. The expansion of magnetic flux tubes on the dusk side causes the enhancement of the upward H+ flow, whereas the contraction on the dawn side causes the enhancement of the downward H+ flow. Consequently, the H+ density decreases on the dusk side and increases on the dawn side. It is also found that significant latitudinal variations in the ionospheric structures result from the L-dependency of these effects. In particular, the H+ density at 1000 km level becomes very low in the region of the plasmasphere bulge on the dusk side. In the second model, it is assumed that the outer portion of the plasmasphere is in the recovery state after depletions during geomagnetically disturbed periods. The result for this model shows that the upward H+ flux increases with latitude and consequently the H+ density decreases with latitude in the region of the outer plasmasphere. In summary, the present theoretical study provides a basis for comparison between the equatorial plasmapause and the trough features in the topside ionosphere.  相似文献   

During a long series of recordings of the Doppler shift of signals from NLK, Seattle, which have propagated in ducts in the whistler mode, a number of occasions have been noted where the duct has been acted on by the electric field of micropulsation events in the Pc4–5 range. Large oscillations are produced in the Doppler shift of the received VLF signal.It is shown that the field line has an antinode of motion in the equatorial plane, and that the Doppler shift is responding almost entirely to the radial component of the duct motion. The latter enables a comparison to be made between the magnetic disturbance in the magnetosphere and that seen on the ground. Some support is given to the prediction of Hughes (1974) and Inoue (1973) that the magnetospheric disturbance vector when seen on the ground is rotated 90° by the currents induced in the ionosphere. Models of the oscillating field line enable an estimate to be made of the azimuthal component of the electric field in the equatorial plane. This is typically 1 mVm. The model also predicts the north-south magnetic field strength of the transverse standing wave at the base of the magnetosphere, and this value may be compared with that seen on the ground. Values of the order 1–2 times the ground H-component or 5–10 times the ground D-component were found.  相似文献   

A transistorized wide-band (0.5–11 kHz) VLF goniometer has been developed for the study of whistlers and ELF/VLF emissions. It consists of two crossed vertical loops from which a single loop aerial, rotating about a vertical axis at a frequency of 25 sec?1, is synthesized electronically. During periods of high whistler activity, when the same propagation paths may be identified in successive whistler groups, it is possible to determine the bearing of the exit point of such a magnetospheric path with an error, typically, of ± 10–20°.  相似文献   

During August 1972, Explorer 45 orbiting near the equatorial plane with an apogee of ~5.2 Re traversed magnetic field lines in close proximity to those simultaneously traversed by the topside ionospheric satellite ISIS 2 near dusk in the L range 2.0–5.4. The locations of the Explorer 45 plasmapause crossings (determined by the saturation of the d.c. electric field double probe) during this month were compared to the latitudinal decreases of the H+ density observed on ISIS 2 (by the magnetic ion mass spectrometer) near the same magnetic field lines. The equatorially determined plasmapause field lines typically passed through or poleward of the minimum of the ionospheric light ion trough, with coincident satellite passes occurring for which the L separation between the plasmapause and trough field lines was between 1 and 2. Hence, the abruptly decreasing H+ density on the low latitude side of the ionospheric trough is not a near earth signature of the equatorial plasmapause. Vertical flows of the H+ ions in the light ion trough as detected by the magnetic ion mass spectrometer on ISIS were directed upward with velocities between 1 and 2 km s?1 near dusk on these passes. These velocities decreased to lower values on the low latitude side of the H+ trough but did not show any noticeable change across the field lines corresponding to the magnetospheric plasmapause. The existence of upward accelerated H+ flows to possibly supersonic speeds during the refilling of magnetic flux tubes in the outer plasmasphere could produce an equatorial plasmapause whose field lines map into the ionosphere at latitudes which are poleward of the H+ density decrease.  相似文献   

The association between VLF hiss and auroral-light intensity has been studied for pulsating auroras by coordinated observations with a broad band VLF receiver and a low light level TV system viewing the N2+ ING emissions. Power spectral analyses of the VLF hiss and auroral-light intensity fluctuations display a common peak at 1.3 ± 0.3 Hz. Cross-spectral analysis shows that the times of the peaks in the auroral-light intensity fluctuations differ from those of the VLF hiss by times ranging between zero and 0.2 s. This result is shown to be compatible with a cyclotron resonance interaction in the vicinity of the equatorial plane. The periodicity of the intensity fluctuations can be accounted for by assuming the process is driven by echoing VLF hiss, which may be single-phase or three-phase.  相似文献   

All of the OGO-5 light ion density measurements (covering the period from March 1968 to May 1969) obtained from the Lockheed Light Ion Mass Spectrometer were used to determine the average global topology of the equatorial plasmasphere density distribution. The variation of the light ion equatorial density at L?3.2 with local time was deduced by determining the average density observed within one hour of a specific local time and within 0.1 of a given L coordinate. The average H+ density showed a semidiurnal variation with peaks near noon and midnight. The He+ observations also revealed multiple peaks throughout the day but with smaller amplitudes than those of H+. At L>3.2 plasma trough conditions increase the scatter of densities. The average variation of the H+ density with L within the plasmasphere is found to be steepest near midnight and can be least squares fitted equally well to either an exponential variation exp (?bL) where b is between 0.85 and 1.5 or to a power law L?a where a varies from 3.2 to 5.  相似文献   

Latitudinal characteristics of ELF hiss in mid- and low-latitudes have been statistically studied by using ELF/VLF electric field spectra (50 Hz-30 kHz) from ISIS-1 and -2 received at Kashima station, Japan from 1973 to 1977. Most ISIS ELF/VLF data observed in mid- and low-latitude include ELF hiss at frequencies below a few kHz. The ELF hiss has the strongest intensity among VLF phenomena observed by the ISIS electric dipole antenna in mid- and low-latitudes, but the ELF hiss has no rising structure like the chorus in the detailed frequency-time spectrum. The ELF hiss is classified into the steady ELF hiss whose upper frequency limit is approximately constant with latitude and the ELF hiss whose upper frequency limit increases with latitude. These two types of ELF hiss occur often in medium or quiet geomagnetic activities. Sometimes there occurs a partial or complete lack of ELF hiss along an ISIS pass.Spectral shape and bandwidth of ELF hiss in the topside ionosphere are very similar to those of plasmaspheric hiss and of inner zone hiss. The occurrence rate of steady ELF hiss is about 0.3 near the geomagnetic equator and decreases rapidly with latitude around L = 3. Hence it seems likely that ELF hiss is generated by cyclotron resonant instability with electrons of several tens of keV in the equatorial outer plasmasphere beyond L = 3.Thirty-seven per cent of ELF hiss events received at Kashima station occurred during storm times and 63% of them occurred in non-storm or quiet periods. Sixty-seven per cent of 82 ELF hiss events during storm times were observed in the recovery phase of geomagnetic storms. This agrees with the previous satellite observations of ELF hiss by search coil magnetometers. The electric field of ELF hiss becomes very weak every 10 s, which is the satellite spin period, in mid- and low-latitudes, but not near the geomagnetic equator. Ray tracing results suggest that waves of ELF hiss generated in the equatorial outer plasmasphere propagate down in the electrostatic whistler mode towards the equatorial ionosphere, bouncing between the LHR reflection points in both the plasmaspheric hemispheres.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the experimental results on electron precipitation in a diffuse aurora obtained by a sounding rocket launched from ANDENES (L ~ 6·2) on 3 November 1968. A considerable increase in the intensity of low energy electrons, Ee ? 5 keV, followed a large precipitation of more energetic electrons Ee ? 5 keV. From the observation of angular distributions and an estimate of the diffusion coefficient (Dα ? 10?3 (sec)?2), it is suggested that this higher energy precipitation is induced by gyroresonant interactions of magnetospheric electrons with radiation in the whistler mode. The lower energy precipitation separated in time and/or space, shows quasi-periodic modulations in the 5–15 sec range with periods close to the bounce period. It is suggested that this precipitation is the result of bounce-resonance interactions with electrostatic waves in the equatorial plane. Finally, from a comparison between the experimental energy spectra and plasma sheet spectra it can be concluded that these electrons are injected from the plasma sheet during a substorm and are then diffused and precipitated by energy dependent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Extremely low frequency (ELF)/Very low frequency (VLF) hiss is whistler mode wave that interacts with energetic electrons in the magnetosphere. The characteristics features of ELF/VLF hiss observed at low latitude ground station Jammu (Geomag. lat. 22°16′ N, L=1.17) are reported. It is observed that most of hiss events first propagate in ducted mode along higher L-values (L = 4–5), after reaching lower edge of ionosphere excite the Earth-ionosphere waveguide and propagate towards equator to be received at low-latitude station Jammu. To understand the generation mechanism of ELF/VLF hiss, incoherent Cerenkov radiated power from the low-latitude and mid-latitude plasmasphere are evaluated. Considering this estimated power as an input for wave amplification through wave–particle interaction, the growth rate and amplification factor is evaluated which is too small to explain the observed wave intensity. It is suggested that some non-linear mechanism is responsible for the generation of ELF/VLF hiss.  相似文献   

We have reported for the first time total seven strong events of drifting ELF/VLF discrete emissions observed on 28th–29th April, 1990 in the pre-midnight sector at Varanasi (Geomag. lat. 14°55′N, long. 154°E, L = 1.07). The events exhibit a regular increasing as well as decreasing frequency drifts and are mainly discrete periodic emissions of riser, faller and hook types observed during a geomagnetic storm period, with minimum Dst-index ?98 nT and K p -index ≥ 5. The frequency drift in ELF/VLF emissions at low latitudes seems to be a rare phenomenon. The repetition period and the frequency drift rate have been evaluated for all the recorded events. The frequency drifts have been interpreted in terms of a combined effect of L-shell drift of interacting energetic electrons and the change in convection electric fields during the storm developments. The computed maximum spectral power density $ \left\langle {B_{f}^{2} } \right\rangle_{\max } $ of the wave varies between 1.8 × 10?21 and 4.08 × 10?22 Gauss2/Hz, whereas frequency drift rates are in agreement with the observed values.  相似文献   

A theory of whistler duct formation is presented. By means of order of magnitude calculations it is shown that, when the ring current overlaps the outer plasmasphere, irregularities will cause field-aligned currents to flow, which are below the threshold sensitivity of satellite-borne magnetometers. These currents must be continuous with horizontal ionospheric currents, which produce horizontal electric fields. These fields map up to the equatorial plane and are large enough to produce flux tube interchange and hence the formation of whistler ducts in the outer plasmasphere.  相似文献   

On 26 July 1967, a magnetically quiet day (ΣKp = 12?) with high whistler activity at Halley Bay, it was found possible, by measurement of whistler nose-frequency and dispersion and the bearings of the whistler exit points, to make a detailed study of the magnetospheric structure associated with the whistler ducts.During the period 0509–2305 UT most of the exit points of whistlers inside the plasmasphere were situated along a strip about 100km wide passing through Halley Bay in an azimuthal direction 30°E of N between 57° and 62° invariant latitude. A mechanism which can give rise to such a well-defined locus which co-rotates with the Earth is not clear. Nevertheless, it does appear that the locus coincides with the contour of solar zenith angle 102° at 1800 UT 25 July. This was also the time of occurrence of a sub-storm and it is suggested that the magnetospheric structure was initiated by proton precipitation along the solar zenith angle 102° contour.At mid-day knee-whistlers observed outside the plasmapause had exit points which were closely aligned along an L-shell at an invariant latitude of 62.5°. They exhibited a marked variation (~ 3:1) in electron tube content over about 12° of invariant longitude and a drift of about 8 msec?1 to lower L-shells.Throughout the period of observation the plasmapause lay about 2° polewards of the mean position found by Carpenter (1968) for moderately disturbed days.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of radial distributions of Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs) from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS DR7) catalogue within an interval 0.16≤z≤0.47 is carried out. We found that the radial distribution of ~ 106,000 LRGs incorporates a few quasi-periodical components relatively to a variable η, dimensionless line-of-sight comoving distance calculated for the ΛCDM cosmological model. The most significant peaks of the power spectra are obtained for two close periodicities corresponding to the spatial comoving scales (135±12) h?1?Mpc and (101±6) h?1?Mpc. The latter one is dominant and consistent with the characteristic scale of the baryon acoustic oscillations. We analyse also the radial distributions of two other selected LRG samples: ~33,400 bright LRGs (?23.2<M≤?21.8) and ~60,300 all LRGs within a rectangle region on the sky, and show differences of the quasi-periodical features characteristic for different samples. Being confirmed the results would allow to give preference of the spatial against temporal models which could explain the quasi-periodicities discussed here. As a caveat we show that estimations of the significance levels of the peaks strongly depend on a smoothed radial function (trend) as well as characteristics of random fluctuations.  相似文献   

We have modelled the plasmaspheric density distribution for a range of solar cycle, seasonal and diurnal conditions with a magnetic flux tube dependent diffusive equilibrium model by using experimentally determined values of ionospheric parameters at 675 km as boundary conditions.Data is presented in terms of plasmaspheric H+ and He+ density contours, total flux tube content and equatorial plasma density for a range of L-values from 1.15 to 3.0. The variation of equatorial density with L-value shows good agreement with the 1L4 dependence observed experimentally.The results show that the model predicts larger solar cycle and diurnal variation in equatorial plasma density than observed using whistler techniques. However, the whistler method requires a model to deduce the equatorial density and is therefore open to interpretation.Seasonal variations are rather artifical since in this general model we have not attempted to match equatorial densities for flux tubes emanating from the winter and summer hemispheres.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of electron density obtained in the vicinity of the plasmapause using the Alouette-II topside sounder have been analyzed to assess the presence of H+ flow in the topside ionosphere. The observations in the midnight sector show clearly the presence of the plasmapause; i.e. there is a sharp boundary separating the poleward regions of polar wind H+ flow and the more gentle conditions of the plasmasphere where light ions are present in abundance. In contrast, in the sunlit morning sector upwards H+ flow is deduced to be present to invariant latitudes as low as 48° (L = 2·2) in the regions normally known to be well inside the plasmasphere. The upwards H+ flux is sufficiently large (3 × 108 ions cm?2 sec?1) that the plasmapause cannot be seen in the latitudinal electron density contours of the topside ionosphere. The cause for this flow remains unknown but it may be a result of a diurnal refilling process.  相似文献   

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