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A detailed paleoceanographic history of the Subantarctic region for the last million years was determined using paleomagnetic stratigraphy, radiolarian and planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, and the oxygen isotope record from stages 1 to 13 (0.5 MY) in a deep-sea core (E45-74) from the southern Indian Ocean. Changes in the abundances of Antarctissa strelkovi and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma record 12 glacial/interglacial cycles. The paleoceanographic events based on the combined results of these siliceous and calcareous indexes agree with changes in the global ice-volume record. Calcium carbonate dissolution selectively alters the planktonic foraminiferal fauna and causes test fragmentation and increased numbers of benthic foraminifera and radiolarians. Intense periods of calcium carbonate dissolution are associated principally with glacial episodes and are probably related to increased Antarctic bottom-water activity as well as changes in surface-water mass positions.  相似文献   

Distinct assemblages of Recent deep-sea benthonic foraminifera from the southeast Indian Ocean have been shown to be associated with Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) and Indian Bottom Water (IBW). The AABW assemblage is divided into two groups. One is dominated by Epistominella umbonifera and is associated with AABW having temperatures between ?0.2° and 0.4°C. The second group is dominated by Globocassidulina subglobosa and is associated with AABW having temperatures between 0.6° and 0.8°C. The IBW assemblage is marked by the strong dominance of Uvigerina spp. and Epistominella exigua. The faunal-water-mass relationships have been used to infer the history of bottom-water circulation over the last 500,000 yr in this region using faunal data from four Eltanin cores. One core was taken from the Southeast Indian Ridge in association with IBW, and three were taken from the flank of the ridge associated with AABW flowing within a western boundary contour current in the South Australian Basin. Little faunal variation exists in the core beneath IBW (E48-22), indicating that IBW was present on the Southeast Indian Ridge during the last 300,000 yr. A record of the intensity of AABW circulation during the last 500,000 yr is inferred from the benthonic foraminiferal data in the three cores located within the western boundary contour current. Marked oscillations in the relative proportions of AABW and IBW faunal assemblages are found in one core, E48-03. The faunal variations are inferred to have resulted from variation in intensity of AABW circulation between 500,000 and 195,000 yr B.P. In E48-03, the AABW assemblage was present most of the time between 500,000 and 195,000 yr B.P., with low intensity of AABW circulation occurring primarily during the equivalent of stages 8 and 7 (t = 305,000 to 195,000 yr B.P.). The intensity of AABW circulation varied, with a maximum occurring during the equivalent of stage 11 (t = 420,000 yr B.P.). Two additional cores, E45-27 and E45–74, show relatively constant intensity of AABW circulation from 195,000 yr B.P. to the present. The intensity of AABW circulation at the present appears to be intermediate between a maximum during the equivalent of stage 11 (t = 420,000 yr B.P.) and the minimum during the equivalent of stage 8 (t = 275,000 yr B.P.). AABW production has occurred during both glacial and interglacial episodes. Bottom-water productivity has been suggested to play an important role in glacial/interglacial oscillations during the late Quaternary (Weyl, 1968; Newell, 1974). In this study, the relationship between bottom-water circulation and climatic fluctuations appears to be more complex than had been previously suggested, since a simple relationship between Quaternary bottom-water circulation and paleoclimatic fluctuations is not shown.  相似文献   

The species diversity indices, as defined by the number of species,S; Shannon-Wiener index,H(S) and Buzas-Gibson index,É, of DSDP sites 219, 220, 237 and 238 were measured to determine the benthic foraminiferal diversity patterns in the Indian Ocean deep sea sequences during the Neogene. The Time-Stability hypothesis could satisfactorily explain the observed diversity patterns. The general patterns of diversity suggest environmental stability during the Neogene. However, few small fluctuations in diversity during the Middle Miocene (c.14·8 Ma), Late Miocene (c.6·0 Ma) and Late Pliocene (c.2·0 Ma) may possibly be the effects of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) activity in this region. The benthic foraminiferal diversity in the tropical Indian Ocean is more than the high latitudinal areas with comparable depths.  相似文献   

The transition from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene was an internal of climate variability that was characterised by large spatial and temporal variations. Here we show that deglaciation warming in the northern Indian Ocean was initiated ca. 19 ka, which is contemporary with deglaciation warming in the Antarctica and Southern Ocean. A gradual warming occurred during the glacial/Holocene transition in the northern Indian Ocean, unlike the two‐step warming seen in Greenland and the North Atlantic. Synchronous deglacial warming ca. 19 ka in Antarctica and the northern Indian Ocean suggests a strong connection in the propagation of climate signals between Antarctica and the Indian Ocean, probably through the Indonesian Throughflow and/or Subantarctic Mode Water. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the chronology and environmental context for the transition to agriculture in the Southern Levant, seen as the likely starting point for the adoption of agriculture in Europe and the Near East. The role in this process of abrupt late Quaternary climate change has been discussed widely, but limitations on the archaeological and palaeoenvironmental chronologies have led to varying interpretations. Here we attempt to clarify the situation by first testing the available radiocarbon database for the archaeological transitions from the Natufian through to the PPNA. We apply internationally accepted radiocarbon quality assurance procedures and find that a significant number of the published dates fall bellow acceptable standards. The cleaning process significantly clarifies and constrains the reported time ranges for the Natufian, Late Natufian and PPNA. We then apply the new IntCal09 calibration curve and Bayesian calibration methods, using the archaeological phasing to constrain the data and calculate the most likely timing of the transitions between each phase. We then compare the onset and duration of archaeological phases to data representing the key Northern Hemisphere climatic transitions, using the new GICC05 Greenland Ice core timescale and the timing of transitions between wet and dry phases in the southern Levant from published high precision isotopic analyses of Speleothem data. The results of this exercise present the currently best available chronology for these events and suggest that during the second part of the Lateglacial interstadial, drying of the southern Levant may have triggered the transition to the Late Natufian, when hunter-gatherer communities resorted to a more mobile lifestyle. The Late Natufian culture appears to have disappeared from the southern Levant during the Younger Dryas, as drying intensified. There is then a gap in well dated evidence for human occupation until a reappearance of humans at the onset of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) period at the beginning of the Holocene. Thus the onset of the Holocene can be hypothesised to be the driver behind the onset of the Neolithic in this region.  相似文献   

Accurate sea surface temperature (SST) proxies are important for understanding past ocean and climate systems. Here, we examine material collected from a deep-moored sediment trap in the Mozambique Channel (SW Indian Ocean) to constrain and compare both inorganic (δ18O, Mg/Ca) and organic (, TEX86) temperature proxies in a highly dynamic oceanographic setting for application in paleoceanography. High-resolution time-series current velocity data from long-term moorings (2003 - present) deployed across the Mozambique Channel reveal the periodic migration of four to six meso-scale eddies through the channel per year. These meso-scale eddies strongly influence water mass properties including temperature and salinity. Despite the dynamic oceanographic setting, fluxes of the surface-dwelling planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoidesruber and Globigerinoides trilobus follow a seasonal pattern. Temperatures reconstructed from G. ruber and G. trilobus δ18O and Mg/Ca closely mirror seasonal SST variability and their flux-weighted annual mean SSTs of 28.1 °C and 27.3 °C are in close agreement with annual mean satellite SST (27.6 °C). The sub-surface dwelling foraminifera Neogloboquadrina dutertrei and Globigerinoides scitula recorded high-frequency temperature variations that, on average, reflect conditions at water depths of 50-70 m and 200-250 m, respectively. Concentrations and fluxes of organic compounds (alkenones and crenarchaeol) display no or only moderate seasonality but flux weighted means of the associated temperature signatures, , and of 28.3 °C and 28.1 °C, respectively, also closely reflect mean annual SST. We analyzed all time-series data using multiple statistical approaches including cross-correlation and spectral analysis. Eddy variability was clearly expressed in the statistical analysis of physical oceanographic parameters (current velocity and sub-surface temperature) and revealed a frequency of four to six cycles per year. In contrast, statistical analysis of proxy data from the sediment trap did not reveal a significant coupling between eddy migration and organic compound fluxes or reconstructed temperatures. This is likely a result of the relatively low resolution (21 days) and short (2.5 years) duration of the time series, which is close to the detection limit of the eddy frequency.  相似文献   

The Southern Ocean is a strong sink for atmospheric CO2, making it especially vulnerable to ocean acidification (OA). The aragonite saturation state (Ωarg) of seawater has been used as an index for the estimation of OA, which plays a critical role in evaluating the living environment of marine calcified organisms. However, it is very difficult to perform the studies of OA and Ωarg in the Southern Ocean due to its harsh climate. Therefore, in order to better understand the OA and its further influences, the advances of Ωarg studies were summarized in the oceans surrounding the Antarctica. Significant spatial and temporal variations of surface seawater Ωarg are demonstrated in the Southern Ocean. In general, the surface seawater Ωarg shows a lower value in the off-shore areas than in the open oceans. And, Ωarg also exhibits a strong seasonal cycle with a higher value in summer than in winter. The distributions of Ωarg in vertical water column generally present a declining tendency from surface to bottom. In addition, the shoaling of Ωarg horizon at high latitude could be attributed to the ventilation and upwelling of deep waters in the Southern Ocean. There are many factors that could impact the Ωarg in the Southern Ocean, including sea ice melting, sea-air CO2 exchange, biological activities and hydrological processes, etc. Finally, the future changes and key scientific problems of OA in the Southern Ocean are proposed.  相似文献   

In the modern South Atlantic the transition between deep water and bottom water is marked by a clear change in the associated benthonic foraminiferal fauna. uvigerina and Globocassidulina characterize oxygen-poor Circumpolar Deep Water which has long been isolated from the surface. Planulina and miliolids are found associated with the more newly formed, oxygen-rich North Atlantic Deep Water. Antarctic Bottom Water is characterized by “Epistominella” umbonifera. Analysis of the benthonic foraminiferal faunas in two sediment cores recovered from the Vema and Hunter Channels in the western South Atlantic shows that the level of the transition between deep and bottom waters shallowed sharply about 700,000 yr ago. This rise indicates a sharp, sustained increase in the volume of bottom water flowing through the South Atlantic after this time. Prior to about 700,000 yr ago, the amount of Antarctic Bottom Water entering the western South Atlantic was greatly reduced and Circumpolar Deep Water apparently accounted for the bulk of northward flow. Production of southward-flowing North Atlantic Deep Water seems not to have been affected. The timing of this change in circulation regime suggests a possible causal link to similar changes in records of terrestrial and sea-surface climate.  相似文献   

Lavas from Heard Island, located on the Kerguelen Plateau inthe southern Indian Ocean, exhibit the largest range (e.g.,87Sr/86Sr=0.7047–0.7079) of isotopic compositions yetobserved on a single oceanic island. Isotopic compositions arewell correlated and are accompanied by systematic changes inincompatible trace element ratios, particularly those involvingNb. These variations are interpreted as resulting from mixingbetween two components. One is characterized by high 87Sr/86Sr,low 206Pb/204Pb and 143Nd/144Nd ratios, and negative Nb andEu anomalies, and is derived ultimately from the upper continentalcrust. The other has lower 87Sr/86Sr, and higher 206Pb/204Pband 143Nd/144Nd ratios, and lacks the depletions in Nb and Eu.Two possible compositions are considered for the low-87Sr/86Srcomponent of the source. The first is at the low-87Sr/86Sr endof the Heard Island data array, represented most closely bylavas from the Laurens Peninsula. However, trace element variationssuggest that these lavas might not be representive of the Heardplume. The second is close to the low-87Sr/86Sr end of the isotopicarray for lavas from the main volcano. In this case a lithosphericmantle origin is suggested for the Laurens Peninsula lavas.The relationships between isotopic data, major element compositions,and incompatible trace element ratios indicate that the continent-derivedmaterial is probably present in the mantle source, where itmakes a maximum contribution of <4 wt.% for all but one HeardIsland sample. However, if the Kerguelen Plateau is a submergedcontinental block, shallow-level contamination cannot be ruledout. The binary mixing model developed to explain the Heard Islandgeochemical variations is extended to include other Indian Oceanoceanic island and mid-ocean ridge basalts (OIB and MORB). Weshow that isotopic compositions of Indian Ocean OIB are consistentwith sampling of a regional reservoir in which the same twocomponents exist in variable proportions (generally 1–5wt.% of the continent-derived component). The distinctive isotopiccompositions of Indian Ocean MORB are consistent with mixingof a similar component into an Atlantic-or Pacific-like MORBmantle source. The relatively unradiogenic 206Pb/204Pb isotopiccompositions of these ‘enriched’ Indian Ocean mantlecomponents are unlike any present-day marine sediments and indicatethat their source has had 238U/204Pb ratios (µ) much lowerthan typical upper continental crust for > 1 Ga. These agespre-date the formation of Gondwana (600-130 Ma) and thereforedo not support sediment subduction beneath Gondwana as the causeof enrichment in the sub-Indian Ocean mantle. We propose thatthe enrichment of Indian Ocean OIB sources was due to subductionof upper-crustal material beneath a Proterozoic precursor ofGondwana at 1–2 Ga. The enrichment of the Indian OceanMORB sources could have had a similar origin, or could havebeen derived from sub-continental lithospheric mantle returnedto the asthenospheric mantle, perhaps during the break-up ofGondwana (200–130 Ma).  相似文献   

The δD of cellulose from 14C-dated wood, collected in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado, decreased by about 45‰ from 9600 to 3100 yr B.P. and an additional 25‰ to the present. The wood samples are from trees that grew above present-day tree line and reflect a time of warmer average summer temperatures. These changes in δD are interpreted to indicate a major change during the Holocene in the sources of moisture, in the seasonality of precipitation, or in both.  相似文献   

We report here the silicon isotopic composition (δ30Si) of dissolved silicon (DSi) from 42 surface water samples from the Drake Passage, the Weddell Gyre, other areas south of the Southern Boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), and the ACC near the Kerguelen Plateau, taken between the beginning of February and the end of March 2007. From the beginning to end of the cruise (ANTXXIII/9), DSi diminished in the Antarctic by 50 μmol L−1 while concentrations of nitrate + nitrite and phosphate showed no net decline, indicating that the high seasonal Si/N removal ratios well known for the Southern Ocean may be more related to the strength of the silicate pump in the Southern Ocean than to the instantaneous Si/N uptake ratio of diatoms. The δ30Si of DSi in samples containing more than 20 μM DSi were strongly negatively correlated to DSi concentrations, supporting the use of δ30Si as a proxy for DSi removal. The “open system” fractionation observed, ε = −1.2 ± 0.11‰, agrees well with results from previous work in other areas, and the estimate of the initial δ30Si of DSi of +1.4‰ is not far off observations of the δ30Si of DSi in Winter Water (WW) in this area. Results were used to model DSi draw down in the past from the δ30Si of sediment cores, although isotopic fractionation during silica dissolution appeared to influence the δ30Si of some surface water samples, inviting further study of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

The Mutual Climatic Range (MCR) method of palaeoclimate reconstruction has been employed in Europe for the last decade. A quantitative, calibrated method, MCR has many advantages over qualitative methods. More recent applications deal with eastern and central North America, and the method is also being developed for desert and arctic faunas. The climate envelopes for North American beetles have been compiled using a 25-km gridded North American climate database that pairs climate parameters with modern collection sites. Modern tests of the reliability of the MCR method for North American species yielded similar results to prior European tests. Linear regressions of predicted on observed values yielded equations used to calibrate the MCR estimates. Work is under way to develop MCR estimates of mean annual precipitation for fossil assemblages from the desert southwest, where moisture conditions may play a more important role in determining beetle species' ranges.An examination of British and North American mean July temperature reconstructions during the Late Wisconsinan glacial interval compares and contrasts three sets of records. The North American records show no indication of the Younger Dryas cooling that is clearly marked in records from northwest Europe. The MCR method adds vigour to our reconstructions, and allows us to compare between regions and with other palaeoenvironmental methods.  相似文献   

The Modular Ocean Model (MOM) is perhaps the most versatile ocean model available today for the simulation of the large scale circulation of the ocean. The Topex/Poseidon altimeter which has been operating since September 1992 has been providing sea surface heights (SSH) of the accuracy of 5–10 cms with a repeat cycle of 10 days. We examine in this paper, the SSH in the Indian Ocean obtained from a global simulation of MOM with a resolution of 1° in the longitude, 1/3° in the latitude between 30°S and 30°N and 20 levels in the vertical with climatological windforcing and restoring conditions on temperature and salinity. They are compared with the SSH from the Topex/Poseidon altimeter after suitable filtering in the time domain to remove smaller time and length scales. In addition, unfiltered data from both sources are analysed by estimating the cross-spectral density to find the coherence and crossphase at different frequencies. The agreement between the two, over most of the Northern Indian Ocean, especially the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal is quite good.  相似文献   

In the Antarctic zone, integrated studies of particulate matter in surface waters and the snow-ice cover were carried out by means of geochemical (the concentrations of particulate matter, Corg, hydrocarbons, lipids, and chlorophyll a) and optical techniques. Correlations between the treated compounds were found. A regression equation was created that enabled us to evaluate immediately the amount of particulate matter using the parameter of light attenuation by seawater. New data were obtained for the processes of accumulation of particulate matter and organic compounds under ice formation.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - We present the petrological investigation carried out of the seamounts located between water depths of 4300 and 5385&nbsp;m in the Central Indian Ocean...  相似文献   

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