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The power of jets from black holes is expected to depend on both the spin of the black hole and the structure of the accretion disc in the region of the last stable orbit. We investigate these dependencies using two different physical models for the jet power: the classical Blandford–Znajek (BZ) model and a hybrid model developed by Meier. In the BZ case, the jets are powered by magnetic fields directly threading the spinning black hole while in the hybrid model, the jet energy is extracted from both the accretion disc as well as the black hole via magnetic fields anchored to the accretion flow inside and outside the hole's ergosphere. The hybrid model takes advantage of the strengths of both the Blandford–Payne and BZ mechanisms, while avoiding the more controversial features of the latter. We develop these models more fully to account for general relativistic effects and to focus on advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) for which the jet power is expected to be a significant fraction of the accreted rest mass energy.
We apply the models to elliptical galaxies, in order to see if these models can explain the observed correlation between the Bondi accretion rates and the total jet powers. For typical values of the disc viscosity parameter  α∼ 0.04 –0.3  and mass accretion rates consistent with ADAF model expectations, we find that the observed correlation requires   j ≳ 0.9  ; that is, it implies that the black holes are rapidly spinning. Our results suggest that the central black holes in the cores of clusters of galaxies must be rapidly rotating in order to drive jets powerful enough to heat the intracluster medium and quench cooling flows.  相似文献   

We present 2.5D time-dependent simulations of the non-linear evolution of non-relativistic outflows from the surface of Keplerian accretion discs. The gas is accelerated from the surface of the disc (which is a fixed platform in these simulations) into a cold corona in stable hydrostatic equilibrium. We explore the dependence of the resulting jet characteristics upon the mass loading of the winds. Two initial configurations of the threading disc magnetic field are studied: a potential field and a uniform vertical field configuration.
We show that the nature of the resulting highly collimated, jet-like outflows (steady or episodic) is determined by the mass load of the disc wind. The mass load controls the interplay between the collimating effects of the toroidal field and the kinetic energy density in the outflow. In this regard, we demonstrate that the onset of episodic behaviour of jets appears to be determined by the quantity     which compares the speed for a toroidal Alfvén wave to cross the diameter of the jet, with the flow speed v p along the jet. This quantity decreases with increasing load. For sufficiently large N (small mass loads), disturbances appear to grow leading to instabilities and shocks. Knots are then generated and the outflow becomes episodic. These effects are qualitatively independent of the initial magnetic configuration that we employed and are probably generic to a wide variety of magnetized accretion disc models.  相似文献   

Recent VLBA observation indicates the existence of an elongated (jet) structure in the compact radio source Sgr A*. This is hard to explain in the context of advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) model for this source. On the other hand, the mass accretion rate favoured by ADAF is 10–20 times smaller than that favoured by the hydrodynamical simulation based on Bondi capture. If the latter were adopted, the predicted radio flux would significantly exceed the observation. A similar situation exists in the case of nearby giant ellipticals, where the canonical ADAF model – the widely assumed standard model for these sources – also significantly overpredicts the radio flux. Based on these facts, in this paper we propose a truncated ADAF model for Sgr A* and three ellipticals M87, NGC 4649 and NGC 4636. We assume that the accretion disc is truncated at a certain radius R tr within which the jet forms by extracting the energy of the disc. The radio flux is greatly suppressed owing to the radiative truncation of the disc and the fits to the observational data are excellent. For example, for Sgr A*, the model fits the observational spectrum very well from radio including the 'excess' below the break frequency to hard X-ray under a high accretion rate near the simulation value, and the predicted size-frequency relationship is also in excellent agreement with the observation; for M87, the predicted upper limit of the jet location is 24 R g, in excellent agreement with the observational result that the jet is formed on scales smaller than 30 R g, and the ≈20 per cent variability at ∼1 keV – which is hard to explain in another model that succeeded in explaining the low radio flux of M87 – is also marginally interpreted. The success of the model supplies possible evidence for the disc rather than the hole origin for the powering of jets.  相似文献   

We consider the power of a relativistic jet accelerated by the magnetic field of an accretion disc. It is found that the power extracted from the disc is mainly determined by the field strength and configuration of the field far from the disc. Comparing it with the power extracted from a rotating black hole, we find that the jet power extracted from a disc can dominate over that from the rotating black hole. However, in some cases, the jet power extracted from a rapidly rotating hole can be more important than that from the disc, even if the poloidal field threading the hole is not significantly larger than that threading the inner edge of the disc. The results imply that the radio-loudness of quasars may be governed by its accretion rate, which might be regulated by the central black hole mass. It is proposed that the different disc field generation mechanisms might be tested against observations of radio-loud quasars if their black hole masses are available.  相似文献   

We suggest that an extreme Kerr black hole with a mass ∼106 M, a dimensionless angular momentum     and a marginally stable orbital radius     located in a normal galaxy may produce a γ -ray burst (GRB) by capturing and disrupting a star. During the capture period, a transient accretion disc is formed and a strong transient magnetic field ∼     lasting for     may be produced at the inner boundary of the accretion disc. A large amount of rotational energy of the black hole is extracted and released in an ultrarelativistic jet with a bulk Lorentz factor Γ larger than 103 via the Blandford–Znajek process. The relativistic jet energy can be converted into γ -radiation via an internal shock mechanism. The GRB duration should be the same as the lifetime of the strong transient magnetic field. The maximum number of sub-bursts is estimated to be     because the disc material is likely to break into pieces with a size about the thickness of the disc h at the cusp     The shortest risetime of the burst estimated from this model is ∼     The model GRB density rate is also estimated.  相似文献   

We systematically analyse all the available X-ray spectra of disc accreting neutron stars (atolls and millisecond pulsars) from the RXTE data base. We show that while all these have similar spectral evolution as a function of mass accretion rate, there are also subtle differences. There are two different types of hard/soft transition, those where the spectrum softens at all energies, leading to a diagonal track on a colour–colour diagram, and those where only the higher energy spectrum softens, giving a vertical track. The luminosity at which the transition occurs is correlated with this spectral behaviour, with the vertical transition at   L / L Edd∼ 0.02  while the diagonal one is at ∼0.1. Superimposed on this is the well-known hysteresis effect, but we show that classic, large-scale hysteresis occurs only in the outbursting sources, indicating that its origin is in the dramatic rate of change of mass accretion rate during the disc instability. We show that the long-term mass accretion rate correlates with the transition behaviour, and speculate that this is due to the magnetic field being able to emerge from the neutron star surface for low average mass accretion rates. While this is not strong enough to collimate the flow except in the millisecond pulsars, its presence may affect the inner accretion flow by changing the properties of the jet.  相似文献   

We investigate the launching of outflows from the disc–magnetosphere boundary of slowly and rapidly rotating magnetized stars using axisymmetric and exploratory 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations. We find long-lasting outflows in the following cases. (1) In the case of slowly rotating stars , a new type of outflow, a conical wind , is found and studied in simulations. The conical winds appear in cases where the magnetic flux of the star is bunched up by the disc into an X-type configuration. The winds have the shape of a thin conical shell with a half-opening angle  θ∼ 30°–40°  . About 10–30 per cent of the disc matter flows from the inner disc into the conical winds. The conical winds may be responsible for episodic as well as long-lasting outflows in different types of stars. There is also a low-density, higher velocity component (a jet) in the region inside the conical wind. (2) In the case of rapidly rotating stars (the 'propeller regime'), a two-component outflow is observed. One component is similar to the conical winds. A significant fraction of the disc matter may be ejected into the winds. The second component is a high-velocity, low-density magnetically dominated axial jet where matter flows along the opened polar field lines of the star. The jet has a mass flux of about 10 per cent of that of the conical wind, but its energy flux (dominantly magnetic) can be larger than the energy flux of the conical wind. The jet's angular momentum flux (also dominantly magnetic) causes the star to spin down rapidly. Propeller-driven outflows may be responsible for the jets in protostars and for their rapid spin-down. The jet is collimated by the magnetic force while the conical winds are only weakly collimated in the simulation region. Exploratory 3D simulations show that conical winds are axisymmetric about the rotational axis (of the star and the disc), even when the dipole field of the star is significantly misaligned.  相似文献   

Optical/near-infrared (optical/NIR, OIR) light from low-mass neutron star X-ray binaries (NSXBs) in outburst is traditionally thought to be thermal emission from the accretion disc. Here we present a comprehensive collection of quasi-simultaneous OIR and X-ray data from 19 low magnetic field NSXBs, including new observations of three sources: 4U 0614+09, LMC X−2 and GX 349+2. The average radio–OIR spectrum for NSXBs is  α≈+ 0.2  (where   L ν∝να  ) at least at high luminosities when the radio jet is detected. This is comparable to, but slightly more inverted than the  α≈ 0.0  found for black hole X-ray binaries. The OIR spectra and relations between OIR and X-ray fluxes are compared to those expected if the OIR emission is dominated by thermal emission from an X-ray or viscously heated disc, or synchrotron emission from the inner regions of the jets. We find that thermal emission due to X-ray reprocessing can explain all the data except at high luminosities for some NSXBs, namely, the atolls and millisecond X-ray pulsars. Optically thin synchrotron emission from the jets (with an observed OIR spectral index of  αthin < 0  ) dominate the NIR light above     and the optical above     in these systems. For NSXB Z-sources, the OIR observations can be explained by X-ray reprocessing alone, although synchrotron emission may make a low-level contribution to the NIR, and could dominate the OIR in one or two cases.  相似文献   

Reconnection X-winds: spin-down of low-mass protostars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate the interaction of a protostellar magnetosphere with a large-scale magnetic field threading the surrounding accretion disc. It is assumed that a stellar dynamo generates a dipolar-type field with its magnetic moment aligned with the disc magnetic field. This leads to a magnetic neutral line at the disc mid-plane and gives rise to magnetic reconnection, converting closed protostellar magnetic flux into open field lines. These are simultaneously loaded with disc material, which is then ejected in a powerful wind. This process efficiently brakes down the protostar to 10–20 per cent of the break-up velocity during the embedded phase.  相似文献   

We propose a model of magnetic connection (MC) of a black hole with its surrounding accretion disc based on large-scale magnetic field. The MC gives rise to transport of energy and angular momentum between the black hole and the disc, and the closed field lines pipe the hot matter evaporated from the disc, and shape it in the corona above the disc to form a magnetically induced disc–corona system, in which the corona has the same configuration as the large-scale magnetic field. We numerically solve the dynamic equations in the context of the Kerr metric, in which the large-scale magnetic field is determined by dynamo process and equipartition between magnetic pressure and gas pressure. Thus we can obtain a global solution rather than assuming the distribution of large-scale magnetic field beforehand. The main MC effects lie in three aspects. (1) The rotational energy of a fast-spinning black hole can be extracted, enhancing the dissipation in the accretion disc, (2) the closed field lines provide a natural channel for corona matter escaping from disc and finally falling into black hole and (3) the scope of the corona can be bounded by the conservation of magnetic flux. We simulate the high-energy spectra of this system by using Monte Carlo method, and find that the relative hardness of the spectra decreases as accretion rate or black hole spin a * increases. We fit the typical X-ray spectra of three black hole binaries  (GRO J1655−40, XTE 1118+480 and GX 339−4)  in the low/hard or very high state.  相似文献   

The low-frequency radio luminosity is believed to be an indicator of jet power, while the optical/ultraviolet (UV) emission is probably from accretion discs in the nuclei of steep-spectrum radio quasars. We present a correlation between the ratio of radio-to-optical luminosities and the continuum spectral index in blue/UV bands, which might indicate that the continuum shape in blue/UV bands is related to the ratio of jet to accretion power. The results may imply that the spectra and structure of accretion discs are probably affected by the interactions between jets and discs.  相似文献   

Models of accretion discs and their associated outflows often incorporate assumptions of axisymmetry and symmetry across the disc plane. However, for turbulent discs these symmetries only apply to averaged quantities and do not apply locally. The local asymmetries can induce local imbalances in outflow power across the disc mid-plane, which can in turn induce local tilting torques. Here we calculate the effect of the resulting stochastic torques on disc annuli that are a consequence of standard mean field accretion disc models. The torques induce a random walk of the vector perpendicular to the plane of each averaged annulus. This random walk is characterized by a radially dependent diffusion coefficient which we calculate for small angle tilt. We use the coefficient to calculate a radially dependent time-scale for annular tilt and associated jet wobble. The wobble time depends on the square of the wander angle so the age of a given system determines the maximum wobble angle. We apply this to examples of blazars, young stellar objects and binary engines of pre-planetary nebulae and microquasars. It is noteworthy that for an averaging time   t w∼ 3 d  , we estimate a wobble angle for jets in SS 433 of  θ∼ 0.8°  , not inconsistent with observational data. In general the non-periodic nature of the stochastic wobble could distinguish it from faster periodic jet precession.  相似文献   

We report the first observation of a transient relativistic jet from the canonical black hole candidate, Cygnus X-1, obtained with the Multi-Element Radio-Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN). The jet was observed in only one of six epochs of MERLIN imaging of the source during a phase of repeated X-ray spectral transitions in 2004 Jan–Feb, and this epoch corresponded to the softest 1.5–12 keV X-ray spectrum. With only a single epoch revealing the jet, we cannot formally constrain its velocity. Nevertheless, several lines of reasoning suggest that the jet was probably launched 0.5–4.0 d before this brightening, corresponding to projected velocities of  0.2 c ≲ v app≲ 1.6 c   , and an intrinsic velocity of  ≳0.3 c   . We also report the occurrence of a major radio flare from Cyg X-1, reaching a flux density of ∼120 mJy at 15 GHz, and yet not associated with any resolvable radio emission, despite a concerted effort with MERLIN. We discuss the resolved jet in terms of the recently proposed 'unified model' for the disc–jet coupling in black hole X-ray binaries, and tentatively identify the 'jet line' for Cyg X-1. The source is consistent with the model in the sense that a steady jet appears to persist initially when the X-ray spectrum starts softening, and that once the spectral softening is complete the core radio emission is suppressed and transient ejecta/shock observed. However, there are some anomalies, and Cyg X-1 clearly does not behave like a normal black hole transient in progressing to the canonical soft/thermal state once the ejection event has happened.  相似文献   

The α turbulent viscosity formalism for accretion discs must be interpreted as a mean field theory, modelling a steady state only on spatial or time-scales greater than those of the turbulence. The extent of the scale separation determines the relative precision error (RPE) of the predicted luminosity L ν. Turbulence and the use of α implies that (1) field line stretching gives a magnetic pressure  α2/6 of the total pressure generally, and a one-to-one relation between α and the pressure ratio for thin discs, and (2) large turbulent scales in advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) predict a lower L ν precision than thin discs for a given observation duration and central mass. The allowed variability (or RPE) at frequency ν increases with the size of the contributing region. For X-ray binary ADAFs, the RPE ∼ 5 per cent at R  ≤ 1000 Schwarzchild radii ( R s) for averages over  1000 s. However, current data for galaxies like NGC 4258 and M87 give RPEs in L ν of 50–100 per cent even at R  ≤ 100  R S. More data are required, but systematic deviations from ADAF predictions are more significant than random deviations, and may constrain properties of the turbulence, the accretion mode, the assumption of a steady state or the accretion rate.  相似文献   

We present Chandra , Very Large Array (VLA) and Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of the nucleus of NGC 4696, a giant elliptical in the Centaurus cluster of galaxies. Like M87 in the Virgo cluster, PKS 1246−410 in the Centaurus cluster is a nearby example of a radio galaxy in a dense cluster environment. In analysing the new X-ray data, we have found a compact X-ray feature coincident with the optical and radio core. While nuclear emission from the X-ray source is expected, its luminosity is low,  <1040 erg s−1  . We estimate the Bondi accretion radius to be 30 pc and the accretion rate to be  0.01 M yr−1  , which under the canonical radiative efficiency of 10 per cent would overproduce by 3.5 orders of magnitude the radiative luminosity. Much of this energy can be directed into the kinetic energy of the jet, which over time inflates the observed cavities seen in the thermal gas. The VLBA observations reveal a weak nucleus and a broad, one-sided jet extending over 25 pc in position angle −150°. This jet is deflected on the kiloparsec-scale to a more east–west orientation (position angle of −80°).  相似文献   

We study how axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) accretion flows depend on γ adiabatic index in the polytropic equation of state. This work is an extension of Mościbrodzka & Proga, where we investigated the γ dependence of two-dimensional Bondi-like accretion flows in the hydrodynamical (HD) limit. Our main goal is to study if simulations for various γ can give us insights into the problem of various modes of accretion observed in several types of accretion systems, such as black hole binaries (BHBs), active galactic nuclei (AGN) and gamma-ray bursts. We find that for  γ≳ 4/3  , the fast-rotating flow forms a thick torus that is supported by rotation and gas pressure. As shown before for  γ= 5/3  , such a torus produces a strong, persistent bipolar outflow that can significantly reduce the polar funnel accretion of a slowly rotating flow. For low γ, close to 1, the torus is thin and is supported by rotation. The thin torus produces an unsteady outflow which is too weak to propagate throughout the polar funnel inflow. Compared to their HD counterparts, the MHD simulations show that the magnetized torus can produce an outflow and does not exhibit regular oscillations. Generally, our simulations demonstrate how the torus thickness affects the outflow production. They also support the notion that the geometrical thickness of the torus correlates with the power of the torus outflow. Our results, applied to observations, suggest that the torus ability to radiatively cool and become thin can correspond to a suppression of a jet as observed in the BHBs during a transition from a hard/low to soft/high spectral state and a transition from a quiescent to hard/low state in AGN.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the processes of high‐energy emission in young stellar objects. Stars of spectral type A and B are called Herbig Ae/Be (HAeBe) stars in this stage, all later spectral types are termed classical T Tauri stars (CTTS). Both types are studied by high‐resolution X‐ray and UV spectroscopy and modeling. Three mechanisms contribute to the highenergy emission from CTTS: 1) CTTS have active coronae similar to main‐sequence stars, 2) the accreted material passes through an accretion shock at the stellar surface, which heats it to a few MK, and 3) some CTTS drive powerful outflows. Shocks within these jets can heat the plasma to X‐ray emitting temperatures. Coronae are already well characterized in the literature; for the latter two scenarios models are shown. The magnetic field suppresses motion perpendicular to the field lines in the accretion shock, thus justifying a 1D geometry. The radiative loss is calculated as optically thin emission. A mixture of shocked and coronal gas is fitted to X‐ray observations of accreting CTTS. Specifically, the model explains the peculiar line‐ratios in the He‐like triplets of Ne IX and O VII. All stars require only small mass accretion rates to power the X‐ray emission. In contrast, the HAeBe HD 163296 has line ratios similar to coronal sources, indicating that neither a high density nor a strong UV‐field is present in the region of the X‐ray emission. This could be caused by a shock in its jet. Similar emission is found in the deeply absorbed CTTS DG Tau. Shock velocities between 400 and 500 km s–1 are required to explain the observed spectrum (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The multi-wavelength quasi-simultaneous data of 55 Fermi blazars are fitted by using the conical jet model, and the physical properties of blazar jets are also investigated. Through the X2-minimization fitting procedure, the best-fit parameters of the conical jet model are obtained. Combined with the other parameters we collected, a statistical analysis is performed. The results of statistical analysis are summarized as follows: (1) The jet power obtained by the spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting is larger than the jet power calculated by using the extended radio luminosity; (2) There is no correlation between the Doppler factor 5 and the magnetic field strength B; (3) There is a correlation between the jet power and the accretion disk luminosity, and the Blandford-Znajek (BZ) mechanism can well explain the energy source of BL Lac jets rather than Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQs); (4) The jet power is significantly correlated with the black hole mass.  相似文献   

We have carried out global three‐dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the star‐disc interaction region around a young solar‐type star. The magnetic field is generated and maintained by dynamos in the star as well as in the disc. The developing mass flows possess non‐periodic time‐variable azimuthal structure and are controlled by the nonaxisymmetric magnetic fields. Since the stellar field drives a strong stellar wind, accretion is anti‐correlated with the stellar field strength and disc matter is spiraling onto the star at low latitudes, both contrary to the generally assumed accretion picture. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Observations and numerical magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations indicate the existence of outflows and ordered large-scale magnetic fields in the inner region of hot accretion flows. In this paper, we present the self-similar solutions for advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) with outflows and ordered magnetic fields. Stimulated by numerical simulations, we assume that the magnetic field has a strong toroidal component and a vertical component in addition to a stochastic component. We obtain the self-similar solutions to the equations describing the magnetized ADAFs, taking into account the dynamical effects of the outflow. We compare the results with the canonical ADAFs and find that the dynamical properties of ADAFs such as radial velocity, angular velocity and temperature can be significantly changed in the presence of ordered magnetic fields and outflows. The stronger the magnetic field is, the lower the temperature of the accretion flow will be and the faster the flow rotates. The relevance to observations is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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