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Explorer 45 traversed the plasmapause (determined approximately via the saturation of the d.c. electric field experiment) at near-equatorial latitudes on field lines which were crossed by Ariel 4 (~600km altitude) near dusk in May 1972 and on field lines which were crossed by Isis II (~1400km altitude) near midnight in December 1971 and January 1972. Many examples were found in which the field line through the near-equatorial plasmapause was traversed by Explorer 45 within one hour local time and one hour universal time of Ariel and Isis crossings of the same L coordinate. For the coincident passes near dusk, the RF electron density probe on Ariel detected electron density depletions near the plasmapause L coordinates when Ariel was in darkness. When the Ariel passes were in sunlight, however, electron depletions were not discernable near the plasmapause field line. On the selected near-midnight passes of Isis II, electron density depressions were typically detected (via the topside sounder) near the plasmapause L coordinate. The dusk Ariel electron density profiles are observed to reflect O+ density variations. Even at the high altitude of Isis near midnight, O+ is found to be the dominant ion in the trough region whereas H+ is dominant at lower latitudes as is evident from the measured electron density scale heights. In neither local time sector was it possible to single out a distinctive topside ionosphere feature as an indicator of the plasmapause field line as identified near the equator. At both local times the equator-determined plasmapause L coordinate showed a tendency to lay equatorward of the trough minimum.  相似文献   

Observations made by HEOS-2 of low energy electrons and protons in the high latitude magnetosphere are presented. Plasma in the magnetosphere is observed in the cusp (which extend down to low altitudes) and over large areas adjacent to the high latitude magnetopause both on the dayside and on the nightside (the entry layer and the plasma mantle respectively).A comparative study of the plasma properties in the various parts of the magnetosphere is performed. An ion bulk motion directed tailward along the geomagnetic field lines is observed both in the entry layer and in the plasma mantle; in the cusp, on the contrary, the bulk motion is practically absent. Moreover the electron thermal anisotropy is parallel to the magnetic field in the magnetosheath, and perpendicular to it in the plasma mantle. One possible explanation (suggested by Rosenbauer et al., 1975) of the origin of these populations is that plasma, penetrated from the magnetosheath in the entry layer, flows tailward along the field lines, is then reflected in the cusp region and convected in the plasma mantle.  相似文献   

We present Cassini data revealing that protons between a few keV and about 100 keV energy are not stably trapped in Saturn's inner magnetosphere. Instead these ions are present only for relatively short times following injections. Injected protons are lost principally because the neutral gas cloud converts these particles to energetic neutral atoms via charge exchange. At higher energies, in the MeV to GeV range, protons are stably trapped between the orbits of the principal moons because the proton cross-section for charge exchange is very small at such energies. These protons likely result from cosmic ray albedo neutron decay (CRAND) and are lost principally to interactions with satellite surfaces and ring particles during magnetospheric radial diffusion. A main result of this work is to show that the dominant energetic proton loss and source processes are a function of proton energy. Surface sputtering by keV ions is revisited based on the reduced ion intensities observed. Relatively speaking, MeV ion and electron weathering is most important closer to Saturn, e.g. at Janus and Mimas, whereas keV ion weathering is most important farther out, at Dione and Rhea.  相似文献   

Satellite and other observations have shown that H+ densities in the mid-latitude topside ionosphere are greatly reduced during magnetic storms when the plasmapause and magnetic field convection move to relatively low L-values. In the recovery phase of the magnetic storm the convection region moves to higher L-values and replenishment of H+ in the empty magnetospheric field tubes begins. The upwards flow of H+, which arises from O+—H charge exchange, is initially supersonic. However, as the field tubes fill with plasma, a shock front moves downwards towards the ionosphere, eventually converting the upwards flow to subsonic speeds. The duration of this supersonic recovery depends strongly on the volume of the field tube; for example calculations indicate that for L = 5 the time is approximately 22 hours. The subsonic flow continues until diffusive equilibrium is reached or a new magnetic storm begins. Calculations of the density and flux profiles expected during the subsonic phase of the recovery show that diffusive equilibrium is still not reached after an elapsed time of 10 days and correspondingly there is still a net loss of plasma from the ionosphere to the magnetosphere at that time. This slow recovery of the H+ density and flux patterns, following magnetic storms, indicates that the mid-latitude topside ionosphere may be in a continual dynamic state if the storms occur sufficiently often.  相似文献   

There is a magnetosonic waveguide under the arch of the plasmasphere. This channel, in the form of a ring with radius L~4, surrounds the Earth. It is shown that in this region of the magnetosphere the flute-like electromagnetic disturbances (k6 = 0) with frequencies ω = p can be excited by energetic protons, with non-monotonic dependence on transverse energy (??/?ε > 0). The interpretation of magnetic pulsations which have been observed in the equatorial vicinity of the plasmapause on the satellite OGO-3 in the frequency range ~102 cps (Russell et al., 1970) is given. In particular the origin of discrete structure of the observed spectra (narrow band spikes for a rather broad range of frequency) is discussed.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of electron density obtained in the vicinity of the plasmapause using the Alouette-II topside sounder have been analyzed to assess the presence of H+ flow in the topside ionosphere. The observations in the midnight sector show clearly the presence of the plasmapause; i.e. there is a sharp boundary separating the poleward regions of polar wind H+ flow and the more gentle conditions of the plasmasphere where light ions are present in abundance. In contrast, in the sunlit morning sector upwards H+ flow is deduced to be present to invariant latitudes as low as 48° (L = 2·2) in the regions normally known to be well inside the plasmasphere. The upwards H+ flux is sufficiently large (3 × 108 ions cm?2 sec?1) that the plasmapause cannot be seen in the latitudinal electron density contours of the topside ionosphere. The cause for this flow remains unknown but it may be a result of a diurnal refilling process.  相似文献   

The precipitation patterns of 6 keV protons at 10° and 80° pitch angles have been mapped at altitudes <1500 km from the ESRO 1A and 1B spacecraft. Equatorward of the trapping boundary, a region of isotropic precipitation, bounded on its equatorward border by a region of anisotropic (depleted loss cone) precipitation, is always observed. The latitudinal location of this transition appears to be nearly spatially coincident with the plasmapause. Similar precipitation patterns are shown to exist for higher energy protons. The general absence of enhanced precipitation at the plasmapause suggests that the inner boundary of the ring current is not usually produced by an enhanced proton pitch angle diffusion process. The isotropic precipitation observed beyond the plasmapause is most consistent with the occurence of an electrostatic instability throughout the ring current zone. It is doubtful whether the proposed cold Li plasma seeding experiments beyond the plasmapause could significantly increase the observed natural proton precipitation rates.  相似文献   

The ionization of hydrogen atoms that penetrate into the heliosphere from the interstellar medium gives rise to a peculiar population of energetic protons (interstellar pickup protons) in the solar wind. The short-wavelength Alfvènic turbulence in the outer heliosphere is entirely attributable to the source associated with the instability of the initial anisotropic pickup proton velocity distribution. The bulk of the generated turbulent energy is subsequently absorbed by the pickup protons themselves through the cyclotron-resonance particle-wave interaction, and only an insignificant fraction of this energy can be transferred to the solar wind protons and heat them up.  相似文献   

The fluxes and penetration boundaries of solar energetic particles on the CORONAS-F satellite during October 2003 superstorms are compared with the riometric absorption measurements on a worldwide network of riometers. The dynamics of the polar cap boundaries is investigated at various phases of magnetic storms. The dependence of absorption on time of the day and on solar proton spectrum is calculated at various phases of a solar energetic particle event.  相似文献   

Yuan Lian  Adam P. Showman 《Icarus》2010,207(1):373-393
Three-dimensional numerical simulations show that large-scale latent heating resulting from condensation of water vapor can produce multiple zonal jets similar to those on the gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn) and ice giants (Uranus and Neptune). For plausible water abundances (3-5 times solar on Jupiter/Saturn and 30 times solar on Uranus/Neptune), our simulations produce ∼20 zonal jets for Jupiter and Saturn and 3 zonal jets on Uranus and Neptune, similar to the number of jets observed on these planets. Moreover, these Jupiter/Saturn cases produce equatorial superrotation whereas the Uranus/Neptune cases produce equatorial subrotation, consistent with the observed equatorial-jet direction on these planets. Sensitivity tests show that water abundance, planetary rotation rate, and planetary radius are all controlling factors, with water playing the most important role; modest water abundances, large planetary radii, and fast rotation rates favor equatorial superrotation, whereas large water abundances favor equatorial subrotation regardless of the planetary radius and rotation rate. Given the larger radii, faster rotation rates, and probable lower water abundances of Jupiter and Saturn relative to Uranus and Neptune, our simulations therefore provide a possible mechanism for the existence of equatorial superrotation on Jupiter and Saturn and the lack of superrotation on Uranus and Neptune. Nevertheless, Saturn poses a possible difficulty, as our simulations were unable to explain the unusually high speed (∼) of that planet’s superrotating jet. The zonal jets in our simulations exhibit modest violations of the barotropic and Charney-Stern stability criteria. Overall, our simulations, while idealized, support the idea that latent heating plays an important role in generating the jets on the giant planets.  相似文献   

Simultaneous auroral and whistler data from SANAE, Antarctica, show that the separation between the equatorward boundary of the diffuse aurora and the plasmapause lies between zero and 0.25 L. There is also some evidence to suggest that auroral precipitation occurs, at least partly, on closed field lines.  相似文献   

A superposed epoch analysis is performed on the vorticity area index (VAI) taking days of reverse equatorial electrojet (REJ) as key days. This was motivated by the hypothesis that the REJ is caused by the penetration of planetary or tidal waves into the E region and that the changes in these waves may also appear in the VAI. Results indicate trends in VAI around REJ key days. The afternoon REJ at Huancayo and Addis Ababa is associated with an increase in VAI over 2–3 days prior to the REJ event while the morning REJ at Huancayo and Trivandrum is associated with a decrease in VAI. The statistical significance of the results are discussed and compared with those obtained for the solar sector boundary crossing effect on VAI. It is suggested that other accompanying analyses are required to fully depict the VAI behaviour during these events.  相似文献   

It is proposed that the equatorial wind speed near Venus' cloud top level is maintained by a balance between the pumping effect of the semidiurnal tide and vertical advection by the Hadley circulation, both integrated across the thermal driving region. A consequence of this hypothesis is that the maximum equatorial zonal wind speed is proportional to Nh where N is buoyancy frequency and h is a measure of the thickness of the driving region. The proportionality constant is a weakly increasing function of the heating rate and a decreasing function of λh, where λ is an inverse length characterizing the mean zonal wind shear. The equilibrium solution considered is shown to be stable. For the class of solutions investigated, there is a threshold value of heating rate below which there is no equilibrium satisfying the hypothesized balance, but this result depends on the assumption that the shape of the zonal wind profile is invariant with thermal forcing amplitude.  相似文献   

The pitch-angle distributions in and near the loss cone, of ~ (100–200) and ~ (200–350) keV protons observed by the ESRO IB satellite during the period 7–15 October 1969 are presented. The data include periods of relative quiet as well as more disturbed geomagnetic conditions. Spatial characteristics and dynamics of the protons, both on the night-and dayside of the Earth are described. The actual pitch-angle distribution is interpreted as produced by wave-particle interactions, and the diffusion coefficient and lifetime against pitch angle scattering have been estimated from existing theories. During slightly disturbed conditions, the observations suggest an average random walk in pitch angle made by a particle during a crossing of the diffusion region of about one half of the loss cone half angle for 4 ? L ? 6. The lifetime against pitch angle scattering into the loss cone is found to be somewhat less than the charge exchange lifetime for these (100–350) keV protons. The spectral density of interacting waves is tentatively estimated to about 0·1 γ2Hz, and compares with estimates arrived at from completely different approaches.  相似文献   

It is shown that Birkeland current and vorticity in the magnetosphere are intimately related, suggesting the importance of taking explicit account of vorticity, particularly velocity shear, when considering magnetospheric motions. An equation of motion for the magnetosphere coupled to the ionosphere is derived. It is suggested that experience with MHD fluids generally might fruitfully be brought to bear on certain problems in the magnetosphere to answer the question, not ‘why a sheet of Birkeland current,’ but rather ‘why a localised velocity shear.’  相似文献   

In this work, some solutions of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations are searched in order to investigate some large scale physical quantities in the sunspot dominated latitudinal regions near the equatorial plane. Special separation of variables is used to obtain the radial and latitudinal changes in spherical coordinates. Present parametric analysis yields three important parameters which are the sphericity, density and radial components shape parameters in the latitudinal distributions of physical variables. In the region of interest there is a considerable change in physical quantities with respect to regions where sunspots do not appear.  相似文献   

Observations of sodium D-line emission from Io and the magnetosphere of Jupiter are reported. A disk-shaped cloud of sodium is found to exist in the Jovian magnetosphere with an inner edge at about 4R and an outer edge at about 10R . The gravitational scale height above the equatorial plane is a few Jovian radii. The data are interpreted in terms of a sputtering model, in which the sodium required to maintain the cloud is sputtered off the surface of Io by trapped energetic radiation-belt protons. Conditions on the atmospheric density are obtained. The Keplerian orbits attainable by such escaping sputtered atoms can provide the observed spatial distribution. The required 500-keV proton flux required to provide the 1–10 keV protons which will sputter the sodium at the surface of Io is consistent with the limiting trapped flux determined by ion-cyclotron turbulence.Publication No. 1410, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles 90024, Cal., U.S.A.  相似文献   

The study of VLF waves at ground based stations is an important source of information on particles trapped in the magnetosphere. By various techniques it is also possible to measure plasma densities, electric fields and monitor energetic particle injection. By studying the propagation of waves beneath the ionosphere it is possible to study particle precipitation from the magnetosphere. In this paper we summarise some of the techniques and results obtained from the study of VLF waves at the South African research station in Antarctica.  相似文献   

The temporal development of the latitudinal position of a 600 km midlatitude electron density trough at dawn and dusk during the period 25–27 May 1967, which encompassed a large magnetic storm, was measured by the RF capacitive probe on the polar orbiting Ariel 3 satellite. The substorm-related changes in the L coordinate of the trough minimum and the point of most rapid change of density gradient on the low latitude side of the trough are similar. Oscillations of the trough position at dusk are in phase with substorm activity whereas movement of the trough at dawn is only apparent with the onset of the large storm. Detailed model calculations of the plasmasphere dynamics assuming a spatially invariant equatorial convection E-field which varies in step with the Kp index produces a plasmapause motion which parallels the observed trough behaviour, particularly at dusk, and shows that the outer plasmasphere and possibly the trough region are characterized by complex fine structured variations due to the past history of the magnetosphere convection.  相似文献   

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