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Saturn atmospheric temperatures at the 150-mbar level retrieved from Voyager IRIS measurements indicate the presence of small-scale meridional gradients which are approximately symmetric with respect to the equator, but are superposed on a large-scale hemispheric thermal asymmetry. Under the assumption that the retrieved values at this atmospheric level represent kinetic temperatures on a constant pressure surface, it is suggested that the small-scale structure is produced by a meriodional circulation associated with the dissipative decay of the zonal winds with height, while the hemispheric asymmetry represents a thermal response to the seasonally varying insolation. The small-scale gradients are correlated with zonal winds derived from Voyager images at mid and high latitudes through the thermal wind relation; the calculated thermal wind shears suggest a decay with height of the jet system toward a state of uniform eatward flow. The existence of the approximately symmetric zonal winds and associated temperature gradients in the presence of a large-scale seasonal thermal response suggests that the jet system is driven at depths substantially below the levels where seasonally modulated insolation is important (p?0.5 bar).  相似文献   

J. J. Aly  N. Seehafer 《Solar physics》1993,144(2):243-254
Models of the magnetic field in the solar chromosphere and corona are still mainly based on theoretical extrapolations of photospheric measurements. For the practical calculation of the global field, the so-called source-surface model has been introduced, in which the influence of the solar wind is described by the requirement that the field be radial at some exterior (source) surface. Then the assumption that the field is current-free in the volume between the photosphere and this surface allows for its determination from the photospheric measurement. In the present paper a generalization of the source-surface model to force-free fields is proposed. In the generalized model the parameter( = ×B·B/B 2)must be non-constant (or vanish identically) and currents are restricted to regions with closed field lines. A mathematical algorithm for computing the field from boundary data is devised.  相似文献   

An improved cloud tracking method for deriving wind velocities from successive planetary images was developed. The new method incorporates into the traditional cross-correlation method an algorithm that corrects for erroneous cloud motion vectors by re-determining the most plausible correlation peak among all of the local maxima on the correlation surface by comparing each vector with its neighboring vectors. The newly developed method was applied to the Venusian violet images obtained by the Solid State Imaging system (SSI) onboard the Galileo spacecraft during its Venus flyby. Although the results may be biased by the choice of spatial scale of atmospheric features, the cloud tracking is the most practical mean of estimating the wind velocities with extensive spatial and temporal coverage. The two-dimensional distribution of the horizontal wind vector field over 5 days was obtained. It was found from these wind maps that the solar-fixed component in 1990 was similar to that in 1982 obtained by the Pioneer Venus orbiter. The deviation of the instantaneous zonal wind field from the solar-fixed component shows a distinct wavenumber-1 structure in the equatorial region. On the assumption that this structure is a manifestation of an equatorial Kelvin wave, the phase relationship between the zonal wind and the cloud brightness suggests a short photochemical lifetime of the violet absorber. The momentum deposition by this Kelvin wave, which is subject to radiative damping, would induce a westward mean-wind acceleration of ~0.3 m s?1 per Earth day.  相似文献   

J.L. Elliot  J. Veverka 《Icarus》1976,27(3):359-386
The characteristics of spikes observed in the occultation light curves of β Scorpii by Jupiter are reviewed and discussed. Using a model in which the refractivity (density) gradients in the Jovian atmosphere are parallel to the local gravitational field, the spikes are shown to yield information about (i) the [He]/-[H2] ratio in the atmosphere, (ii) the fine scale density structure of the atmosphere and (iii) high-resolution images of the occulted stars. The spikes also serve as indicators for ray crossing. Observational limits are placed on the magnitude of horizontal refractivity gradients; these appear to be absent on scales of a few kilometers at altitudes corresponding to number densities less than 2 × 1014 cm?3. Spikes are produced by atmospheric density variations, perhaps due to atmospheric layers, density waves or turbulence. To discriminate among these possibilities, future occultation observations should be made from a number of observation sites at two or more wavelengths simultaneously with high time resolution techniques. Given a large telescope and suitable observing techniques, useful information about Jupiter's atmosphere can be obtained from future occultations of early-type stars as faint as V ~ + 6–7.  相似文献   

Using a dipole plus tail magnetic field model, H+, He++ and O 16 +6 ions are followed numerically, backward in time, from an output plane perpendicular to the axis of the geomagnetic tail, to their point of entrace to the magnetosphere as solar wind particles in the magnetosheath. An adiabatic or guiding center approximation is used in regions where the particles do not interact directly with the current sheet. A Maxwellian distribution with bulk flow is assumed for solar wind particles in the magnetosheath. Bulk velocity, density, and temperature along the magnetopause are taken from the fluid calculations of Spreiter. Using Liouville's theorem, and varying initial conditions at the output plane, the distribution function is found as a function of energy and pitch angle at the output plane. These results are then mapped to the auroral ionosphere using guiding center theory. Results show that the total precipitation rate is sufficient only for particles which enter the magnetosphere near the edges of the current sheet. Small pitch angles are favored at the output plane, but mappings to the auroral ionosphere indicate isotropic pitch angle distributions are favored with some peaking of the fluxes parallel or at other angles to the field lines. Perpendicular auroral pitch angle anisotropies are at times produced by the current sheet acceleration mechanism. Therefore, caution must be used in interpreting all such observations as ‘loss cone-trapping’ distributions. Energy spectra appear to be quite narrow for small cross-tail electric fields, and a little broader as the electric field increases. Comparisons of these results with experimental observations are presented.  相似文献   

We present the radio observations of the afterglow from the intense cosmic gamma-ray burst GRB 030329 performed with the radio telescopes of the Institute of Applied Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences, at the Svetloe (λ=3.5 cm) and Zelenchuk (λ=6 cm) Observatories. The difference between the fluxes measured in two different polarization modes suggests the existence of a circular polarization in the radio afterglow from GRB 030329. However, since the measurement errors of the fluxes with different circular polarizations are large, we cannot draw a firm conclusion about its detection; we can only set an upper limit on its value. An analysis of the possible generation mechanisms for the circular polarization of the relativistic jet suggests that there is a helical magnetic field in the jet. The existence of significant flux densities at various wavelengths during a long (≥10 days) period leads us to conclude that the hydrodynamic evolution of the relativistic bow shock takes place in the stellar wind, not in the interstellar medium. We have estimated the total GRB energy (E=1051 erg) (under the assumption of isotropic radiation) and the plasma density of the stellar wind from the presupernova (n=3 cm?3). The magnetic-field strength in the relativistic jet can be estimated as B≈100 G.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the implications of the observed inverse correlation between solar wind speed at Earth and the expansion rate of the Sun-Earth flux tube as it passes through the corona. We find that the coronal expansion rate depends critically on the large-scale photospheric field distribution around the footpoint of the flux tube, with the smallest expansions occurring in tubes that are rooted near a local minimum in the field. This suggests that the fastest wind streams originate from regions where large coronal holes are about to break apart and from the facing edges of adjacent like-polarity holes, whose field lines converge as they transit the corona. These ideas lead to the following predictions:
  1. Weak holes and fragmentary holes can be sources of very fast wind.
  2. Fast wind with steep latitudinal gradients may be generated where the field lines from the polar hole and a lower-latitude hole of like polarity converge to form a mid-latitude ‘apex’.
  3. The fastest polar wind should occur shortly after sunspot maximum, when trailing-polarity flux converges onto the poles and begins to establish the new polar fields.

Recent advances in wide-angle imaging by the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) on board the Coriolis spacecraft and more recently by the Heliospheric Imagers (HI) aboard NASA’s Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO), have enabled solar wind transients to be imaged and tracked from the Sun to 1 AU and beyond. In this paper we consider two of the techniques that have been used to determine the propagation characteristics of solar wind transients based on single-spacecraft observations, in particular propagation direction and radial speed. These techniques usually assume that the observing spacecraft remains stationary for the duration of observation of the solar wind transient. We determine the inaccuracy introduced by this assumption for the two STEREO spacecraft and find that it can be significant, and it can lead to an overestimation of the transient velocity as seen from STEREO-A and an underestimation as seen by STEREO-B. This has implications for the prediction or solar wind transients at 1 AU and hence is important for the study of space weather.  相似文献   

The interaction of a plane-parallel hypersonic stellar wind with a globule in an Hii region is considered in two approximations. In both approximations, the ionization front on the globule remains strong-D type, and a flow pattern containing two oppositely facing shock waves results. In the first approximation, the structure of the shocked region is calculated assuming that globule gas and stellar wind gas mix well and move at the same velocity. However, this assumption results in a very thick shocked layer and the assumption of good mixing is consequently not well justified. This approximation provides an upper limit on the gas velocities expected in the shocked gas which originated at the globule. In the second approximation, the stellar wind merely applies pressure to balance the momentum flux in the globule gas. The structure of the shocked region is calculated on the assumption that a tangential discontinuity exists between shocked stellar wind and shocked glubule gas. Structures may be produced having velocities ~10 km s?1 and emission measures ~103 cm?6 pc with reasonable stellar luminosities and mass loss rates.  相似文献   

Inherent in observations of thermospheric winds from the ground with the Fabry-Perot interferometer is the assumption that the measured Doppler shift is a property of the source medium viewed by the instrumental line of sight. However, ground based airglow observations in regions of weak airglow emission near large intensity gradients may be contaminated by scattered light. Light from areas where the emission is strong can be scattered by the lower atmosphere into the field of view of the observations. Thermospheric winds deduced from the observed Doppler shifts will then show apparent convergence or divergence with respect to the site of observation. Examples of this effect are found in observations by the Michigan Airglow Observatory station located near the auroral zone at Calgary, Alberta. Simulation calculations based upon an experimental model for a significant scattering atmosphere also showed results with either convergence or divergence in the apparent neutral wind field observed by the station.  相似文献   

Ramaty  R.  Murphy  R. J.  Kozlovsky  B.  Lingenfelter  R. E. 《Solar physics》1983,84(1-2):395-418
An analysis, with a representative (canonical) example of solar-flare-generated equatorial disturbances, is presented for the temporal and spatial changes in the solar wind plasma and magnetic field environment between the Sun and one astronomical unit (AU). Our objective is to search for first order global consequences rather than to make a parametric study. The analysis - an extension of earlier planar studies - considers all three plasma velocity and magnetic field components (V r, Vφ, V0, and B r, B0, Bφ) in any convenient heliospheric plane of symmetry such as the ecliptic plane, the solar equatorial plane, or the heliospheric equatorial plane chosen for its ability (in a tilted coordinate system) to order northern and southern hemispheric magnetic topology and latitudinal solar wind flows. Latitudinal velocity and magnetic field gradients in and near the plane of symmetry are considered to provide higher-order corrections of a specialized nature and, accordingly, are neglected, as is dissipation, except at shock waves. The representative disturbance is examined for the canonical case in which one describes the temporal and spatial changes in a homogeneous solar wind caused by a solar-flare-generated shock wave. The ‘canonical’ solar flare is assumed to produce a shock wave that has a velocity of 1000 km s#X2212;1 at 0.08 AU. We have examined all plasma and field parameters at three radial locations: central meridian and 33° W and 90° W of the flare's central meridian. A higher shock velocity (3000 km s#X2212;1) was also used to demonstrate the model's ability to simulate a strongly-kinked interplanetary field. Among the global (first-order) results are the following: (i) incorporation of a small meridional magnetic field in the ambient magnetic spiral field has negligible effect on the results; (ii) the magnetic field demonstrates strong kinking within the interplanetary shocked flow, even reversed polarity that - coupled with low temperature and low density - suggests a viable explanation for observed ‘magnetic clouds’ with accompanying double-streaming of electrons at directions ~ 90° to the heliocentric radius.  相似文献   

It has been realized for some time that the slow solar wind with its embedded heliospheric current sheet often exhibits complex features suggesting at least partially transient origin. In this paper we investigate the structure of the slow solar wind using the observations by the Wind and STEREO spacecraft during two Carrington rotations (2054 and 2055). These occur at the time of minimum solar activity when the interplanetary medium is dominated by recurrent high-speed streams and large-scale interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) are rare. However, the signatures of transients with small scale-sizes and/or low magnetic field strength (comparable with the typical solar wind value, ~?5 nT) are frequently found in the slow solar wind at these times. These events do not exhibit significant speed gradients across the structure, but instead appear to move with the surrounding flow. Source mapping using models based on GONG magnetograms suggests that these transients come from the vicinity of coronal source surface sector boundaries. In situ they are correspondingly observed in the vicinity of high density structures where the dominant electron heat flux reverses its flow polarity. These weak transients might be indications of dynamical changes at the coronal hole boundaries or at the edges of the helmet streamer belt previously reported in coronagraph observations. Our analysis supports the idea that even at solar minimum, a considerable fraction of the slow solar wind is transient in nature.  相似文献   

To understand the physics of sunspots, it is important to know the properties of their magnetic field, and especially its height stratification plays a substantial role. There are mainly two methods to assess this stratification, but they yield different magnetic gradients in the photospheric layers. Determinations based on the several spectral lines of different formation heights and the slope of their profiles result in gradients of ?2 to ?3 G?km?1, or even steeper. This is similar for the total magnetic field strength and for the vertical component of the magnetic field. The other option is to determine the horizontal partial derivatives of the magnetic field, and with the condition \(\operatorname{div} {{\boldsymbol {B}}} = 0\) also the vertical derivative is known. With this method, gradients of ?0.5 G?km?1 and even shallower are obtained. Obviously, these results do not agree. If chromospheric spectral lines are included, only shallow gradients around ?0.5 G?km?1 are obtained. Shallow gradients are also found from gyro-resonance measurements in the radio wave range 300?–?2000 GHz.Some indirect methods are also considered, but they cannot clarify the total picture. An analysis of a numerical simulation of a sunspot indicates a shallow gradient over a wide height range, but with slightly steeper gradients in deep layers.Several ideas to explain the discrepancy are also discussed. With no doubts cast on Maxwell’s equations, the first one is to look at the uncertainties of the formation heights of spectral lines, but a wider range of these heights would require an extension of the solar photosphere that is incompatible with observations and the theory of stellar atmospheres. Submerging and rising magnetic flux might play a role in the outer penumbra, if the resolution is too low to separate them, but it is not likely that this effect acts also in the umbra. A quick investigation assuming a spatial small scale structure of sunspots together with twist and writhe of individual flux tubes shows a reduction of the measured magnetic field strength for spectral lines sensitive to a larger height range. However, sophisticated investigations are required to prove that the explanation for the discrepancy lies here, and the problem of the height gradient of the magnetic field in sunspots is still not solved.  相似文献   

P. R. Wilson 《Solar physics》1972,22(2):434-442
Savage has suggested that an energy flux of 2 × 1010 erg cm–2 s–1 passes through the umbra of a sunspot in the form of hydromagnetic waves. In this paper some of the consequences of this flux are considered. It is first shown that it is not inconsistent with the energy requirements for the heating of umbral dots and for solar wind storms, assuming in the latter case that the flux tubes emerging from about one tenth of the area of a large spot are open-ended.However, the hypothesis also requires that Alfvén waves travel along the closed flux tubes linking the umbra either with the umbra of another spot or with the surrounding faculae and passing through regions of variable field strength and density. It is shown that, for a very simplified model, standing waves are possible in a symmetrical field configuration. For velocities of 3 km/s in the umbra, the maximum particle velocity in the loop is of order 80 km/s which strains the perturbation assumption severely. However, it is pointed out that periodic velocities of this order are observed in the chromosphere near sunspots.It is further shown that mechanical dissipation of these waves in local regions of the flux tube may contribute to the heating of faculae.  相似文献   

Marsch  E.  Tu  C.-Y. 《Solar physics》1997,176(1):87-106
A physical model of the transition region, including upflow of the plasma in magnetic field funnels that are open to the overlying corona, is presented. A numerical study of the effects of Alfvén waves on the heating and acceleration of the nascent solar wind originating in the chromospheric network is carried out within the framework of a two-fluid model for the plasma. It is shown that waves with reasonable amplitudes can, through their pressure gradient together with the thermal pressure gradient, cause a substantial initial acceleration of the wind (on scales of a few Mm) to locally supersonic flows in the rapidly expanding magnetic field trunks of the transition region network. The concurrent proton heating is due to the energy supplied by cyclotron damping of the high-frequency Alfvén waves, which are assumed to be created through small-scale magnetic activity. The wave energy flux of the model is given as a condition at the upper chromosphere boundary, located above the thin layer where the first ionization of hydrogen takes place.Among the new numerical results are the following: Alfvén waves with an assumed f -1 power spectrum in the frequency range from 1 to 4 Hz, and with an integrated mean amplitude ranging between 25 and 75 km s4, can produce very fast acceleration and also heating through wave dissipation. This can heat the lower corona to a temperature of 5× 105 K at a height of h=12,000 km, starting from 5× 104 K at h=3000 km. The resulting thermal and wave pressure gradients can accelerate the wind to speeds of up to 150 km s-1 at h=12,000 km, starting from 20 km s-1 at h=3000 km in a rapidly diverging flux tube. Thus the nascent solar wind becomes supersonic at heights well below the classical Parker-Type sonic point. This is a consequence of the fact that any large wave-energy flux, if it is to be conducted through the expanding funnel to the corona, implies the building-up of an associated wave-pressure gradient. Because of the diverging field geometry, this might lead to a strong initial acceleration of the flow. There is a multiplicity of solutions, depending mainly on the coronal pressure. Here we discuss two new (as compared with a static transition region model) possibilities, namely that either the flow remains supersonic or slows down abruptly by shock formation, which then yields substantial coronal heating up to the canonical 106 K for the proton temperature.  相似文献   

Concurrent interplanetary magnetic field and 0.7–7.6 MeV proton cosmic-ray anisotropy data obtained from instrumentation on Explorers 34 and 41 are examined for five cosmic-ray events in which we observe a persistent eastern-anisotropy phase late in the event (t ? 4 days). The direction of the anisotropy at such times shows remarkable invariance with respect to the direction of the magnetic field (which generally varies throughout the event) and it is also independent of particle species (electrons and protons) and particle speed over the range 0.06 ? β ? 0.56. The anisotropy is from the direction 38.3° ± 2.4° E of the solar radius vector, and is inferred to be orthogonal to the long term, mean interplanetary field direction. Both the amplitude of the anisotropy and the decay time constant show a strong dependence on the magnetic field azimuth. Detailed comparison of the anisotropy and the magnetic field data shows that the simple model of convection plus diffusion parallel to the magnetic field is applicable for this phase of the flare effect. It is demonstrated that contemporary theories do not predict the invariance of the direction as observed, even when the magnetic field is steady; these theories need extension to take into account the magnetic field direction ψ varying from its mean direction ψ o. It is shown that the late phase anisotropy vector is not expected to be everywhere perpendicular to the mean magnetic field. The suggestion that we are observing kinks in the magnetic field moving radially outwards from the Sun leads to the conclusion that the parallel diffusion coefficient varies as 1/cos2 (ψ ? ψ o). Density gradients in the late decay phase are estimated to be ≈ 700%∣AU for 0.7–7.6 MeV protons. A simple theory reproduces the dependence of the decay time constant on anisotropy; it also leads to a radial density gradient of about 1000%∣AU and diffusion coefficient of 1.3 × 1020 cm2 s?1.  相似文献   

Ming Xiong  Xing Li 《Solar physics》2012,279(1):231-251
Using linear Vlasov theory of plasma waves and quasi-linear theory of resonant wave–particle interaction, the dispersion relations and the electromagnetic field fluctuations of fast and Alfvén waves are studied for a low-beta multi-ion plasma in the inner corona. Their probable roles in heating and accelerating the solar wind via Landau and cyclotron resonances are quantified. In this paper, we assume that i) low-frequency Alfvén and fast waves, emanating from the solar surface, have the same spectral shape and the same amplitude of power spectral density (PSD); ii) these waves eventually reach ion cyclotron frequencies due to a turbulence cascade; iii) kinetic wave–particle interaction powers the solar wind. The existence of alpha particles in a dominant proton/electron plasma can trigger linear mode conversion between oblique fast-whistler and hybrid alpha–proton cyclotron waves. The fast-cyclotron waves undergo both alpha and proton cyclotron resonances. The alpha cyclotron resonance in fast-cyclotron waves is much stronger than that in Alfvén-cyclotron waves. For alpha cyclotron resonance, an oblique fast-cyclotron wave has a larger left-handed electric field fluctuation, a smaller wave number, a larger local wave amplitude, and a greater energization capability than a corresponding Alfvén-cyclotron wave at the same wave propagation angle θ, particularly at 80°<θ<90°. When Alfvén-cyclotron or fast-cyclotron waves are present, alpha particles are the chief energy recipient. The transition of preferential energization from alpha particles to protons may be self-modulated by a differential speed and a temperature anisotropy of alpha particles via the self-consistently evolving wave–particle interaction. Therefore, fast-cyclotron waves, as a result of linear mode coupling, constitute a potentially important mechanism for preferential energization of minor ions in the main acceleration region of the solar wind.  相似文献   

Previous calculations of the surface wind stress required to raise dust on Mars are reconsidered and the threshold friction velocity is found to be about 2.0 m sec?1 with particles of 200–300 μm being the most easily lifted. With this friction velocity, the planetary resistance law yields a corresponding wind at the top of the Ekman layer of 60 m sec?1, and the logarithmic wind law yields a corresponding wind at the top of the Prandtl layer of 38 m sec?1. These speeds are somewhat lower than those used by previous investigators.Various mechanisms for producing such strong winds are examined and it is concluded that the general circulation, thermal effects of topography, mechanical effects of topography and dust devils are all capable of doing so.Dust storms associated with small-scale disturbances are found to be incapable of growth. A scaling analysis of the equations of horizontal motion and of hydrostatic balance shows that a dust cloud at least 10 km thick and several tens of km in radius can, by absorption of sunlight, generate temperature gradients that, in turn, produce winds capable of raising more dust. Thus, a feedback mechanism is suggested in which an initial dust cloud exceeding certain critical dimensions can grown to planetary size. The preference of large dust storms to occur at southern hemisphere summer solstice is attributed to the maximum of insolation at that time. It is suggested that the frequent origin in the Noachis-Hellas region may be due to orographic features of the right scale and to low height in that area.  相似文献   

An isophotal map of a small coronal loop, obtained from a coronagraph observation through a solid Fabry-Perot interferometer, is used to estimate the variation of emission per unit volume and the pressure gradient at the top and sides of the loop. The magnitude of the magnetic field necessary to maintain the estimated pressure gradients is found to be ¦H 2¦ = 30 G2.  相似文献   

An analysis of the 4571 Å line of neutral magnesium is presented in which one-dimensional macroscopic velocity fields are included. It is shown that gradients over restricted heights in the vertical and horizontal components of the velocity field of order -0.005 s–1 and -0.004 s–1 (such that velocity towards the observer decreases as height increases), respectively, result in asymmetries in the computed line profile similar to those observed. The heights in the solar atmosphere at which these velocity gradients exist are shown to be very critical in reproducing the observations. It was found that the best results were obtained when the gradients existed in the height range from 200 km to 300 km below the temperature minimum. The results indicate that for the Mg i 4571 Å line model calculations that do not include one-dimensional flow velocities may safely be compared with frequency-averaged observations.  相似文献   

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